HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-22, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 27 5$2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. W EDN ESDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1921, • MMMV,ROKOU VeryMerry Christmas ni Happy .1V,u) Year tW Is our sincere wish for ot:r many Customers and the public gen- erally. Fa • Leitch er Zeigler n ETHEL i'liMIOMiMMMKI 0000MM OMMO .0=••]••••.•. atzd et, et• eeeeeeee-+eaeee-4eleeeotoeeeeeeeeee+eeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee+eeeeeeeeaeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeee he Surroundina District teeaeneeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeteeeteeeee'eaeeeeteeleeeeeeeaeo• eeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeaeeeeeeee- JAMESTOWN the play performed vet,creditably ien Old frds of this locality offer I end was fesneably received by the hearty congratulations to Me. aud ; large crowd itesembled. After the Mrs. Carrick, of Goderieb. The bide Play a (10,110e watt held which was in- dulged in until the eatly morning. was formerly Miss Tenn Cult, eldest eineghtee „f the late James oat e„e The proceeds of the evening amount - Mrs, Outt, of Gocleriele mid feu rnerly ed in the neighborhood of $80. of Blyth and Jatnestowit. The heppy couple will reeicle in G ode' ich, WROXETER Wm Hayes is home frt'ui Sizneoe. Robt end Mee. Black have gone to Harrieton, whet e they will spend the Winter. The skating link was opened on Saturday evening, with a large at- tendatme of skaiprs b11,177 Mary Young it not improving in health as rapidly as her many tripods would like to see. The young People's Society of the United Church held a Christmas At HOMO, in the et:11°0110am of the chinch, elmaday evening, The Wroxeter 135:ant:It ef the Wow - en's institute tvill meet at the home of Mrs. Gaevin Devidson, nn Thurs- day, Dee, 3071). at p. rn.. Iloll Oall tn be answered by a Om:refit Event described. Exhibit, an apron, CRANBROOK A large numbee of friends of Miss Gertie Alderson assembled at the home of Allan Oatneyon and present, - ed the bride elect with a miscellan- eous shower, the gifts being tnost propriate, whiell thowe the high es- teem in which Miss Gertie is held. During the evening euchre and danc. ing were enjoyed. OnITUAILY.-John Rahn, a life-long reeitient of the 1211t con. of Geey, died lest Frielatty nmening in his 06111 year. During the past year deceased had been in failing health, having suffer- ed twoeslight strokes and only a week p. evinne to his death held a clearing Ruction epee, Some 10 days ago, fol- lowing a 50801.0 11,7177(71C. oF hiecnugh- ing, his throat became perativeed. He is survived by his widow. The limey. al was held on Monday afternoon ft om his late eeeidence etul service Wee nonalucted by Rev. Mr. Gueet, nf MONCR1EFF Ethel. The. pallbearea•s were :-D. • Henthei, H. Keys, 0. Schnocir, H. Miss Markley Fulton }the retut tied Gorsalitz, J. Cameron and J. Zeigler, home from a visit with friends in Sea- forth. Intetment was made in Cianbrook a" Oanwhell, of M1°1' 5.8 cemetery. The follewingitetn eent from Spon- newing friendthips in and ar, Nnd ' don School distrinte near °emulation, Mnitcrieff. • Alta.. rerere to a preeentatine made Mes. Robt. MeTaggart is not gain - to Miss leveyn Baltee, teacher, there, ing ea well as her many frietacis would and daughter of George Balzer, 771like, We hope diet she will soon he Oranbronk. Following is ere at - around around again. chess ; "On Mondale Dec. 651), the Next Sunday, in Knox Chinch, ehilclen Spender' Scheel presented Rev, Mr. Maines will preaeh a Christ - thele teacher, Miss Evelyn Bake), mats sermon, at 2.30 p. ne. The choir with a camera and the follneving (Le- witt veneer special 0117.18tterin (110810. dress. The teatime Was reed by R. 11. Potter, of canteen Man., vie- it.ed with hie sister, 131,5. 