The Brussels Post, 1927-3-9, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST
Glealest lime SioriEverTold
Before more yould be added. their
Mention drawn at Mat 7.)!_de
who cantbon4h uo the broad lad
kr, and to the men loonging aft in
Blood, emlYpqnted
thi:7?" 111,, Captain de-
manded sharply. "Your .14,1 11(4
141 tho glia".1,q,k. WILY h,ivo you
left it?"
"Captain," Opl !nil
;poke he pointed to the punning.
Ades, "(ll Bishop holds
We're in no case either to run er
said he, in a voice cold and
Olarti as ateel, "your 4491.109 is on the
gun -deck. You'll return to it at
-owe, and take your ere' with you
.0 else . •
-"Threats will not serve, Captain:"
Captain •Blood's hand closed over
he butt of one ofthe pistol: slung
:.,efort• 1111(4,
"Nor will that serve you,' Ogle
Still more flereely,
'The im•;,a are of inY thinking, and
'avy'll have their Way."
"You come to give advice, tte 11,
you?" (moth Blood, relenting
aothing of his stemless.
"That's it, Captain; advice, l'hat
there." He Ming out a bare
.12111 1,1 1101(11 to her. "'s ga:;
the Gov7 rnor of Jamaica'a Mee,
We want her as a hostage f a. oar
"Aye!" roared in chorus the laic -
:amours below,
"It's a providence having her
.,board; a providence. Ile•r;e to,
."7.aptain, and signal them to Si:Mr] a
TiOat, alld assure themselves that
Miss Bishop is Then let 4140111
nnOW that if •In•y attonpt to ninder
...90 sailing ;mime, W1011 bang the
doxy first and fight for it after.
'That'll cool Colonel Bishop's heat,
"Anil maybe it won't." Slow and
mocking eatne Wolverstone's voice
141 al121001' the other's confident ex-
,. itemant, and as he spoke he advent, -
11 to Illood's side, an unexpected al -
"If ye're counting. on pulling
ilishop'a heartstrings, ye're a bigger
fool, Ogle. than I've always thought
you was. WII‘VI. got • to fight, my
'ads . ."
"How can ,v7. light, man?" Ogle
atormed at him.
Then louder than before roared a
atm away to leeward.
are within range," cried
"Wait!" Blood Mule him, inter-
nipting, and he set a restraining
"You have chosen wisely, sir," she
commended him.
hand upon the gunner's arm. "Thcro
1 think, a bette'r way. •- Mine IS'
the safe and easy Way. Put the helm
down," lif• bade Pitt. "Heave her to,
and signal to them to send a boat."
A silence of astonhihmont re: up-
on the sh;p-of 11410111 '1181111 and
saspieion at this sudden yielding.
Captain Blood turned and beckoned
Lord Julian forward. Briefly and
elearly .announced the object of
Lord jullan's voyage to the Carib -
And all kinds of business
Stationery .printed at The
Post Publishing House.
Wo will do a job that will
(lo credit to your business.
Look sver your stock of
<Mee Stationery and it
requires replenishing call
us by telephone. 81.
The Post Publishing Om
;led he 1•,!.:.rae,1 them of tha
7•41, r h y.. Lord Wile
1 hito.
"•11131. Offer 1 rejected. But now,
eut ; lied, •a.ed 1:',:e1;•• •0 091.17900a
O•de has .,a17i, I mn ready to tato,
the v. ay of Mo,"sant to Ltee"•nt the
c0111111i.44911 and tillolLer ;1,4 all
1,e1l1n:1 it."
'111(144,' 1». (114' Or then N4'OI(1010011
the 81' n01(niqqn4•11 aa only num who
have been vet -ening to die can wel-
come a new lemie of life,
No man need follow me into the
aeiViCe who 1..reluetani,"
Blood went ea. That iA not in 'lb,
bargain. 'Wlmt L: in the bargain i.,
that T 4410 '(1 this service with such
of you as may choose to follotv ate.
And. even those or you who do not
ehoose 10 fellow me shall shore the
mmu i ty o c all and aludl a ft,. rwards
he free to depart. Those are the
ternia upon whieh I sell myself to
the King. Let Lord Julian, the re-
presentative of the Secretary of
State, say whether he agrees to
Prompt, emri•t• and. Clear 1112
101161141'N au:Mein:OA.
