HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-29, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 28 2.00 ier annum in advance , BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. rii./I:D4VESD4Y, DECEMBER 29. 1926 itirry ajip ani) Prnopranto Nrut prar ta riscrisbaNn is the inish of GEO. A. DUNBAR ETHEL -ott? '51 ei eeieii!!esesiese... kehitt.41,4-4.:444.:1+-41+-404--44.a:-.4.04-++++4F+++++-4++++++++:it+++++tlieteh-++:4•34) irtf.SiUttitietelftlkVVA:+3t.Ath_t-KtsIt*.ttt0.-V,ttlttittli»hth:th+-thit+sle:eb,"t4+4114-.+.+14t+.4t1I4 CRANBROOK The Surrounding District Now Advertisements auction card N Greetlarat-it so. A . Dunbar Rroettarer- W. le Sa•-soaril 77 7177)7 Grterinie.-„I 14 W1..)1.117 Grestis).• s D,,,,.;,„„ rareceries 1,011,4041- (41.0. A Itunhsr Auction NtoToccarb Cotter, seed 11.1).81-1.1),N. fW• Grefit1111.14...1-411,1.1H1. '11-.011IN7 serv-trra.eeN Mu tell Charoh Holiday Douro -Walton FRWIIPPi Old 'rime Noire at Ethel Thn biro honk., 7 f )1rulit Dose for sole -Joe Porion Pica for enlo-Alex. Dark • Sam, Yiiill, of Detroit, was home fov the Christmas holidays. This Township will he represented at the Shove Cooese 111 Agr iculture and Horne Monomial held at Blyth for the next Nor weeks, CONTEST FOR REEVE:3MP -Reeve Shortreed has dropped out of the com- ing contest, and L E Cardiff and W. J. Henderson are standing foe the reeveship. Election is on Monday next, NOTTINA.TTON MEETING. -On Moo- n- clay afternoon, the Nomination meet- s; ing was held at the Township Hall, and Returning Officer Maeltwan re- ceived the following tireninatiens : Reeve -R. Fl Shortreed, W. 3. Hend- erson, L. FL Cardiff and John McGill. For Onurreil-Arthuti Wheeler, John McGill, John Brown, Thos. Brydgee, Victor Hairiest. Stewart Proctor, L. E, Cardiff and W. J. Henderson. A fter nominations closed, those nominated addreesed the ratepayers preirent, and by the time the meeting closed, the Council was sleeted by neelatnation, eonsisting of .101111 MeBill, Firown, Arthur Wheelcir owl Tilos, Brydges, the last two being new members. Tint three were etaeding for thp rePVPS11177, and these will rim for the. office, the Pool estntil. being; It, H. Shortreeti, L E. Cardiff i,rni W. J. Hanclersim, Election clay will he Monday next. Lawrence and Henry Armstrong, of Windsor, were visitors with their parents, W. H. and Mrs. Armstrong, 5th line. Miss Violet Anderson, nurse -in - training at Stratford Hospital, Was home for the week end. Ross Hunter, of ,the Standard Bank staff at Kingston, was home for Christmas. We are sorry to bear that Matt, Oarneron ha e been laid tip duriog the paet couple of weeks with a cold, but hope ha will HOOD be better. Henry Ram). of St. Thomas, was hese attending the funeral of 11 18 brother, the late John Blinn. It is 40 years since he left the old 10 me and started at the tailroacl writ k. Old friends were glad to see hirn again. WROXETER en) ge Hislop returned to 13etroit, on Monday. T110)), liern•y and family spent Sat- urday in Orangeville. Mrs, John Gibson celeht ated her 97th birthday, on Tuesday last. Miss HuSei Hotrillan, Kitchener. spent Cht twines at low hotne here. hlies Jennie Allan is home ft 001 Queen's UniverSity for the holiday Miss Cassie Harris, Toronto, WAR a )1011)111Y V18i1or With ber sister, Miss Matiy Ilartis, Kenneith Gibeon, lls 0111 1001, spent Christrus... with his resents, Thos. and 231( 17 Gibson, Alre. Geo, alcIntesli, of Stratford, is spending a few tveeks with her fath- er, .1740. Davidson, Miss Phut -nee and hittster Norman Hall are spending a week °with rel- atives in Steevale. Misses Maty and Janie Howe aite holidaying 7111711 their brother and family at kliogron. Jas. anti Mrs. Edgar, of Whigham, %vete Cheistmite visitors with their suns, Arnold and Alvin. Heiman 141 ort•ison, Pilnt Butte, Sask., and Aehton hintrison, sr., of St. Catharines, are gueets of their mother, Mrs. Joint Morrison, Lamle VitriVelsor, of Midland. 