HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-22, Page 2:EDNIISDAY, DEC. 22, 1920. THE BRUSSELS POST Old ►ys' e4 nio AT R� 24,M7,i ,. , y { � "�''��' T. JULY 4r 25 (1 26r /`�"�'°' " KEEP THESE DATES IN MIND JULY 24th TO 26th, 1927 The citfnens of Brussels, Ont., will hold an Old Boy's Reunion ( on July 24th, 25th and 20th, 1927, which will also include the Townships of Grey and Morris. Help the Committee in charge to make this the most success- ful R,tunion ever held in the County of Huron, by sending in names and addresses, of old time residents and friends whom you would like to entertain.. The committee will issue invitations to all, but be sure to write your friends TO COMPt. Send names and addresses to JAS. FOX Chairman of Invitation Committee, Financial Statement OF THE Ville a „ae of': russets For the Year 1926 Balance from 11125 RECEIPTS STREETS AND ROADS Jan. 12 Dom. Road Machinery Co., snowplow 84,00 C It. Lav „lson, freight and cartage . . ... ........ 2.65 Ed. lienclusmt, snowplowing 5.90 Feb, 8 Alvin Oakley, snowplowing 1.5;.00 Fd, 1 -ndcrson, snowplowing 9.10 Mar. 2 0, R. Davidson, street work 1.11.16 Alvin Oabley, snowplowing 8•.10 Apr. 12 Alvin Ottklu,', snowplowing 12.0 May 5 John iticadow.s, street work 17.60 0. R. Duv d: o1,, -street work 1.0.116 31 C. N. R , freight on tarvia cold patch 70.65 June 7 John Robb, -triet work 7.50 William Cool:, street workgle 7•bu George Campbell, street work 10.00 A. Kerr, st.r,.et work 8.75 treet work 'Phomas John Crow, street work Brewer, egtan, street work 7.50 3,54 3255 14.80 6.00 35.70 .11.545..7581 32.40 14.65 7.00 96.57 C. N. Ity'., freight on cars of stone 86.40 July G Ed. Hendcrsou, drawing gravel 23.60 9 Anent Bros., lumber and wood , .. 17.138 Aug. 5 A. W. Dennison, street work 7,75 Sept. S John Speir, use of engine 10.00 Oct. 5 William Dark, firing `engine 4.00 Wm. Cook, ditching, building catch basins 43.00 Ed. Henderson, :street work 11,70 F. Brigham, l.laeksmithing 1 )0 Anent Uncle, lumber for bridge 0.59 Nov. 2 Allan Lamont, dressing lumber 1.35 0.1:. Davidson, toaming 26.2;1 Dec. 7 Alvin Oakley, snowplowing 8.10 Wilton on & Gillespie, cement and hardware account 109•.18 0. .0. Davidson, cleaning streets 9.00 11 John Gibson, blacksmithing 3.10 Total 31970.1,9 Fd. Hondetson, teaming Alvin Oakley, teaming C. R. Davidson, team work on street A. Murray & Co., tank car of rotar A. Murray & Co., 3 bbls. cold patch Ed. I-tenderson, teaming C. R. Davidson, teaming Thor. Ritchie, blacksmithing J. E. Russell, 2 cars crushed stone 057.60 1 Jan. 12. TAXES Mar. 6 G. McDowell, tales, 1025 8 444. May 25 County Treasurer. arrears of taxes ... 52.6 Nov. 27, G. McDowell, taxes, 1920 126054 Dec. 15 G. McDowell, taxes, 1926 17741.06 Total 419504.59 RENTS, ETC. Rents during year, Town Hall 118.00 LICENSES Apr. 8 Queen s Hotel, license, pool room 41.10 15 Baeker Bros., butchers' license 10.00 15 Bell & Currie, butchers' license 10.00 June 5 A. Hill, street vendor's license 2.00 Nov. 29 American Hotel, license pool room 35.00 Total t,b.50 SCHOOL PURPOSE., Oct. 2 ' County Treats. grant for schools 712.01 WEIGH SCALES Feb. 11 Receipts, Dc• ternher, 1925 2.1.15 Mar. 2 Receipts, January and February 06.30 Apr. 16 Receipts, March 36.65 May 12 Receipts, April 40.70 July 12 Receipts, May and June 70.85 Aug. 9 Receipts, July 20.70 Sept. 11 Receipts, August 18.50 Oct. 6 