The Brussels Post, 1927-3-9, Page 1VOL, 55 NO,
T,1 2.00 per annum in advance
USSE LS, UNT IV EDN ESD. -1 Y. MJ k C11 9, 1927
J. L. EAR F Propietor
The Srrounding District
JAMESTOWN I your hettete, you have takeit a deep
Anniticee asp PeacsENT.memtl,-() tot et tst, giving of your time and
Thureday evening, of Met W pelt, tip- 1 meal" libeeallY,lllliiigesponeible
wards of 100 friende and neighbors I positions elletiently and utieelfiehly.
gat tiered et be hem,. „r lir, 11,1;,. By prevent. and example, you hove all.
George johneton, to spend a eietiul 41" `"' 4"HP1"8 "1"
We felt thiti
evening told bid farewell to Misses I ambnu'ing and bun ing.
who am , We 001 1) not !et this oppeetimity pass,
Mary and Martini,
without a, 'gelid e, A Small token
for outer pat " t • y of that friendehip, We would ask you.
resided 111 Orey, and made many I
friends. Aftet. 1 s1c181 10011', J0)11/ 1 Mary, to accept this wrist watch and
Pearson was called 10 the Miele. Ape", an (1 Mart" bia Irv"Y 1 0
c„".1. 1 manicure set 1111a pell, 8101 may they
short progenm was rendered,
ing a Iwo solos b' Miss Rivoy, Holt 1-111er 1140)i Id you of yonr many friends;
instrumental duets by Mise Margaret ' tuni 1048111. Cline% in Grey. Signed
Hayden and Jackson AlcOuteheon., by Your friengA ..,4 anocl "ell•tbinna.
Readings were gi Veil by Misses Marg- JIV/.
aret McDoogall, Ruby Grainger and RUTH MCALLISTER.
Eva Savage ; reeitations, by Misses (KT HAYDEN,
Mildred Hoy and Helen McAllister. ; EvA. SAVAGE.
Presentations were made by Mines 1 In 8 very appropriate w"rda'
M jS Mary replied and thanked theie
Eva Savage and Miss Margaret Hay -1 ft friends for their useful gifts, A tasty
den and the following address was 1
• lunch was served and the rest of the
1 end by Blies; Ruth MhAllieter : 1 evening w4.s spent in gamma and social
gret that we have learned of your in -
ft, is with feelings of deepest ye- chat.
tended removal from one community. CRANBROOK
Yon will be greatly missed. AR A dance was held in Long's Hall, ou
neighbors, you have each belperl in Tuesday evening,
many diffeeent ways to make mit. sac- The 111411Se is being re-deenrated for
ial affairs a sue eeRS, and in tinttis of the minister's fnmily, who are expect -
need, have proved friends indeed, 1 ed to arrive shortly.
Being situated nlo'' to the echool, I Rev, Dr. Pei rie, of Wing,limin, and
your home hie always been 8 stenree en old Crembtook bpy, has been nom -
of supply ab an 11111 ('8, and ',lira), flier , 'rutted as Moderator of the Synod of
has many times been gladly gi v1411'I 14911111100 and Londoo, 011111111 conven-
tual both teacher and pupils will ever 1 in A 9111.
remember your many ltint1liPS9PS, In HAD f14(TATE O' *07,780 -The Lon -
Church work, a (melee moet dear to • don 11119,0 Press, last week, had the
following. which eefer red In an old
Orantwookite : "Letters thplying for
the adminietration of the estate of
late Al 11 Pli Raymond, London awn-
ing manufantme.r, have been filed in
Surrogate pont t. Hp left an estate
totalling $87.780, His widow, one
eon, le. L. Raymond, and nue daugh-
ter, Ruth 17.11121111fttlit alte named as
benefiebtries ander the papers. As-
sete of the late Mr. Raymond were
and emnp *ed ettiefly of shill Pe in Hee-
niend lireillitteit, Jeffrey, Weir, Melt -
lumen er Jeffrey are eolleii ore for the
applieurite Mr. Raymond died on
Hith luso.
C 0 \I ING
'Flour, Bran
Short.% Screenings
ana Oatmeal
Special Prices off car
emit jt.:.....irot7setesinsvosset.
A car load of Good
Work Horses will be in
Walton on March 15th.
