HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-9, Page 1VOL, 55 NO. 34 02.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1927 Leave Your Orders Car of Corn Corning February 15th 1 55 per cwt. A few barrels of Feeding Molasses Still on hand Morris & Grey farmers Brussels, Ont. Valentine Social Y. P. S. f Melville Church Will hold a Valentine Social Monday Ev'g, Feb. 14 A Good Program. Refreshments Served Everybody Welcome � � .a'i•Oi. HHH; .f�HH H• N•H ' - - t;H � � i ��N� •,�• r« The Surrounding District F WROXETER Mre. Arnold Edgar and children have returned from a visit with rel- atives in \Viughan. Wm, Robinson and Miss Mabel Rob. inson, of Goderich, were weekend visitors in the village. Hope Irwin, Gerrie, was in charge of the barber shop for several days, while Ira McLean was in Stratford. Wroxeter Senior Ilockey team played a friendly game with Ford- Wicll, tm the tatter's rink, on Wednes- day evening. The score was 3-3. The entire community was shocked to hear of the tragic death of Gordon Mello:ntlll, which occurred some time, Saturday inort,iug, at hie home in Grey Twp. His lifeless body was found in the etable, by a meulher of the family, near one of the holse'e stalls, and it is believed that he was kicked by one Of the horses. Dr. Mc- Leod was called, but he could do no- thing kat tin• shark of life had fled, Gordon was 22 yeats of age and the third son of ('en, and Mrs McDonald, Grey Twp. Ile Wane. splendid spec•• limen of young manhood and a gener- al favorite in the 0ommunity. He had engaged 111 farming and recently had purchased a farm near the 1100,1'. stead. ile is survived by his parents AIM three brothers, Robert, Vernon and Clifton, for wlitnp deepest ' ym- pathy is expressed in their sudden and deep bere:wetrient. Interment took plane in hfttleswortlt cemetery, on '1'u es11(4y al'terno nn. ACTJwON—GAt,L-111tat—A very pret- ty wedding 1 ook place in Trinity Unit- ed Church, Primal to, at 0.45 p. lir., on Friday, Jan. 2810, when Alba Rose, eldest daughter of Albert, and Mee. Gallaher, of Wroxeter, became the bride of Frederick Earl Actesou, son of 61rs, M. E. Aeteson, of Vancouver, . 13. C., Rev, 1)r Artusla'nng, pastor, officiating. The Munch was prettily decorated with pahne, pink I,ulips and white narcissus, The bride, given away by her father, entered the church to the strains of the wedding march tendered by Craig Hemilton, at the organ. She wore it charming gown of a delightful shade of old rose crepe romaine with gold lace over crepe de ',Ilene of the same shade win h piettl .e that to el le trlL Around her shoulders, a. white tulle scare' wee loosely draped and she rnrried a beautiful bc•quet of BM -trifle, rn*Ps alld fl'eeeian tied with ivory ribbon. The bride also wore a beautiful peer' necklace, the bridegroom's gift. The ushers were Messrs. Fred Riesberry and Ted Volt es, Daring the signing of the register, William Pippy de- lighted the guests with his singing of "Until". The bride and beidegrootn left amid a eltowel, of confetti on the Players, Pianos and}rr�S ans Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction assured. J. C. Blackstone Orders taken by Walker & Black or B. Carter dL ::i1sM' nt Sale- A real good line of Men's Pants to clear at Prices Very Low in Fanceyse Greys Blues and a Heavy All -wool Work Pant --just what you need for Winter. You will save money by buying them now at 25 p c. off. Also all other lines at the same reduction. R. Ferguson i� �w/� t6�Vn evening train to Easter points where they spent a quiet honeymoon. They will reside at 180 Browning Avenue. There were many guests preeent from the city and a few from distant pointe. DUBLIN