HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-2, Page 8WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1027. THE BRUSSELS POST Tasteless Cod Liver Compound with Creosote Win. steer un long standing' 11!1 colla and build tip the, general system. 16 -oz. Bottle for $1.00 Mi R of Magnesia Tooth Paste Does more than clean the teeth. it neutralizes acids and so prevents decay rind keeps the breath sweet. 25c and 50c Pu retest Co'l Liver Oil TESTED S -oz. Bottle IS -oz, Bottle 40c 75c t .f ter tiles Good Quality Red Rubbe: Ilot Water Bottles $1.75 Store Valentines Now on Misplay Valentine Day Monday, Feb.l'ith Fancy y Valentines ireo to lIc each. Valentiee Post Cards 2 for fie FOR DECORATIONS Red Ilearts, Red Brint 11 Beard, Dcnnuenl'. Crepe Paper, etc. Developing and Printing We develop and print films, and give best re- sults obtainable from your negatives. You w'li like our work. We also save you money. Chesebrough's Vaseline WHITE VASELINE Small 15c, -Large 30c YELLOW VASELINE Small 13c, Large 20c MEDICATED VASELINE in Tubes MENTHOLATED, BORATED, &C. 25c Tube 1L' o SMITH rhe Io}4 r .ty�Gd Stare 7'r•Irr;ristand Stationer tale tegestect. meet i»wetaH». t e nsesi'+ e t t w ♦ ..t... r..s 1. elee'ts eei , aw.e 'ease Local News Items :. Assessor on Rounds. Jne Wilton tnaI:ing his rounds in town for th. assessment. Dog Poisoned. Tuesday afternoon the came do;; of Nesbit Hamilton got a dose of -poison. The dog died it tht even- ing. Annual Meetiny. The annual Meeting of ill' Hetr- ick Fit,. Insurance Co. :will bp held Got'. it on Thee -lav, Fell, 10th, at LSO p.m. Skating Party. The Pals Class of 3I it Sue - day School. will hold a sl t 1n.o party this Wednesday evening from 7.00 to 10. Lunch Will be serred at th church from 1.0.'90 to 11 O'clock. U.F.O. Candidate, S. Bri ker•. nt Porde:deb wac. to candidate selected by the t 1 . 1 Convention at iiin/sheen on TI r• a.. The Post had no other t 11 'eulece about the. Convention at oress time. Will Hold Sale. Ng.dit ii,nlilton is holdn "n ..-11 r n S:: i tray aft7r10oe of le wagons sleigh:. harness,. - the property, of Alnl•nt Brrr .tJohn Oliver's barn. See hull T„t its the Post, Brusseiites At -Home. The I tussedite Assolietial in Toronto will hold their annual Al. Dente et the Brown .. try Tea Ronnie. Toronto, on F,•hrut.v 11th, and will ire glad to welcome any who may be to Toro In at this time who can claim. Brussels :,s their hence town. The 'ntete/dement Committee is planning a big night. Banquet Speeches to be Broadcasted. The Victory banquet to he tender- ed Rt. Hon. Mackenzie loin ' by ,ire Liyerels of Ontario, in the King Ed- ward Iiotrl, Toronto on February 3 in recognition of his recent victory at the polls, promises to be an epoch- making event. The Premier's speech will be the first pronounce/rant on tiro Imperial Conference.. It is looked forward to as one of the most, ir11- portant speeches of his career. Lib- erals from all over the Provnlc0 will be in attendance. The sp.orh(s will be broadcast over four Canadian rad- io :stations: CFCA, Toronto; Cant'.O Ottawa; CNRM, Montreal; CJGC London. Big Catalogue Printed. The Post has lust issued 1000 111 page catalogues for Walter hose, Brussels, well known chicken breed- er, who has a Dominion -wile repu r tion for his products. From year to year oyer a 3 -year period, Mr. Rose made the best showing of any breed- er in Canada, finishing in fourth place in the Canadian contest with 800 'birds