1) 101 Misses Hazel. of OS11117178, find HAIM, Of Stratford Not•tnal, spent Christ:nee with theie parents, NV. E. and Mrs. Van Velsor, Among the teachers home for the Clii•islimas vacation are Wm, Rae, Mildmay ; Misses Elva lIttpfer, Bud- intry ; Beatrice Howe, Leamington ; Ann Munro, St. (lethal ines • Agnes PacKercher, hit. Forest • Elizabeth Sanderson, Arthur ; KitChleen A)m- ee) ong 141017007, and Beatles Smith, to - CAR OF Cotton Seed Meal Just to hand. 43 per cent protein $2.00 per cwt. up to Jan. 15th Thos. Kerr Phone 359 . Henfryn Altos E. McLaughlin. Oshawa, is the guest of Mrs, G. Davidson, Reeve Henneberg was a Winglutm visitor 01+11t. the week -end. Harvey Robinson was a holiday vis - Rat with his parents in Goderieh. Mre. Grime:haw, Dett•oit, ie visiting bee sister, Mrs. A. J. Sanderson. Jet). Hayes, of Lt.:towel, spent Christmas 7111711 his mother here. Law 1 slice M effete it It 11; family, Of London, were holiday visitors at the home of Bert 1418( 171(1, Missee Dotothy and Mar gat et M. Tervish, Toronto, rtre 111.4(11 ng their mother, Mrs. 1). itic'Pavish. J. nd 141) 77. Koehler and Alias Jean Moffitt, nf Ay trim were.- recent guests of David and Miss Jeer) Thompson. Norman and Mrs. 13, 717)71, of Hands - ton, were !peen t visit 7,1 S 0911 11 the lat- ter's paeente, Rohr. and mrs. Stneks. John Anima) end Alex, Sanderson, w ho are rat ending un iversi ty Tor- onto, ate home 101 111)4 Chvisteaus hol- iday.. Perry Patterson mid family, of Niag,artt Falls, and Norman Patter- son, of London, 09111 11 rerent vieitore at the home of Win. McLean, How - ick. AL's. 'Tames W. Douglaa, of Turn - !entry, who underwent a crieical oper- aticn some weeks ago, is slowly im- proving in the Wingharn General :rite] MORRIS A Happy NPW Irsau In nue readers. School tneetings are on the program this week, 11771 1111 1.lcOall spell t the paet week with low az andparentS, .A. and Mrs, hi e Laugh 1 i Everett Nichol, or Detroit, wait a Christmas visitur With bib father, Ed. Niehol. Alies Violet Atitleeson, mime of Steal ford, wits 11111(777 fez Chrisimas with her parentr., James and 'yl ('5. A ndereon, 5t11 SCHOOL REPORT -The following is he report nf S. S. No, 0, Mmivis, fne the Fall Germ Pass 50%, Honors 75%. Ju. IV-Ststwai t Pierre 81 •, Roy Melee 71 So III -Velma Duncan 78. Ste. Piel Ve 711; Dor- nutty Bone 70 ; Joe iirPwst. 62. SR. PR -Excellent-Beale 007 4)77, Good -Ambit) Henderson, Lettie Pierce, JR Pa. -Gond -Jack Wheeler, Rose Wheeler, Roes Dime/tn. No. on roll 12, average art -enduing) for 1111 01 11. Mianrsun D. Pasststonsts Teacher, SCHOOD REPORT -The following is the veport of 8 8 No, 14 Mortis, foe the month of December. Average per cone from tests in nettling Work, Reed, and Hist. So IV)-1Vitthel Bew- ley 64, JR, IV -Stuart Bryans 70 ; Artist Bewley SO 8u, III -Tommy Kiskby 59 ; Clifford Pease 40, he. III -Beacham Altiock 55 Su Il -Is. abet Aleoek 81 Jus 11'! -Mae Short. reed 82 ; Lloyd Pease 63. Int B - Walter Bentley, Lloyd