The Brussels Post, 1926-12-22, Page 8—.WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 1926, E HU SELS POST Headquarters for Santa Claus Toys Bolls Blocks Gams Muth Organs 477'7' .4 710. r Ys Brownie Cameras Picture Books Boys' Books Girls' Books Flash Lights Fountain Pens A MOST POPULAR PRESENT One of the season's New Books —We have the best of them. Price $2.00 FANCY GLAZED BOWLS With blooming Narcissus Bulbs from $1.0 0 up to $3.00 BOXES of WRITING PAPER or CORRESPONDENCE CARDS are useful presents. They are priced from 25c up to the large boxes at $3.00 and $4.00 each POWDER COMPACTS VANITY CASES HIGH GRADE PERFUMES TOILET WATERS COMBINATION PKGS. OF TOILET SUPPLIES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES The new boxes are nere, and have quite a Christmas appear- ance, from 25e up to $3.00 BEAUTIFUL PIECES OF TOILET WARE in Amber, Ivory, Tortoise Shell, Amber on Ivory, and Ebony LEATHER HAND BAGS Purses, and many new leather novelties, some of whi-:h have not been zdeown betore until thes seaeon. FANCY CHINA See the new cups and saucers in the red and gold boxes Havilancl Linaoges China Bridal Rase China New Artificial Flowers istmas Decorations Christmas Cards an 1 Seals Holly Boxes and Tissue , R. SMITH The jts,fia,,e,e, Stare Drugst and Stationer ••1,...W.1.1V.Zr.VISRSVMMAIMNS• seeteeetateeettaletees-ieeeeteteleetaeeterteeeteeretatatereeeteeeetateeeeeeege*-• * * Local News Items New Sign. Lee Thang., our neve. latmeryieue. has had W. C. Smith paint a eign on the window. New Ledger -Keeper, W. L. K. Denny, formerly of Dun- gannon. ie the new ledger -keeper at the Standard Bank. Making a Change. The Grand Theatre i$ makine change foi the winter moeths. Thee will he on.y one show each (meninx. Saturday niieht includel. Show cenn peewee at 8,15 sheep. Gets Move. Norman Shaw, of the Standard Bank staff, will leave Bruesel; on the 27th for Port Dellem-he v.•11••21'.:: will hey..., e, promotion in the Beek. feld eiiends wish hint sieeees, Relieving at Station. Roy Patton is the relievia; agent at the C. N, P. station while Welter Kerr is away nn his holideye. Mr. Patton was aseistant here eonei years ago when Mr. Kyle was memt. His old friends are glad to see him again "Charley's Aunt" Coming. "Charley's Aunt" years ago was a very ,'lever English vomedy, and with Seil Chaplin in the tole of "Cherley Aunt" brings screams of laughter from the audience. The killer of blue ruin will be at the Gra id on Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 3 and 4, and should draw a peeked ionise each night. The picture will he -hewn at the usual popular privet.. Kiwanis Club President. The Saskatoon Daily Star publish- ed it picture of 11. W. t Dirk) Moore, brother-in-law of Mrs. 4, i,. (eerie who was recently elietLri Clue Presi- dent of the Saskatoon Elwanis. Mr. Moorc hae been an egieo member and is District Car feremna on the C.N.R. for that. dietrice Mr. Moore visited Brussels last year with his wife, who was formerly Mese Nettie Brown, Minor Locals. Christmas comes but nnee a 'year. That's often enough for th lads who carry the mails. Even under Government enntroi WO May expect to see a full moon once en a while. What kind of Christmas bex weruel be suitable for the chap who prople- eicd a mild winter! New automobile licensee incore tax payment, Christmas! De- eember the gay old month Boy Scouts, The initial meeting yeas held on Friday evening in the Choir room of the Presbyterian Church. The fol- lowing boys passed the Tenderfoot tests: Neiman Thompson, Allen Mc- Cracken, Kenneth Thuell, Scott Thr - hell, Douglefe Hemingway, Jim Kerr, John Kernaghare jack Hamilton and Leonard 'Welker. There are other boy e who know their work but on ac- count of unavoidable circurnstenees were unable to be present to take the. examination. These will b given the 'Wets at the next meeting. Assisting at Post Office. Finlay Samis is assteting at the Poet Ceflee during the Chrieeinas rtee. Schools Close To -day. Brussel,- Continuation Sehnel clos- es to -day for the Chrietmee vacetien and Ilia on Monday. Jan. 3. New Radios. 