competing and 3rd place in the Ontario contest with 600 birds competing. At present Mr. Rose is in first place in the Nova Scotia con- test end 7th place in the Canadian contest. He has the record high hen in the present Canadian contest, and one of the only two liens at the end d .the tenth week to lay 50 or over 2 -oz. eggs. His bird No. SS1 at the end of the tenth week laid 62 eggs for 52,4 points; the other, a Barred Rock from B.C., has ,50 eggs for 50 points. Mr, Rose predicts it big sea- P1•iyate Bills for Legislature. A total of 34 private bills hat•( al- ready been 'adv r t sed to -•om,• be- fore the Legislature. Inst of then ate from 1111111 IcIValities asking vali- dation eto ..1 tmprovemen1s and civic work_ expelditu.res. Inspectors Here. Titch w•et,1: Mr. Gray, who was 3lan I ;•:,r -et' the Standard Bank here. ne.we 7. ars ago, was hone inspect- ing the books and 11110 sssi:te,1 by C'l:at t >;t Jordan. son of Dalt Jordan, eserris Twp., and a rosenes member f the stuff hero. Social Evening. At a meeting of the Sneed C'o+n- n(itt of the Morris and (rt •y- Farm- ers' • Club, heist on Tuesday rveni,ve, i- was decided to hold a soesiel gath- . ;Ihr rile near future. the da',' of 11 R 1, be aililanl'r c d neat ,r-, k. Watch n tu: it A Wonderful Record. 7:1-t weak's lesueweak' of the Nterntlr- k.et .Era salt- l he ,snnrple ti to of the 7411/ veer a:1,i also the 43rd year u 1- 11 L n11n1'env nt of T T stn. who tarn • out a fine paper 52 we( 11 1 the year. i'nn Post offers renvratniations to the Era rind it's I;,litor. • Toole a 'Tumble. tt i1Nam Stewart, of Fern,. and a r broth of Mrs. N. F 00-0., ape .,n old T 1 n- elite, fell about 15 feet at the 1 'attic plant the other week and h •ern unable to walk since, het expects to be able to got around shortly. His old friend:, will hope. for at speedy recovery.. Are You Interested in Good Roads. There will lir' 11 .01st meeting of the C'.nuncils of Morris and Grey Townships held 1311 the Town Hall, Brussels, nn Monday, Feb. 14th, nt. 1.0 o'clock. The Patrolmen of each Township will he present and \will be addressed by District Eneineee Ir- win of the Good Roads Department. All intcre.tcd are also invited to at- tend the meeting. Bible Society. 3245.00 was the sum remitted to the 'Upper Canada BibBiblesociety byct the Ben:els Branch, The collitors, who »nide the calls and to whom much credit is due, were:---1?russets East, 'ills. J. Meadows and Mee D, Denman, Brussels Wcst—Mrs. Goo. Sperling and Mos, W. Clouse; Brus- sels North—Mrs. Skelton and Mrs. (imago. Grey Township, Cons. 1. and 2, Misses A. McDonald end Mar- tha .Johnston: Cons. 3 and •1, Misses .Jessie Strachan and Laura Turnbull ; Cons. 5 fold 6,Mrs. P. McArthur and Mrs. George Fraser: Cons. '7 and 8, Mrs. A. Yuill and Mrs. Alex. Arm- strong; Cons. 9 and 10, Mrs. O. Hem- ingway and Mrs. Andrew Lamont; Cons. 11 and 12, John Selmorle; Cons. 13 and 14, Misses Lydia Steins M and .Irene Dunn. Ethel, Misses Jen- nie OKee and Violet Heath. Morris ' Township, 2nd line, Misses Bessie Moses and Christina Forrest; 3rci tine, Mrs. Tohn Bowman and Miss Helen Leefe; 400 line, Mis•tns Mne Wilkinson and Annie McLauchlbn; 5th line, Miss Bessie Torilam and 1 MV. Norman Spens; 6th line, Misses Laura and 'Cora McCutcheon; 7th hoe, Mrs. T. McCiU and Mrs. Leslie i Beirnes, •a Brussels United ghureh REV. A, W. BARKER. B. C. MINISTER Sunday, Feb. 611h 11 a.m.—Public Worship, (3) "Pergainunl-- The Sin of Com- promising," in the series on "Pearls from Patmos." The Sacrament and Reception of members. 