HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-23, Page 8THURSDAY, FEB, 23rd, 1927
To Relieve Thos
Horehound Candy
Blaen Cough Drops
Honey and Hare -
bond Drops
fruit flavored
Hard Boiled
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
Will Rellive
Your Cough
Cherry Bark Clough Syrup
le nerrfe and effeet1"e remedy
for the treatment rf ordin-
ary Coughs and C'ohls.
Cheery ColVAI Syrup
85C .and bac bots.
Ston z r
Sprays. No;e and
T h r Et L. Alyn
tory'lignid--oi( er
watery --cud Into
two bottler:, Due
for each kind of
spray us rd.
1St 1LY
clear the
25c pkgs
hoc pkgs.
Throat Rexall
Ease t od
10c 8t25C Tablets
Wampole's Cod Liver
Oil bottle $ Loo
Rexall Tasteless Prep.
Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites I.00
Scott's Emulsion
Bats ., 65C & I.30
Puretest Cod Liver Oil
Bots 40C & 75c
Concise Imperial Dic-
tionary. large type
edition $2.25
Modern Dictionary 9oc
Collins' Clear Type
Webster's Eveready
Dictionery.,.. 25c
'N* 4s QUANTITY of Timothy Hay For
40,0„..414:6-4,;:x4:4144-444,14.,:,:.44:444:4R4:„.:,:,_;_,M »;:r.: `.L+'` sale. Phone 524, Geo. Baker,
1 36-tf
Local New:). Items +,,,.., TWO Bull Calves for Sale; Bath
a.5.1 Abe, dc•rn-Ali us and old enough
1"r 4: Tice, •ie•1 „'O •ti:•.
1 �. 1 ..It Od.
-- -4.W"«"' «««w"y'.s"t+.`a,. d'.«ja.'„N t'.r«,,+,r,',+Sq.,r..I WW«i �H,',«�r+.dr :... P,
- i ..tori: Carni:.s Lot 1:3. Con. 4
Carload of Horses. In Business at Palmerston. ! Morris. R. R. 5, Brussels, Plrtm:
Will Harris shipped a carload of j The Pallrusston Hyaro C.,ntnti;- . 3 -10. 2'T
horses from Brussels on Werinesd•ay sion have completed arra-1g..m •nts • FOR SALE: -New Sleighs in Stork.
morning for New Liskeard. with Chas. Murcar, of town, where- ,The some good second-hand ones.
by 1.1:'. Murcar will conduct en ele.- ! 21' John Long, Brussels.
Auditors' Report. . trio n 1pI • business and •10 !eel ,i COCKERELS FOR SALE: -A few
On page 2 of this issue "111 b,ek,,trical 'work. We wish Charles f young White Leehnrn.;, hood-to-lay
found the complete .Auditors' remelt
success, train. Apply to J. P. MhT ito: h,
t, Village of Brussels, These a t 2 2
for t_t4 � T.n. �1, Con. 1-, Grey. Phone
wel- Wins it r rr •
'. Vd ns F st Prize. . ��
who are interested in the town..I ,,,,-(,,
fare will have all the figures at their I J. H. Cxux:•1c41's rinl. of r`i de`rs FOR SALE_ Automatic Knitting
disposal. • !
p , wen first prize at the Thistle curling machine, English make. Apply to
Died in Guelph. h!:1 t.•ld on Satur'iay at Lon- 1 A. C. Simpson, 11. R. 2, Blueval••,
received in Brussels en dor., wlnn'sm= ion games and. having 1 Phone 84-1(1, 2T
Word was rr, et ilu s* c of three This i:; the I
Tuesday mornin.,, of the, death of Dr.eeond time th 1t 11Ir. C imt.lon'a rink WOOD FOR SALE. -30 Cords of
J. A. Wilson, one of the hest known teas w•rn first prize this year. dry raft wood, 14 ins. lame, map:'
medical practitioner,; of Guelph. He ' and e1m. .`3.25 -delivered and
was ill only a short time The D•. I House Ransacked. 42.75 at the pile. Phone 4225,
was a brother of the late Samuel While away frr.,lit the house far P,axtrr 5tnen:ln.
