The Brussels Post, 1926-12-15, Page 8WEDNE
DAY, DEC. 15, 1926.
or Sada Claus
Boys' Books
Girls' Books
Flash Lights
One of the season's New Books
—We have the best of them.
Price $2.00
With blooming 'Narcissus Bulbs
from $1.00 up to $3 00
are useful present. They are
priced from 25c up to the large
boxes at $3.00 and $4.00 each
The new boxes are here, and
have quite a Christmas appear-
ance, from 25c up to $3.00
in Amber, Ivory, Tortoise
Shell, Amber on Ivory, and
Purses, and many new leather
novelties, some of whith have
not been shown before until
this season.
See the new cups and saucers
in the red and gold boxes
Haviland Limoges China
Bridal Rose China
New Artificial Flowers ictmas Decorations
Christmas Cards To-.. la.' Seals
Holly Boxes and Tissuo • .-
fia R. SMITH
The „7",,A424 Store
Druggist atid Stationer
Local News Items
Dance To -night. Among the Elite.
There is a dance billed for to -night A letter from Kansae City eteted
(Wednedayt in the Town Hall. that their fair city had be.?, -1 visited
by Prc.sident and .1•Irs,
Euchre and Donee. Qtn.,..o Marie and Fred Gilnio. We
The Huron Plowman's Assoeiation have sold 'for e that you eine't keep
are holding 0 euchre and In jh f0 L 011 Iloys and Girle out of
the Town Hall on Friday evenine ef the limelight.
this week.
Womon's Institute.
Taxes Well On. A rt :10 nt'etine. of th
Tax Colleteor G. MeDowl nearly i• to Ie. held Feidey
balanced hie books on the 14m. afternoon of this week at o'cletk in
Some $350.00 IS uncollta,ted and the the1 u 1! 'u A &moos -ration
most of this win soon be collected. oii "Makine Seem:, Cake" it In he
Vell lay M. R. Thomson and "Am
Barber Shop Sold. rlo Frittees and Doughnuts" by Mrs.
Councillor We. .-eriehtrone bee. Sti'n.natl. Roll Call to be answ-
disposed of his barber -"heri te Chas. er---1 hy "How to. Remove Stalas''. A
Leckwood, who 2.onner1y condirete'd rat' or tee is being served and a
a Amp Blyth tied retteeita. eneteeti eleieee ee. 1 5e le atked. .411 ladies of
to Exeter. Mr. Le -km -nod and :ram- the Cemmunity are invited to our
ilet ;we beteee getting eettled itt the in-et:nee.
brick house rear the school, former- „
ly occupied by 11, H. Sillily:le. Mr. : 'joy Scouts.
Arm:arena has not yiet 1 ,L abitt Frelie. ev- eine an intc•rfstIrg
be will 'lo, but will rolladn. in teem wroirram sa v th, jnriec
for the time being. I Boe-e :0 tee Lecture Room it? the Mel-
; ville Pre:ere:teen Church, The ',no -
Brother Dies in Vancouver. I !..rnm con;jsted of choruses, fee!ta-
The Luekno.te- Sentinel (11.1iC.: ?...- 118, meet h cirgan selectierw, gnat,-
ference to the sudden .1,a:a of a tyitie demonstration, •ptatatni'l beads
brother of J. H. Cameron, of 1r 0/111 11•0 playlets. The fiNt play -
don, a former princimil of -.he !"rus- let was entitled "nulling .11, Tables."
sels PnhJ Schoolt—Word wati re- was a boardine e•hool et.ene.
ceived here a few days ago that Mr. t
wior, two of the k 'Nhite
Angus Cameron, brother rf Messis. and ,fnek Douglas, formed a ,'liver
R. D. and Kenneth Cameron., had scirane to frighten Scipio, tit, darkv
died' suddenly on Thinaday or last
week, Dee, end. Mr. Camermi wee
spending the winter in Vaneouver,
13. C. and on Thursday was at the
home of Mr. Alex. MuDti•igell.
They had just- sat down to dineei.
when 1Vir. Cameron was oo «1 w;"h
a severe headache which was follow-
od almost immediately by parelyeee
Medical aid was at once summoned,
but he passed away that ever:erre.
