The Brussels Post, 1927-2-23, Page 4THURSDAY, FEB. 23rd, 1927 '
Its strpGClt'Ob flavo ar satisfies.
On Parliament Hill
By R. J. I)ractin:ain, Press Gallery
Ottawa, Feb„ 1927 -All things
political sink into insignificance this
week compared with the important
event, the bringing down of the 13 1'
get. The Hon. James Robb e rung
e surprise in the House when nn
Tuesday he announced that the r. V
Budget would see the light td day oft
Thursday. This was the -eminently
right and proper thing to do.. Wo
have had the fashion in C'a^.atli:t,1
politics of letting our Budget„ han;f
tire too long. It's hard on the 11011,e•8
of our Finance Ministers. it. keep.'
the door steps duttt'red with n lot of
seekers after favor'; and mendicants
for privileges. By springing the
Budget all at once, Mr. Robb got rid
of a lot of these fellows. When, they
heard the news that the Budget eves
coming they grabbed their hats and
ran for the train, but fortunatttly
quite a number failed to arrive in
time and sb we have our Budget
served up in natural style for the
first time in an age.
Compared with last year the Bud.
get its not epochal. It is not a pre-
election Budget. It will not enthuse
the multitude -startle the country
or rouse the warriors of any party to
fierce antagonism or wild approval.
The interesting feature is the varied
reception which it receives in the
House. To understand the feeling
we must consider the chanbes made.
They were as follows:-
1. Ten per cent. cut in income tax.
2. Twenty per cent. cut in sales tax.
3. Twenty-five per cent, cut 3n ex-
cise tax on matches.
4. Stamp tax exemption on cheques
raised to $10.00.
5. Stamp tax on overdrafts abcliah-
6. Stamp tax on cheques now '2c on
any amount over $10.00.
7. No tariff changes.
The Reception
In general it may be said that the
Budget meets with the approval of
the Conservative party. They will
kick at it, of course -they will cavil
As we have noir a q iantity
of Custom Logs in our
yards fur S •ring :Sawing,
parties requiring CuSt(.Itt
Sawing done should arrange
to have Logs 1n 2P we (10
not expect this 1V1i11 will
A. A. Colquhoun,M,L,A„ S. Perth
South Porth likes 0 change now
anti then in its representation. It
1,..ed to e last .101111 Ilc'tuleweis to sit
17, Hind Sir James Whitney, and later
Sr William Hearst. John went down
11,' in 1.919, when the rid-
ing chose Peter Smith and, without
s:nsp, etl.r•;' it. elected 0 minister of
th,:, 1 .urs: Cabinet. In the li:lit of
hist Government's record, the con -
t1 -n, 1cy ,aw lit to return a Con-
ervat,ne, McCausland Irvine, in
t:N;. by the narrow margin of 40.
I Hee, n," the last campaign brought
•1 about election of a Liberal, A. A.
Colquhoun, ni Hibbert by 192.
A first attempt by The Free Press
to have a. little cleat with 11r. Colqu-
houn was not successful. Ile was
tlt,i my on o. seri in a highly teehni-
,,P eel , left t (ice with Farquhar Oliver,
iter,) I' 0 for South Gr 11 1 t
-.-they will find f tilt, but they wit
not eh un all night 'to fight it, not
feel at heart. that the Empire is tot-
gtering to its f1411 when the Budget
oes through as it will go with )treat
celerity end speed. Liberals of the
heft wing will approve of it with re-
eTet. They would like to so" cer-
tain reductions in the tariff. T''ey
will vote for the Padget with cer-
tain rq)it.het( with difficulty 0•a
,1 traif-
"beneath their breath. Progre.i-
sire..', i ,F.A., and Labor will oppose'
it on the ground that it hands over
Pee, or six million dollars to those
who least need charity, those who
now pay income tax. The opposition
front this quarter of the House will
be fairly vigorous. They perhaps
hoped for little this year, but they
must establish the terrain on which
they fight in future against further
reduction_ in the income tax.
After taking all these things into
consideration it must be conceded
that the Budget reflects the increas-
ing prosperity of the country. Our
National debt is being reduced, not
as fast as it ought to be reduced,
but the reduction is taking place.
We have returned to normalcy with
a jerk. From a position in which de-
ficits were the order of the day, wo
now speak glibly of surpluses of
twenty to thirty millions. There is
no denying the fact that from that
standpoint, conditions have vastly
improved and if the Conservative
Party had been in power when the
change carne, the mighty diapa.+m of
sound that would have gone up
would have been amazing.