4, H. Galbraith and R. T•'. Deem - int,: are the recent meink-:. jein the fast growing club of raiio users. Remembered the Editor. , D. M. Seott. before leaving. to spend Chrietmas in the St.it,s, Sr4,k up two fine dressed duck$ to the Vie tor'e bailee. He has our thanke. Will Hold Dance. Yonng Men's Club are hold - i181 a dance in the Town Han nn Tuesday evenune next, Dee. 2Sth. Th.. Town orchestra of Wroxeter. will supply the music. Against Law. On S01111'ilily Wi• 311W a 1/e01111: bee' with en air rifle taking aira at the Telephone in. Later he allowed a younger boy to nee the gun also. 'We understand it is against the law to sueh rifles inside the municipali- tv, eo they had better be kept out nf -igh t. A Real Subscriber, The Editor on Saturday hut hue a visit from Peter McDonald, of Plen- ty, Sask., who asked how much he owed for The Post. When we lodk- ed it up and remarked that lo) owed 84.00, 'be handed ever 81 0 arid said; "Give me credit for that," and we boosted his 18314 up to 11129, Now, dear readers, don't all mei up at f rue, are do likewise. Nomination Meeting. • As far The Post ran loam there iS seemingly no one who is anxious to run in the- eoming municipal elec- tions. However, time will WI and nominations will be received by the Town Clerk at the Council Chamber next Monday evening. from the hours of 7.30 to 8.30. Afterwards the var- ious eandidates will have a ehanee to address the electors. The various officee are; Peeve, Council, three Sehool Trustees and 1. Public UtiTl- tili Commissioner. Minor Locals. A white Christmas is pretty well asenred now. Goel morning! Have Ina renew- ed your Post subscription? Many levee deep so during the pase week. This is renewal time, The new Legislature will not lack •in legal talent in that the .fraier»ily is represented by sixteen menthere. Verniers number 82, bueinees mon generally 43, while there are seven physicians. All elaesses Seel, t� he fairly well repeesented. Drayton is exporieneing the diffi- culties of maintaining anything in the way of a hospital in a country eillage. POI' three years Miss Close, now Mrs. R. Norris, conductel a mall private hospital in Drayton. She is net/ discontinuing it awl it es not probahle it will be re -opened. Brussels kited Church PEV, A, W. BARK8R. 8,10. armilsrave Sunday, Dec. 26th 11 a.m.—Publie Worship. The Newborn King Ashford Quertene—Mee Procter Mm. Procter J, McCracken W. J. Procter The Anthem Celestialo Uants Selo Miss K. Ament Subjeet • "The Christmas Canticles" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School Hes- ston and Bible Classes - 7 p.m.—Public Worship, Organ Prolisle..., Mrs. R. S. Hamilton Silynt NiOn Choir Invocation liyien 128 Come all ye Faithful Prayer ..... • ..... • .. And there were Shepherds Choir Solo Miss E. Downing L men Hynni 118. .1L came upon the Midnight elenr Hymn 122 ... The First Nowell Hymn 121 Angels from the Realms of Glory 0 Little Town of Bethlehem Miss L. Procter The Midnight Choir Choir Solos Miss E. Rands, Miss A, Cardiff Address "Christmas in Music" Jesus my Saviour to Bethlehem came Miss G Hingston and Choir Glory to God in the Highest Choir Nene Dimmites PIGS FOR SALE:—Eleven Choice Yorkshire pigs for sale. Will weigh about 70 pounds. Phone 5015. Leslie Lake, Lot 26, Con, 10, Grey. 1T COLLIE Dog, Black and Tan, Stray- ed on the preinies of the under- signed, 9th Con., Grey. Owner enquire of John White, Phone 8310. HOUND, Black and White with Tan spots on head strayed on the pre- mises of the undersigned, 9th lino, Morive, on Dee. 17th. Wm. Mc- Call. FOUR Chunks Pigs for Sale. Phone 3812, Crawford Strachan. tf FRESH Beef For Sale by the Quar- ter or m small quantities, eats° fresh pork, sausage and lard. Ap- ply to R. J. McLennan, R. R. Ben -vale. Telephone 109. CEDAR Anchor Posts and Fence poets for sale. J. C. Beckett. Phone 8418. Bluevale P. 0. FOR SALE—Upright Bell Piano; in first-elass condition. Also a steel range with high warming ovm and reservoir. Nearly mw. Isaee Mor- rison, Bluevale, R. R. 1, Lots 28- 29, Con, 1, Morris, GOOD Silorthorn Cow for Sale. Due Jan, 27th, Cecil Batemaa, Phone 8318, Ethel, FOR SALE. — 6 -Roomed Frame house and 5 acres of land in the village of Cranbrook, being, the property of the late William Thath- well. Must be sold to wind up etetate. For further pa• betters apply to I. Rathwell, Bru .els, 11. R. No. 2, Phone 49-5. tf QUANTITY of Elm and Maple Wood for sale. $8.25 per cord. For further particulars apply to Will H. Speiran, Phone 509. 