Fire, discovered at 10 o'clock, Tues- day night, of last week, in the barn of August Encberne, a farmer, resid- ing near Dublin, completely destroy- ed the barn and contents. The lose will ho 810,000. Some 35,500 Insur- ance is carried on the been and dwell- ing. The blaze, funned by a high wind, was well under way when first• noticed, and it was impossible to save any of the 80 cattle, 35 pigs, 4 horses and 150 hens. Over 1,300 bus, grain, 30 tons of bay and all the fat rn mach- inery and implements were beamed. Neither Mr. Lencherne nr his farin- handsmolre, and there has been no lantern in the barn for two. days, They are enable to account for the fire, The been tette one of the finest in the district, BLUEV'4.LE Teem, Bleck spent the weekend in Torun lee Mrs. W. J. Alasters visited relatives In Belem vs, on Sunday. P. Black shipped a car of cattle and a car of hogs to Toronto. Mr. those, of Palurerston, spent a few days with Mrs. Holph, Alex. Mowbray )lade er business trip to Listowel, last week• Arch. McKinney spent the week- end with friends in Stratford, Mrs: J00, tTnderwond hoe been on the sick list, the last few day*. We erre pleased to hear thattThomae Mathers is recovering lifter his recent illness. We are pleased to hear that Thoe. Mothers is better again, after his re- cen t illness, Kenneth Aitchison sand Miss Doris Aitchison spent a few days with friends at Palmerston, Ales, L 0, Gnuritty and children, of St. George, are of present visiting its the home of Alex. MneEwan. Our blacksmith, Frank Scott, re- ceived a bad rail nu the ice, one night, last week, whieh gave him a tether had sh1401(1g up. I-ingh lelnedell, who has been laid up with inflammatory rheumatism, is improving steadily and hopes to be out soot/ again. Peter and Mrs, King, who were home in attend the funeral of the late J, W. King, AI. P., have returned to New York, where they will spend the Winter, During the heavy gale, on L'1•ida night, the fans and wheel were blown off George Thompson's windmill. There were a few farmers' barns partly unroofecl. The Mission Banti of rho United Church held a sealal in the school- room of the church, last week. The parents we,'e present elan, and sup. plied lunoh. The children furnished the program, which was fine. A. very enjoyable evening was spent by all, While going down to the mill pond to skate, one night lest week, Leon. and Aitchison, C, N. R. aectionman, fell and broke h}o leg just above the ankle, Hie friends wish him a speedy recovery. The rbads'have been very slippery and several have received many hard falls, the pest few days. The Women's Institute will hold its annual open meeting, in the Forest- ers' Hall, on Thursday, Feb. 10111, The play, "Miss Molly", will be pre- sentecl by the young people of Brown - town, and there will be a musical program, games and refreshments A. cordial invitation is extended to ev eremite to be present. No admission charge. A. large crowd gathered at the Unit- e(' Church, or Wednesday evening, of last week, to give a shower in favor f Charles and Mtes. •T3neman who ere recently married. A large umber of useful and pretty gifts were received, allowing the high es - sem in which t'hie young eoutlle are eld. A very pleaeanh evening was trent by all preeent, and they have e good wishes of the community nr their future happiness and pros• Pri ty, The annual meeting of 1301evnle reshyterian congreaeettinn Wes held the Forre stars' Hall, on Friday, eb, 4111, The reports from the dif. terns o'genizatione showed that the ear hal been very srtceesaf,il, hirty-ono tttiw members were Folded tiring the year, Th a W10e41119 fnr the eneral fund were 31,352.64 and die• resemPnta SI 12182 leaving a.. hal. ea on bend of :1282 82, The W. M, reported $81.40 fee 1Vlietrions, y 0 w n t h s 1) P in F fe y d ht an S, New Advertisements C00 of Born•-Mnrvle ,S '.r.