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes- Misslonary Program and Offering. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme "Great Imperatives" Tuesday—Y. P. Society. Wednesday — Prayer Service Cho;r rehearsal. Friday at 7.80 -Boys' Class. LOST.—A Small Leather Case, With a comb and small amount of 3000- ey. Casa has "Wisconsin" mark- ed on it. Finder leave at Willis' store. WANTED.—A Married Mao For farm work. Capable of taking some responsibility, Apply at the Post, Brussels. QUANTITY of Choice Dry Hard- wood for sale. Wm. Moses, Phone 58 7. 33-tf FOR SALE. -8 Pigs, Abont r00 lbs. Lot Sxz 15, Con. 6, Morris. Sam Alcock, Phone 364. BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE. Phone 34-10 R. Brewer. 150 -ACRE Farm For Sale or Rent, Lots 23 and 24, Concession 11, Grey Township. Apply Mrs, Sarah Cox, Brussels, R. R. 3. COLLIE Dogs For Sale; One 1 Year old and one six months old. WiI1• sell either one. Jos. Pearson, Phone 3911. FOR SALE.—Ten White Rocic Pul- lets, seven Partridge Cochin pel- lets and first prize Cockerel at Brussels Fair. Also second prize R. I. Red cockerel. Wm. J. Grant, Phone 250. FRESH Beef For Sale by the Quar- ter or in email quantities. .Also fresh pork, sausage and lard. Ap- ply 1- 1 1lv to R. J. McLennan R. it, Dino -ale. Telephone 108. HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply to Miss Hingston. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. Died in Toronto. The remains of Margaret Reid, widow of the. late Peter McMurray, who died at the home of her son, Thomas McMurray, in Toronto, on Saturday, arrived in Mitchell on the 10.30 a.m. train Tuesday and 'were conveyed to the Sunday Sdr' .1 mens ! th Presbyterian rian church where. they laid in state until 2.50 when they \era conveyed to the Presby+ ttlltn C:mletety for interment t be .i.1, thos of her husband who pr deceas- eJ her eight year, ago. 1.::-v. 1I. I. Bennie, nunieter of the Church, ot- fici :t l Mrs. McMurray • was -t 11:1- ttt, of llurnll County and for man:' peril. hv,:d 011 the •Provincial High- way a feel miles west of hese. She WED; in her72nd year. Survic n t1^ three daughters and three sons: Mee, Andrew Moore, Detroit; Mrs, 11. J. :Iilhvarrh Pontiac, Mich.; 1117. Mar- garet Austin, Hermosa 11r'ach Calif.; John McMurray, Tompkins, Susie; 'rhos. McMurray, Toronto, and Adam McMurray, ray, llarriston, also einht. g1 1TI(i-ehildre n and six great grand- childmn. The late Mrs. 31cMulrav was 0 si.del• of the late Adan Roils, •a former well known r•esidarlt of I1rus: els. An Old Former Resident Passes Away. After a short illness Mrs. Susanna Bennett Kelly, relict of the ]ate Janes Belly, formerly of Brussels, Ont., passed peacefully away at the home of her (laughter, Mrs. Robert Owens, at Cypress River, Man., on Monday, January- 24th. Mrs, Kelly, who Val, int' of the best known and most highly respectei citizens of tthr• community, was of a bright: and cheerful (disposition. She was great- ly loved by all who knew her, old and young, and although she had reached the ripe old age of ninety years, 7110 still retained the full use of all her senses nnimnait'ed up to .ire last ill- ness. Mrs. Kelly was born in Cavan County Ireland, Dec. 25th, 1836, moving to Huron County, Ont. with her husband and two children in the ern1•ly sixties. in 1901 Mr. and Mrs. Kelly moved West and Settled in the Cypress River district. Mr. Kelly died in 1903. Ten children are left to mourn the loss of a fine woman and loving mother. They twee Mrs. A. I1. Thew, James A. and George Kelly, Miss Maud E, Kelly, all of Winnipeg; Mrs, it, Owens and Mee, W. E. McLeod, Cypress River; W. F. Kelly of Portsmouth, Ohio; Mrs, James McDole, Elgin, Man.; Thor. R, Kelly, I{c'nora, Ont. and Mrs, W, 11. 