Receipts, Sepl.' nber 25.05 Dec. 15 Receipts, October and November 51.80 Total MISCELLANEOUS Jan. 4 Dr. Hamilton, for posts 4 Dr. Hamilton, for 0 loads gravel Feb. 10 J. L. J1.err, 2 loads of gravel Mar. 2 G. McDowell, Poll Tax Apr. 26 James McFacieean, 2 poles May 22 James McFadre.an, 1 pole June 29 R. Thomson, gravel Oct. 26 Francis Ileirnes, gravel Dec. 15 County of Huron, gravel Dec. 15 Interest, trust account ' Sale Amusement tax tickets, Town Hall Sale Amusement tax tickets, Town Hall 20.00 3.00 1.00 14.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 102.00 2.00 68.88 51.28 to ..70 Total 26.4.66 Standard Bank loans 7000.00 County Treas. for street maintenance uoG.(36 Total I'eceipts :02398.75 EXPENDITURES SALARIES, ETC. Gordon McDowell, Utility man, 12 mos,a Feb. 8 Malcolm Black, Auditor 8 Noble F. Gerry, Auditor May 5 Joseph Wilton, Assessor Dec. 15 A. H. Macdonald, Clerk 15 A. H. Macdonald, Treasurer 900.00 10.00 10.00 65.00 150.00 85.00 Total 31 20,00 PRINTING, POSTAGE, ADVERTISING, STAMPS, STATIONE1RY Jan. 12 J. L. Kerr, printing Financial statement S 18 Municipal World, six subscriptions Feb. 8 S. -B. Beare, book:, and stationery Municipal World, Assessor s supplies Municipal World. general supplies Telephone tolls, 1925 Apr. 12 Municipal World, suppliesertiaing etc Oct. 5 J. L. Xerr, printing, Dee. 1.5 Postage, stamps. stationery, etc Telephone tolls and rent of telephone, 1921; Standard Bank, stnmps on County cheques G. McDowell, collector, post. tea. etc Total INSURANCE, HEAT. LIGHT, CARETAKING, &C. Jan, 13 Light, Town Hall ,y 11' Feb. 8 Light, i own Hall 4.7(; 8 Wesley Brewer, wood 86,7;1 26 Stott Mos., Insurance on Hall 19 la Mar. 2 F. A. Hunte.,', cover for table 1.00 8 Light, Town Hal 1.08 Apr, 12 Light, lawn Hall 2.50 May 6 Light, Town Hall 50 22 Scott Bros., lnsuranee on Foundry ' 11.'11 June 7 Light, Town Ball 2.511 July 9 Light, Town Hall 2.00 9 S. F. Davisoncoal, Town Ball 43.10 Aug. 5 Light, Town 'Hall 2,00 Aug. 26 Scott Bros., insurance 011 {call 4588 Sept. 8 Light, 'Town Pall 2.00 Oct. 5 Light, Town. Hall 2.00 Nov. 4 Light, Town hall , la Dec. 7 Light, Town flail 2.9S 7>, 31 WiS. F. D r Gillespie, romofor Hall n Ht.. ..... , 1.23 15 S. F. I as ). , 'Total *.21, 3.10 5,00 6.00 11;.65 :3.3a 7.40 7.20 13.30 11.50 2{:;0 18.20 4'2 3.01 ?1ra.00 CHARITY Children's Aid Society, Goderich Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto June 7 Mrs. M. Parr, nursing R. Stevens W. E. Willis, supplies, G. Haist Dec. '7 Miss A. Hunter, nursing Miss Curry Wilton & Gillespie, coal, G. Hoist Mrs. M. Whitfield, board for nurse, Miss Curry R. Dark, expenses re Miss Curry Total SCHOOLS May 31 M. Black, Sec.-Treas. School Board June 18 M. Black, Sec.-Treas. School Board July 9 M. ];lack, Sec.-Treas. School Board Oct. 20 M. Black, Sec.-Treas. School Board Nov. 26 M. Black, Sec. Treas. School Board Dec. 15 M. Black, Sec.-Treas. School Board Total DEBENTURES' AND COUPONS Principal Interest Total .3625.36 757.23 126.95 31121. 53.11 1180.0 6 95.82 40.08 135.90 .. 55.94 25.00 .80.94 199.66 91.09 r 290.75 .. 205.25 93.55 2)8.8) 34.20 15.60 19.50 68.45 31.15 99.00 Jan. 1 Deb. 14o. 2, Hydro Electric System 11 Deb. William St. Sewer May 27 Deb. William St. Sewer Sept. 4 Deb. North Turnberry Pavement Deb. South Turnberry Pavement 7 Deb. North Turnberry Pavement 13 Deb. South Turnberry Pavement . 