The remains were taken to Wianipee
for interment. The late Mr. Camer-
on was well and favorably known in
Minor Locals.
Christmas is rapidly approaching,
9 more shopping, days before Christ
There is still time to do your shop-
ping early,
sf !Tan (Melvin l'horn:,son but
they overloolaal Tom,. . tronar 1
W lir who dreeeed up in the
eebeelMeeter'e coat and :4.0101 the
•-•tee ideteent much worse then poor
J-s•ie le_ Eventually the sehoelmaeter
hereeif a heard outside and the tttb-
•s are turned on all three. The
au•o+1 olaylet was "The Cunt 'ober
1 111 Debating Club," The followits;
a-,•!...• the eltoracters: Thomas Betehel-
door, Allan McCracken; linfus
Sentt Iinhl Julius julritls,
hiraineth Thuoll Samuel Johmon,
:fames Kerr; Peter Buffinn, Norman
-Thompson, and Anthony Snowdrop,
John Kernairhan. Theee were all
eolorod men, who decided to orgenize
a cleileting club. They had sUnte riff-
fielilly in selecting a president, but
on a vote being. taken, Thomas Flat -
Make your slogan: "Mail Christ. (11111"r m's t'he unanil°°°8
Hie hISistellee upon the club gratin..
mac parcela early2'
Nomthatioes will be held on Mon- down to business roused the ire of
Peter Buffinn, who would not be die -
day, Dee, 27th, for Municipal Elec-
Order your personal greeting, carde
without delay. They are tiNtinet and
always acceptable.
The provincial government has
kept its promise and annountete a 85
reduction in license fees to all Onter-
io motor owners.
The village of Drayton is eolUSW.
ering the installation of a $16,000
waterworks plant. Drayton's penult: -
tion is about 75i1.
lifted to by eny p1, 11(1 The meet-
ing. "butted" up on the alatoiut
fusel af Sarnuel Johnston to debate.
All the boys did their parts well,
both in the plays and in eh other
parts of the program. •Jack White
read the MIntiterl of tho ineoting's
whieh have been held, awl Jemmied
Walker gave the Treamuree'e repine
which showed a habitue- on heed of
$21.20, this included the eolleetion
taken up at this entertainment. The
Wonder what has become Of 1A10 1?°3°-1 or° now working on the prelim-
inary tests for the Boy Scouts and
old-fashioned girl who, at this time of
year, had a dresser drawer full of at Nast eight will take the tender-
foot examination next Fraley. "1 he
Club will then be in a position to ap-
ply for the Troop Charter of. the
Boy Scouts of Canada, They wish
to eXpress their a mreciation of the
doilies and fancy work prepared for
her Christmas giving.
The ieauers of the 1926 motor 11.
censes haVe sent back all surplus
markers, and any now licenses for
entered taken In t thew first, en -
this year will have to be secured from
the bepartment at Toronto. tertainment,
01136015 'hilted Church
REV. A. W, BARKER. S. 0.
Sit.t raday, 11.)zic. 19th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
"Aflame for God"
pan.—Sabbath School ses-
sion anti Bible Classes -
7 p.m—Public Worship.
The Land of Beginning
Tuesday, Dee. 21st
Sunday School Christmas
Sunday, Dec. 26th
Christmas Music
and Addresses
CEDAR Anchor Posts and Fence
posts for sale, J. C. Beckett.
Phone 8418. Bluevale P. 0.
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Over-
coats and the best Gent's Furnishings
at King Bros, Wingham.
FOR SALE.—Upright Bell Piano, in
first-class condition. Also a steel
range with high warming oven and
reservoir. Nearly new. Isaac Mor-
rison, Bluevale, R. R. 1, Lots 28-
29, Con. 1, Morris.
DRIVING MARE, Rising 5 Years.
for sale. Guaranteed sound.
Phone 4913, Stuart McQuarrie,
'West lionkton.
FOR SALE.—A Set of Good Strong
team eleighs. Apply to A. James,
Lot 12, Con, 4, Morris, Phone
54-10. 2T
GOOD Shorthorn Cow for Sale. Due
Jan. 27th. Ceell Hatemoo, Phone
(5111, Ethel.