Aleoelc. Ista• A. --Addie Bell. Pu, -Roth Alcock. Average attendance D. Those pres- ent every cloy : Artie Bewley. Stuart Bryane. Lloyd Alcock, Walter Bent: Addie Bell, 0. MoGosvats, Teacher. .ormasatrimar t n wE extend to all our Customers and Friends the best wishes for the . year 1927. We trust we may continue to serve you and that our businpss relations may live and grow stronger through the build- ing up of mutual confidence and good will. Sm F. DAVISON ETHEL 14lit4S Edna McLelland, of Clifford, is holidaying (117 11171 home her( . Len Sinclair is spending a few clays at the home of Mrs. Turnbull. We are glad tn reonst that Mrs Spene.e is much improved again, P. N. and' Mrs. Currie, Helen au Bob, spent 0111 iStt11118 in Guelph. Saturday litAt (011 ('19( 10318 il(ty) pas secl 03 111717 quietly in the village. AIiss Ella Henault'', of °ottani, is spending the holidays at her home here RM.,. D. hi. and Mrs. Guest and Jimmy ;up spending a few days in Ifincard Me. airs. McMaster and daughtev, Ethel Utopia.. 411q. spending a few deye 871 Dr. AloMastet's, 2.17 8. 1111 11(1, P77111 01', who spent a few weeks in the Tomtit() General linspi tat, has returned to her borne here very much improved in I) ea I th. CVotitt has been received figure John Ames, 11.110 11)18 1391111 in Bay City, and he 13 flS 1100oVe1 sXt 111 fast anti left the hoepital over a week ago. He is now at OAP boine or his daughter in that city bnt is expected hack to Eth- el in the Spring. A qtilet wedding was solemnized en Wed itestlay, Dec. 15th, at the United Ch melt Parsonage, when Katie Gets ti tide A ldeeson, of' Crarthrook, WaS 11117 ed in marriage tO George Albert Keit zer. of Lis tnwel. The eprettinny was perfoented hy Rev, 0, M. Oneet. 0111 10)11 the past Week the Library Board, through its Secretary, lute been reeeivitig Applications for the position of Libearinn. Mre, B. Care has been appoi bed tri that posi- tion to snaceed Miss Biehop who re- signed it few weeks ago. Evelanme is requested tn join the Library early in order to get 11111 88.111 11 Of the nsis+ hooks being puseliased now. The board else l'FqVIPSt8 every member to observe the 1111(10(111 1471) regarding the two weeks time limit for all books. ++.i..7.+ HOLIDAY C e, -IN - U. F. O. HALL WALTON .17 friday Ev'g, Dec, 31st * Everybody Welcome ! Hel-F+++++++++++++++++ 1•++.1 Jack Slemmon renewed old ac misfit lancet) here for R few days. Miss Edna Hamilton was assisting during last week iu the Zeigler store. D. and Mts. Sanders and family o toyed to Tavistoak to spend 011118 )- (1188. Nurse Olive Cooper returned home from Dettioit lase week after spending a few months theie. Quest and Mts, Dobson and Billy motored to Southampton last Friday to spend the holiday season, Mr, and Mrs. Weir, of Walkerton, spent Olnistmas with their daughter, Mrs. (Dr ) E. A. McMaster, VV. 0 and hire. Bisbee and Carman motored to London inet Wednesday where they will spend the halide ys, Lorklutrit Dane, Beamsville, accomp tailed by his sister, Miss Edythe, of Niagara Palls, spent the Cheistmas toliday with their mother. 