•c lh,riners A notion cele—Welts, al 1105.1 Anellen rolls—W.41.. s 'ilidon Change in bu Iness—(3 H 1 , ,14 Nolo of Nlie -r, ,n.,_ 11( t'„ Brooders services—R ll...lu Unit 1 1-h"rr0 V,Anntine Boole M11."4 - to Y. P. S. 11o41t111n h ri r111"V Tan (( 14 (ie,rd.,0 $onlnl—R, us v Issrmors' Club Nodes -s1001-1. con. rtI Netioe torr 1411 n•. --I/ "n, 1 . neper er tete Looels--A•ng Bron i Holt Pri ca. - u, 2, 44 Ray forselo—A11•x 110..011 1 I W ood for sale—Baxter (top[renson5 • Mrs. James Moffett passed away a1 her 'lone here. After a lingering illness, although up to it few days be- fore her death, she were able to be up a little while each day, She was a member of the Presbyterian church and much beloved by all who knew her, She is survived by her Borrow- ing husband, who has the sincere sympathy of the community. MONCRIEFF MOGavin & Robertson shipped a car of hogs this week that graded over 50 per cent selects, George Robet team made a business trip to Toronto this week. Our boys played a game of euchre with the Monkton Euchre Club on Tuesday evening of this week. MORRIS Council meets the ratepayers .of Walton in Brussels on Monday morn- ing next in regards to e.. petition for Street lighting. Next Monday aftetilonn District Roacl Engineer, Mr. .Irwin, will ad- dress a meeting 1n Brussels for Morris and Grey Councils. Mrs. Arthur Hull and children were visitors at the home of the former's parents, A. H. and Mrs. McNeil, 5th line, The Hull family 'are now res- idents of Leamington lrrnlity, BELGRAVE Mrs, Herbert Wheeler and Mrs. Frank Sturdy will he hostesses at the (nesting of the Women's Institute. to he held on Tueslay efternonn, Feb, 151h, at the hnmp of 1lrs. \Vheeler, The program for this Meeting will be in charge of the girl members of the Manch. A specie' feet nre will be the demonetratiel on Reel work by StiFs Verda Prneter, Musical numbers and readings Will alert he given, A retra- in) invitation is extended to all the ladies, ETHEL Mrs. 0. Bateman is visiting at Jam- estown. Bert and Mrs. 'Ake spent the week- end in Wingham. Lennie Sinclair 1s *pending a couple weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Turnbull. Airs. Jos. Antes left nn Tuesday, for Buffaln, where site will spend a few weeks. Alt's. (Rev.) D. Ai. Guest end Jimmie are spending a wool: in Kincardine, where Mrs. Gnest's father is ill, Win, and Mts. Ilroitrlfoot, of Tuck- ersru•ith, were vt01(1 with \Vel, Love' and family over the week -end. Some one has suggested that the village fathers be petitioned, with a view to having the street lights bunt all night, especially on Sunday, as it would help a gre11 deal in hunting uta cutters, that walk away so myster- iolwly- The monthly meeting of the Ethel Preshyleriae Miesinn Bend will he held at the hone of 11,lre. Roy Cun- ningham, on Satm'rl'1V afternoon, of ibis week, et 3 (,'1.l(101(. Each mem- ber will answer the 31011 Call with a Scripture verse beginning with the letter F, The Women's TnsIitute will bold their regular meeting, in the Instit- ute anon, o1 Thursday, of next week, at 2 80 o'clock. The suitject, "The Life of Pauline Johnston," will bo tetk en by Mrs. ,Tae. 13r•enlnev. Roll Call— "A. book I have enjoyed." Alan a musical and literay program, All the ladies of the community are invited to attend, The funeral of the late Mrs, Earl, who died nn Wednesday last, in Eth- el, was held on Friday afternoon, at the hone of Mrs. Teen imp, where the 'deceased had made her home, The service was