HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-29, Page 2WRDNRSDAY, DEO, 2e, 1926, If You Produce Good Cieam and want the best results under the new Grading System, ship Your Cream to THE PALM CREAMERY, Our Creamery will be operated 24 hours a day in the hot weather, and your Cream will be in our Creamery and Graded 15 minutes after arrival in Fialmerston, Thus assuring the farmer who produces, good Cream the best possible Grade and Price, We loan our Patrons cans and pay oash for each can ot Cream received. You can ship on any train any day and be assured of proinpt cielivery and pay. Send us a trial can to -clay. The Palm Creamery Co, - Palmerston Brit, eeliCsar Metno, 4070;140kt' taigtorq of ate Empite. ehaties Com) 7 JAMESON'S RAID Boers. In the meantime nameson t had been overtaken by a messenger Thirty one years ago, on the 30th frona Mafeking, who handed. him a December, 1895, D. Jameson corn- cablegram from the British Govern- measced his clering march with an ment, which repudiated his action 'sinned force through the territory of and ordered his immediate return, 0 the Transvaal Republic. command which he completely ig- For many years the British resi- nothd. dents In the Transvaal, who formed , On the afternoon of the 1st of a large Percentage of the population i January, when Jameson had arrived of the Republic and owned half the ; within 25 miles of Johannesburg, his Land and nine -tenths of the propeity, l'further progress was barred by a de - bad made bitter complaints regarding ;tech:neat ef Boer troops, which was • theit, treatment by the -Boer Govern- ' posted in a strong position anu eas- ment which had subjected them to a i fly frustrated the attempts of the rigid policy of political exclusion and 1 raiders to break through. During restriction. All -their endeavors to i the night the Boers were -reinforced, 1 secure the mallY rights and privileges and on the following morning Jena - to which they were justly entitled, son, finding that his little hand 'gals proved, futtle, and at the end of 1895 I surrounded and in danger of. anni- they decided to resort to forcible hilation, surrendered. For soms claye =assures. the fate of Jameson and his men Risings were planned to take place hung in the balance, but Paul Krug - In Pretoria and Johannesburg, and it er, the President of the Transvaal was arranged that Dr. Jameson, who Republic, acted with unexpected was then the administrator of , the magnanimity and handed his pris- British South Africa Conipeny in ones.% ovee to she British Government Rhodesia, should march across the to be dealt- with. His action creased border with an armed force to sup- a most favorable impression through - port the insurrection, but the pro- out the Empire, but this was speedny Sett proved a 'Complete failure. The dissipated when the wily Did man leaders of the movement in the two presented his bill for damages, in GREETING eities were compelled to postpone the which he demanded not only, the ab- We an Live It but Once, So Let Us risings and were unable to give any surd sum of $3,500,000 for experts. S Spend it Worthily. assistance to Jameson, who carried es incurred in capturing he 500 we, are on be threshold os a riew . eUt his part of the program in spite raiders, but claimed $5,000,006 as year. We do not know what the year of the warnings which were sent to "moral and intellectual damages.: bolds tor us, but we are not afraid of it. ISM to delay his march. Jameson and his principal °MoorsWe. Wive learned to look for kieduess jameson's force, which consisted of about 500 mounted mere :tour Maxims and a few field gums, cross- ed the frontier on the evening of the 30th, December, and for a couple of days it was allowed to march along the road to Johannesburg without meeting with any opposition front the THE BRUSSELS POST llATWlU t.ertiE CAR RING EW YEAR! liaw year! Little spirit of the new year! At my portal waiting near, so near My trembling heart says if I speak That you will hear, will hear. New year, new year, what will you bring to me P Joy on rainbow pinions wing to me. Love, with voices sweet, to sing to Me. New year, new year, I beseech you, Let my tender Imaging reach you! New year, I fear not your morrow. day Sweetest joys may still strew sor- row's way. In December I shall borrow May. New year, smiling I shall meet youi New year, welcoming 1 greet you! .