15I5. A. E. Dane, . On Oheistmact afternone a jolly crowd of ,young people gathered a the river for a few hours' Blearing 'Me ice was in fine Opine. We (701 (77 ed anicmg the 7118( 411 erriwd 14 0,88 Dobson who showed that be had not forgotten much 171 1(111 skating line. George Dunbar bee disposed of hia store and stoelt to Mrs. Atkinson who 8(18)717 71 few weeks in mir village re- cently aseisti lig in the Vodden 7717,1 8. It ie expected the new owners will take charge early in the new yenr. (lo to church on Soncley 1 ThP moritli of January is "Go in (Ihurch klonlh" on the Ethel circuit United Church. SPIVIre at, Ethel 7 n, tn. next Sunday. A special New Years message and hymn study no "My Faith 1(10118 )4(1 to Thee," Onr aim • , ElverV one al' church r.yr...e sund„,,, An old time dance Will be held in d Dunbar's Hall, Ethel, on Friday evening, Dec. 31st. See advt. in The Posts The sepias meeting of the W0111- , ‘en's li 170171) 111 will be held Thurslay ofternson of this week at 2.30 in tho ce WIR be held In the Opera House Brussels friday hi', Dec, 31st Thynne and Jackson Orchestra LUNCH SERVED Gentlemen 50c Ladies Free Dancing at 9 o'clock Everybody Welcome ! LiMr. Thompson spent the past week visiting at the Ileum of Geo. Menu, - I lane. Over tweety years ago, Mr. Thompson was manager. of the Mor- ris and Gley Cheese Factory. Diineart MeTaggart, 16111 Con., is holding an auethrt) sale of farm stork implements, P10 817 Loe 24, Con. 15, on Thursday, Jan, 6.11, A full list may he read it) this issue of THE POST. A. splendid program was presented last Wednesday evening, by (,he 8011.01. 8.1,1 01 75. S. No. 3, Grey Everyone did their parts exceedingly well, Miss Wilma rLoWs presided Id tl organ, and P. A. Mc.Arthur was chat wan. =Mrs, C. Hutchinson, Con, 5. reesi of etI word that her oldest. Sister, Air Fled Clark, nee Anti Beeckenridg had paseed away 817 1100 home. in Pa adena, Cal. No other 77701 11 was r neived. Mrs. Hutchineon th sympathy of her many Mends 141 h bereavement. iv THE POST lvid a note from Joh Brown, formerly Deputy Reeve t4vey Township, and he states ell they will be moving Esst flow La Angeles as soon as Mrs:. Brown gets 1W8s1100ger. 'l'hey ••xpect to vis n (Salt, and be in Mussels for tl Oltt Boys% if all goes well. He r iortse it very cold and lots of rain, ht no snow oe ft est, NMIINA.TION.--Monday was a very quirt tray (11 1110 Gies, Towliship Nom - meth u meeting, alai 11 1.1 1. e a ;peat many ratepayeti distippolettd that the usual fireworks were ot dis- played. Those 111,701(1)71 ('(1 were : Reeve -Jellies Livingston, Jed: Me- Nabb, Time. alcDorield, .1. .1. Methil- rheou and W. E. Tut ribull, (Jewell - Ire s -Fred Rowlend, 0. Retningw,ty. H. Keys, Jos. McKay, Pi. Cellis and .1. McNabb. A. very 811e0e88f111 entertainment Was held at the et•hoelhouse, 8, 8. No. 4, Grey, on Wednesday evening, Dec, 22rul. '('hp school house was well filled., A. very trteresting program 09178 75111- 8(4. It consisted of recitations, eller- use..F., drill», solos, teadings and dial- I ogues, by the pupils. A. short play, "Life at nue House," Ives given by 1 the young people of the eection, a very atnusoig dtalogue, t•Waiting for tbe Train," arid a Star Drill, by 11117' young ladies of the senior:, e were also fevered by two solute Aim Mies Evelyn Holt and musieal 14771ee17- 11000 from the young people ((1 8, s. No. 10, Morris, Peter MeArthur act- ed OA Olial 1.11111/4, and did so in a very , pleasing Ulanner. The proeirede of 01 1115 evening amounted to $:34,4in Smoot.. ItEnoter.-Following is the report of hloticrielf Pliblie School (S. 75 ,No. 9), foe the months of Novell, - bee and December, Pupils were ex- amined in the following subjects : Hyg,. Writ., Maw,. Aspic. Comp. and Geog. The number of stars irn clicate number of exti ma, missed by pupils. 