1111' bo'sun signalled to the Jamaica
ships to send a boat, and the num in
the waid limike their ranks and went
aoisily r4,•11 4,10 to line the bulwarks
and view the great atately 4'ease1.1
that wore radne down toward them.
.Aa Ogle left the quarler-deck, Moo I
tUrned, and eame face to face with
Hiss Ili -hop. She set a hand lightly
upon his 411.111.
"YOU .11:61. ehosen wisely, sir," she
vommended 11191, however muct
1(108 '(41 your itielinations."
"I'74w7.71 :1 ta you --or
010," he sold.
"1"oul 1 0.401,. ov, ?root
horribb• danger." alu. admitted.
"But l if. not und,Mstand why you
should have 'hesitated when first c.
woe nrcposed to you. It I- :ti hon-•
orable service."
"King James'?" he sneered.
"England's" she corrected him in
reproof. "The country is all, sir; the
overeign naught. King JfUlleS 10111
pass; others will cane and pass;
England remains, to be 110110,4111y
served by her sons, whatever rancour
they May hold against the man who
rules her in their time."
"Shrewd advneacy," 14.7(11 0\'4d
it. "You should have spoken to the
crew. Do you suppose now that this
honorable service might redeem one
who wits a pirate and a thief?"
"If he . . needs redeeming.
Perham . . 'he has been judged
no harshly.",
"Why . . yt• think that," he
said,,considering 11,1', an 0071 hunger
in his glance, "life might have its
tises, after all, and eVell tilt: igerViee
of King James might become toler-
able. lit you will go below, and got
your gear and your woman, you shall
presently be seat aboard one or the
shim; of the fleet.",
She left him, and thereafter, with
Wolveratone, leaning upon the rail
he watched the approach of that
bot, manned by a dozen sailors, and
commanded by a scarlet figure seat-
ed stiffly in the stern sheets. The
deputy proved to be an officer named
His air, as he .stepped into the
101112,1 of the Arabella, 41.112 llflhlgllty,
Ll'ueulent, and disdainful.
Blood, the King's eommission now
In his pocket, and Lord Julian
beside him, waited to receive
him, anti Captain Calverley WIls 14
little taken aback at finding' himself
confronted by itvo mon so very dif-
fereatly outward from anything that
he had expected.
"Good -day to you, 014" Blood hail-
ed him pleasantly. "I have the hon-
or to give you welcome aboard the
Arabella., My name is Illood-Xap-
tab] Blood, -at year aervice. Yon
may have hoard of MO."
'It's your mIrremlor 1 require, Inv
man, not your impudence,' Calver-
ley :demanded. Captain Blood ap-
peared sorprised, pained. Ile turn.
ed slipetti to Lod
'1)' ye hear that now? And ,1:11
ye ever hear the like? But what (1141
I tell yo'. Ye nee, the young qot.i.
tlemao's under a (11 281
erojrely Perhaps it'll salty broken
boned if your lordship explaie-
who and what I am."
"1 have the honor to inform yon,
sir," he said stiffly, "that Captain
Blood holds a eminni8sion in the
*King's service under the seal of my
Lord Sunderland, His Majesty's See-
retary o? State."
"And who Hut devil may you 1,r
-1/01fre not Very 01:11, :00, 142 i
hnto already noticed. My name is
W1do-4,0111 Julian Wade. 11101 His
envcw to these berharomi
parts, mid my • Lord Sundeelned'a
near •kinothan. Colonel Bishop hue
been retitled' of my coming."
"1 . . . 1 believe that he
4ai41 t'alverley, betw•et 4170). 31,1
.4u,pi1hut. "Tho'' that 11 • 1,.• •
00th1141 0r :
Wade. Cut . tee ,
thit Alp . .?
":1• ci.otain Blood will . you
hi '1.1111111.4(011 pi•l'Ilapti I 11:0 l‘,11
doll:lit; at rest," concha .1
c•adaia Noe I 1,944 p141"eh4717mt
01,11..,• 'alv. I I, y':; bul4.jog y(•,.
''1 ((4 (1.1 I','( 941 10 Colonel I ti•ihnii
rf11. lily 01.1111 .t," he informed them.
,1. 111;41 moment a lane was 414.1(1)1
tbe rmil-s of the men, and th.otigh
401 eano. Miss _Bishop, follow', 71 by
her 441'1nroon woman, Over his 3,111..