If you need one CA at
Lot 4., Con.16, Grey
Wm, J. Johnston
• -
New Advertisement*
meeting 111 44 1014
lotetn Sf eft •.11411,. Ksrr
1109.14ittite.---, et -Lite.,
Aletivet t 1951101
A tietisn 4,, -((4, and Larrisot
Anetion ssir gar
Anetian sots- All,' '4 W1171111.1.1
SittrVittei - , laurels
Wester., borate.- Alex. ritylfonnlit
(torts...for W ,l. oi111111.0.11p
HUHU'. tool Rox
'More:alio 84(4...., W. 111..itt1st,d
Alittiant Sale t 1<, e.4111 .4
P' •
For Duff
(tow for atilt -Coen Ratoionn
Plats for salo-tatturrt klegittirrie
Bull for nate-Jultt. Bolger
Turnip's for 4ille--44001310 NivIloP
Broach found -Tata Poen,
Bull for sale-,Orart Rusuill
Bicycle for sale -A, fe, Gammago
For Sitle-Ru.ot Eldest
Bictsteeklereeiett-elex. Anderson
Harvey Hunter has purchased the
farm of John Dark, thh eon. of aril,
and gets :possessinn in April. Mr,
Hunter will continue his cat penter
work for the corning 911111111er.
I Have you it date on fur
ri[lay, March ilth
( Why Mire we are going' to
4; to see
"His Uncle's Ricca"
5 A Rollicking Faroe in 3 Ae s
written by Raymond W,
Tito Monerielf Drantatie Club
When will We have our street light-
ed with Hydro
J. J. McGavin, U. F. 0„ shipped a
car of cattle. and 2 cars of hogs, on
A Eueltre, Pox 4014)81 (41(1 dance will
be held in the Fel IlletS' 111111, 011 Fri-
day eveniog, 1 this; week.
Mr. George Badley attended the
51 aeon ic "Al, Home", in Onderich, on
Friday seenieg, of last week.
John Watt shipped a Hoe mottled cif
nettle to TO1 CtIll et of Sal 111 dityt 111
Watt IS in Toronto, at, pt ('tient, on
Don't forget Archie Clarke's sale, at
Lot 10, Con. 14, MeKillop. A full list
is in THE POST. Mc. Clarke 11410 Peat -
ed his feint.
Anent ding )he plans of the P.
R. oftaidale, sidetraeks are
to be built et Walton, this year, 811E1
8190 lit MeNatight. A lleW Water tank
tvill be built at Myth, and a new 50 -
ton tending plaid , (4,aleteeli.
Joh'( Seen, of 81,•Killtio South, ship-
ped 19 fine eXpei I sit t-1, f"111 NVI111 011
011 :11,9111al: lettattillt Tile !iVel Aire
weight of e,,e1, eniel,S; two, 1 ;428
pomele. T11, ..• the, r: 11111,4
Me. t & A... ',jog eXiutt Initials
al ('...tali lig
81194 lame Cis? 1: v.ito alit titled I
millinety opetitor •, IF T,,,, 0(4, spent
Ima week et 11(1' limier el ber natems,
Wm. anti Nil, C•.,1.1... 81 ;es Clei 14 line
a/Tem.-el poee i1; T.-1mo,, and
left 'tel.., en 0.4011e4'. to 11qt11111V
A 81. Pitt riekee e1 .,1 27. 19.010 held
in Oufre IT,iii.•-d Chmeit spbootro,
134411, nn Friday t -.4-1•11e..-., Ntitt,•11 1(4111.
at 8 n'el,,,•it, meter .111. nits/tire-, ef (ht.
Young Peeple's Seeis.ty. A splendid
p4111114114 is1 beim, peepared f "mild"
lrielt eetige, no ie., recit,t1 Imo., con-
tests, He, Clottit. and et,joY C.Ajoral
evening`e enlittlitinittent. Hum yliody
'this() 1,C.fliaN 1.001
11 11. IPEltail•SON AND FAMIl.', '`1'li('
ofilettrs and ttlimils. rs f 1-11. .1 ifp.'s
Lodge, (4. R. C , A. F. Mal A 81, No.