25-tf CEDAR CHESTS.—Just the thing for a Christmas gift. Call and inspect as price$ are right. Moth Proof. George Edwards. 3T A NUMBER of Barred Rock Pullets for sale. Laying strain; 31.25 a piece. Thos. Pierce, Phone 58-1 0. HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply to Miss Bengston. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. Wins 310.00 Prize. George A. Campbell, of Deese:et:, salesman foe the John R. Creeer was awarded a 810.00 prize for sales made last month. Otto towa arum is a hustler, Christmas Vistiors, The Post well be only too plineed to publish the names of your Christ- mas visitors, or those of our citieens who Will iiptinfl the holiday season out of town. A Very Worthy Christmas Ntttnber. The Christmaii number of the learmers' Advocate, of Lenden, .9 (ix- eeedingly attractive from' the colored front page with its Chrietmas picture of the family at home for the holi- day dinner, all through its sixy pug - es. Its technical farm matte! and its home magazine department are all keenly interesting. The feria home, or in fact any home, which is Sever- ed with the regular visits of this ex- cellent magazine, is fortunate hie deed. Minor Locals. Shovelling paths is no man',' job. Who will be the Warden of Huron County for 1027? How about our municipal parlia- ments? .Are there no new Aspirants for office? There will be plenty of good things on Ontario's Christmas tree, but, alas! no Alberta coal! Pass your Christmas wishea around. Enjo.y the season by imped- ing good cheer to others. Shortest day in the year will soon be here, And it will not be the 21et; or 22nd of December, either. Only a few more nights for moth- er and the girls to wear out their lovely eyes manufacturing Christmas presents, The gasoline tax yielded the Pre. vines! Treasury $3,370,000 thie year, nearly teviee the sum realized last year. Can you tell Marion Davies from the Prince of Wales? Try 11 10 "Beverly of Graustark," Gratid Theatre, Friday and Saturday, 011allWill12.111.%6•11•104.0•40 It. A it it f A 8 4 g Atin V, k 1 it A A 4 - t, A 0, , 1344,„ 0 Jack is Twenty -One o- ay JAOK is tweney-oae toalay. lint he 'H year)) to his has 1.00r0 1111111 II. Il(alla ' coedit. 110 has one thousand 01,1. lays in the hank. It h ts grown with 4, poaetinal mother's 10VO, rki0111 the initial deposi t of one dol. BANKING FIFTY YEARS lat On OW I-1Ni. 1.310111ility twenty years ago. yt)110, ,,..iii age 111i1C0 1100.1 Wit11099 10 11.10 53.10,, of steadily building a t,',' 111 Bank Annount. You'. child its a deowlit, or, will attain a higher 91 itiltliOg ill 1,110 001111111111ity, family, or, (11 1,1. itnpootatt1, his own estimation. Open a qu.ving4 account. for the 011110. 'TI -IM STANDARD B ' NK OF C.A.NA.DA. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager Holiday Hours. The usual holiday hours will be observed at the Post Office on Christ- mas Day. Dance Called Off, The blizzard put a stop to the dance billed for last Wednesday evening Lit the Town Hall. No Permits. Hon. W. H. Price states that nu Teraor permits will be issued to peo- ple in dry districts. At that ram per- mits in Huron County will be out of order. Quick Results. Last week Mr. James, of Atones Twp., was advertising a sleitee fer sale and within half an how after the rural mak had been delivere 1, ho had two telephone calls ani the sleigh was sold. It only eose Mr. James 25c for the advt. Brussels Shivered. Last Wednesday Brussels :Cents shivered . while the cold blast was swooning the province. Later in -the evening -it started to snow. and by Thursday noon it looked like a wild (ley in 'March. Care WOre stil' -rune nine; but the drivers stated that many drifts were piled up on the roads. One citieen :tilted to the Post that he believed "summer has went" --and we heartey agreed with him. Mrs. Mapning Passes Away. After being bedfast meet -leery 17 weeks Catharine Sperling, widow of Ili" lain John Manning, pieesee away on Monday evening at the rim 814:' of 78 yeare. 