809. IV-1Villie Robertson 69 6 )'*Vel 11141 75111)771 180(1 26. la, IV -Mae McKay 75 M(1n.); "Lundy McKay 08 ; Glett R51711W111( 50.6. Ja III-Matialon Speitan 78 (Hon,) ; 1Serbie Huffman 7155 (Hon.) ; Cynthia Meehan 05 Jeanie Harrison 04; Cec- il Meehan 64 ; Russel Mile 61 8 ; ****.lennie McKay 287. SR Robinson 725 ; Dorothy' Mann 50 ; Lillian Harrison 09 ; Marshall 'Har- rison 60 6 ; Myrtle Gole 135 ; **Lindetty McKay SD. J'rt. II -*Leonard Machan 46; *4 Donald Riehl 226. Pse -Daily 090)11 )1(1(1 conduct : Everett Robin• snn. Lonis Hari ison, Lloyd Alitchtin, Perfect attendance thronghont 1026 : Russel Gole, Marshall Harrison. Ms. sent only one day dllVilig 71111711 Herbie Huffman, Dorothy 1.17101,, alrytle (Sole, lettnie garriS011, SADIE EL AIONAIR, Teacher, j L. KERR, ProOrietar +++++++++++++++ ++++++.r+++ REEVE BAEKER RE-ELECTED AS It +÷ friday Ev'g, Dec, 31st R Id T" EEVE DUNBAR"" HALL ETHEL Admission 50e. EVERYBODY WELCOME ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .01:14•••••••••••••••••••••••13,••••=.3.•11•001 Personal Paragraphs ..amd•••14.1•244•3144•410.11•11•11141111014100 Miss Emma Speirs spent Christmas with her sister in Detroit. Robert and Mrs. Thomson were visitors An Toronto for Chsistnias. Sydney Ballantyne, of London Normal, is home for the holidays. Harold Lowry, of New Liskearti, epett Christmas with his mother in town. Robt. Ross of Toronto, was renew- ing old accuaintanees in tows this week. George Buchanan, of the High School staff at Essex, is here for the holidays. ' Mins Gertrude Ross of the Toronto School staff, is home for the holi- days. Miss Mae Skelton of Wise ton, is . spemndthe holidas w ith h th Or 0 • f.,1' and aunt. Seek and Miss Dorothy Cunning- ham, of Palmerston, were Christmas visitors ;et town. Miss Jessie Cunningham, of Tor- onto, was a Christmas visitor at the tar nt I 1 e a tome. Edgar Lowry, who is tittending v' Toronto University, is home for the - Christmas vacation. v Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, Hensall, s. For- -: were visitors with and Alm. Fer- e. auson on Friday. Mrs. W. H. Kerr is spending the O Christmas holidays With her aunt and er family at Dundas. Will Strachan, of Toronto, motor- , n eel home for Christmas And left his of ear here for the winter. tt Leslie LowrY, of Toronto, was •e, home for Christmas with his paronts, a George and Mrs. Lowry. it Mrs. Jos, Querm is laid up with an le attack of pleurisy. Her many friends e• hope for a speedy recovery, u Fred Campbell. of London was. a Christmas visite], with his parents, I Angus rind Mai., Campbell. Miss Carrie MeCracken, of the Toronto School staff, is sporting the , holidays at her, e homin town. 4 4 Dr. W. L. and Mrs. Gilpin, of • Detroit, were Christmas visitors with ! the former's father, J. J. Gilpin. Scnoot, Rammer' -Following ie tne report of 8. 8. No. 11, (lrey, (Et)1el), for the Fall tem. Thoee misdeed with an asterisk (*) eniesed (W more examinations :- Fifth Class - Doris Gill 76.8, Lorne Voddeti 74, *Wesley McNeil 73, Blanolie Rowland 70.2. :lank Sandere 081, Dorothy Franklin 581. Senior Fourth -Mut, lel Michel 72,8, Edna Man klin 67. junioe 101110111 -*Calvin Krautee 06 2, Albert Kratitet• 131 8, *Vietor MoMas- ter 59 8. Senior Third -Della McIn- nis 713 1, *Kennet h Kreuter 788, Ger. don 81eightlinim 6(13», Torn Sanders 64.5, Jim MaNeil 609, Myrtle Wilson 488, Herry Tnwneeed 406. Junior Thircl-Ortna Gill 70.2, Stuart McIn- nis 06 3. Clair Michel 64, Velma Dam. Mon 68.4, 'tee Anan Wardlavv 55.4, Allan Franklin 588. Jimmy; Boom Examined in Spell., Arith„ Geog.. Oral Comp., Reading, 14, ork rd daily week :-Sr, - Edith tranter 87, Nelson Sleighthohn 61, Jr, II -Kathleen 8o17 ,77, borne Des- jerdine 70.1, Ant -de Fknklin 70. Alex. McNeil 57, Marjory Brown 66 2. Stn. art Henry 55,1, *Bevan Ames 55 .1 e. 19 1-.. Jean 'Put:midi]) 85. Rose Orm ti Ing- ham 78. Bertha Earl 77, Stuart Blown 76, Ada Waistless, 74, Stanley Wilson 50 Sr, Pr.