'Donnie Bee. Verna Gottschalk end the present- Teggat,t, °vet, the weeh.emi, find en Mimi made by Leah Cermet : Sunday last, very ably itesisted the DEAD TRAMIER - choir and at the close of the 581 0)011, I have been requested by the rendered a very Pleasing number, eu pupils of this school to offer 3700 1. titled "Drifting."',light token of elle 11.1IPCHOT1 and re - LIKE Otert PLAYERS. -The Monk t'PL gatel. T cannot tell yon how delight- correspoudP111, to the Milverton Sun ed 18111 to he the means nf cnnveying had the following nice remarks to to you the expressitm of nue united make about our actme :-On Wear -Ines- love: Whet we !lave to offer you is day night last the nlav, "Bashful Mr. a poor eymbol of nue feelinge, but we Hobbs, put on by the Monerieff Young know etnn will receive it kindly, 1717 Virornen's Auxiliary under the /Mg( 851017715 inclination of the attachmene pices of the Monkton Football Club, whinh each nr vie cherishes Inc emu in was a decided eneenes. Each actor in our heart of hearts, Yon have made 9 WEST Spe ce s END GROCERY Only Two more days to do your Christmas. Shopping VjE have a large stock of First-class CANDY, FRUITS, Etc., to choose from. Give us a call for your Christmas supply, Wishing our many customers a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. W. T. Spence ETHEL Phone 2225 New Advertisements Denote the oiteria 001110 (4 reetingti-J ofm Lying( Merry ("hrl8tions-1,,,11 oh & Z•tgler icerttlizr -Moro. & fonrotors' Club Car .7051 - s 11' 110810(81 servire8-7 'oss,•11, Un,tett Moroi: Weet gad rnn, y -W. eeeeee Mats for ii/i1P-arrnwfora eet Rotten Hoene gra ppd-WM, 81 0( ;n11 Dog strayed -John Whitt. Mt sttio-hoslio balot Beef for aale-1t..1. Mo tatoann Otie lemons pleasant to us ; so pleas• thee it would he ungrateful to call them Woks. We know thee we have often tried your temper mid forbear- ance, but you have dealt, getitly with us in our waywardness, teaching ue by example, as well as precept, the advantages of kindness and self-con- trol, We will never l'orgee you. We shall look back to thie sehool in after life ; 1)05 88 a place cif patience, but as a scene of mental enjoyment, where the paths of learning wave strewn with flowers, and When our memory recalls our school days, our hearts will warm toward you as they do to -day. 111,786 been requested by tny school mates not to acidrese you formally, but as a beloved and re- lit that light:, dear specter' friend. teacher, we all requeet you, please ac- cept with 005 115118 'Resent, nue 1101'n. 71885 good wiehee. May you always be aa happy ate you have endeavored to make your pupils, and may ihey, as tithing better could be wished for hem, be always as faithful to their duties to others, as you have been in your duties to them, Miss Baker, the tecipient of the gift, thanked her pupils kindly for their thoughtful- ness and also for the ninny kindness. ehown her during her stay at Span - don. CAR OF ut COad. -Now jusT TO HAND Place your orcl, r 8. F. Dat