HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-23, Page 1•
VOL, 55 NO 36
'(,)x2.00 ter annum in advance
1 L USSELS, ONTARIO. IVIS1)N1sSL):1 Y. 1'1;1iR0;J,1 1i Y 23. i927 J. L. KERR, PrO) Tele(
.;.✓, .i..,,.l.g,.�.t, ;.✓^d , ;•1'3"1^.}'{ •: R.,1.✓,,a, ✓,..;,.� i
a ce:
Will be
held in the
Friday Ev g, Feb. 25th
Hogg Orchestra will supply the Music
All Are Weleomo ! �.
Morris Twp School
Trustees and Ratepayers
A meeting of the Morris
Township 'ChUUl
Trustees and
5 l
Ratepayers' Association will be
held in th,. Township Tlall,
"u ei on Tuesday, March 1,
at 1,30 o'clock.. W. M. Morris,
Secretary of the 0, E. .A., will
address -the meeting.
Richard Procter, President,
Chas. Coulter, Secretary.
The Surrounding District Y.
ttilti t»lt3te :»TBA'--5�_. M a»t: a_..:r_d:.»zeRta :vt:t" :d ry t:.;f r:tleK Y.
The regular meeting of Belgrave
Women's Institnte was held at the
home of Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, on
Tnesday, Feb, 15th, with an attend-
ant's/ of thirty ladies. Mrs. Frank
Sturdy was the assisting hostess. In
the absence of the president, Mrs,
James Anderson. the business part of
the meeting( was conducted by Sirs.
Herbert 'Wheeler, one of the vice.
presidents, anil the social part by Miss
Edith Procter, ennvener of the prn-
gram for the day. Owing to the ill-
ness of the president, no important
questions of business were discussed.
A. number of smaller items were
brought up and (Deposed of. The
Roll (`all wee respnndrtl to -by eom-
ruunity singing, in tvhirh ail joined
held tilv. .A. detnnnstrxtion on Reed
wnt'k, given by Rhee Ver da Pi nem',
was appreciated by the members and
a feature of interest to all present.I
The promo' to r'nnsisted of a reading,
by dire Martha Armstrong, entitled,
"A C,utadi•n, Folk Lere," a violin sol-;
Prtinn, "My gal don't love ine any'
ranee," 115 Miss Nero 'Van Clamp, ar.-.
r"mpintiell by Mtg. \V. Van ('amp,
and n vocal 1,10, "Snin'whet'e a vnies,
i+ calling," by tiii•.4 Cele Cannes. with
Mrs. John M. Ooultee, at the pinny,
The National Anthem was then sung,
after which lunch was served and all
enjoyed a social hour over the tea-
Alisses 13, Strome and M. Hamilton,
Fordwich, were weekend visitors
Wrn, Abram is serinttely i1], at the
home of bis daughter, AIrs. O, Hen-
ning, Turnherry,
A skating party was enjoyed by the
Young Peoples Society of tine Utnited
Church, nn Tuesday evening.
A successful baking scale under the
anmicea of the Anglican Ohuxch was
held on Saturday afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Oval lc, of Gerrie, gave the
address at a pI eparatory servive, held
in the United Church, on Friday ev-
Itnght, Black, who with firs. Black,
is spending the \Vintel in I-Tarriston,
sailed nn Nerds in the village, on
Al las Marie Copeland w'as tendered
a iniseella ,-ens sharer, In lions' of
her apptc'nr'hi„;; lne.t't'Iage, Int her
horse, nn Monday night, by a large
number of het friends,
�r sacs, -•f.�:---.zvsm...c�:s�vc.�rvsncc=an_�•-�sa,u:>�r.
