HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-29, Page 5"e
prices for
Good until Dec. 30th
Livo Drew() Lice Deee'd
Chickens ovet 0 lite ,21 .20 1-1 en 3 to :la :h. ,07 .14
Chickees over 5 lbs,... .20 .25 HMIs under 3 1let ,O5 .12
Ohickene 41 to 5 lbw.... .18 .23 Rookitet 4 over 5 lbs , „ .1 1 .1 5 .
Oh Mk elm 4 te 4a. 1 its .10 .22 ROOM 11100 6 ,h0 .13
Obinkens 3e to 4 lbe.... .15 .20 Young Ducks over 5 lbs .12 .21
. Ohickeue 3 to 3e the.... .14 ,20 Youeg Ducke umler 5., .10 .20
Chickens under 3 lbs.. .13 .19 Old Duette .09 15
Hens over 6 lbe .15 JD Wong Goelings .12 .17
Ilene le Lo 5 Ih .13 .18 -Venlig 'lee keys ewe. 10 28 .140
Hens 4 to 4e lbs .11 .17 Young 'leirkeye 8 • 10 It; ,25 .33
Hens sa to 4 lbs .09 .15
These prices eve for No. 1 Poultey, deliveeed al: Mir Wail,
hones. Pool. quality itt necording to oite
judgment. Birch; milet be in starved condition or tied ee-
tion made for crepe. Average weight, by iminbee Miele in
eitch coop,
Rev, A., A.. T,u m per, teem erl 7 o
Exeeer, it; is announced at the synod
office of the Diocese of Huron, has
been indueted in to the parish of St.
61. Whitlow, Venerable Arch
elettoott Vothevingleini, of Bcantenid,
conducted the derviCe8
At Knox ()hutch manse, Goderleb,
on Tueedny, of last week, Rev, R. 0,
McDeriuld peefnemed the eereniony
nuking in inereiage Myrele 1111,ta .1040
Bell, Lo limey Elliott, ell of Go11e22100.
A quiet In.turinge was enletnnized at
the Church of the Aeuensime Retell -
on, it eighe 0 cluck, on litursday ev-
ening, of last week, when Mabel
Irene Maskell, daughtee of the tete
Edward A. end Mem. elaskeil, ee God.
evieli, was united to Geoege .A. Welk-
er, only son of John A, and Mee.
Walker, of Clinton, the reremony
eondueted by Rev. Dr. Revision,
rectot of the °introit.
The amine) meeting nf the Exeter
district branch of the Ontavio Plow-
men's A.sencietion %vit4 held in Ole
town hall, Heel er, with a good ne,
tendance. Peeseleut IS, J. Shapton
presided. The election ef office, s re- '
suited as follows ; President, E. J.
Shapton ; first Vice President, A.
Movgan ; eecond Vice President, P.
P1.4851001'0 ; Semetney, R. 13. Wil-
Ii111114 ; Dir.
covers, J. G. Attie .m, Genrge Hunter.
H. Steititutek, %Vet. Welsh, J. Pees -
more, 'Jarred Jeffrey, L. Fleteliet.,
Ner, 0, o ',flees, G. eleDnineld, Joseph
gernick, Reetley and T. Allen,
Mies Ruth Magorel, of Lakelet,
graduate of Raerieton High Scheme
has been e igeged as 41111013EI1302' tO We,
Beesie Fuliereon ae teenhet. jo ete.
Herristee peelie Sefton/ by Ifeerimon
Boned of leincation, her ditties to
conmeence ttfter the benders,
While driving to Exeter, acc.ninp-
anied by hi$ wife and twe 81.18.01
George Ferguson, of LIghorne, nee
with an eeniclent which reeulted in a
badly disiocated s ou et, He was
&eying Smith, on the London row.),
when the Imeee took fright. and tak-
ing to the ditole tweet the cutter
Mrs. Fergueon Wad badly shaken
but the tither two passengers escaped
Efas a Now Forest Nursery.