ison Phone 17 Brussels vice. The pallbeareis %vete : his two Methyl s, %Van. C. redeem, Time, Laidlaw, Jas, Luidlaw and Leslie Fetir. Was PRESIDENT 15 Yanae,-The Boissevain (Man ) Ream cler, of Dec. and, gave a hill reppet of the autand meeting a the Agricultural Society, of which Dougalcl A.. Taylor has been President for the past 15 years. My. Taylor is an old Morrisite, and resid- ed on the Perm amw occupied by Sandy McLaughlin, le miles North of Ettussele : "The manual meeting of the Turele Mountain Agriculteral Society eves held in the council chamber, on Saturday afternoon. The meeting was advertised fen 2 p. m , but it teas eftee 230 before the meeting was called to order, owing to She fact thet thieve was 110t 71. qunrum (20) present. D. A. Taylor, Pres- ident, preeided. He gave resume of of the past year's activities and spoke as to the improvements requited on thP ground., 50 118 50 keep (1)1' p700)- 1858 fully up to the atandaid. He al- so thanked the officers and directors for the splendid suppm that had been gi ventiin, beet, year, 85 111 prey - iota; years. The Sect etary, Ed. Brow re also bt ough tin a report and presented the thattecial statement, which showed that the wise year was one of the most succeseful years, fin- ancially and otherwise, that the Soc- iety bits eirjoyed. The matters of a era new horse barn, tree planting, fencing and hntse 7 ings were discoed at length, and it was decid- ed that all these have the epeeial at- tention of tin. directois of 1920. The election of officers wee the next order of business, Mr. Taylor, who Itae so shay tilled the position of president Inc the past 15 years. was (amain re- nominated. He, however, asked to be exensed fry the reason that he found the win k very heavy and he had not the time he %visited to devote to the office, that should he given in it. The members felt that to do away with Mr. Taylor's FierViet'S eves nut of the question, so a new office was created, that of Hon. President, to which Air. Taylne wee unanimous- ly elected. He W718 also made rt life member 01 1118 Soreety. ele. Moore and otherg epnke highly of the 077181171- Id services that Mr. letylor had rena- med the society during his long teem of preeirlency and of 1110 debt the Ag- eicultutal Society ivould Mumps owe Sir. Taylor thanked the ment- he) s for the kind expreseion of feel- ing and a.ssureel them that he want highly honored hy being Fleeted te the mention of ilnitnrary President and being 0)8(1 08 Life Me ober of he Society, end that 110 would, at all tim- es, take the 811.7110 int eipet in the Web fare of the SOCIIPty es he had in the past." MORRIS A Merry Ohtiettnas 50 005 readers, Nomination meeting at Townehip Hall, next Monthly. Election talk le growing hotter. There is likely to be a pun fur reeve - ship and cot:mall. Gartv J. and Mrs. Wilson and son have gone to Toronto where they will spend seine time. Ales Donald McLean, 71h (eon., is quite seriously ill, Bee old friends hope to hear of a rapid recovery. Mrs. Thos. Forbes, of ' \Vaughan), is spending the Winter with her sister, Mrs. Robt, Geddes. 8111 line, Mows. ;The Ebenezer (Browntown) Sunday ! School will hold theie annual Christ- ! mats entertithiment„ on Dec. 22nd, 1026. A. splendid program, consist,- ; ing of dialogues, drills, vocal and or- chestra 0)11810 15 being perpated. 