HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-29, Page 4WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29, 1920. P926 DECEMBER 1926 Sun, Non. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sol 1 1 2 5 4 I5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 119 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 26 27 23 20 30 31 unal. The iffr17`I•,;(4q WED:ND:Slily, lir C. 29. leee, res. .CMINTON COUPLE CF./el.:Real.: GOLDEN WEDDING Christmas Day !eel deuide dee!, ficance for the family let Jell feet Mrs. Torr, er Clinton. -wits eel.- imated the tieee it entevereese ei' their weddii g. lee hoeie ti daughter. C,•eres• tee,* , 1 t Normenna site, Teesee e Th. ...quire family e. -es eiseeet i',,r t etesion and met. anti tiongrietelef em were :from a wide The happy ccr 111:1112- 1 ty years ;tee tee hem. - bride, Joanne MeDemild. •1-1. toking up reeetenee in the lee 2,21. Stanley, etter mevine to a ltiee, :faem one mile south of the villees or Verna. .At these twe etsm. eiele aildren wies• born. Sine • 1 .02 Torrance lelme has beee at Cliete,.. An Active Casees John To nee Was 121. 1 /ee. 2e, '1850, in the Townshin of Durham County, and eelebereel eeventy-sixth birthday in eo.tiu.teti with the golden wedlioe ; ameeeese..y. .In April, 1867, when le ,efirs of )t vent went to the Townshie of Steel. y, ('runt y of Heron. Anne afr 6:arted in eel lie lir, a • Returning Officer and tilled different munieipal offices up tc the Wardenshie in 1ee2. HE was valued meeTher of the County Council, as C ineelesemer. horn 1896 to 1902. Always taking a keen ine.. es, le politics, he was Pre4doet of the South Huron Conservative A, ocie- tion for 11 years, and he ereditahlY served ae. President of eht, South Huron FarmersIustieute and as President of the Hay Insurance Co. In 1903 he was appointed License Inspector for South Huron, whieh position he held until 1920, when he resigned. He became Inspector of the House of Refuge in 1904 and still retains that position. An Interesting Folder An interesting and very attractive folder prepared by the sons and dau- ghters for the happy occasion con- tains a brief sketch of the lives of the bride and groom and a number of interesting pictures. At the din- ner on Saturday evening the grown- up chthiren contributed to the toast • het, which included the following: "Christmas at Home." "School Day" "Moving and Farming,' then the grandchildren eave a delightfu, mus- ical program, which eoncludee im- pressively with a Bible reading by John and Mrs. Torrance, The sons and daughters areitalt ni the reunion Were: Mrs. D, L. Crans- ton, Port Arthur; Maud, at home; Mrs. George Foote, Toronto; John of Lethbridge; Melvin, of Toronto; Alf- red, of Akron, Ohio, and Edgar, of Galt. .A .flenehter, Edythe, Mrs. A, G. Virtue; died in Lethbridge in 1922. There were 19 grandchildren present. Maybe that'e whaVe wrong with the left -over Cluestmas beef, to,,. It does look dr...quite/11y cut up. Merely In•cail..c the r;1 x 1mak. almost any hill fir steely read in 'ewer Lear ilo. ne• eifs object - int: it te that strain. The eielted driver ithilt nt tiI 0. ltd th.. emelt', beetle fe ether. ter t ary Storage We are ready to store your Battery in an up -to• date Battery Plant and charge them with a real charger at a moderate price. B.! sure your Battery is well looked after during the Winter. It Pays You! MCIII tyre Cidmore Ford ..Agmts BrusSels TLE BRUSSELS POST NEW YEAR'S ALLEGORY When the Arriving Twelvemonth Walked the City Streets. HCROSS the snowbound earth the .New Year stepped Latioy• . tinily. A splendid youth he - was, with radiant eyes, full. red lips and the star of hope