HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1927-2-2, Page 4'WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1927,
Che trusset5 Vast
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1!)117.
Enthusiastic Convention Held at
Winghan'. M .l Choice—Interest
Keen in Erg-Ei....ti"n Resulting.
From Death- of Progressive
14';n:ehanl, .fan. S. tier+h !I'tron
Liberal -a, at a toot enthusra.ti • and
t, 1)t ant i1t'• convention
a r t a'. 1) c li ,<e Archibald lti>do,+,
1(41'.1 1, 1 1 th it condi-
-into r'o, t n Irr , L„ . •,n 11 all :ha
fr•dorat 5 , !:I ,• emised by :he 11:•.,1'1
of JoI1n 1i lane-
valh. Cou, ul, i1,w the !n. i t a'y of
t 544, atit„• and the h.•avt %row{ tion
n t n.l,w at loads. t t
with 17.,;+ out of a 1:o. -.,isle
t t-_ 140 1)t ,r,1) th., „
tiumicipalith-s in the riding, tl t, 5^n
( ,tr 11«rot, c a:cutl 11 t.!•
most ,'u 11 number of ,pl: , not
were in attc n i:.) )
t0 l
I! t
' 1 1 1, R) the lC„ I L- 4
(!: 01.1 ridillg of rt flOrolln
un.,,, I 111111 r.J.:r
terms. belog eltxtl in tti) ,1)t
.in,! !.'1 .,, •absee!tt,. tit to ll h!..h. ,toes
yr•r, h 1 a; defeated hy Jame:.
Ilowrnan, c on•ervatn •, It 1.-, 1 , :a
contest for the F:•dl•r•ll Hcv_,o,
Six Nominees
Among tin six noon who. mums
we'.ut to the ballot b'ior.• the ropc...,,,1.
tor. this afternoon. lir. H,;t0p led
from the first ballot and pl t
choice of the convention xt ia•• fifth
i llh t with 1'0 .otos against a i tOr
Win. II. Itobe:•tson. edit, )r .,f the
God -rich Signal. hr_ chief api•onr 1)t
t••�+� tlx nOttlinationl.
Sov-n nt..mos in all were olae,.rl in
nomination, as follows: \Vert. 11. R ,b-
ertso, Goderich; Archibald Hislop,
Brussels; ex -Reeve Gordon Your,.,...
of Colborne Township; D. M. Scott
of Brussels, and ex -Mayor Dr. W. F.
Galley,' of Goderich, Since Dr. Cai-
iow was not present. those who pro-
posed his name withdrew it b,:rote
balloting• took place.
The credential rani q'rut,nerr:'
committee composed of K. 1.. Knox.
Goderich; Jos. Wilton. B>rus •fel and
H. H. Elliott, Wingham, toge..ther
with Duncan Marshall, federal organ-
izer, superintended the taking of the
vote. The results of the ballotinz
were as fellows; First ballot-- Hi-1op,
05; Robertson, 05; Young, 11'; Cos-
sens 17; Hill, 13; Scott, 2 Second
ballot—Histep 00; Robertson,
Young. 23; Cosrns, 17; 11i11, 1:l
Third ballot—Ilislop 70; 'Robertson.
40; Young, 29; Cosen: 17. Fourth
ballot—Hislop, 76; Rob••rt.00. 41:
Young, 39. Fifth ballot—Hislop 99;
Robertson 5b votes. Mr. Ilieleli ..
nomination was immrtlia`..'ly made
unanimous upon motion of Mr, Rob-
ertson and Mr. Young. the aro ru1-
ners-up in the balloting.
Speeches Limited •
The meeting, which was b:'gun :u
12.15 p.nl., was featured by a mini-
mum amount of speaking only lives
minutes bring allowed each noninl•4,
to permit all who iksired to catch -h•:
2 p.m. train south and also to pernt:t
the, sp0clal train from Go-l.:lien 'o
make an early start hack.
Mr. ;Marshall, in a brief :pe -eh fol
lowing the selection of Mr, Hislop s-
the candidate, declared that the Can-
adian people had elected a ...table
government last Septemb-n la return
inn the King Government to porcr
with a ct.nsiderablc incrr-:rs Nd matur-
ity. Nova Scotia, he said, IPA haply
an opportunity to indorse the Govern-
ment, which the riding •h .re had
clone handsomely, and now ht hoped
that North Huron would show its ap-
preciation and approvla of the .-
crnrnent in electing 't ?traria}_t sup•
porter. 3Ir. Marshall ioi'ii'• 1 o'lt
that the Kin_ Government •,v:,: tai;
enough tor a man lik,• the 1c:t. John
W. Ii•nc', a Progi>eeive, :e ).rppnrt
and that this w•1„ proof that
King Government can :;)(•111- I„• in.
trusted to bring in l i>lu.`en shat
1%111 he in elle interests o'' 'Il! cls: -«•5
in Canada.
