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The Brussels Post, 1926-12-29, Page 8
WEDNESDAY, DEC, 29, 192C. TBE BRUSSELS POST The Store Tt Lutil Books They Are Interesting UNDER THE TONTO RIM by Zane Grey THE SILVER SPOON by Galsworthy THE DARK DAWN by Martha Author of aWiel Coe," INTRODUCTION TO SALLY by Elizabeth THE GOD WITHIN HIM by Robert Hichene ONE INCREASING PURPOSE by the Author of "If Winter Comes" , These are all priced at $2.00 per copy. Books of Poetry EDGAR GUEST BOOKS $1.25 each IT CAN BE DONE A good collection of poems of Inspiration 31.70 each A GOOD CHOICE of TITLES IN THE REPRINTS Sac each Many . of these books were $2.00 each up until a year et, so ago. New Years Cards BOOKLETS lie, I Oe and 15e -retell NEW YEAR POST CARDS 5e eaeh and 2 foe rie Some very appropeiato deeiges and verses. Fine Stationery For Answering the Christmas Letters BOXES of WRITING PAPER front 25e up to a3.00 each A PORTFOLIO With tinted paper and envel- opes with a, deeper aolored lin- ing. 05c each WRITING PADS AND EN- VELOPES WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE For a New Year's Remembrance We have a good selection to choose from of CHINA, IV- ORY, EBONY, PERFUME, FINE TOILET SUPPLIES, &C. "rhe R. SMITH ?./X-CLet Sto.re 1 eatsiet and Stationer I -.ease AACAAAATAIAAAMAIAM11A3141 Local News Items Rink Started. Angus Campbell has been -.meet ting hi his opon-air rink ready for the season's epating. Legislature Will Meet in February. Premier Howard Fereneen an- nounced last week that the 17th Leg, islature of Ontario will ',men on ,Wednesday, Feb. 2nd. _ Card of Thanks. • . The undersigned wah to tItanis the many friends for kindness! shown during. the Mimes and death of the late Colin McArthur. It wag umeh appreciated. Alex. and Mrs. Roe, Holiday Quielty Spent. Christmas Day wee (matt in Bros - eels. There were many home gath- PrPilks and the autos . were- out lor 'pleasure driving.. The Grand Thee- , tre was packed at eieht to see a free show, Won 3rd Prize. Mrs. (Dr.) White received a real Christmas box in the shape of a eb s-,tn- for e700.00 for r r n -e(1 prize in the reeent ;i1 tho Mail and :Empire. It wae a tint: Christmas giet, but meant hurri Miss Kate Deadmen, als of Brus- sels, Was 17th and won 0pt•'.(e. The results were anuourosial at Thursday. Funeral of Mrs, Manning, Last Wednes.day afte:usion the fun••ral of the late Mrs. alrinnine Wes hold. prleate emeeee mee hele at the home and tlie boae was tliee taken to St. .Tolina ehnrch where a publicservile, Was held. Rev. M. reetnr, conduetel Yiites. The pallbearers ss,-,tr.t Rands, M. Cardiff, P. Stewart. W. Sharpe, A. Sparlime arid Cunnielb- ham. Many beautiful floe 1 triplex.; even laid on the Casket. Amalie, the relatives from a flistanee weet: Tr and Mrs. Leven, of Flefar:rton; Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, of Belmont; Mr, and Mrs. Rirchell end Mrs. Patrielc, ot Hamilton, and Harbert and Mre. Cunningham, of Palmerston. The remains were laid to rest in the fam- ily plot in Bruesels Cemetery. ' Huronians to the Fore. D. A. Andrew. President of the Student Council, Ontario Aarioulter- al College, Guelph, and forrnealy the District ARI. office at Clinton, goes to Montreal to attend a rather- ing of reprementntives from all the Canadian Colleges to talk owe' a na- tional organization. Mr. Andrew was choaen to represent the boys' at Gnelph. 'The girls' organization im sending two representatives, one of thette a Huron girl, Miss Margaret Maunders, of Brno els who fe dent of thief organization, Huron young people seem bound to Make their mark, Mr,' Andrew has been dean. 01 the -eollege since going to Geelph -ants is this year president of the Student Council, the highest hon- or in the gift of .the studente, while. Miss Maunders has bean honored in like manner hy the sstudents of Masa donald Institute, Fan' the wo Years ttrel/fin131:0, too, a Huron boy held the honor or beading his Year. The youngsters now attending the aelioole in the cotalty• have WOW/ recede to liVa- up to.. :Ituron eitixefia are otrieutati to be of •outataudlug ability. Services Christmas Day. Christmas serves were held in St. Ambrose and St. John churches Christmas morning. Card of Thanks. The undereigned evieh to thank the neighbors and friends for taeir lama - nese shown during the Meese and death of their mother, -trel abet for the many beautiful floral tribute'. Manning Family. Will Hold Dance: The young men of th,.