HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-15, Page 6WEDNESDAY,DEC. 15, 1926.
Ate. 11
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat
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Satisfaction Guaranteed
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4:1MY '4A1Priraillak
ilifeelCs la lalall
Mento4- Went; hi the
C\loylistorii of tge Empire4
eh a des Como
The Enthronement of Cromwell
Two hundred and seventy three
years ago, on the 16th December,
1653, Oliver Cromwell was formally
.,,installed as the supreme authority in
•areee Reitain under the title of Lord
Protector. -
Nearly five years had peesed eince
the execution of Charles I, and dur-
ing that period there had been no of-
:fie:10 head Qt the State, The diesolet-;
Hen of the Long Parliament in tint
month of April 1653 hal placed
Cromwell as commander-in-chief of
the army, in a position of great pow-
er and authority, and ha immediately
summoned another repreeente've as-
sembly which is known as the "Bare -
bones Parliament" having derived its
name from a certain member who
took a prominent part in the debates
and who bore the nickname of
"Praise God Barebones." This as-
sembly proved utterly ineapnble and
impracticable, and, after a oreefax
istence of less than eight months, it
came to a sudden end on the 1.2t1 of
Cromwell had no desire to tale
advantage of the arbitrary power
which circumstances had placed with-
in his grasp, and he welcomed the
written censtitution known as "The
Instrument of Government" which
had been drawn up by eotne of his
officers, and which was the earlieet
example of fixed government based
on constitutional guarantees ad tne
only exatrsple of it in British hietory. '
It appointed Cromwell and eis conn -
ell to a life tenure of office, givinte
him the title of Lord Protector and
providing for the eedaldielnueet -oi" a 1
parliament with clearly defined pow-
The installation ceremony teek
place in the Court of Chencery.
where Cromwell appeared in eombre
civil dress instead of his a:n.10.1 nein-
tary uniform, but he wore hi, exerd.
After having sworn to obe tete the
provisions of the Instrument rt?
Toronto, Dec. 9.--Lieut-Co.
G. L. Marshall, well-known Toronto
business man and promitamtly Iden-
tified with the Cartadino Red Cross
Society and its work :Mlle t end
since the war, died :milder:re at his
home here to -night. He vembl 'Sieve
been 74 years of age on the 30th of !
this month,
He had been in failing nealth for -
some time, having contracted a •ev-
ere illness in 1923, from which he
never fully recovered. Two week%
ago his condition became serion3 and
he underwent an operation, and for
some days seemed to be rallying.
Col. Marshall was chairman of the
Standard Fuel Company, Limited,
Toronto; preeident of the Don:Mimi
Automobile Cotnpany and in' the. Far-
amel Company, Toronto, an vice-
president of the Imperial Guarantee
and Accident Company and of the
Chartered Trust Company. He was
else a director of several large con
During the war Cele Marshall was
chairman of the executiv5 committee
and council of the Canadian Red
Cross Society, and as such directed
ifs war work. For his efforts in this
work he was borfored by King
George, being created a Knight of
Grace in the Order of St, John Of
lertnialern. Col. Marshall was ale° 1
honored by the government; of
PYritlee, Rotnnania, Italy and Serbia,
with other decorations for Ife 'wee
Born:in London, England, Colonel
eminent he surrendered his sword,
and in exchange he was presented
with a civic sword in a scabbard,
thus indicating that thenceforward he
would govern by the new -constitution
and not by military authority. He
then took his seat in a chair of state,
wearing his hat while all aroune him
stood uneovered, and (we - again.
• Great Britain had a king fn power,
though not in name.
The new form of government did
not work at all smoothly, and n little
over three years later Parliament
drew sit a now constitution in the
form •1' e "Humble Petition and Ad-
vice." wle! a provided for the Yea
tion :•ond Houtee of Parliament
whi.1. was not to be called the House
of I 'eels or the Upper Sense but the
Ott- - House, the members of weish
wet to be nominated by Cromwell
ambeeeproved by the Commone. The
position also asked Cromtv•41 to ae-
coot the title of King, but this arous-
ed the angry opposition of ehe army
offieers, who having deetroye 1 one
king were not desirous of :setting up
another. Cromwell wisely refused to
accept the new title but -greed tc)
the other provisions of the Peidtien,
and on the 26th June, 1657, he was
again inetalled as Lord Prctector,
this time with regal pomp and c,re-
The second installation took plain
in Westminster Hall, and Cromwell,
rearing a robe of insporial sine .e
lined with ermine OVer a military uni-
form, was enthroned in the ancient
chair which had been used for the
cmmontion of (7:very British sovereign
-from Edward I in 1272 down to
Georee V in 1911. This is the only
thne in its existence of six and a half
eentariee that the historic coronation
chair has been removed from its
home in Westminster Abbey, with the
,exception of the days of the late
clrezit War. when it was placed in
the oryet nf the Chapter House kir
safety during the period of the Ger-
man air raids 00 London.