O011dunted by Rev, D. Al. Gueet, pastor of the United Church. The r'enntins were taken to Exeter, on Satneclay, frit' burial. The late Mrs. 13arl was 35 yeare of age and was well-known and highly respected by everyone in the community, and in her death, the village loses one of its oldest residents, a woman of sterling Christian character, patient in all her suffering and cheerful et all times. To Mes. Turnbull the sympathy of all ie extended. A very sncceesful meeting of the 0fiieial Boad of the Ethel circuit of the United Church was held on Mon. day afeeenoon, at the parsonage, with the largest attendance that has been present for some time. Very en- couraging reports were read regard. ing the work far the year, .Extensive impenVemenis were made on the pars- 0nag1 and the Board decided to pro• treed further %.long this line, in the Spring. The Maintenance and Ex. tension fraud, with an objective of 13900.00, wits reported as all promised by the differelte chttenhes, and in ev- ery departulent of the church, the work has been very encouraging to pasto'and people. Daring the meet- ing, the pester, Rev. 1). M. ('Irlaat, wee invited to remain for a third year on the circuit, and it' teas inn(4n- irnouely agreed to raise the salary to 81800 00 for the coming year, which begins Marn11Plat, when the church year closes, The pastor, in aCeepting the invitation to remain for another year, took the opportunity of th1nk- ing everyone for the splendid co-oper- ation in the work of the church, to the )1ae1, and ezpeoesod the hope of russels Farmers' Club Will hold their Annual Gathering in the TOWN HALL Friday fill, Feb.18th The Play entitled "The old Oaken Bucket” will he presented, This play 0 under the auspices of the Women's institute of Au- burn. Harvey McGee, well known in this locality, takes part in the play and will 01.40 sing between acts, Come and enjoy the program and Social time following, for which good music will be supplied. Lunch will be served. Ladies please bring Cake. Admission 35c and 15c even better things in the future for the Ethel circuit. Great,interest has been taken in the religious services, during the past year, and in all the churches on the circuit et decided in- crelle0 in attendance and spirit of worship hes been manifested. HAD ACCIDENT. — Tuesday George Dunbar met with a ball accident in the bush when he 1v U3 struck by a tree and had his leg, arm and two ribs broken, It. will he some time be- fore George will be able to be around again. GREY Care ate on the gn, once more. bliss Jessie St.raehan, 8rti Con., is visiting in Toronto. Ateli, Melly :wended ;the Kiang banquet,, at Toronto, 'last Thursday evening. The annual meeting of the Ethel Chet Fie Factory has been postponed until Saturday, Feb. 19th. Don't fnlget the meeting in Brus- sel' on Monday afternoon when D15- lrie 4t Ptt•rineet • •int will It 11 ll addees s the Councils of Grey and Morris. Stanley and Mrs. Meehan and Eric turn Ales. Whitfield attended the fun- eral of elle late Gordon McDonald, North Boundary, on Tuesday, llt's, Roy Hall and young son, El. twin, of Cott. 8, and Mins Hazel Burn- ett, of Minnesota, were visitors with Mrs. J. K. Brawn, 1.0_h Con„ last week. Gann 01.' TnANKR,--•James and An- nie Douglas take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to the many friends and neighbors for words of sympathy and kindness during the illness and death of their brother, Will. Douglas, 1410At0Ra1nNT.—John and Mrs. Dark announce the engagement cif their v(rullgest daughter, Carrie 13., to Lawrence E., (1011 of 0herles and Mrs. Querengesser, ('11th of Grey Twp., the marriage to take place quietly, the latter part of February. OLLI:nntTPil (I2ND BIRTU11AY.