The Government of Nova Scotia by
order -le -council have granted the
sum of fifteen hundrea dollars for
the establishment of a Forest Nursery
at Lawrencetown, In Annapolis
Comity.. The new nursery begins tifn
under the happiest of conditione.
Lawrencetown is a central and at-,
tractive location for such an under-
taking. There about two years ago
Itir. Barnjum planted at A»napolls
Royal the seeds nf Norway spruce,
white spruce, Sitka spruce and Nor..
'way, white and Sake pine. About
one million plants are now In stock
and ready for transplanting. These
young seedlinge have been presented
by Mr. Ba.rnjum to the Nova Scotia
nursery and later 'krill be trausplant-
ed to Lawrencetown.
Capt. A M. 0. Gold, a returned
man who has already had consider-
able experience in nursery work in
123211(180 o umbia Forest Service has
been '31(22 red as manager 101' the
Lawreueetown reserve.
Gas -Stove "Pops."
When the gas in a gas -stove is I
turned off one always hears a
This is because In modern gas -stoves
the gas ie. not directly connected to 1
the burners, bat'runs Arst of all into
a special "chamber" in which a. mix-
ture of gas and air is formed. When e
turned on, the current of gas has t
first te expel the plain air In this
mixing chamber and that le why the
burner doesn't light at once. In the
eame way, when we turn the tap off,
the current of gas no longer careles
the air along with it and the latter
rushes into the chamber, mingling
with tbe remnants of gas still there
and forming an explosive mixture.
The last spark .of the ex i li h
alYSTIeltY i02,00.
la Not What.-Alost. Think
color is nut wat What 100..1 01 214
1.11 14114 it 18. WM a, for. lestuttee, we
took at it blue ili.wer 12,39104 3. for
grunted that the now. v 2112223,22I14211 Aetnally wliat we ea. is
the reeult. of the dee eve; power to
Reece u Mene'
t um? i•••ileei veletas'.
eaee of held.10(11 fell en it.
Col or Is made Or tiesee which In
tee, no voter at 2111, ((111)02,- S, F. Davison
I, a. luta, that tau
ahlo t0 as the ear ' o n el 17
u.012. to illothigulsh 8,1)12211118,1)12211111101:22 haat :seeds
et air, called tented. 811. !eau!! :1,•‘'.•-
ton found that 2220111 a beam of light
was 12.03(1,11 91,2432031, a solid wedge u
glees, ..tr prism, it Wad split into
horizontal bend 130132.20CUlura—rett
°ranee, yellow, green, blue, viole
and 10110)0, This bend is familiar!
kW/WU a43 the speetralll, rain
bow is a large -settle spectrum In tn
I“'aTvItee"Cedors of objeete depend en-
tireiy on how the substances or
which the objects are composed. deal
with the light falliug "12 them. 18 1022
object Is what we call white, it will
send to our eyea all the raye that ran '
on It. If. it Is what we call colored,
our eyes will pick up only a certain
JUST '1'0 ILAN!)
Place. )'29? rmele
o(e iloW.
a The annUal Illeet141g 01' Monerlete
, Faemere' Club will he held on Jan.
t, 8th. William Harvey, whe was a
y delegate at the annual Conventiee
in Toronto, will give his rt•I)Ort. A1/
e are welcome whether member:: 01'not.
Proportion, of the raye. Black IS
caused by an object absorbing all the
reys of light that fall on it. Inci-
dentally, no flower does this,
White we deli "tints" are pure col-
ors diluted with white light. Pink
is red raingled with white; eau d
Nil is green and white. "Shades'
are mixture.s of Weak with particular
colors; red and black mixed give us
brown or dark red.
The blending of. lights, however,
Produces a diderent effect from eel -
ors mixed on, say a palette. Yellow
and blue mixed in the ordinary way
Produce green, but yelloer and Nue
light mixed yield a faint pink light.
