HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-9, Page 8WEDNNSDAY, FEB, 9. 1927. e Store Tasteless hod Laver comma with Creosote Will clear up long standing Bronchial colds and build up the general system. 16 -oz. Bottle for $1.00 MIIk of M agoei1a Tooth Paste Does more than clean the teeth. It neutralizes acids and so prevents decay nn.i keeps the breath sweet. 25c and 50c Pu retest C d Liver Oil TESTED 3 -oz. Bottle 16 -oz. Bottle 40c 75c Hot 'Water Bottles Goofs Quality Red ltubbc:• Hot Water Bottles $1.75 Vale 1."Mar6vc�uu Now on Display Valentine Day Monday, Fah. 14th Fancy Valentines rein ;30 up to 30e c 1eh: Valentine Post Cards 2 for 5c FOR DECORATIONS Red Hoa t 11.1 Mist it Board, R nni::m. C ,!:e Paper, etc. eve cp ng and Printing We develop and print films, and give best re- sults obtainable from your negatives. You will like our work. We also save you money. Chesebro4igh's 'baseline WHITE VASELINE Small 15c, Large 30a YELLOW VASELINE Small 13c, Large 20c MEDICATED VASELINE in Tubes MENTHOLATED, BORATED, &C. 25c Tube E + o SMITH TH ,a„ 4,ael store r •.a •r l�glhl and Stationer W. .1.« »:»m:» «:.«:.-.«.. .».:»1-.V.:«.««._IttkR0 .4•" Local Area .,$ Items One of the Stars. In the nt hockey n i r ' tweeu the ladi_s tam.; of Qui, and Toronto Varsity, :lu seri v:or.. Miss Mary Rowland, a former yismiri lady of town, ,se este of .he :tai's for the winnini team. Were They Loafing? Last Friday afternoon Clorene• Hollinger and Leslie hairs „ of Mor- ris, split Lnd piled ten cod;, of 16- inch maple, wood for T. I. Glllr.r 'n 3 hours and thirty minutes ant than didn't hurry afterwards. Better Take Warning. Hon. G. S. Henry, 1Jlui;tor of Highwa} has sent out no ie 3 to .111 con t'thi and traffic ollido,iii that all triers of 1926 Motor noblers are to be pros,ieutol fur =-ielatioa 0f '7.1u highway Trat it Act. Into the Hockey Season. Mari, -,Ty Ross are busy in th 'add,: hn'ery trd - at Toronto, 1:: 1.1:11 .r:: t..th -aura Lees. They n, t telt a UIsfy- ed Ind lI Mdrjory t , in the itc,by _ fu r1 a,> hal sore far to •anus days. Died at Clinton. Last Tu( sday Mrs. G. Ioa. rr Miss Minnie Munro, a former r resi- dent of tn, plass and a (t l l t ., of the late Thoi,. anis Zits. ?Torr, died, following iiitoierinir illness. The funeral Was held on Fellity afternoln and burial Bas made at Merin' C(motill near lIf+rntl1. D 3'.•l Is ,u:rvil ,d hr ono shter, Miss Moore, who has leen e n 1 ear 1 l i r with her. Afr,r biavirg I monis he .fam- ily 11,1;,'d r0r ui1_ly years in Sa.atfnrd Old friends i;;t t to la.:t of the death of Mrs. Hoan, and express heartfelt sympathy to Ms.4c :pie Mnure. To Be Married This Month. The Daily Pro:inc•e of Vancouver:, B.C., Jan, 13, in its social na -,.ub- lishes the photo. of Miss 1), lI,1 acs, youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Holmes, former residents of r rats5 rls, anis Mr. Cecil i;a,•tham Lauado, third son of T. H. and Mrs. Lound; TM - der the two pictures was the follow- ing announcement; --Mr, and Mrs, Lane Holmes, "The Haven, ' Beach drive, Oak Bay, V L, announce the engagement of their elau; nt•sr, Dor- othy Margaret, to Mr. Coc iI Eastham Laundy, third son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Laundy, "Sellindge," 1290 Beaeh drive, Vittoria.- The marriage will take place in February. Held Mock Trial A large number turned nut for the inaugural meeting of the cnirrent year of the Young People'a Society of Melville Church on Tuesday even- ing and listened to an int.aestdnr program. A mock trial was hd`ri wibh A. Lamont as judge, Dr. C. C. Ramage as attorney for the crown; J. Wilton, attorney for :iefence; A. Ballantyne as prisoner and L. Clouse as Court. Crier. The witnesses ware Misses McDowell and Logan; Rev. Mr, Fowler and X. Ferguson. After a humorous summary by judge and lawyers, the accused was acquitted on a technical error in the charge against Than. An instructive paper on the life and .works of itobert