Wilson, a former store keeper, and theevening, upon his return G. A. i SHOP .t King Bros., Wingham, this
the Inst of the family. I Campbell 11 founts that somebody had 1 wfelt end. All out high class
t .,tones at g'teatly reduced ,rice.,.
Must Have Certificate. from Govt.
(11,co'ttul where the key was hang- l Icing Bros„ W tglrrnt.
bre! tied Municipal Clerks r -n no longer 1-- 111(1 .Ise lginne l orlthle V, o 11. i1rr1e house. T: and
; STACK of Hay For Sale. ,Apply to
sue Canis of CQrtuuate: of Birth to ' tu.nr•t1 his tool chest upside .Town. 1 Alex. Ru. -elle Gra111311 , Sum:,,
person, going to tat • United Stats `G.• thought our eitlzena'were abo:•e I Phony 51;-19.
Although this has been thecasince!jilt 8111!1 of work. 150 -ACRE Farm For Sale or Rent,
1919 provided by h Vital Statistics Act of that year, quit • a i0l Ther of Coming Pictures. Lots 23 and 24, Concession 11,
our Ontario boy and girls in;; to 1 Grey Township. Apply Mrs, Sarah
Detroit and other L. S. points ha e Thenollrnring pictures will be') Cox, Brussels, R, R. 3.
ghown t the (.:rand next month:
been getting supplier. from their MEN'S Ful Coats, Less 20r;.. 5185
Township Clerk. A letter rce•:n ly � Fe h, 28 -Marek 1 -"Pari,'. Canadian Bat Loafs far women; 3
sent out to Clerks by th • 1331, r1t.11
March 4 -5 -"The Man Who Played y.:ed : only' to clear, each 129 11,,;11
Consul Service it Hamilton P•tilt s Cod bargains for you. King I,ni.,
out that this practice must cease and , :(Tar(' ,- --Lon Chaney in "Road to Winghaun.
only when there is no record of i:,iithMandalay' FRESH Beef For Sale by the Quer
in the Registrar General's Office, will
1Tateh 10 -11 -12 -Buster Keaton in
"Battling Butler." ter or in small quantities, Also
they accept other evidence as prom. •starch 14 -15 -110 -"Every Mother's fresh pork, sausage and lard. Ap-
Obituary. j San." ply to R. J. McLennan, R, R.
Blnevale. Telephone 109.
HOUSE and Lot For Sale, Apply
to Miss Hingston.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for sale at a
bargain. A.ppiy to W. M. Sinclair.
Dru„gist and Stationer
61116s MEd :Church
REV, A. W, .6 ARKEF5, E. D.
Sunday, Feb. 27th
11 a,m.--Pulilic Worship.
6th in the series on
"Pearls from Patmos"
"Philadelphia -The Challenge
of the Open Door"
S pan. -Sabbath School
sion and Bible Classes
7 pan. -Public Worship.
"The Music of the Weaver"
Tuesday -Y. P. Society.
Wednesday - Prayer Service
-Choir rehearsal.
Friday at 7.80 -Boys' Class.
855 -
GRAND Wind-up of King Bros.
February clearance of all Winter
stocks. Women's Fur Coats -Fur
Trimmed Coats -Men's Overcoats
-Sweater Coats -Underwear, &c.
Save 20 to 505. King Bros.,
SEVERAL Chunks Pigs for sale,
I Phone 2523. Bohn R. Dickson,
I Lot 8, Con. 11, Grey. 36-2
RED Short Horn Bull, 14 months
old, for sale. Roy Bennett,
Phone 824. Walton, P.O.
NUMBER of Young Pure Bred York
sows for sale, due in April.
Phone 3412. Peter Lamont,
Lot 16, Con. 8, 'Grey.
124 FLANNELETTE Blankets, per
pair $2,09; Mossveld Pule Wool
Blankets, regular $12,00 for
88.48; Anderson's 35c Ginghams
for 25c. •All sizes men's English
1 Broadcloth shirts, each 31,88.
King Bros., Wingham.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Itoht, • March 18.18--•-e'Palddy, the Next Best
Kerr was held from Melville Chureh Thing," with Mao Marsh.
last Wednesday afternoon, A sabot March 21.22 -,troy Friend."
service was conducted by Rev, F. G. March 25-26-"Lovey Mary,"
Fowler, (did interment was made in March 23 -29 -"Waltz Dream."
