The Brussels Post, 1927-3-2, Page 1VOL, 55NO 37 $2.oO per annum in advance
J. L. KERR, Proprietor
`ti'''dy'" .,. :'y(, '
to 7
Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or
four days. Purity is a vigorous, "dry" flour that absorbs
and holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, and
large, light buns and bread are always yours when you use
Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Parity Flour Cook Book. 263
Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited. 'Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John.
The Surrounding District
JAMESTOWN Miss Rona Van Velsar, of Stratford
Miss Dunelda McDonald left lest hNoma],
pent, the week -end at her
'week to spend a few days visiting her Thomas hersSanderson and family, of
aunt, Mrs. finery Guerin, Toronto. Detroit, are visiting the fortnet's pat-
ents, D. D. and Mis. Sanderson.
Mrs. Jno. Hnpfer, who spent sever-
al weeks in a Toronto hospital, hes re-
turned to her home, very much im-
proved in health.
Arts, Geo, McIntosh, Stratford,
spent last week with Ilse father, Jno,
Wroxeter Ilorkey team defeated
Gerrie in a friendly game, in the lat-
ter place, on Wednesday evening, of
last week. The score was 5-3,
Dr. Rall, of Harrieton, gave a very
helpful dental talk, et a meeting, on
Monday evening, of the Young Peop-
le's Society of the United Ohuech.
An old and highly respeetedfarmer.
A dance will be held in. Cranbrook
Hall on Tuesday, March 8th.
Examitle[1 in Hygiene, Geoge Comp.
of'1urn het•t', iu the person of Wm. ((net and writt20), thiel:., Snell. and
AAriib.: -Sr. 1 V -Kathleen Z"igler 79,
of his
passed away at. rmi home V.,: ,a (,borne 71, liuld.e Qie'ee-
nf Pia Run -m -law. (,had, 'Terming, of geese'. (13. Jr. 1V -Vera Porter 75,
Tutii112rry, on Thursday night. De- i:velyn Hnether 74, Slar+ley Metier
ceased wee 72 years of age, and had 55 Sr. 1I1-(4Pngr le'iselwi 59 Jr.
been in failing hpttlth roe (tomo 11 RIO, If I-1lary elem ent(' 58, (lel tie Pride
althengh eon fined to hie Ped only a 65, Dorothy iTuethe'rei;i, *Hinter Lnt•k-
few weeks. He IP survived by three ing 43, th1a (1-ruwrr,n 3`2, Milton Os-
deughl.P1';. Mrs. 0. Henning, MIR. W. borne 28. OUII: 14. BOLc*t r,
snit and Mr.. G Wylie, His wife Teacher,
died five '2211 14 ago.'' The funeral,
which was a.nder the Orange Order, attoft furry(
AIMS 112]1l Snmlay /122 01110011. (1n(1 was Examined in Read.. (leng., Writ..
largely attended Rev. A. D. Arne- Arith.. Art, Memory Work aril Lae'
strnne nflfeia(Pd, and interment was guag1' :-Sr. II --\!:incline Kreuter 91,
made in tVeneerer cemIIPry. Alive Locking 91. Jt'.IT-Mary Hue.
eit Just
And as our Stock is much too heavy for this time of year,
and February usually quiet before the ,Spring buying com-
mences, 1 am trying to stimulate buying ,and will quote a
few of the special prices among many :—
MEN'S Home Made Mitts, per
pair .65
•,, ' MEN'S Home Made Sox, per
pair ... .89
MEN'S A11 Wool Underwear,
regular $2.00 for 1.50
MEN'S Heavy Fleece Under-
wear .80
MEN'S Natural Wool Under-
wear, suitable for early
spring. Regular $2.25 and
2.50 for 1.85
MEN'S Caps, With and Without
bands, discount of 20%
MEN'S and Boys' Suits and
overcoats, all at big reduc-
Ir MEN'S Work Shirts, and Also
fine Linens, d',t0
li of 20%
MEN'S Overalls and Smocks,
heavy quality in Black, Blue
Woven Stripe, plain Blue and
Grey striped, Regular $2.25
and $2.50 for 1.85
36" CHINTZ, Suitable for Com-
forters. Regular 30c and 35c
per yd. for .26
30 FAIR 1214 Flannelette Blair
kets 2.25
TABLE Linens, Double Damask,
regular $2.00 for 1.50
2 yds, wide, regular $2.75 for
LADIES' Hosiery; Big Reduc-
tions on all linee, including
Ladies' Silk and Wool Elas-
tic Tops. Regular $L25 for
LADIES' Silk Hosiery.—We are
putting in the. Super -Silk
Hosiery • for spring and to
clear all other lines, we offer
all $1.,50 incl $1,65 hosiery
at 1.00
SPECIAL Black Duchess Satin,
36" width, good heavy qual-
' ily. We have 80 yards in
pieces and cannot be repeat-
ed during sale, yd,
LADIES' Silk Bloomers; Wat-
son's maker. Regular $2.00
:for 1.50
- Lock Stitch, regular $2.50
for 1.85
SMALL Mats; 18136; Regular
20c for .15
LADIES' Corsets—In order to
reduce our stock which is
too heavy, 25%6 reductions on
all lines to clear
In the Grocery , Department
We are overstocked in Btilk teas and in order to reduce the stock
and also to introduce' some of our lines, some of which have boon
handled it the store for years, a reduction of 1Oc per Ib. on all
linos will in
given, tiny your future supply. •
'GOLD SOAP Ten Cases to clear 4 for 25c
P°lj '- The above are a few of the Special Prices given for
the week.