- Allison Sleigh Lbohn, Dorothy Kteoter, gond. ft Jr. Pe. - Helen Onerie. Ruby, Gill NOrit Henry, excellent; Ruby 01.1kinson, Arnold Eitel, good ; %Villard Michel, fair, Higbee e number of Stars in •Pr. clasees obtained by Roby Gilkineon' in 1st 01(188e by Jean Frabklin, andin the 2n11 class by Kathleen Bell. NV. C, 131090171, Principal, AL 1.41.ASER, ASSittane. Instnute nom. Subsea: "A Wom- an as a School Trustee," "Do We Need Her?" taken by Mrs. NV, Flem- mon. Program will be in charge of the Blue side. Everybody welcome. GREY A HapPY New Year 1)1 nue ('1111(111 118 Miss Burnire is spending her hol- idays at Om home or 114 parents, near Meta. Hatvey 11111 0011., Wile visiting friends in Palle, eluting the part week. Bert and Mrs. Heibein tool familY have moved .to the farte of Thos, Yeti. del) 41711 000. diss Olive L. Cooper, R, N., of De- troit, is spending 1145 holiday at, her home, 11)1)1 Can. Miss Kat 11.71 tile McDonald , of Rip- ley, ie a holiday vieitor with Mrs• Stanley Spei van and 01 1101 -friends. Miss Bervet Cat cliff, of 81. Thomas, spent the holiday season at the home of liet mother, Mrs. R. -Cardiff. Miss Ella Mortilush and Misr; Marg. ark. McArthur are visitors with their beguiler, P. A. MoArthor, Aliso Bari' pit, toadies et 8,75. Nn' 3, is vending the Christmas holidays at her home near Elmitt, The fetidly of Walter Sewage is making goncl !teepees 1700971( 11 reef) v - y ftorn the recent attack of scarlet Kathleen Steverteon, who wets is welcome visi Yet' Itt. 11171, 111 Las, 101 11 0011., fee Christmas, returned to Flint, Aliohn on Monday. M188 Jessie S treat' an anti 14lles Laura Trumbull 111 .de their eustom. ary mutt& collecting for the Bible Society, this week, and report good results. Mrs, Adam Neely (nee Miss Olive Turner) is visiting at the pesental home with Geo. and Mrs, Turner, 157 Con, Me. Neely will be 11(1 174177711. from 7417 incisor, WILL ILVVE ELECTION. -Grey Twit. will have tot eleetion, *text alonclay, when jas, Livingston and John Mc- Nabb will take a go at the reeveehip, and Rowland, Hemingway, 'Keys, Mc. Kay and Collis will light it out for the eouncil. &moor. RUnontr,-Following is the seport of 8. 8. No, 6, for the month of December. Stars metteecling name indicates Mutt pupil has missed 008 00 move exaritinatione :- Class 17-1511. dred Hoy 75. Sr, IV -Roy Pearson 84, Hazel Ilitynard 83, Vlecent, Row- land, 68 Jr. IV -Ralph Keifer 87, Berra Parr 78. Sr. 111 - George Eliot% 753, john Conley 02, Viola Turnbull 00, Bert, Rnenand 86, Mtn - men Stambeitenn 859 Eva Pare 76 Jr. Ht. -Laura Itaynaed 88, *Margaret Peet mon 60, Ralph Pentson absent, Sr.1(-Helen 'lowland 84, Ina 'hum boll 88, (*eerge Hoy 77, George Pear. eon 74, Hugh Pearson 58 Ross Step)). 0111300 50, Fred. Keffet 51. 