HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-16, Page 4W1:DNFSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 1927 tube nuss.ets Bst WJ I)NESDAY, Il'1BR.TARV 16 1027 SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REPORT FOR EAST HURON THE BRUSSELS POST Custom Sawing Township Boards of Trustees Would Increase Efficiency aF Rural Schools 1'0• the Warden and Aie�nb,re of the Huron County Council: .,entl+;nu_tt .--In acc•ordanee with •the regulations of the Department of P: l 1c 1t:•on, 1 ant submitting herewith near report of the conthtioa of educe - Ben in the public schools of the in- speete,rate of hast Huron for the on) 1026. Yours respeetfully. JOHN 11. F(EI.D, Due to decrea-ed attendance in the 1'urdwich and \\'ingham public schools, there is one less tenial' in e.e..'11; this leaver in the inspectorate for the past term 118 teachers as against 120 previously. 1 h.tve• nn. tired a further decline in attendance in several rural schools, ono hevin,; only two pupils and another rout ; the waste is obvious; no remedy seems available. Two new schools were built this year, one in S. S. No. 9, McKillop. and one in S. S. No. 1 , Turnberry; the school in No. 3, Gray, was com- pletely remodelled. They are nil built on modern plans and represent the best in comfort and appearance, S. S. No, 11, Turnberr'y, has a see - tion assessment of only ;1,55,000 ;;eel yet it has provided for its children what a few sections with more than three times that asses -aunt withold from doing. Many schools have had their dark ash walls and cei'ling's painted during the past year or two so as to improve: the lightin.• and general cheerfulness; other improve- ments to the buildings end grounds were also macre in many sections. Additions amounting to a large sum were made in most schools in the matter of charts, i;•eog;raphicai, historical and agricultural; $400 was spent on libraries in the rural Schools on which grants of $154,50 have been paid; the present total valuea of such libraries is $7,000. There are at present 11 teachers I D" •rt wtth first -e ase c el tincatt. second class certificates and one with a kindergarten certificate. First- class teachers have little preference with trustees over seco0,l-cis:: tea• therm, a1t11ough the Is luta' on De' partment encourages their employ silent by providing larger grants. All the new teachers, with only one or two exceptions, are doing creditable work. l do not think there are more unemployed teachers this term than there were last year; mo -t of them have been absorbed in ,,thee itee - pations. In the Seaforth Mich School isn- trrnce centre, which consists of out- posts at Brusels, Fthel and Manley, there were 1.15 candidate;: of these 07 passed, of whom 24 took honors and 48 failed. In the Clinton centre, which includes Blyth, 103 wrote, 11 passed, of whom 11 took honor;, and 32 failed. In the \\ringinou r•'rt' which includes Wroxeter end Fo':1- wi('h, there were, 0$ candidates, e passed, of whom 22 took honor. and 14 failed. The arithmetic papers are Itffi ent le less di ult,�and Inore I r ul 1t practical than formerly, bat candi- dates find much trouble in preen iter 'far the examinations in British and Canadian history, At tee Departmental sxtenivationg at Myth 20 candidatee sent, on the Middle School examinations, at Brus- sels 24, at l urdwich 17 and at Wrox,ae'' 022, at Clinton 5', wrote the middy: and 51 on vh 11011ir &b001: a' 8,afnrth S0 on tin• middle and 72 net the zipper: et, Wing -leen 70 on the middle and 5s ou the up- nra•. 'Th (;•r,.; for the Shove , y.•nuin- Jtr.n; amen otvd 10 32,300. T'r • tr t tl giant paid 011 .