284 wish to eent-ee to yna all their sins
Cell? 81,11109.1 hv with yrei in the 'prom
)48801 ('14 away of loved hue -
band and fat we, ion, feel
the 1(404 (11 our esteemed mill respeet-
ed brother„ we Inviet submit 10 the
decisione of the ((peat Architect of
oast of Characters
Rtehard Tato, jErils-A ming yeUlij
Lawyer.... ..... Adrian AloTaggart
'ranch. Fulton -The 0811.9 or all the
trouble Clifford Meehan
Dora Halo -Very much attachid to the
trouble ..... Hugel spetren
A lice Fieleolln-A 01°9110min of Donate
Laura Patterson
Sarah Ann 1111111en-A woman of
few words.- .... . Mildred Howard
Simon P. Fultou-Zierank'N Uncle W110
Dever inakee 14 inittlitke..
Philander tremor., - ',Hendee but
whae" Orval Harrison
Timothy Hay -A Gardener at Happy
Valley litawrenreatachan
Silas Pickelmoore - A Constable at
Floppy Valley.. ....... ...Leslie Madam
Wu are looking for you with your
Sister, Wife or Sweetheart, at 8.15
Admission 35c and 20c
the universe, and look fru %vat d to the
final re -union, which shall end all
partings and SOITOWN Forever Uliti ev-
er. Signed on behalf of 81. John's
Lodge No, 281, Biusseld.
WM. 141. GILLESPIE, Sed.
The World Oay of Pittype war fit-
tingly obeerved by the Women's Mitt.
sionary Societies of St. (lenrge's Aug-
l)mn Church and DuIT's United
Chnech, Walton, The service was
held in the schoolroom hall of De fr4
(lunch, (14110(44 ulantt fifty belies emit.
meet. Mrs Hugh Campbell pi evicted.
After singing hymn 282, 811s, 'Roe
Main,* geve1 spletelid talk 1.11:11.1 d-
ing the parties. of the tneeting and
Day of P, er. ilius Janet eernesort
read the Script lessot., anti Mrs,
John McDonald El -Wiled
poem, "Livitig Epistles. 1 h,,se who 1
.111.ti) Bux Social
ABR.; and Ilince
Will be held in the
Friday Ev'g, Mar. ilth
Vocal Music
Bring your Euchre Deck and
Enjoy a Night's Fun
and Mrs, leekrnier, in whose bonny
the event was held. Hey, D. 51,
Guest, of the United Church, read the
achieves anti William Brown, 011 be-
half of the community, presented the
young couple with a libeury table,
two comfortable clitairn and a floor
mat, The following is the addrese
To Mu, AND MRS. (.311:CI1
'.e, your bleeds and neighbors,
have gathered here to -night, to eon-
gratulate you on your marriage and
wish you long years of happineas.
We appreciate the service both of
yriu have rendered to one community,
Yon are highly respeeted among 119,
on account (41 31004.' willing.ness to help
in what is beet and wholesome.
While we congratulate you on joining
the vanks of the mateied, We rep et
Hutt yon are leaving us. We would
4thee you 1111(1 strayed among (48, but
now that you have decided to make
you Hoene outside eur township, we
wish you 51100105 and prosperity,
, knowing that our lose is 1.11011. gain.
1 We Reit you to accept these pieeee of
furniture, a token of our gond will and
friendship, that they may remind you
01 11114 happy yea, ,4 you mutat 9a10/111
0E4 al Ethisl anti of the host of friends
you made while with us,
Mr, lielon ler made a very suitable re-
ply, thanking ev* rvone for their kind
1 rentembratmee. The next part of the
111.0141.11111 WKS in charge of W. C. Me-
lee, who conducted half -an -1m4114 ef
cennnunit v singing, after whieb 1(1(4,111
; wee eet•ved. Then, seine went home.
4 while the rest 910.11 the of
the night in games and tripping
[1(4' light fan tam ic 14.114,
lead 1, pr tyte. wen, :
14rown, 1111 s. John '.14 .1. A,
Soitim eml Mee, Seely, set:. e'reath
me to Nay," Was 191111P1,11 1t14 Mrs, j
Peter li. Oat dime.. mid alse .,1•0 314-
141,o. eNlviher's ey,1 ."
and were vie v nmelt enjoyed
The meet jog wse lie einciue the
National A 01 hem Red bellttlittlittll 1(1
All ,s.,.idents of 1.'o4,s. 8 et 1
10, C1,1% :led 111
14-110 on. .1 •Il
11141110, al' :eked 10 114(4 '11,! 11 /
illeetiliVin ill,.