We have also to hand our New Spring Coats for
Ladies and Misses from the two most reliable manu-
facturers of Toronto—John Northway & Son and A.
B. Davies: The Coats are much nicer than ever be-
fore and prices much lower than last season.
m'". it will pay you to do your shopping for the next few
days and after at
New Advertisements
Auction title-Jetn,.0 112(126
Auction sate --Wm. tluaohlneon
Ex eon toy's Sale--1}rnrge ,lacllaon extnto
aleralt Specials -F. R Smith
Servines-Selav,ol. United (Mural(
Card -W..1, Dowd
(lar of ford -Alf, Banker
Speolol March u,le--(Ira, A. Campbell
So•ax for solo-i.eslto 150m
Swat. for sale -Came, on Cochrane
stray g0000 -D. (3' Clark
Collie (log lost -Harvey 5eirime
Farm to rant--. W, A Lowry
(41 Itoor wanteq--Newmrnr l.nrnnnt
Tendon wenre(t-deunes Mtnlun
Shop 20.011 ling -H, '1' Plum ,k 4011
toot 92, Glen Hum her 02. Willie''/.sig
ler 88, Muriel Mellmuale 82, (Jing Cam.'
Prue 713, 511u1I'ice 01u11er011 72. 1st: -
'Whist on
st:Whiston Mrltachm 11 '73, Dot is Long
60. Pr,-Mlltnley (1an1pbell 00, Edith
ORlnt'ne 87, Vida Cameron 83, Mae
Fischer 83. ALICE, J. Fonaps'r,
Rev. W. A, Williams attended the
Presbytery of Maitland, which was
held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingham,
Itis rumored that the 0. P. 4. is
going to add new trains on this line.
We hope the rumor is correct.
A meeting of till those interested in
Walton School Fair will he held in
Walton school house or, Saturday,
March 611), at 2 o'clock.
MOTION OF CorenotD'NOE,-At the
last meeting of Walton Loyal Orange
Lodge the following notion of con-
dolence was passed :-
Walton, Ont. :
DEAR FRIENDS, -We, the officer's
and menthe's of Loyal Orange Lodge,
No. 262, Walton, Ont., desire to con-
vey to you this expression of our
heu'tfele sympathy with you in the
great lose you have sustained in the
departure of our brother and your be-
loved husband and father, to the High
•Cmmt and Lodge of Heaven. We,
knew him as at friend. a citizen and a
man of business, as he took his place
so nobly in the arena of the strugles
and experiences of fife. He was al-
Wltys able to acquit hi(11eelf with cre-
dit, ability runt wisdom, tutus attain-
ing the high honor of being a success-
ful man, He stood for sobriety, the
observance of Inv, gnrd-1vi11 and the
welfare of the (mu( m 11 11 t y. On every
0eca0i00 and continually he manifest-
ed the principles of true citizenship.
As a brother Orangeman and a char-
ter member we cannos spealctoo high-
ly of him. In 2x(1111 office wherein he
served our Order• he revealed a f'lu'e
insight and a splendid adaption for
the work assigned him. Well would
it be for our lodge and country if all
Oraog;rnen were a0 f11.1 111.111 to the
lodge and its principle% riot only
July 12th and other special 00056100
but ever and always. We shall mise
hits fraud his nand place even though
in the last foxy genre .he was not al-
ways able to he present, yet, he wag
there whenever it was reasonably
possible. Ws sorrow its those ivhn
butte lupe, and fancily exneet that as
he exemplified the principles of loval-
ty, truth, nubility, linnnr and fidelity
to what. was gond here, so he will ever
continue to do in the Gt'nnd Lodge in
Heaven. We, with you, look forward
to the glad re -union or all loved ones -
"In the land where the sun never
And the leaf never fades,
In that bean tifu1 City of Gold,"
Signed en behalf nF the Lodge,
,V. e. Wauns, W. M.
