HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-16, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 35
'2.00 ter annum in advance
deeli ::.4"t : eseoe P 1 taws'" Pei ♦•• 14+4 P,P ♦4,PPNfH$4HHeestees$ 44..44tatteteeetee 4:t2
The Surrounding District it
Mrs. Alex. elnwbray is suffering
from lin attack ul1 to114111 IS.
Jelin and elle, Hall vi'it, d withi ret -
al ver: ne kV;exe, er, ,", Sit day.
Mrs. J no. Mustard is spending tt few
days with her slater, relies Martha
Frank Coon hes, of Ottawa, spent
the week -end with his brother, A, 1T,
U( ombes.
Mies Ethel Welke, of Teeswater,
spent Seamy with her friend, Mrs. J.
W. Leggatt..
Black Bros, have purchased the 176•
acre farm of the late J, W. King, at,
P, This now gives them 076 acres.
There was a slight error in the re-
port of. the Presbyterian Ohureh,
The amount raised by the W. M. S.
was $137 40 instead of $37.40, as T1im
POST stated.
Miss Margaret Garnies is in Kit.
chener teaselled, this week, having
her tonsils removed. She wits ae-
companied by her cousin. Miss Olive
Milvert Sellers has not been enjoy-
ing very good health, recently, and
)las gone to Onelph to undergo med.
foal treatment there. We hope that
lie will soon be well again,
Players, Pian t•.s
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction assured.
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Walker &Black ar B. Carter
Moises, .1 Moreton shi ,ed a car Crf
I! .1 le and begs Lo Tormite, on Satur-
day, u,<John
Armstrong s'ppe
d a
ear of cattle, Friday.
\Vrtn rued Mee, Manley, who have
sp.^L1 the ;met month +vith friend+
here, have gone to Toronto, where
they have pnrchaeecl a grocery store,
Mil vett Sellers held a clearing auc-
tion sale of stock and implemente, on
Friday, and everything brought good
prices. He sold hie (aril to Edward
Johnston, who gets possession on
Mrrch 1st,
Following a lingering Bitters of five
months, Mrs. James A. Moffatt pas-
sed away at her home, at M0rrisbank,
on Feb, Ord, in her 03rd year, the eld-
est daughter of the late John and
Mrs. McVettie. She endured her ill-
ness wit» wonderful patience and
cheerfnlnese, Many can truly say of.
her "She was a friend in need." Es-
pecially Was she beloved and will be
sadly missed by her husband, one
sister, Mrs. W. S. Davidson, and one
brother. Milton, of Windenr. The
floral offerings were beautiful. Inter-
ment was made in Wroxeter cem-
etery, on Moulay afternoon, The
ill a'ers were : obi,. Mitchell, WV
bet R
Fraser, 0. Higgins, A. Moffat, P.
Moffatt, W. Davidson,
Alrs. J, Morrison has returned from
a visit with relatives in London.
Wesley Paulin has been ill for a
week, 1411 'Tering from eppelldiCitie.
The Wroxeter branch of the Wom-
en's Institute will held their regular
monthly meeting, at the home of Mrs
G. A. Weaning, on Thursday, Feb.
24th, at 3 p. m. (`here will be a tea
biscuit competition and a tea and cof-
fee deulonstration.
Two rinks from here attended the
honepiel, in Hntristen, last week.
One rink, consiet1ng of Gordon Gib-
son, Lorne Krl»kp, A111.0 bluru'0 and
Geo. MrEw•en, wee suceeestul in win-
ning smoking sets, also the ('hanlh-
el4 Challenge Curling l.hield. Irina
1 1 1t
Di1tNl'a'll !e41111.av 11 III 1 OOP 4 llc (,1
r 14
placing the fined mune for the trophy.
dei(' r10,)17'
, o
f 19
Grocery Specials
Pastry Flour (Milverton), per
sack 2,1 lbs. .9
fled llird Matches, 3 boxce for .2
'Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. for , . .2
Dates, Figs, and Prunes, 2 lbs.