Optimism Shown
In the speeches and th 1'cal
tone of the meeting, it •'ri rl ,rnr ,
shown that North Huron
mindful of their success in •1:.):'11_
ev-Warden Charles A. Rob •1' nn, of
Colborne Township to th. Provin,das
Legislature on Dec. 1st 1.1,!, Ind
mindful also of thr. loll.. I
'ars or mora oemhers ,r onrn,.-
ine' p,trti,, hsv„ he- 1i,!
ing at Ott tw•s, are (tete tri ,1 '0
wage a 41'01111.'11,4 and
fight nn \Ir. Hi ol,': behalf
him to 1:•1111 alt•• poi'., with , ,
nlninl•i v.
Though no writ hast '
n. d 112 (lttnnn (1)t• the ` \ I , ,:1,
vlt-1,,r:t i:. not. lar•i:ic„ i❑ iii•..;•.
The Prnurerlsve. 1111.1
tial has hoop called l'1), f1 :.IC
next at w ale hams X11 r t o
mentr,u 1 toe 01 f ur1 t,, r I
;»f.111'1,.• J , l:ol It C,• 1 ' -1 I
\b a 4117'„ 11 1lha41,n 1 .': 1
wlrh, 1',i O„„(itch•Ir.r enc h I,:ei-• I
11(1.) ' :r c, w 1u ,111',„1,1
l,u 11 rf' 1 uC St
Thr ( 11. !•ltd t th r t :n ' fr•t
have 414,. rt c•t.,
I.e tot a
loot i . n,'nat'u•�
L(I I 1'•
tion c•:n_,•iv, lames m01111 ,1:,411 I'rl•
the Can ,vntiv.: nomination inelud,• 1
Mayo• 1-1, .1. A. 1lat'Ewtn, .11' 41)1'',-
ich, Who leas defeated tic 4Mr. ll iii ••
hs t September, and. Georg- '\V, Saint. '
ton, who has been dr fe a; i at l t,'t
three times in his ottarta to get :If
Ottawa or Toronto as th,. repre..;,ii-
(-Miro of the people.
Reeve John McNabb of firov
preside at thr' Liberal onnl tBoc, lc -
cam,. Gordon Young, pre.,nl,'nt of
the riding. association, was ane of
those nominated as caar1i,1:•1.',
Social. Service 1)411:u•tnient h
been n nrganized onom,eljo 1 r, •;:1
11141' work in L'.11« 1e• •:•r
John.: (h'ow• of ;3t.
found urlOr •cieta .1, . hl bed
1 dtlrlr �r
tics af', h.
r 11 ,• 11 rtion t..
2.4,r'r• , ,
Pir•,o:; i.t 111,lint.
rlt•a1lr,hi; war„ t.•rle r '
Ilial .In' ;it -kr
o. r,)y 'i.t!11111 lulihw,'1.
f burn
OF 'I' E 11+ \\ EEK
Special Price off Car
Crs Baekeg
•I:uI.,, . t hr 51 1 ,4.
.1. ed 1, Al 11 1 rt,
witi.1 •,., , ., l ?I.,%,a'.+.
5v..11:. , .1' •c . 11,,,.1,
,1111 ,, • `,.1-.1:4.41-”
q !
I 511
(' ,r
,0 ;11.1'! 1.
1 . .•,111 t 1 «', u.::� l
Y. 411:1.1 11 r !, ! 1 .eilol•t-
lee „, buil l i ,,111 Air. 4/....., 1' ;fr•1
I ti a
Ir 1 + !1/4
1 r, 1 � n tl I
,; h I of l 1 1 (
pe..1int t,
1•':.t for 411,!1' :, L .s uta
Vi it
hc!', a. 111,111,11
111)1141) P, Pqh; 1),t•: ngn• „sed
of a ,11, win h „ )0&'i0ed by
R•v, R'r.ltel I 51 •114,111, of Theme, -
vale. t„ rake the gni ,!1 or t'h 4 11)01'4
Presbl•,4)lee Chur'h, :Mount H:,tnil•
ton. Mr MoL' ,, 1. h, 1114.15441 year-
ly stile., d.,f $1,860, in /1)1110i1,1, Intl
free house and 1; Tilt 11it•n 1 f '•rte
mouth. Mr. McL'a•, 14 )11 ,•'d 11144th
hay, and it so, of the Tale ltev, Dr•.
McLean, a former minister here.
A, !be cln..e of th Six 1)t 1) 1)4514
el ses, whirl' were h 111 dell lig .) e -
u t[•y, e Girls' Chih Was 1'..rn1111 Of-
fi^ars P1Peted wore as f;'ll1nvs's-
idF-nt, Gladys Fawcett ; Vie, Pr44s-
iden1, Annie 1t011111 'lid : S,-r'y-I'eens-
tu'er, Elizabeth Mine; Comtnitlo',
Gums tiheet„'')!. rrvlie Hen in:)ee•,
Maly Hoke Mari -trip Onlsnu, 143)14.1
Garnet, The girls have charge ,-f
the Fein -eat y I't,ti'nte 1011'ling
when 41efriewtratinns in rnekil'g'cill
Ise gl511 Ill• (51')1)4 tine1-11011) al d
L,nie Herrington : sewing, anr.le
Richmond ; nursing, A'.tie'1"Leel ;
readine. \lienee needle Heggert ;
mune, Misses Pearl (iidlsy anti 1:I.z-
;.heti' Mills.