Marehall came, with his parents, to
Toronto four years later. HO wes
ednented here,
Toronto, Tier. 7.—Contradieting a
rettnrt that he until,' probably be
choeen eleerman Of the Government
Ceetrol ommiselon, His Honor Henry
Coekshutt, lieutenant -governor, today
declared hal not in any way been
aoproached in the matter. If he hacl,
he etated, he would not consid te it for
a moment.
; Insurance and automobilt. associa-
liene' renorte indicate that all over
the North Americian Continent: there
ha., been a general increase ba auto-
mobile and acceesory thefts.
On the question of debts doubtless
both Europe. and Ameriea will agree
on one point, name1y, that war is one
thing which should not be bought on
the deferred payment plan.
A :farina in New England can
keep an automobile for as low as
$108 a year, reays the Department of
Agriculture. Mint be the kind that
runs on its reputation.
A woman eneenber of the Ameri•
ican House of Representatives ha,.
reported her campaign expenses at
$99, and this though there was no
mark down sale,
The Japenese have long made a
paper cloth that can be washed re-
peatedly without injury, Stich Mat-
erial might be au aid to clean journ-
1 Saorifice Is Spirit of Christmas:
A curious thing comes to iny mind
eoncerning which I have a word to say,
and that is apropos of honesty. No one
has a right to give away anything ex-
! cent what may be in excess of the just
demands upon the Income. The hutch.
er, the baker, the dry goods man, needs
his money as surety as does the Who.
eiaetie woman eager to make a pretty
gift or the lover to bestow upon his
sweetheart what be knows is her
heart's desire. Successful Christlipas
giviog should mean self saveince, and
It is often a greater sacrifire to deny
Oneself the privilege ot expenditure
than to do just what one lane In mind.
1 believe that from the nursery days
this theory should be ineuleated. and,
1124 the coming to this world of our
blessed Lord was one great act of sac-
rifice, so in planning for (Inc Christmas
gifts earn child in the family should
be eneonraged to something et sell' Mg-
ritlee In the garbering together ot the
money for Ws gifts I like to picture
the old fashioned virglnlit home, where
round tbe library table through the
tall months the children of the house-
hold and the kinsfolk and acquaint-
ances who might be within the doors
busied themselves lo the preparation of
dainty nothings which should carry on
Christmas morn the sweet words of
loving remembrance. — ,luila Holmes
Smith, M. D.. lu
Christnizs Don'ts
Don't leave the cost mark oil ores -
en ts.
Don't let Christmas giving deterio-
rate into a trade.
Don't let money dominate your
Christmas giving.
Don't embarrass yourself by giving
more than you can afford.
Don't expect to receive as much as
you give, as the odds are on the dis-
Don't acquire your Yuletide before
the fun of Cluistmas actually begins.
No Christmas is fulfilled when the cel.
ebrant Is filled full.
Don't be the tirst to tell a ehtld there
is au Sam Claus. It you have to fie
about It lie, and Ile as attractively as
yonr education will permit.
Don't eat your Christmas dinner in a
restaurant if you can find any old home
that you may eat It in, for a Christ-
mas dinner in a Mame Is worth two in
the bush.
Don't let your Christmas go by with.
out giving some sort of present to a
child, The excuse that you know tio
children will not suffice. You can know
plenty of them between now and the
day of days.
Don't decide to abstain from giving
just becanse you cannot afford expen-
sive presents. The thoughtfulness of
your gift, the Interest you take in
those to whom you give, are the prin-
cipal things. The iutrinsic value of
your gift countvery little,.
boort give things becanse they ard
cheap and make a big show for the
0/01103'. 4t3 ly rule, It Is a dangerous
thing to pick up a Ica ot all sorts of
things at bargain sales for Christmas
presiints 11 you do there Is always
the temptation to make inappropriate
Fitt% ,
No tramn or marching armies.
No banners flaming far;
A lamp within a stable,
And in the stcy a star.
Their hymns ot peace and gladness
i•t* earth the angels brought;
1 Thiel, -Gloria In 1'zcelsis-
To earth the angels taught
When In the lowly manger
The holy mother maid
in tender adoration
1 Her Babe ot Heaven laid.
Born lowly In the darkness,
And none so poor as he,
iThe little children of the poor
His very awn shall be.