The Defence
Against the charge that he has
done nothing with the tariff, Mr,
Robb has a very excellent defence.
hast year a Tariff 'Board was ap-
pointed. That Board 11,1 not begin
to function until May. During a
certain period, while the election
was on, it was in a state of more or
Less su::pendecl animation. It was
like• Houdini in a coffin under water,
living on short breaths tend a per-
fectly controlled state of mind,
5inee the election it has been busy,
but the twists and turns of indus-
tries in their relation to me another
are very complex and it is perhaps
unfair to malar changes In the tariff
until a thorough examination has
been matte. Therefore, Mr. Robb
efts, "We will wait until the: Iloard
h 1.- had an eppnrt0nity to complete
its investi_ations and then. we °hall
be ready' for action. That view
point may not be correct, but it
sounds well as a defert:e. There ere
n0 doubt mouldering branches of
,n:'• t•rr'sff which coulrl he cttt away
without 1111.1ainv, titrating. Appar-
operate after this season,
ey', a 0 it
the t rt hu es of .sheep in connection
with , adtetttion of sow thistle. This
fon,lr'css for sheep seems to be here-
d,•,ttu'y. Just 325 years ego Sir Hum-
phrey Colquhoun, head of the Scot-
tish clan, fought the bloody battle of
Gienfruin against the MacGregors,
in which the Colquhoun lost 200
men, and that sanguinary affair is
reputed to have been the outcome -of
a feud arising out of the slaughter
of a Colquhoun sheep when a party
of wandering MacGregors were re-
fused hospitality. At any rate, tlta
clan was not wiped out, and a Col-
quhoun who came out to Canada in
1820, landing at Brockville, was the
grandfather of the present member
for South Perth, He remained in
that district for 20 years, coifing in-
to the western district in 1840, after
the rebellion.
Mr. A. A. Colquhoun's father was
born in Lanark. He 'himself is a
native of Hibbert Township, Pe'th,
and :till farms on the 9th concession,
two miles and a half east of Staffs.
In youth he taught school for three
yegis at Fullerton, and later for 3`
months at Cromarty. In municipal
service he has had a unique career,
stepping into the Township Council
RS Reeve by acclamation without pre-
vious service, and being re-elected by
acclamation for 10 consecutive years.
Taro subsequent elections ltd ran and
then, went down to defeat on the
statue labor issue, on which, by the
way, the ratepayers later changed
their minds. In 1922 Mr. Colquhoun
was warden of Perth. He has been
secretary -treasurer of the McKillop,
Logan and Hibbert Telephone Co.
since its formation in 1908. Incie
dentally, John Benneweis, former
member, is its president. In relig-
osiu affiliation Mr. Colquhoun is one
takes now will make it extremely
difficult for him to avoid a thorough
renovation of the mantle of protec-
tion when he slakes the Budget next
year. At least that is how things
look, but perhaps in that regard, we
may he like the Farmer in the West,
living always in anticipation of tl
splendid crop next year.
The Attack
• Mr. Richard Belford Bennett,
Minister of Finance pro tem, in the
brief and expiring Government of
the Honorable Arthur Meighen, last
summer, acted as critic of the Bud-
get. This was the same style of
speech that Mr. Bennett usually
'sakes and yet it was different. One
gazes at him in amazement. Is there
softening of the old spirit -is there
the dawn of rationality and sincerity
in the Honorable gentleman? One
who has watchedy long and patiently
for such a happy deyelopment may
11""""r, 11r. Bohb is not go
- he forgiven for rekindled hopes,
'•• t,,,
One half of his speech was nonsense
--a little mora seriou1, but slightly
less amusing than ' Mother Goose,
The balance had something of the
adolescent touch of a sophomore at-
tempt at a political essay.
'Fake this for instance, From the
Filly side of Mr. Bennett's speech
He was trying to prove that taxes
dnot been reduced at a11, so he
1119 the total revenue, divides it oy
110' nopelation and says: "there you
are,"" you have actually collected
more per unit of population than you
dial l t este." That of course is;)1"c-
what a reduction in taxation
frequently (Ions. That has been point
e11 out by every economist from AdamSmith to Janos Robb, but apparently
:lir. Bennett is not yet aware of the
Fart, Healso1so stated that all 011'
Trait Treaties had lesuite•; in in-
treestrl imports and leescned ,'.43:r'rls.
The gentleman would by ehoekm1
he looked at the trade reta1Ofl;, hit
time° r( things we expect from Mr.