(tipnl it „aid ulc' nr(I(d:'lntl 11 311 O, tario .11,11,11t for (8' pa,t 3 t• was The undersif;nvd wishes to announce that he is prepared to do all kinds of Custom Sawing, at his farm, Lot 7, Con, t3,Grey, Jasi Stevenson Phone 42 1 Car of Western Expected right away. Special price of 51C per 12u3. Off Car. valuable asset to this chamber and to the proceedings of this parlia- ment. The los, of such a man will be felt hero and perhaps in the con- situency which he represented, mole that in any other quarter, '1'n his friends there ruin his friend's here, and to the relatives who survive hila, we join in expect$ Ing our sincere sympathy. :tea'. JOHN T.. BROWN (Lie„ ar3: It is perhaps itrps t tting, Air, Speakre, tam :1 ut,anh,•r of the group with lvh.ch :Me. Bing, was more directly 1esoei It'd should express on this ne- ' 1 (1(l ,aur :ippreelution of the los:; we hat,. .sustained. When I say that I shall always remember with pleas- ure my intercourse with 'lr. King, I believe I 5x00558 the sentiments of th,, _roup to which Mr. &in.: belong - ,.1 in this Homo, We always found him a genial companion a man of unimpeachable integrity In T sound iine:meet, and his voice wae heard in the councils of the group of which he was a valued member. \\r" re- te*Wise that that group has suffered Woeerittnizo that ''his ]ion ` na o rc mei the people of 'forth Burma have ' Chopping Mill \V:1lt,1) .-wfret•,1 a los; as well, and the'y ] 1 will be indeed fortunate if they find ' a successor to Mr, Bing who will be TRIBUTES TO THE LATE ;mutiny,utiny faithful to his duties, egaal- 1 JOHN W. KING h' sound in his judgment and equal.- -- ly wiling to give all his time and the .The Official Report of tht Domino heat that 3s in hila to the ac1'yies of I inn Parliament gives the tributes his constituency and his conntr'r: . raid to the memory of the late mem- With the other member of oar FINANCIAL STAIEME —0F TlII:--'— BrnsselS9 Morris & Grey Municipal Telephone FOR THE YEAR 1926 SYSTEM li1':CLIPTS b,SPIeN1}1'T17lj,l+l Balance rem 1923 8'36'(0 Ln Village of }drummers, 1926 .,., 2262 00 Township of ilrey, 1920 - 0837 (Irl To ,v esti p of Morris, 19'20., . • 344)7 00 Twp, of (1. \Vawauoalr, 1920 20 00 Twp. of IleKiliop, 1926 195 (11) '1' p. of Willett, 1926 13 00 'Prep. of Turnbetry, 10',1091 00 Mental Inc 'Telephones 957 45 Extension Telephones , , • • , (18 0000 Extension Belle Bell Telephone On,, long die - Wive 73 tante tolls Molesworth Tolle Wroxeter Tolls Seafeeth Tolls Public Pay Stations Moving Telephones, e. • .. , Miscellaneous 50 35 78 10 80 45 9S 50 1 50 16 25 Total Receipts $19076 53 her for North Huron: group I wish to express a sense of 1 Right Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King: ' the loss we have sustained. : ASSETS Mr. Speaker, when parliament met in '$ JOHN EVANS (Itoset011u) : Cash on hand $ 1130 66 December the constituency of North Mr. Speaker, John King was a roan Unpnul rents and tolls 1961 55 Stock and material on hand 4193 88 Huron was represented in titre House 'reatly respected by the gtronp to I Value of System, total cost89279 91 by Mr. John Werwiek King, of Ill -it which he belonged from 1021 on, 110 ,y;96775 00 vale, Huron County, who w\as first indeed I think he was respectei by 511tilltent0100••- I3attelles, wile and supplies Freight and cartage Labor Lively hire 1 OperatorsN inemana salal') Secretary's saint and Tress• 11t'er's salary Direetore' fees and expenses Auditors' salaries Cletks and Collectors, other Municipalities Bell Telephone 011,, tolls , , , McKillop Tel, System, tolls, Insurance and Taxes 10teres 1 Debentures and Come -me., (}asoline, nil, repairs, &e,, Fuel and light Hapeses, poat.age, stamps, stationery, Ste Miscellaneous $ 1129 05 5511. 253 ;;5 ' 110 75 1 ' Etlaries 2543 42 I 1200 00 I 770 00 128 00 20 00 24 00 ' 1453 21 45 00 106 60 32'1 08 212'2 49 08 33 282 16 124 02 406 13 11198 96 Construction, Equi pmen 1, &e, Cable, poles and sup- plies . 