1 month and 5 claw. WaS born in Ste() itsvifle, and with her parente, Richard Lind etre. Spading, moved to MeTeillop Twee when a child. Later the film - fly moved th the 16th eon. of Grey. In 1 870 deeeased .was married ts John Manning, in Brussels and ve- Med in the village for 5 building the house now 'weenie.] by the Chanmion family on john street. Later they lived in Grey ene on the 5th line of Morris, where Mr. Mane ring died 25 years ago. Mrs. Man- ning moved to Brtheeds ..ome 10 years ago. A femily of 2 sons (George,- at home, and Her.emt peer Walton), and 5 daughters (Mra Le- y. 11, Fleebertem; M1'14. Patrick and Thicken, of Hamieton; Mrs. f.- ev. nerm, Belmont, and Mos. Cun- ningham, Palmerston), survive, Mre. Wm. Nay of Ninga. Man., a sister of Cho ileceasecl, is the last eurviping memlier of the family. Fletcher Sparline, of town, is a cousin of ihe lath Mrs. Manning. The forewal takes pinee to -day (Wednesday with service in St. John's Unwell, of whiolt church deceased was a devout member. The family liege the sym- pathy of the commemity in the loss of akind and loving mother. Mission Band Birthday Party and Christmas Tree. One of the most suceeesful Christ- mas entertainments in the history of tee Misteon 131111(1 was givea in the imeement of the Presbyt'irum church on Thursday lest, Dec. l61.11. It was a very stormy night, but in spite of this the attendance was good, and those who braved the storm were well rewarded by the exellent program given by the children of the Misison Band. The program was composed of recitations, solve!, choruses, (Lents and playlets, and every item was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and it re- flected great credit upon the children and Mies Hazel Stewart and Miss McNab who had tralned therm Mrs. Alex. Strachan very ably presided. The eroceeds amoeinted to 841.60. In addition to this each child brought a well filled stocking of good thhige to be sent away to the children who otherwiee wapiti have been deprived of thee title blesings. Farming. was the program :-.--Hymn, 794; recele- tion, "A Christmas Welcome," Ethel Fox; piano solo, Nancy Jane Fovelee; recitation, Janet King; solo, Doris Pewson; recitation, Chrisernas Jove, Edith McTavish; •Christmas Lullaby, 9 girls; recitation., Merry Chrisbmas. Elizabeth Baeker; Mission Band chorus, "Shine out, 0 Blessed Star"; neeitatioeu Graham Work; recitateon, Kitty's Present, Bowman Galbraith; Christmas Stockings Drill, 8 small boys; recitation, Mary Helen White; veport of •secretary and Roll Call; re- port of Treasurer; preeentatimi of memberships; monologue, "A Pres- ent for Aunt Jane," Stewart. Lowe; dialogue, "Feeling Santa"; recitatien "The Day after Chia:ernes," Donald Ferguson ; pantomine, "Silent Night" by 7 girls; recitation, "A Stupid Book," Mina Bryans; duet, , Marie and Billie King; recitation, "Two Little Stockings" Gladys Pawson; drill,' "Merry Chrialanas" by 14 .girlst recitation, Eileen McLaueblin; boys' chorus. mouth organ seleetiong John Kernaghan; play, "When the Child- nias Star Shone." • Hardwood Flooring Oak Maple Birch OUR PRICES ARE RICHT Phone at our expense far prices 11.J. Huston & on GORRIE ONTARIO Gerrie Phone 5, ring 3 Wroxeter Phone 626, ring, 9 Get Stamps. The rural mail carivers are com- plaining that rural box holders are putting money in the._ boxes for stamps, etc. This is contrary to the lew, for stamps must be placed on ell lettere and parcels. "Beverly of Graustark." A "hand picked" cast, in which every Player was chosen after min- ute consideretoin as the Idea. for the earth:tiler role, both as to "tem:" and ectime abe-dy, eurrounds Marion Dav- ies irt hr 0 latest Cosmopolitan pro- enetion 101 Metro-Goldwem-Maye„ -Beverly of Graustark," which will be shown at the Grand, Friday and Saturday. [this extreme care in choosing thc, cast was adepteil in ny- der to I roec )). the picture in 03 near- ly an eecord with the epielt of George Piiro M Cutchean'• ±1111105 novo) 00 lissible "Doss he 'fit the nether's idea if the role?" was th. queetion Selney Franklin, direiaing the !diem, asked lams ile as troll rharecter ems considered. The /10W 11,011110 :110WS 103 Davies in one of Pie most 1 emorkable roles ever ai• tempted, for besides playing the her nine she masquerades so perfect!? as a miner: that she is Wei to he the counterpart of the Prince of Wales. Antonio Moreno plays the leading male role as "Denton," the royal de- tective, Lind Creighton Hale, well known leading man of the ecreen, plays Prince °seer. Roy D'Arey, famous Crown Prince ef "The Mer- ry Widow" plays Marlanx, ;vet guler to a throne, and Paulette Duval, Max Berwyn, Alyert Gran, Charles Clary and other notables • appear. Tbe story is a romantic tale of Euro - ;man court intrigue laid in irtodern theme, and has been directed by Sid- ney Franklin, Coming Monday and Tuesday. If "Money Talks" isn't the fun- neest comedy ever made it isn't the feult of the cast. For this Metro- Goldwym.Mayer picture, whice is coming to the Grand Theatre en Monday next, has just about the fun- niest cast, no offense intended, that ever congregated in 0110 picture, Forgetting for the moment the lead, who rievertheloss are expert comed- ians, there is Bert Roach, wno made euch an unqualified het in "Excuse Me." Bert plays the part of AI Wa- ters, the goofy drunk, who is not quite sure who or why he is going anywhere. Then there is Ned Sparke, for years considered one of the fore- most comedians on the stage and emelt. Nod plays the part of Luc- kins, the part which is portrayed by kens, the yartw hich is portreyed by Phillips Smalley. Smalley has not been exclusively identified with com- edy roles, but has been a character actor for years. Dot Farley and Pol- ly, Moran, both old time comedians, have important roles in the modue- teon, and add immeasurably to the general hilarity, and Georye Kuwa, the Japanese actor, presents a new type of comedy role. Kathleen. Key. gets her first taste at comedy in "Money Talks" heaeing been identi- fied with dramatic roles here.efore, 'Cathleen plays the part of a tem- perameetal opera singer iti distress. AS for Claire Windsor iind Owen Moore„ who. have the leading retell, both have lately been playing COM- ody roles, Owen played the part of "Weet End Eddie" in "the Black Bird," a comedy crook, and Miss Windsor hod a delightfully whimeh cal part in "Dance leladeess," winch Robert Z. Leotard directed. They 1100 Magnificent- Archie 'Mayo, for - 'nor comedy derector, dtandlee the megaphone on "Money Talks," which was written hp Rupert Hoginis, mail- er of "Excuse Ms," and doreees of successful novels. ' Predelic and Fanny Hatton Wrote the pheitopley, whieh was adapted by Jessie Bums fled Bernard Vorhatee risti as Gifts AT -s Drug Store Below we enumerate some of Our Special Lines Fountain Pens The well known .Wateoinan and Parket Pens in many styles ati4 91%03 at 32 75 to $6 110, also some good Pond (151 500, 73e and 31.00, Leather Goods Oar nannt.)niont a !lard Bags /toil Pulses is very large an15 vavied, both as to design and price. Then we have Coat Hangei 5, Shopping Lists, Radio Dogs, Bill Folds, Whisks, 1101100001 Slippert, Tie Holders, Soft, Col- lar Bags, Ste, Fancy Boxed Stationery This is ooe of our very special lines and we know you will inive 110 11 011b10 it) snaking a cheice as the pi lees vary from 25e 10 $2.00. Perfumes and Toilet Waters Borne very dainty packages containing the popular ''1.31(00''1.31(00 303115011113'' and "Beu Hut',Pet fun) es. French Ivory and Ebony There are many useful and beautiful articles in this ever pdpular Toilet; line and we have some very special values. New ooks and Reprints ' Always it very acceptable Gift tia,d olio stock contains some of the most popular 5110101.8. WO have 1-3ib8es. Hymnals and Psalixt Books. Also Obildren's Story and Picture Books. Choccqates Willard's and Moir's ape oar specialties in handThue Christmas packages. Deliciously ft esh, 80e to $2 00 per 1 ox. FINE CHINA 'mos is 058, nf Wont at him el ive denni; moots and this yen!nor display is snarl] 1.. 