Butts, the Scotch poet was read by 1. Dob - le, and a pleasing solo was rendered by Miss Norah McDowell. • New Ledger Keeper. ?T! Havens is th • ledger- oer 't the Standard ilio . -tt_.1 rs duties last week. IIs Will'Hodl1 Social. The Y 1' S. of Melville t_'baro', hid V.:loathe? Social an tlor- day t . lr.,;> at the churl+. A good pro;;'rar,l is being prepared ants re- . esi items will be .servos. Shipping Hay. ,!r Cuadt ,r of 1'r lgl t e, rhi/,pr•d r.ar 10 d et badid bar from d f a. -- l; la t week, This u cel to be a very c"nnnau occurrence each year in Brusiai. Attended Induction. Many nal Tui is atti u 1 • 1 the induction sorvied at Ethel on I`'iday of ft Mo. William.: into the 1''hi'1-Cr r ! 'sok I're•: bvterian Ch'Il- dies. Councils Hold Joint Meeting. Moroi, rend Grey Councils wilt tress! a Hat n) ,ting in the town hall, 1111,s4els, o,1 Monday. Feb 1 nth, at 1 ( p1 Ih ttl�t }l.m.rrlr• n will address the meeting. - Successful Skating Party The rte;;' party and i tho ants 1,1ces of the •P Pal's CILI.21i of Melville Sunday School, was a very core'.<,- t'ul affair Ite,t, Wednesday evening. Lunch w::s served at the church af- ' r the skate Scree Talk of a Special. There is Scone talk of a special train fuming from Wingham to Stratford via Brussels next Wednes- day night for tho pro hock•v match between London and Stratford. No definite word has been receive--] yet, Will Go to London. The county mating of the Black Knights met at Wingham last Friday and deciders that North Huron, along with the members of the counties of Grey and Bruce, will meet in Lon- don on Friday, August 12. These were delegates from Clinton, Bruce - field, Londesboro, Blyth, lielgrave, Ripley, Whitechurch, Lucian ,n, fv.i.n- eardine and other surrounding !tar- es. "Old Clothes." Jackie Coogan is going in for comedy stories, according to the eid- er Coogan, who guides the destinies of his son's filet activities. The warn reception accorded "The Rag Man," the most recent Jarkie., Coogan film, cdaei,letl Mr. Coogan's future course. "01x1 Clothes," the youthful star's current attraction for Moet)-Gold- Wyn-Mayer, which emelt to the Grande Theatre on Friday and Satur- day, is built almost entirely on e u- edv lines, The ,juvenile's Father re - rails the tremendous sueeess of "Cir- cus Days," "Peck's Bad Boy," "Trouble." and others which depend- ed primarily on Jackie's comedy situ- atinn< for their popular appeal. Box office tabulations over a period of years show that the puialie would rather laugh than ery. "Jerkin is the idol of the children of the na- tion," says pie elder Coogan. "What Jackie does on the screen influences his tiny admirers." "Old Cloths" was directed by 1+",riflie. Clinr firom an original story by Willard Mack, Jack Coogan, Sr., supervised the making Of Jackte'a new Metro -Goldwyn - Mayer photoplay. THIE aRUSSELs POST rl@sse s United Church REV, A. W, .RAG'KE,R. B. D. MI VIII r1= R Sunday, Feb. 13th 11 a.n1.--Public Worship. (4) Thyatira -The Promise of a Dawning Day. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes - 7 p.m. Public Worship. Theme "The Quest of Happiness" Tuesday -Y. P, Society. Wednesday - Prayer Service --Choir rehearsal Friday at 7.30 --Boys' Class. BOARDER WANTED.- Apply at The Post, ALL Our Women's and Misses Fur - trimmed coats reduced 20 to 50Th. Needlepoint, Suedine, Bolivia. King Bros,, Wingham. WOOD FOR SALE. -30 Cords of dry soft wood, 14 ins. long, maple ; and elm. $3.25 delivered and 52.75 at the pile. Phone 4226, Baxter Stevenson. STACK of Hay For Sale. Apply to Alex. Russell, Graham's Survey, Phone 56-19. 30 WOMEN'S Fur -Trimmed Coats for 5:8.00 each, This ;s only a fraction of the original price. King Eros„ Wingham. LOST,—A Sinall Leather Case, With a comb and small amount of mon- ey. Case has "Wisconsin" ]nark- ed en it. Finder leave at Willis' store. KING Bros. February Sale is in Full swing — Women's fur trimmed coats—meth's shirts and ov-ircoat ---boy.; -uits-SUirifn ]d's unt lc •- t 1 t l1 blankets si.veater ll t e Ie. It twill pay vou wdl to Cote. King Bros., Wiughare, WANTE,D.