ALLAN H. BROWN, Ohaplain,
Quite a few from hero attended the
thoroughbred stock sale, at Wingham,
on Thursday.
George Thompson hos parc'hased
the John Martin Tarin, on the 13 line,
and gets pnsseesion shortly.
David Patten has pul'ehased the
house and lot front A, Holmes and ex-
pects Cts to nave in . r
,eXt week, Houses
are getting scar CP here,
Alias PeggyGamier; '
w able n he
;Mout t
i t1 tLlil of having her '
tet i a ut 1 ,1 tonsils
removed, Her many 1'ripnrle taps
that she will have bother health now,
Mrs. Mil vett Benet s visited her hus-
band, al; G-uelph, where he is undergo-
ing medical treatment. His mettle
Mends hope that he' Will soon be well
J. W. Leggatt has sold' his general
store to J. Smith, or Turnherry, who
gets possession the first of this week,
Mr, Leggatt expects to remain here
a1321 devote his time to the implement
and machinery business.
I Mrs. W. 3Duff' is spending .a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. James
Hay, of Pittsburg, Pa. She was path.
et. (Reappointed upon landing there,
to find more snow than we have here,
Janes Elliott, sr., received a tel.
egt•alrl, stating that his grandson,
Robert, 12'year-old son of Dv. William
lilllintl', of Brandon, had'passed away,
Mie had been in pool' health during the
1 past year of so.
Car of fee
Western Oat Cheap
Bran, Shorts
Middlings and Corn
Alf. Baeker
Have you a date on for
Friday, March llth
1t Whyl inure we arsee going
lf'1ONC71t.IL` 0 i(1
to see 1.' 1.
"His Uncle's Niece".
A Rollicking Farce in 3 Acte
written by Raymond W.
Presented by.
The Moncrieff Dramatic Club
Oast of Character,
R(ohard Tote, Esq, -A rising young
Lawyer Adrinn MoTaggart
Francis Felton -The oau0e of nil the
trouble Clifford blushful
Dorn Bale -Very much ettnohed to the
trouble linnet Spelrnn
Alice Maloolm-A close oho In of Doran
Mrs, Sarah Ann Mallen -A woman of
fete words Mildred Howard
Simon P. Felton -Frank's Uncle who
never makes a mistake
Philander Filmore -J "Bumble able bbut
vols," OrvGardener 1 nrnem'
Timothy Bay -A Clnrdener flt $appy
Valley Lawrence Meehan
Silas Siekehnoore - A equitable at
Eppy Valley ...,,,Leslie Maohan
We are looking for you with your
Sister,4'(lifo or Sweetheart, at 8,15
Admission 35c and 20e
Pars, P. S. McEwen, Turn berry, hue
been visiting Jno. and Mrs. McNaugh-
ton, Landon, din bur the pest week.
Harvey and ]firs. Black entertained
their friends on Friday evening,
Mrs. Stewart Proctor and little
son, Charlie, are visiting friends in
Norman and .Mrs. Walsh entertain-
ed a number of their friends on Wed
nesday evening:
A number front here attended the
annual sale of cattle in Wingham on
Thursday last.
Miss Mary Vint, of Dungannon.
visited with her friend, Mrs. Harry
Campbell, last week.
Mrs. 0 -borne, who has been vinit-
in,g with Mrs. Yuill returned to her
home at London on Monday,
Mw. James Wightman id baby
Phyllis, spent a few days at the home
of her parents, Chas. and A rs. Camp -
bell last week.
The L. T. R. Lodge, of Belgrave,
heti a social evening on Tuesday
night last week wlfen they entertain-
ed the L, T. B. lodge from Blyth.
Progre sive euchre was played until
lunch time and after lunch a program
of readings, violin music, speeches,
etc., was carried out.
Alre, (Dr.) 15, A. McMaster spent a
few days in Tomato.
Miss Jean Meltee spent a few days
with A1ise Ruth etrAllioter.
Mrs, Emerson Vinond, of Donegal,
is visiting her 1(1011aer, Mrs, Robert
We are glad to report. that Ed. Des.
jou '(ll ne le able to be nut again, after at
few days' ill n'ee.
Mrs„ 300. Ames retnrnPII home, on
Saturday, after spending a few
months in Buffalo.
Mrs. John 1iiller, of Drew, is spend -
12 few days at the home of her
brother, ,john Vodd0n, who is se.1'iolrs-
ly ill•
C>n to (lunch, on Sunday. Ethel
Tinned Ohm ph se( vire, at 7 p m.