No rush of hostile armies,
But lust the :voiding; sheer,.
The angels anteing nt the Christ
Ano an me worm asleep.
No flame of coimuering banners,
No legions sent fttar;
A lamp Within a statue.
And In the shy a star.
—Margaret E. Sangster In Collier's t
0.0., ..... ...,...........-..-e-,,,...-.-...........,-,.....00
Baskets of Dainties.
Save the grape baskets to 811 with
dainties and See what chartning Christ -
teas gifts can be made. Line the bits.
kets with dark green tissue paper and
fill them with oranges, red apple:4.
nets, clusters of raisins.figs, dates,
grapes and candy. Small glasses of
jelly, homemade cookies, indivIdnal
mizee pies or plum puddings add to
the value.
To the Cynics.
chrbittrias cornee but once 0 year.
Lio not 'make a Jest Of it -
a season or good cheer.
Cynics spoil the 111151 01 It
NoW a respite, brief repose,
Let ua make the hest or It,
Drown our many wearY wow.
Christmas, we are niest ot it.
Chriatmae comas but once a year.
Children Mae the zest ot It
mow a message glad we hear,
Hearken 00 beheat of It,
Just good will and wiehes kind
And your lOre, the best of it
it we're poor—well, never mind,
Laugh we win and jest 00 11.
Christmas ootnes but once a year.
Meney's not the test ot it.
Meerut alone ean help and Cheer.
Christ hoe made the best et 15.
Whatsoever May befall,
borrows or the rest Of It,
Merry ChriiitMaa 5010e6 to
kven those 15110 155t Of It.
rerk Timer.
A British army teeniprt hed
just received sailing ordere, and
the crew .m1:I busily ime:aged in
hauling in the lines when one
'Pommy was heard to ejaculale:
"What a long rope! Where i3
the end?"
"Shure, an' someone must
have cut it off!" replied his cnne-
panion, disconsolately.
et. a. et. e•
A new safety grate has been
Placed on the market, We sup-
PWe it is just another of those
fuel-peoof inventions.
Ship's Officer: "Oh thete goes
eight bells. Excuse nie, it's my
watch below."
Fancy your watch striking as
loud as that!"
"Is letter postage going up to
three cents?"
"Very likely,"
"Well) then, let me have a
supply of two -cent stamps."
Lodger: "I:::ceiL to see the
'Barber of Seville.' "
Landlady; "Ah—I wonder
what he charges for ladies?"
.1. .1. e•
"What is your son's voca-
"Oh, he is an waist. He
draws cm
A etranger from the back dis-
tricts stood watching people
pour out of a New York sub-
way kiosk.
He then remarked: "1 bave
heard that this city was crowded
but I never expected TO find
such conditions as these! Why,
-I have seen 500 people eome
out of that little house."
er re. er
Longfellow was capahle of
making a joke at his own ex-
pense, as he howed one clay
when he was introduced to a
Mr. Longworth. The introduc-
er commented on the fact that
the first syllables of their names
were the same.
, "Yes," said the poet, "hut I
rear that in this case Pope's
linee will apply: 'Worth makes
the man, the want of worth the
At UM premiere of one or
Shaw's plays, the audience call-
ed for the author. When he
came out on the stage the cheer-
ing and applause broxe out
In the din one "Boo!" was
heard from the gallery, Quick
as a flash, Shaw shouted; "Pm
witli you, my man—but what
are we among so many?"
"Why did you send one son
to Harvard and the °thee to
"To increase my chances of
getting a ticket to the bi,g
Figure Now Placed at 225,624, and
Record Not Complete
Toronto, Dec. 9. — Compilations
made by the Canadian Press of the
Popular vote hi the electiona on Dec,
1 for the ,Ontario Legislature, includ.
ing the complete figures for 102 out
of a total of 112 constituenc'es,
malty of which have been officially
declared, gives the following results:
Candidates supporting sale of
liquor un,der government con-
trol 626,670
Candidates for Ontario Tem-
perance Act 401,055
Present compiled majority .225,624
By panties the popular vote •waa
recorded as follows:
Conservatives 591,994
Liberals 1)92,711
Progressives 76,491
Liberel-ProgreseiVes 41,716
Indepattlent Coneervatives 18,117
independent Liberals 15,304
Labor , 14,744
Prohibitionists 82,061
Fortune Telling For the Christmas
Anything in the nature or fortune
telling is always popular, and, not,
withstanding detains, there Is a vein
of superstition le every ono's charac-
ter. No game is more neartliy enter.
ed into than one ilealing oetensibly
with fate or the future. Be It Intri.
cote or simple, it 15 fnily enjoyed.