31, April 1 -2 -Harold Lloyd
Brussels Cemetery. The pallbea
were: 3. Fox, G. A. Deadman, D. C, ' in For Heaven's Sallee.
Ross, J. H. Galbraith, A. C. Baeker 1 April 8 -9 -Rin -Tin -Tin in "The
and H. Champion. The late Mrs. Night Cry."
Kerr was born at Sydney Mince, S. ; Brussels Old Boys' At Horne,
S., 82 years ago, and with her par- ;
ents, the late Angus and Mrs. Bach- II The 7th Annual At -Home of the
anan, moved to the 16th of Grey 4 Toronto Brusselites Association held
when 6 years old. When 18 years to the Brown Betty Ira Rooms on
of age she married Angus McDonald Friday evening, Feb. 11th, was one
and they resided in Blyth. Mr. Mc- ! of the most enjoyable in its hietoy,
Donald passed away 52 years age. i when over 100 guests were present.
The family of this union is Christ j The Committee were glad to wal-
ina (Mrs. McBain, Detroit); Daniel, I1 canis a number now resident in 13rus-
of Galt; Sarah, (Nlra. Horton, Galt);' gels, who were in the City at this
and Catharine (Mrs. Denbow, of ; time, among them being Mrs. R. J.
Braddon). Some years later the de- I M(Lauchlin, Muses Downing, Hing -
ceased married Robert Kerr and they stun, Stewart and beef. After the
resided in Blyth a short time, move t usual greeting and handshake, a
ing to Wingham and then to Bras- l couple of hours were spent in
sale. Mr. Kerr predeceased his wid- s Bridge, Euchre and Crokinole, whichow 28 years. There were four child- I was much enjoyed by all, and espec-
ren to this union: Robert, of Gait;1 rally ly those who carrion off the well
Angus, killed overseas; • Eupheenia t earned prizes. Much Credit Is dna
and Maly (Mrs. Wlalace), Toronto,
Two years ago last May the late Mrs.
Kerr had a stroke and although was
the Committee who had charge of
the cards, for the excellent way in
which this part of the program was
able to get around, was not in the bandied. The President, Mrs. Kerr,
best of health. Last July she sold then read a letter from Mr. Jas. Fox
Ther household effects and went to extending an invitation to all Bras -
live with her daughter in Detroit. seditcs to attend the Old Boys Re- to Brussels in 1880, Both were en- whose feauty had nen recognized) YY
Mrs, Kerr was bedfast since August; union on July 23rd, 24th and 25th, joying good health when they cola- whose beauty had been recognized by
The family have the sympathy of and the applause was sufficient to boated their Golden Wedding. Her pageants and like contests. The
the community in the loss oftheir warrant 100 percent from Toronto. partner in life passed away July 30, harem scene in the circus sequence
mother. Those who attended the While luneh was being served guests 1920. The late Mrs, Martin was a in which these shapely beauties par -
funeral were Mrs. MaBa.n, Mrs. Hor- availed themselves of the privilege faithful member of Melville Church ode their charms before the sultan,
ion, Mrs, Wallace, daughters; Dan- of chatting with old friends. Just and always took an active part in is oneof the most beautiful ever 0011
iel and 'Hobert, the two sons.then the Orchestra was heard, and it jchurch work, The funeral, which celyed for a motion picture, The
'was not long until everyone was on 1 was largely attended, was conducted jewels in the picture's crown of bea-
When we asunder part, their feet, and the'rest of the even -
It gives us keenest pain. ing was spent in danrina. Shortly
But we shall still be joined in after 1 o'clock, and all too soon, a
heart, most enjoyable evening was brought
And hope to meet again, to a close.
No Meeting.
There was nq meeting of the Tele-
phone Company on Tuesday. Just
a few officers showed up and only
one subscriber who really came front
his home to attend the meeting, al-
though a few more drifted in later.
Brussels has the cheapest telephone
system in Ontario to -day and per-
haps that le one reason why the sub-
scribers do not take more Interest in
the affairs,
At Rest.