The reason is that en the palette we
do not mix actual colors but merely
the absorbent Properties of the sub-
stances concerned,
0104111 SECRETS.
Points to Note About the Aristocrat
of the Tobacco Family.
The great tobacco combines have
been aunouneing vast profits, and the
e mum I censum mien t oba epos is
steadily on the increese.
Tobacco smoking bas been in
vogue long enough for us to know
that, In moderation, smoking does
title or no harm," said a well-known
doctor the other day. And of all
ortne of tobacco the safest and least
'armful Is the cigar.
But the cigar mu.st be a good one
f it is to do no InJury. And what
onstitutes a good cigar? There are
wo main points; the leaf and the
mode of numufacture.
The very best cigars come from
Cuba. The climate of that island is
ideal for tobacco culture. But while
the Iced is grown in Cuba, the cigar
tself is made in Havana. Themenwho
ake cigars put in twelve or more
ears as apprentices before they are
eetnecl firdshed craftsmen. The
ethods they uae are carefully guard -
5 secrets, passed on from generation
to generation. Nobody outside the
inner trade circles knows precisely
how the cigar is made.
How should good cigars be stored?
There are several ways. Some men
pima their choicest Corona -Coronas
In tea. A still better plan le to keep
them . in the cedar -wood !meet in
which they aro usually put up, Cedar
does not taint tobacco. Then an
equable temperatnre—not too warm,
not too cold—should be maintained.
Last, how to smoke a cigar. There
Is no rule, except that you must light
It eveuly, keep it going without re-
lighting, and never smoke a good
cigar out of doors eyben winda are
catches this mixture and it is tired. e
Thus we get a tiny explosion.
A ilbniarkable catch.
To catch and hold a falling man
tti mid-air Must reeptire extraordin-
ary 5tl'1.ite-1i and agility, but to use
it while standing with only one foot
on aehigh ladder 121 en elmost --"- -
lievabie feat. Yet that is what a
Wouldn't it be a great thing if the
rubber pavements, now reported a
success, would only stretch a hale
to allow more parknig space.
laborer named Thomas Leaver unt 312
Feniecowles, hear Blaellburn, Eng-
land, recently.
Three plasterers were working on
, a scaffold round a house when the
scaffolding gave way. One broke a
leg and another sprained an ankle;
-the third was caught as he fell, by a
man reaching out from a ladder.
When the inae on the ladder looked
at the man be had saved he found
it was hi* own sou.
"We will draw the curtain and
show you the picture." Twelfth
Night, Act 1, Se. 5. Sate to -day
you'd know exactly what it meant.
Be circumspect with the person
too free with his offers to give You
a "pointer" on this or that. Likely
it will prove a disappointer.
The army flyers' 18,000 mile mi-
gration southward indicates that avi-
ation has learned feon) the birds'
where, if not how, to 5.Y.
The man who thinks he has "ar-
rived" usually finds he has only set
the pace and that success consists in
maintaining it.
There is, nothing thet tete earn
the rlividenls of good wilt so much
as a11. tollimited ievestment in g)od
An American Rhodes scholar at
Oxford writes that they heat by grate
there. He adds however, that the
heat is not great.
An Engine's Appetite.
An express engine consumes ceal
at a rate et nearly half a hundred-
weight per mtle run, and during a
100 miles' journey will require sweets
pints of oil. The consumetion el
these two commOditles last year (212
the railways of Britain reached the
total ot thirteen 'million tone 0( 20131
and thirty-eight minion pinta dr oil.
Built In fien.
Essex's (England) oldeet 22:22120»? '12'
Is a balmlike which was 021,
In 663 at Ithanchester, now lima.
*ell -on -Sea, The sacred building hae
been in turn a church, a 11Ir1IthOU2e,
a barn, and a billet for soldiers.
While a number go our for indoor
sports, many more just new go' in
for outdoor sport.%
It is NViSe to examine the rear
wheels occasionally for sleek. A
tle wobble on the axle will soon wear
the key or key seat into a bad con-
dition, necessitating extensive repairs
aooner or later.
