HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-22, Page 5LL
. Good until Dec. 24th
chir,kens over (3 lbs .21 .20 Hens 3 to 33 lie,
Ohickette over 5 Ms..., .20 .25 Hens under 3 Itis
()hicketis 41 (0 (3 lbs.... .18 ,23 ltoostet a river 5 the
Chickens 4 to 43 tits, ... .10 .22 Itoottters under fi br„
Chickens 33 to 4 The.... ,15 .20 Yon»g Duette over 5 lbs
Obicketts 3 to 83 lk „.. .14 .20 Young Pucks under 5
Chickens under 3 lbs.. .13 JD Old Ducks
Hens over 5 Ms .15 ,114 Yottog Coalinga
Hens 43 to ti lbs .113 .18 Voung Tut keys over 10
lima 41.0 -1;', Rai .11 .17 Young l'orkeys 8 - 10 11
11e01! 33 to 4 Ins ,00 .15
Those Pridrli are for No. 1 Poultry, delivered at 0111. \V (11 0 -
house. Poor coedit.... at market value, aceording to nor
judgment. Birds must be in starved (nov1111011 or (Milne -
tion math. for etops. Averaile weight, by number birds in
each coop.
LI 10' Orwi'd
.07 .113
,n5 .12
,1! ,15
.12 .91
.10 .20
,00 .15
.72 .17
28 .80
.25 ,133
1 A( /[1( $014 In Of 00,60100 PI AO:000f 0 X WO* 111(
w Only a Few More Days till 0
m Santa (7_,Vatis will be
here again
. v.
New -s of Local Interest
Provincial Election Cost About i‘ Reducing the Snowpiles.
8750,000. Constable McDowell had it busy
The cost of the provincial election time on Pilonclay afternoon, having a
on December 1st last to the nubile team and snowplow cut down 'the
treasury is esthnated at 8750;000. snow piles on the sides of tha etreitt.
More Heat.
Seaforth Extinsitor:--A, A. Me-
Lennan is installing a new hot water
heating system In the Memorial Hes-
Pleasant Christmas Gift.
More than a million dollare col-
lected from the automobile dallere of
Canada in luxury taxes during the
war on ears in stock when the_ tax
was redueed will be refunded. Per -
Lament lest year voted that twenty,.
live per cent. a the total be refund-
ed, and tho present vote repreeenne
the remainder of the stun. The
Province of Ontario 'WM receive
Wins Valuable Prize.
The Harriston Review had the fal-
lowing veference to the Bloekman in
this district: — "The International
Harvester Company congratulate.; A..
.J. McMurray as the successful win-
ner of the Silverware Conteet con -
elected by the International tlarv,ns-
ter Company (London Brenchl. This
prize consisted of a beautiful silver
tray of twenty-nine pieces of silver-
ware, Community plate. Twelve loe- ;
al -agents on Mr. Mcielnerayie terri-
tory also won the same prize. Mr.
McMurray reports with the able as,
sistance of Mr. Frank Langdon,
salesman, the dosing of a very suc-
cessful year's business for the com-
Junior Farmers Gather.
Seven teams of Junior Femme; as-
sembled in Stratford last Week from
Middlesex, Oxford, Perth, Waterloo
Bruce, Huron and Wellington coun-
ties to attend a special educational
COUrso in swine, to be held at the
Whyte Packing Company's plant,
ednesday ,Thursday and Friday of
laet week. The course is teeing con-
ducted under the auspices of the
Canadian Swine Breeders' Associa-
tion, the Industrial and Development
council of. Canadian Meat Packers,
the -Live Stock Branch of the Dom-
inion Department of Agriculture and
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture. 11: IS Open to teams of seven
young men from each of the abovo
counties, which constiute the Strat-
ford district.
Your Eyes Need
If your eyes bother you in
any way;
V they tire quickly or be-
come inflamed;
If you do not see easily and
If headaches impair your
efficiency or interfere with
your pleasure;
If you cannot enjoy every
minute of your reading? —
Maude C. il3ryans
Phone 26x Brussels
Minor Locals.
1997 will soon be heee. Better
start practising now.
The time has been extended on the
Tax Roll until Feb. ist, 1927.
Last Wednesday and Thursday
were real rough whited days and
very little business was done in the
stores those days.