We FIave �
And as our Stock is mi. ch too 'heavy for this time of year,
and Februaryusually quiet before the Spring buying com-
t ying ar..(1 will quote a
Il1el1CC'.s, 1 am trying to stimulate buying ,-, ,
few of the special prices among many :—
MEN'S Home Made Mitts, per
')ail' .65
MEN'S Home Made Sox, per
pair .89
MEN'S All Wool Underwear,
regular 52.00 for 1.50
MEN'S Heavy Fleece Under-
wear .50
MEN'S Natural Wool Llnde.r-
wear, suitable for early
spring. Regular 52.25 and
2.50 for L85
MEN'S Caps, With and Without
hands, discount of 20%
MEN'S and Boys' Suits and
overcoats, all at big reduc-
MEN'S Work Shirts, and Also
fine Linens, discount of 20% ,
MEN'S Overalls and Smocks,
heavy quality in Black, Blue
Woven Stripe, plain Blue and
Grey striped. Regular $2,25
and 52.50 for 1.85
36” CHINTZ; Suitable for Com-
forters. Regular 80e and 850
per yd, for .26
30 PAIR 1214 Flannelette Blan-
kets 2.25
TABLE Listens, Double Damask,
regular $2.0b for 1.10
ads. wide, regular 52.75 for
LADIES' Hosiery; Big Reduc-
tions on all liners, including
Ladies' Silk and Wool Elas-
tic Tops. Regular 81.25 for
LADIES' Silk Hosiery.—We are
platting in the Super -Silk
Hosiery for spring' and to
clear all other lines, we offer
all 51,50 and $1.65 hosiery -
at 1.00
SPECIAL Black Duchess Satin,
36" width,. good heavy qual-
ity. We have 80 yards in
50.,es and cannot be repeat-
ed during sale, per yd. , 1.50
LADIES' Silk Bloomers; Wat-
son's make. Regular 52.00
for 1 50
Lock Stiteh, regular $2.50
for 1.85
SMALL Mats; 18136; Regular
20c for ' .15
LADIES' Corsets—In order to
reduce our stock which is
too heavy, 25% reductions on
all lines to clear
In the Grocery Department
We are overstocked in Bnik teas and in order to reduce the stock
and also to introduce some of our lines, some of which have been
handled in the stole for years, a reduction' of 10c per ib. on all
lines will be given. Buy your future supply.
GOLD SOAP Ten Cases to clear 4 for 25c
,;� The above are a few of the Special Prices given for
the week.
We have also to hand our New Spring Coats for
Ladies and Misses from the two most reliable manu-
facturers of Toronto—John Northway & Son and A,
B. Davies. The Coats are much nicer than ever be-
fore and prices much lower than last season.
It will pay you to do your shopping for the next few
days and after at
New Advertisements
Amisso `+nail Thns H 'flirter
e`01' o0 cants- liressek Fanners
ear of o••is nesy er (• (tilt
Piny- ao , u t, 1lramat)e club
A heat '•tile. -W 1. sconce
Finl.hed smith—taking—v., A. Hunter
Rubber Pont w , r- 10. A. Gammege
Apron Tea -Pt 81001 W nu'u's 1n"Astute
Iva . vices -Brace's United. Church
Bosse/eat - Ss. John's Uhorch, l;rassels
Pie Soni, 1 •st, David's Church, lienfryn
D.uloe-Wait m 1'br,n ,s ('nub
Attt nnnbll 1 uses A (i ..„,30,
Anuux.. t t. 01 (3..1 a Bern
1.0(10,313 sr esuu.«twg B1o.rnn(!ounnll
saw logo John Ateli',nsi l
Auditors rxp,rt--Brussels Conned
Tender() wanted-lotvn.,hlp of Grey
Tenders wan ted -Township of (trey
Drain Tenders -Township of MoKIllon
Notice to Creditors -Wm. t)ryans estate
Iron Beefing -Wilton & Gillespie
Sows for sale -Peter Lamont
Hay for sale -Geo. Raker
Bull for sale -Roy Sennett
Looals-Sing Bros,
Pigs for aale-John R, n(oksoil
Calves for s5ls-Mark Gamlen
Wren, Robinson who 1( was s burned
out here, haat Fall, is opening tip a
store, in Clinton, Hie old friends
Wish hire success.
In a challenge for the Chambers
trophy, a rink of Beltnore curlers was
defeated here, last Monday evening,
The score was 7-11
Friends will regret to learn of the
death of Dr. Wilson, at Guelph,
Mrs. George McDonald, of (Soder-
lett, was calling nu old friends, over
the week -end.
The necktie (401,181, at Roe's Church,
has beet) postpoeed from Friday ev-
ening until Tuesday, March 1st.
Miss Ohristie Forrest spent a
few days in Muskoka, visiting her sis-
ter, Miss Viola McLeod. who is teach -
ng in Milford Bay.
Last week, Mrs. W. S. and Airs. C.
13. Forrest receive(' the sad news of
the death of their eldest brother, Wil-
liam Rabb, of Cypress River, Man,
The deceased hid teen an invalid for
over six years, and was in his 70tH
Miss Lyda B. Sperling has taken;up
her duties at U. S S. Ne'. 16, Howihk
Anal they.