— Fi•iends and relatives called al the home of Thos. and Mrs. Inglis, on Monday, Jan, 31st, to extend (10ngeat- olatione to Alt's. Valiance, mother of Mee. Inglis, who celebrated her 92nd birthday. Mrs. Vallance Ilan been enjoying fairly goad health, hut re- cently caught a cold, and she has been confined to her bed for a few days,— Atwood Bee. KILLED BY A Runt PROM HORSE,— Lying dead en the stable fluor, behind a horse known to be vicious, Gordon McDonald, aged 22 years, of Grey Township, was found abort noon, on Saturday, after his failure to come in for dinner had disturbed members of his family. His cap lay Borne distance away from his body. Presumably, the young than was killed by a kick feet)) the horse, behind whirh he was found, al 1001190 Dr. AlrLeocl, of Wr'axete, who was called, was Unable to find any marks on his body. Dr. MoLeo2 peouofanoed it a case of acci- dental death and no inquest was held. The deceased was a son of George and Mrs, 1lcDnnald, of Con. 2, Grey, near Molesworth, and aleout eight utiles from Listowel. It twee iu his father's burn (01)010 the fatality occlu'red. Besides his parents, Gordon is survly- e(1 by three brothers, 'Robert, Vernon and Clifford. The funeral eves held on Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Mr. Stokes, of Wroxeter Presbyterian Church, in charge. The bereaved have the sympathy of the community in their sudden bereavement, Onnou'tRY.—A short reference was made, last week, of the' death of Wil- lam Douglas, who passed nwaY Ori .Tuesday, in his 81st year. Deceased was barn in Berwickshire, Scotland, in 1810, and memo to Canada with his his parents, 1n the year 1857. They settled at Hamilton, for a time, later moving into Grey '1'wp., or Con, 15, which 5.0(48 then all bush, and he reaid- ed there until a young man of 22 years of age. He went to Seaforth to learn the blacknrnititing and wagon- mltl0nit with Wm. and George Oren- ey, and following this moved 110 Mich- igan, where he worked at 00 trade in the lumber camps, Returning , to 13rnenels, he married E11e.n Anderson, of Morrie Twp„ and they took np . their eeaidence at 13hievale, where 11a 1 worked fnr Fralbk Scott, who is 014111 in the biteinese, After it time, 'kir, Induction Service at Ethel Rev. W. A. Williams new Minister for Ethel - Cranbrook Charge —A well attended Meeting last Friday. I.;11.t 1 risky O''t,•r•noorl the I'r,':by terian people of the surrounding country had the pleasure of having Rev. W. A. Williams inducted into the Presbyterian charges of Ethel and Cranbrook. Although It is a little oVer three years since theta former pastor, Rev', T. 13. Kennedy left fur another field, the people have stood loyal to their church and by their P.44,,4.44*. 4.44"44444.44404444440 REV. W. A. WILLIAMS courage, faith and hope kept the "Burning- Ruh" still in -,.t i dence. Rev. Mr. Pollock, of Wnitechm•ch, took charge of the afternoon service. Two very fitting solos ser_• renin ,d by Mrs. Nicholson, of Ethel, and George Evens, of Cranbre,k. Rev. . Mr. James, of South K)nloee, gave , the charge to the new mmi=•.er•. Rev. Dr. Perrie, of Winham, who was Modrator for the charge, adth•e i ed the minister, and ROv Dr. Feria.; of Teeswater, addressed the collar 1 time. Other ministers of Presbytery who were present were Rev, Mr. lile- Cullough, of Kincardine; Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Lucknow; Rev. Mr. Fowler, of Bru,asels, and 11.1'. Mr. Mercer, of Molesworth. A number of friends were also present from Irussels, Mohrswet•th.. and Moncrieff. After the bena(11't:on had been pronounced by Rev. 31r. Wtlitams, the people were Invitees to -remain and spend a social hour. De- spite the fact that the chur('u 401(3 crowded, the • waiter; mering1_1) to serve about two hundred •ln(i iii't'.