84218 74 Cattage, freight. &c. 334 01 Labor - 116101 Truck, Telephones, Pay Stations, See, 1108 25 6737 01 Total Expenditure $17986 87 Balance on hand 11 1130 66 LIABILITIES Debentures $13018 96 Balance Assets over Liabili• ties 83750 04 890775 00 elected to parliament in the general all who knew him. He was in this elections of 1921, and who rias :mato House shortly before Clnistmae, and G, H. SAMIS, 4. H. MAODONSALD,ar N. F.C4 141. HLAK, 1 Auditors. returned in the general elections of it was a shock indeed to most of us Treasurer, y 1926 and 1926. To -day the :urletl- to read in the papers of Inc death. tuency as you have jutzt reminded ns! This is only another reminder that is without representation owitlg to • life is uncertain at the Stat. A: - the death of its, member on January though our friend had reached what 14. ; is usually considered the allotted It is fitting, Jar. Speaker, that be- span of life, I believe he was still fore the House resumes its duty we young in his ideals and in his hopes should give some expression of the i for the emancipation of Inc own . sense of our loss, and of the eym- . class, We hope also that the. people pathy which will he fold in all parts of North FIuron will 000 fit again to 1 of the House with the re1Etives Sial elect a loan with the ideals and in- i friencls who have been bereavedby tegrity of character possessed by the sudden death of our lite mom- ' our friend who has passed away. i. ger. 1 would like to convey the sympathy t At the time of his death Mr .Rina: ; of this group to his friends and 20 - had just entered upon his seventy- ! latives. second year. He was born of Scotch ;— parents at Smith's Falls, Ontario He received his early salutation at Blue- ' vale public school and at the colleg- late institutions of St. Catharines Luft Collingwoocl and at :he normal school in the city of Ottawa. For seventeen "' years he was a public school teacher in this pro:inee, ale gave up teaching to farm in Huron county, and spent the last twenty years 14 his life as an agriculturist. In polities Mr. Icing was u. iginelly a Liberal. He joined the Progres- sive party in the elections of 3921 and was on eal•ih occasion retuetie,l to parliament as a member of the' party, .in this House, while loyal to the party to which he had fi'r.'n his ;ilk'aiance, he retained in full m.'as- urs his Liberal convictions and .-ynr ethies, and wherever he ,':,lt juetl- lied in so fining, gave wholehearted .rapport to my colleagues and my • self. I mention this eireumstanc e et moment the n the m only because or l• e a tl�el' measure 1 • r aur. )t loss •' which c a.h 1 f • cl_1 we on this side of the Ilo!t;e .'harm in common with our t'lvure=si1';• friends, Mr. seine was of :1 10W1, ;Girl ro. disposition, His vnie,• was not often 111•ard in debate, but hie pre'- • once made itself felt in hie freulk ani friendly interOnUl•.1' «•irlt the member, anti in ]iia este mtinnally eea111' 11 attendance in r8' Jionar=. lir ways 0 Illilli who ilia .10 tuaay 1rirnds :111.1 1 :110010 i1l11 re. ,.etv rarely- in Id ::n enemy. very snort limy Ergo 31r. 1. fie ejil',n•, l Et gr•" :,; h, 1'1.avi, ne,lf in 1110 death of his wife, 1111,).:• 100, hn neatly mnuluc•rl, They end r,n t lol Iv. tut fir le:n (s e. wed 8:11 mem- 1- e: and on .ala• all i "i""eke. 1,11 ter.:. and 1'111 tri' nd 1 1.53767:130;0r tIs ] tl un when] he will h,• ) Or' r' : i 0011. 1' eeft, d 5R,ilun, Howiek greatly eeh'i, at 5 to whom the.'. li0use will extend its `J i70, Mullett, ed 7 P, 3lcli'Lu"' I fulled ;vmnath •. slatiti, 3. ,1 i t[nu. Hi'Gil Ri''I'Tiltll: t 1, nTr' .., 17.50 and Turns- v, •�. „f rice (lpla);•i:inn): lit•. �; +•':)ir0r, 190. The tillage.; of Blyth 1 rn'.5els this i:1 the eerc r and iiia rtes' rcc,.ived 81.060, ,i00 )15 ()evasion 140 '11' ) ;1 ,1o,r "00 lespeeti'.sly', 1 rt;eth)r Witt) I r"Im)'n which ]11(1 e hes nr ti.n0 i upon u'hit'h the Haire hes h , n e:.lc- c(niiau-tit grant, o1 41`{ . ,sl, an)1 NI *n nide ilje death of unr of 829. Th, Tortrr of 1•linton :out 1i1;'tnbers Sir. Bing the Seafol th o et eived grants on salaries King, former and 1))'tihcates (11 82,-119 11+1 i1,- Tfousr,.r for Vor}h itnrnn 1n chi, 312. ;0 respaetin iv, 1,nd equipm:'11: Tlnhtse h).(1, it i4 true, I "10333 tri it gllrlti: (11' x`47 an(j r;. \\i trrTtrl+n ' t4 10011.00 upon t the allotted :'pan Ire': not tr:`87 ipate in t 1'.vw ”;"",5"' g "nr'' I nl' iifr, hat in apeceiranee h" revile :,rt 11.0; pbpulatin1 is iu :•xi.:,,: of , i maul• ((00141. of eHuth ami d1.. I niu,;;, d :•'rant ,1ivily for 1 mean of 'fit' r'r,yrernment would htcrr•rt ,. 