• Roy Adair, of \Wiltghaut, Mae made
alis rounds, thrashing clove', on the
bnunlhn y,
The necktie eveiltl, at Roe':: Church,
hag been l'' tpcned until Tuesday,
Mowll 1st,
Cerin :and Nis)) Ruby Grait,ger visit-
ed with t'elatives, near Miverton, over
the weep -end,
Fred h'nrl who has he' 1 a teuti-
Pt G. t, a [) i
it'g the IN Mier with his patents,
Thee, and Air:. Alcock, I4,)1 Con., left
Alonda5. for his \Veatein home, Wan-
k otos Sack
Ong Friday evening, Feb, 18'.11, about
80 friends and neighr.nrs gathered at
the home of John and Alrs. Da 1r, 10th
eon., to pie34 1(1 Mee Carrie with a
mieeellnne,u, shower. 7'110 101101vittg
ddreos 0'0s lead by Miss Edith Ger-
00180 LARRIn AND L.Aw'labonCbL-- -
Hat'in!; lei/cued 0i your approach.
ilig marriage, we, your neighbors and
ffiend1, have as00nthled here f11 -night,
1113' p113 t3114' of extending to you
one lee ( wi[ hee and expl'es9 our ap-
oreetati1n of ahat your friendship
has meant t0 m, all. It has been well
and wisely said "that if wm1id have
(Hotels, we must he a friend to many
people." Li tile, Ave feel that you
haven 111 1 of fn lPtlde, bemuse you
hatve beet, friends of ali With whom
you have e, 13(1' it) contort \V0 feel
that. you have made yourselves a pail:
of the ootn*Otn,lty in whi'h you live,
always ready to lend a helping hand
wherever 1r lva1 needed' You, Cess
vie, have been ever ready to help in
Cilnrrh, Sunday School and Mission-
ary Society, \V i are glad that you
are not going away from our midst
and that, W11 WILY viten see your smil-
ing faces, Therefore, we ash you to
accept this shower, not for its int r'ius-
ic valve, hilt as a slight token of nor
esteem, and Ave, in doing so, wish yell
many y MVP of 11appi11P55 alld P1'n31Pi'-
ity, Nasuft(r.o11s AN1) )'OinaNDN:
A suitable reply was made by L.
c u-erengesser, who thanked the neigh -
bore and friends foe their kindness,
on behalf of himself and Miss Cati'ie.
Everybody then joined in singing
".For they are jolly good - fellows,"A
very tasty lunch wee served, after
which the evening was !pent in social
chat, cnida and dancing; 113101 the
•'wee ems' hears" of the morning.
To Owners of '
Motor Vehicles
in Huron County
Auto owners should have their
1027 motor license plates and
permits from A. G. Smith,
Wingham, who has been ap-
pointed for the sixth year to
sell in this locality, Why send
out to another county, when,
for the convenience of the pub-
lic, you have a centrally situ-
ated issuer in your own terri-
tory. We must sell 2,000 lic-
enses or there will be no ap-
pointment 01ade in this part of
the county next sca.on. All
properly filled applications will
be returned on the next snail,
Indivicluel postage is 5 cents.
Order from
Cunningham's Garage
Desjardine's Garage
Have you a date 011 for
Friday, iWa ch 110
Why sure we P.M o 01 fig t0
SS M.Q)Ni'F ! E if fit
to see
"His Uncle's Niece" 1
A Rollieking Farce in 3 Acts
written by Raymond W.
Presented by
The Mnncrieff D(030511 Club
Cast of Charactors
Richard Tate, Eoq,-A rising young
Lawyer Adrian 01aTag sari
French; Felton-' eau f
1ha to o all the
trouble (Milord dIp 1h.
Dors Bale -Very nitwit attached to the
trouble Hazel ,ypeiren
Alice Mnleolrn-A close eb am of Dora'x
Laura Patterson
Mrs, Sarah Ann Mullen -A woman of
few words Mildred Howard
Simon F. Felton -Frank's Uncle who
never =keen mistake
J80. McTaggart
Philander F1lnmre - "Humble but
wise" Orval Barr)son
Timothy Hny-A Gardener at Happy
Valley I awrence Meehan
Silas Siakelmoors - A Constable at
HoPPy Valley Leslie Machou
We are leaking for you with your
Sister, Wife or Sweetheart, at 8.15
Admission 35c and 20c
Mrs, Harty 8malldon, Can. 11, held
a sncc05sl'nl auction sale, last Tours -
(lay. D. Al. Senn was the auctioneer,
Mrs. John Scott anti Mrs. Jos. John
ston, of Listowel, and Mrs. Geo, A1 -
la,, of Calgary, Alta., arP Vigil 01 for
a few days with Relit. and Mr's. Bak-
er, 10th Con.