set so pronalty above his brows that where he passed dankness turned to light. For a Meets year the world aud the men thereof, were his. Far away under the frozen sky a blaze ef light shone like 21 Jelrel, and he rimed towat.d the tits.. Ands tie -meet tit' lights shine boldly when he i•Iiiiireil 0twist or the streets were empty. Ito one of the streets the'New Year met a woman. A dark veil thrtterett around her. so . that •Ite (staid not dis- tinguish her formlint her it, was very s‘teet as she lipit mat elasped a :iltild to le,r heart. TM- New Year gave eer ereetiffe. -yeti ere i elarity. 1 enow." he said. t'llairtav 1;11,1 her hand in his and smiled And for all Ms youth her steito set hint dreaming of green- woods awl gleat sloe:Moe,. of vague, sweet things that were still unknown to him. And alive let met another woman:. .‘ ;Mitering. w.os meth this, with a pert, pewilo'etl fatte, eartnined 1105 and itaand, ',richt eyes. ".%.11 hail!" she erittal nun:kingly "I shall he your oonstniit minim/don, for I am Sin, anti where men a -re there pee we', always Mid me." Tile New Year shrank ba,..eand ms Mee darkened. Mu Shi ttressed ,lose to hug, totn,lted miell and, tearing a rose from ihoso at low twonst, tossed It to him, as alio a rosil.i ...c silk she eueeed en 'rite reee fee en the entre powdered walkmei when the Now 1 oar would have 1,1, hod it up it was stemless, and he SZI W that a worm was le.t in its bear : Atiotiter forth mon. In sight—in tho ,rart, of a monk with d dere ito,i '1 it ALt Tligr atVit," WnisPkitlitt LOYR. bout his tranquil face. 111s eyes were epee the ground.. and his lips moved in prayer for all mankind. So ten, der and pitiful was Ms face that even before itteried "Sliserere Darlene!" the New Year guessed that his Pante Watt Mercy. Very cold it grew as me New Year u eil Met a mean street. so cold ;bat he sought refuge in the porch ut a darkened house. Tel [here prevail. ed Filch a grateful warmth that he pressed back to learn its eause and to brushed against a boy -•;1 bos with a Wan. beautiful Nee, la tt freed ittti r end l•apt eyes. "Wby are you here altme?" t lati New Year asked. -I am never alone:. eorrected the atel be stepped adn,. so that the New Year caught the fragot nee of Ms nreath and SOW t ha 1 1W22 great ..vings were flirted behind l,irtt tool in the shadow of his wings tan old rattan load tit ot,i woman 'Tomtits) together. How d. how popt . they looked: Gut an shom, 'I, their plaielled (awes "I am all they have." whispered Lore as tears Ililil hi.. wonderful eyes. "latey hare tuti •'u ft itt u. mod 1 sluil stay with Mon mail llio "I alp llic End." milled another vOlee, and it print Mollified the steps. "Not yet," begged 1.,ave, tool he tried to bar the strangttr's way. But at 1144 of the *icy i he Mc other bore LoVe'm great wiege (1 t,1. "Mine is tbe beet ;rift of all," wills. pered the 11eVreeliier 2224 he boot over the forlorn mango. Filently the Now Yenr walked tilone with the night and tee ettire and tho seurrying snow. .1 nal as be hurried on, Gm darkness faded into the eerie pallor of dawn. Ile stretelfed eut Me arms and weleottred his first day. "Charity, ifin, elerey. Love and titian]." he eried--"ail mine! Ilow shalt 1 cheese from amone you?" A shadow fell aeross 1114, There Wee O sound its uf wines homing ate air, ;Ind. Lore. resY, triumphant and eter, enneht his hande. "Let me go yee tot Neer eare," ho pleaded. "for mine is the f.sirt whieh qweeteotq charity. ettnquishes gioritiesi merey and fears not math.. Greetings JN GR.ETEFUL appreciation. of your good will and support during the past year 'we desire to extend our sincere thanks, also for your liberal patronage during the Christmas Season just closed. We trust the New Year may be to you all El very Happy, Healthful and Prosperous one, J4'. F. Sheppard & Son CRAN BROOK NOMINATIONS IN HURON CO. BAYFIELD, Dec. 27. — Those tiondnirted Miro, today are: Reeve, ]t' F Merrier, A. E. Et -win; Council, W, ;J. McLeod, J. Parker, Georg o Castle, Lewie Thomson, Murdock Ross, Wil- liam We:4On; sch001 trudeeee E. IL Weston, E. 11. Johns, W. J. McLeod and A. Brandon, BLYTH, Due. 27-.