The pastor will prenrh 0n the (milted.
Hardest C'nnnnandntent of All."
Everybndv welcome.
Quest Doh0nn i0 1pnrt(ug (t 1(1112
black team of Pereherons, weighing
(n the noighberhon11 of 8200. They
ere 2and 3 years gid end were pur-
chased from Alex. Armstrong, 8111
1'he Pt PRhyterien W. M, 81. held
their nlnnthl2 meeting,
on Tuesday
afternoon, The tame was tek0( by
Mrs. McInnis from the 0tndy boob,
"Moslem Women." Mrs, J. K. Brown
gave the ('ending,
W, (1. and. Mixt. Higbee and Oiu'r(tn
motored to London, on Friday, hnt
were rather unfortunate in the choice
of a day, for a motor trip, as the
heavy en0w storm, on Saturday, put
an end to their trip by car, at tenet..
'Choy returned home, on Monday, by
0. N. 11,
On Tuesday night, of hast', week, a
pleasant tithe was spent at the home
OA William and Mrs. Hamilton, when
the Intertnediete Sunday 80111101 etas -
8P8 of abs United Church Sunday
School gathered to bid farewell to
Mile Edna Hamilton, and remPrnhee
herrn a miscollanenne ehov1r of use•
fol articles for her new home. A
temp nl'owd of young people of 0nn.
2, Grey, were present the earns night,
and they all eeleyed a geed time,
Remember the special aer2(20, in
the United Church, on Friday after.
noon, 02 this week, when the Day of
Peeves, in connection with the W.
S., will be fittingly nhservod. A
greun and n.
(Prov.) M. M. Bennett, of Winh'lrura.
Meeting will ho plumed at 8 p.
Everyone is invited. t:0 attend.
A quiet, hitt pretty wedding wee
solemnized by Rev. D. M. Gnest, at
United Cbureh parennage, Wednee.
dav afternoon, Feb, 23rd, when Glad -
ye Viola, eldeot. daughter of John and
Mee,. visite, ofRinearIine, and Edwin
Hamlin, son of Harry and Mrs. Col-
lide, 1(12.0 of Kincardine, were united
in marriage. The young cnuple wore
attended by 'Oleyten Shiro, brother
of the bride, 13011 T,61a Conine, 2i0ter
of the grontn. They will spend
a while in 'Kincardine Twp., ovine to ,
leaving for the West, where they will
.A dance will be held in Cranbrook
flail on TueFday, Aland! 8th,
The L2/11,17112 "t vi, p last Thur. d ly
-evening was an enjoyable one. The
Bible Study "The Book of Laniel"
wad talent by Mr. Bi;lbee; Mrs, Ring
gave n rending and the topic "lRelig-7-
iOUR Writers" was taken by Mr's.
Currie, A trio was also given by
Messrs, Stevenson, Dobson and 111,1'
We understand that (tu e1Tn1 t (a be-
g made toreceive 111011feutsnbsrt•ib-
ers for hydro, to guarantee its cntni0g
to our village If such i9 the carte, we
hope that the citizens will rise to the
occasion and show those hydro people
that we avant to put Ethel on the
map and light it up with hydro, too.
Let us be boosters for our village.
A pretty wedding was eoletnnized
on Saturday afternoon, at the home of
William and Mrs. Hamilton, w112(1
their eldest daughter, Edna Mason,
was united iu marriage to Oharleo
Cecil; eldest eon of William and Alen.
Eckmier, Con, 8, Grey. The eer-
etnony was performed at 6 30, by Rev,
D. M. Guest, while the ynung couple
were attended by Glen leckrnier and
Velma Hamilton. After the cer-
emony, a sumptnons wedding dinner
was served, The bride and groom,
who are among the most popular
young people of the community, have
the best wishes of a host of friends,
who wish them mucli joy in their mat-
rimonial venture. They will reside in
Howick Twp.
A farewell'honse party Wae enjoyed
on Friday night lest, at the house of
Clayton and Mrs. 13e11, Cot, 8, when
their neighl-ors and fr ends gathered
to spend a social evening with them.
hir. Bell has been in charge of the
i Ethel Cheese Fectory for over four
1 years, and while here, err, and Mrs.
Bell have made many friends. All
will 32(eh'them continued prosperity
in their new home, On Friday night,
as a token of the esteem in which
they are held, they 590t'e presented
with an address and library table.