()ARU 00' 7'11ANKS.—We desire to
thank our friends and neighbors far
their kindly words, tokens and assist-
ance 11) our late bat Pavement,
(.1 go AND MRs. McDoyALn AND
,lame(' 1'uitnn is holding an anetion
sale of farm, farm stnelc, 110 t.,
on Let 20, Con, 16, 110 Alnnd11',
Merrell 7th. Full list will hP pnhlish-
c 111.51 week. I). AI. Scott is the
num Homer.
Ott ing to the auction Paie of the
,lohn.ton 03(1(1(3. the *1eekti1' anr.i01 of
310,-',, Churr•h, wltirh was to Inset; been
held 011 Friday evening, of this Week,
Ines been poapnned 11 Mil Tuesday, i
Mtn'rh 1st, Jiro( this in utind.
A pie anr'od Will he held on Monday
1.v0uing, Frh,.0
28311, at the home LF
L01'00 Lttrrca, Lt,t 4, Cnn, 4, Elms,
under the enepir08 of S1, 131tvid'13 A ,
Y P. A., Ilerlftyn, See advt.
'Vallnrt eitiizens nn the Grey side,
will 300(1 LIP interviewing the Town.'
slii Commit, ,,n,
1p (r 1 aril, int ,and to installing
Hydro guest lights, Morris Twp.'
Connell line prnvieinnally passed 5100
to help in the good work.
1), AI. Scot t, 0th Cot:., is holding a
clearing anoint) sale, 012 Friday, of
this week, Sir. Sent(' is giving up
farming, 001 8(331(311[11 of ' 11x9 insurance
ditties, at Lnudnn, wed he and Mre,
Senna expect to leave shn'tly, to re-
side there, We are sorry to see
Orem go.
Uodee tate auspiees of
The Ladies' Guild of St Johns'
Church, LLrU:.00ls
Will b.. 113,3 10 the home "f
Mr. David Smith
6th Line, Morris
Friday Fv'g, Felt 25th
( Those .desiring conveyance,
mint leave their name at Walk-
er & Black's before 5 o'clock,
Thursday evening. Sleighs will
leave the Anglican Church
basement at 7.45 p.m. Free
Excellent Program
meeting of Morris'I'cvp, school trust-
ees and ratepayer's will be held in the
township ball, on Tnesday, Alar eh lst,
at 1,30 o'clock, W. M. Morris, Sect•-•
t81y of the 0, 1C. A„ will address the
meeting. All interested are invited.
Mrs. (Dr.) E. A, McAlester is spend-
ing a few (hays with friends to Town-
. to,
Arthur henry is table t0 be nut
again, after being laid tip with a 011re
knee, the result of a nasty cut with
an axe,
Quite a fete are planning to at' cud
the tlsu'cl-lime racial, in Union Unit-
ed Church, 011 Thursday everting, of
this week.
Miss. (Rev ) D. Al. Ciueel returned
haute, on Tuesday, after spending to
you pale of tveelte at her home in Riu-
tAi'tlitle, where her father was serious-
ly ill.
Anyone wishing to tante advantage
of the Dnnle;tin Slieece ()reuse,
;dense hand in their names to Mrs, (4.
Ifranter or Airs. Ward ia10, 1(00 soon eta
G0 to church, on Sunday, Set vire
in the United ('hutch, at 7 p. til The
pastor will speak run the subject, "The
Christ the feign," Everybody 00e1-
(' 'mile.th1
to e church with the opts/
dear, '
The Women's Instihlte met nn
Thursday elite' norm, Feb, 17111, in the
Inetilutc Aeon, with an attendance
The regular meeting of the W. Af,
Auxiliary of Duff's United Church
was held in the schoolroom of the
chtueh, nn Wednesday, Feb, 0th,
with the president in the chant'. Ails.
Maine)/ ((1101ed the opening 150(711',
anti Mrs. Ritchie tend the Scripture
lesson. The topic, "Publishing Gond
Tidings in Indian," was in charge of
kits, McDonald and Mrs, Kirkby. At`
the close et the regular meeting Alar.(,
Alpines p1esided at the meeting for
the election of officers when the foll-
owing were elected for the canting
year : flan. -Pres„ Mrs, Maines ; Pres.,
Mist, Cam
i bell ; 1st Vice. President,
Miss Simpson ; 2nd Vice President.
tllrs. Bryans • 3rd Vice Presldeut,
Airs, Badley ; Tveasurer, MMs. Caster ;
Secretary, Mrs Mo(allnm i Supply
Secretaey, Ars, McDonald ; Strang-
ers Secretary, Airs, Berry ; Az/Mat-
t-ants, Mre, Brown, Mi's, Bruce ; Horne
l'iclpero Seertary, Mrs, L. Leeming ;
Pres: Sec„ Alrs. Gen. McArthur ; Lib.
and Lit. See., Mrs, Rose Situpson Mee-
9eug0r Sec„ Mrs. Drager Organists,
Mrs. J. Watson, AIrs. S. Johnston.