In the game ot 111111 ('('8 great fen Is
sure to 0110110, beehow the futures can
be previously arranged le stilt the eon
fllitmle 01 certain Ocolde. 01 11101Igb aen
erully the one in elllirge 00 WO web ot
fate knows as little el' what Will be
revealed as the individual nlimmlf.
From 0 given ienter verde 01 ,111 eolors
and comlitimm, ne 1 Wo allke, extend in
every directlori-epstairs. downstnire
and almost In my lady's chamber,
across met) other hide nod there, ol ten
being knotted together at these points
of Intersection, Each searcher winds
up his cord as he proceed.. and Emmy
difficulties In the way or knois to be
untied and round and round windings
to be unwound he oneounters. When
he finally reaches his future It nsually
proves to be a coin, a toy, a book of
nursery tales or sortie article of abso-
lute abeordIty. .r1118 he takes back to
the individual who started ,flim In pur-
suit or his tate. who must be clever
enonge to give him quite a little in-
tornmtion as to what will or will not
happen, basing her ren -,:irks on the
"future" he found at the end of the
Cord. Each "future" thus found is to
be considered signifleant of other
Custom Originated With Northman.
Hanging the Stockings.
Across the English channel, where
the Gauls and the Pranks and the
northmen observed the stern rites ot
the severe eeligtop oiee eereng hearted
race, trees rorthed an imported( inert in
the festal observatwes or the feast
.Yhtt pipe tree: eyee In an agee
an object of. de*Sers;E:d
greatly revered by the northern TOM.
At the time of the midwinter (TIN:un-
tion the nortlymen hung gifts upon the
tree for their gee's. As Is readily seen,
when the early fathers at the church
came to this tierce people with their
message of peace IL was easy to change
the idea of gifts proffered to heathen
deities into a custom where offerings
were made to the Christian God.
Thus from sneh (1,111 Ole beginnings
began the cherished custotus wnicla ore
our heritage or tociny. Gift giving on
the birthday of Clime' inay be logically
traced to Mat observanre prevalent In
the middle ages of having Christmas
' boxes wherein offerings were unwed
for the priests Christian's hoses grad-
ually beelillie an Institution in
tian f111.11111e9 as won.
i Hanging up the stockings ou Christ-
mas eve, as the Institution of good
• St Nieholas, old Stain Claus, is of
purely Christian origin and started in
Germany many hundred years ago It
has hecome one 01 the most eherished
of the Christmas eft -won.; er tee (1111 -
liked world.—National Monthly.
The Blessed Christmas Tine.
1 walked in, the 0o0i,1 lt.dar. dear Lord,
Mldja,01t7rth and wealth anti fame.
Clasped hands with power and beauty,
With loveliness and mime, • • •
1 walked In the worm worm dear Lord.
Midst perfumes rich and rare
Earth's choweat exotics rimmed eostly
brae th
Opon the heavy air. • • •
1 walked in the world today, my Lard,
Through crowded nail and mart,
Where fruit or loom and press and nrush
Each Vie far glory's part • *
, 1 nev.tLardt:r:me apart tram the world, dear
Where the migtity rule and shine,
To find sweet My al thy Messed side,
; To feast on things divine.
Oh, the world is poor: I am rich tonight
As 1 liwcanitl! in the path of the staes clear
And ilan.eeed no share In the great ivorld's
1 am crowned In the faith tit the star
211 —Christian Work.
Christmas Trees For Manila From Alpe,
Real Christmas trees with all their
pristine freshness dud Mal the Irta
gren•ce ot tin balsam seill cliuging to
thetn, IIS greet) a8. where they Were cot
in the Alps, arrive In Manila every
Christmas season.
13y a speeitn• scientifie process the
trees when they arrive to be placed on
sale by the Manila merehants arelstill
green and fresh. fleeing been pre.
served in fill their beauty and fra-
%ranee by a chemical bath which does
not impair the trees In 1107 way and
will preserve them for matt), years,—
Alanila Times.
Yuletide Common Sense.
Out out all preeents given rrom cus-
tom. Many a girl le bankrupt or over-
worked becatise She nas not laid "the
ghosts or a Christmas past." There Is
no Sense In giving a present to a girt
becaose yon started to exchange with
her ten years back* If yon have drift-
ed apars she will 00 as glad to stop
the CUSTOM 85 you are.
When Expressing Gifts.