for .2
Seep Chips, 0 pkgs. for .2
lilenzine, 3 pkgs. for .2
Handy Ammonia, 3 pgs. for . .2
Lu:c, 2 pkgs. for .2
P. and G. Soap, 4 bars for , , "
Quick Naptha, 4 bars for .. .2
Castile Soap, 0 bars :for .2
Orange Pekoe Tea, reg, 80e for
7 2 lbs. for 1.39
5 Black Tea, loose, reg, 75c per lb,
5 per lb. ,65
Green Japan Tea, loose, reg. 7;,c
5 per lb. for
5 Honey, 10-1h. pail pure clover 1,39
5 Epsom Salts, 6 ihs. for .25
5 Sheriff's Jello Powder, 4 pegs.
5 for .25
5 Brooms, reg. 50c for .35
5 Brooms, *reg. 75e for ... , .67
Champion Tonic to make hens lay— the best stuff made, at 50c and $1.00
per Pkg.
Dry Goods Specials
Flannelette Blankets, large size
grey and white, per pair ..$2.29
Fingering Yarn, all colorer, per
ib. 1.29
Factory Yarn, all colors, per Ib. .98
Men's Flannel Shirts, reg. $2,00
for 1.78
Men's Flannel Shirts, reg. $1,75
for 1.59
Mon's All -Wool Underwear, reg.
$2.00 for 1,69
Men's All -Wool Underwear, reg.
for $1.75 for 1.39
blot's Natural Wool Combina-
tions, reg. $3.75 for ,. -.. . 3.25
Men's Fleece Lined Underwear,
reg. $1.00 for .89
Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear,
seg. 75c fpr .69
Children's Vest an'cl Drawers,
reg. 75c for .89
Women's Natural 'Wool Under-
wear, reg. $2.00 for . 1:69
Mon's Blue and White Overalls,
reg. $2.25 for 1.89
Mena Leather Label Overalls,
reg. $2;50 for 2.19
Men's Lined Smocks, Leather
Label, acg. $3.00 for 2.69
Men's Sweaters, reg. $8.00 for 2.39
Men's Sweaters, all Wool, reg.
$4.50 :for 3.89
Women's All Wool Sweaters, rcg.
$5.50 tor 4.49
Girl's All Wool Sweaters, reg,
$3.50 for 2.69
Boys' All Wool Sweaters, reg.
$3.60 for 2.50
Men's Lumbermen All Wool
Socks, reg. $1.50 for 1.19
Iiouie Knit Socks, Wool, per pr, .98
Mon's All Wool Factory Knit
Socks, per pair .43
Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, rcg.
$1.00 for .89
Ladies' All Wool Hose, reg. O0a
for .79
Ladies' Silk Crepe Ties, 890011al
at .59
Ladies' Silk Scarfs, reg. $2.50
for . 1.75
Ginghatns and Chambrays, per
yard .25
Prints, per yd. .25, .28
Flannelettes, per yd. .23
Men's Shoop Lined Coats, reg.
$12.00 for 7.00
Men's 'Wool Pants, reg. $4.50
for 3.89
Men's and Boys' Leather Mitss
at 10%r off
See our table of odds and ends of remnants, etc.
Shoes and Rubbers
Men's Felt Shoes, rog. 450 Ladies' Felt Shoes, rcg. $2.75
for 2.98 for 2.39
We are giving 10% off on all, our Shoes, Heavy Rubbers and Overshoes
, Highest Prices paid for Batter and Eggs
Leitch i
� cch &Zeigler
Phone 2211
New Adver•tisenlents
1",' 4nle--Jolu11 114
t 1utLe„„Iasi-d I nThant;
1 a, s
1 A 4 nnr '4'411
l alt r •ls for Nilo. -L N hirLltoslt
h yreinl sa,e- ( riff, A (anrph(41
Netter to lir udlt ,1•,.. -tri nl S Earl „skate
Notice to1Jr.dirur, lieut et
1met,1 estate
Auction111 .11W1
inlr - ,1,10o. , nat '1,7 11 OF tato
C'rVlee .awfu:t n(o w. it'v, esus
111role s^j((n:.'W. Un,tad(.Lurch
we tel ,1 all \V.Iil Itolll'rd
Nna+e fir 4at1 -in4 L: evil• Von
1rH"Ill for Ask, --(} \V Il- ,riff.(
Nr'R•kc "wank 11,1 nt.'s unikrob,
kenave Winter colds --1 H. Smith
February silo hertah K l.�•Iglrr
S'ln. stat.rnnent—i(ru41ek .t11I'phone 0o.