111 addition, as a very special feature of ; the program, the young people will present a most humorous two -act play, entitled "Mise Melly," 1 Following is the report cif S. S. No, 4, Norris, for November and Dec- I ember. Seniors examined in Spell„ Arieh , (hemp Hist„ Agrieniture, Geog, and Recit Mien. juniors exam- ined in their daily work. Pupils ' marked • missed ex8101110.110118. Sit., IV -Mildred Thehol 77 ; Leota Oard• 111 67 *Ielyod Pipe 46 ; "toe Smith 26 Jit IV -Glenn Stul th (16; Mervyn Pipe 04.; **Golden Harman 40. Sit, III-liartieet Smith 71; Dave Millet' 68 ; Kate litieeell 07 ; Margaret Rue. sell 67 315 11I-Howat etuith 41 ; Jack Pipe 80 ; Mac Scott 23. JR. II- Adah Gyasby 74; Lewie Rneeell 05. Betmerd 82 ; Olata Smith 31; Glenn 14101101 57 ; "Bill Harman 37. Ja Pue-J'itu Davis, Feank Outelieon, Eleanor Nit1in, Toni Bern- aed. WINONA A. FRAIN, Teacher. LATE Wet B. SCOTT.-Williarn But- ton Scott, a veteran nf the &teat War. died at the home 01 1(18 benther, James W. Bente, in Moetis Twp , on Dec. 0111, 81 the age of 46 years- Un- til a few weeke ago, Mr. Scott, ;was in perfect health, when it was anonym. ed that right M717717'111 gnitre had de- veloped. Upon learning this, hie im- mediate friends knew that nothing coUld be done for foe his relief hut to pray that his release might come quickly. All through 7118 18837 tryieg weeks that followed, tat one (Wee helLtli a word of e1/11711111.1111: 778811 his lips even when his (Retypes was great- est. He was a men known to a great ninety, having mussed the geeetee part of his life in the inmiediete except for few yev.ys spent; in the West. When the way broke one, he 'wee One of the first to enlist from Walton in the 101s5 Regiment, in the Spring of 1016 He 11015 10 active eete vice in P1113100 ree WO years, receiv- ing a bullet wound above the heart, at the battle of thembrai, but from which he fully recoveeed. The late lelte Scott is eurvived by his mother, of Montreal eras. W., of Morris ; Thomns, of Outfield ; Mee. na. 'town. son, of Montreal, and Mrs. Went, G. Laidlaw, of Glenwoodville, Alta, The funeral was held frnm the home of his brother, Jas. W. Scott, on Satnr- day, Dee, 11511, at 2 le tn., his min- ister, Rev. G. Telford, of St. And- reve's United Church, taking the eer- Fertilizer We are buying direct fivm the American exporters for March de livery. Acid Phosphate, Potash or any mixed Fertilizer. GET OUR P1110E13 Few barrels of Feeding Molasses still on hand. Morris & Grey farmers' CLUB Everybody TT elcome AT THE Christmas Dance IN THE OPERA HOUSE BRUSSELS Tuesday Ev'g, Dec. 28 TOWN'S ORCHESTRA Luneh Served Gentlemen 95e plus tax Under auspices of The Young Men's Club 423 ; *Ruth alenning 337 ; **.**Ilar- oel Bnlger 101. 'la III -Pas', 420, lion. 525, 383111 WIC! 7137 580 ; Robb - son lieenilton 404 ; *el 6 riel Dundee 446 ; *Gyare Manning 808. SR. 11- P388 1396, Hon, 405. Helen Smalldon 536 ; Helen Farquharson 483 ; Not ma Steles 456 ; Jane Dundee 447; Rad Hoy 4138; Gordon Ryan 429 ; Florence Alderson 870. Jit. II -Pass 358, Hon. 410 Gordon Shortreed 418 ; Margar- et Murray 366; Kenneth Murray 351 ; *Lena Drager 285 ; \Villie Fat quhat- snit 204 ; *e* A Ilan McCall 1135; 'Mary Burhomen 1(15; *Jack Mr:Gavin 137. Sit T-Paes 240, Hon. 300. Jean Had- ley 328 ; Anna lentils 288 ; Eva Alder - e071 225. Jae 1 -Mary Homphries, Jack Drager, Jactic Murray, Vern Dun- das, Heti) Hoerle, Dorothy Mut ray, Evet•ett Lowrie. Sit PR -Excellent, Kenneth Spitler. GOOd-Jaek 811)33.11. don. Dome Iltteetae, I epeau het s. 