- New year, new year, you and God alone iRear my heart thus speak in humble tone. Grant me deeper life for living, Give me greater love for giving. -M.ary Gow Walsworth. TO NEW YEAR. were placed on tidal in London and sentenced to short terms of impris- onment. Their raid into the terri- tory of a friendly state was quite in- defensible but their pluck and daring appealed to the imagination of the Britieh public, and the raiders be- eame the popular heroes of the day. DO WEEDS MATTER? Perfectly obvious facts sometimes need concrete illustration to make themsbripetsese. What for instance, could be more obvious thee the shn an° fazt that crowding o acrop by weeds reduces the yield, or converse- ly, that judicious expenditurs of labs 1 Here and:Moro The fourth Eastern Intern:dim al Dog Derby to be held from 'Quebec city February 21, 22 and 23, prom- ises to he the most keenly contested ever held. It is expected that over 20 teams will be entered for the 'Mee, Christmatt tree shipments from Qrtelsee to the innitoil State.; rim to 450,000 over CanadiansPacific lines last year, and present expectation is that this numbee will be equalled at least this yeme Revenue to farinei.s of tho provinve from this source ran to $100,000 lest year. Foils carloads of silver foxes, valued at $750,000, have left Prince Edward Island in one shipment for the 'Western States: Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Oregdn and Wash- ington. Viewed as a livestocic ship- ment, It is said to be a record one. A number of prize winners were among the pack, Dog teams will be used this win-, tcr by the Hudson's Bay -Marland organization to prosecute oil de- velopment work in the Ribstone field In North-eastern Alberta. Thia is the area where the quest for oil started following a favorable report by Dr. G. S. Hume, head of the De - minion Geological Survey. Christ:nes travel over the Cana- dian Pacific routes to the OM Coun- try has been heavier this year than ever before experienced. Special trains have been run from Winnipeg ferectly to the ship's side at Saint John, N.B. The westerners credit this heavy movement to England for Christmas to the eztcellent con- ditions that prevail throughout the west. The hundred settler families from the British Isles brought out by the Scottish Immigrant Aid Society to form the Clan Donald Coleny are doing splendidly, according to a field supervisor's report just sub- mitted. When they landed at their destination they toned farms, houses, barns and equipment ready so that no time was lost in pre- liminaries. Turkish tobacco, grown in Al- berta, is better than that grown in Turkey or Greece, according to a Mr. Baker here, who grew 1,000 pounds as an experiment this season. and goodness in all our paths, and so He plotted out three-quarters of an we ge forward with glad hope aud es-' acre to ten varieties of tobacco seed. peetation. , The crop was harvested ripe before It is alwa_va a sertoue thing to live. the coining of frost, and of the ten We can pass through any year but varieties Turkish, White Barley and once. If we have lived negligently we Orinoco thrived beat, cannot return to amend what we have slurred over. We cannot correct usis- Nearly 1,050 overseas vessels en - 11 blank spaees erase lines tcred the Harbor of Montreal and takes, 5 up we may be ashamed of. cut eat pages over 35ecoastal vessels docked there ************************** phate or copper sulphate (bleestones unseortbuy tilled. The irrevocalaieuess in the season just closed. This maker for spraying, may be used, Essen- of life ought alone to be motive a very favorable showing compared tials for tuccess are: application ear- enough for incessant watebruiness and with the 1,255 overseas and 215 ly in the life of the weed, well be, diligence. Not a word we write eau be xiastal vessels of the previous sea. fore