Auction sale—P. 11,8000
Conn of R6vlelell—Townslip of Grey
Card—w. T. 111111110
• Jno. and Mrs. Gibson, 13owick, cel-
ebrated the 25th anniversary of their
marriage by entertaining a large
number of their relatives and friends,
Friday evening.
Fordwich hockey boys visited here,
Thursday evening. acrd were defeated
by the home team. The score was
5-2, Earl POLLetsoll, of Foidtvich,
was the referee,
A dance will be held in Oranbrook
Hall, on Tueeday evening, Feb. 22nd.
CARD or THAN10s.—Ths Long fam-
ily wish to thank the marry friends
for kind words and deeds received
doting the illness and death of their
father. They shall long remember
OBITUARY.—.Last Friday morning,
Jacob Long, it well-known resident of
Oraubrouk for over thirty-one years,
passed peacefully away, aged 74
yenta, 2 months and 20 days. The
late Mr, Long was both in Vaughan
Township, and when a boy carne to re-
side with his pal elite. on the fat
known of late years as the Conrail
Michel farm, A. few years hetet., his
parents moved en Oarrnunick, where
they kept hotel. Forty-six years ago,
he was married to Susan E»nis, who
predeceasedhiot thirteen months ago.
Thirty-one years ago in December,
they ca1ne to 01anht'nok, where they
kept hotel. Nine children were born
to them : lits, (1, 1). Campbell, Mile-
stone, Sauk. ; Garfield, Santa Mon.
lea, Gal, ; James, Limerick, Seek, ;
Will, Vanl'.nuvel, B. 0, ; Ml's. Roy
Bennett, Walton ; Maris and Claire,
et. home, Two setts, Edwin and
'l'hennts, died in infancy. The late
Mr, Long is also elu'vived by tin ee
brothers, Jim, 111 Cavalier, N. I). ;
Joe., Se. Vincent, Mionesottt ; Dan.,
Oloverltrl, Washington. Two tn. oLh-
era 41141 two sisters predeeea4'd him :
Will and John and etre '1'nrn Brown,
who resided in (1rleatre, :Minnesota,
and Mr:+.' Irl. Cox, of Big Rapids,
Mich. The latter passed nev11yin Dec.
ember. 'I'lle late Mr: Long had been
in failing health for the hast few
years, although only confined to bed
for three weeks, Early' Wednesday
mnt'uing, he grew worse and never r
gained ('tllle(el(Ilsl,('14e. The late Mr,
Long will long he remembered in and
avowed (trrurbronlc, (le was a tneu, of
very• jovial disposition, Ho will be
well r'emember'ed by many nnrinlPrc-
ial men of Eastern Ontario, for the
kind hospitality they received from
him end lint. Long, when 1110i3' Melee
was open to the publdc. Th El funeral
took piece on Monday afternoon, the
service teeing ehn(lneted by tile plotter,
Rev. W, A. William,, Pallbearers
were : John Cameron, Mkt -lige Balser,
Harty Keys, iVw. Senallon, Fred En-
nis, John Hnet.her. Interment was
made in Mime Centre cemetery,
Wilson Marks,. 5th line, has pure
(Memela line 3 -year-old Petchernn
stallion from Nelson V11gg, of Pat.
Norman Shaw, of the Standard
Bank 4ta1T, at Port Dalhousie, was a
holiday visitor with Itis parents, Jos
and Mt•s. Shaw, 5(5 line.
Newton McOalley, Se Lot 19, Con.
6, is holditlg an unreserved auction
sale of hie fr,rnl, falls stock and imp.
Temente, m1 Tuesday, Feb. 22n1,
Morris Onuneil, the road superin-
tendents and foremen and others, in-
terested in good roads, attended the
meeting in Brussels, on Monday.
when Prey, Engineer Irwin addressed
the Meeting,
Thomas Taylor 1108 sold his fine
farm, on the edge of the village of
Blyth, to John McArthur, of Morris
Twp. It is Mr. Taylor's intention to
take a trip out West:, this Summer,
before settling again.