On Friday, 18th Inst„ there paw-
ed away an old resident of Brussels
in the person of Rebecca Aitcheson,
widow of the late William Martin, at
the advanced age of 87 years, 11
months and 11 days, She was a dau-
ghter of the late William and Jane
Aitcheson and was born in Glasgow,
Scotland, coming to Canada when a
child, She was united in marriage
to Mr. Martin on March 15, 1864, by
Rev. Mr, Green, Methodist minister
in Brussels at that time. They came
We have reduced the price
of our Rubber Footwear for
the next two weeks, com-
mencing Feb 25th, Men's
Heavy Rubbers of different
',Inds, also Men's, Ladies'
olid Children's.Goloshes.
Ladies' Rubber Overs rang-
ing in priee from . • .. 700
Misses' from 65e
Milds' from 55e
_ . •. ':.. amtriage
PI Haat Bank of Nova Scotia
Lost at Fordwich.
The hockey team from Brussels
motored over to Fordwich Wednes-
day evening last and lost out by a
score of 8 to 5.
Oil' Car on Route Again.
I The oil car is on the Kincardine
branch again and comes up at noon
and returns in the afternoon. The
steam engine runs on the morning
and evening trains.
Day of Prayer.
The annual day of Prayer service
of the W. C. T. U. will be held at
the home of Mrs. McGuire on Friday
afternoon, commencing at 3 o'clock.
Whether a member or not, you are
invited to attend the meeting.
Heard at Box Social.
Harvey McGee was greatly enjoy-
ed at the Town Hall the other even-
ing and we are glad to know that he
will again be heard at the box social
to be held at David Smith's, 6th line
of itlorris, on Friday evening of this
week. See advt.
Card of Thanks.
We, the undersigned, desire to
thank the neigbors and friends for
all past kindnesses shown our aunt,
the late Mrs. William Martin, and
especially during her last illness; also,
for the beautiful pillow of flowers.
The McNair Family.
An Apron Tea.
An amen tea is to he given by the
Women's Institute Friday afternoon
of this week front 3.30 until 7 p.m.
There re is to be contests and other
t r std items on the t
1 t (.. ng p ..
et will he served. A,11 the ladies of
tate community are invited to attend.
Officers Promoted.
Free Press: -The following on
vers, it is stated, having attended the
correspondence course for infantry
oi}ieers, are qualified for theoretical
portions for the rank of captain:
Lieut. T.. W. Morgan, D.C.M., the
e Cur -
P. intent• Lieut. L. W. C
reit, the Huron regiment, and Lieut.
3. P. Anderson, the Bruce Regiment.
The office and stock room is being
changed at the Ford garage and the
original office: is being turned into 0
how room.
Alex. Anderson is busy tearing
dov'n the old frame buildings to
make way for his new garage.
John L. Davidson is preparing to
or,•et a now house on his lot, Turns
berry St., South.
A Calamity Coming.
During the next few weeks mil-
lions of people in Canada are going
to he driven from their happy homes
and their houses devastate(, Mil-
lions of men and little children will
he forced to live on crusts and left-
overs, and to wander aimlessly ,rboat
in search arch of some familiar habita-
tion. The curtains will be torn from
the windowe, the very carpets from
the floors, for the women of Canada
11110 about to a t rt their annual spring
housecleaning, If you have any &h-
int; tackle, brother, bury it in the
hack yawl. If you have an old hat
that fits, put it in safety deposit. For
the hour of destruction is at hand.
Leave no money in your old clothes,
for, verily your garments shall soon
adorn some hobo, who toils not, nei-
ther floes he spin, yet Solomon in all
his glory was never arrayed like one
of these. Yes, some stranger shall
soon be garbed in tha old suit of
yours that has begun to look bad,
while you go about in one that looks
worse, Your house shall become a
pillar of dust by day and a pillar of
stone by night. You shall have no
place to lay you down and no reason
to get you up.
Bevy of Beauties in
"The Devil's Circus."
Whelt you say "the most beautiful
girls in Hollywood" you mean beau-
tiful and "nothing else but," because
Hollywood, among other things, is re-
cognized all over the world as the
abode of the fairest of the fair. Near-
ly x00 girls who were selected on
just this description, form the per-
sonnel of the speetacular beauty, bal-
let in the cia'cus sequence of "The
Devil's Circus," Benjamin Christian-
son's first American production for
Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer coming to the
Grand Theatre Friday and Saturday.