Council meets at the township hall,
next Tuesday, Mareh 1st,
Junk McNeil, %van is on the police
fotoe, in Detroit, is holidaying with
hie father, Alex. McNeil, 6th line,
Invitations are being issued for the
re -union, to be Held at S. 13, Nn, 10, on
July 21st. Be sure and inform Ai s.
McLennan, Secretary or Commit-
tee. of any old pupils,
Friends are sorry to hear that ATVs,
Will, Speirs, 8rd line, is not in the
best of health, as her felon% tvnuld
like to see, We all hope for a speedy
change for good health,
Box Soernt —The Ladies' Guild of
St, John's Choveh, 13rnsscis, will hold
A Rnx social, nt the home of David
Smith, 6111 1131,', mil Friday evening,
Feb. 251.11 A gond program has beau
SON OF FIRST .RrlIVE,—The death
(Incurred atOlintnn, nn Monday last,
of John f#ihbings, 111 his 890) year.
Mrs, (4ibhings wee one of Olihton's
best -knew» citizens, he Was a member
of the mnnle1p8l Canned, for many
years, I'Hie lap brother, 'Williwu,
Was the first reale white child born in
the Hurn» tenet, Tiie father was the
Brat re000 of the rotnhined tewnehips
of Morris turd Mullen, Ile %vas n
member of the Ont8('10 s1, United
(Ihrrreh, tie leaves a son and three
of 55 ladies and 11 children. '1'tu' pro-
gram was in charge of the Bine side,
of which Mre, J. Bi (miner is ('0ptnin.
The program was as follows : reading,
Mis AleLennal, : pian" duets, ;Mrs. 0.
Cnrhrarle rued Mrs. Vndden. Paper,
"The Life, of Pontine Jnhnst0n," Mts,
J. Bremner; reading, Mi s. .1. Peat
son, Meeting eloped with "(ind Save
the Ring," The Yellow side ,s sail( '
ahead in points.
On 1''riday, March 4th, the general
UdWanyomilled nplCth54y''n1rssihdnonrnniyltShPn,'eti1ela3tltteswititth' 111,111'11: -:
e -
served in the Ethel United 0hurch,-
When a public service will be held in
the afternoon, at 3 (1 clock, The " I3-
grrgatinne of Union rued Roe's are in'
vited to ,j"111 with the Ethel Sneiet y,
as well as any others of the ito mnu'-
ity, who are interested 111 cllulell
work. There will be an interesting
prrgl'am prepared, while the address
will be given by Ales. (Rev' Al, M.
Bennett, of \Vinghato. ISverybody
''Lev, A. 1;. Sones, a former pester
of Belgrave Methodist Church and
now pastor of Victoria Avenue Units
ed Church. Chatham, who Will com-
plete the 6111 year of his pastorate
there next June, has accepted the un-
animous invitation to remelt) erudite'.
year. The invitation was extended
to him at a meeting of tine Qum tet'ly
Official Board of the ehnroh.
Miss Hazel Stamper visited with
Mrs, Louie Roach, on Friday.
Joseph Fitton spent the week -end
With Thos, and Mrs. Anderson, Blue -
William Wright, Wroxeter, is help-
ing to cut wood, at P. S. Mettwen's,
this week,
Kinley MaNaughtott and Wesley
Yeo had a very successful sale, on
Friday, Feb, 181 h,
\Vrr1, Yeo spent Saturday 0011h his
daughter, Airs. Harry Chamberlain,
at Wroxeter.
Milton Matte, (lorrie, called on his
uncle and aunt, Alex, and Mrs.
Beetle, 2a01 Cone Turnberry, reeeut-
yAr•t.hur and Mrs. Forrester, of Ford -
with, have retnened home, after a
two wesite' visit at the home of Gord-
on s.nd MMS. Yon.
Mrs. Oliver Campbell and family, of
let Com. Morrie 7.'001)., have 110e11
spending a few days 0011)1 the forrn-
et''s mother, Atre. Duncan McNaught -
A former Kincardine merchant and'
Huron Township boy, in the person
of W, R. Rieke, died recently, at his
home, in Woodstock. Deceased left.