Monate FINANCE,.—The following
figures haV1 been supplied by Town-
ship TreasurerArthur.Shaw, and will
be of interest to ratepayers of the
township and others ; Total receipts
of township 878,763 07 ; total expend-
itures $74 8(1517 ; cash in Bank, Jan.
lst, 1027 $8,9.17.89. After all collect-
ions are made and liabilities met,
there will be a balance of $1,460.00.
Township debt, ;Ian, let, 1927: drain
debentures $27,850.25 ; bridge debellt:-
mem 80,828.13 ; Schools clebenturss
$8,602.97. Total $40(776,35,
8th, Mrs. Alex. McCall, one of the old-
est residents of Mnrris Township, cel-
ebrated het 00th birthday, when a
happy gathering of the members ref
the fancily assembled at the home of
her ante 8impenn MrOall, 7(h 0011.,
Morris, Having settled in Morrie ne-
er 62 years ago, it has been her pety-
itege to soothe the sorrows and share
the joys of her many friends. Al-
though a1 full senre of years past the
slotted span of life, in enjoying gnod
health and is3n poseeesiol of all her
faeultiee to a remarkable eiegeee, She
still entree a keen interest; In all the
strerflndhtg edetlts, During the, last
year. 811A 11(1g pieced It 'Velvet
"F1'iendship quilt" having over 1,800
patches ail by hand, besides knitting
yards of lane, to. Resides best wish.
es of many callers, she redeived a
shower of )Joel; carat, also t.elegrants
of enngratedetiotts and flowers,
Wla hold theirn
A nual
Cgs24. La
Gathering i11 the
friday Ev'�p39 fob,18th
The Play entitled
"The MIO Baker Bucket”
will be presented„ This play is udder the
auspices of the Women's Institute of Au.
burn. Harvey McGee. well known in
this locality, takes part in the play and
will also sing between acts,
Come and enjoy tl,o program and Social
Dance following, for which good music
will:be supplied,
Lunch will be served.
Ladies please bring' Cake.
Admission 25c and 15c
Miss Helen Leefe, 3rd line, Morrie,
is visiting friends in Toronto.
A number of friends gathered at
the home of Thos. and Mrs. Clerk,
o"t.h line and spent a pleasant evening
pla,ing progressive euchre, dancing
and other games. 1111's, Sam Oving-
ton carried off 1 he prize fir the ladles
and Oran Russel won the gentleman's
Airs, le. Woods, of Brussels, visited
for the weep: -end with Will. end AF's.
Aire. 137. A. Reacem, of Myth, 111x8
been spending 0 couple wet'k1 with
her mother, lire, Robert Pearson.
Airs. Lindsay, 1,1 Drew, Ont„ ie
spending a few days with he,' hroih•
ti', John Vodden, who is quite ill, at
Mrs. Jas. Bremner1 • e and Billy teitlrn•
home, lana we've, from a Short visit
with Mends in Seafnrth and Strut -
(Quite a few of the Ethel folk attend-
ed the wedding ,tlntiv4reary supper,
at the home of Arthur and flits.
Ward, 011 1401 11ay night, and report a
, good thee.
Rev, D. M. Guest is attending the
meeting of the Huron Presbytery <r
Y i
the United (1hu1[h which is being
110111 114 Chilton, this ween. Leslie
Batt is the lay delegate to the Presby-
George Dunbar, who was setiously
injured, last week, while 0(11ting
down a Gree in the bush, i1 improving
US well as can he expected, hevipg re.
eeived a broken arta and leg and ib jue-
lee to several ribs.
Wm. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Ethel,
announce the ell gltgernent of their
elder (1anght41', Edna 11. I. to Devil 0.,
son of Wm. Hekmiep, of Grey 'live.,
the marriage to take place Urs latter
petrL of 1!' br nary,
Percy Law b se, of Monk ten, has
purchased the Ethel Chee44' Mutiny
and takes possession ssion Abu eh 1st. The
rwnual meeting o1' Lha fur:lory will be
held on March 8th, Mr. Bell, the past
',wrier, line not deckled yet what he
will do.
The Essex Free Press has the follow-
ing note, which reefers In 0 nattier
junior pastor, on the. 1041 1 (31141111, et
nnmhel,nf Yea 114 age : "The hum ed.
into return of Rev. Professor J. I,.