Highest prices paid for RallWay Teack and Switch Tic limber in
Hard and Soft Maple, Beech and Birch, Hemlock and Cerlae. No
Elm tie timber saleable. A No. 1 tin requires a 10" diem. at small
and; No. 2 a 9"diem, Tack ties 8 feet long. Switch ties 8ft. G"
to 15 feet long.
We are buying Hardwood Logs in Maple, Elm, Basswood, Birch,
Ash, 12 and 1.4.toot long. Shaky swamp oe fence corner Elm not
Wanted at any price. •
Custom Sawing Well Get Our Very Best Attention
WO carry a stock of Cedar Shingles, Cedar Shipiap, end Boarder
Hemlock diteensien, boards, etc.
Notet The Floticla tornadeee leveled oVory kind of constrnetion hut
those of Wood and shinglee. Stay with good lumber.
Gibs Ern Lumber& Cider Mils
Phone 80 or 28-2, Weosteter, Ont,
His Haunting leear.
The girl was saying good-bye to
her lover, whose fir111 had given him
a post our East.. It was 21 long bust -
netts, that farewell, and Involved
many hugs and many more fend,
affectionate kisses, .
"Darling," asked the girl anxious-
ly, as a tear etood In her bright, blue
eye, "will you be sure to write to me
every day when you are far away?"
"Yes, I will," he answered fer-
"Promise me that you '3291? write to
me from every eity you visit."
"I„ will," he added, more fervently
than ever. And then, a.s a doubt en-
tered his mind, he asked a little aux-
iouely; "Ts it love that makes you
say this? Swear to mel Do you
really love me, or are you merele
collecting foreign 5t311098 7"
Unbreaketble China.
Destruction tests with china are
now being carried out systematically
in the research laboratoriee Of great
pottery items. The doomed plate, or
teapot, is axed firmly in nottition, and
a ball at the end of a iteel pendulum
swings down and hits the target. BY
lengthening the pendulum, harder
blows are struck until the end comes.
Then the resistanee is me.thematicallY
computed. Each experiment brings
us nearer to the day when le dish or
plata will rebound uninjured from
the tiled scullery 11001'. Salarthatit
have improve& matters until Britieh
chinaware now outlasts that of all
other countries, so far as can be
proved in the laboratory.
Volcano -Loving Bird.
One of the rarest parrots in exist-
ence has been added to the collec-
tion at the Zoo. le is knoent as a
Ceuildieg's parrot, a amides Po scarce
that, so far as Is known, there are
only three 13))8011ttellS fit captivity.
The species is confined to the Island
of St. Vincent, and is believed to haVe
been almost exterminated in the past
owing to the habit et the birds of
nesting on the slopes of voloatoee,
which were *see aottre on the island.
Most Soneltive Part ot Body.
It'is a mistake to suppose that the
tip of the' tongue Is the most senei-
tive part of the body. These en-
gaged in polishing hillln,rd balls, or
other substances which require a
high degree of. smoothnees, Use the
ehoeit-hone ne 43 umans of detecting
any roughnosa.
Dr. and Mrs. Whitley motored te
Chesley and epent Christmae with
Mr. MacDonald, nephew of the let -
t .
Carl and Mies. Gregg, -of Ilewielr,
spent Christmas with. Hie iatIer's
father Mr. Hueston, of our village.
:VII end Mrs. Day ae I 130210121112
of 'ilrevick; Percy and Mee. Tymenan
and W'nena Frain, o: (hey, spent
Chrietmas with Aire. 3.,111 Dae in
Miss Gertie Fawcett, of Blyth, is
visiting her sister, Mee, Milton Lowe.
The tunny friends of Mrs, John
Steiss are. pleased to know she . is
making favorable progress slime her
serious operation recently at Kitchen-
Norman Rooster is home front Lon-
don for Christmas.