Kincardine some 88 years ago, He
%vas reiee(1 on the Saugeen road, near
the 12111 Con, While in Kinoardin'e,
he conducted a, bookstore, in the
building now occupied by S. Lake.
Ile haves his wife and itis aged moth -
who ie 01 years of age,
Will be held on
5 1
l� jr' ��rj j�/j
�dsi�d Erb 28th 9
At the home of
Mr. Lorne Lucas
Lot 4, Con. 10, Elma
Under auspices of
St David's A.Y.P.p., Ilenfryn
An Excellent Program
1 being provided consisting of Dia.
lopes, Moovloguea, etc., comment
ing at 8 o'clock,
Ladies please brre;' Pie
Admission 25e.
Everybody Welcome !
Accommodation for Horses.
Miss Irene Hamilton, Rev. T. W. Jones,
President. Rector.
Gentge N. Johnston was recently
chosen Speaker of the Alberta Legis-
lature, He is native of Wingbam
anti was educated thele.
0. H. Holland, SPaforth, (recently
received won't of the death of his
Mother, 'William f3rtlaald, in Van-
coitvet', where he had been postal its.
speetot, for Yonne years,
D. Al. Johnston, formerly of (3 od et' -
101), who has [ren t1. N, I15. atalio0 ag-
ent, al Galt, for fume yetis t4, 111(4 been
appointed agent, at Btalarm(I, and
Inas taken neer the (hairs of his new
soh,' and 5100. (01.1,0, of ' STa i i lima
Ilia,'," Hansel Twp , relebtate d the
25th atmitet ,try "1 their mai 1 nge,
recently, when they entertained 150
of their 1ehtti0es and friends. They
Well? the n' ipie'nts of Hanna hasuti)ul
gifts of silver.
The animal meet tug of Hiyth Mem-
'rial Hall Duh -eel bels wus held (Ill
Mnnduy e%', nitg last. 1'he tinancial
statement, rs) iesenred by the 110na-
I1r1,1, waw 1e1y en-01*1*a3in3, showing
the debt nit the hili to be reduced to
$.1,1011, The ennitnitlee is very anx-
ious to 11111 r• the de1,3 paid this y1411'.
(;rain 11111Utero, which rue tied un
inGodes'irl fn1 the Winter, et at
nnleadtd at the node/soh Asses,.
or and Transit Company mill. The
ice canro,lndilg these boats is l,ei„r?
rut ateay baa gang re' 3nen. A r}enc,
i v' ,
are a u iliah( r t bout- t.• hr" 111'1103(1A,
'tlatg, nu/u1/el of nen will be on,
plt'yod he some time,
Finals in the contest, lar the t'"'»'
'.ion w1 the Jack 1031 1 14.41)11y, 11) the
301011 10,1 ,1 hnwlil,g twit 1 1-11(1.111
at Si, Prl,ashur,r T•'he., 0'•00 fnr(41h3
out heave.', tarn C'.'ol,di" enii!..,
with the tonna yap! aired by A 11. '
Crawford, of '\'i'•gintm, friutnpL°'•
over that of E. J. Gallo u em)), ill"l'or- -
1,141.[,, 'Ph' sec' a .0111, tri 0, 131.
'I'le, annual tneet;n_' „1' the 9oliet'-'
11(114 s •.1. the Melt'lln" 11333,11
Insnranrr' en.„ was hold in 1i,' (0031
110t11, Mrs,','rh, 00 Fel.. I11I). ']'bte
teas a 0111,11 title od^_nu•,'. ,lir, ('on-
ne Ily was ng;ti n „Joel 1 pi nt and
James HOMO..? Vire-lnts,rirt,t. \l sero,
M,'tial•Ino,. ihpad 6,1 ,.no' (uhcnn
were rr-sleeted to th' 111331(1'(13' )lir,''
n rs,
<\ life•lnng to sidenl of Auburn ('('(10
11111:11.5, passed navel. in the 10 130* of
Alien Sarah 11,010', Who died at. h,',,
Moue, in Weal \V'aranesh, in1 her
sixty-eighth yea*. sanies Humes hail
heeo 0el0•31013' ill 11(11(31(1(011 time,
and her death et(m0 as a shark an her.
,pl,i (3031,4 (((11 0riends- S11edssutr)108
by three brothers anti one sister.
(flange Hills hast scald hie black.