• people with the good things that hats been provided by the 1adi,'s of the o Cranbrook and Ethel congregations. gations. Former pastors were Per. D. l3. McCrae, retired; Rev. J. L. McCul- lough, of' Toronto; Rev. T. E. licn- nedy, now of Mount Brydgee. The New Minister Rev. William Armor Williams is a native of L1a.narmon, Denarighshire, England, and was educated at Ruth- in Board School and srantmar School; Bala School of AL'tl, an] a graduate of Bala Theologii•al College Mr. Williams was ordained is the year 1911 as Pastor of Bettewe c":unh Slotl'goner hre, and )sal also Clerk of the Presbytery ry foe (: yeare. He was cicmtc d its Stool r ator for 1:)21 and on his departure, u e given a puree of 4100 in T n .l jury notes. 1i1 In 1021 he accepted A call to Bangor, Pa., U.S., and be.'na., Stat- ed Clerk of the Southern Pre_:bytrey of Pennsylvania, and Moderato: of Synod for 1926. In April, 1926, he accepted a call to Oxford, Iowa, and in January accepted the call to Ethel and Crembr e ook Pr b •tc•rti• a } .tn church- es. The Oxford, Iowa, Leader, upon his accepting the call, stated: "Stine day Rev. W. A. Williams, pastor of the Oxford Presbyterian Church, read his resignation to the r,ongrega- tion, asking that the sante take ef- fect February 1st. Rev. Williams came here f,;om Bangor, Pa., April 1st, and while his pastorate, in Ox- ford has been short, he and hi4 fam- t']y have male warm friends here, who will regret to see them leave the community. He has been a faithful worker here and will unquestionably prove the sante in his new pastorate." The Bangor Daily News, o+.'Marclt 27th, 1920, made the following re- ference to the removal of Rev. Mr. W':•il4ame from Bangor after 5 years there "Tho congregation of the Welsh Presbyterian C1lurce last ev- ening tendered their- pastor, Rev. Willem Williams and famy a fare - gathering. Rev. Wilfaun -Alto has been pastor of the 101.11 church Cilli' 1021. will leave with hie 2111?l l" 7, e linesdr;' far Oxford, Iowa, Where n' has accepted the 11.1 tot rt• of inn. V*,'Oh Presbyterian Church. Ih'.. Williams and hi: yarn,.; v have mad,• natty friend: singe 10nliae leo;'-1 wh.1 I to hear of his leaving, but wish hien t alt ie ha new field of ebur. .At the mr'tin„ last oaring Glee David S. Jose.: n,, side i, cold the ep lung (11147.1• wa0 11111,11 by IteV, John (l iltith t:ftt•1• •Vhieh ad- d•e• ee Were mails, by the following (umbers of the cion•.: Monate Otv- t'ns Ilieiitrd IIug-hee, I ienerd Foul- kes, Thomas Morrie and :\chart Foul- kes. Thomas Barg:haw and David I rite :Peke• on behalf of 1.110 \Velelt ?Irtilo,li:at Church; Thenyls Wynne end John 1)svi•=. of the W,'I ,11'l0iatlnn:l Church. Two comic par. odi8s on the ;_tun of 11,••:.•\t"illianr:, Were read by Ow ladies' Aid Society f the Chetah. which Society present - Mrs. Willktr1H with a handsome guilt. Rev. Williams wa1.0 preeentc' 1 lvith a purl,;. Of gold by the c•nt:'re- gatinn and made a Very fu 1 1,24114,4' of appreciation. The Imagine (:mc to a close with benediction by Rev. Williams after which ref reldunent, Were served by the Ladies' .lid Soc- iety and a :.oriel time eves enjoyed. Rev. Wi)1a_uue left to day 'm• Phila- delphia where he will .111, 0.1 the week -end and occupy the pulpit of the Welsh Pr•eabytei'kin Church tn- 11011'040, having preaeht•d his farewell sermon here last Sunday. and Mrs. Douglas returned to Aiir.h- igan, where lie spent several years employed by the Diamond Match Drilling Co. Fifteen years ago, he returned to Grey Teem, his wife leav- ing predeceased 11i111 50015 years agn, He continued to live with his brother, James Douglas, at whose hone he died. The funeral was held last. 