For pacaing the girt that is to be
expressed 5 'good :strong box is abso.
letely necessary, made,or wood, if you
can miesibly get it: it not, heavy card.
board will have to do. Tne box inust
be plenty latge euough, giving ample
room for packing.
Sensible Gift Giving.
Stop thoughtleas giving. It la a
waste of money, and no One thanks
you. Par better an appropriate trifle
than a easily present ter whiGh the
recipient Ma 00 use,
We are now prepared to Grade
gather 11 Ltviee it week and delivet 111
we 11 51 it. 1V0 walker With etteeeed
\V e pay a Pretnimn of 1 1101 11)1'
v,.1 113o; .INc, I grade, nod 13 ve
Nti, 1 gi ede liver t hat of N. 25(1)1111',
your t'rettin
pup (It eh y 11P11 tiny
kl'01)S1111 011 it,
1111UPV•rftt 1'01. 8111,1. -
II ( 111+). lb, (01'
The !nisi(' p)ineiple of 1111' improvement iti the quality 01
0110.110 imfier is lite Of Second and off grade
eain. This 111/15 be amininplislied by pitying 1110 pledtleer
of gond (wenn) better price yiel. potInd bni ter -tat than ie
paid to 1110 prodlieer nt 911)1' ev01(1110-\'81111,111,your patro)l-
age nod e1l-41901,11110n roc 1101101- market,
W e will loan yoli et Call,
See our Agent, T. C. McCALL,
or Phone 1310, Brussels,
The Se forth Creamery
! The Car Owner' g Scrapr-Book
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench)
Jamming on the brakes may not be
a good practice if resorted to toe of-
ten. Making them "bite" new and
then, however, roughens up the 'lin-
ing and makes them more efficient.
Stepping on the brake pedal vigor-
ously may also show the brakes not
to be as good as one might think.
The windows or windshield of e
car should not be cleaned while the
car is standing in the sun. A sus-
eessful window cleaning job must be
done in shade. Sponge off the glass
with clean water, dry with a clamp
chamois, and polish with a gingham
cloth. If the glass is hot from be-
ing in the sun, the water will dry too
When stuck in the mml, the sim-
plest plan is to set the emegrency
brake so as to just bind the wheels
O bit. This offers each wheel enough
resietance so that the powe•• daehee
back mid forth from one wheel to
the other, and is forced to atuate
each one gradually ranee than be
diverted by the differentiel entirely
to one wheel. This is a good Hp to
toren during a heavy rain ten miles
from the main road.
Drivers of cars with hanoon tires
should be particularly careful wheel
turning in and out of car tracks.
Many of the balloon tires now being
ased are not immune to a rail skid.
The larger sizes will not eatch in car
tracks, even if the latter are in rath-
er bad condition. The same may be
said of some of the smelly sizes
when underinflated. The best policy
is to drive one's car in accordonce
with the size of the tires used, and
the pressures carried rather than
on a basis of past performaacee with
other sizes underinflated.
The carburetor needs to be adjust-
ed if the spark plugs are covered
with a dry soot. The plugs after
long usage, should be a yellowish -
pink tinge.
Whenever the clutch "burne out"
through hard driving, as in snow,
mud or sand, the best immediate
remedy is to wait until it creole off.
Heat causes the slipping, and waitinu
removes the cause. e•
Never allow the engine to run any
length of time with the air reenlator
'turned to "choke." Thte ntsuits 111
the uee of an abnormal anima of
gasoline, and givee an txceeningly
licit mixture, which may thin the oil
in the crankcase.
If the oil level is being read on a
very cold morning, it sometimes hap-
pens to be style at the boaont of
the case, and the oil hat congealed
so Over night that the beet cannot
float up of its own accord. Just raise
the indicator, and if it does not drop
back to its original position there is
sufficient oth
A collimeible tire rim has ben put
on the market in Australia recently,
The rim is hinged in two placee. and
tlouc•keed at the main point
mUpon re -
oval front the wheel tha lock is un-
latched and the rim ('011(0902(2 at the
hinged parts, freeing the tire and the
Clean headlight lenses are essen.
11.0ia:1 to successful driving, at night.
The windshield should be kr,
ept clea
When the engine is hard to start,
sometimes a rag soaked in ether affil
held over the carburetor air intake
will do the trick.
Do not have the ignition turned off
in descending grades, An ,explosion
le the muffler may result when the
ignition ts turned on again.
Before applying anti -freeze to the
radiator, leave. the total liquid capa-
city of the car's cooling system, so
as to be able to figure the quantity
of solution requieted, •
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing; 'but quality printing is only done one
way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P. 3,—We also do it in a way to save you money,
The Post
Publishing House
55 P1