An interesting Christmas program
was held in school No. 1 laet Wed-
nesday afternoon. The program con-
sisted of dialogues, songs, and reci-
tations. Andrew Lamont was chair-
man. Luncheon was served at rho
conclusion of the program. Miss
Merriam Lowe is the efficient teach-
Nuise Cooper, of Detr.f.te is spend-
ing the holiday season with her moth-
er, Mrs. Cooper, 10t0 eon.
Norman and Mrs. Wightman (nee
Marjory Hoover) are leaving Lon-
don for Timmins where iStr. Wight -
man has accepted the princlpaiship
in one of the Public echools there.
LChurch Notes)
Melville Church
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be dispensed with in the
Presbyterian church on Sabbath
morning. Preparatory service will
be held un Friday afternoon at 3
Rev. Mr. Fowler preached a very
interesting sermon from 2rid Chapter
of St. Matt., verees 1-12, last Sab-
bath morinng. He discussed the
Child, the Wise Men, the Shepherds:
the Child representing "the New
Birth"; the Witse Men saw the Stu;
the shepherds heard the Heavenly
music and all worshipped God in a
different way through Christ. Spec-
ial music was furnished by th) choir
under the leadership of Mrs. William
King. Miss Wilma Galbraith sang
an appropriate solo. The evening
service Was a continuation of lessons
suitable for Christmas. Miss Nora
McDowell sang a solo.
The induction of Rev. Mr. Pollock
will take place at Whitechurch on
Thursday afternoon.
Exhibition at Toronto Anracts 9 hou
sands by Unrivallete 1)15p1424 a.
The Canadian National Exhibition
its generally recognized as the largest
annual iestitution 08 19.5 kind in the
world, and nas been a striking suc-
cess sinee ite inception nearly tiftY
Y4321215 ago. Americans are aecuutem-
ed to link the majority ot their an-
nual fairs with agriculture, while
agriculture occupies an important
Place at the Canadian National Ex-
hibition, as is !Ming in a country
large*, agricultural, its development
has beeu mainly along industria.1
The Canadtan National Exhibition
is altogether divorced from the idea
of Government patronage, ettlfer
from the 'Federal or Provincial Ad-
ministrations, and is entirely self-
Exhibition Park, Toronto, Is val-
ued at $5,000,000, while ihe build-
ings have au additional value of
$6,000,000, Last year's visitors,
numbering 1,491,9400, equalled ao-
proximately one in six of the entire
population of Canada, but actuallY
came from about thh•ty States of the
Union, Latin America, Australia, New
Zealand, Great Britain and Continen-
tal Enrol)°,
Niagara Falls is aboot three hours
from Toronto, eo that the great cat-
aract and the Canadian. National
Exhibition are for thousaues of vital -
tors virtually ono attraction. While
education, not profits, is tle. fonnda-
marital motive 0( 121115 annual World's
fair,, gay delights are liot overlooked
in the display of the nation's re-
sources, Broad paved etreets, Welded
picturesque resting 'places, excellent
Metering and a special transportation
ardent earry mavens over the 904)
acres ef the Exhibeion el 37 aro
among Re attractive features,
flitting some concept n 1' the place
which music, fee exomple, ocellidee
in the program is the Niel that $5 0,-
000 VMS 53181112 011 11111. leatarts
Year altrilIg the 1.11 ill von dnys' dur-
Minn of the Plehihifieli. A similar
ieum 42111 1)1. spent the; yvar. Perhaps
the mod onliaanding er the nitedeol
fenturee 113 the intereatinnally known
PlxhIbitioh Cherite. - (heir of 2,03)8
trained veices meter elm di21,e2(11e/1 of
Dr, Pritelter, leader or the Vent:leis-
Love's Target
"I Can't Iasi I won't!" attnonneet
Vlonle :Verret. voltiely,
"You will and ,,,ii must!" Ineiste,
Men Mary ',edge, 42901 reeeitelou an,
"I'll run 2)021>' from 120:1w bor,,rts 1
III 11," (')01111111'd 221200,'. "it len'',
that I ('1(2,111(1luivt- dun" it. ; am kir.
sorry I did, nut li is emit a trifle, Alt
llot Werth the Marlin:alum ‘5'ilitevt.r
he Ar
wits, he hue prelealey forewent all
with wrathful rising relleetimi in her of
have done."