Whether they were beautiful but
dumb, as their critics have so fear-
lessly stated, was not considered in
their selection. The only qualifica-
tion mentioned was that they be girls
by her pastor, Rev. Mr, Fowler. The ty are Norman Shearer and Carmel
Ilam all ?Martin were
eJohn McNair,, ort. odes, The ' Emmettif Mack,
and , A eludes Charlet' Mac ,
Edgar. Interment was made in Daus- Milijan, Joyce 'Coed and the deg
sols Celiltery, Buddy.
Apron Tea
_.BY. -
t Brussels io11ie0'5 institute
Friday, February 25th
From 3.30 to 7 p, m.
Contests and Programme
Tea to be served,
Come and Enjoy a Jolly Afternoon
Church Notes 1121
United Church
Rev. A. AV. Barker based his dis-
coruse, last Sabbath morning, en the
letter to the church at Sardis, Rev.
3: 1.6, Sardis was a city, situated
thirty-five miles Sou111.9ast of Thyr-
atir•a, It was important for its ed-
ucational interests and its great
wealth. Sardis was at one time a
pagan city, but into its idolatrous life
anti teaching came the Christian
teaching, giving birth to new con-
victions and a new life. Thus, the
church was born, weak at first, but
gradually becoming stronger. The
speaker or author of this letter was
"He that hath the seven Spirits of
God and the seven stars. Seven al-
ways symbolizes perfection. The
Spirit lives in all true endeavor. All
good deeds and good lives are the out-
come or outgrowth of the Spirit of
God, The seven stars are indicative
of ownership and of sovereignity,
The Holy Spirit is speaking, living
and serving to -day, as in the past.
The stars never cease their shining.
The church in Sardis was living, yet
dead. The same is true of the church
of to -day and of individual living,
dead to the finest and beat in lite.
The church was counselled to "13e
watchful and strengthen the things
that remain, that ate ready to die."
This is Rarely a clarion call in these
days. Some things will pass away,
but the best and truest will remain.
Let ns stand firm and strengthen
these things. The Spirit said, "I
know thy works, but I have not
found them perfect." Being busy
does not always signify work of the
right sort, unless saturated 43(1(1 p°.,'-
3)14.1114311 with the love of God. The
church was counselled to repent,
There is no hope for anyone who is
not repentant. Thele are always
things that should be repented of, if
we are to mune into the experience of
a mighty faith, The nhureb was com-
mended beean-e there were stili a few
who had not (refiled their 1 1111nellt",
,utd the promise was "They 8111111
walk with me in white." Manly are
seeking greatness, but only few are
gond. Yet itis the few who ere Bend
who are going to save 1110 world.
We are in the t'othrl, but do not need
to be of it.. Only those who everenlne
will receive the prize. 1.Ve have all
got to 00090ar all the Patilinit chan-
nels of life, or they are going to con-
quer us. The promise to the over-
0o1n80 is "They shall he clothed in
white raiment. they shall walk with
tea in white, signifying progress, enin-
paninnehip, joy, el81nal citizenship
and recognition. Il' we Pon fess Isis
Father, he also will cnufess us. There
will he a reoognitinn day Inc us all,
Are n e ready for it ?
Car of Wire.
A car of Frost fence wire has just
been received by Geo, E. McCall, of
Attended Convention.
John Oliver attended the Conven-
tion and Banquet of the I. H. C.
dealers held at Harriston, Friday af-
ternoon and evening of last week.
Only Two Vacancies.
There only remain two vacancies
in the Presbytery of Maitland now
and these are hoping for an early
Added Equipment.
The St, Marys Journal refers to
an old Brusselite:.L. A. Ball has add-
ed a new Chevrolet truck to his
equipment in order to take care of
his ever-increasing business.
Soul! Know How to Vote.
The people of the constituency of
North Huron if they do not vote In-
telligently it will not be for lack of
schooling in the questions of the
day. They have gone through three
elections in less than four months,
and are now having another to elect
a representative to the seat in par-
liament rendered vacant by the
death of Mr. John King. (Walkerton
Minor Locals.
5 more days in February.
Next Tuesday is the first of March.