—Nominetheis to- day resulted as follows: Reeve Jas. Decide, Dr. W. J. Milne, S. G. Les- lie; CounclI, S. G. Leslie. John Wey- mouth, George White, Herbert Dex- ter, Thomas Taylor, William Mills, William Johnston; trustees, j. IL R. Elliott, J. E. Munro, H. A. McIntyre, Ot•ton Stubbs, Thomas Taylor; Hydro Commission, R. M. MeEny (ace.) CLINTON, Dee. 27.—Foe mryor, Fred Jackson and James Ford; for reeve, C. Middleton, A. Trewartha. ernann. USBORNE TWP.—Reeve, John Munn, James Ballantyne; lors, Dan Dew, Wellington Skinner, Hugh Berry, Benson Williams, Silas N. Shier. STEPIIEN TWP.—Reeve, john Hayes 1 ueel. ; deputy reeve, Mr. Ruben (acct.); councillors, Wesley Dearing, Robert Ildelvin Love, Feeter Martini, Chester Mawhinney, Nelson Schenk, Isaiah 'retreat'. HAY TWP.---Retive, Elmer Elepp (neel.); councielers, (acel.), L. IL Raeder, John Rau, William Dougal, Alfred Reichert, McKII.LOP TWP.—Reeve. FrankMcQuaird of McKillop Township,. will be opposed for re-election as reeve by Walter Somereille. Coun- cillors nothinated are: John Dobbs, Edward Horan, Dan Regelee Sohn Ekerts, Thomas McKay and Dan By - 11. Langford; for councillors, Dr. F. Thompson, G. Elliott, 0. R. Paisley, H. Mellrien, F. Livermore, 13, E. Langford, F. W. Johnston, W. F. R. Holmes, L. Currell, J. A. Sutter; Inc Utilities Commission, T. Hawkins facet), trustees, St. Andrew's ward W. W.. Plumsteel (aced); St. James' ward, G. A. McLennan (aeo1.1; St. George's ward, M. C. Croles 'acel.); St. John's ward. C.. Venner and T. Churchill. EXETER, Dec. 27.—Reeve, W. D. Sanders, C. B. Snell; councillors, Jos eph Davis, Nathaniel Ogden, Paul Coates, Joe Hawkins, ER C.adtis, W. Gillespie, Wm, Luttnam Ed. J. Chris- tie; school board, B. M. Franeie, E. M. Dignan, J. G. Stanbm•y, IL N. Creech, Mrs. Vinetta Millerd; Pub - fie utilitiee, john R. Hind (mei.) GODERICH, Dee. 27.--1?or mese. ('tt.).11.;--M115")r 14' .1, A. Maelewan, 11.11 Iteeve—Charlee C. Lee, J. J. Mos- Teiraei.IIIele.:rurner, R. C. Mithniag.1, Wm. Deputy reevee--J. S. Moeer, R. Turner. Councillors—Wm. Baillie, Robert Johnston, C. H. Humber, D. O'- Brien, 13. C. Munnings, H. Black. stone, Wesley McLean, R. H. Cutt, R. Turner, N. Armstrong, D. Sproule Fred Murney, E. L. Deem . W. cm's:Jo, G. La Parsons, C. Worsell, J. Paltridge, W. Peachey, J. Cutt Alex McLean, C. C. Lee, dohs, Stor- ey. ramie school trUsteeS (ace.)—3, V. Thomson, James C. Carrie, 15, R. Sallows, Wm. Wallace. ,11 19199,'\ 1,1, Dee. 27. — Nmeinas Hone 'ter Herman village here to- night reeulted as follows: lteeve, Owen Geiger, Geo, C. Petty, William Consitt. Cottneil--Ephort McArthur, Chris, Campbell, James Priest, Robert Hig- gins, William Consitt, Alfred Clark end Robtet Cameron. School truste15 ( atil. 1--Thoma.4 Welch, H. Sohlan, William A. Me- PU bile ( ne.d.t Ch.trles Moore. COLBORNE TWP. romorne Town.hip Connell is elected by ac- elatontion. Reeve, Hugh Hill; mutt - tenure, William 1 hot, Young, Albert Goldthorpe, Frank Wilson, MORRIS TWP.--Nominatioes fer Morris Township: For reeve,. Robert Shortreed, W. J. Henderem, L. E: Cardiff; for Council, all by acel., Ian A. Brown, John MsGill, Arthur 131heelee, ;James '1'. Brydgee, GREY TWP,----For reeve, Robert Livingstone, 7'homne McDonald, Joint McNabb, 3. 