The Brussels Post, 1927-3-2, Page 4THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1027 be trusoth, ' lost THURSDAY, MARCH 2n•d, 1027 26 Municipalities Appeal on Report Cnderitgl, )\b. 41 -Fourteen of rho tw:.rut; six nluiiiripalities in the '!)aunty o! Huron have given notion' ;314,33tFt tot, county valuator's report, a'.lirlt woo adopted by the County !'•runril fit 1hs Jaruant mooting. 'rho anunicip btu appealing :toe I•tri, llayilold, I1us•c1. \Vrox.•t•r, deter, Clinton, God l ieh Sonforth, 1lonsall \\in loon, Last \V ' an,th. Grey, Hay and Morris. Tho c1at:' for Iearino the' appeals has not yet loom annuuttoed. Last t <;ii'. for the tie -t nu ir twenty y ar.•., the County of Huron hart a valuation n+' tri.' assn,,: able property of the variouo minor municipalities for the pntT ose Of - otto•hing on r(tali•,,;tticn at .: went. Valuator. wore: anpointe-1, and their report showed a d -tided in crease in the aa.esnutnt of lnauy of the municipalities, A BIG HIT COMING TO THE GRAND THEATRE Buster Keaton in 'Battling, Butler" Will Play Three Nights, March 10, 11 and 12, pt Popular Prices, What is known as Buster Koott,u ;;a'ta:test pic'tuty of them all, will bo played at the Grand Theatre, Thor day, Friday and Saturday of next week at popular prices. The story is as follows: Some men are born,lazy others aequire laziness, and may kart, indolence thrust upon them by wealthy parents. Alfred Butler (Buster Keaton) belongs to the lat- ter category. Upsetting all family precedent, Alfred one day flees hark to Nature, accompanied by Martin, his valet. A Rolls-Royce takes the youth and his rervan-t to the great open spaces and a tent, more luxur- ious than the Holiest Sheik's. Tin: only thing that breaks the monotony is a chance meetins: with a beautiful girl (Sally O'Neil). Alfred gots up enough ambition to propose marriage but Sally's husky fnt)i r and equally husky brother vote "no"t-any in-law must by a red-blooded he-man. Thi) love-.si,•k youth's valet thinks of a plat) to win tho girl when he sees a .tory in the paper about one "Battl- ing flutter," a boxer who is scheduled to fight for the world's championship. The valet tolls Sally's fancily that Al- fred really is 'Battling Butler" pos- ing as a gentleman. Alfred is wel- cowned at once as a prospective bride- groom, and when he leaves town, os- rensihly to fight tor the champion- ship, he'' a near -hero. He's trotted as a real hero when lie finally returns for "Battling Butler." to everybody' surnree, has won the championship. A hand and a mob meet Alfred, be- iTeving him to bo the real ear scramb- ler. Afraid to reveal tho decoption, Alfl'od weds Sally, then discovers that, as "Battling butler," he is hill - ed to fie•ht one "Alabama Murderer," and, with sinking heart, loaves for 1 the tr.ining ramp. New eoinnTien- tions arise, for the real "Battling Butler" anp,'ars on the scene. On the niol t of the fight, Alfred, to keep his bride from with.>ir,c his disgrace, looks her in a room. But on the way to the slaughtt•r he hears the frenzied mob yelling, "I/tutor! ButleiT' and disc•ovo•s ho has been delightfully douhl•-cross,:d. "Battlin' Butler" had fought his own fight and knocked the "tMurdprer" for a row nf totem polis. When Alfred bre'iti, th:lnlchig tri • "Battler." .the champion takes his "double" into n room and starts to non up the floor wi,t1, him. And then -amazingly -._.the worm torus, and 'o tho fooniost fi•_ht ev,•r shown on the screen, knocks o1) the: 'ham - pion. ami than promises his adoring 6' idr that ht• will retire• from the ping forcvpr. RUTH RESIDENTS KEEP SILVER WEDDING DAY Mr, and Mrs. 13ennett Are Honored by Friends. 111+•'h FA. ;':i \n ,•i. I. y do, „tont took, plot at t to hone. r ?Te. epi 1i1•s. Aaron T e ml itt t th •ir boon, 1n Queen .819 t 1 ,',•nl -' -. they ,eleltrated tit,.;t, Inn nit• ,•-+any. Tiinnr I ,a -:i;: .,, i :a c1:311 n`rinrl( :1)d cover- w• t Vol lot :0 out..t:: 111 ;ih+L•. woro i:,.tine, ,l-;t••'a-•d in miller. find 1 °hoer, with ,,m Ile.: arld floweret in the mono shat l'b n: +•el...mall dilora'01 Jt,s1't f bonbon 'r;,e 1K :i•:' \T;•r •< 11 ..t end P' ni \zrihi ten., to' ("1 to o \ii.; 'Sault„, S!eana!