1-Pred, Cole, Helen Onle„Tessie Pearson, Sydney Jonffrett, Peirner 4 -Will, Cole, jean Pe11155051, Lloyd Dole, Primer II -Bernice P8711, 13loyd lloy„ joen Parker, Doris Bonilla, Halbert Keifer. RAsss. Al CLISLI,AND, • Teacher, -- Council Board Has One Vacancy - Another Election Will Be Held Monday evening the nomination meeting was a sery quist affair and the Council fer 1 112 was nominated with no extras, and all qualified with 1)1111.1 Of G. IL Muldoolt, 111111 thus V111'1111e3' IS caused. Walter Rose was re-elected by ac - demotion for the office of the Public Utilities Commissioner, and Makohn Black, Jas. Fox and D. A. MeTavith were oleeted school trustees. Illr. Mc- Tavish takes the place of John Cun- ningham who resigned from the Board. When Council meets It will decide on the date for nomination meeting and election day. D. Vernon Ross, of London, was home for Christmas. Fred Dennieon, of Preston, spent Christmas at the parental hallo. Cameron Strachan, of Sarnia, was a Christmas visitor with his mother. George 13acker, of Windsor, was a Christmas visitor at the parental home. Douglas Walker, of Buffalo, was . Christmas visitor at the parental home. Miss Elva Oliver, of Toronto, was a Christmas visitor at the parental home. W. L. and Mrs. Messer and child- ren spent Christmas with the fonnt- er's mother. Kenneth McVettie, of WindsOr, was a Christmas visitor wieh old friends in town. P. and Mrs. Scott were Christmas visitors at the home of their son, Brian, at London. Miss Nina Rogers, of Mount, For- est, spoire Christmas with A. C. and Mrs. Dames. Mrs. E. T. Bell, of Toronto, was a- Christmas- 'visitor with her mother. Mrs. Jas. Speir Jim and Frank Oliver, of Detroit, spent Christmas . with thein parents, . John and Mrs. Oliver. Milton Oliver, Port Hope, was a Christmas visitor with his parents, Rohn and Mrs. Oliver. John Ewan is spending the Christ-, mns holidays around -Crsmarty and es Ins. points, with friends, Miss Margaret Ross, of Itichdale, Altn„ is• visiting in Brusssis and vin - bit)' for the winter. To .Armstrones if the Toronto Sehool staff, is 4monding the Christ - 1n11:3 holidays with his niother. John Hewitt and daughtets MSs. AllinIndl, were Christmas vist- tors witTrels 0.1 Herb. nod Alm. Cunningham ancl family of Palinerston, spent Christ., mas at the former's parental hoine. Mira-, Doris and Manfory Ross, s.f. , Toronto, were Chirstmas sileitors. With their parents, D. C. and Mrs. Ross. Miss Psarl Banker, who is atterun, • ing Businees College in Toronto, is home for the. Christmas holidnys. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Cameron, of Palmerston. spent Christmas • at the ns o "Wjlfrid and Mrs. Cameron. Will MeDowell, testi:l»r on the Brussels Continuation 5c110,11 .tair ss spending the Christmas vacation in London. ' '7- 14. W. Brown and Miss tyl Brown, of' Toronto, spent Christmas with . their sister, Mrs. J. L. Kness S. F. and Mrs. Davison and Mise Mary went to Paisley on Saturday to attend the Diners] of the former's mother on Sunday. Ilis» Fhlythe 31 41111» and nephew. Master Gibson Willis, made a shore visit at Wingham with ths former's sister, Mrs. Sanderson. Miss. Jessie, Messer, of Detroit, and MiSs Jean Ali.-sser, of Toronto, epain the holiday week with their mother, MrS. Messer, town. + + Jerk and Mrs, Henderson and son, of Toronto, are spending the. 01177181' 1)11(11 hOlidays with the former's par- ents, Hobort and Mrs. Henderson 4 SS 4 4 Misses Ethel and Kate Govier, of fottonto, spent Christmas at the tome of their unde and aunt, John and Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. 