1?.er PIllelrn1•3 01 the 1•(1)01 mahnrr'4 h ' rrr, tt,t; nun: er nsl.;l!1t .11 his ;'ttehrl- hr r-.,tehli•hmr nt of township T,0ii1' I "'"' tn'••+ riiL" lit tool le.o ;n ICnit'..,r ,. rie0titur:d and nt ,n., cla.�:v.� ' h rii eh'r/ ,. 01 !1 � 'nn. ,, t t ,. b'1 • hitt : i1. il.l ` 1 - wi!h 1,:1,•11 t'1Ti')nt'1'„•,e11, tlri: 'fi'ept i}1•> i'r,•, r,,.a. ]r o-1.. ., .,. in chi, r•h 1• , , , •f mot • Il n,r!1'ref good yit,ly Yet 1 -,e )1y 111 t,,':11"If 33 tt: 1)1 1 l.: r. 'i the rontittlons that noir exist, rc,lt': c•omn,nn emet., very 000. t' I 1)tn a iii, 1•1'.1• HEADS LIQUOR COMMISSION David Blyth Hanna, who is to be the Chairman of the Commission to administer Government Control in Ontario, achieved his greatest prom- inence in Canadian affairs in the realm of railroading. He was Presi- dent of the Canadian National Rail- ways after the nationalization of the Canadian Northern Railway, and up to the time of the absorption of the Grand Trunk. He was succeeded by Sir Henry Thornton in 11)22. Since his retirement as President of tht C',N.It. he huts been engaged with his private business interests, which are numerous, and include the •Western (1808(10 Flour Mills, of which he is President. Mr. FIanna's life has been devoted to runway interests, and hoe been a dory of continued success from his early association with Old Country lit )or- t to :111 impor- tant anti r;zilways in his y1 tant position he occupied in Canada nearly half a century later. He was born in 1858 at Thornliebtlnk, near Glasgow. As a young man he eery - ed with twm Old Country railroads, later, ct the eget of 24, coming to Canaria in the e ttevice of the eremites - Mg r mite - ing department of the Grand Trurk Railwey. His eureur in railroading Etter took hien to New York true 10 1','t'tngn la Prairie, where, in 1486, • he }meanie chief accnunl;tit', of the Manitoba & Northwestern Railway, :mei then Treasurer and Land Com- edesinner, rid 'i h eo years fallowing Air. Hanna wise rho.' 11 1111111110 1' o'f the, :road t lush Th. kenzie tO Mann rnmnll'Ii('e:c3 e ht:ild Prem Gladstone to Dauphin, Mee to be known as the Cammlleln `ic,,'h, rt1 Railway. Iii: ability sl ow- , e1 to exc,'pti'ollal advantage in this new capacity and the read 00s 2(11111,' t„ 11:1 y it:. charges the tint year and ru:ni=h a.:urplus. Witlr the c•.trn— snnl of rho system to a 10,009 -mile Iia' with termini at. Atlantic and Pe eiiie tidewater, Ilr, 1Ianatt beeareo '.Third Vire President and took • up , riIl,,.7 in Toronto in 1.902. 1 11'' interests 'and Omati0ns roll- 1 linie '! 10 eep'ulrl and he became 1 Pre ,id: .! of the Canadie r Northern ! (5),-'i'rlilw tt til'• (1)1.11,17 & i•She , :11. John ll:t Iwai, 1111)1 :he NI -.'.on, el". (athnlin_ &- Tomo. 1 Railway, W11.,0. 311 1')18 the• (hoc' rnl,tent 1 1,er 510, C'1 01, -lock. of tl. :rt:net'a off 1 1h ( ! ar'''t m N'iht ,n ,,m!,,,'o 1 !,, tree, 1;1•1 i'tr• id 019 )1r.,i •:an,,, her. j.;..,1^•r '.. , .,,'3 a, i r' ., 'r.+. ';Ino.;- r.0 1 ( ore,. ,c41. tiIOIt a , op ti,.• '+r,in.'0 n.e1' n: Ow (Il•m,d 1.:1,)1., 1,'• bot, i,,,,.,1 { . d r:l 1111oI 1.'011. rl'-i ,..1''lal:In(1 (nn 0.x5100 bit„ ,.t., tl' ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting will he held in the Town Hall, B11.18sPIR, 011 Tues. FIIRRIIARY 22nd, 1927, nt 1.30 p m., when reports will be presented, Directors elected and other necessary business transacted. A, 11, MACDONALD, Secretary. is President of the Western Canada Flour Mills, President of the Canadian Western Lumber Co., and President of the Canacian Northern Prairie Lands Company, 00111(105 holding -di- rectorships in several important con- CerIls. Mr. Hanna has always been known Els a harts worker and the possessor of unusual executive ability. I'Ie is married and has three children. He is a member of the Toronto' and Albany Clubs. Former License Chairman. McClcna ham Stewart�' , who former- ly represented Ottawa in the House of Connors, brings to his