Following was the address read : '
It was with regret that we heard
or your 12112(0g our community, its
you both have been so willing to
make 0111' Social evettiege at euccese,
me well aft helping with any work that
was to be done. Wo felt that we
could not let this opportunity pets,
without having a social gatheril'g, in
yr.ttr honor. We have elj•'yerl your
friendship sine(' you have been 3vitil
ns, and we feel 011UP 11116 you 0111
'make the carne friendship wherever
you go. As a 00(1,11 token of Hurt
frieu[iship, we would trek yen to me
rept this table as a rememtn'an,'r of
the Ethel cnrrltnulity. We \viit yen
health, h'.ppinees and sur ce,s in 11211'.
n0Wl1on)e and tluat. that Sea 30'!)12
turn to vis11 ne PgvIrn tient to 1(,112.
S1GNEn BY Y(1Cit Ni•(tcin:ens .1\D
To a few, very rlp'lfnpl (ate words., Mr
Re •
11 thanked their 1eir neighhnt•a and
ft ien114 for t heir kindness The rest
of the evening waw spent in social
(natant dancing.
A dance will be held in Cranbrook
Hall on Tuescnay. March 8th.
Miss: Jean Me Igoe, of Ethel, spent
the week end with her friend, 31110
Ruth McAllister, •?nd lino,
Altss Ruth McAlister, 2nd line,
visited Mr„ Tato at Tllucvale on Mon-
A gond attendance waft at Roe's
church 00 Tuesday night to attend
the Necktie social. al. The en n •tututy 1
singing was in charge of Mn Bisbee,
of Ethel with Mrs. M1Cutch oil at
tire organ. A solo was rendered by
ATiee Emily Hogg, readings t)' Miss
McDonald and lir. Strachan; instrnm
'ntn1 by Miss M. Hayden and Ja,•Tcson
AleCutcheon, Every nnnlb•'r was
well rendered. A couple of contest.:
enlivened the proceedings. You know
a fellow can wear a bow and the girl
also bice • beau.
lnesdaevening, of last week. 11.
goodly number of friend, and neigh.
hors gathered at the hem2 of A. and
Mrs. Ars h[nr. when P11
ruble evening (vas spent in vnriotts
games, snoial cleat and dancing. Dur. I
ing the evening, Gus. and Mrs, Wheel-
er were asked to emne forward, and
Walter Ynili read a very nicety ward-
ed ad[1reese, extending the gond wish.
es of the entire company to the new.
ly wedded pair. Airs. Wheele,' wee
presented with a gas lamp and silver.
ware and Air. Wheeler with a gas lan-
tern, the latter thanking all for these
most highly appreciated gifts.
WEDDING -At 4 o'clock, on Wed-
nesday, Feb. 23rd, a quiet, but very
pretty wedding took place at; the
home of john and Mvs. Dark, when
their youngest daughter, Carrie le.,
was united in marriage to Lawrence
Ernest, only son of Charles and Airs.
Querengessel', The hours was prof.
lily decorated for the occasion, with
Spring flowers, white hells and
etl'ealnet'8. The nel'ennrly was eon•
ducted by Rev. W. A, Williams, The
charming young bride, who was giver[
(n nutt'rutge by her father, Were it
81051'1 frnek n1'11111120 georgette, with
shenlder boeutet of pink MUMS and lily.
of -the -valley. Mies Edythe Al, Dark,
stater of
the 111'1(le pas h
11[1 Ht '
P T1 i
, 1 [1
ernes fit , oogelbe, 5,311 Petry R-111.
e 2 Ste ( for 5, was,
Mies 1.[llua6 R, 1)166(1, of 11'ltrnitaH,
Piste[' of the 101112, 9111ye[1 the wed.
ding march, After the ceremony, a
world ing supper wee 40r2e5, the table
being attractive with yellow daffodils
and contl'ed with the beido's eelce.
Later, the Pride and grontn left far a
honeymoon 'trip to TOrotte, Munn -
ton, Kitchener and Stratford, the
bride wearing a smart frank of 1OPP.
wood satin -fared rre'p0, with hat to
match end blue rrlarvolla coat with
grey tMu mnngs. The many and use.
ful gifts ren2iliet) by the 70(111 r couple e
testified to the esteem In whleh they
Wish to announce the re-
opel;ing of their well known
Gencral ulacksmithing
and Wood. -working Shop
which will be under the man-
agement of Mr. T. Moore,
who is well capable of taking
care of all lines of this busi-
ness and ask a continuance
of the appreciated patronage
shown them in the past.
M20. Alex. Yuill, Con. 8, is visiting
friendo'in Detroit.
Miss Elizabeth Hoover is visiting
her sister, Mrs, L, McCallum, near
Harry and Mrs, Speirane and Jack
Evans are the latest radio fans, on the
12th line.