•i,•nt, of - Inhtr•,. 13,;f3 r tit Afro. L, tttl tf 'n•,;.;terl. i Goest, 0.e1,• p• 11 1.011 Tinnitus 1 (intern, .I,tuutn, to p n anti illyth, t 1 n•rcttul ton;, wt;r-; toot lvo.1 Tonto 1otonto, Sl Thont.i,bilin, i'Itt Tplh o rt.i'h rodrl1 , 1 „ i 0•n,l tens, t1 ver ) 1 r - lei! t)1. the Irl 1;'rlht ntor t l 'fro D. by the Li 1!.,,e, Ttr. A. liftT.,::'3. '.. �)n ... (r i1 It 11 111111 t aft. a1,0 (r r ,1 v Itr••. ftti h llie s ri 'i., in ! at tl.:tu•r. now (x..712'"i ., ,,..,.a. , r r!ot...- .7,,r nil Ili A11tr t 1r , 1., t ) 1.;"-- e •+1 to .,';',",'..:'....',1, h 1 `.'e., „L t t 5 •! r . , (n1) a,, n - ,;.i ., ,, a,. r.1) it .,.,'• .!., t, ir t,i, 1 ,errt^rt "1. I` 3.. ,,r ::. 6,' .7 riF tr,i, n rr. 1., i'ratiot7 to that jar0v10r.e..en til 51 e,. 31.1.1 , ; t, 1 1(.16. 6, l,mt0.tete;. PRESENTS BUDGET Hon, Dr. .1. D. Monteith, )'ruvineia 1 t•:i 11 m•, who 1 rc-ented his first boob loot Tuesday, the best sine(' the C un eivtltiie (hoe, ritrt,•ut took office promised tlx cuts which will save Ontario e ttize•ns thousando of tit/liars, MORRIS TWP. TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS ASSO O11 Tuesday afternoon about 40 of he ratc)layers and School trustees of Morris Township met at the Town. hip Hall int their annual meting. t1i,h.u'tl Proctor was re -sleeted Pri'si- d„nt and C. Coultos, Neurotony. Thp ,.'itis l' matters under discussion wen':' urt'icula and organization of boards. W. M. Morris, provincial =eeretary of rural trustee association was present and outlined questions which alight 'r' ire considered. The i lad 111} lets of h I a 1 the curriculum of the socundary t'hools of today to the requirements of the majority of students was nett' phase. hack 00 year,: or 0 century ago 75 per cent. of grammar schools stunents were required for profession :11 life. Today probably 20 per cent. go to professions. It would be a- ar«,ed that the curri<'ulum should he aitercd. Mr. Morris directed the mooting to the consideration of definite questions: I. Tho High School entrance should or should not be considered the finishing of a liberal public school education. Should there be a further advance along lines not provided for in the high school enure.. sonlethin!r vocational? 2. The high school in rural mom- 1,1,e/titles should give some instruction along lines related to rural life. The teacher should have. some consciomt- p.e.s of the background of the rural child. 8. The agricultural option in sec• ondary schools should be an option in matriculation to the university, Supplementary to tD,• Minister's tomnchil` board hill, ;suggestions had Loon advanced along various line=. 1, Beep the throe -trustee hoard .:fid form a township hoard com- posed of ono member from each school board. 2. C1•pate a county board with County Council representation. 3. Make the comunity rather than the township the unit for ad- mini8trati011. Mr. Morris was willing to monced., that the little "ro)" school house" ("rod" was a United School word not applit'ahlo here) had done well, but it probably got credit for what was tho natural cen,:lquenee of the in- euleft on nf the proper prospective. in 1!•Fr -;1 sinst• of the dignity of work, and the indignity of i IIt n ahs. It was tenacity, industry anti hard work that made men in past doca(les. 'rho discuseinn ran briskly for a (•nuph of hours. South Huron Show Best Yet Held Fine Grain and Vegetnhles On Ex- hibit at Hensel! - Attendance is Large - Interesting Addresses Given During the Afternoon. Hon:mil, Feb,, 25-•--'l'Iie lir•ns:ill c.In . rn„,r :toed d nue Vegetable tubo, ,.how, un - dor trio intordoos of tht South Hur'ou 15liculWrit] Society, was iold ;n the• town hall hon. tIds afternoon and itrotool ihr hest "to flop history of floe fl ili,m. Tho attontlaitto. woo I.1 tend tip' 1.