Frid'iy, Jan. 28 1', sow the
••encluqu)n of the annual Short
('shoe in Agri'nitu)'1 and
Home Eeoeomics co'do('ted by t hP
local Depatttneetntel,: al Agricult•
erre, Clinton. This year': Lours,' was
well elf ended, !tactile 1egnlar etiel-
ents to 111e lumber of 25 boy, and 4))
girls daily Besid.•s ,!:ese, a huge
number of visitnls 0011)1 to the
Curse, particularly !u the ,it'ts,-
000)48, to 1,4.1)1 14.4 5)4') t..l" of the dif-
ferent lectures and demnust,alions.
On Thursday evruil•g. Jun. 27 I1, a,
banquet was held 114 the new cone,
munity Hall, Blyth, at which nil 1 he
members of the classes and the.e in- ,
strumental !u malting it it 01)44
cess were present The gue-t of hnn.
honor. Harry J. L'tidtaif, ,f H•a mp-
ton, gave s. very 14 t114srieg 111111448., �
His subject, ”\Vha1 the Junior• Fan m-
ets' Association has 4441,1 for 1)10,”
pion ted nut to the members of hot h
Messes just how the Short. Courses,
judging competitions, dehgtiog and
literary societies, feet re ea of l he Jun-
ior I•'armers Association in Peel
County. helped the speaker trot only
in his Agricnitulal activities, but his
social life, His talk was well recsiv.
ed hv all 15)11))) (an' and highly comp'
licnentary retrial ke herr heard re-
garding it, 1)r. Milne, of Myth, in
replying to the 1101,)6 to lite guests,
pointed nut a few i)uprtl tan,. reasons
"rut the young omen and women
should follow the advice and instruct-
ion received in the Onul1114. Intl con-
tinue with their 111)111 44e)ivili41),
(;ulna,,, aurin 'Ig these have become
decidedly popula) in the majnrlty of
rural communities, told while their
purpose in Ibo dieemnieation of ag-
ricultural and hml-ahold information,
vet the 501,1 11.1,11Cli Vibes cat vied to, try
the erger)iz"d elaeees !n after years
are highly 110)1.01,/•,r reeulta. It is to
hoped that •nenls4n1 (h., rspq of this
nal it. e 11 he hold in other pat Is of
4.01111 y, dining the rr'rning \Vinteis,
itieber(' (loeeivl1,.hG Assistant. Sup
eevi•.or r,r Vehieipeg 5111101 Play-
grounds, for the p.t:r 15 veers, died
n \Vineill.g, ire 1114118 y,a)s ,,r
age Mr C11. viigh1, 11 ho was a
1)0ti1e of Piines),•14, Ont , got 5)'5 Ile
prira:ip„1 11111
1.1,tl4doin, SP,, col h,
57d di km ton, 1411 in 1)1,0)rin, 444)4 Port-
age lel 1 iOrie, 41441)
1111' 'iter
Stora to a
We are ready to store
your 1.3attery in an up-to-
date Battery :Plant and
charge them with a real
ch•lrger at a moderate.
price, -
Sure your Battery is
welllooked after during
the 'Winter.
it Paws ¥9:11.•1
McIntyre &
4444 u 1r;. No J SFJ;
Friday & Saturday, Feb. 4 -- 5
The Screen World's Two Biggest Conlmedians
Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton
(A Paramount Pietur0)
"TWO little boys in blue,”
Leather -necks who meth the
decks and peel potat)os, too!
Just imagine the humor!
Sweethearts in every port.
Balloon pants, Sea logs, Beans.
Dog 1 c!
o� watch, Eight bels. An
romance '(
e for 1 and aft!
Your ship -of -joy's conte in at
last, and laughter rules the
Monday & Tuesday, Feb. 7-8
The man with a thousand faces. Amazing! Unforgettable!
More startling than "THE UNHOLY THREE."
Mystery lurks behind lecke d doors and in the foggy strests of
Limehouse --London's underworld. A beauty blooming in its
shadow finds romance amazingly—and over it all hovers the
menacing shadow of The Black Bird.
Friday and Saturday - Feb. 11 & 12
Jackie Coogan in the Comedy Delight
COMING : "Masked Bride"
"Battling Butler"
At usual popular prices
"Devil's Circus"
"Every Mother's Son"
- 25c and 15c
News of Local Interest
Minor Locals.
I,t,ok et your label of Post.
1'11•February—and only 28 clays.
Tuesday was the 1st of February.
Council meets next Monday even.-
Six weeks more and winter will be
pretty well spent.
Shrove Tuesday this year comes on
the first day of March.
The January thaw is preferred to
the recent cold wave.
See that the address label on your
Poet reads Dec. 1927.