FOR SALE. — 6 -Roomed Frame
house and 5 acres of land in the
village of Cranbrook, being the
property of the late \Yahoo.' Roth-
well. Must ho sold to wind up
Eetitte. For further partieulars
apply to I. liathwell, Bruesele,
R. No. 2, Phone 49-5. tf
QUANTITY of Elm and Priapic Wood
for sole. 95.25 111 eord. For
further portit•ulars apply to Will
H. Speiran, Phone 509. 25-tf
STACK of Hay, Good Cattle Feed,
for sale. Dorman MeTaggert,
Let 25, Con. 15. Grey, Phone 299.
CEDAR CHESTS.—Just the thine
for a Christmas gift. Call -and
inspect as prices are right. Moth
proof. George Edwards, 3T
A NUMBER of Barred Rack Pullets
for sale. Laying strain; 41.25 a
pkat. flies. Pierce, Phone 511-10.
HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply
to Miss Hingston.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for sele at a
bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair.
Added Attractions.
A linr.,0 attarhod to a ou'Aer took
to a jog on Monday morning aed a
eteer. across the rie-er, while en route
to the station leieonie quit1. antay
and gave the drivers a mem? time,
Stores Will Open Evenings.
The stores will 'men Werinei,1 iy
evening of t week and will 1-111-
,41,01, to ir•i open each t•vening ur
Wins Free Trip East.
David Lamont, of INT(•lito, Men,
and Beissell Porter, of Cn rinan , Mon.
are renewing old friendships in thie
leieilite at nresent. They art both
imente for Ford produete in the West
and it was an unusual coincithweet
that of the throe nwords olfered to
terents • of the Ford Compeny in
-for the largest 111.1Mber cif
tulles during the yeint, two were won
be these :former Brussels residents.
The prizes consisted of free trips to
ithe Ford plant at Detroit. (Inwards
of 100 Ford ears were disposed of by
each of theee men in their respective
Funeral to Brussels.
Wints.ham Advance :—Th (4 1'(Tnohls
nf the late Mrs, Imlay were interred
in Brueesle cemetery on Wednesday
afternoon last, Rev. M, M. Bennett
conducted the serviees at the house
and arave. The pallbearers were
Messrs. S. Bennett, Dr, Stewart, Wil-
liam Hollenbeek, A. Proctor, John
Hopper and A. Hingston. Besides
her husband she is survived by three
sisters, Mrs, 'William Hollenbeek, and
Mrs, Alfred Hollenbeek, of Ethel;
Mrs. Matthew Oughton, of Manitoba;
also One brother, Iettac Clark, of
C1rey Township,
New Laundry
First-class work
Phalle or call for prices
Lee Thang
.: Doubling the
Arguments of Saving
A LI, that. can he said in favor of op -
a savings ttetiount in the
Standard Ilan k may be repeated
with greater 0111p118.8i. (15 regards It Joint,
savings ammo 1., Joint tie(mitas are
Kill) A 1 i I y for eon eenieliee of depositors,
P111 where two people are henna t mot. b.
er by cerement iiitiaiste, ilie lumiti al
W4•11 11.8 the pt•actical '(11)0 01 Werk. 711;4 I Es.
genies, planning their tie .ticial hatter -
mem with the aid 03 a pia tiaiiii. ac.
Nina is clear ly.evident. The Si andoi d
Bank solicits youe
joine savings account.
H. Semis, Manager
Council Meets To -night.
Council meets to -night (Wednes-
day) to wind up the year'e business. I
S. T. Plum celebrated hi 70th
birthday on Tuesday of this week.
For a an of his years, age sits very
lightly on his shoulders. The Post
hopes he will see another 70.
Purchased Drug Store at Wiarton.
Harold Work, of Toronto, and son
of William Work, Brusesls, has :pur-
chased a drug store at Whitton and
is now in possession, Mr. Work's
old friends here hope that he will be
A Successful Bazaar.
The Bazaar held in the Town Hall
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
of the United Church, was a succees-
ful 0110 in every respect. Th? Hall
was tastefully decorated and the 7
booths and 2 Christmas treee, along
with afternoon tea and supper
brought the proceeds up to tam
64 1 0, The Committee wiehes to
thank all who made it the suceess it
Got a Bump.