- 11 was for l:o'tr,•,.t r000tol. while tl:r quality wits high eo.eiall in vi„a fit' the wig weath0r ;rhirtl m u•krd -n much of last Y'-ar s io „t motson. 111.10, the aft a'noon v- 1411 10- totoolotto othirto, - we're' glom. Prof. 11.1 r a, of toe 1. A. 1., 1;uel1,11. ...led as ,gild and :tl:+n rely tett wi- tlia=•I. Mr. Ovot'holt, trio ihr seed in. p -mini h:uluh of the Ontario 1):•. MI itnl,•nt of 't:rii, ittu,•t., +:Le ern v :1::' (111: 11t11i: r !Yowl tlii1111h .,1 t; ra in. 01111• 1'. icier., of 1 -,: 1. pr.,.itler t of 1It(. ..truth 11111011 Sol•i(-)s Cpl :.•t,1 hi: pb;kur•p at Ilte suer° a, Of the slxttW'.. .:..- ._ "1-1, I full Shia 1t „ tiotohlotr by or tie, 11,2e 11,,,,11k,”, I \6 1 ix. ila inn. hit }ern 11,11 luted Int•:+ 'l'l0•- I I b, ail tri:• ,n;.lot- l';aro(orrrn 1ato n tho Diol l 1, itl fur +h Unci, :1 line, ;Intl 3,1,0.0) F+al to ri1.. 11 l+111ti :1 .a , 4 iroea4':a8i t' 3':•' 8"i 0E THE BRUSSELS POST Why be with ili'11fcrircr to63,. Brussels Public School Report 1(0011 III * l•eprol -I, to the 1111(11be•i' iIf 4X1110 ), for which the pupil Wee abseil., 80 IV - 1,ennard Walker 125 (1,1'harine Walker 422 Jails \Mite° 8112 flea'Colleek 741 Jean (::,idwell 7811 Leak Hamilton 7t(;3 Viola. Fox 64 3 Florence Gamuinge (I2 5 Hilda \Vhir(atcl 597 Allan McOraekeu 51 9 Greta Burgess..,,.. 37 Jo IV- Is'velyli Riley 70.4 \an,y Jane Fouler 72 Mauna Ilnuliltnn 71 7 Gladys Pawson till 8 Evelyn Dennison 65 3 Jack Douglas 05,2 Mary Roe 04.8 Not mint Thompson 04 8 BaanI.- l ' dek c 1396 Glendon Thuell 60 3 'Russe) Darlow 50 lack McDowell 545 Scott Burchill 54 Jim Karr 528 Melvin Thompson 37.8 John Kernaghan 37 SR. 'III --- Marguerite Logan 79,6 Jessie Little 75,2 Dean Davidson 73 Alice Pope ' 72 Mac McDowell 02.2 *Mai guerite Bryan); 0(1.3 Mamie MOQuarI le 58 0 Frieda Pollard .51 4 Lorne Kerr 47 8 W. J. Rutleclge 402 Phyllis Bt pine 452 Jack Rutledge 44.2 John Campbell 41 4 Stewart Lowe 40.8 Russell Bryans 35,3 E. F. Dlntts, Teacher, ROOM IT R'pm•t rot January and Bebruary t J o 1TI•-Exaiuinedin Comp., Art, Art th , Lit., Hist., Geog., Read, and Spell, Vilna Davison 81 Donald Moltae. 74 Jessie Caldwell 71 5 Donald Ferguson ... 73.8 Stuart Brigham 70 8 Tom 0110110,.,.,,64. Fred Burchill 03 Lyla Hicks57 Stella Henderson 56 Irene Riles 51 William Edwards 5(1 ,lean Riley 45 'Ella Furrow 34 So, III -Examined in Comp„ Art, Arith., Writ„ Geog, and Read. Vela Fox lit Aleen Gibson 81 Helen Douglas 72 Hilly Palmer 71 Lloyd Kernaghan (j(1 Berth. Hicks (i1 'Jack Farrow 58 Jim Ritchie 56 Ju, IT- Exit ruined I I. Harold Y olleck 94 Mut ieKing 81 Jack Baeker 80 Carl Pluto 811 Bowman Galbraith 79 i11nc Ed word, . 78 Noreen Rutledge 74 McCurdy Lowry 73 'Aline Bryan, . 713 .11114 Uruglas 70 7'oIIl !it timbal' (10 Ned 151111eeig,, 11.1 '14lwund 111 (,)nnrrie 51 11.51ty 1:. 7(11ONO11, ).'ettchet-, P1;,IMARY ROOM 5'rH i't..ts - N;e uniued in Read„ Arl, l,'„0111., Atith., Daily \\ at k and li'n+o-enn•nl, 1s0(1 UIT.,vi..h 92 liitl(- 81t•pltenstin ....,...,90 1i1C1 Paiute) 41) hlargattit Scute 87 Get old (411)5011 - S5 Muriel Ilaist tit.. Mat gt o Riley ...,. ... ,82 Friedl Thuell 81 MTh iv Holmes 70 Ethel Fox 75 Dorothy B Wan one 74 Margery Kerr 72 (411 1. Hood 01-0011 70 4T1 -1 -Excellent -John howler. 311.11-EXocllent- Toru NIcFadzenti, Biliio King, Hlo'iley Rutledge,' &leen heZnnr tie Irma Riley, Edith rl t'ins- 1sT 13itro tDentikon. 6101 -Betty Best, Omar Cunntnohow, George Gal- braith, Is Mel Brigham, *Elmer Ewan, Harvey Gibxnn, F1'allk Rtitledge. IT -Ex col lent --• Mildred WhiLean], Jack Lowry, Harold Campbell, Ft,n, I. 0r1'ITANAN, 'Teacher TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP Mra, Alex, /inside, of Wroxeter, ited with her sister, Mrs. John Hall, Motivate, on Tuesday. John Nicholson and Glendon Yeo are busy cutting wood i1) Wm. Holm. ea' bush, 418 Con., Turnberry. Joseph Lovell is busy hauling brick and lumber, to have his house, Con. 3, Turn berry 'I'wp., re -modelled, Mit. Hazel Stnulper. who has hien laid oft` woe k for a l'e5v days with a very sole throat, 111 able to be out again, Kinney McNaughton pmertained a number of hie friends 60 [t dance, 01) Friday evening.