now office experience as Chairman of the On- , tanto License Commission, a position which he occupied under the. Whitney Government. He filled several public Positions in the civic life of Ottawa and in the commercial field before his election to the House of Commons in 1925. Mr. McClenaghan we,; born at Oxford Mills, Grenville County, in 1866. A retail clothing merchant:, he. was President of the Laster•: Retail Merchants' Association, He was also President of the Central Canada 'Lxhd- b:tion Association, a member of the Ottawa Board of Trade, and a mem- , her of the Princess Louise Dragoon Guards, Defore his election to tht House of Commons Mr. McClenaghan had ser- , vert as a School Trustee, a member of the Collegiate Board, an'1 as Con- troller of the City of Ottawa. He is 1 a Past President of the Liberal-Con- setvative AssociEttion• Mr. McClena- ghan is a member of Rotary, the Stasonle Order and several other asso- ciations and clubs. Ho is an Anglican. He ie MO:lied and the father of seven Your Eyes Need Attention If your eyes bother you in any way; If they tyre quickly or be - (mine inflamed; If you do not see easily and well; If headaches impair your oflicieney or interfere with your pl01150)e; - If you cannot enjoy every minuteminute of your reading SEE Maude Cr Bryans Optornetrtat Phone 26x Brussels .,•J:,(.' tE't'1•l Ic irL',%1'1,4 t't).15 is le lie:m ening More mrd More Popular on British I3ttihv:ty'a. We nui3 Nee enl1Cl••et0 Mins In 11i, 111,90 future fur UAc. Ilse ..1 ,its xltlr shurr0 un the British tuilt he tinning 11 ) and 010 [ }`o} 1. ,.U, aa:r-- a Iti rht.'1 1 1.011)11)11 At un' 9 1111, four 101. -.est con:Tett yards in 071..01, 22,0011 cotta t'' titles of 1 in, 0) : 111111 typ 01'11. :...red hot t tear Inc the I1un \ tv• Well aerated :dog e'11i1,P11 t ,ut: Ma„ dust are ted luto a pou.-t Omeet mixer, and the mixture is emptee: tram the nlaclhlee to skips, with:. l i'allttp:n't, it 0751 a tl'a11.11Vdy to tiro' part of the i';trd where wood, iron, or steel mounts are to be 01.,0. Tho articles are re -1n forced with '-11.11 Mesh or steel ba1's, wlticll aro ile!d la the et etre nl' the moulds un - 111 rho cent:n:10 hardens. Amongst the types of articles for "all vv u5' use• Made in concrete etre fence posts, level crossing gates, tele- graph poles, nature boards. nine and 1 •dent posts, Silt paving slabs. Constant e::perhuents are made by the railway chemists to disrcn•cr the ;imitations and utility of concrete ar- ticles, and specimen posts are sub- jected to all sorts of weather condi- tions to test their durability, Concrete -floors for carriages have also been expe•luhented with, so that concrete trains may come sooner than we expr+.ct. children. Dr. Manion's Career. Hon. Robert James Manion, mem- ber of Parliament for Fort William, has hada distinguished and varied public and military career. By pro- fession he is a medical doctor. He is a native of Pembroke, of Irish - Canadian ancestry, and was, educated at public and high schools, Trinity College, and the University of Edin- burgh. He served with the French Army in 1915, and later as Captain in the Canadian Army Medical Corps winning the M. C., on the field at Vimy Ridge. He was elected to the House of Commons as 0 I,iberal- Unionist in 1917. Before the general election of 1021 he, was made Minis- ter of Soldiers' Re-establishment in the Meighon Cabinet. He was re- elected in the elections of 1921, 1925 and 1926. Besides his public, military and professional activities, Dr. Manion has seneral other interests. Ile is a Past President of the Canadian Club of Fort William, in which community he was also en Alderman; Past Presi- dent of the Thunder Bay Nlcrlical Association and a member of numer- ous clubs. Ile is the author of one n book: • "A Surgeon in Arils. In ro- anSu n g re- ligion 1 e i'Roma Cath lig, In n 1 4 a ]1 0 1906 he was married to Yvonne Des- aulniclts, of Ottawa. Nouse and lot far Sale Notice to Creditors Notloo is hereby gtvtm, 1111r0oalt to 800111oa 50, Obaptur 121, of the