Emmett, lice may be 11 err e0t matnLt-
factul4•r,of matches, but rarely bee's
he ettemnt to strike e light by which
he n1i•;ht be expected to view .hi 1 001
((';101''))1,• irt'0101 0eie,. Wi,P, t:ht
i'. ,1'• : .1ry7!1: l,il',• i''. 111' 11(11., Wit
•,l: t t " •r,t i+. Tt 1''i'i i, • t
r)i11aed s-
tl Ilene f:)1' a It lh 1n
thetheail1 . 7111,
ti.i• : 't Lr -. I ;ie•i went,' :; -tem
i,i1 �11 tl., il',11, 'i•
in. n these until the ' proofs areAt'1 +
Bros. 1:,id before him, but rhe position he
snlvclu• at Y
3,.1'• .)^717°.�72iSrER4a
on every
0m gt
. y . t'.t•'d rt
4 r L First: Arc not you I 1 '. :.t r'•lrreps
r d
ar,tl your -itr 6 rl) .f0. prO-
trctiea trout Ii:rhtnnn )', fir,. ! toll can
give them; boll) Lein the .. er l),,,nt 1 I • , t tent
profit and the future on ei el•, t f y :r crowing
f lenity ? a
See,m..!: Do you not thin: it a w..:' "n-. ei.'nl:nt. to
hay Come -atm? Ire n , a life-
time, 111 11-,, 111,: a 1 dl;: , . ,1 ) i(1. 1„ ,a -ray, and
1i,1 1y,i ..t ;0_0 , tfere ,.115 buy
NPVk-1 1 Flt. i, t (' 1 NC i,
'L'.! 4111.iritY and 'best e11, in 101 ring for.
P.,.8v0ie. C3 Sr.ippiy Co,, Limited
0/141,1 Manfr,st
of the leaches of the s0Ciety of
.Fliencis for 1Ye,.tern Ontario, which
in rat11(1' odd, too, for descendant
of the fiery Colcplhotms, who fought
the liarGnt•gors and the 1fac11ai'••
lane•, in the 1Gtlt century, and took
envie against Rob Iioy in the 17th,
Their .1r'ed,e were hardly in accord
with Quaker precepts,
A curious thing about the 1920
cm:leaige in South Perth was the
feet that when the U. F. 0. Political
A_:,cctatiuu met hi St, Marys on May
:,'1, 11r, Celquhoun's name was one
of iota'-ul,ntitled as candidate. In-
de ed he was runner-up in the bal-
loting, which resulted in the elloice
of W. A. McKenzie, a Logon fanner,
but took no part in the meeting, and
1, ft before the derision was reached,
so that it was H. MiLugau, of Down-
ie, who moved the choice be "'lade
unanimous." The Liberals stet with-
in a week, but deferred selection of
a candidate and then the Dominion
election campaign came on, As late
as October 20, the Toronto Star sent
n reporter into South Perth to write
up the political satiation, and he
"understood" that Mr. Mackenzie, U.
F. 0. nodinee, would "have the ac-
tive co-operation of Liberals through-
out the riding." On November 1,
the Conservatives put up "Mac" Ir-
vine again, and within 0 week the
Liberals met at Mitchell and chose
ilir. Colquhoun. Efforts were there
made by Progressives end Prohibi-
tionists to prevent nomination of a
third candidate, and subsequent con-
fei'ences were held to the salve end.
5 -Ir. Colquhoun, according to press
reports, offered to withdraw and go
before a joint convention, but Mr.
McKenzie did not fall in with the
idea. When official nomination day
came, however, Mr. McKenzie did
not go to the post, and his six
months' campaign went for naught.
After the election there was a mild
sensation over the disclosure that a
check had been sent to Mr. McKen-
zie by the Prohibition Union toward
expenses of that campaign, and some
talk that ,the action tight affect Mr.
Colquhoun's position, but nothing' has
been heard of the- matter of late,
South Perth was much exercised
over the control issue. Some Con-
servatives disagreed with the Gov-
ernment's policy and voted accord-
ingly. Dir. Colq'uhoun was nominat-
: Need
Notice to Creditors
Your Eyes 1 � eed ' In the matter of the °stats of William
Bryans, tato of th4 Villago of Brun.
•ail. tnI solo, In the County of Huron, 000-
,a- ora saasn'aa tloman, doeoaecd.
If your 0300 bother you in
any way;
1f they tire quickly or be-
come inflamed;
If you do not see easily and
If headaches impair your
efficiency or inter fere with
your pleasure;
If you cannot enjoy every
minute of your reading',
Maude Ca Iryans
Phone 26x Brussels
ed at his convention by a St. Mary,
lean, C. F. Smith, and the Stone
Town, which in the Federal Election
had given 0 Conservative majority of
808, presented the Liberal candidate
for the Legislature with a majority
of 28. St. Marys toward the close
of the campaign was the scene of an
unscheduled debate between Prem-
ier Ferguson and a collegiate 'stud-
ent, Lawrence May, over the liquor
issue, Logan Township stood by Mr.