• ath line of Grey are holding' a aance in the Town Ball, Brnseels, on Fridov even- ing, Dee. 3 It. Thy -rule and Iacksort orchestra will supply the Mtn', See iyt in this issue. Presented With Radio, Bforo Christmas old Brueselitee at Toronto -fwesonted Mre. Wei. ley. now of Toronto, ani an old Bruselite. with a radio. Mr. Ain•• ley has boon an invalid for sometime and the radio will help 'pass the It wae a thoughtful act. An Editor Honored, Mr. Sant Charters, M.P., for Peel. editor of the Conservator, hes been aupointod chief Conscrvativo Whir in the lions, -r, f Commons. Me, Charts ere has had a long experience in Parliament, and ehould be highly if - 111 et in the position for Whiea he has been chosen. Christmas Party. A (dement Christmas Day was epent at the home of Frank and Mrs. Woods, 'fairnberry St., when the fel- loa int invited guests aseembled to partake of the good cheer provided ity the go P1 host and hosts : Geo. nnd MI's( fialde:i7, Mrs. Inc. Whitfield and son, Orville, the Mis;sts Berva tied 1tax,•1 Speiran, of Moecricaf. New Type of Motor Licennee, There will be no difficulty in illett- Blaine Ilntario motet vehatle license Platte during 1127. Both the num- ber and the name of the province and the year stand up prominently bl•tek on a lieht buff baeltyround. The fa:sures desiertating the license number strech clear aeross the nevi pliffea, rata undre, them the word "Ontario." and the year are printed in full, in letter and figures an inclt high. The MY/ plates are now being- ie••ued. and thoge buying 1997 licen- ses will and a $5 reduelloe le the price. County Home. In the report of John Torrence, inspeetor of the Co. Home at Clip - ton, to the County Counid, we teitr! Ib,' following: "During the year the eent of $2,45.63 has been collected for maintenance of ininat•.s of whieh no account: has been taken in the above. Since the House of Refulere At Was amended in 1916 there haw: been el) persons Who had peed' money to the credit of the County for fut- ure maintenance, amounting to $87,-- 943.00. Of this amount $a,477.00 has been paid back to the helve after their decease. Ab present throes are 6 retying inmates who have $4,739.00 to their credit, so that the County has benefited to the extent of a24,- 727.00 up to the present time. The larbtatt deposit was $9,055.00 and the smalleat $29.00. Brussels [hilted illiurch REV, A. W, SARKEP, £3. D. MINISTER Sunday, Jan. 2nd New Year's Services 11 aan.—Public Worship. "God's Open Gates" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes - Missionary Program and Offering. 7 pam—Public Worship. "The Second Mile Pilgrim" Appropriate Music at each Service. FOUR Young Chunks of Pigs For sale. Also two young sows. Alex. Dark, Phone 8413. 28-1 COLLIE Dogs For Sale; One 1 Year old and one six months old. Will sell either one. Jos. Pearson, Phone 3911. FOR SALE.—Ten White Rock Pul. lets, seven Partridge Cochia pul- b•ts and first prize Cockerel at Brussels Fair. .Also second prize R. I. Red cockerel. Wm. 1. Grant, Phone 256. HOUND, Black and White with Tan spots on head strayed on the pre- mises of the undersigned, 9th line. Morirs, on Dec. 17th. Wm. Mc: - Call. FRESH Beef For Sale by the Quar- ter or in small quantities. Aleo heals pork, sausage and lard. Ap- ply to R. J. McLennan, R. R. Blur -Yale, Telephone 109, CEDAR Anchor Posts and Feece pees for sale. J. C. Beckett. Phone e418, Bluevale'P. 0. FOR SALE.—Upright Bell Piano, in iirst-class condition. Also a eteel range with high warming oven and reservoir. Nearly new. Isaac Mor- rison, Blunt -ale, R. R. 1, Lots 28- 2la Con. 1, Morrie. FOR SALh:. — ti.Roomed Frame house and 5 neva of heel in the \allege of Cranbrook, being the propetty of tho late William Rath- „2.1rs (Dr. Grehatn. wife of Dr.The Poet mailine114 1101 been re• et Graham, nf 1, Alhambra Ave., visoa up to date. Please inrpeet yolir wr-11. Must be sold to wind up Estate. For furtherparticulare Treeteto. end former w:01.1cnown label and ser if it is correct; if oth- - I nal -a -lite of .Brueeele, eaa ree.1 way erevise, kindly advise the office at apply to I. Rathwell, Bruesele, R. R. No, 2, Phone 49-5, it emarienly at her home on Thuredity, once. Dec. ?elect. Whilnot Indian pennies bear the QUANTITY of Elm and Maple Wood ' ltb for se in ehe best nf ome time she Wag able aThente I 8first59 'They wore Inftfin of niele to be nbout as traial. On the day of her amear., while the Dottie- WAS 0,1 ni !lies thoucht he latare A and niten investigation, ales. Grehein -wee -fame' lying deal 00 1110 hit lirontyr- The Do et or and Mr, Grehere hell 4,1,1)171TO i tirIV I (1`.‘1,1'..n Werldinte 25, 1999, Thin, WaVin married in Bruseele and reealed lie'" for many ;veer,. fn '1)1» 1; work the lete Mrs. (P P101 tool: e very active interest, being or- ganist for many veers in alelville rliorell. Her maiden name Wn5 .7^11- nin Wright. Thr hotly was brought io 11111 r1 on Monday end the fun - ern! held fenm the station, on iterivel of noon train. 