fun bloom; even distrthution of changed. Nothing we Co eau be eau* son. During the period of open the material in correct nmount, and celed• navigation over 113,850,000 Infehels in the case of dusts, application oe a Another element of seriousness la living Is tbe influence of our life on of grain were shipped from the port dewy leaf surface in the esszte morn- other lives. We do not pass through and flour shipments totalled 2,090,- ing of a bright day. Fuller directions the year alone. We are tied up with 000 barrels. — or to' money upon thdestracsioe owill be fernished on application to others in me homes, oui nLsien a . the weeds must return dividends ill !the Division of Botany. Therem- our companiopships, our aseeelatioins, e f • the enhanced value of the tree? And ..edies can be used safely in cereal or oqr occupations. We are alweys touch - s yet, because the =riding seldom grass crops, but not in clover; arid Mg ethers and leaving impression:A on ruins the crop entirely, and the lit should go without saying thas they them. Human lives are like the pho- -weeding seldom removes more than are unnecesary in crops thee cataapber's sensitized plates, receiving n be °al' epee them the image of whatever , passes before them Our careless words drop, nml we thud, not w Lit Uiey lall. in s. fraction of the weeds, we lapse In- to the easy philosophy that the de- ference it makes is negligible any- how. The real .truth stands forth stark NEW DECALOGUE FOR WOMEN moods do something in 100 , s 1 p g and bold, confronted by an object and coloring of other lives. lesson like the following. On one I et Is said that every word whispered of our Experimental Stations last Kansas City, Mo.,—A decalogue inIt°1 th eilth. u toad on forever. The starts vibrations which summer, a plot of hemp, badly !n7 for women, with "Thou 'Shalt Not weasel egilal vtrneaalso or influences which feetea with wild radish (similar to Nag" as the first tenet, has been go 001 from our eves .11, tbe eolemon. yeild mustard) was treate I on half Maven up for those who would keep est days -thee will go on forever, its area with cynainkl duet. 'The their husbands, by Dr. Wrin L. SAW- , This stionle melte ne most. carern1 weed; insofar as it escaned immedie g•ve, pastes' of a local Methodist Epis- 1 what we do, what we sny end what e ate destruction, 'received such a set- copal Church. , ettellty °retire We give to the world. back that the hemp at once took the Dr, Midges. delivered hie sermon mai. indeed. If we ehottid isett'Z:iltlitig iloly or tuneful lent -emcee, - /ead and for the.. rest of the thason on "The Soul of Women" and had if we should torteh even oue life an - :smothered ally dwarfed competitors his new set of ten commandments" wholesonicay, If we should sottek even that might have regained vigor. On distributed in printed form among a word which starts a suet townie) the . adjoining area the untreated the congregation. He also hs; set tleeth.-Res. Da .1. 11. Miller. wild, radith got the lead and held it 1 orth commandments for drys and 1 so effectively that M the. seeond week for yeuth. "Dipping" on New Year's, I ' of August the heMp was only half . I In the midined volintie.: er Vette:Intl The cominambnents for w1ves are; I the "sortes Sanettnenn" ()teemed st.inet the height. of that alongside, and the ! t I credit on New Year's iii the nali.ii tense . weed was tepidly rnatering n crop of , Thou shalt not nag, ' A 1411.110 Is obtained at rendom and the seed. In this particular instanee tle. Thou shalt not give thy thoughts anger Os a ennasoldets eereesi Moved fertiliting value of the cyriarnid to to dreseing wholly. . upon the tinge The text so politleel net the crop was doubtless Wien its Thou Omit not be jealous. refers to events which will happen dim herbicidal action on the weed, to Thou shalt o ot be pugnacious. I , Mg the year. Tins is cniled -dIppleg.