26 Deb. North Turnberry Pavement Totals • 10.00 10.00 21.75 8.00 15.00 10.45 1.00 15.00 301.'e 1 200.00 1000.00 500.00 '742,04 1000.00 1000.00 34442 01 31421,66 31471.47 $2893.133 LOANS Dec, 15 Standard Bank, repayment of loans Standard hank, interest on lohns Standard Bank, stamps and int. overdraft Feb. 8 Aug. 5 Gordon McDowell, disinfecting. Dec. 7 Dr. McRae, salary 1VI.E•I.O. and expenses Gordon McDowell, disinfecting It. Henderson., disinfecting school Total 37000.00 186.95 .80 37187.75 ' L'OARb OF HEALTH Janes Fox, disinfectants $6.S5 13.70 100.70 2.00 2.00 $128.55 Total • WEIGH SCALES Feb. 8 J. W. Stainers, repairing scales Noy. 15 Canadian National Ry. rent of scales site . . • ..... Dec. 7 Allan Lamont, weighing at Town scales , .. , . • . • • • Total TELEPHONE SYSTEM Aug. 1 Debentures and Coupons Dec, 15 Ilalance of 'Telephone rates, 1926 Total . MISCELLANEOUS Feb,- 8 Rugietratiou of Births, Marirages and Deaths, 1925 Membership fee, Good Roads Association May 5 Prov, Treas., License, Hall, tickets Prov. "1'rc.as., License, Park, tickets A. C. Banker, expenses, Good Roads Convention .. J. Wilton, Assessor, expenses to London June 28 Grant to Public Library July 9 Grant to Horticultural Society Aug. 31 Prov. Treas., Amusement tax tickets Nov. 26 Prov. Treas., Amusement tax tickets Dec. 7 R. Park, caretaking of plots in cemetery W. 11. Sinclair, legal services Sylvester 1'ox, spjecial constable William 14IcQuarrie, special constable Ernest Cardiff, speeial 0onstable Standard Bank, safety deposit box, 2 years 15 A, A. Lamont., attendance Division Court sittings , .. John Lon., attendance Division Court sittings .. , A. (.1, Deviser, selecting jurors Joseph Wilton, selecting jurors A. 11, Macdonald, sclacting jurors Frank Woods, refund of business tax f U Plum ,.,fund of dog tax 0, G. Reynolds, expenses Court of Revision V. L, . , , Total Total Expenditure Balance -on lurid R.ECE)PTS AND EXPENDITURES From Dec. 150, 1925, to Dec, 31st, 1925, REC.IIIP'TS Dec. 17 G. McDowell, taxes, 1025 29 Dom. Gov, rent of hall for election 29 Prov 'Treas„ railway tax distribution 31 Hydro -Electric account, to pay debenture, Ji3idro-Eleetrir Com. StreM Lighting to Dec. 1st ... , 1901.68 COUNTY 010 IIURON Doc, G ('aunty Treas. G,n.County • Rates, 1926 .128.4.00 Dec, 01 1 County Traps. County and Iyrov Highways, 1920 700.20 Total , ... , .... 1390.20 Total .9.00 5.00 3'1.50 $46.50 v f200J.41 14,15.53 $3516.27 510.25 5.00 45.-17 43,57 20.00 10.00 500,00 25.00 39.08 1920 :3.00 13.50 7,50 7.10 7,60 5.00 74,00 32.00 4.00 ,4.00 4.00 '7.50 6.00 58.34 3895.41. $26'iO4.38 35694.87 EXPENDITURh1S Iiydro,I;lec tr1'r Account, Street llighting, 1925 Standard Bank, Interest on loan Total 3373.4.1 10.00 1.9.30 1167 28 321.(10.03 1982.72 '3k.80 32016.52 l,Itisfirs its rttnug rcaleec .l'rU • Ti rthinta.6 The Car Owner's Scrap-B®T (By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) TO KEEP SPARK PLUG FROM STICKING When replacing a spark plug it is a good practice to make a paste of Nome flake graphite and linseed oil or cylinder oil, and to smear this on the threads of the plug. This will not only help to make the plugs tight, but will prevent the plug• and the metal of the cylinder from flush- ing together, due to the heat, $o that the plug cannot be taken out •again. CAUSES OF OIL LEAK'; Fresh oil seen under a car after it has been standing indicates an Gil leak. If