Let -vs have the names or pier
Christmas visitors, or if yoa were
away for the holiday do not hesitate
to let us know.
Miner Locals.
Let us have the names of your
Christmae visitors.
It costs more to operate locomo-
tives in winter. .Also domestie fur-
naces. alas!
This is just about the time of year
when Santa Claus has to do some
high-class financing.
Kenneth . Ormiston says time be
epent a -week at a hotel where a con-
vention of detectives was assembled,
and frequented the lobby Jering that
time. It is, after all theobvious that
is difficult to see. When grandmoth-
er loses her glasses she never thinks
of looking on her nose.
Buy Them in Brussels,.
Brussels merchants have been busy
for eveeks preparing for the Christ-
mas trade. They have purchased
large stocks of staple and fanev
goods, novelties, toys, books and
snorting eq.uipment. very suifable for
Christmas gifts. These ere tieing
displayed amid seasonal decorations.
The stores are diffusing ehe spirit of
Christmas and the people of this dis-
trict will find in all Brussels stores a
courteocs service as well as a come
prehensife stock froni which to make
Postage on Christmas Cards.
The Postmaster desires to notify
tee public through the press as to
Titles of postage on Christmas cavils,
vihich are as follows: When not bear -
mg written communications (heyend
come ntintial greetings not exceeding
five rords) and when cinch) vel in
wienaled envelopes the rate for Can-
ada, th1)to& States ancl IVIexico is one
cent per lovo onnces or fraction
thereof. Cards in sealed envelopes,
weighing up to one ounce, require
two cents postage for local delivery'
and for all points in Canada, United
States, Newfoundlaad and other place
es in the North American Continent.
Minor Locals.
Remember the Old Boys' Reunion
next July in Brussels.
The snowplow has been busy dur-
ing the past week cleaning ott the
! One advantage of being poor at
Christmastime: Nobody picks your
11! Father's Christmas necktie is ac-
eompanied by emoked glasses, -all
may yet be well.
A bee's stinger is one thirty -sec.
oncl of an inch long. The othee two
feet 13 imagination.
; Only way some people can do their
Christina:. shoppin33 nearly now is to
rise early in the tun.
Sometimes a candidate antlettneeS
that he is going to run. And then
he never gets out of a walk! •
; The big clrift near Maunder's
south of Brussels, was plowed oat en
Saturday and cars were in town in
the evening.
Highest prices paid for Railway Track and Switch Tic Timber in
Hard and Soft Maple, Beech and Birch, Hemlock and Ceditts No
Elm tie timber saleable. A No, 1 tie requires a 10" diem. at small
end; No. 2 a 9" diam. Track ties 8 feet long. Switch 'etas tift. 6"
to 16 feet long.
We are buying Hardwood Logs in Maple, Elm, Basswood, Birch,
Ash, 12 and 14 feet long. Shaky swamp or fence corner Elm not
wanted at any price.
Custom Sawing Will Get Our Very Best Attention
We carry a stock of Cedar Shingles, Cedar Shiplap, and Boarde,
Hemlock dimension, boards, etc,
Note: The Floridcb tornadoes leveled every kind of construction but
those of wood and shingles. Stay with good lumber.
Gibs n Lumber& Cider Migls
Phone 30 or 28-2.
Wroxeoe, Ont.
l'ivadquartere for Christmas Gilts
lor ali 1110 Farnily.
For Dad
For Mother
Nothing better than a new
range or an Easy Washer
For the Children
Ph (ille 37
Memo le EyentS in.the
C\IIistorti oftge Empire.
63-, Charles Como
The Birth of Lord Beacon3fieLl
One hundred and twenty two
years ago, on the 21s1 of December,
1804, Benjamin Disraeli, afterwards
tho Earl cf Beaconsfield, the famous
Victorianetati.eman, wits been.
At the time of his birth his par-
ents were still members of the Jew-
ish Church, snd when he was eight
days obi Benjamin was admitted to
ita with ell the usual rites, It was
net mail tee lve years la'ar that Inc
father, Isaac Dieraeli, who was a
tiugu shrd li my man, • minced
:he faith of leln fathers an: had Ben-
jamin baptized into the English
churchlin a crldly sense this WaS
a most fortunate oceuvrenee for the
future statesman, for it opened the
way to honors which it would have
been impossible for him to obtain as
a follower of the Jewish retigion.