- cleaned 14 intertillage es. by Tate epring cultivation before soweng. , but the lightest of them lodges some ' heart and leaves its blessing or its "THOU SHALT NOT NAG" blight. All my acts, clismrsitions nut] An oldr lady once "dipped" Into the Tholl ehalt attempt to live to the . make a striking contrast; but thc game evault in varying degree must follow elimination of oompention by weeds however seetred, it is open te any farmet Wto has fields polluted with wild mustard 02 wild radish to provide himself with a objeet'leetton /MX+, spring on ' such settle as may be aceortlini to )IIS faith. Cynamid happens to have beet the agent used in the illustra- Hon l It other prepneetions 00 the Marlton like Hofer's Caariock PoWder for dusting, and ire!) sels book o ;lob end avowed gee had trim ideals that have been dreamed ;for ! ble, to the 31st. of December following thee. 1 II the "dippleg" ie uot done before 12 ' Thou shalt not expect thy husband o'elnek noon the charm will Lial'e no to be the cook or the dishwasher. I efficacY. -Thou, shalt remember that thy i home is thy first shrine. Two New Year's Days. I Lord Dundee, being wished Nip n py Thou shalt remember that men I xi,„"e ;oar, replied, itn im m,) la love good women and cleave to them 1 happier than the last, for I never knew foreven' ' ; one happy dny it 10." Wilberforce said, Thou shalt Set the spiritue: note "The last year has boon ths happiest of human life, . . of my life." Romaine's New Year's Thou rIstilt be loving W1811 for itle people vons., "God grant 'sane love, and On shalt 110114?' thet this may be Year famous for bo. 1 1 'itiltat the New Year Should Meat! to You IT does not seem a very tong time ago that we were talk- ing about the coming of a .' new year, with its neeme sity for the balancing of au an- a. counts, that we might learnjust a how we etood with regard to the profits and looses of the ^ twelve montne that were bout"a to be died away in tile arehives I or life on a,noteet history. And now that that that smews year, too, * has gone we are fetes to facto )st with another New Year's day-. face to Mee with the same old z problems. * To many of us the year that * has paused has not been par- ticularly pleasant, To some of i us, in Met, it may have brought so ninny frustrated hopes, so many disappointments, that we are more than usually glad to ^* bid it godspeed that we may it hail with joy the advent of a t new and, as We fondly hope, a . better opportanity. )Let, as a * matter of tact, it wo stop, tor a moment to look backtover the itwelve months that are now so rapidly drawing to a closes . there are but teW of us who. ›.. •4 will not find that tho old year has been a pretty good y.ear a, .e atter all. ec CELEBRATION UNIVERSAL. Methods Differ Greatly,hut New Year's, le Observed Everywhere. The commencement or n Dew year has been held iu veuet•ation lay every nation of antimilty. Notwithstanding. the diversity of opiniou as to wbat is - really the begineing or ;matter year, all agree in celenratless some clay of j°'.11.18elielanreeisettitVOLS;eeks begau their year about the summer solstice, Juue 211 the Versions also in dune, i he Chinese in Miu.eh, soul the a byseisitaus hegin their year lu Amnia. Aumeg tile an dent Mexicans the heghtulag to(' !Air new year was in Pellet:are. tele new•yearn day er tee Romans previous to tbe age of Jelies Caesar was vegue end Uneerlitill Mid ,was held gemeraily in leierela or April.' caesur sent t,i Etg.rta for the t•elebruted Lis- t -atomiser, Sosigents, by iveitse nest:n- o:we t be, Julian ea tendu wee regulated. last day or the tild year nett the drst day of the new were eunseereted U, the god Junns by these old Ro- tunas: henee be Is 143111111y represented with two faces thetktug Lanese ard itd ferwardt. Tee ceremony of wishing one andl her a happy Itew year originated with the Romans, int (111.1 1 lie eitsimii or present- ieg new ever giftit iu northern Europe the drelds went into the woods 0111 be lust night iir the year and ent 1.1Ie Mistletoe With u gold- en instrument 'rids wee afterward dis- tributed among the people. who tom nerved It about their pereetis as an am. stet against dos dangers of battle. In Seotlend NeW Yettr'S eve is ealledi Ilognieuay or Single eeu, bete:wee in eertain parts of the votintry the young men are In the habit of going about the eonntry singing n Mug 501111 suitable t0. the masou Ural begging Meals Mid alell. ey, whicb are geuerally distributed: among the pour. • t-t.