-A Married Mao For farm work. Capable of ta1(1114 '0111' respunlbility, .Apply at the Pest, Brussels QUANTITY of Choice Dry Hard- wood for sate. 'm, llo:, Ihen' 537. 33.1f FEBRUARY Clearance of all Winter 11 ere11111el ise, King Br'os.. Wingham. FOR SALE. -8 Pigs, About r00 lbs. Lot S if: 15, Con, 6, Monies, Sam Arrack, Phone 364. BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE. Phone 34-10 R. Brewer, PERSIAN Iamb Coats, 5198,00. Extra quality Muskrat coats, S L19, King Tiros., Wingham, 150 -ACRE Farm For Sale or Rent, Lots 23 and 24, Concession 11, Grey Township. Apply Mrs, Sarah Cox, Brussels, R. R. 3. COLLIE Dogs For Sale; One 1 Year old and one six months. old. WI sell either one, Jos. Pearson, Phone 3911. FOR SALE.—Ten White Rock Put - lets, seven Partridge Cochin mil- lets is and first prize Cockerel at Brussels Fair, Also second prize R. I. Ted cockerel. Wnn, J. Grant, Phare 250. • FRESH Beef For Sale by the Quar- ter or in small quantities. Also fresh pork, sausage and lard. Ap- • ply to R, J. McLennan, R. R. Bluff val+. Telephone 109, HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply to Miss Hingston, COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in i,russeis for aale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. Minor Locals. Council met on Monday evening. is made up of boys under the age of 2G,. This is your home paper, Send in all the news you can. As the poet said: "Man want; but little here below zero," The Anent Bros.' Sale brought a big crowd to town on Saturday, What is the Moderation League do- ing about the weather of late? The wicked were not the only ones who stood in slippery places lately. • Have you noticed that nothing im- proves zero weather like warmer te. rim erature? Fating alfalfa may be all right, as a scientist says, but smoking it is something else. again, 'Statistics from Portsmouth Peni- tentiary show that 78 ercent. of the total population of Kingson "pen" Will fowl are reported already fly- ing northward, which is taken to mean that spring is coming earlier than usual. Ontario has 720,43('1 families and of these no less than 02.25 per cent. own their own homes. 1t would be interesting to know just what per- centage of automobile owners in the provinco actually own the ears they- drive, heydrive, The Oxford County Council put through a by-law at its inaugural session the past weak providing for the licensing of all poultry dithers providing for the licensing of all poultry dealers buying fowl within the County. The scheme is expected to thwart the ravages of poultry th]eves, Dogs Poisoned. Alex. Rutledge lost his dog on Monday by the poison route, Elmer Ewan's brown spaniel also got a close but is recovering. - Cars Were Running, Cars are able to get out again and haze been making Seafec'th Wi,"• ham Blyth and Listowel. The High- ways are all open. Preparing to Build, Alex. Anderson has had 0 gong 01 men at work haulm in +he iron. of the old Gr ie s e's bridge near Sea - forth, to be used in the 'Aiding of hill new garage. Change in Agency. 'no Ford agency partnsrship b..- tw(en illelntvl c .l'; Cudniore n 1 Leen 1i continu d and the busies s will be conducted by Bert McIii ole, who has been in the former partnership 1, local -a ent here. Del Did Not Co Through. - she business deal at Owen Sound diel not materialize, and S Grater will continue to reside in town. He iris leased S. T. Plum's residence and will move there shortly. Blyth Won. Blyth seniors motored over Mon- day night to play hockey with a lot - al team and won by a score of5-2. It wns rumored that some of the - pro managers were here to look over the Brussels team but this has been j denied after seeing the gauze. Horticultural Society Officers. The following officers were elected at the recent meeting of the Horti- cultural