Att the age of 17, when lae was
placed in a lawyer's office with the
intention of studying for the Bar, he
commenced -writing for the newspap-
er& and five years later he puellehed
his first novel, "Vivian Grae," which
created a great sensation; by' its aud-
acity and slightly veiled portraits of
living celebrities, It was a tremen-
dous success, and during the next ten
years he produced a series of bril-
liant and successful novels, whie.h
gave him a high place among the
met popular writers of the day.
He made several uttsuccessful at-
tempts to enter Parliament before
11 • wile returned to the House of
Commons in 1837. The members of
the HuaSe were prepered to tt•eat
111111 With ridicule, owing to the es-
oentricities of his dress and 1110111101-
3 ,1111. and the extravagant nature of
his ;election •addresess, and When lie;
stood up in the Commons to deliver
his maiden speech they refused to
give him a hearing. He was howled
down, but before he resumed his seat
he made the dramatic and nrePhoth
announcement that the day would
'mine when the House would be com-
pelled to hear him. He was not at
all discouraged by his first failure
and five days later he made a second
ettempt, whieh 1008 reW11'.1e,1 With
the quiet attention of the House.
In 1845 he delivered a series of
brilliant speeches against the aboli-
tion of the Corn Laws, whice estab-
lished his reputation as a debater
and an ontor, and within three
years he had become the leader of
the Conservative party in the House
of Commons, but 1 was not until
1868 that he was called upon to form
a Cabinet and became Prime Minis-
ter for the first time. He is the
only man of Jewish birth that has
ever held that exalted position 111
Great Britain, and could noc have
done so but for the fact that he had
renounced the Jewish religio 1 in his
Failing health during his aecond
term as premier compel'ed him to
seek the quieter surroundings of the
House of Lords in 1876, and he then
took his title from the little country
town of Beaconsfield, near whicn his
country home, Hughenden Manor,
was. situated.
He was the favorite minister of
Queen Victoria and in his later years
he was one of her most trusted
friends and advisers. He is possibly
more affectionately and widely
membered than any other of the
great statesmen of her record reign,
and in the Motherlandhe will always
be regarded as the repre tentative
and regenerator of Imperialism. It
was not until after his death, which
took place on the 19th April, 1881,
that the extent of his popelerttet wist
the general public was fully realleed,
and even the staunchest nf his sup-
porters and admirers were eurprised
at the unprecedented outhurst of
sorrow in all parts of the Empire.
No Confulaint to Offer.
The Milverton Stut, with Maleolm
MacBeth, Editor and Publiehee, Imi
entaneed upon its 86th years of pub -
110i -diem The Sun is a wide-awake
weekly, whose weekly visit is .enjoy-
ed hy every Editor Who ig fOrtUnnte
to be on the mailing list. May the
Sun continue to shine.
Minor Locals.
Only 10 more days of 1926.
Only two More days for shopping.
Usual holiday hours at Postoffice.
A Merry Christrons to 1111 our read-
Coming Pictures.
Following 31111 1101115 of the dates
end features that will be shown at
the Grand:—
Dec. 27-2 8—Olaire Wind 3or and
Owen Moore in "Money Talks."
Doe. 1-Jan.1 —Ricardo Cortez and
Greta Garbo in "Torrent,"
Jam 3-4----Sycl. Chaplin in "Charley
Jan, 7.8—George Sidney and Alex-
ander Carr in "Partner's Again,"
another Potash and Perlmutter
Jam 10-11—Lon Chaney- m "Tower
Le • e
Jan. 14-15—Norman Kerry and Lion .
eel 'Simmer° in the "Derrier." I
jan. 17-1 8.--eCharles Ray and Elmo -
or Boardman in "Auction Block."
Jun. 21e22—Richard Dix in "The •
Jan, 24-25-301111 Gilbert arid Mira ,
Meerey 111 "The Mem Widow."
,tan. 28-29—William Baia as and
Mary Berm in "Bowe of Hare I
Jon. 31,1°eb, We—Sally O'Neil and
Bert Reach in "Don't."
Beery aed Rae'
1116114 Hatton in "We're in the Nese;
vy Now."