A sumnlerless summer in 1927 is
prephestod. Here's hoping the pro-
phets gait frostbitten.
The head of the Singer Sewing
)Iarhi'ne Co. gave his daughter a wed-
Wee- gift of :40,000,000. Sews 5 -our
old man.
Visiting United States motorists
will be allowed a 90 -day stay'in Can-
ada without the procedure of occur •
Me' )1 30 -day extension.
T1ne power derived from tin hydro-
electric plants at Niagara Falls is
04)15111 to.•the combined efforts of 45,-
000,000 able-bodied mete.
Reading over certain criminal tri-
als convinces a wayfaring man that a
lot of people are like. Oscar Wilde:
They can withstand anything heal,
At a representative ineetiM1 of the
1.141, r; tburg merchants last week, it
.14,4 decided to close their stores e,•-
, « Thursday afternoon 1111511 the ex-
coj,tion of December.
People in the United States are not
-o well oft after all. Areoldirtg to
the. \ .tional Automobile Chamber of
tool , 11 e the weenie of the: Republic
er: `•• 1 ,378,000,000 on cars they are
The weed menace, which is becorn•
Mg nee of tho trialsg
f a IL to m
theeldersections t
1-. ,rctlons of Lhe. province,
will probably receive cotlsideration
from the approaching sc'sion of the
Ontario Legislature.
Yo 1111 and age' 1111i1•e in legislating
for the phopl 1)l' Can1./1a 'fine old-
en member of l'arliemen1. is 119 and
t170 \onm;o,;l . The. former is 11011,
George 11. D(:11at111e5, a-lnnntllol' car
for 511)144', and the ;atter Louis 141
Atit4e , remesentlttiv,' to Prescott in
tin Finns' ol'- Cnlmmons. Both are
French Caned inn,:,
Will C.T.A. Be Effective.
Whether or not the Counties of
Perth and Mored, which were: un,1or
11' Cam da 'Temperance Act 1114 the
lila 111'1 1'1,o C.T.A. 011012 in force
11: t 0 ! 0, will automatically 04.1014' 111l -
iter t'u• ("ar coda Tormenter—ft 1 4
• 1 . inn , i VP, (i.r.rC. is wit3t-
a the coming ,e:;!on of 1
, is a ,miler h^t is cam,...
, , nn, 4111: nnrnt i; . nrntrrd
'1 ' lt1t•`. i• Ar'.•
will t.tvr. 0hn1410.• Arci triaop lieu, D. Wiilimns, pros;
Delightful Weather.
In ,ending his subscription to the
Post, I. C. Richards, a former well-
known citizen states in his letter
that they are having beautiful weath-
er in California and finds a straw hat
and light clothing the most comfort-
able during the daytime, but the
nights are cool. He regrets to read
of the number of deaths in his home
Had His Picture in Paper.
Last Thursday a large sut was re-
ceived at the Post and around 11 wore
several Winnipeg papers. The Edi-
tor took a little time off to look
through the various editions and on
the sporting page of the 'area .Press,
January 8th, was ti picture of Jack
Pepper, of Deloraine, .a former old
Brusselite whose special delight ht
the: old days was to kick the rover alt
the foot ball. Under his smiling face
the Free Press added that Delorainc
would have two rinks at the coming
Bonspiol and that Jack Pepper is one
of the best known figures in curling
in Manitoba. He sends in word that
they had better make the rinks as
Strong as possible as he will be on
hand after an absence of about; five
What Would Happen Here?
"If that terrifying cry 'Fire!'
should be heard during a concert in
the Town Hall, Cheeley, woul1 some
ole leave the presen0e of 11)1)1(1 to
sten to the front of the stage and
eall for order to prevent a panic?
That would he the first thing to do.-
o:The next best would be to ge down
the main stair orderly and for those
on the stale to proceed in an order..
ly way clown the fire escape, Once
on the landing the steps are s0 Icy
the +vou1. e i
wouldn't b. long '
y n to getting. n
1- ,L t}, 1
the bottom in the winter months. It
• is surprising 'bow litany people lose
their hoods when facing a conilllgrn-
tion.--Chcsley Enterprise The
same question might • be 11:111',1 re-
specting Brusscle Town Hall, tl'he
worst feature would• be the narrow
vide stairway and no fire e1c:lpe.
I3trl, lot us hope for the hest always.
lath Anniversary.
Celebrating the 70th tnniver,lu'y
of the founding of the Diose se of
' Ilurron, local Anglican churches are
being asked for financial :ontribn-
' tions le a church eXte1141nn 'fund.
ldtc'h :family of the diocese 5s rifted
for 70 cents, or one cent. for 011011
year of the '4.1 11 nen of the diocese.
The money is to be used to institute
parishes 'in growing centres like 1110
Border Cities. Since its (minibus: hi
1867 the 150eetie of 1luro11 !las grown
Mon 44; pari hes to more than 280.