011A17. SeSELLEas..1 GREY A Merry Cheistunts to one readers, Nomination meetieg at the Town• ship Hall, on Monday next,. R. 11, Portee is enjoying a visit at his old hr me here. It is six years since elle Peeler (3788 1)030 lateen e. Ninny attended the Ruction sale at the faun rf Arele Hisinp heat Wed- nesday. The day was a rough one but the cattle sole well. Mrs. A. 13. Eaton and ebildren, 1)oreen and Donald, if IA 911110, Seek „ ere visiting with the fp:Jinn's parents, George E. and Ales. Speiran, 1211) 0011. ReCeIl OW, 11.9 Messrs. 10. Ilan 'aeon and Lenetted Seehl 1.901 7' proceeding Mont the 1,5111 Con„ Grey, they eat - Med flames pouting nut of the luntee ani the farm of John eleKey, evhieli Mid recently heell rented by Wm. Neelfie. They onieltly ran to 0371 i 11g - nisi' the fire, but on accorm1 of the heatlivey it had mule. they were only Able to $1890 part of the rem tents. A e Mr. Neeble was away at the time, ehe 01171111 pe 1110 fire is unknown. Peter and Mrs. McDouald and daughter. ot Plenty, Seek,. are spend- itm the Christina/1 holidays with 1110 fm•tner's mnther and le•olliere. The 371)0 5(158 had intended stayleg for the Winter, brit, while eneonte here Duet. youngest ;laughter. Margin et Ague., raged 3 years and 5 menthe, WaS SI rick - 7'11 with aecute appeedicitie pees- eal meaty in Fore William }lo' phial on Doe 911). The parents will return af- terNOW Veers and lake the body Mirk ror burial at their home in 7310 West. 0111 feietacIS extend sympathy to the bereaved, WALTON Percy raylor hyls invested in a new We are glad to see Herb, Mannieg out again aftee his eettent operation. Wedding bells will soon be ringlet; end Walton locality le snpplyitig the groom. Miss Esther Shorteeecl is home after spending some time al Whighem with friencla. John ned Mrs. Johnstnn were at Belgravia. on Monday, visiting Mrs. Johnsteme) parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walsh. Wm. and Mrs. Benneft, and 0711311. yen, who live in the West, are at pres- ent viaiting at, the home 61 0, and Mts. Barrows of Walton, end John Bennett, on the Huron Road, West of Settfortle A platy watt preeented by the Y. W. A. Somety of Moncrieff, midee the atispicee of the Y. P. S. of Deff's Ohurch, Walton, on Fa•irley evening. There were good tunsical •numbers given between Rae, Miss Janee Clark, who has been in charge or the millinery shop in Web- eter tes Bettgetes store, in Monkton, hes complete(' her season's work and 18 171 present at home with her pay - tents, Will and Mrs Olark. The ladies 01 85. George's Anglieell Church held a vete suceeesful on Thursday, of hot week. A splend- id lot of fancy work and other useful articles were sold. A Kipper was served frotn 4 bo 6 &Mock. Tbe lad- iee realized the tidy sun) of $200 00, Peter and Mrs. McDonald, who av rived in Walton, on Saturday le.st, freen the West, hitd the treeforittne 01 3081113 theie youngest: child three and one half years old. The cbild book suddenly 01 at Fort William and; had an operetiott perfortned. hut died Anon after. The bereaved narenta have the sympathy of the people of Walton and eonntinnity. The following ie the rennet (tf the Weltne Pnblie Seltool, * Oilseed ek- aminatinne. IV-Paes 480, Ilbn. 600, Ellwood Shnetreed 854 1 Ethel Shen, 021 ; Mery Write 609; *Cluieles Donald 572; *HeY °teeter 812; *Alvin Ferquharann 641 t. WM 'lifted Magee 511, Sn III -Pass 420, Hon, 525, Wilfred Shoetree(' 611 1 1581)01 Fee- tmlnerson 13811 Helen Stelee 526 Dretter 517 ; *lin\ Murray 400 ; Laura Hoy 459 1 Eelleh Ramie 450 ; Mabel Meehan 486 ; "Jim Malan ETHEL Mrs, Walter Sinillie„ near Bluevale, epent the week -end wi eh her patents, Wu', and Mrs. le'ckmitare Mr. leek. miee has not been enjoying good ,health for some tity0, hue eve hope rot improvement befere long. Le 0. L 031., Ethel, held 1.11011. ell, 111.10.1 election and histallation of tale - ere, on Dec. 18th, M. M., Alex. Sgeiyan ; 0, M., 3, E. Rowland t Chaplaim A. MOKes ; Rec. Sec,. 