Feb. 7-8--Lo11 Chaney in "Black-
Feb. 1 1-12—jaelcie Coogan in "Old
Feb. 14-15—Lillian Gish and Ronald
Coleman in "Belinda."
Feb. 18-10----W1111001 Hart in "Tum-
Feb. 21-22—Mae Murray in "Mar:Ic-
ed Bride."
Feb. 25-26—Norma Shearer in the
"Devil's Circus."
Feb. 28 -March 1—Charles Ray and
Joan Crawford in "Paris."
Police Ma osi rate J. A Velum& ot
8(4 411 1.015, 10.1. 11.• named judge of
the Juvenile 0( art.
At. it spec at Mr (11133 11( 1111' 11(1'1, 1)
lire delotrlanent resignal inn 01 wo
01 1)1! members, 0..1 1,11,1101 and Ia
IA811 10.001C, WeVe fier 011011, and !for -
hart Ingrain Red 11'!'(1 110 Robinson
W ire appointed to fill 1 lie vrteeimiee,
Messes, tontast and losithroolt haVe
hero 11511l11h013 for •e've111.3
Rev. A .j. D D , 1110d -
1t aloe 0r the 0-inet al Assembly of the
Pt In -by 1 -ellen ()hutch in Oasiede, deal.
net( d the new semi ty Sciond 1,1 ltintx
Pee4IIVI.Prie,0 eh' 1.11 '0 14,41 OWel 11181
ffIlairlAy 111outuna. 'the drawn' ton
setVise Was hold in 11111 new huilding
35311 1,141111 4. boot (11,10
Stratford Furniture show 'will be
held from Jan. 1 0 to 22 hula cive.
Or, A. S. Brown, a prominent den-
tist in Mitchell, passed awny hie.
54th 130'(l)'. Ilin had resided in Mit-
chell the past 24 year& Ile was a
native of b'ergue.
The anionut of theme paid clueing
the year at Listowel, to the tit% col-
leetor, Miss L. Tabberner, was 457,-
727.00. The tette. =Mint of col-
lectable taXes on the roll is approxi-
mately $67,500.00, IelivinQ halaneo
o! (1),773,60 ti1l entsanding.
1)111')' Holmes, (13,! has been N,
It 1,1.p.1.1 at, Actor,. for 40 3111111 11, mat
-eyed 58 yeats 00 1111- 11111N1/01, line re.
ie ;in old 1kaderielt boy.
EA wet (1 Ville( 1 and Mince Tuekey,
have left to motor to leln, •
ida. They drove doom in a Fold mu.
10),-011 10 remain 1.1101e all Win-
M19, ((001 3311 1(11133, has sold It• r
Inimoire f.,1 to. 3.(.1 8, ron. 19,
1.11 hest atni We'd Roost, lor $7,1011.
Tire is Ito exrellt tit. tarot am) p
nigh stale 03 ,.01135(14
John P ,go, au ..13 tiridet
ip,y, is now getierai manage: bf the
Western Canada Flour Milk Ltd ,
1148 Peeell1.1V bee,. eke; ell Pi esideot
of the Otmadian Nst lintel Millers' As-
The Zurich grist m ts hieh wa.
not, operating for a week, we. again
put into inotion 011 T11 It
satisfatctot y understandlog hity iippq
rE.H.Cheli With the 1113(3 Il Counnission,
at Toronto.
Thieves broke into the billiard room
of A. II. ,f 8( rams li, ome
tiro hetweett 11 o'clek
1111 Tinastlity oil, through a
Witalow, taking about $53o which 11,1(3
beep left. lo the till. County rano
Atatile Whiteside. was notified and is
svorking on the 0115e,
After 0. Intig illness, there passed
away at his Mane, at- Aulmeni, on
Wednesday, Dos, 8 3,, Thos, J. Doyle.
liar. Doyle 3111(1 lived in the vicinity
for almost 40 70/1111 8411) 19418 W ell -
known and mach respeered, having a
lat ge chile of it Mods, He was in his
0415.1 year mid is sorvived 1y Itis Will -
OW 11114 two daughter., s, A TM-
erson, of Lurk/10w, and Mrs, W.
Mull', of Mullett 'ro tv nshi p.