MARCH, 16.
A Provincial Hydro expert
will be present to uddeess the
McCuteheon ;---One of the most 1111 -
portant business deal,1 consununated
in Hamilton in the last year, was put
through when Walter Mer.utcheon
acquired the business formerly TIM
by the bankrupt Oak Hall !dom.
When he commences business A will
be under his own name and those
who know him appreciate that, hie
name stands for integrity and far
dealing,. 141r. McCutcheon has been
associated with the retail elothieg
teed,, for tht• last :30 years. He
started hie business career In Galt
about 30 years ago, . and after 1?,
years' experience there, he went to
London, In tha latter city he spent
another 10 yeers and then came to
Hamilton, where, . for a deeado ho
has }nem associated with one of the
largest chain clothing stores in On -
tali., When it ie opened to the 414)44.
lit', the 4t4. 1', will be temipped with
a 11C414' and ooniplete line of standard
wear, 11,1* apparel for men, yo'rla'
1 rope, 14117 14 ami children. Associated
with Mr. MetMtt.theon will be Waiter
MeCtitele en, jr., his son. Tho puo
11! w131* wt:wit my store opene," st4t-
e1 MeCtitehr•on, "will be one 0`1
foie dee:ling to eVelly C91.400114r, end
ne. sele will be eoneidered come414•te.1
mail 7.n-1. end every eust(1mer is fib-
s:Ont. ly sti,,fled." With ,euelt a 1.8')-
('7' 111•ClIte110011'S at the old stem'
,, eiceectir atel a platitude
• pla,•,, to treie.
• rts 119V1:1 1%lertliebetta 10.9 itetilti •
Will, and land, ol ,lint,
Mielt., epee! I. few d'vys at the hotne
of lea, ltea land.
'11101,- will a Meeting nt' the eit-
izens lei hel and ef 8111 mid 1001
Colts., (1rcy, held in the Township
li ell, next Weiltiesd.ty, to (14' "1(09 the 1
Hydro quest inn,
On Sunday eveeing ,laet, the latc,tesj.
41) tendanee oi' the NVIlet..t. was pre -
ent in 14411,1 United ("hut eh. E'very-
otw le i het to Ire pi 01,19 sg.iitt, IteXt, j
Sunday, at 7 p. N'ieittes voetlialty I
w el,
Council met eGnRitrElo.rnday. •
Auction sales are on the move, these
daI71.•x., Melletts1.1, Lot lit, Con. 2, lite
a Carload of W vette ri horses for sale,
See advt. in this 189110.
W1/1. 3. johnston, Lot 1, ('.'n.
Grey, is offering it Cal ittad of geed
W01 1t horses, alter 'March 1.811.
Albert Whitfield, Let 27, Cnn. IN, is
holding. it big auction sale, tot Tattl'A.
do y, ot this weelc. ('011 14.11 in 1 111:
P()C.81'11.0Vel 0. GPI, 1,1111O1, 1101(111,u an
alleilea sale Ethel Station on Set •
neday, 181ateh 12,11. See 1)11 in this
151,111,rite Hodges; is giving up f11. mite,
i4(111 it; itiVeriag 111. Sieek eml
mettle for eat e, 144 Lot 5, 0011, 2, 1 lAil•
P14 Et191 ell IlleateW/t, moodity,
March 144 h. lieu '1'014 Meer.
Ail esiil, i.1 Cone. band lo et
iRti119, 10 it Hyatt, eX0e1 1, 1,,t141
rtt1 ',day all el 1,0011, 1.0ai ell ltith, at.
the 1 menslito 1101,
A fennel., l' mist ,k.,- 111414'
otattp in hp P,• .1'
I MI, held in If oe's 1.,, I
Tt (Ism... of et: is mee-
t nevelt, ad f 111' J,. of Miss
' Hat, anti a, ; ev 44.41.••••• 81eDelmt-
all, insi vett ..1'
serve, to soy good.hys 1 John C,tttley,
;71.1jolar(R11 111111(41)1Nel'allts.)(111:int):,ir'1',71 111:N))971;
Collo GI ey. y ;a see:. 11 hint
with a box to etatietierv, and ail sale:
"For tt jolly good fellow:, They
send With hint their hest W11141>" end
sectimMend Julio to hie new wheel ne
an a 1 school mete. • John nettle a
enitable reply, thanking the teacher
and puttile for Omit nmeh appreciated
Scsoca, REPORT -Follewieg is the
repoth of 8, S. No. 6, Grey, for the
month of Febrneey. Examiertlions
were held in Smyth, (400g., Lit., Writ,.