Society: Hens Presidents, A. Strachan, James Fox, Mrs, J. D. Warm -ail, D. C. Ross, G. se, Dead- man, A. C. Dames; President, A. H. Macdonald; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Ida Lowry; 2nd vice,, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; Secretary-Treas., Miss E. Downing; Directors, Mrs. R. Thom- son; Mrs. D. C. Ross, Mrs, R. F. Downing, Mrs. Geo, McCall, A. C. Bailees', F, Wilmot, Jas. Bowman, P. Stewart, Rev. Mr, Lewin; Auditory, A. Strachan and B. H. Semis. The Society will soon be making a can- vass for new members and the prem- ium list is ready. Join up and n11(1(0 Brussels beautiful for the Old Boys' I1 "union. Lillian and Dorothy Gish Tog'ther on Screen Again. ' "Give us Lillian and Dorothy Gish In the same picture," has bean the demand made by countless fila pat- rons ever since the two girl:? amlenr- el together In Orphans of the Storm." m," A ul this a .(111-A his been answered at last, with th, over- p'n'nlar Lillian :Ind Dnr,thy deinr test- work in what has been coil&d one oil the great pictures of the year, ' I , nose' I omni 1 which is tics Il r 'i . (1lOduetiill of he fiiinous novel by George e Elliott is tannins 10 -rand Theatre on Monday and Tuesday. ,.day. It is an Inspiration picture released by Metro -Goldwyn. Beside.; the (161h sister::, the cast also includes Ronald Colman, William fI Posen, Charles Lane, and Harbert Glint - wood. The ;attire pioduecio;7 w'as (1(11 in Floronec, Italy. Milestone Hotel Burnt. The daily press reports a lire '1t Milotone when, the hotel, 0snel by Frank Keys, a former re.=id.nrt of this community, was burned: -ono lira, twits lost, two persons injured and proporty damage 0f about h 15,000 was sustained in a fire which com- menced on Saturday evening in the Milestone Hotel, owned by Frank Keys, reduced to other blocas to ash- , and was still smouldering ]ate last night. John Singleton, 15, son of Dr. A. H. Singleton, 11oul-.na, 100s the victim of the fire. Four persona jumped from the windows, and Mrs, ys, one of these, -limed it r shoul- der. Another your., than, a member of the, Rouleau hockey team was in- jured slightly when he jumped from the second story. Walter Swift tons hit. on the head by a flaming Move of wood as he ran through th ft0frt door of the hotel. The fire Was dis- covered 1 s- cot .red about 7.30 o'clock ba the caretaker and poolroom keeper, who went. to the cellar and was oat by a cloud of smoke as he opened the door, He :;'ave the alarm and the crowed in the poolroom nares: had time to get out before being scorch- ed, Four of the Rouleau hooker tents ran upstairs to save their hock- ey e'(Inll=mit, andehee' of these had toil to p out windows. s. Ther other, John Singleton, did not get out.' It i believed he made n ruder t, the stairs, which burst into flames shortly after he had ascended them, and ryas asphyxiated before being burned. Death of Uncle, The Clifford Express had the fol- lowing obituary of the uncle of Miss Pipe and Mrs, Skelton: -Toe • death in Clifford on Wednesday morning, January 10th, of George Howlett in .his ninety-fifth year, removes one of the oldest pioneers in this distri'^t. The deceased was a native of the parish of Thorpe, Norfolk, England, •encs came to this country with his Parents when a lass of live years. They :settled in the Tovnshln of Woolwich, Waterloo County, where the son, George; received his educa- tion. He followed the occupation of a farmer until his retirement to tha village 25 'years ago, Deceased was married in the year- 1856 to Eliza- beth Thomas of the Tow/Ishii: of - Woolwich, who died twelve years later, His second marriage was in 1870 to Elizabeth Wenzel], who also predeceased him forty years ago. His last marriage was also it twenty- five years ago to Margaret itiigleshant who survives, together with three sena of the first marriage and eight children of the second marriage. The late Mr. Howlett had been in good health up to a