Eugene Howey, who Wag the 0111.
ner in the young people's speaking
contest, in the S tit Huron group (.1
the United Church, Exeter, was in
Clinton, 00 Monday evening, eon feet-
ing against Miss Morelli of Vintoria
street, Gsalerich, the winner of the
North group. Mies Mural) carried
off the 1100108 1111(1 now will meet the
winner in Leinbton presbytery.
One of the pioneers of Hallett and
older residents of Seek» th passed
away on 510m411y, in the person of
Mary Ellen 111c0 ill, She was born in
Scotland. but came to Con. 3, Hallett,
when five years of age. About sixty
yeaeg ag0, libe was married to her
rim- bereft husband, Jas 34, mnoio.
ai d Wei11. 111 Haden, Peon., 41 1110.
Later.they lived on One, 2, Huilett,
and six yeare ago, moved to town.
The population of the city of Strat•
ford dropped over 1,000 during- the
pest year, but the aseessment wee
raised that the mill rate might he left
as it was.
Al the closing session ref the Perth
County 00U11CH, the reoonuneudation
of the Educational Ocompittee to
raise the Mil Peyton Conti tomtit»)
School to the etatus of a High School
waq 4111'11PerTmd
t;eos.. Curtin, of Logan, was
busily eating peanuts, one became
lodged in him throat, caesing great
anxiety on the part nf his peeents,
whn feared that he would choke to
death. We are glad to report, how-
ever, that the danger 18 passed.
Asynd cate capitalized ab $150.000
and headed by Frederick C. 0 (tyke,
of Toronto, has taken over the old
Liseowel brewery, owned by John
Watson, They enntemplate the re-
ruedelling of the present building and
equipping with the latest appliances
for the maniffactute of ales, lagers,
mute and other malt beveinges.
The former owner and manager, John
Watson, will remain as plant manag-
Word bits re tidied Monkton that
Mrs. George high., one of 1.11 8 pioneer
women of Mimi, lutcl died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Thee McCabe,
Toronto, on Tuesday, Dee, 7111, Mrs.
Inglis resided nn the boundery of El.
naa for many years, and wits p111 -
deceased by het, husband about 10
years ago. The family was held in
very high regard. She left. Mon kton
abont six yems ago, since when she
has resided with different inembers
1)1 11111' family, She spent two years
in the West with her daughter, An-
nie, and during the latter fnur years.
0300 3181) resided in Toronto. She had
heen sick Mr the past four yews and
finally passed away in lune 84'! rear,
ag the result of ft paraly1 ir ok e.
The running were taken t .• elk 1,1t,
011 Thursday last. and the (11 '10(111
took place to Harvey's cemetery,
Logan, where buyial took place.
Sohn 12, WOW& one of the oldest
vesitten es of the [Hattie& died at Han-
over Hospital, following a teriat ill-
ness, Ile WIlS 02 years nf 0330,
The 42101 annual meeting of the
Pine Rivet Cheese and Suttee Com -
Deny W11,8 held on Monday, Des. lath,
The anchors' report elinwed the larg.
reit production in 1926, all I Ilg the
Company's existence, producing 92
tons of cheese and distributing almost
$80,000 among Its petrons.
Albert Boyd, of Luck now, 10 lying
et his 1101131' in a critical enntlition, 134
a result. Oran accident while hunting,
redently. In endeavoring to lmette
eocm, Sir. Boyd fell over 35 feet frier°
a high tree, suffeeing three fractured
vibe atut interne! helm ie.& He was
bought to town by a friend,
Smith Broce Conservatives have de-
cided t o protest the election of AI, A.
1000011nm, Prim. einsiVe, on the
greniels that $1,250 was paid to J, C.
Andeeson, Liberal nominee, for ('33-
11111)805 incurred in his &pellet) 00311
1)1113311 before retiring. (1ou nee) for
Me. Mc:Callum claime that the actimi
of his client Wag (0110 legal, Is)1e
matter, howevee, is likely te go to the
At the thieember meeting of the
'Hanover High Minot Board, it Was
derided that, the new vonational
eehool wonhi poen with the new
0011001 tinron in the first Week in 3411.
nary. Olassee will be formed for cer-
tain eubjects, and thee' will be eon-
dutited by well-qualifled leaeltere.
Allan Silk Mills, Litnited; will etart
moving their netteleineey and
Anent team Toronto to Hanover, dm..
log the week after Chrlettnee, end
will Octet operetinne in the fettory
fermerly neenpled by Hanover Oon.