11PV. Mr. Baelcoe, of tie, United Church, hitd charge of the i,r,rvico at the gravosi.,1,,. The n11111••11'e1'e were: A. Streeleue S. Winne, W. 1, McCancken. F'. smith. N. a" Gerry rola J. Feereusen. Gribim was aceompaniea 1.y his Meee. Miss F. Pass, and Mias Argo Ross, daughter of De 3, 1205, ferm- erly of Brussels. The Dr. )VA 1110 F:ymIguthy oftho community in Cne lee; of hie beloved wife, Strirkpn Suddenly. Bruesels citizens weer: ehneked last Friday afternoon when word was re- reived thet Stuart Fox, eldett. on of Jemee ;Ind Mrs. Fax was found (load in le.•/1 that morning at Scomnaelier, One, whore he had been conducting a drug store, Deceased, who was In hee 83rd year, was born, in Wroxeter hut vane,: as a baby when his parente moved here in 1894. He received P1' sel)o ing here and ]ft srevards graduated at the School of Pharms list er. :my. He took an active pelt in all I Mise Greta alekmier, of Termite, sports while, in 13rusesle, and when and Miss 91"annen 0,11'11111"a "f Sraat the Great War broke out enlisted ford, spent, the past, week under the and served with the 161st Battalion. Paella° an"f. Ile had been suffering from heart Dr, end Mrs. .1. S. Straeltan, of trothle for some Case. Besides his Fret William, and Arthur and Mee, ors (Hoary of Windeor, and q Alex. el Jnittnees and Jimmie, ,,r not -molt, uell t . Oheistmas week at the home of parents he is survived by two broth - Toronto), and two sisters (Mrs. Mc- M". '1" 8"'"clutt" Dernott, of Norwood, and Mies Joan Alex. Johnston is home from the of Toronto). The body was brought North for the -winter. home on Monday and the fueerel was Skating on the river is proving a held on Tuesday afternoon, services most enjoyable pastimo. being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Bar- Mrs. B. Payne is visiting leer dans kat, of the United Church. The ghte.r, Mrs. Fred Fowler at Winchels pallbearers -were five former etretehe sea. er bearers of. the 181st 13atte-0, Mr, and Mrs. Ryan, of Toronto, Johnaton, Toronto.; IL Johnston, of are visitors at the home of I), Jahne- Illyth; E. Lowry, Toronto; G. alowee tan. and 1/17.. Slowman of Clinton, and W, Miss Brown, teacher at No. 101 Bell, Brussels. Among the relativee Morris, and Miss IVIeDougall, at No. and friends from a distance were: 4, Grey, aro speeding the vacation at Harry and Mrs, Fox, Windsor; Alex, their reepeetive homes. ana Mrs. Fox, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Among the Christmas vieffore McDermott, Norwood; Misses; jean eetree—F. and Mrs. Grainger am! Fax and Gladys Backus of Toronto; Jean at the bome of Mrs. Grainger, Mrs. (Dr.) Gamble, Stratford; Mrs, Howlek; A.. and Mrs, YOOrnatt, De - 30. S. McLean and Miss M. Stewart, tro.it; Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Strachan at Toronto; A. C. Flemmieg, Galt; a. Fort William; T. S. and Mies, ITC- H.. Cameron, London; ..R. McAlpine, Ewan, Turnberry, visited at the home of Mrs. Jas. Strachan; Alex. Dark and famils%with the Wilkinson family in Morris; reed and Mrs. Ford and Jahn of Witiehelsen, with B. Payne; Frank Edgar of Wittglittm, W. H. Wright and family with Mrs. Wheeler, Winghatne David Bar:aria, Brother Dies. Mrs. George McNichol received word of the death -of her brother, Hector McKenzie, of Cheeaning, Mich. He died on Monday, having been ailing for the past yeac sind a half. Deceased etra.s in his 94th year. He was a former reisdeat of Grey ; Twp., bet has been residing in Michi pan for many years. Died at a Good Old Age.' On Friday nicht, Dec. 24th, 1026. a pioneer of Morris Twp. passed nwav in his 81st year. in the person of Colin McArthur. He was, bore in 1816 near Oban. Seothmtl, Mr. Me- • Arthur was a friend of the. eettan, haven' crossed it thirty.one timee. Be crone to Canada in 1 851 When onito youne. locating with his ear- r•nts in Mieldleerer Co.. whore he livea for 3 years. With his parents, he Innen(' to Morris Twp. when it wns ell Math. and lived on the -•fartn 110W ! eeeu !tied by his brother. Pei er. . Whon-e Young man he purehased it 1 ee, farm nn the same line and, ereee lie • minor Locals. ing on it for a lumber of yeara sold No electi•on in Brussels. it to John He then mee• Onle- 2 more days In 19a6. erl to Bruseele, where he continued It was nearly a green Chrietmae. to resale until 8 years WO, when ho A Happy New Year to our 1 -Pad- illa& his home with Alex. aad, Mrs, Itne, 'Brussels south. RaV. Mr. Bar- ker eundin.ted the ,e,rv!re, at the armee aryl ,1'1';1\•,.. id- Pallbearers ,eerr: P, , McDonald. Calin McDonald, Peter McDonald. Dan McDonald. W Goortee MrArtane. Ile is re ived by liat brother, Peter, cif raised numbers. Morris Two. He will be ereatly Let's eee, DOW what was it the inieeed by all who knew him, entomobile trumufacturers were meta ings such a howl about al few Menthe Mrs (Dr.) Graham Dies Suddenly. aiio? Hardwood Flooring Oak Maple Birch OUR PRICES ARE RICHT Phone at our expense far prices Ph J. Hueston Sun GORRIE ONTARIO Gerrie Phone 5, ring 3 Wroxeter Phone 626, ring 9 s. Municipal elections will be held oe Menday, Jan. 3rd, Usual Malay hours at the Post Mee on New Year's Day. Ontarto'e new motor licenee plates will be cream in color with black for sale. 13.25 per cord. For further particulars apply to Will 11. Speiran, Phene 500, 2 a-tf CEDAR cHEsTS.,—Just the thing fer a Christmas gift. Call and mepeet as prices are rieht. Moth petiof. George Edwards. 