3, -1VreCluteheen, W 19. Turnbull; for CourmiI, Thomae. Mc -1 Donstifi, Harry Keys, °liver Heeling -1 way, :Fred leowland, Jneeph Melefly, 1 Edwited CiODERICH TWP.---Goderich Tp. emend:Ione. were: Reeve, Herbert Cox (trec.); councillors, Oliver Jet - tit, J. 15. Middletere .Deet 16 Churehill., md Wilmot Unaelm. 1 STANLEY TWP.----At the Stnnley Township nominatIon held to -day, the old council Was re-elected by ac- clamation. Reeve, John Manton; councillors, Vtrm. Douglas, John Et- ue, Wilson Carlyle and Arthur Keys, TUCK.ERSMITH TWP.—At the Tuekersmith nomination, Robt. Wat- eon and Roland Kennedy were nomin- ated for the reeveship, The follow- inc councillors were elected by accla- mation: Matthew Clark, josepn Crick John Elgie and Chas. 1VIeKay, AFTER -CHRISTMAS JESTS lf the small boy ,started early for the pantry it wasn't to avoid the jam. As to stuffing, remember that the turkey could not help it, bus that you can, Tem turkey now we do not care, And to autdeep disgrace, We would not, if we met one, dare To look it in the face. Gobble, gobble, gobble. If the turkey would only have Varied •his monstrous remarks, perhaps we would not have been so ready to do 1(1 hci --- Turkeys who have escaped the Christmas slaughter, shoutd not put oe too many airs about it just yet, as a good many people like turkey on Neve Year's Day. Tutkeys which the peptic refueed to buy at inflated Christutas prices seem to be feeling bad apout it, the butcher shop nearly all of them seem to be hanging their Ilea& in shame. Those are moving days. No soon- er does a man get his Christmae and New Year's bills paid than 11, begins saving for 1th summer vacation, end as soon as he gets on his feet after vacation, he has to begin "shopping early." ' WRONG KIND Customer: "Have you tiny animal crackers?" Clerk: "Our dog biseuite aro exceptional." — .SUCCESS IN CANNING If you'd succeed, lit life's advance, Thie motto heed; Can all your can'le. When preparing to start the ear, the engine can be put int e Motion more efficiently if it is clan sic mei a few times with the starter before swiching on the ignition, Experts in inseet lore say that the housefly lit flight siounds the note of F. It down't take nexpert to find out that the burriblebee sounde the tone 114. BRUSSELS SCHOOL REPORT The following le the tepitet cf Br118. gels COULInklitlion tiellool, rot Noe- elli bet. aud Detifi,oltb5eir 111 IsT YR:$.11 01 ATItICirLATIoN— ORO Hemingway (13; Dineen Lewin °6 Leslie Campbell 60 8 Volute Joeden Beryl aill 582 Mary Wichita 1(77 Willie fien71111111 51 2 Doris McDonald ...... Alvin Logan 413 *Glen Eck mist 11 2 2ND YEAR (taking one ov move sub- , pets in Form II). Wituared MacMillan 41.1 Joe Yollectic 12.5 Mildred Logan ' 2 7 xtt YEAR MATRIC.— Sinelki v Hemingway "'Kate elcNebb NORMAL ENTRANCle— George Marten Robevt ProtoyeoRrm 15 Helen Basker llarvev Bryane Margaret Smith Margaret Strachan Dorothy Fear Viola Wilson *John Barr Anna Thompson (Taking one ov move subjects in Form I) Mildred ...... 61,7 Marie 11 wither .... 545 Finlay Saints 51 7 Jean ()/LIner0 21 . • „ ....... 51 7 *Russell holdice... ,,,,,SU 6 **Marguerite Bolger 481 Gene tide Yolleck 38 4 *Douglite Warwick 364 Velum Ecittnier 31 5 =3 1.00111] I George Kirkby 80 Helen Arnistrolig 78 Clara ...... .7773 ICenne tit Jackson ..,.75 S Jim Johnston .,.748 Jitn Turnbull 72 Ruth SIitactttttu 69 8 Margaret Downing 68 1 Do reett Ecktnier 57 1 Glen Iiunte. 528 .• Lam a Manning 49 1 'Kenneth Thuell 487 150019111 SR IV CLASS— L. Weikel. 