Revised statutes of 00lu'1,, that all persons bn v Ing,))alms age Met ;Int mita to of l4enrge Johnston, deceased, who died un or about the ttna,tymerolld day of January, A I) 1127, st 111e 'rows«hip of 010v, hl lie Provinau 01 Ontario, are required to scout by post, prepaid, or to de0vee to 1t, Vnns(on+, Winglitm ewtsrlo, *mance for the 1'lxeoutore, on ur (,aims the (((0'511111053' of 91er(h, A. U. 1027, their names and nddres• sem, with fall parrnulars'n writing of their charms, mid 1 h manure of the aeo)ritles (11 any)BMil by thein duly verified by a statutory t3 5Ot111k101 And 111 0,1150 18)0i Millet. that titter the 081,1 fifteenth day of unroll . ('(7. the said E4,,,( tore will of meed tri distribute the n - 'rte rf thwart estate oolong the earths, ,n'tttled therms, hiving regard only to the rialtos of Which 111°1 H11119 tile,) have hid mitten, and the 0,tid 1txeontors,ha11'not hx 1'nb:o for the said resets er any part thereof to any per0oo of whom. claim they shall not them here re• marred notice. 1) ,)1,11 81 Wr'ti1027e1 this eleventh day of P IL VANs•roNE, 35.4 •vinghem. Detal•lo, solicitor for the 19.5, ttorw. The undersigned offers for sale iia 11on8e aid lot on Albert street, Brussels. House oentainobath. 1ur111108 and ie e'eotr1owired. Good garden and garage. Everything in ftrst-alaea repair. 85 -if JAS. HENDERSON, Seater ter. Court of Revision Take notioe that a Court of Revision on the aese8ement8 0f the Buchanan Drain Exton. cion By•Imw and the Fraser Drain Improve- ment By -Law will be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Slollday, March 7th, at 2 end atorteainterested gn hmselves ooardingty J. E. FEAR, Clerk. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM• PLa1daN•1!8, &o.—Having aold its form the undersigned will offer for vale by publlo auction at Lot 8. Con. 0, Grey, nu Friday, February 25111, 811,80 o'clock, the following property :-1 General purpose teem, 1 general purpose mere,1 general purpose mare, 15 -yr, Ia sinnanrd gelding, 18lf brother so Silk Line2,08ya; 1pure bred registered Durham ball 8 years old, 1 pure brad Guernsey bull 11 months old, 1 grade Jereey due March 1231,, 1 grade cow due March 3rd, 1t,ra0.0 maw due April 16th, 1 grade heifer 80D the, not in calf, 12 chunks pigs, 75 Barred Rock pallet0 of best breeding, 15 White WyandotteH Martin's Strain; 2 geese nod a gander, 10 Pekin docks, { 1 Bronze turkey hen,1 pure bred :scotch Collie i female, 1111118 Oolhu, 1 rolnexeyHnrris binder, / 1 rode delivery rake, 1 Van Brdob said dr111,1 Prost & Wood mower, 1 Done hey to ilin 1 steel caller, 1001 of harrows, 1 OOob11011 walking plow, 1 cutting box, 1 pulper, 1 fall ninemill, l double disk oultivator, 1 waon witbox and stock rock, 1 hay rook, I sleigh and rook, 1 light single sleigh, 1 buggy, 1 double rig, 1 cutter, 1 speed nutter, 1 e eed cart, '2 oak barrels, 1 set 4000 Ib. edales, t 8;% h, p, gag engine, 1 clipping machine, 1 large refrigerator, 1 hair barrel oreholdm lasses 2 g 1 it 2 oil drums, 11hr e sliding door and treek, 1 work benoh, several doors and doablenumber sash for w1, ' down, lsat double team harness, 1 80 breis mounted team harness, 1 single plow harness, 1 get single harness, 1 set Little & Clark speed harness, halters, speed boots, blankets, bells, robes, 010.000 bus, oats, 20 tuns nlfatto (toy, 2 bons timothy hay, 60 stooks of norm, se ton of Gnnn'A Fertilizer. 25 bus 1(1101ps, number of cedar fume posts, slakes and poles, gain ti by of scantling, quantity of lumber, number of mania eta ir posts graved, Inn terns, crowbars, 1bucn0, Corl10and numerous other artiolea. implements urea,; pieotionlly new Terms—Same of $1.0 and nutter cash ; over OM /Mount 8 menthe credit given onfprnish• Ing approved joint notes, 4 per cent off fol' moth on credit amounts Trios MILLitlt, n, M.8C0'1'T, Clerk. 