3T A NUMBER of Barred Rock Pullets for sale. Laying strain; 0.2.) a piece. Thos. Pierce, Phone 58-1 0. HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply to Miss Hingston. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling P1101 ttrussels for eel° at a barg'ain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. Minor Locals. A (laneo will be heal in the Town Hall on Friday c•vening. Stnelne7 was an ideal Maech dey. The sn wss real warm and car driv• iP!' WaS 10 U1'3 in the afternooli Two Fine Pictures Coming, Friday and Saturday of this work the no picture, "Torrent" will le: 01nyeil in the Grand Theatre, Ricar- do Cortez and Greta Garbo, nesisted hy 11 tine Nat. will prement this big meinonolitan Whi(111 is full of action and stirring events twat old Finanitilt ardor, On 'Monday and Tuescley nights next week' the world's fonniest motion. pictur( • eomeely, "Oharley'e Aunt" Will be pie:lotted, with Syd Chatain in the leading pert. This old fineslieh corneciy losee nem or its when put on the screen and ChapIM will keep (Nel.yone in a happy mood. Roth shows at popular prices. Now to, Turn Corners, • As a measure for the rendering of street traffie more safe, ana at the :tame tams expediting it, the Minis- ter of Highways. the Hoe, Geo. S. Henry, has issued the following dir- ertions for tuening cornees by mo- toriste: Right turn—Drivars intend- ing to turn to the right into an inter - sorting street shall ftrat turn their vehicles in close to the curb on the right itnd turn the earner as sharply 01 pessible. Left turn—Drivers in- tending to turn to the left into an inkerseceting street ahrell first turn thfir vehicles out to the center of the street toad continue beyond the center of the intersection before turning. The movemete to the curb fer a right turn and -to the center of ahe street- for a left. lean sboula be ecirenenced half bifTelt away frone the corner. The safety of motor be- vel is a prone coneitlairetem with the Metister who le ateietreit in -he yearn - Mae and adVice he lute ierieel on subjeets such ae, non -glee. lights .ancl heel 500 ea' lights which are not Records ceestantly illuminated. el -ow an aotereciable decrease AC - clients on the highways during the St. Marys; 7)1'. J. W. 'Shaw me Dr, eurrent aeafien, due to the conform.' Fred Thompson, of 'Clinton The. /tor - epee of metre Is to the rules of the 1 el tributes were very beautiful. Stu - road. Motorists are paying sincere 1 art had a wide eirele of friends und attention to the reqUests for sate his :Sudden death came as A great driving as expressed by the Depart. shock to many. Hie demise is deeply ' its dvertising eampai m deplored arid widespread. sympathy ie • el and this subetanee was rised until 11o8oad4o. ofSibnic,oemtho,en the cent has been One way to get improvement in the rural seined to talk the prob- lem over with neighliors, and then see thnt trustees aro elected wale are favorable to the program. T11,, an - mini school meeting will soon be here, Had Narrow Escape. Stratford's Mayor and his family had a narrow escape from ileatle (1111" '1 last Wednesday night ay asphyx- iation from coal gas. Thererday morningr 6 o'clock the find mem- ber of D. R. Marshall's hownhold to awake ana get up was his grandaug- liter, Margaret. As soon as •dle at- tempted to stand she Collapse" on the floor. Mrs. Marshall, getting up to go to her assistance, also collapeed ana Mayor Marshall had great diffi- culty in keeping- his feet long enough to open up the house and call a doctor. No serious cffeets ere expected, though all three aro suffer- ing from the .effeets of coal gas pois- oning, aceording to the verdiet of the doctor. Years ago Mayor Marehall was trouble man for the Bell Tele- phone Co. and paid many a vieit to Brussels. His old friends are glad P1 Ismer that he and his family maps ea without any serious effects. JAINESTOWN Mianan A11111, lut r,(10 and 9111.11 11 eAl 1 it ,'r. o Torn nto, spe n t Ch - nets with their brother, Relit itleAl. which is appearing in the weekly expreeseti for the bereaved in their and family W. Clouse s, Ethe ; papers throughout the province. sudden and unexpected grief, Silas Ahnston and family, J. Wheel er and family at the home of Mrs. A. Forrest; J. Shaw and family and Frank Shaw and family at Charles Forrest'e; ald, and Mrs, Jacklin with D. Johnston; Tone Burke an t family at Wingham; Mrs. Strachan and Margaret of Brussels, and Cameron, of Sarnia; Nelson and Mrs. CardifT; Andrew and Mrs. Lamont, and Alex. and Mrs. Yuill at the home of Mrs. James Straehan; .10111) and Mra. Small and -family at A. Rattan's in Howiek; Will Rae, Mildmay; R. and Winnifred Rae, Wroxeter, 11 D. Mc. Donald's, WALTON. liTies Mary la. alowbray has gone 11 TorOnt0 for an extended visit. Mrs. Willitun Elliott, of Mitchell, is vieitine her father, S. Buchanan. 