this is not corrected, more oil will be wasted than is used. Loose nuts on the oil pan, loose ed pipes or bearing in the front case usually cause the leaks. When grounding a wire to the frame of a car, a better jou is done by cleaning off the paint thoroughly. NEW GASKET FOR CYLINDER HEAD Always include a new ;•asket when replacing the cylinder head. It is a good plan to have the 7alket first soaked in water. Great care must be taken to have both the head and the top of the cylinder block ab- solutely clean. When the gasket is put on, both sides should be coated with a heavy lubricating oil. While the screwing down of the cylinder head bolts seems a simple matter, great harm can be done and often is done by doing this worn incorrectly. The centre bolt should first be turn- ed down snug, but not tight; then those on alternate sides should be made snug, and finally each given about a quarter turn till all are tight. Gravity reading should be taken on a battery before it is replenished with distilled water. WORTH REMEMBERING It Is a good plan to cram; the en- gine over a few times if' a car is kept inn a cold garage and has not been used for a week or more. The pistons, are liable to become stuck in tbe'r bores by rusting and much trouble and possible damage may be Involved in freeing them. Occasion- al hand cranking of the laid -up en- gine will help to guard against this "freezing" of the pistons. Even though a car is in use during the cold season, precautions should be taken against rusting, as the steam left in the cylinders, when "the en- -egine is shut down, condenses, maxee with the oil film, and 30071 ceases rust. ELECTRICAL TROUBLES Lack of inspection cause a major- ity of electrical troubles on a car. Generators seldom burn out because of inherent defects. Electrical dif- ficulties are usually due to loose or dirty connections or contacts, such as battery terminals, the ammeter or the junction box. Golfing Around the World 5. Membors of thn Round=l'he-World Coif Club Aboard the %mproas of Scotland on. her globe -encircling crulso. 2. A golf courso In India. 3. Cammpndor ,Took Latta of theIsmpross of Scotland, an nuthuslast.ic member efAttre Iionnd•tho-World Club. ("one people are unable to understand the fascination t) of that Royal and Ancient that they refer to as "chasing a little ball round and round a field ,• but it must ho admitted that there must be a gooddeal to it when players actually start chasing the little bads all around the world. And that Is what twenty members of the Canadian Pacifle Round -the -World Cruise are going to do this winter. Of course they don't say that th0 only healon why they are going around the world is in order that they may play on 26 different golf courses in as many world ;torts; but if the truth meed known the Sphinx and the Tel Mahal hold not the lure for them that do the golf courses of China and India and Egypt. Commander took Latta of the Canadian Pacific Cruise ship Empress of Scotland, now on her way round the .world is one of Hie most enthusiastic of the Round-the- Wbrld Golf Club, and it is ho who tees off from the. deck of his ship and s lite the fairway far into the ocean with the first ball of the tournantent. The above picture shows a feta of the members of the club taken on board, and a few golf clubs that won't be allowed to grow runty with discs , this'w+Oter.