Clomp, end (11.9111. V-Middred Hoy
80, SR. IV -Vincent Rowland 66 ,•
Roy Peat son 54 '; **Hazel Raynaud
48 ; Berea, P101' 69 Ralph Keifer 56.
SR, IIT-Genige Elliott: 82 : VinIa
T0rnim1173 ; Bert Rowland 55 ; Not 111 -
an Stephenenn 55 ; lilva Parr 63 Jit.
Raymni (1 74 ; arga re t
Pearsmi 58 ; **Ralph Pena eon 33. SE,
Il -114(4 Turnbrill ; Gentle Fitly 78 ;
Helen Enwland 78 *George Pearenn
5111 Pereson 65 ; *Rose Stephen -
eon 45 • Fred Keffer 44. I-Exeel-
lent -•Seseie Peareon, Fred Oele ;.
(4,4°6 -Jean Peaterm, Helen (-tole,
Pe. A -s -Good -Lloyd Oole,
Dole, Plt. 14- ItIfeeliellits, 11.11101'
Keffer, jolt's Parker (400,1-Beettiee
Part, Llneel Hoy, Dot le He vnard
14•11EA MolteeLLAten. Tan char.
.101in Parte, Tot 14, Con. 9, bat;
sold his arm to Harvey Hunter who
gets possession in .April. Mr. Dark
is holding an auction sale in the
near future.
Nortnan T,amont, 8th line, will
hold an auction Sale irnPlcment.',
ete., in conjueetion 'with Griever C.
Gill, at Ethel station on Saturday of
this week, March 12th. Owing to
the rush of sales it WRS fOURCI W8044.
sant tO combille these two.
The Rzunilton Spectator refers to
411 bminess deal' in which SA old Grey-
, ito is talcing the leading part. Mr.
MeCutcheon is a brother of !ex -Reeve
About 3 Tons Mrs. Linden y and 811s. :Miller et,
ttithed to their hem, in Drew, On •
1 1 '
ori Seed 1,, 11t1.10„„,,,r then. broth -
(.1., the lett, Jelin Veddeo, 11 10.9e
titl,14 11 019•111 oil lasi NN'etinestley•
The anneal meeting of the Pohlic
Libra y was held on Saint day limb t,
in the Library, 41,1 11 a good at tend-
anee. Rev. D. 81. ("nest, past 412,41.
itlen I , was Clitairnian, The 1144104 4.. fin
thp last year Wile lead, 9 11011,11/g Ilki
f1111118 Or 1110 111/I ally ill geed Silitilet
Will/ a subetanitiel increase in the
year's: teverme. s. Rebel t Brent:
ner wets ,'h'1.' (p41 Pt est:tient for 1927 mid
(leen Bateman was re.eleeted Seely -
tail 111re, B. Ie. 0109' 19
hibltal 11111, 411(1 under het dirertion,
the mealtime, of the Libtary at e 1111%,
illf4 (lel y pleasant year.
On Thuisday moening Met, the
deevit omensred in letlit•l, of John Vott-
dee, who, for several weeks hed been
seriously ill, at hie home here. The
decesteed was very well and favorably
known in Grey, seme years ago, whoa
he resided on Com (3, Since that,
time, they bad spent several years in
West, mail a year and 44. lutlf ago,
when they carne Bast (14111 reeided 111
Ethel, 'rite funeral whirl.' WAR large-
ly attended, was held on Saturday
afternoon, a% 2 in tn., from his late
1145111 ('11814, 111 Ifthel eentel,t6 y. The
cervine WWI cmidueted by ReV, D. 71.
Geest, assisted by Rev, IV, A. 147711.
118108, and at the cemetery, the mem-
berg of the Orange Order, of which
the deceased was a membee, gave
their form of service ft», the ratasion.
To the widow, we extend (he sym-
pathy of the 0061101101.y.
On NVedneeday litet, a very pleas-
ant settle,' evening watt spent at the
Intine of William anti Mrs Hamilton,
when over 100 folks of the commute
icy gathered tm have a good time tn.