'hill, Vancouver, B.C. The funeral was held from the Anglican Church, Cypress River, lit 2 p.m., Wednes- 1 ray, Jan. 26th. Interment: wee; made n Glnncov( Cemetery. Mrs. Kelly resided in Brussels for forty years, and has still many old friends reed - ng here. She came hare when the village was known as Ai/11001e,, 23 Below. Sonn0 body said that the thet•mon- eter registered 23 below last Times - day morning. 10 feat like it :anyway. By -Election Writs Soon. It wag stated at Ottawa that` writ: for the North Muton by-oleetion will be issn d shortly, but the (l+tt'• )f the polling has not been derided oft by the Government. Wins Scholarship ]itis: I\athryn Sells of Loudon, and a member o1: the Sunhe un Trio, won a scholarship that entitles her to 0 year's tuition at Toronto. It will be remembered that the- three lom171 hellos are blind. Induction at Ripley. rev. George W. Connlrs, Ph.D., formerly of Mount Forest Baptist Church way formally iindwite,1 in l.nox Church Ripley, 0s mat ter of the joint Presbyterian cone e s ltions of linox Church, Ripley, and Knox ('lurch, 1„rtte, In•. J. D McC'u;- louglt, nt Kincardine, Interim Mod- erator and Clerk of the Presbytery, acted as Moderator at the 'mulcting service. Ree. F. Cr. Fowler of Brus- sels, preached the sermon. Rev. Mr. Weir of the Ripley United Church was invited to the induction and led the congregation in prayer. Rev. 0. H. MacDonald of Lucknow, delivered the charge to the minister, and Mr. McCullough gave the charge to the congregations and inducted the min- ister. Brother Gets Important Position. Last Wednesday's~ Daily Globe re- fers to a brother of Harold Morden, now of Winnipeg, who was formerly connected with the Standard Bank here many years ago:—G. W. Mor- den, Ph.D., who for the haat four years has been Principal of the No - panes Collegiate Institute, has re- signed his position, effective March 1, to accept an important post as manager of a British factory. Dur- ing the war Dr. Morden went'. to England es technician in the celluloid industry, end he was summoned there again last December by the stone people whose war factory he man- aged. They have now asked seism to take charge of an important branch of their work. Be is a native of Piston, Ont„ a graduate of Queen's University, and \ Va'S formerly con- nected with the London Collegiate. Tablet Unveiled 0 Memory of G. F. Blair. Readers of the Brussels Post and elsewhere will read with interest the following news article from the Re- gina Leader of January 1i, The late G. F. Blair, K.C., was a i'nrmer resi- dent of this town who f; temiembeonl here for his u111, 3 1s1 1011, 11 along lines which he pursued is a citiv n of the Saskatchewan city ".1 lire dedicated to public seiviee in field of religion, education and general civic activity was honored .et ('neral Collegiate last ni,,l1t when a tablet perpetuating the memory of 11.' late Geore' Frederick lilair, E.