- All report a good time. Mrs. Harry Chamberlain and daughter, horee(2, also Miss Florence Hall, all of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with the farmer's brother, Gordon Yen, MONCRIEFF The limo:cole auto livery is 'kept quite busy bringing in passcngel(0 here. Geor41 McNair is recuperating st his mother's home after a severe at- tack of the grip. The W. M. S. of this church are observing the. Women's Day of Pray- er her on Wednesday. Jno. McKay who has boon visiting relatives and friends for the past couple of months has. returned to the West. We are pleased to see Joint Pat- terson able to be about again after having been under tho doctor's carp for a time. Walton and Mancrief young peo- ple who have given two very inter- esting debates, each winning one. are in same as Sr. preparing a this'd, to break the tie. Monerief soft ball tear) are sv01,0 that they are unable to display the "cub terry didn't got" •1rtc'r Winntly n series of games with Walton, Bras.- owls and Ethel teams last summer. School Re:nort:-Following Is 'trio import for Monrrief Sohool for tho month of January and February. Pupils were examined in the follow- eassermen Beller Minds 1 `.itl;ret::l Thele is magic in that word "Home" which never can be forgotten. Did you ever stop to think how few homes wou's-1 be tecured unless someone saved money? We It11'1te gni.( ,titlt'1)lj'5 .lo'cul10 anfl m'11 arr(tf1:+if to e:, t ? •, (lrtll)Ji9 by 0,1)41 .,,.. ... ( , :'l:;, bS 1%0 Your Eyes Need Attention if your oyes bother you in any way; If they tiro quickly or bo- ttom? Inflamed; If you do not see easily and well; If headn'hoe 11091(ir your efici(•ney or interfere with your pllasul'e; If you cannot onjoy every minute of your rcadin';'' SEE Maude C. Bryans optometrist Phone 25x Brussels no 'ubjeets:-Grarmmu', Blot )ry, Art. Writing, Spelling, Arithmotir, Goolgronhy, and Memory work: -Sr, IV -Velma Robertson 77; Willie Ro- bertson (31. Jr. IV -Lundy Mrll:ay 78; Mao McKay, Glen Rtlthwell, 6 each. Jr. III---Madalon Speiran 83', I•Ierbie Huffman 77; Jennie McKay 76; Cynthia Machan 74; Jeannie Har rison 72; 'Cecil Machan 07; Russel Gott 5.1. Sr. Ii -Lillian Harrison, Myrtle Gnlp, proud 77; Dorothy Mann 761 1Mnrshall Harrison, Cocil Robin- son, 1qual 75 ; Lindsay McKay 23 (ab• ont 1. Jr. II -Leonard Machan 59; Donald Riehl 57. Primer-Evpt'- ett Robinson, Louis Harrison and Lloyd M .char, gond, Sndio 14 Mc• Nair, T,:trher. 13AYFIELD Preceding g n Private trill somewhat not of fie ((limits, it petition tenni Village of Bayfield has been tabled in the Legislature. praying for annul- nlpnt of ineoepnrati011. Bayfield has been negotiating for hydro service, and finds the cost of extension is rath- er high. If it wore only a police mun- icipality, it would be entitled to ohmic) the Government's bonus to rural transmission linos, and the proposal (e to revert, to that status. There is difference of opinion among the res- idents of the villago as to thea more, and the bill may be opposed. The proposed change, of course, would do away with Baytleld's reprPaentatinn in the County Counnil, through its 1ee50, The normnnent population is only about 800, but Hittite are many Sll(1nn101• rook/Pots. Tf incorporation is annulled, most of the ratepayers wnnld vete in Stanley Township, and tbnseon rine North side of the river, in (loam -tell Twp. MORRIS Miss Reidella MacKenzie, of To mi - t n, 0'tn, is visiting at the home of her uncle, Albert Crooks, 418 line, tins, Jas. A. Bryans and children, Charlie and Idella, spent the week- end with the Cermet s parents, John and Mrs. Hopper, Wingham, Sattoor, Romani -Following is the report of H. 8. No 9, Morris, for the month of February, Examined in Writ„ Art, Lit., Arith., Spell. " do. notes absentee for' one exam. 9R, IV -Mabel Beesley 80. JR, IV - '**Stuart Bryans t Artie Bewlov 71. 