0. Bateman ; Fin. Sec., 13. leektesier ; P1158 8., G. McCall ; Lecturer, T. Ward ; Marshall,. N. Lamont ; Cem. 0. Rowland, O. Davidson 1 13. Care, Tyler, W. H. Love, Cecil Eckthier, of this loaslity, hes leased the faint of R. S. Hamilton, neat' Gerrie, for it term nf yeat s gets immediate possession. We hope that Cecil will not be keeping batch long and we hope to hear of a houee- keeper being installed. Mr. Hamill - ton will be rernentberecl as mail com•- iee for several years in our village, tend has now taken up residence in Willi:ahem We wish ail prosperity in this tinclertakitm. S01100L Coteenier -Standieg room only 1985 51)8 word at the 0000011 giv- en' by the Ethel school in the Twee Hall, on Tnesday everieg. The imp ile t•howed theie thaining iti the differ- ent parts which they took. Peoceeds amounted to $83 50. Following ie the program :-Opening chortle, "if we evolve yoll and yen WOWe 8e11001 vvelcome speech, Ruby ; chair - Menai midyear; ; dialogue, "Fooling Santa," Calvin Kreuter ; actostie, "Chrietnetts" ; instrumental (beet, Derie Gill and M1171101 13101111); dia. logne, "Enchanted 1101(07374 reeita- then, Edith Keamter ; dialogue, "SM. - prier) Inc Sainte" ; Lullaby enng ; '43anada" ; dialogue, "Three in bed" recitation, -Atle Wardlaw Will be held in the Opera House Brussels Friday Evl Pm 31st Thynne and Jackson Orchestra LUNCH SERVED Gentlemen 50c Ladies Free Dancing at 9 o'clock Everybody Welcome ! ma•••••••••1:•1" ohnittngitt, "Mai oh (if the men of Her - tech" (led "The 11111177710 is OUP thatin- try," the Salmis; ; ,,,,,otation of cer. tificeteetPantomatne.aselly'e Christ- mas ; playlet. "A li t niog Dew and then' ; eLoal Save the Kmg Santa Ohms. Eastern Star L. 'I'. E. No. 408 held their annuel eleei ion end installation of offleers, on Dec. tith. W. lel., Sis- ter R. Cleaver ; D. leI., Bro. J. 0. R0191701(1 ; Ree, Soc., sister E, peat_ one Fin. See., Sist er 0. Hamilton ; Treas., Sieter H. Love ; Chaplain, Sister W. H. Love ; D. 0. 0„ Sister Oen., Bro. M. Eekinier ; 0. Tyler, Bro. N. Lamont; 0. Tyler, 11. Love ; Auditors, Bros. H. Love and J. Rowland 1 Committee. Sisters, J. E. Rmeland, M. Gilk imam, A. Speiran, 13. MrCreight, Eit•o. T, m. Jones, BELGRAVE There will be OhriettnaS 9859150 With the eelebration of Holy Cram- munion in Trinity Church, Belgrave, 00 Sunday, Dee. 25111, at 2 30 p. tn. (111100 8101 give thanks to (Ind for His unspeakalee gift. Lanett Wednesday's Toronto Stay publiebed a picture ef Nike 13e8t1iee Dyke, daughter of Row, J. II. Dyke, Personal Paragraphs rwmhtolr'iveRe'llaitfengen. Plr'll‘telPStitianut•lisaltiClneldnfi't1beer following : "Miss Dyke, who was one nf 0 PC A'e early artiste, is- now in NOW York, Wileee she 18 1718.1711771 name for het self as a enneert mid op- eratic enpreno. The liteutklyti 111 mit. t•efers to her "a ich and powerful E vneileeen"thet s of the L, 0. L. Ne. 402, with Bro• 0, King, past 111,,ter, pr10 i siding, elect 0,1 and hastened their ; ,efieers for 19117, Re f,,110w9: W. et, A. Patteeson .