few days before his death, when he contracted a coli, which deyeioped into pneumonia. He was 0 life-long Liberal and at the last provincial election cast his vote for the Liberal candidate, and war proud to know he was on the winning, side. He was a life-long Pr x•Ibyter- ian and since the Union a, member of the United Church. Union, funeral was held on Friday afternootl to the Clifford Cautery, the services being conducted by the Rev, J, H. Lelnirn,l • Hard wood Flooring Oak Maple Birch OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone at our expense for prices leo J. Huston & Soo GORRIE ONTARIO 'Gerrie Picone 5, ring 8 Wroxeter Phone 626, ring 9 Church Notes fr United Church Last Sabbath morning, the Sacra - meat of the Lord's Supper was ad- ministered to a large congregation. Rev. A. W. Barker preached the fourth seunon of a set ies of sermons, "Pearisfrom Patmos." The subject was "The Letter to the Church at Pergamos," Rev. 2 t 12.17, Pergamos was an iuteresting city, renowned for its temples, manufactures, library and national interests. The Christian Church was early established in this city. The author of the letter was 'The Great I Atn," "He chat hath the sharp sword," showing authority and kingship reigning in the hearts and councils of men. Commendation, "1 know thy works and where thou dtvellest," The holy Spirit knew well the difficult conditions under W111:11 the church existed. God und- erstands all our difficulties, and stands by us to support and cheer. Complaint was found because of their tnleratida to compromise with evil. The church cannBC afford to be too tolerant or yet to be prejudiced. The Qbnrrth was counselled to repeat with the promise, "To Him that over - corneal will I give the hidden manna, symbol of nourishment for the spirit- ual life, a white stone, a badge of ap- proval admission, acquittal and friend- ship. These are all P^ontained in Jea- ns. TIIP T1PW name opens lip the et sphere of Christian living. Have you got the new name? Miss Lula Proctor sang a vet v appropriate solo, "He died of a broken heart for 30ass11." Melville Church I Car, 13:5, "Doth nor behave itself unseemly," was Itev. F. G. Fowler's text in 11Plvillit church last Sabbath morning from which a very pt'neticitl discourse was given on the subjcet of "Courtesy." Chi i,+t being shown to have been the supreme example of "courtesy." "The Pat aide of an Ismpty Heart" Was Ile ptlstnr's theme in the evening, the thought being based on the story of the unclean sp;tdts as told itt Matt, 13:43.45. Sab- bath morning Mrs, Fowler sang "My Task," and in the evening Arc'his Bnllau1yue sting "Pence, Pollen Peace,'' Mrs, Root. Thntnsnu is pre- siding at the organ during the ab- sence of Mrs. King. ANNUAL MEETING ThP R111111a1 business Meeting of Melville Presbyterian Church, Brus- sels, was held Monday aft PI noon of t his areek, ar 2 80 o'clock, foe pa'itnr, ltev. F. (4. Fowler, presiding. The t'epotts of the various organizations were received and showed the follow- ing 011t1nnat y of rectipta :—Lotem and ell gel (1Ito collections, 5872186; Iniiia1 offering envelope%, $12 70 : special for mortgage. 5687 110 ; Y. P. S. for mort- gage, 515 110 ; anniversary special, 4418.48; Y. P. S: +tn111'p1sal0 aperinl, 514.50 ; Garden Party, 562 30 : rnn- glegational Rlissinnary givieps, 5723,- 15 ; Lord's Day Alliance, 585.05 : On- tario Prehihilion Union, 57 25 ; Y. P. 5., 5265.70 ` Women's Missionary Hnric'ty, $553.15 ; Sabbath School. 8175 30 ; lllissinn Hand, 5188 57 ; Ladies' Aid,' 51001.30 ; Boy Scours, 52.4.10, Total for all purposes. 