0 a' tract iVe than (h- oar, Dainty Te/1 Set s, lot y Camtt v J tap, Ron Roue, Va90S, Jugs, Ten Pots, , , 0 :sugars and mutter ,,its smaller art ieles in handsome dsigns and colorings:. The en we old place and the same cordial in vi t loth When down WWII 01111 3,1 and see us anyway. Fox's I.rg Store eeie. =a' A Runaway. A horse and cutter got into a bad mexup over on Victoria .Part: nn Weelnesday morning and harnees and cutter were badly broken up. Ontario followers of Premier King well tender him a banquet to ve held in Toronto on January 29, at which it is expected two thousand will at- tend. Parliament Adjourns. The Dominion Parliament has' ad- j0111010ti 1 or the Christmas holidays but will assemble early in February when timeegular work will be thkee op. Another Huronian Honored. , The County of Huron is to be hon- ored in a very distinctive way by having a charming representative resident at Washington, ;n connec- tion with the Canadian Minieliee to that city. Miss Sadie McCool, who, during his term of office was the con- fidential Secretary of Hon. James Murdock, late Minister' of Labor, has been added to the clerical staff of IT011. Vincent Massey, the recently appointed Canadian represeneitive ttt Washington, and will shortly accom- pany him to the American capital. elise McCool is a native of Hullett Township, and her many friends here and elsewhere will be pleailed to know or her advancement. That she 41 accomplished and efficient goes without sayieg. It is another case, of which there have been many illus- trations before, of a Huronian mak- ing good. 1The Hon. Duncan Marshall was in town last week and attended the : pure bred stock sale of Arcete Hie - lop. Mr. Marshall is an extensive : cattle breeder in the 'West. Renewing Your Subscriptions. As this is the season of the year when renewal subscriptions are the ardee of the day, we when to draev the etiention of our reader.; to the label on their paper this week. If e•o8 hae,e paid velar Arozirtiption your here shout( real cermet-13'as the lists have been core:•to i tie till eleeday el' this week k 'abet on is paper which expires at the end of : this month will read "Dec. 26" or if : it is paid till New Year, it wil; read "Jan. 27". Subscriptions ere all pay- able in advance, and shout!" be at- tended to promptly, as a few hun- dred $2.00 subscriptions can soon tie a publisher up pretty tight finan- cially. We will save you 50e on your daily subscreption renewal. BORN 11111180UEIN.—A3 the W Basle PI I iOtdir 01s(tiZtZ:137;T)'*:63ibiliall' 97215' , 173 0R7k 6,104,ri.ner y 05 Brussels) 0. rn Toronto, eon. (Mors Fawcett 'Pro " ' DIED RANN.—In Grey TW.P on 111tOay, n ; MA 0;:4i12!01%::-:IaY.ps 20111, 1020, 11:P:1Nvd0:;ci i:81a:::i1,ni:1:-:a:781"(8,11:rt1rlirn(*PItat, on pe,gbh1021, ,lrgobA „uot v1:h00po.111,;:onI ..3 lallitlm1601011M110•12• .193•11M121.4.1• Suitahla Christ •tenneetereenwnromnamtuszenetnnearmarmarersounasseerrammanoo as Gifts Every piece of Candy Every box of Candy and Bon Bons I§ Fresh and Clean, NDY "11;gr GI F T For Mother, Sister and don't forget your Sweetheart Cigars In Boxes of 5'5, io's & 25'S Also a nice Gift Nice Assortment of Pipes A Pipe makes a Mee Gift for one who smokes Look these Pipes over CIGARETTE HOLDERS FRUITS ORANGES LEMONS GRAPE PRUIT GRAPES CRANBERRIES CELERY TOMATOES All Kinds of Nuts and Dates, Fregh At W. A. GREWAR'S The Horne Of the Good Things OYSTERS SHOP EARLY