("., \\•:: 111ivo•iled. Antoni hey au(Bell :. wolf: citizens representative of ;111 walks of life. Many of them had : ^e all with Mr. Blair on administrative h.'d'e-; ethers 110,1 met hint in social r •nT' t', vV11,Ie several hard merely ho"or ..c- ouaintod ,vith him and had realized the city's indebtedness to a laithrul servant. Erected by the _tuff, stu- dents and 11'•ends -of Central ('.11e• late Institute, the bronze tablet is cm- :;rave(t: 'In memory -of Geer 'c• Fred- erick Blah number nt Boars of Trustees, Regina Colli;, it . .[11 0ittte: 1717-1920; born 186.1: died 1112(1.' C R. Nolan, M.A., principal of the Institute, presided. Mayor ,18711, . 3drAra .pakti briefly; Hon, S. J. Lat- ta, :Vial ski' of Education stressed the ideal, of //duration; Miss Annie Vahan, vice-president Of -1,11!,tic Society, and Alan McGill, pre.ideot of L craty Society, unvened the tablet; W. G. Sarin cont, M l vice- principal of the Collegiate presented the memorial on behalf of the stair and the students, and Janis Balfour, K.C., chairman, accepted .h taol•t on behalf of the Collegiate Bntll•d. Rev, S, Farley, vice-president , t of Re- gina Ministerial Association, 1 .11 i t •t- et e 1 th dedicatory hat ( oy 1)111, gin• tied Rey. Dr. Tufts, president of the t; ria tion, pronounced 17.071.01,11. Lein:, before the hour of ,trvice, the plain hallway was crowded • lin, t to sae- acity. Singing of the hymn, "O God of Bethel By Whore Mains," Opened the proceedings, after which Ma;•or McAra addressed the assemblage. At the outset he declare(] citizens were honoring the life of a man arises. memory Regina should ever keep green. Quietly, and in an unobtrus- ive way, he eervod well in many capacities, interests of the city. Not. until his death did citizens fully re- alize t11e. part he Mad played. We honor Min to -night bec:ua,ee or lois unselfish devotion to 811011,11117 edu- cation,' continued This Wor,,h ,. 'We must not forget, though, th a his ef- fort.; to develop the best typos of citizens were not restrlctad to,, one particular line of endeavor.' We know him to have been active, will- ing, resourceful and sincere in every movomen' which sought to promote the 800171!, educational, physical and metal life of the community.' Ho treed that the young, fast- develop-ing country such as Canada had great need of men of such character ss Mr. Blair. The knowledge of his ideals, he tsaid, should serve as a 1171llenge to other citizens to con- tinue the leadership which he so wil- tingly gave. Feeling reference to Mr. Blair's work as art educationist was matte by Hon, S. J. Latta, who pointed -out that character of the children had always been strongly emphasized by Mr. Blair, IIs was eenvinced, he said, speaking of edu- cation generally, that the people of Regina wore vitally it-tett/sle 1 in the greet: problem, Their in West and support was exemplifier) in th:' school hal1li ngs. People were raiding to earrifice much in the interests of edu. cat'on. He emphasized the develop- trent along educational lines and waene(j against the :positive tendency which appeared in North .Arearvca to rommoreiahze the system Of educat- tion. Mr. Blair's interest and sup- port in many phases of work were reviewed by Mr. Balfour, wee refer, red particularly to his wore among yelung people.. Hardwood Flooring Oak Maple Birch OUR PRICES ARE RICHT Phone at our expense for prices H. J, Rowton Et Don GORRII31 ONTARIO , Gerrie Phone 5, ring 3 Wroxeter Phone 626, ring 9 Former Business Man Dead. Jauuoa Annctt, a former busirleze man. of town, passed away its the hos- pital at I'ort Huron on ,January, 4th last. Deceased was in his 1191,0 