330(3 0(11, Ltd., eta imen er4 the meelein
ery le insielled rod in running order,
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 1926.
a re
Friday & Saturday, Dec. 24-25
Marion Davies with Antonio Moreno in
"Beverly of
The Girl
Who Played a Prince
Charming Marion Davies never had a more appealing
role than this. You'll love her— you'll laugh and thrill at the
tale of the fetching American miss, made to take the dis-
guise of a boyish Prince. whirled along the road of hilarious
adventure, thrilling action, tender romance.
Monday and Tuesday - Dec. 27 & 28
e -y
with Clair Windsor
Owen Moore
Bert Roach
IS wife frantic, theie furniture
carted (twin)' hy the instalment
agent., their fond enpply 1111. 1(1
because there was 110 tummy to 31117-
3311111 a ID ,011.11I 111 01111)111k on this
(writ amazingly hilarious voyagg
eeoup the family NI 1.210e8 1
EXCITEMENT ? Never u ilull mom -
1 Comedy 5 .1710. pt Imes 1 A thous-
and 1111 ills You'll say money talks
—and how 5
"The Quarterback" "Charley's Aunt"
"We're in the Navy ow" "Torrent"
Popular Prices. Show commences sharp at 8 15
At the December meetieg of the
Walkerton Junior lost( t me, miss La-
verne Brocklebank was [Il111!('111e13
with a. silver basket, it, having been
donated by the Bruee (enmity Instit-
utes to the high girl on the Mace
County girls' judging competition,
held at the 0. N. E Tnronto. Besid-
es being high girl in the uounty, she
won fifth prize in baking and sixth
prize in sewing.
The Chinatnan, who has been non -
ducting a restaurant, has moved to
St. LlGoyed"Ogoeu*Iter has secured the princ-
ipalship of the Intermediate grade of
the Prineetown School, and will enter
1111 hie duties after the beginning of
'he New Year,
Sentinel end Mrs Miller, old res-
idents of Tara district, celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary, at
the home of their entt, G. A. Miller,
there. About 40 guests were present
for the occasion, inelnding mernbe,s
01 the family and grandchildren.
TheV tvere married in the Township
of Antahel on Der 1401. 1870 the
bride being Miss Ellen Jane Lang-
stuffe, daughter of the late George
ond 1411'8 Longsteffe• The OPePT001,V
was performed by Rev. Mr, Danard.
The young couple took up reeidence
near Tata, where they endured all
the hardships of pioneer life, in
Hulce. They are still enjoying the
1780 of health.
Mrs Anne N Walk'
53300, annottores the engagr.
(Dent 0( 11111' daughter, Agnes Elleda,
William Henry 8511, of Orillia, son
51 .5- T Bell 01 Ripley. the tutu riage
In take place the latter p1311 of Dec-
It is estimated that millions of peo-
ple nightly listen in on the radio
progratn. Another indication that
"Ohm, Sweet Ohm," is becoming
more and more popular.
The Victor Talking Machine Com-
pany can hardly be said to have peen
sold for a song, as those echo bough
it had to pay to the tune of about
$40,000,000. Certainly money talks.
A bad leak at the piston ring will
generally indicate itself by a hissing
sound in the engine when climbing
a hill.
A certain amount of back -lash or
play in a steering wheel, normally
from three-quarters to an inch, and
a half, measured in the rim of the
wheel, is essential to steerneg free-
VON& ,ItrabnneMeEMM.rmfarreettpwasaalemla.MAIIIIIMININI
0W The Season of
Christm s Cheer
Charming Gifts Plenty of them
Our stock is right up-to-date
with a good selection of the
different lines to choose from.
splendid selection of Ladies'
Wrist Watches. Priced from
$6.95 up to $25 each.
Gents' Watchos in all the new
styles. All have guaranteed
IVIortograms engraved free of
A Mee selection of the newest, styles in DIAMOND RINGS,
DIAMOND 13AR PINS, DIAMOND TIE PINS at pricee which are
sure to please, A nice gift box ineluded with each article.
Kodaks for Christmas $5,00 up
13rownies for Christmas $2.00 up
Our Holiday Display awaits
your inrmection,
Jeweler Wroxeter.