1301'.gel 12.0V, W. A. Williams, nf he
Presbyterian °lunch, etoti ns (113tt114,
4111413 11(1(1 caned on the 110110Willg 011,
gram eoloe, Gen. Addy, W. 0, Bis-
bee, 0, Bateman ; nmeie, 1Vi11.
tiresome ; readinge, MIRtleil Ella Ilear.
Finn, Sera McLennan ; inso mett(e)
solo, Mies Muriel ; ineteument-
al duets, Misses I1)dna 'tea Dorothy
Franklin, and Misses DOtia Gill wad
Muriel Minitel. Severe) Were Called
on for "Ptliimp" epeeehes, brit ,lob
King was the only ono who vent lived
11.8 adtleetts the vast thenng, tted he
spoke in a few well-chneen worda.
The main feathre of the evening wog
an address and presentation to Cecil
• 43 per cent protein
Price $2.50 per cwt.
1110'S. KERR
Phone 359 HENFRYN
GIOR solid comfort in all weather, for the comfort of
luxuriously easy. riding -for the very real comforo
that security imparts - BUY McLAUGHL1N-
Summer or winter --heat or cold -rain or shine -the
seasons make little difference to the owner of a 1VIcLaugh-
lin-Buick closed car with its Fisher -built body, its one-
piece VV ventilating windshield, its deep upholstery and
the countless detailed refinements of appointments and
Rubber Engine Mountings, an Engine Vibrationless Be-
yond Belief, Resilient Cantilever Rear Springs, Low
Pressure Tires --are responsible for the sense of absolute
ease and comfort that accompanies a ride in McLaughlin -
Add to these sources of motoring Comfort the feeling.of
security inspired by the dependable. McLaughlin -Buick
engine (protected by every conceivable precaution. Oil
Filter, Air Cleaner, Gas Strainer, Crankcase Ventilator,
Thermostatic Water Control), by the safe, sure Mc-
Laughlin -Buick Mechanical Four -Wheel Brakes, by the
convenience of the Adjustable Beam Headlights and by
the knowledge that McLaughlin -Buick Service facilities
cover the continent.
7he' °realest
Ever "0- Built
WHIN Dsrtan mrristiositss 1011 NUL 1.11:110.11941 d ,01 il 1,111 141/111
41 +.1•4et.4.4. 'ee.14.4•444.4..1.."14,4-•4,
4. .1.
11' lit
I: Western
$ $
Horses 4..a.
All broken to harness
* and young, for sale at
Mex. Mciluald's
Lot 19, Con, 2, Grey
f Fee
Western Oat Chop
ran, Shorts
Middlings and Corn
A1f14 B eker
• 1
ed 9.11 er tilt eTitelitiell WiSit With Iter
eistet, 81.s. John 1',it and otp.
et relative, S, A.
.liattitts 11 eliand 011,1137 at SIT:11010
ell ft ViSil With 13i titi10111telt, Art
Herbert 41 11,44101'. '((11 11(411414-'. 11.- 11111
, mect tempi,. 01 ,veelce there.
1,e• lite lel
,11 14, S. Ne. le, 1,;:e. • M.! en v-
oile :to; wing evy ,41.1 4.10.11, .14.114 iles
lit -.49,1 111 I !et'1 letItte,.., al
t.te that 1 110 t. 11 e rail 1.,-
1111'.!''l , ;im :tits. 111,11.141118.111-
two bito . 8,•••••••1...14',
' et . atttl 1:2,4,40 et, 1.t. tti lo
hall 11 t.; Ile deal it t., 11.11,11'
tki 1.13- lteli.e, iti :9 'I'.'' 11.
:1t. III it
lt't Oa, .14(4', taiv days
11110 Witt 11111,11A. TIlt. 4.10-14,1a1 112
11, hold eti t ,titt y. S 1,01
1, Coo 11or. 01,1 irt
Voito, let'', 1:: t 111. F1111..1 Ivo t.
iettle,„ 4,, no •;,..,.•1 • ; e• }-,110 14t
tot, t, t.,, 1, Ott 1.1,- siva:gine'
111,,1 to,- • soos.
t 0.4,1 .4 7' 19, Nes 4, .M.•• •• is, fot 1,21-
( 11414'')', l'inels wet.. , teanilo, in
tileto,, Lit., Alt, Aevieulinte, ,
1 (•,•on..., sren. 0.13 ILO! y
j 'rot sl Mil per coot, 4I100 (143
pet' (teal. 041)419 tent * missed
ene 111014tl IA9.1,111.11 am, SI?