+4.4".3.4.+41.4.a.t,a+e-t-•+4+414,44.44, , 41 * o )' 1 5185105 • Isanani ▪ WANTED IHighest market prices I • paid. + + 4 e 4.8ett me or Phone Ni.ts, lb me O ,.els, sod 1 will (tell n +• get i. + you la Olen • se + '.4 M. Yollici( i + 01.4.4.•8 4. • 4.9 .,1•04. 4. si.1-* Canada scored again at the Chi- cago Exposition when the blue rib- bon greed championship in the Clydesdale stallion division went to Foreet Favorite, owned by Haggerty and Black of Belle Plaine, Saskatch- ewan. Last year the University of Saskatchewan took the coveted honor with Green Meadow Footsteps. This year, it is said, the veteran Cana- dian stallion was an easy winner over all others. • "There is better hunting today in the Canadiana1000kies than was the case when whith men first began systematic exploeation . of them nearly fifty years ago," said Tom E. Wilson, of Banff, one of the out - ;landing pioneer mountain guides, when interviewed at Canadien• Pa- cific headquarters recently. Mr. Wilson was the first white man to discover Lake Louise and Yoho Val- ley. A plaque or statue has been erected in the Yoho Valley in honor of him, by the Trail Riders of the _Canadian Rockies. PROHIRITION Whatever else may hamien, Although the country's dry; The sailor seal will hitee his port, The ,farmer have his. eye, The cotton still has got its gilt The sea coast has its bar, And each of 00 will have to bier No matter where We are, a REALIZATION 13e±e±o I married Annabelle I was her pumpkin pie, Her precious peach, her honey la The apple of her eye. I3u0 after years of wedded life Thte thought I pause to utter; "I find I am none of these things -- I'm 3us0 her bread and butter," JANUS. 'Tie Mine to guard the portal offthe year. To close or open to the seasons four 4811 to tha importuning throng Of days. :Sometimes 1 hear the tread of stormy feet, 'floarse trumpet blasts and loud assaulting blows And thrests to pull iny ancient fortress But nat01100.11:1,times they come with flatteries No tresgip4t,h'''.1sous, Janos, let us In!" b, 1 watchful stand; 1 wIll reit turn the keY Until my glass and fingered dialstern Declare the moment ripe' Two ways look; . Two faces 1 present -one Seamed with eld And gray with looking en the frozen. pea, One fresh as morn and fronting daysto be." • •.. t, • Now, while +he surging.. deep toned bells lament The Pa SAM year, e'er tickle, they shell Change Their enletnn burden fOr a mum& of joy, Chiming he prelsee or the gear' now crowned -101110 Thomas 111 "NOV ?AMR'S KASEN e.." Some Lucky New Veer Ways. ThrulighOUt iilerona tunny delightful New Veer eustoms peeve% In Seanda mein n feast 1 alwaes prepared for the little birds, widthmight otherwise go luttetry 00 aceoant of the deen Knows. lit tfolland, tts neotiand. the wind is not eti svith, care, becanse t he luck of tile year will be determined by the direetion sr -hence 11 blows The south wind Inhate beat stud fertility, the ‘vest wind nsilk and fish, the north wind void and ;stove mul tha east ivind a rrnisful seneum 111 Italy the 'CW Year is 11 daY ot greeting and gdod wilt, and special. feasting. Sicilian peasants take ad. .vantage of the fete to drive to town in their goy tents, so that the 'country emits are merry with:the music of tin- kling bells, s And SWISS 'folk, praetical, Indust* ons, stop their work for thc nonce and Visit, friends, eeen wimp they have to cdrry their bahles down tbe mouiltaln slopes in cradles on their heads. Adereing the 'Temples. - Tetintnyng of the Temples with bang. gages, tiodres, boughs and garlands tat New Yeari wee taken of the Ileathene neoPle whiche decked their 'doles and houses with snob nrraye.