3, White C. Walker J Caldwell J. Hamilton 13. Yol leck V. Fax A. Met.hacken F. G Menage H. Whittard G. Surges., JR. IV -- M. Hamilton 13. Pa wito n N. Thompson N. J. Fowler M. ThoMpsou el. Roe E. Riley S. Burchill S. Yollecit J. McDowell lie Dennison J, Kerr R. Fainetw G. Thuell j. Kernaghan IL Fox 58 J. Douglas 55 Se. DaPit18011 82 *P. Buena 713 A, Pope 70 J. Little 78 19 Logan 71 M. Bryans 69 J. Cataphell 66 E. Pollard 05 L. Kerr W. J. Rutledge 62 M. McDowell 59 8. Lowe 49 R. Bryans 48 W, Champion 46 3. Ru tledge 40 Nemere A. JARDINE, Teacher. ROOM 11 Following is the report for Novetn- bev and December. Those Marked * tuissed exams. Ju III—Exentined in Geog , Avith., Lit., Spell. and Writing, Edna Devidson 84.6 Donald f erenson 79 Denalti MtRtttt 778 Jeesie Caldwell '722 St uart Brigham 71.2 Fred But chill 704 Tom Gatemage 59 2 Irene Riley 588 T.ela Rieke 55 0 Jean Riley 54, 2 Stella Hetirletsoe 45 6 William Rewards 448 *Elle leen ow 30 Su. II—Exa tuti end in Arith, Comp , Reafl, and \Vuli, Aleen Gibson 81 Vent Vox 70 8 70.5 43 6 68 1 50.1 72 2 70.13 68 9 66 60.6 59 1 43 4(1 4 92 88 88 82 78 0 73 in 71 69 65 62 56 79 77 76 75 72 68 68 67 66 65 63 61 60 60 59 Your Eyes Need Attention If your eyes bother you in any way; If they tire quickly oe be- come inflamed; If you do not see easily and well; . If headaches impale your efficiency or interfere With your pleasure; 72 you cannot enjoet every -minute of your reading? sp Maude 0, Bryans 01140motriat Phone 26x Brussele Revile Woks 088 Billy Palmei 03 4 Llityd leernaglien 60,4 *Helen Doug iti firi.(1 Jim Ritrhio ill 2 AVM Inc Heist 42,6 *3 at Fe prow 38.3 .111 J1--ltxttuit)tu'tl in Ailth., Lit. Geog !teed, and 'Writ. Mina 13vvane Herold Yolleek Jack Seeker Marie Kites Carl Pluto Bowmen Galbtaith Nevem. Rutledge .1111 kV mad Metitaatrrita Mee Ed wards *Tom litin.elitto altn f)ougles *McCurdy Low) y Ned Rutledge M A itY H. 51 ("NAB, Teacher. PRIMARY ROCNI 5e1r—Examined in At itle, Spell, Reed., Writ., Dem end Daily Worla, argery Riley 95 J tin Paltrier 92 C4 Ewald (li knoll 911 Margie et Scott 88 Isobel Mteravieb 85 St ephensoll 82 Feitela element Kerr 711 ROO Fox 75 Dorothy Ballentyne 71 *(3at f. H ender. son 71) -"Archie Holmes 68 4-Tti — 111tirie1 Heist SO Julm Fowler 75 San —le 'zee! en le Heti ey Rutledge, Billie King, Bette Hear, 0111er 01.1n- ninhurn, Tom eleFedzean, Eileen edc- (lettere, It ma Riley. Good—George Galbraith, Elmer Ew- an, Frank Rutletlee. Dorothy Den. nison, Isabel Brigham. 2No— li1xcellent— With McTavish, Harvey ilvont. IPT—Expellent—Jack Lowry, Good —111 Whi tre 9, H meet] Camp. bell, Fre) 1, linenANAN, 'Pearlier. 110 84 2 82 8 82 2 81 1 711 2 72 8 7•1 714 511 65 6 59 2 50 8 TIM SONGS OF ERIN. Rave Umni.staltable Character of Where did they spring from, s.a.d when? Lost tra the miste of tithe, they have been handed down front generation to generation, many of them without a name, butt with the unmistakable diameter of nationality In their melodic construction, that has stamped them as Irish. Many of thetu are very old, John McCormack says that "Ireland was singing when the first breath of his- tory parted the mists about her ccrasts," and she has been singing on the battlefields, among the hills, in the castle, and the quiet cabin, be- cause the Irian have always sung, as if music was as much to them as the air they breathed. The Irish claim that their teachers of music belt! the highest rank as euch in limey Parts or England a thousand pews ago. So that the art of the nalltan tetteleir is an old established profession in Ire- land. 