Th,Fr, p,ri'll at tire witnini.de 1.1.1 b,'
1x,(3 (+ 1.1x•'711)1)1. There any 1 be,.ti
four bishops, Itirv, lir. (insnyrl, who
wee coneee'111c3 in 1 85 by the A"-
c)l•e:hh''141111)1o1f (,, h)'bnnly; 111 .1111 i ilr•li-
nluT') .h'ni I1hafhvin, 11,1,1 t' ,.
tot incumbent. The dioctr a !nclud'is
13 counties and 10 cities, width arc.
lividhd Into four aichdcacon(•ies and
11 deaneries,
Death of Francis Holmested, K.C.
The Seaforth Expositor met week
had the following obieuuy of •t
brother-in-law of Mrs. Peter Scott, of
town:—A !!re full of years and of
outstanding prominence in Seaforth
and 111)1 County, waa brought to clone
early Tuesday morning, whoa Fran-
cis 1Iohnested,- 11.C., passed to the
Great Beyond at the age of eighty-
four, 14i1'. Holmested was born mil
educates! in England, coming to Sea -
forth as a ryouug noun to enter' the
law firm of McCaughey & llelnl(:-
sted, and for 58 years its lived and
practiced his profession lure, 1)ur-
ing that time he was promineutty
identified with the town's history anti
it's growth, occupying every po;itiotl
in the gift of the people from
Councillor to Mayor. Beeide4 itis
large legal !practice he had many
He • 5 l Out ls.
outside interests. 11 wa
Ulitbl L7
in the first electric light plant :n
80ef0rt11, which furnished the light
and power for the town foe many
y,iat'. until the advent of hydro. 112
45114 a life long Conservative and one
of the leading members of the Huron
ou:,orvetivn. Association, and in re -
0151011 an Anglican, whose interest in
t 1Thomas' Church
and support o St. 1 moma ,
Seaforth, will be one of the church's
memories. In his younger days and
until well past middle life hie inter-
est in athletics was always keen. Ile
was it member of the oil Senforth
Cricket Club, and a well known curl-
er and bowler. Mr. Hohucsted was
twice married, his first wife having
passed away a number of yeti;; ago.
About ten years ago he w'11) united
in marriage to Mrs. McLean, willow
of the late Allan McLean, who pre-
deceased him two years ago, since
which time he had made vis home
with Mrs. IIolmested's sisters, the
Misses Brine, on Goderich Street
West. Failing health acie:esitaled
his retirement from active practise a
year or more ago, and although 1113
111110S3 was a trying one no word of
complaint ever escaped him, and un-
til the very last he retained his keen
intellect unimpaired, and all his fac-
ulties to a wonderful degree in one'
of his years, The funeral was held
110111 St Thomas' Church on Wed-
nesday afternoon, where a short fun-
eral service was held by the Rector,
Rev. T. H. Brown, and at which
church a memorial service to his
memory will be held on Sunday
morning next. Interment Was inade
in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pall
hearers being Messrs, John Scott,
George Bethune, J. G. Mullen. J, A.
Case, A. D. Suchorland tufa (C.. M.
Por Friday and Saturday the
Grand will offer a rare treat to pat-
rols of this popular theacr:, when
that inimitable comedy team, Wal -
ace Beery and Raymond Hatton will
appear in their second big comedy
sensation, "We're in the Navy
Now." Those who saw them in "Be-
hind the Front" will remember the
big hit they made. Well, }fere they
are in a hilarious comedy of the high
seas, living th life of a gob on the
ocean waves. Here's a comedy that
you, can't afford to miss.
Haunting memories of 1917—long
columns of stern-faced marching
men—Bags waving—cheering crowds
—newspaper headlines—kkakl anal
blue side by side—
Into this seething whirlpool are
cast the fortunes of Wallace Beery
and Raymond Hatton, prize-fighter
and manager, in their latest Para-
mount comedy "We're in the Navy
While the crushing impact of
great armies reverberated around the
world, a' eecond battle brooded !n She
dimly lighted arena of en eastern
seaport. However, the clang of a
gong merely served as the introduc-
tion to tho comedy and drama :which
engulfed the prize ring belligerents
its they plunged into the thick of the
war. For, before they wore con-
sciously aware of their des•;enation,
Beery, and Hatton had bo:n hurried
through a naval Camp—pan: int; only
long enough to accumulate .ouch ac-
oatrenlmnts as vaccinations, throat
swabs, trousers; middies ani Haircuts
—before folding tllenuselves of 'their
way to :Prance.
The annual meeting of the -Kin•
sardine A eiotlltural Society !vas held
last week. 'l'11e society had a good
yettl' and hnn a halanee on hand
amounting. to x129. The elates for
Kim:m(1MoFall Fair, this year, are
Se14.21and 12.
The 171;1, annual tneet'.ih of the
ehtnreholders and suhstndbers of the
South Bruce Rural `Telephone Co ,
Was held in the town 11111!, Teestvater.
ltepor'te shoved that: the company
had Jest cemp1eted one of the hest
yea's In its history, 'i'hP rotenone, re-
duced its liabilities by 88,500 and there
!a it 0141111 sniping of nye) $6,000.