Nichol ; Ca1.1.1f 79 a
: Pine 73, 3n 1 -le-onion 1)81 8:%; tilmot Smith 81 : Mort,yo
Pipe 74. Sit. 111- Intro Miller ;
Km,. ; 11:u t ;
Matvgat 17assi-11 77 n. °
on Nielt.1 78 1 Howard smith 721 Jack
Pipe 71 : *Mae Scott 41. „Tu. 11-
1,00417ii• tifl ; Man 0141114 13 08.
JR. 1-31111aa 11,1••,,11 90 ; (41proi
01 81 ; Clara (411(11 14141)1 13111 Harman
70 'sidnev .1,41E14t (12, .114 Pit ---
Plank 11tI1'Ulli 11111'0/1, Ell'11.001. 3411714,0,
TO011 M.11111111, 31111 (I1116e111).
Wieurte.‘ A. FRAIN,
Arnold 13,1,3/11 1414141' (1114' spent, sevte •
(‚11111 11114'" in (44(etford.
14)1 0, J. N. Allan and „Tee. AiIm,. l('.,
Were TOront o Visitedia, ltitti week.
envy alli (4•Me MC.11 1191•e
exchanged their t4311'3 fot 1'.v.+
Mieette Agnee MeKereirm, Mom-) BRUSSELS COUNO
Forest. and Elizabeth Sanderson, of
Arthur, were hemp for the week•end.
The Women... International Day of
Prayer was; observed by a. nerViee 1(1
the United Clittreb, Friday afternoon,
The M141140011 men'S eatnival held
Wednesday night, ,.f. lag week, was
well attended and proved a most in-
teresting event.
The Chambers Trophy Shield,
which was captured by Gorrie rink,
was returned to the village by the or-
iginal winners, of the Shield, (4. OM,
1+, Kaake, (4, MoEwen and A.
Munro, who wit It 31114.11 141';' riok, visit-
ed Goode, Frida3, evening,
Melville Church
t sableit 111111 4(1(141, firtV. R. B.
Slvt evsen, v I 11., n Vivid Seery..
0.1 the he ee, !fey Ali ten tie, will
evelipy the pulpit of elnlreb.
Net hie
fate. te iv. Jerecaleur' wee be text
fisan 01 hich the pastor., !tee. le, G.
Foe ler, in eaelied in Melville Mulch,
Mei saimath VilbjeCte
0t('*1411iz3 1 111111 [1l 44(1 40 Jei ,is
alem meant the way to Calvary, but
He steadfastly set his time to go there.
The Spirit. of d, -let mination is one of
the great Pet things tt eve/ratted by
Christ to the Cliureli. The greatest.
need of the 01thetsh to -day is not more
light, but tuner determioution to live
to the light We pftsett,S,
determination was formed after care-
ful thought, and we elionld filet. eon,.
eider carefully rt question, and then
set, our face to eat ry ft111 eat decision -
chief function ,,f (811 religion is
to teeter the spirit of detet initiation
to the will of 0111 1St. 0111 hit will
not overpowei the will, hot empower
it. To win the highest goal in life,
we shonld make tau n ills Chi 1st's.
"Solving the Problems; of Life" was
the pastor's stibjeet, at the evening
serviee, the text being Acts 12 10,
"When 1114y 'Welt. 1lat.,1 11344 'bat and
semma ward, they came to the leen
gate that leatieth unto the cit v., which
opened to them of hie own aecned
and they wept out awl passed on
through one street and fte 31111-11 11 the
angel deperted 0( 14141 him." This
Rielly 1 eite0PS Ils Ies11901. 11, regerd to
facing the pi ebleme of life. (1) The
iron gate., 110,. wit] net open unless
we approaelt them, If we take the
attitude of alai go op to the
tasks, of life with a full exiteetlif inn of
overet mieg the 41411)141,11) ('11, we ellen
131. etweessfel. 121 T. 0 Many fail he-
rmits., they lurn heck 1Itra prim- of
s1(ce0114 i114 By Dossing 1)1114(1,13 these
(este of iife. we 0,191 0(4 10 greater
e,11 il:
r ,
ear. 4 11t144,71 open to vie If 810
01 ot_911'1110 111: oligh faith.
t(e1"fs1ehvt,Ilt.eiefi.rt.citl eViil;.•)l.aVl United
1,4(51 s‘blot limattig.