Irvine to the extent of 471 majority
and the Conservative candidate got
11 more than Mr. Colquhoun out of
the Town of Mitchell, South East -
hope was good for 27 to Mr. Irvine,
but Bianshard, Downie and Fu11ar-
ton easily turned the scale. Hibbert,
Mr. Colquhoun's own township, div -
Thus South Perth became a Lib-
eral gain and helped to swell the
Sinclair clan. Mr, Colquhoun sits
ready to vote against the Govern-
ment on the budget, the control bill
and anything else that leads to a
division. Meantime, he has been en-
rolled for service in the standing
committees on municipal law, rail-
ways, privileges and elections and,
most important of all, agriculture, in
which he may, if he wish, bring up
the )natter of sheep and sow thistles.
llrs. Colquhoun was a visitor to
the House the other day. Their fam-
ily consists of one son and one dau-
ghter, both married now, the former
residing in Chicago, and the latter
in Hibbert.
ided almost evenly. The official tot-
als were 4,176 and 3,684.
Send in the news while it's news.
14slancr brought forwent, February 1st, 1926 7 297,802.66
Profits for the year ended .Tanuary 81st, 1927, alter deducting expenses,
int:,rer.l age:and on dopamita, rebate (or interest on unmatlred
bills, Provincial and Municipal taxes and making provision for bad
and doubtful debts 821,086.74
Dividend No. 142 paid, May lot, 1020
Dividend Nn. 1.13 paid, August 1st, 1028
9 11.1,702.00
Dividend No. 114 paid, November 1st, 1020 144,702.00
DiaNFebruary tat, 1027 ......_.. 114,70101) Tex on ole Circularion 00,23419
Reserve for omiienIncome Tax b0,U0000
an ib to °facera' Pension hind ........ ....... carded forward .....:,,,,,,.,,..,_.,36,00,00
31st Janus' y, 11197
Notes of the Bunk in eironlutlon ......... .
Deposita bearing interest Iineludlnr interest to date).. $30,822,829.0
Doputito not hearing interest 14,226,769.12
Stepoailo made by other Banter in Canada' 72,047,538.17
., . 1,0176627H ances dun to Hanks In Canada. , .... 872
08,20Bulanays due to Banka and Banking Correnpondaute eGewherc then
in Canndn .. ..._ 2,•1113,253,34
Letters of Credit Outstonrline .... .... 483,160,611
Liabilities not !weeded in the (100c260ing 241,404,09
Dividend No. 145, pnyabl, 1st February, 1227 14.1,702.00
Former Dividends widaimed -277,60
Capital Stook pair) in 4,828,400,00
1t,aervr>4 and..... ... 2,000,090.00
Butane of Profit and Lugs Account carried forward , 317,789,77
$00 430,)ttt,9 i
Current coin fell by the Bank
DnmDominion4oleo Irk) .... - ...., 88,6',30i8,,9I17G1t.00,81
Deposita in the Gem rut Cold R,,,+, v 1,100,0)0 ,00
Dep tit with the Minister for tl e pulp MOS o1 1h,• Circulation Fund._ 250,000,00
N,ten of other lia. r G09,2d8.80
United Stats end ether Foreign (rine nelos 47,492.67
Cheques on ether hanks. 5,706,G56.In
Whiners clue by Bunks end Ranting Corresp n at•, el,cv r, t h m In
Canada ...... 845281,17
Dominion end ,'r:vinciil (invcrnment S1.4uritie:6 not
ecol,e<1111e, n, trket value $10,000,400,0
Cnaadim Muntripril Socuutfea and nritish t n,if.n
and (',i o,i,l Public Sreurilitts other the Cane.
cline, not ea:Tedh r; market value 2,8„i,rsts,61
Railway nnri of 1' Rolds, Debenrttree tun Stocks, not
enernding market value 2,875,.+1115
('ell Mei Snort !not, trc,din l thirty day -0) I.ocee lit d' uvula n Ponds,
1) Mont art 0 and Sind. ot nor securitcs of neudirie,L marketable
s rnes0,63 i,7.1
$43,.(21,121:11 Lonnl('Mea, Towsbinnkol)alitiee mid Sk nl I)il1,71„0 9,37
outer ironnotImams mud dmcoutvh(diode dent ,ate
uC interest)
aft rinking Cull prevision evision for oil h a1 tax, doubtful10';), .. 39,492,1151.05Non•Current Loo0s a timntedl luau ,rovided tor.. • 14-!,i0o.74
Mort,^ai v on Real 3 1tee sold by the Bank.., , 263,e1028
Reel Saler other than Bonk Premises 315,612.63
Liuhiliti,, of Customers terMe Letters of Credit as err contra 4,13,100,(!1
Rank Pr.01tir ,, fit not more than feat, lase amoutn a written of 0,718,1,1.1.01
Other Assets not included in tho Ceregoing (09,1111)
A. P. WHITE, N. L, Mol --"
Prasidenl General sting:r
We haver, ire,lthe h nk:,000e:countoofThe..tmdordI3,nk of Canada atit,HendOffice.