There are now in nperaeinn 807 tel-
ephones, of which 040 are rural tel+
epllonCP, ten 11101.e8se of '27 ever the
preceding year. '191-e youth 'Banos
avatem was established in 1910.
There in a three exchanges; Mildmay,
Teeswater and Hehnnr4, 011i'•", e for
the yea)' 11)27 were elented fig r Ilf u
Pr„:Men1 W. (4, 1N1 offal l., Oe.e ' ••t' ,
Mecretary•lle„1uier, A. N. tale ft el,
Mild rney ; Direct''', Cs'. 1 ,•1 nee .°
,vi' 1(, Del' in, r•„ ; D. 11.'thn, 1+':Mtn. s,, 1
J •i r' feel end int I 11, 1 i) icer
•111±4)111, 11; A.udltnrw, IL ''nnpl ht Ire. .
TC ,z'••, Tee ,curet•, and Bela'gr• 1,1-
ev ;, N'1denly.
Your Eyes Need
If your eyes bother you in
any way;
If they tire quickly 017 be-
come inflamed;
If you do not see easily and
If headaches impair your
efficiency or interfere with
your pleasure;
If you cannot enjoy every
minute of your reading? —
Maude C. Brya.rls
Phone 26x Brussels
Mr. Wilkinson, organist o1' St.
(*8043108Uhllrh xcml ruch hfie been
appointed to the position of hand
pp !
nit s er of (jodeuch Band,
etre A r
All hog
alt'eels to Corb l C o l
ich and parte 1)f neighboring tow .-
ships should be lut511581 1 in the pro-
posed Bacon Hog Fair. to be held in
April. TheAgeieulturltl Representa-
tive, G. It. Paterson, has outlined the
purpose of It fair of this nature to the
members of the Cniborre Bacon Flog
Club and the Colborne Farmers' Club,
Al'Kay 111111, a fine, new red Mice
building, which Robert MacKay, of
Goderich, is presenting to that town
as a community hall, is nearing com-
pletion. Preparations are being
mule for the oOi,' al opening, on the
evening of Feb, Sid, when a prngrem
of laced talent will he put on. The
ball is up•to•date in every respect and
has a senting cepa&ty of 350.
\V, J. Smith, propeieter of the chop-
ping mill, at Centralia, had a narrow
escape from death, when he stetted
the engine, at the rain. It exploded,
the head of the engiue ening clear
through the roof of the building. hit
Smith was badly rpt nn the bend and
is suffering from !honk, Dick Parker,
a11 employee, win was 01 the mill at
the time, wag ,111hnr(.
Word was received at Pieter, of the
sudden death !n Youngstown. 0 , of
Jlunes Jeckr,ell, ,teed about 00 years,
who was one of the 1 own's most prom.
inentcitizens. Mr. Jecknell left to
visit two of hie brothers hi the Amer-
ican city, and died 811nrtly after his
arrival. HP was accompanied nn the
trip by two sisters and 0(114 brother.
The Blyth Telephone System own-
ers held their animal meeting !n Mem-
orial Hall, last week, with a snlen(lid
attendance, the President, T. P. Ellis,
in the chair. The financial statement
showed receipts $10,800,95; expend -
i tures $10 441 98 ; caalu on hand 5856 ;
assets 832,279 99 : liabilities $7,059.55,
The Commissioners, '•a fnilnwe, were
re•Itppniuted : T. 13, Ellie, John F}ng-
lend and Thomas Sloan. and they re-
appointed Jame! B. Moody a n Secre•
tar v•Treasn eer.
The Nears) of the late Gordon Fiah-
er McMichael, son of Thos, and Mrs.
MeM eh lel, of Hol ett, whose d earn 1)r.
erred at the Memorial hospital, in
Seaforth, on Wednesday, of last
week, took place from the home 1)t'
his parents to Maitlandbank
cemetery. Rev: W. P L the eo,dart-
ed the Bernice. Mr. McMichael was
seized with an acute attack of append-
icitis. on Sunday. and was removed to
the hospital, where his appendix
were removed. The nperabinn was
eincessful, but unfortunately, he
find been previously exposed to meas -
lee contagion. Pneuinntlia also set in,
,and he succumbed. He was a most
promising young man,
Perth Co, will spend $150,000 on
roads, this year.
James Donaldson, a former member
of Listowel. Council, was declared el-
ected by acclamation to the vacant
Beet on the town council, when others
npminated failed to quail Hy,
Dr. P. L. Tye, reeve of Milverton,
who was elected warden of Perth Oo.,
fnr the carrel+. year, was born in
Brantford. in 1884. He is the son of
the late W. D. Tye and Mrs. Tye, who
wee rnrmerly Miss Stlean MaoDonn.ld.