'Miss McNair is renewing old ace. quaintances in and around Walton, Miss Della Godkin, of Toronto, is visit ape her mother, Mrs. A, Codirin. Miss Addle Love, of lee -onto, 15 :Mending her holidays with J. and I11Love. Mr. and Mrs. Skim), of New Lis- keard, are at preseet visiting R. and Mrs, Hoy. Miss Annie ,Simpson, who has been teaching near Niagara, is home for the vacation. Rev. Ia. F. Chandler, of Fordwich, was renewing acquaintances on Fri- day last. Mrs. Margaret Murray and child. ren spent Christmas at the rnan'se in Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, of Blyth, are visiting at the home o."! their son, John Johnston. Captain John A. MacDonald is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Hackwell, George Sholdice, svho has been M. lleying agent at Guelph Junction, has returned to his home again. John Kirkonnell, of Deloraine, Man., is renewing old acquaintances in the surrounding district. Armour Dundas, who has been employed in Detroit, is eporaling his Christmas holidays around Walton. William and Mrs, Radford, Clin- t:sin, are at present visitine at the home of their son, W. E. Radford. Miss Hazel Drager, of Detroit, and Mies Vivian Munro, of London, are visaing at the home of Mrs, Charles Drarter, Mies Annie Maines, of Toronto, wbo is engaged in the small Service work ther,,, is at present erieiting her brother at the manse in Walton. Alnlglle SaWN1Pc, tnansgee ,,r the heti It, Mrs Sawyer and ion, Kan a et v'siting 11 Loodno. at 11 eeent. John McDonald, of Wall no, Ilan Ivan nn 1 neoipentinz trine to Sin i We Foie, Ttenton and ogler Hastein tesinie, Rev Dr. and !lira lb own are sneurl- leg ftp Chrisimas bonder. al Chat- ham. the truants nf MIA Brown's is ter. Mex. W. M, Hn tch. Nits Al 13,1 nood or Onn 12, has b meta a home in Sattftwt li, Mho and 1trn, wyjil on, 51 is Tillie nundtt1, 'TA 111,0A11 thrn•e, ijiip 1 0)011 115', Th. nlaV, "Baal) rill 51)1, ROHM" which ty,i5 PI.PROT. T4. a 115' the veal,. P '"Til.` Nfmter4etT 'held in the \Vera - teen Tian, nn Prid n' at•atling kW, TV,IR A TTTI1PII STIPPPAA. ThP qPitTjTq,. minority of 1110 hill TVA tixtul to the tetinnet, 1 rd the Oar TI.14A.fol 1 i PI, .1111.0.1 POPVT'1111P. The proceNis amettnted to $415, 14 A np.% 505 el* rin nynt,itrn 11 Alharitiri Av. , formitiiiv 010.A.4,3 (1118 FOX — anlynInnnItrn 0,4, v`riln..., non t'r 01th ltra Pnl•nro.f."111.'aut•r1 tonna. 05 .51. • 4m1 ha's," r1 nf ;ramps and T A'Av qq.a POP nACT • A,T,A 'Olt,. 101,1.5'. r) A A f 1,141.11,110•,11.1,1%1.. 01110,. All r'Pft 0.144 10l1 vssat Ina to • wtp, xvni, rinnf,nn nvfl, rionr nf ravtunn. nf tnwn, In St,t1t rssr, Election Cards TO 11011111S IIATPIPAY (119 1.ant518 AND titflITLEMKN.— Ilnv tug been nominnted Car Itee ve- I hereby uol lett 71101' eupport on al on - (ley next, 1110(0' been a Creincilloe foe fool years, and as I am situated 11 tint emit le. 01 11111 towesnio I fpni itt '(1) 10 the township of il-I,ai la best, ae Reeve. NVislihig yeu 1111 11 linppy Now Y, al.. Yours fat CARDIFF TO T11 OV 101 0 ISItIte TOWNsIIIP 1 1,.t 1111.18 AN 1) Etier1.101 Eft,— A It et sit ti in; a the °punt 11 13pal11 ft, (IntlIndlior 1 ant 1111 10 a candidata rev the onlee of Reeve, If eleeteil I will eialeuvor to vonditet the Weirs 01 (11,' Townehip on sound business principles, both here aud tit the CO. OottoC11. \Visiting you all a Prospeious New Year, \V, 3, 11 1?,NDERSON 'PO THIC ELECTORS 011' GREY TOWNSHIP LADIES AEll OENTLEMEN,— Your vote and iuthience are re- spectfully solicited for the re-election of - OLIVER HEM ING WAY as Councillor for 1027. I believe In business methods on busineas print eiples. TO THE ELECTORS OF GREY: LAMES AND GENTI.RMINi,— Hay i ng been nomi tutted for a seat et the Connell Hoard of Grey Town- ship, 1 hereby solicit youe whole- hearted aupport on alondity evict, If chosen I will endeavor to serve your int oreste faithfully, Wishing you a very Happy and P ruspet one New Year, Yours Trill y, late COLLIS TO TELE ELECTORS 0I° GREY : Duis eau alitiart,lot Having been nominated for the Reeve's chair of the Township of t ey I hereby 'solicit yout• vote and irfluent'e, If elected I will reduce the township tax rate tts at the preeent time 11 18 too higha Wishing you the compliments of season, I atn, Yont•R Ite,peetrulin "' .3 0 UN MaNABB eicareer MorrIA 'fwp , ou Tuesday, Dom 21.t. Mt, to Dlr. and Mrs. ,), If, Yuill, is (taught or—Joan Mat to. 151050,1)1.01' —At Jamestown, on 0,,, 1),' Dt,e k111. 