fm thee/or ondelJ r v .1':.,11,100101,tebtenferniftloodWitLcortil1e , rrbenmI,o,a 1Lctrnnrl,.
ea, Via 11.11a a t '(u,l 411 the 1ato .11,,,t ind eXply t we hove reettiteti. MI in am 0)1101:0
ail hamuatwnn nl n,r 14 ii.k .r ., I, I .v,. coma under, +, m.eitn have hoe within rho peter, of the
The n'rkstom:t+ l i.lcuohtte i .rd ,.lit, atilt n)ilrfeel r1(40,1,of1tsprincipalhranehen,
were verified ,d r lvi Y)
100, olO 1 t „ , , , 11 -1 t 1111.11n 11.1 -.,,iso ami h,.rtti:a)a„ua(y
31st, 1011, 1,:.!. . d0 tote ,, nda6m of Ma r, d.I 1 the hook. et rte Rank.-
'reranto, i cir,,n:y, 16th, 1927
0.64 t Lill . 01), l',C .A.,
• - W t 1 nate,i[ (0.
0.13.`Coll 111 (.0.,
of )'err. s (nn.ak. Mitchell & Ca.
Net1tItt is hereby 111 von he:anent to The tie•
elteet tettit101,0 of lift thele, (”1910 eV 099, Ilint
alloredlt,ro-end others Laving rlWnte 'gains,.
the estate of the Stu) Miele { . -, us, who
died on ur nhnnt the twee nv 1 nth tiee 0,-
.1..111010 v 4 It lira, are requil _. d oner h -tor
the Welt 111 tiny or u8,1 /,, A U 10 .1, , , l
by po-t prepaid or deliver 00 tho ate -' or
- th it Lr.t Will and '!'e.lnae fit of the drn.,,tmld,
their thrift tail epi Vert n',I+.N addrteei-v Nett
0..4,1W/one, the full partltalnr or tette
r'•(bu• th,. Atettenent of their mamba, -11,1
the n it ereof rhe v 001(nitdas Of tiny) held by
Ann furtive' take nn(too tient titter snob Mali,
3 mouth -reed the sari Exevuters 0111 prue, ed to
diatflbe! the (( 9040 of the d,oe°et•d ,nein~+,
1 the pnrttav untitled thereto, hawing naiad
l only to tho Miami of tvhi h they sh011 thele
have untire, and tlto+01,1 leaventorw will nut
he liable for the ,i00.Nestle or any port there•
of t0 on Doreen or (0. n. (11 Wham° 0110111
1 nn het, wIt not ha. al 0 Hived by (11e1,
at the time of Snell diarrilettein.
1 Dated this 21st due of woe, A 1). 1027.
1 - w M 01Nl'LAllt,
41 Polisher for Edward W lirynna end Jobs
1.1. )O ytno, the Exeoubore.
Bo Your feet Bother YOU ?
Oh I the tragedy of nobles foot, the misery
of painfully dear ging one foot niter Oho alt
er, the bitterness of • watching other9 step
along without u fnok care In 1119 world. Trout
ntisory can be hoarded. T know, beenn-o I
muftdred fol' yearn, bat I found n wary to re•
sieve tial pairlfnl meal,, noon my weakened
loohos. Now, I want to help others ; if y)uo
are n caterer, p10090 mention To N PONT when
writing. J. T WOOD, 220 Prosapect 0t,, Ham-
ilton, Ont„ or may he pnrnhnmod ab Downing
Broq„ shoe dealers, Brussels,
Ethel Cheese Factory
1111e A1(11091 61 eating of Ethel Cheese Fee.
torr will be held in the Townnhip Hall, Ethel,
on Saturday, March 1014, 0t 2 o'clock 0. in.
An outside ripen liar is expected to be pres-
en t and sddresn the fleeting. All interested
are asked to attend.
House and Lot for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his house
0nd Int on Alnert street, Brussels, House
contains bath, furnace and is electric wired.
Good garden nod enrage. Everything in
flrst•olase repair,
85df JAS. HENDERSON, Sento rth.
Court of Revision
Take notice Mort 9 Court of Revision on the
1113099011.191119 of the Buchanan Drain Extent
sloe By•Lew and the ]eraser Drain Improve -
matt By -Law will be halo In the Township
Hall, Ethel, on Monday, hlaroh 741,, at 2 end
2.30 o'clock respectively, partes interested
are ricked to govern themselves according/y.
J. H. FEAR, (Mork,
16(PL8T1 [Nan. -The undersigned auction.