44'' Captain Blood observed her ao
since Colonol Iti.thop i
....Rh ;t, (ld. you will wolves" his &dee
.41 1.' Bishop wag. 111)0111d the
!loyal Mary, and I rescued her, to-
•iititlier with his lordship. She will be
ahle to acquaint, her uncle with the
detaila of that and of the present
state of affairs."
"As for int.," said Lord Julian,
with intent to make Miss Bishop's
dimarture free from all intprference
on the part of the buccarteers, "I
shall remain aboard the Arabella Un-
til we leach l'ort Royal. My corn.
(diluents to Colonel Bishop. Say that
I look forward to making his ac-
quaintance there."
In the great harbor of Port Royal
the Arabella rode at anchor. Almost
she had the air of a prisoner, for at
quarteriof a mile ahead, to starboard
rose the lofty, massive single rourd
tower of the fort, whilst a couple of
entries' length astern, and to lar-
board, rode the six men-of-war that
composed the Jamaica squadron. -
On a cane day -bed that has be..m
set for him on the quarterdeck,
dmiter from the sun
shine by 'an improvised awning or
brown sailcloth, lounged Peter
Things had not sped at all w.11
with him hi the past fortnight, since
his acceptance of the King's 00(4)1114 -
' There had been trouble with
Bishop from the moment of land'ng
As Blood and Lord Julian stmiped
ashore together they had been met
by Colonel Bishop who took no pain.;
to dissemble his chagrin at 11H turn
of eVentS 1111,3 1011 t�
ellainre it. •
Illood'e 1.11019hts 04,10 UnC),, thiS
4,11(1 other thinga as he lounged on
the day -bed. He had been a fort-
night in Port Royal, his ship virtual-
ly a Ufa 11011' in the J11111511,11 s(4ua(4-
001). And when the news of it 07)14010
ed Tortuga and the bacaneers who
awaited his return, the name of Cap-
tain Blood, whIch had 8tho4 so high
among th' Brethren 01 the 09:.704.
1001.1(: h14440111y a by -word. And fed
what had 117. 144,1. '11 himself in this
position? For the sake of a girl
04110 aVOidtql 11191 8 nersistently .1:71
intentionally that 117 must a‘•.stime
that She still regarded hint with a-,-
orsion, Nor was that the WM'S+. of
it. -Re wtts allowed plainly to per.
ceive that it Ives the graceful, ele-
gant young trifler from St. lames'.
Lord Julian Wade, to whom 110_.' (410'
('('4,' 1110111ent was devoted. What
thence had he, a desperate adven-
turer with a record of outlawry,
against such rival as that; a man
of parts, moreover, its he was bound
A bait that lnui approached him
unnoticed from the shore 01.1111e SePap
rif '
" • l•pd
11/ -
.4:•t ,4
"1 beg that you -villa let me pass."
lug and bumping against the great
red bull of the Arabella. Captain
Blood rose, tall, active and arrest-
ingly .olegant in at ttcarlet, gold -laced
coat maadportised his new posi-
tion, -
"A note for you from the Depnty.-
doves/10r." said ;Jeremy Pitt shortly,
1(8 lw proffered a folded sheet..
Blood broke the mall and read, "it
is a very' heeenntOry 14111111110118," 11*4
2111(1 , and passed the note to his
friend, • ,
The young Anaster's grey to•yes
not• go?" he .strid between
rine4ion tuld 11,44,rti7,n. Why did
let Wolverston••• and the others e•,:?"
he cried with a touch of hitt ta.
"You should Inv., o,t,it dan
'11n'.' could 1 in linn,Ay
tioml 13. 11.10, 10 1304intr9-0
1,,i43eg, how inedd their g-t'l;"' 1!,;
irece tedned 111er; lid .4, Pin, di,*
tiri; LIM: "Ye •••,.?" lqe
le. pettin.
and ',me %Tat swold, ;ritl )Co 1t.:a-
twd for me."
"Ye're going to deliver,elf
into 11 1 -hop'.-• hands," Pitt wmai
Blood knew 47.• w7.11 as l'itt that in
aoing m;hore thatmorning he car-
ried his life in his hanik. Walld•e
leisur,:ly, skirted the onhattlee
wall and passed through the ga•tc,
gates into the courtyard. 01, his
right stretehed A spacious garden la,
yond whidi 10.4. the white leen •.•
that was the ('('i 1)111(4 of the Demi
t>'-Governora In th it garden', imen
avenue, that 04114 fringed with palm
and sandalwood, he had caught sight
nf Misa Bishop alone. He C1'0S14,14 Ulu
courtyard with :suddenly lengthened
"Good morning to ye, ma'am,"
W02 his greeting as he overtook her;
and, hat in hand now, he added on
a note of protest: "Sure, it's nothin4
less than uncharitable to make me
run in this lieut."