4011 sad Prom The annual Meeting of the Itlonkto, Cheese Factory was largely attended by patrons. A total iii' 137 tons, 1,10)) Pounds of Cheese was rude during 1026 The 0u1n of $45,001) was 01811ibe tired louring the pal rl n8 11110 fnrrnere. eV, J. Holman was rr-pleotod Secre- tltryTleasu1e', \Villianr Holman was elemed 81111'0108(1, and, Emmanuel Salter was roe -engaged as cheesetnakel' at the rate of 81 50 per hundred, Sena Annq CHSIOilimar dale Huron County Head Shorthorns int reeders ll. AT WINGHAM. Thursday, Fe 5 24th, '27 Commencing at 1 p. m. sharp Ea/IV-Get in touch with Secretary for Caologue. rhos, Kerr, Henf'r n . G. R. Patterson, Clinton President . Secretary Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of the lata Mary Earl, late of the Village of Ethel, In the County of Huron, widow deceased. Notice is hereby given 5uraa11111 to "The Revised :statutes of Ontario' Chapter lull, that all oredl tore and others having claims ago Wxt the estate of the said Mary Earl, who died 011 or nbo,t the Second clay of ]rebrnery, A. D. 1027, are rrrl1aired on before the Fifth day of March A. D, 1027, +o send by poet prepaid or deliver to the Executor% of the last will and testament of the deceased, their (lhrietian and )4o1'imrlles, addresses 51,0. deorriotIonH, the full partienlara of their claims• the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if ouy, held by them. And, further take notice that after auah last tnerltioeed date, the said Exeuut0ra will proceed to ed amongst 11)80 rues .titled (heroto,e deemote of the lls. Ing regard only to the alaline of which they shall then have notice, nod the meld 19x8005or) will not be stable for the said assets or any part thereowhose claipf notice 81,81)to Roy min8 on not 11overeons been ro calved by them at the time of Snob d)atribu• Mon. Dated tats Twelfthalyf 11Nb0000lLAIR, 1027 ,collector far 111, L. Deejardins and Thomas Turnbull, the Ex eontor!) of the deceased, AUCTION SAL19 00' FARM STOOK, I MPLE• 010500, GRAIN, &o --Jas, Taylor, Ano, has been instructed to sell at 5(4 Lot 4, (ton, 5 Morris, one milt, East of Sulgrave, 0n tSrl• day, Fob 101(1, at 1,30 o'clock sharp, the follow• Ing :1 an0t.c1Od Pereher0n teen 111nra 7 mid 8 piers, 1 drfvieg hose, 1 cpw due April lath, 1 sow dn0 Maroh 15th, 1 Saw due .Tune 10(11, 1 pow doe May 1st, 1 oow due bitty 18(11, 111eif• or rI01ng 2 yeare, 8 steers rising 2 yearn 3 Spring calves, 18010 dile April l2lh, 1Oehanka ply about 100 lbs., 25 Mienron helix, 50 Barred Rock (tang, Mt cut Deering 1110WOr, oultivat• or, seed drill, 10•(tov set 4•aeotdon 1)tnmand harrower Oloverienf manure spreader, Tud• hnPO-400el'aall riding plow. No, 21 Mosey. Hamra Woih{ng 1,11nv new, Adams wagon acne ly now, sol olelg118 with :moire shoeing and honks, buggy, outer, 1 14 vd. !travel box now. tea( reek, hay rank, Renfrew cream separator, get Riegle harness, pet double 1i1.0 11888 new, &horpe 11051)01' 116W, Whlffiotreel, nook8yoltes, 0)150)• l,ottle, Daisy ahem, nmtl box, 6 bilge potatoes, wheel barrow, .100 to 600 bile, oats, 50 bee. wheel+, 5 inns of hay, R i'oo range geed Ile new, Perrootlon 4 -burner ooel all stove good AR new, Sole unreserved as the Proprietor islying np farming, a' T8ntM5.—A11 stems of $10 and nuclei., nnpli , over that mrionnt 0 months grodit given on fnrnishin( approved joint notes, Opo.Oent off for nigh on er0llit ,,,aunts, timid owne's foraeunrity, Grain WAl2520115IES920R,Prop, NOTICE of Application for Divorce Notloo is hereby given that L112738 BRIN11. MR, of the Village or Exet.ap. In 1110 Oennty or 14 urea, Roth rr Farmer, •, will nppiv to ills Pnr1)e,,sn f ''inn 1.1 nt tura next 11,, ,,,9,, ,nn �.lhia orf• 11tv'rr•nt an' lie wo'viol' ,e •n,. � 1, errs comet oa ' ",• 0 nv Ina ' nn(rt in ,••t VT,nbi ?J 1 ',t rl" (iv en1 ,. t r.• .n) . llos,." at 3.1,, 'ria•. r r.,,,e 5 l '1) ,)I• the -6'11 rh' •, .7n,n,r 4.1) 15,7. 