After Valentines come seed cata-
A week from to -day is Ash 'Wed-
nesday, March 2nd.
"Some slush" was a favorite ex-
pression this Wednesday.
Spring's coming. The farmers lure
gutting their Mapla Sugar outfits in
shape for the Sprang„
Subscriptions for all papers, dail-
ies, weeklies are taken at The Post.
Orders receive' prompt attention.
Let us all unite in making the
semi -centennial• year in Can lda'e na-
tional history a memorable one. In
unity there is strength., It is not like-
ly that many a us will participate
in the centennial celebration in 1977.
Norman Shearer's latest and great-
est picture -'"The Devil's Circus," at
the Grand Friday and Saturday of
this week.
"You used to loaf a lot,"
"Ines, but that was before our
family discovered the install-
ment plan,"
' I
` °" b The Personal F' lement
y in Banking Affairs
PTWEPN 1lle curtness and
se of printed bank forms
and the huiftan element for
whose use they are designed, are
cast opportunities for valuable per-
Il &
sonal assistance. The
Lank, through the members of its
staff, is aI1xious to Sue any oppOr-
value in offering personal advice on
tulltty that arises to demonstrate itsSt
ftnan.ial matters. The local manager
of the Standard Bank wil be glad
tointimate counsel upon money
matters pertaining to
BRANCH -G. H. Santis,
your business.
Net profits of $821,886,71 -the
highest in the history of the institu-
tion -were reported at the fifty-
second annual meeting of the Stan-
dard Bank of Canada held at the
Head Office on Wednesday, February
the 23rd.
Deposits also showed an increase
of approximately $3,700,000, and
sets immediately available are $43, -
ow stand at $72,148,588.13. As -
808,121.11 or slightly over 55'3, of
the Bank's liabilities to the public.
The improvement in general busi-
ness conditions throughout Canada is
reflected in an increase in current
loans of $1,243,000 which now am-
ount to $39,493,051.95. -
The report should prove very gra-
tifying to the shareholders. It in-
dicates that this Bank is doing its
full share in the development of
Canadian Industry and Canadian Ag-
riculture, and during the year just
closed, it has been able to attract to
itself considerable volume of now
and profitable business.
Mrs. Good, of Toronto. is visiting at
the home of W, Loll, 12th Con., ale-
,,.,,G:trnet Barron, of 'Peron to, is spend -
in a few dayse
a the h0 [
ghome 0 111$
mother, Mrs. J. Barron, of Ton. 19,
Rev. W. F. Meitner attended the
meeting of the (110101. Prr.(+hyter•y of
the 11n1ted Church, which was held
in Clinton, on Thnrsr1PS%
Misses Margaret Hors ens 3e4Rie
Dennis have been visiting with tel-
atives and friends in Strat£cod, 'C-
Jean Arrhib:ilrl en torte bled a num-
ber of her friends to a social dance, •
on Thursday everting, Ail import'
having a cielight5ul tune.
A great many people ern suffering
with a malady, in the na(111•4 011f111.
Perhaps the sodden chnuga of cold
weather will have tendency to :Clear
up the trouble.
Geo. P. Ferguson and Master Bus -
eel, efTm•onto, spent a few days at
the former's home here.
Miss Ida Taylor and her sister, Sirs,
Bird, of Motherwell, are visiting at
the home of John Smillie,
MARTIN. -In Bruseele, an Fridoy, February.
18111, 1527, Rebecca Aitcheson, relict of
the late W illinm Martin, aged 87 years, 11
months and 11 day',
Auction Sale.
Fa1DAY, FBA 251}l -Farm stook, bulge.
Biotite, grain, an, nt Lot J, Con. 0, Grey.
Sole ,nroervdd at 1,80 o'clock.
D 731. Seat.
Proprietor nnd Sorbonne>.
Flan. 25th.-v'nlnnble form, Horeee,
anttle, pigs, implements, boy, grain. eta. (be-
ing the estate of the hate George Johnston). 2
mile enst of Jam eetown, 2nd Don. Grey town-
ship. :We unreserved at 1 o'olnok sharp.