3. Ilallantyne and Ari-nnis Bal- lantyne were Christmas visitors with : the former's brother at Clinton. + + T. H. and Mrs. .Walksr, St., entertained as Christina:4 emosts, A. 11. and Mrs Pentland 'and family, of Dungannon. 4- 4 Afr. and Mrs. Callaghan ond of Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Dirt - es, of Toronto, spent Christmas with 8. Wilton. 4 4 4 ss .11111,s C. Ai. Augustipe, of Port Ar- thur, is spending the holiday sensor) with her salter, Nis. T. II. Walker, Williams St. WALTON Harold Voting. of Om Weet, le at pvesent visiting his parental Imme 10 Walton. Little Mary Buchanan, vein) has been under the doctor's owe, is able to be 0(117 )175811, Milton and MM. Young and family, of the West, ate at present visiting Thos. and Mrs, Young. Williatn and Mrs. Clerk entertained a numbee of Mende 817 1:111117' home, on the geavel road, quite recently, The pupils of Duff's Chtmeh Sum slay School held a Christmas Tree, ht 11101 811011179 School soon), en Friday evening, Dec. 24111, Santa (Mame was alto preeent. A. R. and Alm. McKay snd &tuell- a, a. er, of Toronto, were Chrtstmas vis: - or with the former's parente, Chas. . + ss, + Miss F,dna McCall, of the New- 1 market Public Schell staff, 51)11111 13140 • Christmas vacation with her parents, T. C. and Mrs. McCall. 1 -37+12. • Tom Ross, of Chesley, and Robert .1loss, of Kincardine, were in town this week owing to the swipes condi- - Bon of their sis.z.te.:.r,Inss Annie Ross. ; i Miss Mae Wo.od, of Chatham iG epending the holiday with old friends ; 1 in Brussels, making her headbuarters at the home of R. F. and Mrs. Down - Ing. + + George Edwards and iVinste: • A an, and Mrs. Churchill and dough - ter, Noreen, all of London, sett hall- 1 (laying with their parents, Gtorge and Mrs, Edwards. 4 4 +4* John and Mre. Torrance, of 01in- I c ton, celebrated their Golden Wedding s on Christmas Day. Mr, Torrance is ! r Inspector of Huron Co. Home. and I formerly License Inspector for South Huron, The Post offers hearty con- 1 s grattdations to the bride and grown, 17 s. es a. jw Thos. nallarityne, %vim luss bcen I a vieiting his &welter. Mrs. ;lames Davis of 1317th, for the past temple of Months, is spending the winter b months with his son, James, 1st Brue- ve eels. He reeently colebrated his 981s1 : fo birthday and is quite hale anti hearty. go * 4 4 Y Goderich Star: 114M. A. A.IsQuarrie eo and Master Donald are here from Toront0; spending tbe Christmas sea- • son at Mrs. McQuarire's parental ail home, the residence of C. A. and Jo Mrs. Nairn. It is expected Mr. Mc- of Querire will be in town for Christ- loc mast Day, • ed 44 44 44 We Harry and Mrs. Kirin* and MisS Betty, accompanied by Miss Muriel leDonald, of London, were Christ. tas visitors with Jos. and Mrs. Quer- n. .s. s. st. Old friends regret. to learn *it liss Annie Ross has been in a very ritical condition the past week ;tad (01711) hopo,s are entertaint ti for her ecoveny. + lin, Brigham, blacksmith, has keen eriously ill at his home on John St. nci is only now able to sh a 111410 hile each day. We hope 10 see him boa soon. 4 4 .1:`, Miss Margaret Thuell, who kas 0470 1)) Toronto attendinT the Mar - ear's where she will anish Iter I. the Christmas vacation. She es back to Toronto ai'Or New 1 Beauty Culture School, is home 1:4 4. Mrs. Arellur Tfobinson, of Delor- lo, Man., and sister o f .klex. and Mt Rutledge and Mrs. E. Gartott, 1.00911, iii visiting relatives in tfus ality. Mrs. Robinson 'Aues return - home tor the lirst time since phe ht West, 84 701178 ago.