19:11, to Mr, mut airs. Row eel Bradshaw, ti :ton. MAIAARIED MOCUTVIIM09-111.7PIPBB —At Ow home al the brido'n parents, and Mra. Ham ter. of 'rornberry, on (ihrt,tolas Day, by Et., A.0. Armstrong, of Wroxator, Miss Orville floater to Charles MoCutoltoon. of Howielt. Auction Sale. MUMAY, JAN. 11,11 nil Stolt, ueiliture. o . Itt 1,nt. 01, 151 11.; 10, ay, Sala ,,l1 &nitwit. Mulatto MoTaggart, 0, 511 ; 1) 11, Bomb, Au, tiiinnY, JAN. Patin Sinnli, Imola. mrara„va , at 1 ut 11 W(y. Sate on• rests van at 1 o'rloalr. 0) 10 Mtrhal 1?rup, ; m zseutt, 04. A.A....A.A.o...ensoosesmalowomn "OverA.ATIAMAAAA.A.A.A.....*Af Friday & Saturday Dec. 3). Jan. ist With RICARDO CORTEZ and GRETA GARIA0 in the g Cosmopol itan .Full of Action and Stirring Events Pr d ©Ai n and old Spanish Ardor Monday and Tuesday Jan. 3 & 4 had y's With SYD CHAPLIN t" The World's Funniest otin Picture "Enough to make a cat laugh" yo. COMING SOON "The Quarterback" "Auction Block" "We're in the Navy Now" "Barrier" Popular Prices. Show commences sharp at 8,15 r" s ft. f. A • g I it 4. A 1 .,. '--, '°Illo o aela "Business is Business" • nn But ourtesy Pays C UR Inesiness friends, and yotua 0 with whom we make transac- Bone, dernand that prevision of efficient execution which ie. a woe of the regular service maintained. by in ite daily To A BANKING FIFTY YEARS any bank affairs. merit your confidence wet must go further, The Standard Bank main - tains a policy of personal courtesy in its dealings, regardless of theic respective importance, whielt should 1 A .1.1, 8 Pc an asset in your business as well as in ours, TI -IE STANDARD BANK OF CAI's/A.10.A. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Samis, Manager Brother Dies. Mrs. George McNichol received word of the death -of her brother, Hector McKenzie, of Cheeaning, Mich. He died on Monday, having been ailing for the past yeac sind a half. Deceased etra.s in his 94th year. He was a former reisdeat of Grey ; Twp., bet has been residing in Michi pan for many years. Died at a Good Old Age.' On Friday nicht, Dec. 24th, 1026. a pioneer of Morris Twp. passed nwav in his 81st year. in the person of Colin McArthur. He was, bore in 1816 near Oban. Seothmtl, Mr. Me- • Arthur was a friend of the. eettan, haven' crossed it thirty.one timee. Be crone to Canada in 1 851 When onito youne. locating with his ear- r•nts in Mieldleerer Co.. whore he livea for 3 years. With his parents, he Innen(' to Morris Twp. when it wns ell Math. and lived on the -•fartn 110W ! eeeu !tied by his brother. Pei er. . Whon-e Young man he purehased it 1 ee, farm nn the same line and, ereee lie • minor Locals. ing on it for a lumber of yeara sold No electi•on in Brussels. it to John He then mee• Onle- 2 more days In 19a6. erl to Bruseele, where he continued It was nearly a green Chrietmae. to resale until 8 years WO, when ho A Happy New Year to our 1 -Pad- illa& his home with Alex. aad, Mrs, Itne, 'Brussels south. RaV. Mr. Bar- ker eundin.ted the ,e,rv!re, at the armee aryl ,1'1';1\•,.. id- Pallbearers ,eerr: P, , McDonald. Calin McDonald, Peter McDonald. Dan McDonald. W Goortee MrArtane. Ile is re ived by liat brother, Peter, cif raised numbers. Morris Two. He will be ereatly Let's eee, DOW what was it the inieeed by all who knew him, entomobile trumufacturers were meta ings such a howl about al few Menthe Mrs (Dr.) Graham Dies Suddenly. aiio? Hardwood Flooring Oak Maple Birch OUR PRICES ARE RICHT Phone at our expense far prices Ph J. Hueston Sun GORRIE ONTARIO Gerrie Phone 5, ring 3 Wroxeter Phone 626, ring 9 s. Municipal elections will be held oe Menday, Jan. 3rd, Usual Malay hours at the Post Mee on New Year's Day. Ontarto'e new motor licenee plates will be cream in color with black for sale. 13.25 per cord. For further particulars apply to Will 11. Speiran, Phene 500, 2 a-tf CEDAR cHEsTS.,—Just the thing fer a Christmas gift. Call and mepeet as prices are rieht. Moth petiof. George Edwards. 3T A NUMBER of Barred Rock Pullets for sale. Laying strain; 0.2.) a piece. Thos. Pierce, Phone 58-1 0. HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply to Miss Hingston. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling P1101 ttrussels for eel° at a barg'ain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. Minor Locals. A (laneo will be heal in the Town Hall on Friday c•vening. Stnelne7 was an ideal Maech dey. The sn wss real warm and car driv• iP!' WaS 10 U1'3 in the afternooli Two Fine Pictures Coming, Friday and Saturday of this work the no picture, "Torrent" will le: 01nyeil in the Grand Theatre, Ricar- do Cortez and Greta Garbo, nesisted hy 11 tine Nat. will prement this big meinonolitan Whi(111 is full of action and stirring events twat old Finanitilt ardor, On 'Monday and Tuescley nights next week' the world's fonniest motion. pictur( • eomeely, "Oharley'e Aunt" Will be pie:lotted, with Syd Chatain in the leading pert. This old fineslieh corneciy losee nem or its when put on the screen and ChapIM will keep (Nel.yone in a happy mood. Roth shows at popular prices. Now to, Turn Corners, • As a measure for the rendering of street traffie more safe, ana at the :tame tams expediting it, the Minis- ter of Highways. the Hoe, Geo. S. Henry, has issued the following dir- ertions for tuening cornees by mo- toriste: Right turn—Drivars intend- ing to turn to the right into an inter - sorting street shall ftrat turn their vehicles in close to the curb on the right itnd turn the earner as sharply 01 pessible. Left turn—Drivers in- tending to turn to the left into an inkerseceting street ahrell first turn thfir vehicles out to the center of the street toad continue beyond the center of the intersection before turning. The movemete to the curb fer a right turn and -to the center of ahe street- for a left. lean sboula be ecirenenced half bifTelt away frone the corner. The safety of motor be- vel is a prone coneitlairetem with the Metister who le ateietreit in -he yearn - Mae and adVice he lute ierieel on subjeets such ae, non -glee. lights .ancl heel 500 ea' lights which are not Records ceestantly illuminated. el -ow an aotereciable decrease AC - clients on the highways during the St. Marys; 7)1'. J. W. 'Shaw me Dr, eurrent aeafien, due to the conform.' Fred Thompson, of 'Clinton The. /tor - epee of metre Is to the rules of the 1 el tributes were very beautiful. Stu - road. Motorists are paying sincere 1 art had a wide eirele of friends und attention to the reqUests for sate his :Sudden death came as A great driving as expressed by the Depart. shock to many. Hie demise is deeply ' its dvertising eampai m deplored arid widespread. sympathy ie • el and this subetanee was rised until 11o8oad4o. ofSibnic,oemtho,en the cent has been One way to get improvement in the rural seined to talk the prob- lem over with neighliors, and then see thnt trustees aro elected wale are favorable to the program. T11,, an - mini school meeting will soon be here, Had Narrow Escape. Stratford's Mayor and his family had a narrow escape from ileatle (1111" '1 last Wednesday night ay asphyx- iation from coal gas. Thererday morningr 6 o'clock the find mem- ber of D. R. Marshall's hownhold to awake ana get up was his grandaug- liter, Margaret. As soon as •dle at- tempted to stand she Collapse" on the floor. Mrs. Marshall, getting up to go to her assistance, also collapeed ana Mayor Marshall had great diffi- culty in keeping- his feet long enough to open up the house and call a doctor. No serious cffeets ere expected, though all three aro suffer- ing from the .effeets of coal gas pois- oning, aceording to the verdiet of the doctor. Years ago Mayor Marehall was trouble man for the Bell Tele- phone Co. and paid many a vieit to Brussels. His old friends are glad P1 Ismer that he and his family maps ea without any serious effects. JAINESTOWN Mianan A11111, lut r,(10 and 9111.11 11 eAl 1 it ,'r. o Torn nto, spe n t Ch - nets with their brother, Relit itleAl. which is appearing in the weekly expreeseti for the bereaved in their and family W. Clouse s, Ethe ; papers throughout the province. sudden and unexpected grief, Silas Ahnston and family, J. Wheel er and family at the home of Mrs. A. Forrest; J. Shaw and family and Frank Shaw and family at Charles Forrest'e; ald, and Mrs, Jacklin with D. Johnston; Tone Burke an t family at Wingham; Mrs. Strachan and Margaret of Brussels, and Cameron, of Sarnia; Nelson and Mrs. CardifT; Andrew and Mrs. Lamont, and Alex. and Mrs. Yuill at the home of Mrs. James Straehan; .10111) and Mra. Small and -family at A. Rattan's in Howiek; Will Rae, Mildmay; R. and Winnifred Rae, Wroxeter, 11 D. Mc. Donald's, WALTON. liTies Mary la. alowbray has gone 11 TorOnt0 for an extended visit. Mrs. Willitun Elliott, of Mitchell, is vieitine her father, S. Buchanan. 'Miss McNair is renewing old ace. quaintances in and around Walton, Miss Della Godkin, of Toronto, is visit ape her mother, Mrs. A, Codirin. Miss Addle Love, of lee -onto, 15 :Mending her holidays with J. and I11Love. Mr. and Mrs. Skim), of New Lis- keard, are at preseet visiting R. and Mrs, Hoy. Miss Annie ,Simpson, who has been teaching near Niagara, is home for the vacation. Rev. Ia. F. Chandler, of Fordwich, was renewing acquaintances on Fri- day last. Mrs. Margaret Murray and child. ren spent Christmas at the rnan'se in Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, of Blyth, are visiting at the home o."