"Why do you run, then?" she
asked him Coolly, standing slim and
Araight before him, all in white and
very maidenly save in her unnatural
composure. "I am pressed," she in-
formed him. "So you tv111 forgive
me if t do not stay."
."You were none so pressed until I
"Since you perceive it, sir, I won-
der that you trouble to be so persis-
That croased the swords between
them and it was against Blood's in-
stincts to avoid ao ,.•Igageeient,
"Faith, you explain yourself after
a fashion," said he. "But, since it
WilS more or less in your service that
1 donned the King's coat, you should
suffer it to eover the thief4- and 1(41:-
She shrugged and turned aside, in
some re:an-toned- and some regret.
Fearing to betray the latter, she took
refuge in the former. "I do my
best," said she.
"So that ye can be charitable in
.mme ways?' He laughed softly.
"Glory be, (104(0,' I should be thankful
for so -much. May -be I'm presumptu-
ous. But I can't forget that when 1
was no bettor than 41, slave in your
uncle's household in Barbados,
used me with a certain kindness."
"Why not? in those days you had
some claim upon my kindness. You
were just all unfortunate gentleman
"And what else would you be call-
ing roe nor?"
"11111019 unfortunate. We aave
heard of your good fortune unon the
Sens; how your luck has passed into
a byword, And wo have heard ottli
things; of your good fortune in oth-
er directions."
She spoke hustlay, the thought of
Mademoiselle d'Ogerun in her mind.
And instantly would have recalled
the wads had she been able. But
Betel, Blood swept them lightly a-
side, reading into them none of het
meaning., 1141 she AWN] he would.
"Aye; a deal of lies devil a doubt,
as 1 could prove to you."
"1 cannot think why you ihould
trouble to put yourself on your de-
fense," she discouraged him,
"So that ye may think les8 badly
of me than you do."
"What I think of you ean be a
very little Iflatter to you, 511•."
"Can ye say that 110W? Can you
any say that beholding 'me in this
livery of a service I despise? Didn't
ye tell me that T might redem my
past? It's little enough 1 am con-
cerned to 1.•ed0em the past 51100 only
in your eyes. In my own I've done
nothing at all• that I ant ashamed on,
considering the provocation 1 mealy -
"1 can't think why you should •
speak to me like this," she said, with
leas than her earlier tmattrance.
"A11, vow, can't ye, indeed',', he
cried. • "Sure, them 111 be telling
"Oh, (dense!" There was real :al-
arm in hor )ipiev, "I realize ray
what you did, . and 1 realize that
partly, at least, you may havo• '1((41
unto0 by considoration for myself.
Believe me. I am very grateful. 1
Atoll always be grateful."
"Brit if it's also your intention ..71 -
ways to think of me as a thiof and a
Pinar!, faith, ye May keep mi. grtati.
tudo for all the good it's Ill'.. to 1.10
111P."- •
A Pita -her color crept 'into her
cheeks. But. if she resented his tone
nod Id: words, she Aided her resent.
ment. She realiaed that porlalps
had provol:ed his anger. She hon-
estly 4o.:11 IA to Make mnends.
''You "1110 mistaken," she begm.
"It isn't that."
'"V,'Ilat is it, then?" (moth le.. ami
flill1F.,1 1 "1,11n1 .119.91
011, frank. with 1..
hi -1" will he
tit11(1110.,I, '0 it MIL"
''4,011 1'014 10.0 (041'0 111,4113r01'Mo."