91'1 111 -Clifford Pease 01 ; ***Tom Kirkby 57, Pit ITL-Beltrhatn Aloock 40. SR, Ii -Isabel Alenek (33. JR II -Mae Hhortreed 75 ; Lloyd Pease 035. I -Addie Bell. Walter Bentley, Lloyd Alcock. P14 -Ruth Alcock, Those present every day were : Mabel Bewley. Clifford Pease, Winch/tin and Isabel Alenek, Addie Hell, Walter Bentley and Lloyd Alcock. Average attendance 11 O. MOGt)w,(N, 'I'p•,ehw• ! The Box Social held last Friday evening at the home of Dave and Mrs Smith, under the auspices of St, John's church, Brussels was a Hueco.,, det,pite the snow storm, A good uro- gram \('118 rendered and evcr\'bod" had a good time. Mrs, John Sellers and two dough tors returned to their western home, at Vantaaw, Sasq., after epend1im a fe w5)12)lth,: with the fornar's p:lr- tuts. Win anti .Mr:s. Souc+h, 3rd line+ Died ;n the We t. Wm. and dexo. Souch, .1rd line, received word last week of the death of their claue'htc:. Mrs. Burr, in her 40th year at Shell- br )oh Sask Deceased d w, s r ' , was h t `tIis t`itart, lfolmcrely of was B uovll l l5ho tht.11 r years ago, Last sunlnl r -1.1' was Mar' '04 to 1Fir. Burr, Mrs. 1(101 it. stlniv'•d by five children be,ddrs 11.`r p 1" fits,5 ',!stets and 3 boot/wits 1 111 110 11114' -at Shellbrook. 'rhe: 1111811: tt:'itrd at the nau•ent:A h '111° .fit 5111(1.)', The ic'ative4 11'1vn f nlpllthy of ibo community. Drain Tenders '('endel•a inn Lhe repair of th. 1311118, 88 MnlnMplll Groot, Al0Iiilinp Township, u5Ill be etveiVtilhy the undersigned bp to Saturday. nigh, 1117 ,1 t1111917. anlad dote, 14 the will Carnegie (,tbt rent HMI, seefnrth. 101of m. rntrent In nnn0lnpeny order,bowyy OA- rirpt,•d,,st or Work to inn draw soon plane, Profile owl spenifcntions of Engineer 1n charge, Plans, etc„ at Lot 85, non. 8, Melttl- lopTwo. RXnneel ion 7000 outdo yards. JOHN 101e1Av, Olrk, 6N 2 11 12. 2, Sas forth, Custom Sal 'it' ing !\s the 1)03' now 11 quantity of Custom LOOTS in our yards fur Suring Stewing, parties requiring Custom Saw ill dein t' Situul(1 fu•rilll;!(, tel h, v 1 1 1 r. , in 011 t t' 110 314,1 a 4te"o1 11:11; M' 11 wine OO1'P�t1Y-'.f1(1(71 11108 G ;a ;tear t Bros. Tenders Wanted The Commit of the 'row nehip of rimy in x•.k1n5 for tsouler, for the jnh tit running 011, Township '1'0nel0' whim requir05 to (Ir27. Tomo., will ho opened 1t (be regular Dann - c•11 mooting on Ai 11,Au', Morph 7t11. - 1. 11,10/A11, o'wp. Clerk, h$hel, out. Tenders Wanted 'rho Connell of the 'roles*l)Ip of (tray Is 1(8111ng for tend!'•* for the too of opnrating 111« Towtlahip ornder told Son tiller when y0,011.14 lit 1027• Problem+ will be opened fit regular CmuidLmneeting on dtlnndtlr, alnrr!, 7'11, :T R. !PHA R. Twp. Cleeh, Ethel, (1st. ilo Your Feet Bother You 011 ! the tragoly of oohing foot, the mimeo - of pninZ1tly rirn.ging raw fool after the oth• ,r, feria lOtte'npso of wntellillg oilers step along lvioh0(8t 11 foot onto in the world. Foot misery can be nvolded 1 know, because I offered for years, but I found n way to re- lieve tint painful strait 11(017 weultent •1 finches, 8.10, I want to help others ; if gnu urea sufferer, please mention Tn 11 Poem when writing. .7, re WOOD, 220 Prosspect Mb, Hain - Ilton, (hot., or moy be pnrr(1nsed fit Downing Bros„ shoe doolers, lirnosel0. - Ethel Cheese Factory ANNUAL MEETIND POSTPONED TO MARCH 61h The Annan! Meeting of ltvl.0l Cheese ]rite - tory will be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, 0o Snturdnv, Morel, 5111, at 2 &cluck p. In. An outside spenkor is exoected to bo pros. 0111 and 0(1(b•ese the sleeting. All interested aro asked to attend. CECIL BATEMAN, Sec. -Treasurer, Nouse and tot for Sale The twdersignod offors for sale his house and lot on Alport street, nrus,els, House contains bath r r Corneae x50is a y(1 wired. Good garden and garxgn, Evorerytloing in flrst•n1ABg teener. 