W hile returning from work, Nm.
E. Pone, of Walkerville, dismounted
from his bicycle to see that hie limp
wat correct, and was about to meant
11g1(1.11 When a ear trying to cut in be-
tween him and another going in
the opposite direction, skidded and
het him rather hard, neeossitatang a
forced holiday. Needless to soy. tho
ear never stopped to see what ilea-
pened, Ho report' that work it
scarce at present down at the bor-
"Two -Strike" Promoted.
Old BIThselites offer congratula-
tions: to Art Roihnson, now -a: Hum-
leddt, Sask., and a former old foot-
ball player for Brussels when they
well the eup in '02 and '0 1, "Two -
Strike" Inc hnd n busy life 011 1 111'; t.
Mrs. Robineon was formerly Miss
Georgie Howe, of Brussels: The Hum -
bolt Journal says the Collowint• nice
things:—A. W. Robinson, 1', 1,1111
of the Humbolt Wee tithe; elnee, hs
been promoted to the position oi re-
aittear of the Saskatoon office, and
will leave on Tuesday next to 11,571171.?
hin new duties there. Mr. Robinsoe
has been registrar at Huntholt since
July lot, 1919, succeeding Reheat
Smith upon his return from over-
seae, Previous to goingoverseae,
with the Canadian forces Mr. 'Robin -
'eat wes ilimuty registrar at Battle -
foie'. Mr. Robineon has taken an tic -
tie e` part in various local activities,
thief among ,whieh is inter -school
sports. in which he has filled the of.
fie,. of president and 51110 fl The
success of the schoo/ sports lete beer
largely thie to his efforts and oiler -
'retie interest anil work, He has
eerved two terms on be public
school board, being ehairman MarIng
the nrosent year. In all lines of
sport Mr. Robinson has been an ac-
tive participant. Ho hes been a
mallet. skip in the curling club etad
nth organization will cortittoly miss
him during the coining season,
Why "Never Sr4 Die" Has Lived!
As a stage play "Never Say Die"
mired a sensational laugh triumph.
For a solid year, with William Collier
in the leadin)1 role, it led the play-
gomet of Naw York into continuous
outbueste of laughter, and then for
four years thereafter it yeas present-
ed on tour in all thl . principal cities
of the country, leaving a trail of joy-
ous hilarity. That trail of laughter
continued to two other cont'nents,
when Niblo took "Never Say Die"
to Auetiedia and scored •an emphatic
.ssllee/ESS with it, Enid Bennett playing
the leading ferule role; and in .Lon-
don, where the public and the critics
evert taben by Storm with Sir Charles
Hawthey's production of thie im-
mortal comedy, in which he played
the title role. It is natural, therefore
Shat "Never Say Die" :should come
eventually to the amen, and natural,
furthermore,: that the unique and im
imitable talents, of Douglas MacLean, -
fun -maker par excellence, ehould be
bestowed upon the play to immortale
ize it for patrons -of the silent drama
as it has been immortalized upon the
stage. "Never Say Die is unueual
in the quality and quantity of the ex-
ploitation opportunities it offees ne a
screen production . demonstrat-
ed exploitation value that helped melte
the play such a phenomenal saceem
It offers, 1)1.4 of all, America' fore.-
tnost farceur in the greatest Tole he
has ever undertaken; it is filled with
the qualities which make for fan,
laughter and eornedy entertainment ,
It is esParkling with life, love,
thrills, romance and abounds with hil-
miens situations which thanslate them
selves• into ammunition with which the
theatre -goer enjoys •every minute.
"Never Say Die" will be at the Grand
Fritley anil Saturday of this week itt
the mina! Popular prices.
Oak Maple Birch
Phone at our expense far
R. J. Huston & on
Gerrie Phone 5, ring 8
Wroxeter Phone 526, ring 9
Personal Paragraphs
Ilit Sanderson, WI ngliatu, spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ida
Miss Jean Nlitchell, of Graham's
Survey, is 4pencling a few weeks with
. Mrs. W. Martin.
Mrs 1'. L Kerr and hliss Mary lIel-
en snent the week -end with relativee
1,1 Toi tint 0.