'rho chief instruments taught were the harp, and the bagpipe, I3oth Instruments have changed a good deal from their original conditiott. and have been practically superceded by the piano and violin, but iu the country districts the bagpipe is still O familiar Friend of the •cattars. A feature of limey old folk eongs is the great compass of vole° teat is required to sing them, the magi^ of- ten extends to two octaves, or Morn, which taxes the singer to the utmost, and demands complete (enrol of the upper register of the voicerow did the bards of long ago manage this? Yoke production and breath control, as we understand them to day, was not known. It is probable that each einger pitched the eong to suit his own Vain, and staled (ham, embellishments to the song .he tang, which is characteristie of all eat•ly folk songs. The songs of Irelene were 1.1 throe classee. Weeping music, which is sung at the Oactine (Even). The eao-iners, or mourners, and those who sit round the dead body, and sing, or keen" Inc emirs, and many Irish songs have a peculiar wail suit- ed to slice mournful uccasions. Laughleg inuSlc is anon er khill of Trish song. There are generally heard at dances. The titythret is lively and is sung in a spirited manner and ac- companied by any instrument that is available. The eound of MUSIC With a strong .rhytemic accent ap- peals with great force to the Walt peasant. Their feeling Inc rhythm appears to be inherent, They can't keep their feet, still when music of this class is being played, and it is said that an Irish peasant will gladly take down his cottage door, to that Ile may hear the tap of the feet as Ole fiddler plays his inspiring notes. Sleeping muses is another elan, of Irish music which consists of those low, Crooning, plaintive. airs, that one associates with the cradle, and which has sung a popular appeal to all classes. These tunes vary greatly ac- cording to the district in whichthey ore sung. A tune sung in Killarney would sound very different In Ath- lone, the principle notes would be the - same, -but the variations, or adormnents that are alwaYs added, erequently obscures the real tune to stieh an extent that it is only by 11s - toning attentively that the similarity te detectede, Many Irish folk songs have been Incorporated in operas, and other works. Handel has an Irish jig, In "Ads and Galatea." Mendelssohn wrote it fantasia ori Irish Tunes. Beethoven and Haydn tilted Them, and Ireland has produced her own, big men, In Field, William Wallace, im•• &met Balfe, and coming doyen to more 'modern times in such men as Stast- ford, Victor Herbert and Hamilton Harty, not to forgot Dr. Annie Pat- terson or Cork, who is said to be the first W01114111 to pass bet examins talon as a doctor of emisto. When the man settles the questien for Princeton UniVersity of Whether or not chess is a sport, he re4eslit itt the same thete decide whether a man who plants oyster beds is is fanner or a finhorman, Four Bull Calves ± All of serviceable age, See 4.; these animals .before buying. 1: Terms to suit purchasers. 1: Also a quantity of Wood t for sale. t. JOHN SPENT * Phone 116 1.01311, Con, 6, Morris ream Wanted We are buying for the Pain Creamery Company, Palmers- ton. Highest prices paid. .Paying 39c and 40c this week Call at store for cans LERCH & WEB Phone 2211 Ethel, PERTH COUNTY Henry and Mrs. Heitz anti daugh- ter, Adeline, of Gadshill, hafl a nar- row escape at Stratford when their car ran into the side of the C.N.R. Stratford -London passenger train and was turned completely over. Only the car was dameged. One of the hardy pioneers of the Queen's bush of the Townshin of Mornington, in the person oi Johu Freeman of Newton, died at his home on Monday. He was an octogenarian and had enjoyed vigorous good health until recent months. He is survived by four daughters, namely, Mrs, T. Nesbit, of