year and had recently undergone an oper- ation. He was one of the early reed - dents of the 4th line of Morris Twp., later conducting a grocery business in Brussels. Deceased was a nephew of the late Wm. McCracken, of town, and visited here last summer. in- terment was made in Lakeside cem- etery, Port Huron. Comedy and Thrills Follow Each Other in Naval Farce, Thrilling battle scenes employin the vast sea fighting paraphernalia of the World War are realistically por- trayed in "We're in the Navy Now" I'aramount's startling funny version of the Navy's participation in the late conflict, which comes to the Grand Theatre on Friday and Satur- day. The picture has been called by those who have already seen it, the most engaging, entertaining repro- duction of the Navy's part in the World War. Wallace .BC.ny and Raymond Hatton ere starred. Ches- ter Conklin and Tom Kennedy' have featured roles in Edward Suther- land's latest production. MacArthur—Brown Wedding, A very pretty Wedding was soI- 11111nieed in St. John's Chua'eh, Frets- sels, on Saturday, Jan. 19th, at 11 o'clock, when Miss Jeseie Mari in Brown of 07rv](., was united in. mar- r'iesse to George Duncan :Ticar:]sur of Toronto. The groom is a son of, _ 1,11 hails Mac'arthair of Tiverton, and now resides in Toronto. He was ove rs, a; in the Great at War and ,acv conslt! table service with th•• 1st hettalion, being wounded three trite•.. The• Saint37 brirl-, who is the third daughter of R. I. and Mrs. in Mil, a" F1'rvie. looked charming u1 pale pink shot taffeta trimmed with :liken ]arc. i ser bronarle shoes 10:011 hose to match completed the bridal costume.. YL" tarsus 11 s11(_af of pink find whit ' ms,,:, The 1'e•1'e 111"n,\' 77115 peen—met 'd by Rev. P. L. Lewin, a lo. uer ilas- tor of BI ,'vie. The bridal (111])!'' heft on the. .1 •i t,ein the briele t(IIV 1iln•,• in a frock of black chiffoia velvct with crimson vests:-. She war.: a frit-trilnlln'd wrap of maroon vetoer, A smart Fiesta ('loch,' o:1 gold gaion ('1m7leted the ldeliehtful ensemble. They will be at home to their 01'c11r11 fit 4(1 Walker Ave., TOroneo, after Ind,. 1 f,, A Mystry Thriller, Som of the patrons of the Grand have; been asking: for a nly.tely play and the Greed 17311 oho\\ one, next Monday and Tuesday: Th (crease est combs1;tiolt I ever tried." This is lion Lon Chaney .1(srlab. s his new tole in "The Black Bird the Liam - house mystery story winch lv?l 1,iay '1 the Crani 9 heatre. I0 1. at Tod Lrnvmn • production for 111.'tl•o- Go!rl\•yn Mayyer. Chancy plays both roles in a manner very opposite to laic usual custom, a. his make-up rac- ially at least, is not elaborate, and :al is t perfect disguise in 0110 leader role a as a Limehouse cruel Ica ..1 h 's rfew 110t1e m this r. dant by n r and t trial lines, and th01ef0re ables:, en- tirely by manned ms end cecores- :ions, The other role is that of as crippled worker in a Lirehonee res- cue alis: inn. This role is rue in which the actor's body is twisted into a grotesque posture, but beeause no grotesque facial make -tip goes yvitit it, the part is not repulsive. As the cripple he depicts an almost .saint - 110, character—as the crook the low- est forum of Limehouse criminal ;,.two roles as far removed from each' otl- (1 as they could possibly be. In the missionary role, as in the ether, the tactor hardly applied make -119 to his face, diametrically opposite to his work in such roles as- "The Ilanch- hack of Notre Dame," But it would