Mr% Jne Whitfield had tin. traisfi t-
hine to mock het. In east hone, the
nt her day, we aro ante to Ilea',
o. o.
'Mrs. Geo le 1 wards ref (treed Mane
last week, ft tan Lentlon end Aylmer,
where she spoilt 1 Itree weolts with her
+11, Caen. N., 11111 daughters, MI s
\ha. Churchill and Mes. NVomiley.
Little Marjo .v Witty. or Swam th,
a former playmate of Mai y Kerr,
«.11,',, thev residial 1,1 S.111(101,, is -ee-
ieusly ill (Vii 11 purtitunnia. NVe hope
to hear of a quiek nhange for the bet-
-1, 4:
Colin McArthur, who Inakes his
Itnine with Alex. and Mrs. Roe, Bens.
sols South, is considPrablv worvedur-
ing I he past weslv.
Peter 51 eAri bur, of lent:gig 1tswtinhip,
assisting in eating for bim al• PI B.
en t.
Live Stock Must Be Protected.
Now that snow, iee and wild north
winds have come again, the inspector
of the Humane Society, is on the
warpath for persons who leave cat-
tle and horsee out at night in open
fields without peoper , shelter. He
warns all owners of cattle and horees
to provide adequate protection for
(-little out in the fields, 9119 to take
horses in to the balms. He says he
will proceed against all ('tole 11
whieh cruelty is caused by th's ne•
gleet, and he asks the co-operation
of neighbors arid others who •see live
stock in thie condition about the
Minor Locals.
Michigan townshipm place a bounty
on eats. The tnils of the ro lents are
thrned 111 aS evidence.
The reduction of $5.00 each on
motor license fees Milo apply on
1927 markers. This N only' for
pleasure cars and does not apply on
those used in business.
During the Christmas season there
is an unusual parcel congestion at
United States Custom points. To en-
sure delivery before Christmas, par-
cels for the 'United States should be
mailed not later than the week end -
rig Dec. 18111.
In his eeport to the 1310e Water
Highway Association, the secretary
stated that 40,000 autos had passed
the gateway en rout to etarions
points vitt the Blue Water Highway,
The passengers numbered 135,000.
A railroader in Boston told a
Stratford man that he applauded
Canada's plan for running as Sew
trains as poseiblean Sunday. "Some
of us older men," he said, ."are wish-
ing we had the same notion in force
here," The Stratford Beaeon-Heraid
wisely comments—"Tho Catuedian
Sunday, as it stanch, is n good it-
stitution from the' standpoStit of bod-
ily rest alone, and we, should do a
lot of clear and careful' thinking be-
fore we ever make inroads on
The naw Governor-General hoe al-
ready given evidence of fine leader-
ship to the youth of Canada. De en
address at 'Upper Canada College last
week he told the boys to "nevee be
ashamed' to be seen kneeling cm pray-
er" and acknowledged for 'Mg own
partt—"I am not ashamed to con-
fess that my prayers bight- end
morting are to me thegreatest help
in my life."
C rist as
rug. Store
Below we enumerate seine of our
Special Lines
• Fountain Pens
The well known Watermen and Pallet. Pens in many
steles and izee at $2 75 to $6 50, also some good Pens at 60e,
75o and WM,
Leather Goods
Our assmarnent of littrul Bags and Pluses is very large
rum voided, both 118 to design tun' price,
Then we have Goat Hangees, Shopping Liebe, Radio Loge,
13111 rows, Whisks, 13edtemen Slippees, Tie Holders, Sole Col-
lar Holders, Collar Begs, ettc.
Fancy Boxed Stationery
This is one of our very special lines and we know you
will have Do trouble in making a choice as the plicee vary
from 25c to $2.00,
Perfumes and Toilet Waters
SOMO very dainty packages containing the popular
"Three Flowete" and "Ben Hut" Pelleunes,
French Ivory and Ebony
There are many useful and beautiful articles in this ever
popular Toilet line and we have some very special values.
New Books and Reprints
Always a very acceptable Gift and our stock Contains
some of the most popular authors.
Then we have Bibles, Hymnals and Psalm Books. Also
Ohildren's Story and Piceure Books.
and MOWN 8.1,0 MU, specialties in handsome
Christmas packages. Deliciously fresh, 30c to 132 00 per box.