5111)?,?,'ealler. Aral Althee was dis- )11(
eppoin 1 ed, Yon 421,4,213 0111,1 i You x
meet know how emelt damage
terms. " y
lie was pruhably email/Li 111111 1st
this Very 11011221', 1111 3;.'),. r,'3 11141 M.-
Hewitt it tei. this time."
11.1P0rgutlen 1" ('121"? Mrs.. Dodge. • X
en 04
"Aunt Mary," epee, Vintee, v
seriously and eareesey, "I uni
longer a Mild end 1 ;sena lie Ire:,
as one, I was bohind the hedge
IIS I Saw a hat in full target vile
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29, 3025.
lls( 01 NOCK 11190110110101101MX102011011)111010101011l:
Groceries at
Reduced Prices
Having disposed of my Grocery
Business in Ethel to Mrs. E. At-
kinson I will sell at greatly Reduc-
ed Prices until Tuesday, Jan. 4th,
after which date Stock will be
taken and my successor will con-
tinue the business.
tr.,f ja sit
A. Dunbar
woo voNo Autos( wit% ouvoccrox
V, I
_ _
'couldn't resist. 1 made a !mow t11111
and threw it, but, honest, Aunt Mary,
I'm through with sneh inisehief. I
won't do It again. Melee for51.1 It.
won't you?"
"No, Vinnie," answersd elre. Dedee
with obstiume determination, "You
inust go and admit ynur :let to ite vic-
tim and apologize for the Name."
"I'll run away from hume fleet:"
"Very well, do so, it you wish, 1
shall not seek to hinder yen. In faet,
for some time 1 have felt that it Is
aSeleNs to attempt to cope with your
headstrong nature."
Vinnie went to her room with set
lips and a darkened fnee. When Mrs.
Dodge declared that Inutile wits head-
strong, ske had uttered the truth.
leatiterlegs, anotherfeee. nee,. 12,2.1
lived aruttad Willi her relations, but
she had always pald her way.
Vinnie proceeded to pack her shab-
by little suit case. She had in mind
Cousin Ophella Farr, who lived in
the next town. Miss Farr was a
spineter, erratic and gloomy, but kind
hearted in the main. VInnie was
worn tent with the constant heckling
of her mint and the sneers and rude-
ness of her daughter, Althea, print
and full of vaelty fled heartlessness.
As Virmie passed through the hall
she caught the tones of Althea.
"Let ber go, mother," they echoed.
"I shall be glad if she does. You see
how ahe has spoiled things. Mr.
Thorpe was surely going to drop In
on us, when he felt so ridiculous ov
that snowball assault that he pass
on. He has come here tt good deal
late, and who knows how much he
interested in nue Besides, be is ve
friendly with and it will
It good thing to have her out of th
Vinnie paused with a sharp gasp,
but she did not linger nor turn back.
Mr. Thorpe—Warren Thorpe 1 Lie.
then, was the uneeen owner of the
hat that had been her target. Her
lips quivered as she renelied the street.
"I didn't know, I never guessed!"
she breathed In a troubled %my. "Oh
of course I will tell him it was only
frolic and fun, Aad Althea has set
her cap for him? Why, she is five
years older than Warren — Mr.
Staunch little sole that she was.
Vinnie thought of Warren Thorpe with
the intensity of getthine liking. He
had made several evening calls at
the Dodge home and had been just
as attentive to Vinnie as to the widow
and her daughter. A :rising yoling
lawyer and a hard Student, he I ad
seemed to enjoy the bright. memo!
ways of VInnie. She War, quire 122
singer, and many a venomoth, glance
entente had received from the basilisk
eyes of her emmin while revelling In
a duet with Warren Thorpe.