879115,- 57. Balance on hand in current: ac- count, 57 25 ; 'balance on band in building fun5634 47, The retiring members of the Managing Honed were re-elected, viz :--'Albers' Crooks. Hugh Lamont, N. Il. Cardiff, Dr. 1'. T. MoRae, Mrs. %Vrn. Short - reed and Mrs, John Olivet. M: Black and A, 5trachatt were re'appolnted Audi tots for 1027, and A, A. Lamont Treasurer, with Alex. Stew'al t as As- sisi ant Treasurer, Votes or thanks Were tendered the Ladies' Aid Inc the gond wm k done by them during the year to the choir for their services and to Mrs, (.1. Dun- bar for supplying 'flowers for the church on Sundays, During the year 1920, 39 new mem. hers were added to the toll ; 9 mem- berm were remoyed by death and 4 certificates were granted to members removing from the coin inn leav- ing at the close of the year a member- ship of 303. Five new members were added to the Session during the year, viz, :—Wet, Sh`rtreed, D. 119, Mac. 'ravish, Jae. McFactzean, Jas. S. Arm- sltong and A. H. Macdonald. The balance of debt nn the church build- ing was paid in March just prior to the induction of Rev, F. (1, Fowler, the present pastor, The Sabbath School had an average attendance of 84, D. 1, ManTavish bring Superintendent, assisted by the following staff of teachers i ---Rev, F. G. P'ntvlet; Mrs, Meadows, Miss Hazel Stewart, Mise R. McDonald, Mies Mary Lamont, Miss Grime Stewart, Miss N. Jardine, Miss lrlorenee Oliver, Mt•e, R. Oliver, Mrs. Jas, Armstrong, MIs, 011ae, Davie, A, A. Lamont and Was. Shnrtreed. With a chareh building free of debt and with all the organizations well manned better work should be done in 1027 than in 1920. 512.00 MOSSFIELD Pura Wool Blankets, $8.48. Double bed.size flannelette blankets, per prof, $2.09. Xing Bros., Wingham. is y+ 1 > 4n t°' $ a4 n ;k iE i • I� t" iI}" wr 1•, c,V < e444 ' r>ft This Equipment Is at Your Disposal P'iTlrE Standard Bank is equipped to snake collections locally or through its agents in every to4v11 and city in Canada, This service BANKING FIFTY YEARS should be of value to you, The Collection Department of the Standard Bank offers you the as- sistance of a highly developed ori;- anization that is specialized to a branch STAN "' BRUSSELS fine degree in this most important of business practice. TI -TE ARD BA OF CANADA BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager i `5. Social Gathering. The Brussels Farmers' Club will hold their annual social gathering in the Town Hall on Friday evening, oleo Feb. 18th, The play, "The Old Oak- FART,—In Ethel, on Wednesday, Feb, land ken Bucket" will be presented by 1 1027, Mary Earl, reliot of tho late James Earl, aged 85 ytars, 1 months and 15 days the young people of Aubnrit and Harry McGee, well-known gamic ; " — BORN IIOOREIGHT; In Grey township, on dam, 15, 1927, to lir, and Mrs. Roy bloUraight, a daughter (Bertha Naomi.) singer will sing- and take part in the , play. Thernlite will be used to break up the ice in the Moira River, Belle- ville. •Four men were caught in an ex- press car en route Montreal to To- ronto. Soo housekeeper recet•ped 200 dozen eggs from' 11 hens during the past year. South African Government reiter- ate intention of proceeding with the "Flag" Bill. Henry Ford has bought farm lands and says he will show farmers how to save time. • Judge Gould at Hamilton unveiled a portrait of `fThe Khan" to be plac- ed in the Courthouse. Liner President Harding, witltaus heat or light, was towed 'into Hali- fax and refuelled. Home ]tank depositors received 82,748,282 from Federal Government as part recompense. . NOTICE 9 The Alunleipal conned of the Township of Morris will Vold a meeting in the Town Hall, tirus,els, on Monthly, February lab, at lea, tn.. to cnnshtcr the 'petitionof the ratepayers rf the Village of Walton for street lighting. An opportunity will be given to centum nr withdraw trent petition. Estimated cost is 0502 01 for construction ; 512 caper 9011nm per loop for maintenance. A. MAc8WEN, Clerk. Ethel Cheese Factory ANNUAL MEETING ?POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 19th Ttte Annual Meeting of Ethel ('heese I ne- tury will be Held in the Township Hall; Ethel, On Raturdnv, February 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m, An Outside speaker is expected to be pres- ent and address the meeting. A 11 interested are askedto attend. CIICIL BA TEITAN, See: Troasnrer. Auction Sale, TDna0DAY, Iran, lawn—clearing Bele of fnrnt stook and implements, at Nf hot 18, ('on 2, Morris. Rale at 1 o'clock sharp, fails vert Sellers, Prop. ; John Purvis, Ane MnNnAY Ann TuESDAT, Fan. 14 AND 15: Pure bred Shorthorns, eto, at Lot 20. Con. 2, Wallace, All livestock sold mired). 