11 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Daniel Cooper, late of tho Township of Croy, in the County of Huron, far. mor, deceased. Notice is hereby given Pur0annt to the Re, vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, Chet all Creditors and others haying clntm5 agntngt the estate of the said Daniel Cooper, who died on or about the 8th day of September, A. D. 1025, are required on or before the 26th des of February A. D. 1027. to Bend by post nrophid or deliver to Joseph Cooper, one of Sxooutore of the last Will and Testament of deceased, their Chr)etien and Stu -mores, id• dresses and desoriptiono, the full particulate of their olalnms, the Statement of their sc. omenta 01,2 the nature of theeecurctlee, It any, held by them. And farther, take, notice that after such rant mentioned date,' the said 1Cxeotttore will proceed to 518tribn)e the 0,0010 of the deceits - ed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hay. Ing regard only to the churns which they shall then have notice and the said Executors will not be liable for the said a,00t8 or any part thereof to any person or persons of 'whose claim notice shell not harm been received by them nt the time or such distribution. Dated this Ninth day of February A . D,1527. W M. SINOLAIR, Solicitor for the Exooutore. Farm for Sale Perm of the late William R. Hestia, oonsist- Mg of 72 miry of excellent land, in rhe town• ship of Howlek. About 15 acres of hush, bac• 01101, all workable: splendid return' water supply; good ornhard, burn end frame 1,n08e. Situated about lit miles from Gerrie P. 0, and shtnping elation. Also 100 -nor,, groes ,arm adjoining First -Masa land, well drain• ed, good shade and never•ratlb,g water sup• ply; good barn, drive shed and Trait trees. W Ill melt separately or together. Possession March let, 1017, Apply to Mrs, Wm. R. Has - tie, Executrix, Box 280, Gerrie, or G. W. WACKER, Gerrie, Ont, Farms for Sale 260 acres. being the south halves of Lots 18, 10, 20, 21 and 22, in the 1st Con, of Grey town. ship. 100 acres ldeel grana farm, with can- ning water and, bade, will be sold separately If desired, Will eonwider renting part or all to suitable tenant A .ply to 806E GE0. 0 iORNSR+ON, R It 2, nluevale or 01E017015 8POTTON, \Vinghnn, Farm for Sae 105 acres, being Lot 20. 10th Con , Twp, of Grey. Abbot 80 mores cleared, balenee past- ure slash. On the premises is n large gravel r if frame hour frame pita story and s ha di e, nbuildings.'mall Sash le and other small !a stab Pnymos on ants, (8100 A may 1107.remain e, morly to age, Possession let of CLEAN, Amply to A 120 H. MOLEAN, R. R. 2, Brussels. Nouse and Lot for Sale The undoretgned offers for sale his comfort• able briok cottage on Prin01,00 street. 13rns• mein. Holf•nore of land, Well and oistern, Immedlnte possession. 'For furbhee ne�tio• mann, apply to W M. WORK, Brussels P. O. Phone 2117 House and lot for Sale The eligible house and lot on 9naen Street, Brussels, the property of the late Mrs, Ke s, is offered for mile. Comfortable house with Small garden, Von further ppattioulars apply to HA RIly. 1119514, 8.11 R. R. 8 Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) 100 neves :being Nay nota 7 8, 0 and North 40 acres of 10, Con. A, Turnf,erry township, Large flrst•oboee been, splendid stone stabling underneath : windmill, large driving stied, good frlune h0n08 end Stone ldtchen, miles orchard, never failing spring on fem.. 2 from Wroxeter t'illege and mile from school. Tills farm has Leen in pastime foe some yeer8 Sed willIva Mellon) returns. Forte land values will rise. For pnrtloulma ripply to T1908, GIBBON P. 0, box 7 Wroxeburor John 80 eon saints Farms for Sale The anderoi red odere for sale hisl00•nore Irwin being N14, Lot 26,Oon,7,Morris. Also Ku mires, 1,eing North Se Lot 20, and By, 27, Con,7, Morris, Good Se, and barns in f}ret•otnse aouditiott, Also nil good ant-bulld- Inge. Will sell with or without drop, Rene. on roc selling, (1001' health Por further porta feelers apply to W. H. Me(1UTOHi6ON, Proprietor, R. 11.4, Brussels Farms for Sale IMmendmi 110'Sons- nr 1,n) 1 fl't tit) 0011)11 (3 of Lot 5, s 1 she nlr h' „C Tmt 111, (len. 7 I the • x n-1-1 1 Y r 'rl these tarns aro oifsrrd ,1,., nn the 00!0'„ or tb0151, dmnu•a h 1' 1 1') liar Will hn rrr+nhA for ons • rnrttettln ra.r•n'r to 1110 ,a p'ai'••r+,, n1,N0 53JTTA 4 4n NI)MIiw114 1