'thnrsdayafternoon, with interment ire Brussels cemetry, Rev. Mr. Mltin• es, of Walton United Church, con- ducted the services. The pallbearers relatives and 1(0end5. The high were ; James and Robt. Huston, John wind and Icy toads, 00 Sunday, Pre. Hislop, H, Skinn, VJ, Knox and 0. vented ;deny from attending the fun. Turnbull, eraly Beautiful flowers trent: received A NATIVE os GREY DI1r,5,—A res- as*Mown : wreath, Molesworth Unit - 1(0411 of Grey Twp, all his life and ed Church ; two large wreaths, from well•known throughout the surround- relatives, and a special lily bequet, district, passed away on Ii'ridey, Jan,, front the family. 28111, in the person of Samuel Me -1 A1Rs. JOHN DIVELow DEAD.—Fol- George, at his residence, Lot 66, Con. lowing an dinette 01 about a week, the 1, Grey, in hie 68rd year,. The late death occurred at 4 20 o'clock, Tries. Me, McGeorge had been ailing Inc the day.morning, of Aire. John Ducklow, past year. He hole Iris sickness very et the hc•me of her daughter, Airs. patiently, and it was soon realized Fred Oa/idler, of Stratford. The late that the most skilled medical attend- Mre. Decides was born to Grey Twp., anee could not effect a permanent and was h) her 77th year. She spent.. mire. A noted Toronto surgeon and her eat'1y life in Grey, later moving to epeeialistendorsed the local doctor's Elam ('tvp„ where the greater learl; of tteatments, which were past human her life was passed. She went, to assistance, He was born in Grey Stretford to live with her daughter a Twp., on March 20th, 1865. On June little over two yea's ago, She had 1210, 101)1, ire watt united in marriage not been in good health for enure to Miss Clara Kells, The late Mr. Mc-, years, but was not taken serinusl ill George has 105)2814 nn the salve feral until about a week ago, Her bus beand all his life, and which was also taken predeceased leer eight Terme ago, al up by hie father, from the govern- she is survived by five daughters and Brent, part of last century. Besides three 501)5: Mrs. Gilbert Thibedeeu his sorrowing wife, two 5008 and a Wingham ; Mrs. Adam Wilson, of ,t deughter 501101ve : ,Sohn, of Win- Kitchener; Mrs. William Montana. nipeg, Robert and Agnes, at home, VVRe Hegtol ; Mrs, Fred Candler and Two brothers and one Meter also sur- Mrs, G. liristowe, Stratford ; ;?eters Dive : Alex, McGeorge, 11510(053 ; of Sar ferannisce ; Sam, of West Charles, of Spokane Falls, ATon(ama, and !Meet Agnes M0Gentge', who resid- es at the Is.te home of her handler, in Grey. The funeral was held on 8110 - day, Jan. 30th, front hie late reeirl ace, ' Lot 00, Con. 1, Grey, at two drlork. Rev, Mr, Smith, of Molesworth, Unit- ed 000114.11, official ed, and inlet n1.01 was made in the family phot, at. Weed - lawn cemetery. Hie son, John, was theme from Winnipeg fat' the funeral, whirh was largely attended by both J. L, KERR, ProArletoy ARE YOU INTERESTED IN GOOD ROADS? A joint neelime of the e,run. ells of ';lanais aryl Cr•:t Town - shins u til 1- held •,h• 1 e vn hall, Brueeele,u, Zai Li; I b. lith 1127, •t 1.1O a nosh. The Mande) n leee, eet, l nvtt- :hir, Kilt b. 1..' rd ',eft. Pe nldr,'. ••1 hY Li r ,; . t iaaer Irwin, of the Good tt•'au:. 