• D. 13, 10. Sturdy ; ' Chaplitio.J. 0.Wightman ; Ditertor of ceremonies, \‘‘'„ e Murray : nue clei Sere 1111 T,,';.(t... Net bevy ; Re- rokli ng SeerelatV. 0. Keating ; In- side 'Pyle , A. lewin ; Outside Tylet, R. MeMurrity ; Lee:tire's, J. ()wan, fl 'learnt:; t tee„ 34 Iewite .1. E eieflatIltine W. 1315d3e73, T. Slim, bottom, J. Taylor. L. KE1?R, Proprietor L. Church Notes (1-1 St. John's Church Holy 0u,I)ni1111100 will be celebrated in St. John's Chut ch, On Christmas Day, at 10 /1. end 011 Sunday, at noth morning umr1 evening services. Will also have special Christmas MIS^ 70 by the choir. The Laaliee' ad and the W. A. of tit,, John's Church held their annual meeting at the Moue of Mrs, D. Walk- er, on Wednesday, of last week, The report, as !earl by the Secretary, showed that the 3155( 370)9)1 had been a very successful one for the Society. Following officers were elected for 5118 000)11(3 year : Hon. Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Lewin ; President, Mrs, D. Walker ; Secretary, Miss Jessie Al- cock • Treasurer, Mrs. D. Robb, At She cose of the meeting. a tasty lunch was served. United Church Special services on Sunday for Christmas. The annual Christmas Tree Enter- taimnent was held on Tuesday even- ing and an excellent, program' was rendered. Santa Claus arrived in time to give 1.110 children a bag of candiee and an orange. The presents on the Christmas tree, to the value of 9331118 01 $46.50 and $6 donated, will be for weeded to the Deaconess' Home, in Toronto, for distribution among the needy there. Following was the program : Hymn ; Prayer, Mr. Bark- er; Chorus, "The Belle are Ringing," lay the school ; Addrese of welcome, Helen Seeker ; Piano solo, Alice peep ; Reading, Eddie Midst Play, "Catching Sante," PlIfllrlIy Class : Reritation, Billy Palmer ; Duet, Glen and Lloyd Wheeler ; Rec., Mary Davi,on ; Solo, Frieda Pellet d Rec., alary Backer ; Chortle, boyar of Miss Hunter's class ; Ree., Betty Currie ; Duet, Charlie 131381111 and Glen Wheeler ; Hee, Walter Heist ; Choosing the Yule Tree, he' 8 beYe and 3 gill. ; Rec„ Ruesel Farrow ; mouth mgan sole, John Kernaghan ; reeheatiott, Siewat t (Ili, 83.101 ; chorus, Mrs. Denman's Mee ; FELVOlite Trees, Jim Palmer, I3113ie Stepheneen, Garf. Henderson ; quartette, W. J. and Mrs. Procter, eliee Preetee and W. J. McCracken ; rending, 171188 Evelyn Chapman 1 ;duet, Mrs. Wheeler and Mies Ramie 1 tratlarko. Bert. Lott ; The Nativity, Miss Howe's Class ; dialegue, "A etreet ear seene at Christmas 'rime," hy 8, tonnher of young ladies and men ; Santa Claus. BLUEVALE The following is 1 he report of 131117'' 371110 Publie Sheol, fait the Autumn term, 0(111)31 cent is 3111 11,0)01 m v, 75 per cent ie honor standing. Nionl:el. ent oiled 5711 Pit 1 V-Alhet la Shiell 1)05 Leslie (it eettaway 82; May Mich- elson 01. Ja. IV- eVilason Than mon 721 Kennel ti Aitehineoti 71; Norman Bat need ; 110311 el melee el ; Heel Dentition 54 SR HT- 11,1 ,8 beet 74 ; Paul Walden 73 ; Vii•den elowbray 72 ; Carman HP1117'01101711 68 ; Dais), 717 ; Lela Leg - go I 1 ; Kenneth Mow brey 65 .111. III -Rohm 1 Manatee 77 ; Alma 130),. man 54 Dorothy etreenatwev 46 II -Olive Shiell 70; Alba Mowlitay 76 ;50118 Alma;;;IN 711 : Mabel Bee. man (14 Hawse) Barnatd 01 ; jerk Nieholson 54. T-Aliett Thornton 70; Hazel Mester 08 ; Willie Hall 04. Pit -Isebel IfieKintIon 