Miss Bessie Brnadfont, of Seaforth,
was a recent visitor with her uncle,
John Broadfnot.
Mrs, R. McKay, 4th con., is in Tor-
onto visiting her mother, Mrs. Tom-
linson, who is ill.
D. 5I, Scott's auction sale drew a
big crowd on Friday last and good
prices were realized.
Miss May Cook. of Stratford Norm•
al School, was a week -end visitor with
W. and Mrs. Hollinger, 10th Con.
Mrs. Geo. Wightman and Master
Ivan, of Wawanosh, 6pent, a few days
at the home of 0 and Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. Robert Davidson, 12th Con.,
1100 rv'turned from a weeks visit with
her mother and other friends at Strat-
ford. -
Mies Elva Hemingway, who Wae vie-
iting her pert, ts, W. J. and Ivies,
I{emingway. has returned to complete
her studies nt. Landon Not MO,
Reeve McNabb attended the Goer
Roads cony emir's) in Toronto, las
week, Mr. MONahh is very mirth (t
tet eoted (re this pllrtirnlar work.
. Jas. Fulton, Lot 30, 000. 111, is hold
iuga clearing taction sale of farm,
farm stock and -implements, on Mon-
dry, Mtn111 71h. See full particulars
in th0 paper, This week.
Wm. Hntehinsen, Let I2, Con 9,
Grey, is bolding a clea/ing auction
anl2 of farm, farm etnek, implements,
ere, on Friday, slater' 111 h. Pull list.
(e pnh(iohcd in (hie weeks' issue of
Tire J osT,
Geo. and Airs. McFarlane left (hie
week for Ray City, Miele, to visit the
fn"oafs brother, Alex. McFerlaue,
whose iee11l111 14 1101 (1(11 very Hest, but
c•e 11(11)1' (1741 111% M,Farlane 32111 Bas
his brother mirth into o,ved.
1'h• 11.1,1.1111(0 social, held at Union
(1 eel
i n t , last 1' 1 r do Pc n'22111.1 a
h t 3 Int'., t
1111112 en10204. AT(se Ilene K-mutel,
among the many who competed, won
the re lv t•nr being the most approp-
riately lr'essed.
Old i, h'1ds +f Airs. lienee Hr.Oaw•,
11(112 of blplh and fin 0121)3' .•f rho 11th
ran„ extend .sympathy to her in the
loss of her O(st r, lats. Mart 1 Bibb,,
321(0'1112(1 1n Lr s Angeles. The 1.011)'
12130 11110119.1,: to Lotman fm' inh'rmeni,
311,12 Bertha Speiren has reruln0(1
to Het rob', (1('rrnp1nied by her sister,
P.1r0 Eaton, of Lover nn, who will-vitt-
1t with f'Pr hr other, (( .1201. of 11flt
(116)',al.;+her aloin, MIs, l,Vat(1 Mt.
Key, 0f Windsor. Miss Bertha has
been holidaying with her pnrpots,
(120. H', and titre, Speiran, and other.
CISITOARV--I•'sllnwing a lillget'Itet
fllfle'a r•fouoi twelve dins, 'Miss Mag.
McDneeld peteerel awav at Clinton,
Ont:,, in her 70th year. Silt was the
yl)uitge-n(. daughter of the late Pester
and Mrs, McJlonald, old residents of
they 'ewe. She is 2(n'vived by one
brother, Donald Mefnneld, in Mich -
igen. The funeral was held last Wed.
uesday afternoon, from the borne of
her pe)11(Pw, ,Ta111» McDonald the
service being contacted by Rev Mr.
MaiteR nt' Wal ton. n
ter e
ad2 it li • as is
Ill 1 111 . e , 0erllPterf,
Following (s the 1epnrt of S. S. No.
(,rev roe
S, .. tie months Of ,January
land Feinerau'3. Exam., were held in
Hist (leo,., Lit., Comp., G1(00nlar,
Read., Aril le., Spell,, Agric. and Daily
Work. '. means tnis5e(l en0 or more
ex(LTllinetienR :«-Sr, IV -Rate Hone( on
59, Blab. McTntnsh 05, Vinlob ,larkf(n
68, *hied. Mitchell 40. Jr. TV -*Mary
Mc1l,t0Rh 68, IsallellnAlcTntrentf (01,
Kenneth Me(4regnr 03 Sr, III-Lnn-
ea Grainrrev 78, 'Simnel Bruns 68, Tee
wend McTaggart 04, *Roth Brown (i8,
Willie : 'VI g111716
1(1, *R(1a5 Mclag-
t:art 45 Jr. III' L11W1'pnee Tackl(n
50. Jr. II -Allan McTaggart 7(i, Ir,
I -•Mae McIntosh, very gond, Pr,
Mildred Jael(1in, very 0(1(1(1.