be difficult to recognize One character in the other. "The Black Bird" is a mystery tale sccnarize(1 by Waldemar Young from Browning's oriental story. A notable cast supports Chaney, including Owen Moore., Ren- ee Adores, Doris Lloyd, Andy Mc- Lennan, William Weston, Eric Mayne, Sidney Bracy, 'Ernie 5, Ad- ams, Polly Moran and Lionel Bel. more, Mother Passes Away. The Clinton News Record raids to the death of the n10011er of Mrs. (Dr,) Morse, better known to many T3russolites as Miss Jean McPherson, when she visited here with the Otto John and Mrs. Leckie:—In Boston, Masse on Thursday last the death oc- curred of a former well known and highly esteemed resident of Clinton, Mrs. Marion Coats McPherson, wid- ow of the late D. F. McPherson, The remains 70e1T0 brought to Clinton on Saturday and on Sunday afternoon the funeral took place from the , Clinton Undertaking rooms. Mrs. Macpherson was born in Clinton On April 12th, 1858, being a daughter of the late Robert Coats, who was among the first nt.archants of the, town. She was married in 1879 to D. F. Macpherson of the Foundry Company. Her husband died in 1004 and shortly afterwards she left Olin. ton, 1'eeiddng for a time in Godrich, but for the, past few years she has resided with ;dreg daughter in Roston, Ate{ i4 fi ( A Qo H rro AN�ro., - y 0lao f • •Bank Collections 'N MAKING your collections through The Standard Bank, you enlist the efforts Of an organiza- tion which extends the. efficiency of its courteous service into every part BANKING .FIFTY YEARS of Canada. Thus can you be assur- ed of making regular collections locally or at distant points, with the courtesy due those with whom you transact business and the efficiency you demand. TIIE STANI AR AN OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager ..- where s 1e died. She is survived by two sons, D. S. Maephrson, of JIailey- bury; R. C. Macpherson of the Pat- ent Office, Ottawa, and one daughter, Jean, who is the wife of Dr. G. W. Morse of Boston. A third. son, Capt. Charles K. Macpherson, gave his life in France, and is buried there, in one of the sacred spots which shall be "forever Canada." Two brothers Registrar Wm. Coats of Goder•ich, and R. H. Coats, Dominion Statistic- ian, Ottawa;. and two sisters, Mrs. Archibald and Mrs. Robertson of Montreal, also survive. At the pri- vate service held on Sunday the Rev. A. Macfarlane officiated. The sons, brothers and brother-in-law acted as pallbearers. Mrs. Morse accompaniers. the remains from Boston. Mr, D. S. Macpherson, Mr. R. H. Coats, Mr. Wm. Coats and Mrs. Robertson \were all Here for the funeral. MARRIED MAnA11TFU'R—BROWN .—Irl St. Jnhn'1 Ohnrah,Brussel., on Sstnrdny, Jen 211,11, 11127, by Rev F. L. Lewin, George Cunene Mao ursine, of Toronto, to Al issjessie 11 ar inn Brown, third daughter of 11, 1, end sirs thrown of Sonde, Do Your Leel Bother Your Oh 1 the tragedy of aching feet, the ornery or painfully tiros ging one foot after the 0110 or, the bitterness n1' watching others step along without n foot rare In the world. Font u$ered tar 7077 4 obit 1 Pon ,11 t1'WRY 100• re sieve that pnfafn 1 41r4,1n upon my Wealron.•d arohes. Now, 1 want to 11,40 others : if you are a .0 fferer, year,. Mont(f)11 Tu a Post' when W^itine .1. T W0011, 21.1 Prosspeet st., Elorn- Ilten, 0,11 , or may be Paw:based nt Downing Bros., shoe deniers Brussels Ethel Cheese Factory ANNUAL IT/METING The Annual 11 oohing of Rthot ('hoes,. Iter. tor, ,trill be hold in 11.» 