81 ; June Walden SI ; Jack Kerr 74 r, Gorden Le gatt 78 • Daisy Holmes 73 Jack Bosnian 72 ; Eunice Thornton 60; Ar- nold billow 66, ALICE A MIMS, 'reacher, .BLYTH Robt, Wightmen wee a delegate from Blyth 0. be 0 Partite's' Club at the auntie con ven ion, 85 '('1)50)1 t0 last Nveek. Oolborne bits gold hie medical mactiee to Dr, M. A. Shipley, of Clin- ton, who will route Mtn possession the first 01 5118 New year, Dr. Col- borne lute putthased Dr, Hambly's practice, in IViughem. The marriage took place in 85. An- dreve's manse, Blyth, on Tuesday, Dec, 1411i, of Miss 'Pena fent, of God- te kb. etches!, &tighten a the tete Jas. Outt and Mrs, Cu tteforrnet I y of 8l37111, to Mr. Carrick, of Godericb. The cer- emony was perfoetned by Rev. Geo, Telford. Arrangements are being completed for the ennual Winter couree 171 Ag- rieulture and Home licononfir: ,a to he 11(111 in Myth, January 4.28,1027, len- tier the management of the Criteria Department of Aarriculleme, Huron Ormety Braneb, at Clinton. A larges 711)0)1)01 01 applicatione ere ejready lit for (118 0)01788, which promises to be very instructive. W771. 01(111.11., 7.11 111,11.1j7, 173 home for the Chriet mate belitete, MN, Miller, el Wive hani. was the guest 17lls. James Pox last Friday af- trt"Kue7eni`airtie, the obliging assistant at the C. N, R. station, N holidaying t w o .13. attending Torolite Mlle -ea. -Ay, is home for the (31(1)lit (13,1 111,01118 17)')e1ei777naee"ghttl 10 8710 Herb. Manning, cf Waltolt. in town last week, ,'it,' t G. A. Ileadmiti is spending the Clitieltnee 371'"' 51, with Me daugb- ,11,a kes. (i111,,1 in,12,1ita.111 tb,,,lie"11(r,iretoissan, t. (grainy! (118 "Portrait, COI1SPI W.`71-lry of 1311810, 7,8 hotne for the Christmas 85)1)1)7173 residing 11, 4°11'111i:0' n11 11:1'7,:mw :11;7:1"r911 7111 d. 17 1017 ,, g1epedp(w,initths er. 0. N. R agent, Is ehpiaFreno hie 11 11.1ey. anal Christmas- ' 1111 th. HAW err) (toast of lincle Sam's "eni1oalittav'' ay'e Mail end : "Rev. De. b' 3 Oaten, of the Orateeio Pro. ' hiliation radon, left yesterday e9e1)- 1110 for Vatotonver. 11e will spend the Winter on 71117 Pacific °nest,' ; Mies Betty Walker, of New Ham- ialeys with her grandparents, D. arid (3,,g, 18 SeellajlIg the 01151910)58 bore . Mrs. Walker. 1 Wm King arrived home fettle New Ontario, .071 Satorday night. Mr. ; (31(171 1188 just completed a good seas - Ion in the lighining rod business, in 71)0 130551), and will be home foe the Winter 11087, ; We are sorry to hear that Mrs. ; Dtmean IteeKetitie. of Montreal, s, 330111)05 1081(10115 of Beuesets, 18 10 very I pram health. at preeent." Creeping I 778115137915 18 the the nnme given her very dist tessieg ailment. V. and Mrs. Sanderson, of Wing - limn, spent the week end in town. D. M. and Mrs. Scott are spending Christmas at the lattor's home in 003110, 111, Mise Pay1o, B. 0. S. Principal, 4. spending the Christmas vacation at the parental home at Varna. Mrs, J. le Kerr and Miss Mary Helen returned last week from their Omit visit at Toronto. Coln McArthur. who makes his home with Alex. and Mrs. Roe, hos been worse the past week we are sorry to report. W. Glen .Arinstrong, a 'Brussels boy, and deputy reeve of Ward One, York Township, is again seeking 81110'- 71011 to that onico, and. from presert indications win receive On acclama- tion. Depty-reeve Armtsrong has been a member of the council for 8 years.Re is also a member of itte Township Industrial Corrritlsion,