Der hes been hnatruote,t to sell at South part
Lot 42, 'Con, 2, Meat Wawaaoah (adjoining
187411), m1 Tuesday, March 1st, commencing
et 1.2.89 o'clock, the following property
gray horse b years old, 5074)0089770000 old,
bay horse 4 years old, brown mure8ears
obi, bay mere 5 years old, uoW duo April 9(1,,
cow due March 18th, cow due May 2nd, 2 fresh
cows, 0 steers rising 8 years, 2 steers rising 2
Year., 8 yearling steers, 2calves, 10 pigs
about 150 lbs., Jo Rook Ilene 1 year old, 40
Rook pullets, 1 Massey-Earrlsbtn der 7.31 cut,
nearly new, McCormick mower Oft out, Mos.
Hoy -Barris hay loader nearly new, 18looth
Massey -Barrie cultivator, fiiasaeyHarrks 10.
foot hay rake 1,09r)y new, Id esseyBarria low
down manure spreader, 17 -tooth Massey..
Harris cultivator, Muesey-Harris 18 -hoe far.
Milner drill nearly new, land roller, 2 walking
plows, smellier, heavy wagon, truce wagon,
net of eletghs, harrows, harrow earl, root pal•
per, set of 2000 lb, Kielce. Chatham lnuubator
No, 2 120•egg capacity, flat 10,41, water t0nk,
grindstone, °utter, steel drat), visa, ladders,
Cttttleg box, fanning anile, Intornationnl 134
111», gasoline engine, hey fork, set of slings,
roll of woven wire, !umber of grain bog-,
obout 700 Ibe, salt, number of(9dn, poets 6
horse collars, 2 sets of heryy harness, set of
single harness, OeLavol cream separator No.
12, abort 100 bus. of mnngolds, 080 bus. mixed
grain. 276 bus, oats, 160 bus. 8 -rowed burley,
A11 this grain was fertilized end is Pit for seed.
About 00U lbs, corn, qunntlty 01 straw, about
12 bone of mix od hay and 9 tone of timothy,
Yorke, shovels and other n Males too numerous
too mention ; high oven lighter dn,y range,
Brunewlck grefanole and other household ef-
fects. All to be sold without reserve as the
farm hnabsen sold. Terms -All pnrcbose0 of
710and under Nish; over that amount 1.2
months credit give[ on furnishing approved
joint notes. 5per cent o8 for nasi on o•edit
anountage 11H00. H. TAYLOR,
Thos. Gantry, Ano, Proprietor,
Pbaycwnme, &O. -Having gold tug Priem
the nidorelgned will offer 100 stale by publio
1uct011 81 Lot 8, Uel, 0, Grey, on Friday,
February 25th, at 1 80 o'clock, the following
property -1 General purpose tenni, 1 general
purpose maize, 1991101al pu • ar
use me, 1 5•yr,
old St,,lartl gelding, half brother to Silk
111102,0014; )pure bred registered Darken
ba118 years old, 1 purebred Guernsey bull 11
months old, 1.gende Jersey duo March 12t1,, 1
Aiprll 15th, 1 grade haow due eifer 8�t00lbs, ttinot lo Ho cowole,
12 clunks pigs, 75 Barred Rock pellets of best
8100amg, 10 White Wyantlulins Martin's
Strain;' 2 geese and a girder, 10 Petcin decks,
1 Bronze lackey hen, 1 pure bred Seaton (101110.
female. lnuale 001110, 1 al teey1e Eris binder,
1 ante delivery ratto, 1 Ven Brent seed drill, 1
Frost& Wood 'rower, 1 Dam hay loader, 1
steel roller, 1 set of harrows, 1 000knhntt
Walking platy 1 cutting box, 1 pulpe,•, 1 fan.
n mill, 1 doable disk oultivator, 1 wagon
with box acid stock rack, 1 hely reek, 1 al, Leh
end rack, 1 light single sleigh, 1 buggy, 1
double rig, 1 cutter. 1 speed cotter, 1 speed
cart, : oak barrels, 1 met 4400 lb, to ales 1 !114
h 1), gas engine, 1 allpph,5 machine, 1 largo
refrlgger)tor, 1 heir barrel ltOnmd,old mol hese%
2 lad(tore, 1 Mime boat, 2 o11 drums, I largo
ending door and trnok,1 week bunch, several
doors Bed frames, number or sash for Did
lows, 1 Netdarblo toe' 11.0m -N1. 1 set brae,
mounted tenni harne9N, 1 einem plow harness,
1. set single harness, 1 Nat Little ft (710011 speed
hurtles°, halters, speed boots, blanl(ets, b°Its,
robes, He., 300 lois. oats, 20 tuna alfalfa hay, 2
tons timothy hey, 50 Ntool,N n( 00011, 34 ton of
Gutin'o Fertilizer. 26 bus tateees, number of
cedar fence poem, eta hoe and poles, gnaltlty
of scantling, quettty 01' lumber, number of
miapplestall l'poste greyed, lanterns, crowbars,
ulama, Porten '1111 /min°,'nilR other artioles.