! their son, John Johnston. Captain John A. MacDonald is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Hackwell, George Sholdice, svho has been M. lleying agent at Guelph Junction, has returned to his home again. John Kirkonnell, of Deloraine, Man., is renewing old acquaintances in the surrounding district. Armour Dundas, who has been employed in Detroit, is eporaling his Christmas holidays around Walton. William and Mrs, Radford, Clin- t:sin, are at present visitine at the home of their son, W. E. Radford. Miss Hazel Drager, of Detroit, and Mies Vivian Munro, of London, are visaing at the home of Mrs, Charles Drarter, Mies Annie Maines, of Toronto, wbo is engaged in the small Service work ther,,, is at present erieiting her brother at the manse in Walton. Alnlglle SaWN1Pc, tnansgee ,,r the heti It, Mrs Sawyer and ion, Kan a et v'siting 11 Loodno. at 11 eeent. John McDonald, of Wall no, Ilan Ivan nn 1 neoipentinz trine to Sin i We Foie, Ttenton and ogler Hastein tesinie, Rev Dr. and !lira lb own are sneurl- leg ftp Chrisimas bonder. al Chat- ham. the truants nf MIA Brown's is ter. Mex. W. M, Hn tch. Nits Al 13,1 nood or Onn 12, has b meta a home in Sattftwt li, Mho and 1trn, wyjil on, 51 is Tillie nundtt1, 'TA 111,0A11 thrn•e, ijiip 1 0)011 115', Th. nlaV, "Baal) rill 51)1, ROHM" which ty,i5 PI.PROT. T4. a 115' the veal,. P '"Til.` Nfmter4etT 'held in the \Vera - teen Tian, nn Prid n' at•atling kW, TV,IR A TTTI1PII STIPPPAA. ThP qPitTjTq,. minority of 1110 hill TVA tixtul to the tetinnet, 1 rd the Oar TI.14A.fol 1 i PI, .1111.0.1 POPVT'1111P. The proceNis amettnted to $415, 14 A np.% 505 el* rin nynt,itrn 11 Alharitiri Av. , formitiiiv 010.A.4,3 (1118 FOX — anlynInnnItrn 0,4, v`riln..., non t'r 01th ltra Pnl•nro.f."111.'aut•r1 tonna. 05 .51. • 4m1 ha's," r1 nf ;ramps and T A'Av qq.a POP nACT • A,T,A 'Olt,. 101,1.5'. r) A A f 1,141.11,110•,11.1,1%1.. 01110,. All r'Pft 0.144 10l1 vssat Ina to • wtp, xvni, rinnf,nn nvfl, rionr nf ravtunn. nf tnwn, In St,t1t rssr, Election Cards TO 11011111S IIATPIPAY (119 1.ant518 AND titflITLEMKN.— Ilnv tug been nominnted Car Itee ve- I hereby uol lett 71101' eupport on al on - (ley next, 1110(0' been a Creincilloe foe fool years, and as I am situated 11 tint emit le. 01 11111 towesnio I fpni itt '(1) 10 the township of il-I,ai la best, ae Reeve. NVislihig yeu 1111 11 linppy Now Y, al.. Yours fat CARDIFF TO T11 OV 101 0 ISItIte TOWNsIIIP 1 1,.t 1111.18 AN 1) Etier1.101 Eft,— A It et sit ti in; a the °punt 11 13pal11 ft, (IntlIndlior 1 ant 1111 10 a candidata rev the onlee of Reeve, If eleeteil I will eialeuvor to vonditet the Weirs 01 (11,' Townehip on sound business principles, both here aud tit the CO. OottoC11. \Visiting you all a Prospeious New Year, \V, 3, 11 1?,NDERSON 'PO THIC ELECTORS 011' GREY TOWNSHIP LADIES AEll OENTLEMEN,— Your vote and iuthience are re- spectfully solicited for the re-election of - OLIVER HEM ING WAY as Councillor for 1027. I believe In business methods on busineas print eiples. TO THE ELECTORS OF GREY: LAMES AND GENTI.RMINi,— Hay i ng been nomi tutted for a seat et the Connell Hoard of Grey Town- ship, 1 hereby solicit youe whole- hearted aupport on alondity evict, If chosen I will endeavor to serve your int oreste faithfully, Wishing you a very Happy and P ruspet one New Year, Yours Trill y, late COLLIS TO TELE ELECTORS 0I° GREY : Duis eau alitiart,lot Having been nominated for the Reeve's chair of the Township of t ey I hereby 'solicit yout• vote and irfluent'e, If elected I will reduce the township tax rate tts at the preeent time 11 18 too higha Wishing you the compliments of season, I atn, Yont•R Ite,peetrulin "' .3 0 UN MaNABB eicareer MorrIA 'fwp , ou Tuesday, Dom 21.t. Mt, to Dlr. and Mrs. ,), If, Yuill, is (taught or—Joan Mat to. 151050,1)1.01' —At Jamestown, on 0,,, 1),' Dt,e k111. 19:11, to Mr, mut airs. Row eel Bradshaw, ti :ton. MAIAARIED MOCUTVIIM09-111.7PIPBB —At Ow home al the brido'n parents, and Mra. Ham ter. of 'rornberry, on (ihrt,tolas Day, by Et., A.0. Armstrong, of Wroxator, Miss Orville floater to Charles MoCutoltoon. of Howielt. Auction Sale. MUMAY, JAN. 11,11 nil Stolt, ueiliture. o . Itt 1,nt. 01, 151 11.; 10, ay, Sala ,,l1 &nitwit. Mulatto MoTaggart, 0, 511 ; 1) 11, Bomb, Au, tiiinnY, JAN. Patin Sinnli, Imola. mrara„va , at 1 ut 11 W(y. Sate on• rests van at 1 o'rloalr. 0) 10 Mtrhal 1?rup, ; m zseutt, 04. A.A....A.A.o...ensoosesmalowomn "OverA.ATIAMAAAA.A.A.A.....*Af Friday & Saturday Dec. 3). Jan. ist With RICARDO CORTEZ and GRETA GARIA0 in the g Cosmopol itan .Full of Action and Stirring Events Pr d ©Ai n and old Spanish Ardor Monday and Tuesday Jan. 3 & 4 had y's With SYD CHAPLIN t" The World's Funniest otin Picture "Enough to make a cat laugh" yo. COMING SOON "The Quarterback" "Auction Block" "We're in the Navy Now" "Barrier" Popular Prices. Show commences sharp at 8,15 r" s ft.