H'was educated at Goderich Pnhlic
School and High School and fir• the
University of Toronto, where he grad-
uated in medicine, in 1907. The next
awn years he epentin hospital work, ab
Buffalo and Ottawa. In 1009, he wenb
to Milverton, and entered into part-
nership with the.late Dr, Fred Park-
er, with whet) he twee associated un.
til the latter moved 11) Stretford,
Oulu t.l4.yeats ii go, In 1912 Dr. Tye
married Miss Edna O. Beckett, of Ow-
en Sound, and they have a family'o1'
three sone. About:eight years age,
he entiered the village 0010,011 and for
the past fnm' years of that time has
occupied the office of reeve,
AhI0!rION SALE OF 110104104, WAGONS
Jl.al:dne, «48x1408, &0, property of Afric
1fres„ Brussels —T9ee undersigned having pur-
- chit sed the 0,411 re etotk oI horses; wagons, deo,
from Amont Brew„ Brussels. who aro going
out of the saw hill 1)1151,1850, will offer for
88)81171)111)1101)1)941,,) at 30110 011501'3 Inlple.
treat barn, 13,•118801x, on eaterdey, Feb, 0th,.
4.t 180 o'clock sharp, the following 1 it I101108
foon,1400 to 1700 lbs., 6 team wagons, 5 Iwo 011
W980),8, 70 seta of sleighs.1 light sleigh,, 8 wets
whilfiotroex, 18 korai, blankets, belle, 1 snow
low, 1 cotter, 7 nets of boon harno,s,11484
Ilpht double harness, get single harness, 6 hely
rooks, 6 Wood moils, 0 lo,,g 11(101)781ms, 8 food
bags, lou e114011, all stable motion, en t, 0 short
nnekooliee, forks, shovels. also I Jersey now,
TERM4.—A I1 Roma of$ 10 and under, cash ;
over that 1,1,011,11, 5 earatlls ereditgiven on
furlli011)ngapproveil 0111), 110418. 0 per omitoff' for cash on credit amount, Lend owners
for soourlty.
Au0• Prop,
Of Application for DWot'co
Notion Is 114raby given that LAMS BRINK:•
h/iw, of th. Village of Exeter, in tin, meaty el
'(8'on. 11••4'0''1 t0nrmer, will apply to 11101
>nrlla.• r) 1)P r'm)ads at tb,• next. s"ssinn
th reef ie, nfi'i Il o) 1'17,7 r• f sin hi• r1Pa,
vr1 •1e" )• r,11,tn, nr ))v. wb
,wlrh, mel)" (Tnnnt n" '+ 0144,4•, er tin' 1' 145•
rum• ••r 111'41 1t', o'• ,bei nwn,1'.. 1 of ..,,1,, 1.. 1•
NO '111 N" N14'S T(10
"1)1 10110 fn. 91 1,110i0.. ht
hater) 0l the 'Provo of Parld,ili in ikv
Hr,vitlr10:7r•:'.1Ontario.this8'11 du,
A, D
Albel'11{ichardsou, 11 year. old sots
01' S. and Mrs, ltirhatlsm, of St,
Paul's, died suddenly in Sten foie] Geu-
rrall Ifnepirid, from Ilse r$'eete of a
at eerioua 1 ,juey to Itis head suatain11
dining a hnnkey game, about a
nul(1th ago. 'The young lad attended
S. S. No, 5, Dolvuie, 1111(1 it woe While
playing 11ocluey Iherth JLoh, before
Cilr!.tmgs, that be 18 believed to hate
received the Min vire 111111. plltivetl fatal
1.011i121 '(14*'elfeets of Il 14)14 at the
hacic of his heat: were telt shortly aft-
er the accident, when he was 1akeu ill.
Farms for Sale
250 Kerns. h„lnu t), o 1011114 1),)IVP11 of Lnts 18,
111, 2111::1 1)l the L.rl or Grier town•
chip tou see,+d' ee.. fa») n'irb ran•
''/0)) nal or 11111 Ila 1,• oil, 1 ',)ti 4,1311 r1, el0
if desire 1. will ein,fitpr ,•11,1n19 part ,•r all
to. Fa1tr11Na (cillo 1 r l'
14 Si)awl rut` 1i 152..4hieval8.
1,r (}1401301. 410T'1•t'5,,
Boar for Service
Having purchased the Poland China Boor,
Olonennel Nelson" (11291, first pries hoar at
Guelph end London Fairs, 0111110 w111 he for
serrate at Lot 19, Con 7, Inorrl" t' waoltip.
Terms—$1.60 to be pail at Gime or service.
09.2 GEO, ALCOCK, Proprieto.•.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of the late
James Henry Kelly, late of the
Towns hip of Morris, in tho County
of Huron, Farmer, decoased.