-rifteentli Celt tury Writs.r. The New Year and the old Year, the etd sear and the new year reboil And ono gots back to Ded agent, Ann ono eines on tor loy or HURRY GOING Molly vsas sent to the grocer by her mother, with' instructions to "hurry beck." After a long' absence she arrived home with the shopping. "'Where have you been all this time 3 thought .I told you to hurry beck?" asked her moth- er. "Why, Mother," was MoIlie's reply. . "I did hurry back like everything. I met Joan eoing, You didn't tellme to hurry go- ing." DISTUAING FACTOR An artist's idea of what a Maaian looks like has peen pub- lished in a daily paper. In our opinion, these offensive carica- tures are calculated to militate against coedits" interplanetary relationsi THERE YET Two small boys were waiting to Cross Euclid' eavenue, mi heavy traffic. One said, "Come on, let's go across." answered tile other, "lets wait for an empty space to come along." SUCCESS The task was too big, even for the mighty Zandov, the fam- ous vaudeville strong man, to whom a 500 -pound weight seem- ed but a handful of cotton. This time, however, he was not on the stage. This was an act in real life. The very elements seemed to conspire ageing him. The wind beat in like 0 Irani - cane. 1VIon and women pressed against him, Two small boys clung desperately to his maesive legs. . Suddenly the subway train stopped, the wind ceased and the men and women leaned the oth- er way. In that brief second Zandov tasted victory: He got the pap- er turned from the first nage to the sporting. section. THE DRAW BAC K Salesman; "We will place your initials on the car without exile, sleeve." Buyer (hesitating on the pur. ehaee of automobile) • "It's not the initial cost, yut the up" sep that I'm 11, el mg orn' eseaseaare Kind Lady (to email host play- ing in 0 pulPe. weler trthe etreet); Me deer 0,,e, "0w eight out of la- .e oswe." Small Boy: "All right, but I saw it filet," Professor: ."What 16 potas- sium?" 1•::.01. ,,you het. know? Whet is uranium, then," Pupil: 1 ! 1" Professor; "Yon'don't know that either? Well, this is 'your last chance: What the differ- ence between yank:shim and Ur- anium?" EXPLICIT Stranger: "0011 you direct me to the village?" Native: "Yes. Keep straight ahead and ture a sharp left where the old elm tree :seed to NO CAPtTAL NEEDED Little Girl: "Can yon lend inc some eggs for a hen to sit Neighbor: "I didn't know you had a hen." "Well, I borrowed one to sit '"On your eggs so!s I'll nave some chickens Of my own," TIPS TO HOUSEWIVES TJse light, thin materials in a dark room. Net curtains give an enlarging ef- fect to 0 small room. If you should be unfortunate enough to tear a woolen dress, mend it with a gaveling of the eame mat- erial and, if carefully woven, it will scarcely show. Hard boiling water is no hotter than gently boiling water. When vegetables and soups begio to boll, SaVe gas and turn the butmer dowbl ltatil just sufficient to keep the wat- er bubbling, and the food will cook just as quickly and better than if boiling ligrd. Mother has to be in the kitchen a good deal if she does not keep it maid end when baby is too small to sit up, a cradle for the kitchen solves two problems at once. Get a large carton box and place pillow, bad clothes and baby in it. Then .con- tinual running back and forth is avoided and both mother end baby ere content. It is a very sensible suggestion when taking a basket lunch on the automobile trip to pack small indiv- idual lunches instead of one big one. Then all that "passing" is avoided, a»d when anxious to cover a dis- tance this method is a. decided help. Wrap the soiled clothesline round the wanhoard and scrub with soap suds and a scrubbing brush. Place under the spigot to rinse well and dry in the sunhine, If the lino is al- ways clean there is 'no worry about smudges on the clothes where 'they have been pinned to it ' Ain.0005 Win0 ew Cust ers This Mt -present task of the business man is one that Advertising 'can most effi- ciently perform. Advertising in IRE BRUSSELS POST would carry any •ir.essnge you desire into , every horse in ibis community. It would spread the "news" about new,.rnerchanclise, special sales or new, store policies quickly and thoroughly., Take a friendly interest in telling the "buyers" of this town what, you have for sale that is of service to thein and you will win new custotners constantly. PROGRESME - dMERC1IANTS 11111ERTI6I va....rer*rowertsrneri****1 • orite....memommemnoorarorot