"He Is worth saying good -by to—
the only orie I care for In Mayville,"
reflected Vinnie. "I will stop at his
0111Ce on Illy way to the trolley. And
TII tell him how sorry I am, that I
turned hlui aside from seeing Althea,"
and a sudden jealous pang made Vire.
ole feel uncomfortable en well as un.
\genie went up the stairs ef the
business block down town. Warren
Thorpe looked up with a welcome
smile on his open, handsome face and
melee to his feet quickly as the for-
lorn little figure ealme Into the room.
"Why, Vinnie I" he eeclnimed, clasp-
ing her hand warmle, "are you goine
-.N11411110D 13-
:St We are buying direct from the
It is better to stretch knitted silk
underwear than to iron it if you
want to get the greatest pessible
wear from the garmente.
Scarfs are rather small thes sea -
eon mai are knotted node,. lee eat.,
on the side of the hat evhich 0i tilted
Use alcohol or ammonia water to
clean the glass over pictures. Dr:
carefully, and polish with U1111111014 Oy
crumpled paper.
Waxed or oiled cloths for clean-
ing should be washed in soda solu-
tion and rinsed thoroughly,
American exporters for March de-
livery. Acid Phosphate, Potash.
or any mixed Fertilizer.
Few barrels of Feeding Molasses
still on hand,
filorrislt Grey farmers'
of the Bruce Baseball League, arriv-
ed in Teeswater and have been dis-
tributed to the players. They are
sterling sliver watch fobs, engraved
en the back,
W. G. Owens, of Stratford, has
peen appointed County Court Judge
of Bruce Co., replacing Judge Klein
oho has retired.
The death occurred on Monday,
Dec. 20t15, at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Mary A. McMane, Atwood,
of Elizabeth Wilson wife of the late
Charles 1VIeNichoi in her 87th year.
She leaves to mourn her loss four
BRUCE COUNTY sons and three daughters.
er The Kincardine Scouts erapped,
ed packed and shipped over four hun-
dred first class toys the first of the
. week, which winds up a very suceees-
ful Christmae Toy Repair Shop.
ry The silver medale donated by the
he Spalding Baeeball Co. to the winners
"Yes, please, Warren—I mean Ma
Thorpe. cetet get along with Aunt
Mary, and 8 think it's better 7 should
go beck to Cousin Ophelia's, and obi
mustn't forget—it was me who
knotted off your hat with tbat 311042-
Warren threw himself back with it
hearty, reseounding 'tingle Then hie
fnee grew grave its Vinnie recited her
etory In Its entirety. "And Autt Mary
%vented tne to npologize te nue" she
lidded, "And I do—yes, Indeed. And,
()lease go nround to gee Althea, for
she saYs I scared You from her."
"Why, no, Vlimie, What would I
enll there for when you Are gene?
You didn't: think t went tent any rea-
son exeept to see You, did you?"
"Ohl Mr. Thorpe--"
"Yoe man Warren," corrected he,
*evittnio, dear, I don't want you to
go to 0015t31 fiphella, or to anybody
want you to stay 10 Mayville -0,
ine Met
„ .
Professor Ellsworth Huntington of
Yale estimates that weather this
year cost the world $500,000,000.
No wonder it seems to be a big topic
for conversation.
To Our Patrons
We wish you all a
Happy and Prosperous
New Year
We thank you for your patronage in the past
and hope for a continuance during
the coming year.
Brussels Creamery Co.
JN grateful appreciation 01 -your good
will and support .during this and
preceding years, we desire to extend
our sincere thanks, also for your liberal
patronage during. the Christmas season
just closed which has been by far the
best we have yet experienced.
We trust the New Year may be to
you all a very Happy, Healthful and
Prosperous one.