Implements are 1011 prnetloully new.
Terms -81101A of 4410 end 'oder snob ; over
that moonlit 8 menthe (reedit given on fnrlislt'
hug 8plireveri joint note9, 4 per cent off for
earth) on credit amounts.
Id08 M)Ltsset, D. M. 000039,
Clerk. Ano, and Pros,
Of Application for Divorce
Notion tin horelw Oren that LOUTS BRINK•
ER, of the Village of Exeter, in the County of
Omen. 'Retired teenier, W111 apply to the
Parliament s( nnandn, at the next a-neintt
thereof. fora 1)1)1 -of illyorre from 1,1. wife,
Sl+.nn1101, Brinker, or Om township rd 0034•
t•'eh, inthe (loon 4v pr Wt,tnrlvt in rho Prey,
iere r..r(nitre i0t0,the (. ,,11,11't11111,te•v,
jt0 ,I,) - l,r IP Nt1'V•0(714,
71.,1-1t The Tows
I,. •01 nnlienar.
n ,-f iy,rklini in fllr
fir eiseenf entitle bile 0-l1 rine of Alpine, .
A.D 1117, fit
Notice to Creditors,'
Netlee ill hereby (1 vel , plummet to Section
611, Chapter 121, id' the Befriend Statutes of
Otto It flint ellpersons having elating eminnt
the Hoots of (4ttnrge,luhno(nn, denrnootl', lvhu
cin l mu ar 'bent the tweeII-moundtiny of
,0,191-y A 11 1027, ant the Town8ldp of (I rev,
In 1 h Province uP Ontario, tins required to
rend by ;nab, pt'npnld, or to deliver to 11,
Veneto:ie, Wlttghsnl Ontario, 5ollnitot' for
ti, l4xreutoro, on fir before the II fteonl 11 day
P Match, A. 1027, their mime„ nod ,t,l't res.
Mill £nil Partieolnr.ln writ ins of their
find the nature of the eyetoothes flf
troy) Reid by then) dillyverifiedby a statutory
A mi 011th,,': tahe naive that after the maid
fifteenth div of March. 'a17 the .,aid Essen.
tors will pi uoeed to distribute the a u -l', of
the sed. (elite Helens the mirth. entitled
trete rn, 01)91,1g reg,lyd fully to the clique+ of
which 'hey e11n11 then bare hid noires, and
the salt 10xcntlore shall not bit liable for the
said aseets or any part therenr to fitly penrene
of whom, Mahn they o)tn11 not then hero re-
ceived notice:
)Anted fit Winnlln ,o title eleventh flay of
Fobrau•y, A. D. 1028
R. VANSTC)Nlc, ±'
03.4 Wingitaut, Oetarin,
Solicitor Tor the Olxenutor9.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of the late
Mary Earl, tato of the Village of
Ethel, in the County of Huron, widow
Nettie is hereby given purenent to "The
Revived Stn totes of Ontario" Chapter 121i, tint
alt creditors and others having claims against
the 0Ntete of the said Mo ry Berl, who died
00 or about the Second, day of February,
A D, 1027, ere required on before the
Fifth day of March A. D. 1927, to aend
by omit prepaid ar deliver to the Executors
of the Inst will and testament of the dammed,
their Christian nail Seruam ea, addreotes rad
deeerlutio(te, the fell pnrtfoulers of their
elating, rte statement of their accounts 0n1T
the nature of the aeonrltice, if any, held by
And, further take notlee that after such
lest mentioned ditto, the said Mime bore will
proceed to digit•)butt. I lie 'meets of the damns.
ed amongst the pnrtlos entitled thereto, hay.
Ing regard only to the Online of which they
elmll then have notice, and the said Executors
will not be liable for the nnid assets or any
pert thereof to any 110.8011 or pereon0 of
whose claim notice Hind eat ), eV° been re•
oaived by them at the time of such diatribe,
Dated this Twelfth day of February, 1227.
Solicitor for E. L. Depjttrdine arm Thomas
Turnbull, the Executors of the dammed,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Daniel
Cooper, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, far -
mar, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re.
',teed Statutes of Ontario, Uhnpter 120, that
all Creditors end others lowing olefins neatest
the e910te of the said Daniel Cooper, who
died on or about the 8th day of September, A.