George 0. Tolmeton nod Geo. Spotton, Exeeu-
tore ; John Purvis, Auo.
bioNOAY, NA00ft 7th. -Farm, Farm Stook
and Implements, at Lot 20, Con. 16, Grey,
Sale unreserved at 1.80 o'olook. D. M, $0013
Auctioneer; .lames Fulton, Proprietor,
Tenders Wanted
The Council of the Township of Grey is
asking for tenders for the job of running the
Township Tractor when required in 1027.
Tenders will he opened at the 1•ogalar Coun-
cil meeting ouMonday, ?lF.archalto7th.
J. B. FEAR, Twp. Clerk,
l, Ont,
Tenders Wanted
e f Grey is
£ the Township tl
The Connell u P
oolong for tenders for th • job of operating the
Town Grader and Rt. arta r when required
in 11127. T..ndera will lie opened at regular
vermeil meeting en V ond1v, Band' 7"h.
J. H. FP,AR Twp. Clark,
Ethel. Ont.
Drain Tenders
Tenders for the repair of the Rnrbennn
Alnntoiunl Urain, 7.108111op Tm0,'13ip, will be
renewed by the undersign, d up to 381ureny.
» 111 ben
erred at
• th 1081
ander W
Mrttlh ld P
190 p. ll. on sold data, at the Carnegie I.ii-
rnry 11,111,. refold h.
1 105% of oontrant to accompany order.
Laweet or env tender rut n1ceaanryny ne-
espriat, work 101,8 de 1". acearei ing t0 plans,
SSle nod sprettiesilor.•, of Engineer in
1 charge. Plans, fin„ 811,11116. ton, 8, 0,10811-
lopewp, Exonvntiml Torii Pubic yards.
J01314 A101.6AY. Clerk,
66.2 lj. 12. 2, sea forth.
West � t 0152
Cavo Weeks gv y rrqq Iwo Weeks
Only �gl�me�ici�iidy�, [�Ji9 Only
We defy all competition in prices during this sale. Now
is the time to stock up with Groceries at low prices and
save Dollars.
Sunkist Seeded Raisins, 15 -oz,` .25
pkgs, 2 for
Thonpson's Seedless Raisins, per
Ib. .15
25-1b, box 3,50
Currants, my best, per lb. .15
Black Singapore Pepper, per lb. .35
10% off on all spices
Brunswick Sardines, 4 cans e , . .25
King Oscar Sardines, per tin .17
Aylmer Canned Corn and Peas,
per tin , .15
Aylmer Tomatoes, per 2 -lb. tin .17
Maple Leaf Salmon tails, per
tin .39
Campbell's Soup, per tin .15
Matches, 3 boxes for .25
Keene's. Mustard, 'A) per tin .27
Keene's Mustard,per tin .51
All Flavor Pure Gold{ Jelly Pow-
der, 8 pkgs. for .25
Clark's Pork and Beans, 2's, 2
tins for,.25
Discho Pineaple, 3'§, per can .23
Todhunter's Pure Cocoa, 1 lb.
pkg.. . .20
Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs.
for .95
Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. for '.25
Kollog's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. for
Extract, any flavo, 3 bots. for .25
Walnuts, shelled halves, per lb. .60
Dates, Holiovrier, per Ib. .10
Tapioca, No. 1, 2 lbs. for .25
Ground Wheat, per lb. .05
Oatmeal, per 1b. .05
Pastry Flour, 24-1b. bag .95
Pure Manitoba Flour, North Star
per cwt. 4.10
Pure Lard, Schneideir, 20-1b. pail
Mincemeat, very fine, per 1b.17
1,000 Bars Laundry Soap , per
cake .............,•
Le.y's Toilet Soap, 3 for
Palm Olive Soap, 3 for
Cream Olive Soap, 4 for ,
Plantol Soap, 3 for
Pure Castile Soap, 7 for , .. .
Pare Castile Long Bar
Mixed Candy, very fine, per lb.
4.0 .25
Mixed Chocolates, reg. 40c per
lb, for .25
Maple Buds, per lb.. , .50
French Roasted Almonds, per lb.
Chololate Bars, 3 for , ........ .10
Soda Biscuits Special, per 1b. .17
Feeding Molasses, Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, etc., at moderately
low prices, quality considered.
Highest prices' paid for Butter and Eggs,
Phone 2225