Thi8 ie 0110 011nue most attractive depot truents and
11 thin year our display is mind' more attractive than 115-
n9. Dainty Tea Sets. lovely Candy Jars, Bon Bons,
V11808, Jugs, Teo Foto, ()ream and Sugars and numer-
ous smaller articles in handsome designs and colorings.
The ea 111 e Old place and the same cordial invitation.
When down town run in 0101 880 118 om y way.
Fox's Dr or Store
Children think it is a hopeful sign
of the times when they see Dad read-
juet the Christmas ads.
A "strong man"' is being looktd
for as Lkense Commisisoucr, Let
us ham said strong man will nut
turn out to be a "weak sistm."
After- a strenuous election cam-
paign, the fact that we are approach-
ing the Christmas season has been
quite overlooked; it is regrettable
that in the days generally devoted to
developing the spirit of goothwili,
we should be in the midst of bitter
controversy and recrimniation where-
by passions will be aroused that will
not .he allayed at the thne of the
Two POWerS' 13A electric drietee
machines Of the latest and approved
type are located in a fire -prof oper-
ating room. The Theatre is well
heated and good masic is seepleal.
Shows will be held Monday, Tuesday,
Friday anti Saturday evemnee one
show each night comemncing at 8.15
sharp and two shows on Saturday,
commencing at 8 o'clock. The man-
agement 15 11011 pleased a the auspic-
ious opening and nothing will be left
undone tq keep the perform(lnce4 01)
to the highest standards to please,
entertain and instruct the patIons of
the Grand. The Post will ,ceep the
public in touch each week with. the
pictures being shown.
New Grand Theatre
Opens Auspiciously.
lelonday evening the new Gram' UK 10 14. 100i 1 1, Ov.;
OWNGIVIN—A1,00c1C — In st. John's
EMswoh, liconneln, Toen.lnv. Dec 14th,
Theatre opened its doors to the pub- l,r0os 1 Iv...11k1d, tu lIlUry
RIlenbeth, daughter of lischarit 13, mill
Ile, and a packed house witnessed
Harold Lloyd's famous film, "Tho
Freshinah," Despite the fact that the
lamps for the machines did not come
until late Saturday evening, the per-
formance: passed_ off without any in-
terruptions. The Grand has been
fitted out in a neost modern style,
with a view to comfort and conven-
ience. It is up-to-date in all its ap-
pointments and presents an attract-
ive appearance. Neat and convenient
service is arranged at the offico for
ticket selling and from there, through
a swing door, one entices the Thea-
tre. The' wall are done in two col-
ors and shaded electric lights add to
the attractiveness of the building.
Mrs. Al000k, ;Moores TowEsslEso
PICA Il8014.—In loving mem ocy of our little
daughter, Inn, who pentad ewoy Decem.
bee. 15(01 1(45
'Tin better to hove loved end Innt,
T11814 ,,,o'er 1,0 l,enr twin et Eill.
IfAitislt AND DI 08,11811.
Auction Sale.
wtenstenay, tow!. is,—,-.eetch Shorthorns,
Pnce Heed Clydesdales, brntenwnts, S.,11at
Tt Ilon.14. Grey towonhin Stile ustrilev
od .
cEst I o'clock. Arch. Jiislop, Prop. ; 91 os.
ointary, Auctioneer.
1011 InAv.050.17,cg.—Anotiost sole of
15 11,10,, h8Y, 8111111, r11r011 nro, Bt. Lots 511
81(12 24 Doh, II, Grey. Rev Sltrstl (.10X, Brc
511111)1301 lon
be Corad Minkel estate ; D. 75/,
Scott, ACM.
vital* Christmas Gifts
Every piece of Candy
Every box of Candy and Bon Bons
is Fresh and Clean.
e mA
For Mother, Sister and don't forget your,, Sweetheart
CigarS In Boxes of 5's, lic's
a 2505
nice Gift
Nice Assortment of Pipes
A Pipe makes 0 ntee Gift for one Who smokes
Look these Pipes over CIGARETTE HOLDERS
All Kinds of Nuts and Dates, Fred]
The Home of the Good Things