'zenith en earlh(33' shop business, in
1'lgtttnndville, 0' .Alexander Ld111nn, of
Acton, who opened np business nu
Monday, Feb. 21st. This is one of the
oldest and best known hlttessi 1t.M
shops int the somas-, having been
started mare than 510 513(115 ag(1, by
Mr, Hills' father, the late 'Phonies
Hills. It.11(10 always enjoyed a large
bnsineee, bat owing to 111 health, dur-
ing the past year, Geo. Hills 11115 leen
forced tit retire from active hn3ine55,
for the time being,
'l'ender's are now being asked for
something civet 11 utiles, on the 1111r -
ort highway, tvhirh, when eOowleted.
will leave only seven Miles not paved
of the road from Stratford to Gnd0r-
ir1), The stretrhes to he paved, this
year, nee from Dublin to Sec/forth, a
distance of 6,17 utiles, and from Clin-
ton, North to join the existing high-
way running into (*0derieb, a di00(1nee
of 5,6 miles, The amount left. is 7 7
miles, and in all events, yet might be
added to this year's program, as has
leen done before, when this earlier
contracts were cleaned up quickly.
Jahn 0ibllings, Clinton's oldest nat-
ive -loin citizen, ilas5ed away at his
home there, on Monday, Feb 14113, at
the nee of 89 years. Up to the time
of alis death, the late Mr. Gibbing'
had enjnyed fairly good health and
took a deep interest tit' ettrl•ent events.
His earlier years were 01)ettt in farm-
ing, Later, he entered into the organ
husinees With the late \V. D. Doherty,
retiring from active work, in 1.89(1,
Tie was bent and spent his entire life
in the home where he died. The
property WAS purc11need in 1837, by
his father, from this Oallada La»d Coe
and hie son s1111 holds the original
deed, which in all the yearn has neva'
changed innate. Ml'. GibbTngs' older
brother, Will(sm, who died four years
ago, 31330 who Wee five genre hie son.
Personal Paragraphs
Vn, styles t}Ira r. at • ill T.rn don, on
'Weil n ea(ha v.
b'rtanl: ('udi ,,.t 1,f .tie:.forl11, was
in lot(11, last tint urtl:;.c,
Mho( Al illy (a, t't, 01 Was off duty, last
welt 1xUiltit,•p, eveningenld.
S. F. Davison alended the Hard-
ware Oollverl Lion, in To nitro, last
William Alnrhey left this week, for
131, Thomas, whets, he has rammed
wrot k.
William C. Smith was a visitor in
Toren to, Nat \VPdltesri'.y and Thurs-
Mrs, Tteid and young son, of Sea-
fnrth, are visitors with Mrs. Tack
Mee. A, W. Dennison and Misses
Dorothy and Iris at•e-visit'cng relatives
in P1 t n.
F*•}esnds are glad to sc'P that Mrs.
Wm. King is able to get out again,
after her ()petition.
Mrs, S. F. Davison turd Aiiss Mary
returned on Saturday, after visiting
at Toronto and \Weston.
Lawson 0101114e 1000 off duty, last
week, at the Bank of Nnva Scotia,
Mit is back again. on the job.
Miss Addie Cardiff ie the guest of
Miss Afae Wood, at Chatham, for a
few weeks, and at, other points,
Airs. McGuire returned home, last
week, alter a two menthe' visit with
her daughter, Mt A. Masan. at Met lin.
Mrs. (;entge McDonald. of Gnder-
411, was here, attending the funeral
of the late Airs. Wm. Martin, nn Mon -
Miss Edythe Willis, R. N., returned
to Rochester, last creek, rafter a hol-
iday with her Another and other rel-
lddio Heist loft bast week, for Ches-
ley, where his father is working, 11P
is supposed to get a jab in One of the
factories there,
Editor A. G. Snaith, of the Win -
ham .Adv,tnre•Tlnl^s, (weeping/lied by
Jtas. (=ilnunn, gsve THE Pose a Ball.
on Monday
Rene A, C. Br-Pkrn ;s r,tten(iiog the
O'uat•i:, 0and lin:eds (",. t'rnp,icn at
Pnu,u'o tl (:scar. 10! . 11„eket tak-
(- great Irl rr't In this Wolk.
Miss 1.tnni T,i,,klateT, o1 Ari,.g-
bni;,, 133,1 111-s Elbe) (.'.nrnnhel! were
r,4tm 01111, the betP,'s pm Pot,. G.
21 and 1011 ('"1nt1,4•(1. last week.