13..1ket. .Jaoliatt !Its 4y11.1.1.i2t.g srls
Mon n it- 1, s
rus." lite enno 1,e 1.44 0• 1114,,'1114,,',. en
letter) ,'jlo' !Muria al ;.aua.cer,
11i.22 Ti,,('1,'.') J
laI,/ tt,1 1ia it
WtI 111. 11 •1111• ('20,,it tit f 11.s (k.s.
Dom In lin, .114 1 t• till
the Oct 1' 1-ttcitt-lit'11, The
city. lt'o. 11it ile
)1 0e1 •101l0. 111.
e11 ill' lite Itetit 11 0 r, (1411(1
it .141111'-l''131 st.
foe ite Ilelattel , I 11
V,'14', Pity 12,1 11 glent.
01,4 vein6,e,-. veto 'rho
14. tiim Ives the ,'4.(I,,'((, 41.o 41,4i/1111
:tel11 Ali of ibo
eel ly 04. tiitty. •"1
01,41111 1144It llOtte, ot lote1011
y of('.41 !l' to itt t 1 11101.
.1 II1114.., it -
1'A1 ttee t1t.1s1t1I tlteott .I e
es et, the
tti2111 lltiltpS. 1let' ity
11 iti1 nil., li.. bell
11411 10
pir,ptit. '1'l.' t mkt--
1t;0.litto3toci1 netl,ed.tct 1949ettt:
119 Ihi' el411.1
1111,1e itt11-119OVIi ti it t. :
TII At111131 let 11. 111
111 Whitt 1.1 Mug
1,1.! et. 41 a 1,81 (41 ale.
miled ila lit ..ttet tOP
the tiehe, 011141.1t 1.14-14*' (40d.
She vos it,1 .4
1:ital ill eke; i,- 41 PI AV),
11 111141 het' illV'tinpo
tight.A(1ms, mt
11111 tio ti 01,It'ot 1 ,te 11 hi.
aii 11114 1,1,4,, t1;,,rt,5,,1l'4.',,', 11,1 1,33114 vhe Ititta.
tvp, i 1• 1 el the
40'(to vitt 11, 1111'
1 Will 'etlit it to 11it1 0101 11110
141111 I;int itv with law., tio.i
has 141 he otvord 141111, ire (11411(10.e.
11.1417. 1,1) atittisittmve,
11111) it 10)111112(31wt4(14,34111,';911 gilost.,'(‚In' onti,. llte ovet 11'(41
'''1'.' that,o,,teottle!b Isill 1 grant
with 11,v eme,' .1175111'
((1'''! 11(1(1 lie will 1.1)4 t eNee.
Celle, Shell we ('40011411' 11,.' lttti
r.rotitt.4.•ti to 11.. 1
The regular meeting of the Won's
en's Instititte will be held 0(1 Tnesday
afternoon, T1In14e11 15th, at, the home
of Mrs, Richard VulIl, An address
will be given by Rev. Mt., Soh),'. A
cordial invitation is extended tn all
the ladies to he present at, this meet.
There was nn service in the Angli-
can Church, on Sunday, of last week,
owing to the illness of the minister,
Rev, Mr. Ilawkim,
Council Mei. oil Mondai evening
with Reeve Baekee In the. chair and
('0 uncillors Hewitt, 0001111101
and Armstrong present,
Minutes of the last, regular meet-
ing were eetal and condrmed on .11)0(4»
1n of Councillors Arrnstronc.: and
On Motion of Councillors Bovenutu
and Little the following accounts
wore ordered to be paid: -
Street Lighting, $112.83
Town Hall 2.00
Faro to Chesley, 11, Heist . 2.25
Municipal World 20.08
11 Henderson, snowplowing , 4.20
Mrs, Ballantyne, supplies 15.18
A. C. Musket., exp. to Toronto 25.00
0. Mepewell, salary 75.00
The request of Alex. Anderson to
erect a gas tank at his new garage
WAS granted, on motion of Council-
lors Armstrong ,ttul Rewitt, subject
to the usual restrictions.
Council adjourned.