1)e - p utmtnt, ALEX. MellWEY. Clerk of ,\larrte J. H. I I: A R,. Clerk of Grey. Monkton, and Isaac, of Lune,•; ; one sister, Mrs. W. Gitnmezrmtr., ,i (:al- gury, also survives, Twos(:n«: Wil- liam and Gilbert, predeeeeeed her. The remains will he taken i„ Lis;.'w- el for burial. There will b,• ,r 1„;Cate servire at the family home. r•r, needay night, conducted by Rev. W. S. Owen, and interment will he. made in Listowel, on 'Thursday, Rev. M. Armetrnng having the ,+ervfee there, SOnooL RII:PORT,—Following is the report of S. S. No. 3. (grey. ';'horn marked * missed more than um, exam - !nation. JR. IV—\Vilma Lowe 7,3; Harvey Jaeklin 80 ; Eva Hull 47. Jo- III—Dorothy Brewer 61 ; ISahe•fle Warwick 00 : Harouteun Ilntrhe.d- rium 59 ; Lois Johnston 56. SR, II— Mack Cardiff 77 ; Russell Hall 71. JR.II—Mildred Turnbull 91: +Lined Wheeler 71 '; Jack Brewer 67: Dor- othy Hall 65. PR.—Prank Cardiff. No. on roll 14, average atteodtutce 12.5. J. ABrRNterr, Te;u'her, Smxoor R1tP0RT,_—Following i* the report of S. S, No, 10, Grey, for lire month of January. Asterisk d.-netes absence. SR, 1V—Pearl Ct,tuorlrnu 80 ; May Carnnchan 77; Isabel Spelt. - an 75 ; Alma Petipreen 74 • `Wilda aker55. JR I\'—Lawson Whitfield 70. JR III --Glen Dilworth 671 Pratt Baker 55 ; *Susie Neahel 36, Sir. 15 - Delmer Dilworth G3 ; ;}nl•,nn Speirnn 59 : Vance Baker 39. JR II—Cat note Baker .3(0 SR. I—Gladys Weld Ex- cellent. ,TR I—i)n sen E^t r, Hord, PR. A—Mut i.'1 !leek Well, Phyllis Ward, Dwathy I)t'n 11)1 Jit Pie. Lawsn,l WWII. Mal jot io-: t d The highestnuni lee t' 1,s ,t ,11,',111,93 by Glen hilwor•th 1 t, Tnt:son Whit- ' field and, Liebe! Speitlul'irff. 'RENF Rtz.tt^ri'R,'1'e1rher. (Additional Grey Lew. 1•'' mtge.5: Personal Paragraphs ra r alas a W. A, Lowry is vi -it ant in t m,,,190. Miss L. Howe viol e• t d LL•dotvel freed, over Sunday. \Vin. 010(10(5 retncned to Detroit„ after a visit at hie 1(i;,(. her e, • 511%0 \VinnieLong is visiting with friends in L0(21 11 •end other points. Gorge et pot ton, oi' \\'iutthain, was a yieitOr 1n town, 1111 Mnnelay 111(0n- 1. ing, I Mise Evelyn 1 7.,n:i,.rlee! a party far her young 1'rientle, last. T'lltar-day a.f:et neon, - '411 Tats, Spell' .1n11 bliss Elisabeth were visitors (01111 .Tao. Me('rar, a, Lietnwel, this week, :lies Verne Rio beige, ,.1' Parkhil). - nee been spenellr1g her holieliys with her ttlreleS ifs town. • Mrs. 3. E. Smith, ae1.,nIn:uI)e'd by her Micro, Miss Fanny Rose, ie hal- idayii,g at Chesney. • :;+ ,3 Wm. and Mrs. lirnadfoot, of Ttlek- eretnirh, were visitors with Rapt, and Mrs. Park, 00 Saturday, 51ts. ll- ) IIcL:ulghlin is risitine-- with het e151.1.rs, the Mises I:oss, in i Toronto, for a week or 00. • S. Carter was in Toronto, last week, attending the ennventianand banquet for the Overland Re'etl 1, '1' ;. '3 D. C. Ross was in Kincardine, at- tending the hnnspiel there, and assist- ed one of the R'inrltrdine rinks. .g g. J, L. Tterr was in Toronto, last week, attending the ]tian1(enzie King banquet. at the King Edward Hotel, .,. ie. s Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Miss Mary Hel- en have been spending a few clays els- Ring with the fnrmee'a sisters, 1n Toronto, Harold Lawry, of New Liskeard, in here alt a visit with his mother, and will likely take i'.arle a car load of horses to the Nnt'Ih. a;. •y a, at, W. Al, Sineleir attemled the ban - tenet in honer of W. L, MacKenzie *ting, at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Thnrsdev. alt Mia* Ina 0nnnin01nm, nurse -in. rrninh,g et Wingham Hosppital, wee visite at rho parental home, 'net week, fee a day. Miss Cunningham.. is enjoying bee week. 0 0 0 0 see , M v D,tvnin temp P g ) seated Brute, eels I•Inrtieuliural Society, at the en- tnted meeting, in Toronto, tithe week, end will he present at the Brussels Old Boys' At Home, on Friday Slight, .Alex, Pelee, the well-known harne05- maker, of Lneknow, has decided to. Mese nut hie Moire -ale, and is advertiS• ing n hargndn sale, He has been on the job for 50 years, regular no a clock,