1hnroan (3, Mo stall and Mr. Mins
laa', ,f Ox3',, 0 (1.,., wets in Btu sols,
11 3' 107' clnrt.d05 1'. nier, , 1
u; tl:'T,I t,l '013)1' 1.111141,. bye --e1-
PP n t,i \ 1 Htu'n
1', at r,y3t(cren,tlh,tt3,Ferg-
u.ru, 1s hot -.11.,r1••••,i} i-orev Anent ne
b4'; leant 11'irodr, w,,3,ld like e; t•1,r,•*.�e,.
I t 1
opl i
xtt lib. a t' int ,'',ria. Ant[ hit
T>onato:l ., sod 117: ''Art's..
hit Ilnnni'"0 tr.r. hr.,,, -:.t, .e.110.
p.u:'I„;h"it lt'lV f,seed.. xl I .1-, n;, TI.ao.,v , 1,••e dr,3 last. A
1, or
,r,1,01 , r ^;:. •T,tlit.
lit t, ori led, of over, hon boon
!'- I:, 30 Jt•,) ( in I1,t`
13(1,1 3,r`nt, 3''3,1 l' hick
11,10 1'P.:.,, It"win,' Jars•( "t 'v-,' at '
'1'aesn;.lt3, ATild,.,av, (;aerie, eli0'nn
n d 1.n,• , * 'n-, Ren 1x 1,1(1,1 1.' 1), -at a(
nu', 0(.1, (bp best tvitile,'hild horn
No11111,1 Ilo(113lway track, in that
Vallitoz to Arae '<nml os ('1, °,•iro-
n,ai'i'1,' 11,•0, on Hie 1 :ren of
siru'o, 7'ht tnes Mask. a t'
I`1' Vs Ingham, sell, 1 Pit at, ('130111
t u,tl;:n'ufII,P body, rseen11>'. H,
1t 311;,h'tVint,frunt;enelat).flosp-
Ilal, trht3,u' 11,101, hope is Belts ('1' Ilio
1:'lns en s.
I'}:'' work "f r,lt"utrlhng and reptth-
ing (1(1' iotas„( 00 the old Perth:
113,'(5 NW, tit 81lall'rn 01, has naw lid-
0:Weed t0Ilu• the stagy, ()nets it, can
hr d, liuit,:v 3LL1ec1 11143 In otring 0p-
e0itti0110.• Willer[ nnnenee around April
Gcoig[' 51,:0 ay, of Tavietoek, while
eu; ne•,1 i1,; .past ling 1:1:11
p 131,156 fel' kind-
ling %tgayu, hawk, ,t 8(11,0a 11 ece over
his knee. tint noticing a nail in the
1%',1,1), Which penetrated hds knee. Ile
did not pay inurh attention to the
00(11)18 1111111 it beentlio Very painful.
The 101) -acre Patin, on the aid Con..
Logan, who'll is known as the o9,1 -
son" farm, and which belonged to the
late \V}Iliam Forrester, 11111 been pur-
chased by Fred 'Wm del for 55,500,
farm has beet) (1se11 Int pastur-
ing stock and there 01,' 110 1/Wilding::
011 10b1P asome the c eas ten orflf-
(0eut acres of bush.
F.nx-Aad. Gentge T. Janes, 01 Strat-
ford, died in the ()enteal hospital.
his death following a period of SPVP1-
al days' illness, dining which be Was
uncotteei0us most ,f the time, He
had not been in good health for sever-
al years, suffering from rheumatism,
and otherwise bring far from sit.
Several days ago, he suffered a paral-
ytic strpleoke,
A asant event took plane on
''117e ay evenin, of last. week, Whom
LhP Inemhers 0fgBrodhsgPtt
aim) am,greg-
of St, Peter's Lutheran Church
gathered in the ehurell basement, to
honor their retiring choir tender, Lou-
is Becket, After 60 years of wirer-
rupted service in the choir, 83101(30 the
last 4i) years of which, he served as
leader, Ale. Iienket has elected to re-
linquistl his eminent; post.
The death of Alexander Struthers,
a Well•kIIOWO resh8Pnt of lama TWl.,
ooctrn'ed at It}s home, near Newry.
Mr. Struthers WAS horn atMusselhurg,
near Poole, In 1855, where his father,
the tate John Struthers, eet.LTed, In
itis young days, M(. Struthers was an
athlete of repute, aid for setae years,
held the champion511in of Perth Co„
for the 100 -yard dash The dereas4d
served in the Elmo, Connell, and
,was for a period of time identified
With the Biwa Agricultural Society.