15111. Al- vin. Kennedy, Prop TtiwtenAY, Fal. 17th,—Farm Stook, Itnple- mants, &e., at Lot 10, Con. 11, Grey, Salo at 1,80 o'clock, Mrs, Harry Sninitdon, Proprie- tress ; p M. Scott, Ane. 1 ttlo Y, 5,)1. Toleremle- ments, &o, n0 w!, Lotltntt in. rm 0, Mostarris, (1impite East of nolgrave)• Rnle at 1.110 o'olaok, Walt- er blesser, Prop. ; Jas. Taylor, Aum, So Your feet Bother You Olt : the tragedy of oohing feet, the misery or painfully dragging one foot after the oth- er. the bitterness of watching others step along without a foot ormolu the world. Foot misery next be avoided I know, because I ,tiff eyed for years, but I found a way to re- lic ve that painful strain upon my weakened arches, Now, I want to help others ; if you aro n sufferer, please mention Ton Posy when writing, .L T. W000, 229 Prosepeat tit., Ham- ilton, (int., or may ha purchased at Downing Bras., shoe dealers. Brussels. Valuable f a oe r dor Sale Tenders will be received up to neon of Feb. lUth.1027, addressed to Thorns C. Bing, t,lx- eeutor, Winghan, P, 0. out, tar tho par. Omen rr the farm of the late John W. King, 11 P'1 consisting of 17U acres of excellent Inud• mare or less, situated nn a gond gravel road and in anis adjoining the unincorporated village of liltevele. There are on the premises a gond brick house with furnace, large honk barn with. ceulent stabling underneath, cement silo al^ angaide, drilled well with with windu.tlt, large drive shed. bog pen Findhenhouse, good iv -chord and about five agree of gond hard - wet d bush. Thera is, 10 addition, a never roiling supply of tenter from the River DIRE - land on the property. The property is within 90 rods of twrt two chnrrhee, a Public School, chopping mutt and 110.4,1110e, and within tour utiles of the flourishing town or Wingitatu, which may be rkiclted over nn exceliont gravel road all the way. Further information may be had on ap- plication to Thomas (1. fling. Possession may he bed of Marsh 1st; 1027^ As the property iq offend for sale subject to a reserved price, the highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Dated at Wingham, Olt„ Jon. 24th,1027, ,t, A. M010110N, Sobel for for Executor. I� tr^r rA �taw,w+u t Herbs Nature's Way is the Road to Perfect, lasting Health The world's greatest desire is not for wealth or possessions, but to be free from di, case and pain. Notwithstanding the fact - that remedies are multiplying, each day reports some new "Cure," Science has done its utmost, yet the world's hospitals remain 'crowded. t Y u Care 13 ell Observe the kindly laws of Mother Nature. No other living creature suffers as man docs. No other creature but man poisons his system with nauseating drugs and pills. There is a Herb for EveryDisease Nature has provided Balt, Berries, Leaves and Blossoms for the ills of suffering mankind. Use them in their natural ,tate and know the true moaning of Health and Happiness. Mr. Murfin, the celebrated Herbalist, will be at the Queen's Hotel - BRUSSELS One Day Only - All Day and Evening Thursday,February 24 CONSULTATION FREE Asthma, Piles, Dropsy, Bedwetting, Skin- Diseases, Nervous Dis- eases, Rheumatisrii, Bladder Trouble, Diabetes, Bright's -Disease, Stomach, Liver or Kidney Trouble, Neuritis, Blood Pressure, Heart Trouble, Constipation, Lung and Bronchial Troubles, etc., etc. Gall Stones removed, no operation necessary, Goitre re- moved, no operation. Cut this advertisement gilt and bring it with you. It en- titles you to a splendid herb Doctor Book Free with every treat. meat. CANADIAN HERB GARDENS 133 Garfield Ave. „ London, Ontario