'row,1al110 1 , 111 R(hri, 011 ,41t11111,11.. i "brnnry 10,0 er ^.,'risme ran. .0coocrle picker 1s -,st e.'t..l to be ,,r,.,. er>11 r .- ell the:n.41n , All mt,reattat ere 117111x1 to attend ('11.:11. BATH\IAN, see »'rrlrnsnrer. OIED BRYANS.—In Brussels, on Thhrvdny, Jan. y27th, 1927, William Bryans, In lila sins, ear. CA M)'BLi LL,—Tn Morris Twp,., on Thursday. Tnn. 27111, 1027, .1001es (•so,pbell, aged ,FO veers, 0 months anti 14 Soya DOUGLAS.—In Grey Two., on TPewlav, Feb, 1st, 1027, W fnfan, Douglas, in his 81ot year. HOLLAND.—In Mauler Two., en Thursday, Jon. 2710, 1027, Mary Ann Snell, beloved wife of Robert holland, aged 70 ye,ira arid 0 months. Auction Sale. SATURDAY. Fna 5TIT, Anation side or hors. ns, wagons, sleighs, harness, hc, at John 01. tver's implement barn, B114101% Nesbit Ilninilten, Prop.: D. M. Scott, Atfo. Tumuli/AY, Dins 100h. —Clearing sate of form otoch and implenrente, at 05,7 Lot 18, Con 2, Morris Sale at 1 o'clock nharp. Mil. vert Rellero, Prop, :.Torun Pnrvle, Ane AleeneY AND TURAOAY, FBI. 14 AND (9, -- Pure bred Shorthorns, etc, at Let 20. Con. 2, Wallace. Alt 11va,tooksold on Feb, 10111. AT. vin Bonn edy, Prop FPII'AY, 10,an inTil.—Fa rut stook. Mugs - molts. 2n, at Wi Lot 4, Con. b. Morris, (1 tulle Rost of Helen:vi). Sole tet 1 10 o'clock. Welt- er Messer, Prop. ; Jaw Taylor, Atm Valuable farm for sale Teodoro will be received up to noon of Feb. 11(01027.addrersedto Thomas (1 King, rix• center, \101,19110,,, P, (7.. Ooh.. for the Pur- chaoo of 11m farm of the bete, John 77, Bing, 1I. P , 0711,1,41 ng 011711 nor, of excen.nt land, more or tr 81107ml on a good 51110..1 road and in and silj >inhtg the unineorpoc.tr,E 811108, of filuevole. Thare are ou the prcmhes n gear, brick house with furno':e, large loth barn nits cameos stabling and nrnenth, cetme,t •fro nI• otn7,12,' drillers well with with whrdn.fll. large rlrivesbed, hog Pen and hen house, good nteherd nett about ,five acres of good herd. woe hush There is, 01 addition, a never falling '01(117 of water from the sliver Alva - hind en the property. 7.h' property is within 39 reds of two two .lnuohew 11 Futile ;.ehanl, chopping min And peat, ilia, and within rots: silica of the flourishing town or 7l1Shnu,. Whirls 111110 1, reeelIed over an excellent gravel road all the WRY, Further infornntinn may be haft tut an• 11,.cation to Thanlas a'. Kn1g. tov.,seion may „• had nn Blares, 1st 1027. As the prnnerte rff,,»,,1 for sale subject to a reserved price, rho high, tit or any tender will not noeesxarly benooeptcd, Dated at Wi0 chem, (into, .Ten. 24011,1127. J. A. 0011000, Solicitor for ltxenutor. a e�©�I BiRedBi o itn T t. IN Wi71 ter Goo L.' 1JCJ Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 2, we are offering Big Reductions on all Winter Merchandise including Over- coats, Suits, Underwear,Hosiery, yt Ladies' Coats, Sweaters, etc. A Re- duction of 20 per cent on all these lines for one' week only to clean up for Stock -taking and also make room b for our Spring lines. Towelin s and Table linens All Linen Towelings and Table Linens 20 p. ca discount Ladle Hosiery Discount of 20 p, c. o11 all lines of Cashmere and Silk and. Wool ITose. Also line of Ladies' All Silk reg. $1.50 For $1.00 Blankets Flannelette Blankets, larg- est size, White and Grey $2.25 Wool Blankets' 20 p. (c. off Niiks and Dress Dods All lines are included in or- der to.clear at 20 p. c. disc. Come and look over these Values before buying F. A. Huntr