85.11 JAY, HENDERS0N, Seaforth. Court of Revision '28ka notice tient a Court of Revi81011 on the assessments of the Buchanan Drain Elaine eti0n By•L,w and the Fraser Drain Improve- ment Hy -Lew w'lll be hold in this Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday, Mareh 7th, at 2 nod 2,80 o'clock respectively. nnrtioa interested ore ticked to govern Chemeolves accordingly, .1,8, FEAR, Clerk. AUCTION SALES AUIITTONSALEF0FARA1, FARM STOCK 15111.811 UNTO, ,rto.-D, M. Scott, Auction ear, has been incarnated to sell at Lot 2(1. Con, 111, GreY, on Monday, Starch 7th at 1 80 o'clock sharp, the following ; 1 matched team of Ag- rm0lturnl noires, 1 Perohoron mare 0 years old,' cow due Maroh 5th, 2 cows doe In April, 6 head of cattle rieing 2 mire, 4 bend of cattle rising 1 year ; all choice, well-bred 0nd in 50 odBarredttRooki hens, 80 wpigs o Wyandotee, Deering binder 7 -ft, --cut, Frost O Wood maw. er, MnsseyHnrria bay rake, Dein hay loader, Itiessey-Barris fertilizer neorly new, Peter Hamilton cultivator, Noxon disc harrow, land' roller, rook with rolling Dur, walking plow, smaller, set of narrows lumber we goo, set of sleighs, rubber tired buggy, 51egnet or6nm separator, turnip sower, gravel box, set of team harness, set of plow harness, net of single harness, 22 -ft lodd or new, stone bont, set saw: log bunks, pert berveoter, tongue for atoOorm• eek binder, fore truck for hinder, set of drill wheels, horns power rods, number of unohor posts, neokyokes, whlflletrees, fork°, shovels, crowbar° andnclneroue other articles. The farm, containing 100 acres, with bank ba•n and frame house ; renve01001 to school, church and station. will oleo be offered, sob• jest to a reserve bid. Terme made known on day of sale. TERMS. -A11 aun10 of 810 and under, cash • twee that amount, 9 months credit given on furnishing improved jo(nt notes, 4 per cent off for a,sh on nredit am011,t4s. Loud owners for enetrity. 1AS. FULTON, Prop. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM 0T0011. ItMhefe,Nme, &c -D, M hcott, Anotote tier has bean 111-101101 Ed t0 861181 Lot 12. 00n. 9, Grey, on Fririny, March 11th, *t 1 tt0 n'oloalc All ill). the following ; 1 Doom of Agrionttural horses, 1 general purpose horse, 1 driving torso, 400we rnopn86d in calf, 1 brood oozy due to farrow about May 151(1, 82 breeding otv e0, about 60 hens, mAt.ivntor, mower, seed drill, binder. hay rake, hey loader, mai row plow, ruling plow, 001 of °silos, w1)5on, hug. 57,autter, wngeu box and 06011 grindstone, aiming mill, cream Depurator, conk stove,. enpl 11rd, half dozen kitchen chairs, flour bin, hay fork, ropesslings and pillow, about let tens hay, obout'4)0 bus of outs, ab 2150 hub. of wheat. The farm contains 100anroo, about &acres of which is bush ; 40 ammo Fall plough- ed • hank born dOx60 feet with ove,*hut brickandframe Ionise; good well. Will 40 offered anbjeot to reserve bid. It not sold will b6 rented, Terms made known on day of woe, TEIiM1i,-All sumo of $10 and under, 111841 ; over flint amount, 12 months credit sty. en on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 noir mint off for cosh no credit mnonnts. Loud owners for Amor'ty W hi. m; l'rT92NMON, Prop Executor's Sale Valuable Store Property In the Village of Brussels In the County of Huron ett ta 60 of thheu10tanGeorgeJn0lt0o nnithorn winll be offered for Rale by Public AlonWlou, nn satnrdny, the '1'wenty•slxt1 Clay •.f March A D 1007, at too A mericnn Hotel, In the Village of Brussels, 00 the hour, f Two n'eloelc 111 the afternoon, by D 11. `nolt, ONO , Auotlnneer, that valuehlo property Itnows nit"The Iiinsh111 731oo1e", p' 111! 0 ort 015 porde, or Lit Number Ninety 118t111, having 0 troll Giga of Twen tyarive feet, Nix ,ne)169, a1 Turnberry Rtroet, in the afore - so Id \t(ingo elf 1 ousels, Thrro is gnml brink building upon moat prnminu•H 111 good 711311•, HOW ncrupiel n. n Butcher shoo and jewelry storm n the up- stairs 101' horet(fore boon used OH 11 Fare, 10rn' Rail, and with little °sumo(. (1111)' be made In- to very dost rl4bh, dwell(ng npnrtmoroto. TOOR8Is OP 14A1,E -'P2,o property will be o0',red for sale, subjeot to (1 resorvnd h14, Ton par cent of the pnrnlm0e money to be pail flowed at 01ammo of the onto and the loch [ince 7111aY thorortor wi!hoot intermit The 114.1 ie (ndl•phtnblo Portlier nnr14-ll,ihr5 tont eondition8 of heti. may ytinteddntlnlili nelaohi11110 Tweoly4Gighg611 din of (rebruary A,1). 