D, 1025, ere required on or before the 20th
day of February A. D.1020, to send by post
uropald or deliver to Joeeph Cooper, one of
Executors of the Inst Will and Testament of
deceased, their Christian and Sarnares, nd-
dro0se0 end deoorlptlons, the full pnrtioulere
of their claims, the stnt9meit of their no•
counts and the nature of thesocurltiee, if any,
held by them.
Aud fu thee, take notice that after such
last mentioned date, the said Executors will
proceed to dist:11)m e the matte of the decene-
ed amongst the parties entitled thereto, have
Mg regard only to the elating which they shall
then have Notice and the sold Exeouturo will
not he liable for the mold 80eete or any part
thereof to any person or pothole of !whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
them at the time or such dlatribntlon,
Dated this Ninth day of February A 0. 1027
Solicitor for the Executors.
Farm for Sale
'Perm of the lute IC/1,1111am R, Beetle, oollsiet-
Ing of 72 acres of excellent land, in the town•
ship of Huwiok. About 16 Berea of hush, bel.
91,00 all workable; splendid aeturn! water
supply ; gond ornhnrd, bare and frame house,
situated about 144 miles front Gerrie P. 0.
and shlnping station. Also 100 -acre ernes
Yarm adjoining First•chws land, well drain-
ed, good strode and never•rniling water sup•
liv' good barn, drive shed and (reit trees.
7111 Bell aeenr0tely tar together, Possession
March 1st, 1017. Apply to Mrs. Wm- R. Hes-
tia, Executrix, Box 200, Corrie, or
G. W. WALKER, Gorrie, Ont.
Farms for Sale
260 mires, being the south halves of Lots 18,
10, 20, 21 and 20, in the let Oen, of Grey town-
ship. 100 acres ideal gram farm, with run-
ning water 000,118de, will be sold aepnretely
if deelred. Will eonslder renting part or all
to softnble tenant Anply to - 8001
31(0, O JOHNSTON, R 142, innovate
Farm for Sale
100 acres, being Lot 20 10th Ool., Twp, of
Grey. About 110 mores cleared, Imbue:t) past -
ore Mash. On the premises ie a large gravel
pit,' story end a half Proms house, frame
stable and other small buildings. Sm(1) cash
paymeltg,b91nnce mar re1110111 070 mortgage,
Peeeeosion let of April,1927, Anply to
014003, MCLEAN, R. R.2, Brussels,
House and lot for Sale
The undersigned offers for male his comfort-
able brick cottage on Prioress et•oet, Brus-
sels. Helfmcro of land, Well noel cistern.
Immediate poeme9siml. For Nether partic-
ulars, apply to WM. WO12It, Brussels P.O,
Phone 2117
House and Lot for Safe
The eligible house 01111 lot m1 Queen street,
Broaeela, the property of the late 51,0, Keys,
Ia 0l?ornd for, Hein, Cuu,Yortnhle llOn9e with
smell glutton, H'or further nrtoulars apply
to 0(01014)2liE3i'0,
84f 11, 1.1, 8 Brussels
Farm for Sale
(Tho old Hamilton Place)
100 eeres,,"bellg N34 Lots 7,8,9 nod North
40 neem ce 5, Con. A, 03001(berry township,
Large ifrtt•oless berm, splendid stone stabling
undernoehh ' wh,d,nfl , large driving she,t,,
good belted 110199 and shone kitchen, large
orchard, never Yelling Hornig on farm, 2 miles
from W roOeter village and 1 mile from 0011001,'
This Penn has bean h1 pastae° for some years
and will Wye highest returns, Fant Incl
values will -rise, Por particulars apply to
Administrator, John R. Oilmen estate
P. 0. hex 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
Farms for Sale
The midereiennrl offers for ante hie 105•nore
farm being 1134, Lot Y, Oon, 7, Iviorris, Also
100 fume being North 14, Loh 20, end Ey, 27,
(ton, 7, idorrllNN Good houses and barna in
flt'at•Olna9 cou1Itlon,9110o ell good oul'bnlld•
ing9. WIII sell with 0r without rr0pl1. Hotta -
on for Balling, poor health, For (urtllor part -
Molars apply to 0. H. 51o(,lJ'rCEIEON,
Proprietor, R, RA, Hrestiels
l-arrna for Sale
ton wires o' laud, hone: if,' menti 34 of Lot 0,
8 ,nal 050 Rooth 11 fir telt 13 .Don 7 in the
7 ,W'ahip 00 610erie 'phrne fertile are Hooted
frit' en,r to ren 0 Mr the Hemet et the to be .100199
Snnth. f( 4 1'rhe 0111 Anrot, t.•4roe nee
tin,.. I ,n• on, mein rs ^Deer le rhe vllIenlors,
"'MTh V vt-NTitr,60ON