Manitoba; Mrs. John Whaley of London; Mrs, Byron Torrence, of North Mormington, and Clara, at home. His wife predeceas- ed hint about 10 years ego. James Hoed, of the Listowel hydro staff, was working at the powerhouse cleaning some batteries in the pit, when a spaek flashed and flames burst out, setting the building on fire. A number of employees rushed to Mr. Head's assistance, and put out the fire with chemicals and sere; him to the hospital, where, it was seen that his burns were quite extensive. Perth Co. is holding a short course in Agriculture and Home Economics in Atwood from Jan. 3 to Jan. 28. During the past 5 years over 700 boys and girls have attended similar courses In Perth County. Stories of the oil controversy do not always make smooth reading. AUCTION SALES rtfAARING A GOT1ON SALM Olf P.A BM :Hetet. 22112NT22, 00, — M. Scott, Auctioneer, has received inttruolions from Otto undersigned to sell by eolith' amnion, at I'0124, lion 15, Grey, on Thursday, Jan. 6th, at 1 o'olock sharp, the following property :— I brood mitre with foal at foot, I general par. pose colt rising 5 years, 1 driving mare, 1 cow nue to onlve in March, 8 cows due to calve in April, 2 oows due to calve in -Tone, 2 halters supposed in call, 7 tiering calves, I Durham itt 18 months old, 4 chanke pigs about 100 .bs., I Yorkshire brood now supposed in pig about 40 bens, 1 rdecortnick mower, 1 klassey. Barris manure spreader, 1 Niessey-klarris binder 7.10., I McCormick dump rake, I Mc - Corn -Jog aids rake nearly new, I McCormick hay loader nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris seed drill, 1 Massey•ff orris disk nearly new. 1 Oliver plow, 2 so oftlnrs, 1 wagon and Rat hay rack, I set 4 seotion harrows, 1 rubber thed buggy nearly new, 1 gang plow, 1 Panning min.! set 1200 lb weigh seeing, 1 Pleury grain grinder and speed jack complete, 1 Pet driving harness, quantity of hay and barleyquantity or potatoes, 1 Crown Huron range, 1 dining room extension table 0 feet in length, 8 kit - oho,, (Matra, 1 rocker, 1 sideboard, 1 wooden bedstead and other artialea too numerous En titeictuno, TRH al 8,,A II suMP of Sin and under, °ash ; over that amount 9 menthe credit given on furnishing approved joint notes, 8 per cent Or tor mill on °yacht amounts, Land. own, OrIS for temerity Hay and Fowl Fawn. DUNCAN MOTAGGART. Prop. House and Lot tor Sale abV:TAT,Y11607>Ivz:clegf,',,741°41,!'eeet°,m1Prlit sets. Nalfmore of land. Well olstern. Immediate notlatiesionwor furtl.er pgrAlc- Ulittiiis, amity to WM. WQRK, Brussels 1.0 r, one 2117 House Bud Lot for Sale The eligible' house and lot on Queen street11r, ie :.01:d Mis KAI; Mali garden. IrVillinetiollyir,ealars alMlY to Ebtf R. R. 8 Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) no acres, :being N% Lots 7, 8, 0 and NOrth itg underneath windmill; large drivingutt(tt Otto, ashied; good Pram house and stone kitchen large IgniVII;Otga.tnInge8igidT i7,14.'7,T;„*U41:14 This tarm nes boon In pasture for s wine years end W111 gire highest returns, Illorm land willrise. Por particulars epply to 7608. G1118014, Administrator John R. Gibson estate P. 0. box 77 Wroxetor Phone 80 Farms for Sale Therindersignell,offerit for Mile his 100dmee Con, 7, mortis. Good !unisex mut barns in fltSa.olage nondition, also all good ont.htlild. lenng;Or ,7,111.sge,1,1v,;',"hzzt.thrg tattlersttert- apply to w, E. menuTonftral, Proprietor. E. 11.4, Damson' Farms for Sale 100 norcA 'of land,1,0inf, the, sbuth .14 or Lot 5, oppropppop.4 4ALIAZighg°,4..,tktig tiIi ti^13;gr;.'51; Otto, tattl ipot ,l Inc ltlta tore, ltot, partiottlare Anrov Hie eacomOrn, AmIT11. •11 arritv sArnmouscast