1927 I) 8, Knott, AND12T1WLAIDLA\i+, Atte. Exenotor. W. AI, Si ncinlr, )lo ecuto •', Solicitor. IIdOTICE Of Application fol" Divorce kRnot the hrehy given thatf,OU1•; BRINK - ER, of Exeter. in the County of Anson, 11, -tired Flamer, writ nstrly to trim mow..., of nrtnmho. fit tris noel vwlnn thereof, 10r a 1(411 of Iliverce (Tone his wife, n'1 molt Brinker, or be J' wnnhip nP 11'n01 - wish, •n the (locality 01 wnteirino in i. he 1+,•ov. I,e,, of (lila, 10, be the ,,,)r)'o)r t•rv• Nn 11•:N14l'tl +InN, not ntor forint ' ane linnet. 11'ted fit the 'fieri et Parkhill. in the Pr* t• n Oubnr(o, 01119001 cloy of Jenne rye / .13,124. 6t Notice to Creditors In the matter of trio eetato of William Bryans, late of tho Viliago of Brue. sole, in the Ooynty of Huron, Don. Homan, deceased. Nutleo la lumrei,y given m11,11an0 to The lt0- vlsed Stttures of on lingo, Chapter 120, that 1)110x, ditur* 1111(1 othors hoeing clnian against elle 0010ta of the gaol Mcllllrrllt Bemis, who cued an n1• shout the Delcotysnv,mth day of dteun, y, A, O. 1917. fir„ 1•egnirHd oa ee before the twolfti dee e1 March, A. l). 10Y7, to sen,) by past preload or deli4er to the 11xoell tor, Vf tile 111.41, W,II nod .616tnin0rt of 1110 tl,•Oexaed 011010 Ohlls,inn 01.1 /tarot) mea, nddresxes (( Id desarlptioas, the full par timlhirs er 1 heir ulahns. Erin *00(110000 of their anenunie trait the nature of the 0oen retie•, (If nu31 1101(1 by them Aril f;u•ther take notice that efter 0110h eget mewlan,al I he sold lixeentors 10111 prn0eed 10 celxtr)bill n the newts of the lenensed anion get Ole pnrtiea enll/lit thereto. 'loving regard wily to the 0181ns of which they eh -.11 thou hove natio°, turd (110 send ItX1.011tors will 111 he liable for the •curl a••.aeta or ung 110(1 there• of, to any person or person° of wh1se chain native shalt not have been renelve,T by then at the time of Ruch dlstribn0tan, Dated this est div of Fehrmtr.y, A 1) 11x27, W, 51 INi9,4111, Solioltor for ltd ward t5 (]ryeno and John 13. Bryans, t11014xo,.utnro, Notice to Crediitors Notice is hereby g11'en, purs,tnnt to Section 50, Chapter 121, or tho Revised Mtotutes of 01 tart°, thntail persona Mullis 0101116 e5ntnet the estate of George Johnston, de,e0,0d, wire diel m1 or about the two Ify•secoud day of January, A 0. 1027, fit the Township of ciroy,. 111 the Province of Ontario, ore required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R, Vnnobono, Wing)u1»1 Ontario, Snlioltcr for rho ltxeontors, on or hotore the fifteenth day of March, A, D.1047' Choir 1)10400 and add res. seise with ht11 pnrtlenlnrs 10 writing of thin claims, and the nature of the necurttte. lit ally) held by them duly vocalist by a atnttltory decmrntlon. And further tike notice Mot after the sail fifteenth day of ilarol , 1027, the :std Exeou- tors will proceed to distribute the 088518 of the sold estate ranting the partloe entitled thereto having regard only to the chance of tthave had 081,! 0110v shall bollainotice, he :aid assets or any part thereof to any person of whose Maim they shall net then hove re. ash vers notice. Dated fr at027. this eleventh day or Nebrunr D 1 Y, A, D. 1037. 11. 