Stewart, 0. D., to become amine,- pt es-
ideut of the West Chien Union Un-
iversity is among the specific rellues(s
received from I.he Weer, China Mission
station of the. United Chet ch of Cao-
ada, A4 11115 institution is situated
in Szechwan province, from which the
consuls have advised the removal of
even the wives and children of tnie-
sionarie14, itis unlikely that the Board
of Foreign Missions will for the pres-
ent grant Dr. Stewart petmise1014 to
sail, it was stated at Foreign elission
offices, Arrival of Dr. Stewart at
Chengt r would relieve President,
Beech, 1vhn8e return to the continent
cm furlough is overdue, Lh'. Stewart
native Essex is a L 140 o f E six Oouutyi All the
preparations for the sailing were
mettle last Fall, Mit sailings of all fain•
iliee were cancelled by I.he Board's
nyder and the secretaries \vete fn-
etr»cte,I en eo stag with mis14tonariee
on the field, before allowing male mis-
sionaries to go out without their wiv-
es and children, Dt'. Stewart is a
native of Essex County, a graduate
of Essex High School, and is person.
Ally well-known by a large number of
About 150 members of Ethel United
Cho•eh gathered in the basement of
the (.behalf, on Mnndey nigh(, for a
e0ngeegetion banquet and program.
An appetizing, supper was served at
080, after which a lengthy aid inter-
esting program was given, Repots
of the different (hovel: nrganizatinns
were given : the 8eeeltnl, 117 Tee1114
!earl ; Trustee Board, by John Ring;
Pareon11ge Committee, by ()has,
Cleaver ; Ladies' Aid, Mee. G. Addy ;
1V, M. S., Mrs. W, 1314e1111144' ; Y, P.
L , Mamma liens111d, and Sunday
School, Lyle Ames, Each of the erg.
atnizattions reported renewed activity
dining the'pastyear, and all finanes
i41 retinas shelved the (11111rch in a
flourishing condition, at the present
time, Other numbers on the pen.
gram which wa'e mnrh e11nyPd
were ; solos, by Geo. Addy, Roby
Cleaver and Mr. Bisbee. A pant-
nmine on "Rock of Ages" was well
a• Social
J. L. A'' Ic it, Proprietor
Under the auspices of the
Ladles' Aid of
will be held in the
Church on
friday fu'gfab, 25th
Excellent Program
Consisting 01 Community Singing.
Duets, Ro.elings and Instrumental
Music will be rendered.
Good Lunch will also he Served
Admission 25 and 15 ets.
Ladies requested to bring Ties
Everybody Invited !
given by Kathleen Eremite r, while
Ruby Cleaver sang the hymn. A
couple of duet[: were given by P. N.
and itilrs. Currie, 00 itletrurnental by
Muriel Michel and vinlfu music by
Miss Myrtle Hallenbeck, accompanied
by illrs. Stan. Spelran, headings
were given by S. Howlett and hiss
Ella Pear'4nn. The pingl•001 Was
brought to a eleee with r1 fine anthem
given by 101 eledr. The hanqu,'t is
nolo something' in the peel., but vette
very muo11 "n,,09e11 by everyone and
wee a real 1111'1('44.
P. A, Ilei'\ 1' ti1111' returned hist
Ti nteday, freta Kitcheu•'t 110 111teal.
George '1Veeenberg tva, a vi.i Jnr in
Blaltnlhagen, dining. the past week,
A dance will be Feil to the 01 an -
brook 111111, on Tuesday evening next.
Miss Winona Fr41141 cvae viii tine; 111.
Geo. Mete ill's Brussels, neer the week -
Miss Beth Hooverset vi •• e•
t 1 t4
F, her
ter, Mrs. Dunt .r, li(Callu»r, neer
Airs. H. 0, McCosh, Pine River, is
visiting with 1» blether, Crawford
Stanley and MIs. 13711ee14r. 8th Con.,
enlet taltred to 10)11141,11' of their ft lends,
on Friday evening.
Dnpc McKinnon i4 the In :41 er u r
nn 1 awe out. of Brussels, for the
Jia, Steveusob is prepared to tin
ettetnnl sawing, al hie 1':