J'. Miar.>at, '(26(1111'6',
mt make r
1 hit udR tllPfe• as you have
left h r'•. blgned r, in half of the
! 1t net, and 116;411.11,z eer,
33L.: I'IiA19101,
JOE .IAugl,(N, kSR,
A aa(tahie reply wee rru1i110 by Mr:
00111ey. who thanked ti„• neighbul•s
cyd feiend4, for heir kind.,:,,, on be-
half of birneelf. 111 Cin„fey and ,lack,
7 v,•ry 11.Rty lunch 1+t, Not ed by the
Iadien, after whine Ho. evening was
••pent iu social chat, cards tied danc.
ing until the "wee tuna' Lour 4” of the
61('Hnor, RgponT--Foll„,3'ing is the
12901.1 of 8, 8. No. 3, they, for the
month of February. JR 1V ----Wilma
Lowe 721 Harvey Jenkiie :.8; Eva
Hall 57. JR III--leehelle Warwick
73 t Dorothy Brewer Gu ; Lois 301111-
0ton 64: Hermann ]hurh(idr'iurn 04.
SE. ]II -Mark Cardiff 74 ; Russell
Hall 07. Jit. II -Mildred 701011uil'
78 ; Jaok Brewer 75 ; LIt.3d Wheeler
67 ; Doughy Hall 65. PR. --.Frank
Cardiff, No. on roil 14, average at-
tendance 13.0.
J. A. BURNETT, Teanhor.
There passed away 11, Winnipeg
General Hospital, where he had 'heen
a patient for the last five moraine .
John William Rose, of Carlyle, Sask.,
formerly of 5th Con., Grey Twp., in
his 08th year. on Thursday, Fele 17th,
He had 112011 a patient since last Se -pt -
ember', having undergone a eer(nn8
operation in October, from which he
recovered, Later, he ranitacted
typhoid fever', leaving him with drop.
BY, which was the cause of his death.
Deceased was born on March 27th.
1858, at Kinburn, Ont, His mother
died when he was small, and ae a
child of 6 ye111.6, moved with his fath-
er and brother' to 0(111. 5, when it. wire
still all bush. He continued to live
thele until moving to Carlyle, in 1014.
In 1875, he harried Mies Catherine
Dobson, of 15!lrel, who 6nr1iv02 Lin.
Deceased was well and favneahly
known around Brussels and Ethel,
having ,pent the greater per t 4.2 his
life nn the 5th Con. He was a
member of Ethel Orange Ledge.
1 He leaves to mourn hie Ince his wife
t sod 4 daughters. Moe. R. 0gra1 ,1, of
- 1'nrnet0 ; Mrs, W. Hanna, -('f Elora ;
Mrs, E. Beath, Carlyle, and ,1ti,. A
• 11P8, at 11,911.•, any Fix 40116. (11',.•,120,
Robert, Howard, George, Null,. BR! v -
p1, 11C:nv1P, d t'hel-.
Arhr112 Riveofr,1(l1au'.anTarrrr11' fnrht1'r(ot11 t,, nk0f
place ,m Friday, Feb. 18th, to Brook-
side cemetery. 01,1 friends art eerry
to }tear of his death.
Monday evening Feb. 21st, about 100
neighbors and ft lel)[le geeing 0(1 at the
home of 0. and Alrs.'(P011ev.'1tI Con.,
(•lrev, tin pre0eut. All'. and Mrs. Donley
atut Jeek with a leather rocking abide,
Mite Rhea McLelland 1.00(1 the addr0g0
end Andy Jaeklbl, iv., and John Ray
nand presented the chair.
Gip .-,.
It is with regret That we, elfin'
fl'ionde and neighbors have learned oi'
your fentnva1 from oto' midst, Oul'
aee1301ntinita, 110611 it, p1014031re 131121 lln0-
11(0ss, in the past, have alwaye been
pleasant, nt1'tnnrieo. Arid we hope'
and feel stare that you will have the
813102 pleasant 111'1141ion0h(p in Saul'
0032 lame. Asa 811g11t token of 11111'
esteem, we would ask yon to eceept
tins Chair as a m0111nry of ynnefriends
and neighbor's, of the 40. Afterynur
days work is o'er, you rutty sit and
tenet your feet, hofnre tbo .Bre, recall.
ing th(e neeaeiol and many other nc-
actions, which We have had together,
1Ve wish yell every 0110ePe9 and bap.
pineso in yam' neW home and that you
reside. are held In the community, p
1 , •.•,r.
t 1, r , r Ili' '• .'n i' .y -.3';v8,
'F L-15 ,t, e t n `'1['.t[It 1531,. .1 +41(re
3(..1111' 1': 1, 4 oil neeet., 1- 11, . ,_ ..