Noti,e is hereby given pursuant to .,The
Revived Statutes of Ontario' Cling ter I20, that
all oretlitors and others having Maims against
the estate 0f the Nald an mess Henry Kelly,
who died on 1)r about tho frust day of Jon.
nary A. D, 1027, aro required on before the
Twelfth day or February A, D. 1027, ,osend
by post prepaid Or deliver to the Nxrcntora
of the hast will and tests ment of tile deceased,
their Christian 01)11 iarnones, addresses and
tl nsr•r'i0G10i18, the full pm•ticlt)ara o1 tltetr
oloi ms, the stothe sec of thea r nconuneo and
the nature of the securities, if any, !told by
And, further take notion that after such
last n,ontionotn date, the said 5xeoutora will
proceed to distribute' he assets of the 480eae-
ed atnongst the parties entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only to the claims of whish they
shall then have not)ae, and the said Executors
will not he 1101)10 for the said assets or any
part thereof to tiny person or persona of
whose claim notice shall not have been re-
ceived by them 0b the time of eaoh dtetribu•
Dated this TwentySeoond day of January
A. D 1927. P7 51. SINCLAIR,
Solicitor for George F. Kelly and Frank A.
Kelly, Exeoutors.
Notice to Creditors
n the matter of the estate of Flora
Loarmont, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, wid-
ow, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the Be.
gritted Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 120, that
allereditors and others having claims agimiet
the estate of the said Flora Lenrmont, who
died on or about the Sixth clay of January A.
D.1927, ere required on or before the First
day of February A. D. 1027, to send by post
Neil(4. 1) nnonnton, 11,0lExecutorso ofnthnt
deceased. their Uhriotian and 8nrmur es, ad-
dresses and desortption0, the full particulars
of their claims, the statement of their 0r.
counts and the nature of the seonri1ie0, if any,
held by them.
And rut the,. take notice that after euoh
last mentioned date Iia sold Exeoatore will
proceed to distribute the assets of the dee os'
amongst the parties entitled thereto, hay-
ing regard only to the eliding which they shall
then have notice and the mild Executors will
not be liable fol• the said assets or any part
thereof to any minion or persons of whose
olnlm notice shall not have been receives by
them et the time of such dletrlbution,
flitted this Fifteenth day of January A. D.
1927 W 51). SINCLAIR,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Farm for Sale
100 acres, being Lot 20, 10141 Can., Twp, of
Grey• AbOut90 acres cleared, balance past.
are slash. On the premises Is 18 large gravel
pita story and n heli frame house, frame
stable and other small buildings. Small cash
payments, balance may remain on mortgage.
Possession 1st of April, 1927. Aoply to
AR0H,1MIoLEAN, R. R. 2, Brussels.
Farm for Sale
100 acres, situated and being Lot No, 15, In
the 8rd Concession of the Township of Grey,
in the0ouuty of Huron, The soil is a good
olay loam, about 76 mores cleared land, the
balenee pasture land. woll•wa, or ed with new•
er foiling spring creek. On the premises erre
a 10 -room brick dwelling in good condition, a
frame barn 40x0111. with stool roof, stone
foundation and good stabling, good driving
shed and outbuildings. Igor further partici•
Mars, apply to JOHN R. SAVAGE, 're
20.5 Dungannon, Ont.
Nouse and lot for Sale
Tho undersigned offers for sale Ills comfort•
able brink oottsgo on Prinoe0, street, Bruce
seta Half•aore of land, Well and cistern.
Immediate possession. nor further 004ti0•
Mars, apply to W;4t. WORK, Brussels P. 0,
Phone 2117
Nouse and lot for Sale
The eligible house and lot on Queen street,
Bru90010, the property of the hate Mrs. Keys,
lo offered for sale. Comfortable house with
small garden. For further pertioulo re apply
0-tf It. 11, 0 Brussels
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
190 pores, :being 2434 Lots'7, 8, 0 and North
40 noree of 10, 0014, A, '1'urnberry township.
Largeflrst•olass barn, splendid stone stabling
Underneath ' windmill, large driving shed,
good frame hoose and stone ,tltehen, large
orchard, never failing spring on farm, 0 miles
fres Wroxeter village and 1 mile from school,
Tells farm has been in pestur8 for **0))10 yenr8
and will 6ive highest returns. /Neat land
vellus will rise, For pnrpioalers apply to
TH08. 01104011
Administrator John it. Gibson estate
P. 0. box 77 Wroxeter Pinole 00
Farre s for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his 100•aore
farm being 2434, Lot 25, 00,,,' 7, :::orris. Also
Moores, _being North Ile, Lot 20, awl 13134, 07,
(Ion. 7, torels. Good!mime and, barns in
drstmkass condition, also nil good but -bund•
ingo. will soli with or without (mop. Reas-
on for selling, poor health, For further part.
Molars apply to W, H, 5l0(113'l0E11ON,
Proprietor, ).t, 13.4, Brassols
Farms for Sale
.,s.M eemo•,t
300 501'00 or land, being the eolith ',4 of. 7,nt 5,
r•on. 8 and the 90u".h 14 Or tot 10, (mi. 7 in the
Township of norris l`,,,.,,, farms nwe offered
for 'onto clove 1)p the e'sto,o ,,t the tete .1a nee!
4anlh If mot • 011 thee twirl be rented for reg
torr+. r„, eerne,lnrs',,t,'v to the" „r eel, tura.
A 1.157 .•'411'111
H MNhT '4 4N'i091t,10N