''1 40 t1: 11:1t. you 2,111 /1'4
WO 011
-1'l3 not be '(('3 1)1(1(4" 4,411
nel'4,41. w...,..••••:
ilaoi• 1 71,71 tor r4•1 eel; 1,;• em•-•
"Will yea 1)1:11.11,7. 01 JS Vs
P(l) 011 111,, iit ,l,2 1) 111W11i-
1-6E Inctustriall Mori:gage and
11,11, "1 lop,•
Savings Oorripo.ny, of Sarnia
itdoroi 1,0 And (,‚.t'4'. 1110' 011001614A MOM'41 Or
WO Val,. /11111 ti! 1;.4 pi. A4iii11011.11`1 011 1•0.1,1 'OP, 1 4,,' 1 11 14
10.11t•Y 011'711,4!',, / t0
'74i 4174, Of A ,9, ()RI , 41 tut
Eitti t1,114 t.161
The Inthcateimil Mortar:42g°
and Savirips company
Ye'll 1,00,11111Oit 1111 011',1,10,1. 12 DOWD
tii o 4,,)nr de.e.,- " r
11At t•dle! V1111 11,i 1'1 Ils
t:,k'' 1h•tt 411011 1101 evied, ./ 'it1111 11,
11: 1111' 111'r 1-1114/4t.11 4'1111.,10110.11.
'•';1111 1 11 ;.i3riii.0.-3: 1i,
III, 11/ I 4'4(1r
}Wild 4l'11,11 1 1t404 111..3.* 44.1.
•.4.11(•o 1 1:111,11' yen for t. Ivor.
71,•rer Icar„.•;"
f 11811),
I 1.1,Viii,,,l1r?"
"1, v; Alliled 11 little.
'So the ('Ve t(11(1 you about tivitr'
',it deny it?"
"I killed him, it is true.- 1 can ri-
member killing another man in ch.
eurnstances S111111;.Ve,
Thal. Bridgetown on tle• night •
01 th, tip:mbh raid. Mary Traill
would tell you of it. She was pre•:- "Now write unieas you prefer the
Ile dapped his hat on his head
with a certain abrupt fierceness, 41,1,1
strode angrily away, before she
could answet or even groat) ti-• 1471*
74 lllfil'8(111, or what hy had
Peter Blood made his way thr nigh
, the house to the wide piazza 11, '111110
it, in whose shade were Colonel
Bishop and my Lord Julian Wade.
"I have sent foe you, Caftatn
Blood, because of certain news that
has jtit reached me," the Deputi-
Governor void. "I am itifurmed that
yesterday evening a frigate left the
harbor leiri;W heard Volle e!
Wolter.dolle (7(114 1. hundred men
of the hundred and fifty that wen
serving' under you. His lordship and
T shall be glad to have your explan-
ation of bow you came to permit
that departure."
.anit?" (moth Blood. "1 ordes•
"'Swounds! Whither has Wolver-
stone gone?"
"]'o Tortuga. He's gone with a
message t the officers commanding
the other four ships of the flea that
ia awaiting me there, telling them
what's hamened and why they are
no longer to expect me."
"You hear that, my lord? Delib-
erately he has let Wolverstaie loose
upon the spas again-Wolverstone,
the worst of all that gang of pirates
atter hilly cif. It's treason ! It's
matter for a court-martial,"
(na 1.iraey or 4,11 Out tin, Card,.
heap Sea. That') what I've iloac
Colonol Bishop bellowed his j.r.)-
tost, but 1.4.rd Julian was more (.9(1-
"lt*.oc ou,sible," Lord Julian au-
11(111041,"1.:,at my Lord Sunderland
will1 841 411041, provided that
ept oo'14th-m
1 l'Alop
both a
S011lti011 is as you promise.
ing on behalf of my Lord Sunder-
land, .1 contonl to await
suit of your exper!nlent."
"Are you, indeed'?"
"ell, then, 11111not."
"Then 111 be wishing ye
very good day." Blood sw
his feathered hat, and nook
bet ore you go," said
"and to save 909 (('091 any lei.
(less, I'll bit you that tit.
.Master and the Com:01871min 41741','
their erdims 'You dmi't leave
Royal, my aim willow,. bird. Damme,
I mean to provide yot with
ea moot nigs here, in 'E
Dock. You do not leave 1(115 1111100."
Hp took a step in diree
the doorway, and raised hi,s 00-e,
"Ho there . . ." he was t•gitutag
to 01111,
Captain blood s right hand had ro-
emorg•cd from the breast of his
doublet, bringing with it a long Pis-
tol with silver mountings richly
cha-wd, which he leveled within a
foot of the Deputy -Governor's head.
"Don't stir front where you are,
my lord, or there may 4, an ;
(To Be Continued).
- • -
t,r, .'t I of ,•1 w no.
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