(1(00i\ t. 'V
i k, The
A a,
t. urns w'1 1( to 11-ank the realty
k d WU,110 ar,(1 d -uP 3-6"
rtf 110(1-110(11.: the ilh sae. 110,11Oenlll rd
theft mn11, 1. They 410111 1.1{ re -
1,114 em1161 thrill.
She 1ND Daneef kl'LH.
Tog !ATI: 31RH, I1[t1BCOLt 1(1:,5
1:11 llh'es. t ('('01 1 3", 't r1 F h1'i
,•pe4 1,,1 j: rr ,-et' „i :Ile Ivan+ }P...r, .rif
a.wac (01 1'Gnrsdac, Feb 24:b. it, the
11,1 6.r ' tell Jute Hoyte. 33 0,332 of
the lore 1(llt:asd 111l -(.11f), r3 b,' },r2-
t!, retw„31 her 18 year0 age. Mrs.
his,:, ll was heel in the ever 1845
near tet l:e kville (ti ((,Chir (. '. may,
0 1110 tone; of her gn lhnOd dna - were
event, et' 11'<idlr1 ihe'11' nut 1122
u. (11, , Z2 it 18112, to Baum(' lir tura)',
whet: 1 311,4,1.1 Io I.nt te. 61 re. 12,
Ai I3 a .c•},, th t..i•t0 r l(;)l0 .) h:. late
' home Sh1 11,110a (114140( 0f' remark-
' able health and a.'tivity until the Mel
1233 ye/11'r w11211 t'rtmeet: ly she has
..,'",tad from heat( .1 eel:, Iter
14 Dell, des}a'*il ee rind ee,nu;l,ae ,carte
of,e101 belp.‘11 in snake bel ave
- ,y
4re'tt favnil;( (u the e,tntl1310)13. 1`02
wits 1( number of St, George's 1nglt-
ran ('bun eh, Waite and w;,- „A172
in e221 l0'aneh of elm' ell wetk. She
was 1 a Life Id1-mbet' of the Bed
S , . ,t a21tn41
t}le splendid
relm9 ,- '
(. 1,n1 iiia}; ,1L0 pairs of a rks
1','r the suldiero 111 the Gt'e13t Wnt',
and 0112 1100 r"110,(1,'11 knitting for
many of th.x neigh1ot'H' children by
whom she• 311(14, u2n11y 10ved dad 1'e -
0p 2104. Sho 12111100 10 mou111 her de.
n, se se3en dr((O ((On et (Mrs. 0. Bat -
11.t35 and Airs. John (•cozier. ltla'Kil-
lop , Aire. E. Boyle, Toronto ; Mar-
garet, of Mereirk vibe ; and 8natln,
, Sarah and Ida at home), gild ane 8o11
(3011,', nn the homestead), also 17
grand -children and 8 great; grand.
children, The 'fnnersl took place
from her late residence on Saint day
•3i 2p. m.. service being e(3ntineted by
Rev. Mr. Lewin, a,wist.Pd by Rev, J.
A, Fer'gtleon, of the tinned Clutrch,
McKillop, Pn.11bearerewelt Rowel)
Ilarr0378, Andrew Crozier, John Mat'.
shall. Wm. Bennett, Fred, Scarlett
and Wm. McCulla, Among the many
Royal tt'ihnteR 32212, -"Gates ajar,"
from the family 1(Ilow, from ',Wieser:
Crueler : spray, joint and Are. Mar-.
Abell ; verity, Wm. and Aire, Bennett;
spray, Miss Louise Allllo 1 and a sheaf
from the Ladies' Aid of Bethel,
Melville Church
A''it's. W. 3Zieg bas rp811med her
dntiee as rn'hanist an(1(moil, reader of '
the Presbyterian ehnrch after iter
repent (Iine2.0, -
Alex. end Mrs. P041110011, of Cul.
10110 Township, Oelebrated their 150111
anniversary, recently, Both wore
horn in Scotland, and were married
in Rockwood,
Miss Kate McKinnon, of the 2nd
(Jon., 1Zinloae, paused away Inet'1'ues.
day, after an illn0514 of some weeks
with , influenza. Alnny Mende
lhna1Kht that she was imp' eying and
her donde.) wee unexnoeted. The late
Mitre Mc IC anon Wee 50 ”ars of ago,