'A 80.4 \ NSTn, On Win gham,,Rxoot(t Solicitor for the Exeentors. Notice to Creditors In the mattor of the estato of the late Mary Earl, tato of the Villago of decth Eol, in trio County of Huron, widow eaHiner. ed. Rothe is hereby given pnronent to "The Revised Statute, of Ontario' Chapter 120, that all creditors and othere having claims against the estate of the said Mary Mal, who died on or 111)0(81 the Second day of February, A D, 1927, are required on before the Fifth day of March A. D. 1927, to °end by post prepaid or deliver to trio Executors of the Inst will and testament of the deceased, their Christian and')urnanlos, addresses and dnooriptions, the full portico term of their claims, the statement of their accounts end Ole nature of the seeuttlos, If tiny, held by them. Ant), further take notice that After 0(1011 lost mentioned dote, the Bald Executors will proceed to distribute ;Ile assets ofthedoemas- ad nn.ongst the partial entitled thereto, hot, log regard only to the olden, of which they - shall then have notice, and the said Exeoutora will not be liable for the said assets or any , part thereof to any 1055 or persons of :: oboe lahs notice tshall not bare iatr re. F o0ived by them at the time of such diatribe. 1 time, Dated this Twelfth day of Febroxry,1927, W. M, SINCLAIR, solicitor for E. L. Deejardino 11110 Thomism Turnbull, the Executors of the deceased, Farm for Sale N'0rin of the late William R Hestia, consist. ing of 72 mires of expellent land, in the town- ship of Howlett. About 16ocres of hush, bal- ance ell workoble; 0p1endld natural water supply; good ornhord, horn and frame house, situated shout 134 mileo from GorrfoP. 0. 01111 shinning Motion. Also 199 -Bore 51000 farm adjoining First -ohms land, tell Moan. 0d, good shade and never•fnilino watee *up - ply; good barn, drive shell find fruit trees. Will nein separately or together, Poese0sion March 161, 1927, Apply to Mrs. Wm. R. Rats tie. Exeentrix, Box 260, Gordo, or G. W. WALKER, Gorrio, Ont. Farms for Sale Mamie. being the south halves of Lots 10, 1092,21,11522, 10 (ho let 1106, of Grey town- ship. 100 acres ideal grass farm. with moa- ning water andthndo, will be sold 0nperately if desired. Will consider renting part or nil to suitable tenant A only to 8804' i20. O JOHNSTON, 11 R 2, Rluevola or GEORGE 8POTTO15, Winghom. Farm for Sale 100 acres, being T,ot 29 111011 Pon , Top. of Grey. About 80 ne•o0 cleared, balance past- ure slash. On the premises is targe gravel pita story and n half frame house, framer citable and other scall haldhrlo, Small cask payment/1, be1ntle° may 161,6)1, on mortgage P o0e00sion eat of April,1P27, Apply to A00H, 1,1014EAN, R. R. 2, Brnssele. House and tot for Sale The undersigned offers for mote his 0010Port. able brines cottage on Princess street, Brno• mel°.-Hnlfinere of lend Well and nl0tern. Immediate possession. 'O'or further prrtleo- alarm, apply to Witt. W011K, Rruooels lye 0. Phone 0117 Nouse and tot for Sale The eligible house and lot on Quoon street, Brussels, the property of the late Mrs. Rego, is offered for sale. Comfortable hoose with anion garden. For further particulars apply to HARRY' '51(10M, 8.01 120108 Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) n)0 acres, 5)01ng 15)2 1,1(00 7 8, 0 and North 40 noun of 10, Con, A, Turaherry township Large fir0(•tslase barn, splendid stone stabling un50rnonth ; windmill, lergo driving shed, good Profile 4(01100 and stone kitohol, lerg0 111111, 0ru110)01 el lagnolia 11 ile from i hoot. 51116 farm has boom in pasture for anile yenta Itr1(1 will give highest returns. Perm land 1. vnitteo v'ill rise, 410' parblculnre opp)y to TH08. GIBSON ' Administrator John It. 0)1110011 estate P, 0. box 77 Wrnxoter Phone 00 r Farms for Sale tWescce , The under,9lgn*,l otters for 011° his I00•nara farm luting 1,114, 000 26, Cott.7, Morrie. Moo ((011 7 aDNor Norris. (Ion houses end ber heron 'in Iirst•olasa condition, Also an good 0011-510155. Mo. W111 sell with or without crop. Rens• on for soiling, {mor health- For further part Millar% apply to W. H. 14o('UTOn0UN, Peoprtetor,11.11,4, Hruoselo Farms for Sale 1001,, nos of 1*111i. 41'41gthn snnth 10? Lot , Ono 8. unit the ann. b 1' of Lot 10, Con. 71n Me'rown-•hii' of Movers These turn", ore offered Inc saleln t /ire rp the alara of the MI44.11°1100 Smith. if not cold tb,v Will U0 r entr•rl for poo tura. or pnrtinulars,+nrliv to the ,.gonntotre, RUN fit /1611(S0N