HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-15, Page 4WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 1920, r0926 DECEMBER 1926li ' Sum Mon. Tue.Wed. Thu -Fri. Set • 1 1 2 5 4 ; i12 15 14 15 16 17 13 ' 5 6 7 9 10 11 119 20 21 22 23 24 25 126 27 25 29 30 31 %... THE BRUSSELS POST Huron County Council Makes 55011 Grant to Children's Aid Also Grants $75 Each to 'Two Plow- men's Associations—W-irder, Is _ "Caned" —$3,000 Grant to Henson Laid Over; Also Valuator's Report --- Go,: tell, Dee. 10.--1-Inn.lim2; the of the Devomber Aess.ton buginos,....like fashion the Huron Co, Council finished up its agenda yester- day afternoon tind dosed with a :holt oroetam at a 'eight Meeting' niebt durieg %Odell h. warden was prented with a gondheaded eerie. High lights of the husinsse in - eluded the making of grants of $7,6 eesh to the EXOter 11114.1 TlueenPlov .1S;l01liltIll111 and $500 to the (.111111Nols Aid Society th,• reemeo meedine et an ineease for the jager and the laying ever of the valuator's report to the next session. If wes decided to cloe,, some roads in imam. towmhip nt retmeste 1 and ie r,fee to the Road Commiselon tis• 111 11 of e $3,000 grant foe Hen- eall. It W114 also decided to build an extra vault in the coutt house ond GRAIN BOATS ARRIVE to provl.le steel tiling cabinet; for I he surrogate court tierk. Following AT GODERICH HARBOR :J.. the details of the busumes: Seven Steamers Released from Sault The !dosing ei•ssion of tat Couneil Blockade Reach Port Safely was held hist evening, business of the December 50501011 wits finished Goderieh, Dec. 14—The fer thie year. A numbee addres- -.rent of grain carirers for the Ged- erich harbor, which was empredm et ses were given by seveeal of the in the ico blockade at Sault- Ste. councidlors, Mr. John Hayes. of Park- 3,1arie, arrived yesterday, numbering hill, took the their and conducted the fn.:y=4(4s titif5t WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 192ti, FALLS TWO STORIES DOWN ELEVATOR SHAFT idektpwel Man Bocily Iniured in Ac- cident at Furniture Factory 1towo1, »i.e. 111.—A brelc, thigh, ire)! shattered and a v 1ti1ie the 1o,n,1114.1. oi 1 ;1 ng Ip. s,ont. v.•,•,•1c; -111,1 hosnital. nt, 1.11,5011 h11,11'llD into shaft at the Maleollti Fae. ',elev. where he is empleve 1. Mi. Welker had been mile.: Ili 1 vetee, anrl after unload i tie DIA -ntivr,r,.' adth aimther eninloyee he itiektei TO it, only to fall two ,t,sri to the basement. 'where he was ,,eie1:0,1 1111 unnonseious and hurried to tile ho,,- pital. seven in all. the stenmets tem, .1, Saskailoe, Bricoldoc, D. B. Henna, Kamloops Penobaeot, Otto M. Reiss, and the W. K. Ramey. Due to ,,ee conditions the fleet will not he as large as expected. Indiea- tions were for :25 vessels winterino. here, but with nine now in port and six expeeted. 1.5 appears to be this winter's limit. Due to the recent lave allowing. American bottoms to t•arry winter storage grain from one Cana- dian nort to another. Goderich has the wintering Of the Swedm, Penob- scot, Otto M. Reiss, Rannme, Ball Tdrothers, and three other Amerieun grain carriers now due. Ice conditions in the harbor are such as to permit easy movement of vessels and there it no lee tield of' sizeein the lake. With the favorable weather conditions now oxistime, the -steamer Bricoldoc, now unto tied, will make a return trip to Fort Wil- liam. The steamer Hanna also ex- pects to return to the nead of the head of the likes, where they will winter store a cargo of wheat. DIRECTOR CAN'T BE A SPECIALIST ASSERTS NE1LAN Noted Film Director Says One Type Film Makers Def eat Own Ends — Practices His Doctrine --Selects New Theme and Locale for Latest. "Mike.," as in All (.'.hers "This is not the aoe. at snevialiea- tion for motion picture directors," states Marshall Nellan. whose Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer produetion of "Mike" is 'he current attraetion the Grand Theatre next Monday and Tuesday. "Confiring himself to one type of .picture is more dangerou., to the di- rector's ebility than it is to the tech - moue of the actor seel play, only one kind of role." says Noilan. Ile ‘s himself into 0 rroose- from which he cannot poseibly pry Mtn- eelf. And no roitttee how hardhe tries he eannot belp hot inft...,s hie work with a quality of eamenese, and his picturee often lacc originnlity ex- eept for rare flashes." Nillu, dote, not merely 1 heeriee. He puts his beliefs into peacti, . 11., does not produce two eoneemitive pictures that twon eonch eimilarity in any way. And his work is noted for its freshness and his likturcs are text -In -Mks in originality. "Mike." coming to the Grand Theatre. Is a perfeet example. The pi,•tures Neilan ,,rmieted sd roves, ,, widely .1!eereent in typt . and chareeter. They ,nelime 'The Strangere' diamond," "R• .21 v,:es adopted 112 eommitte., and In the • vous," "The Eternal Three,' ( of the D'Crbervilles," "The Sportine .00111.11. Venus" .and then, Mettle • 'Mem The noted directnee lattst ;•tictuee is a comedy trimenb and it ",s .1. turn to the formof It 1(1 :he, Ire , nol SD11;1••1•8 and linyes, int., made some time ago, Audi a, emionitme of the whole with Mi. A rreetrong in the vhair, 111 elerk read the valitators' report ami DleD. oral (liSrltsiS011 teok pla 'the valuators were. preestit en 1 gee', an areolini of theit• work. Atter elms does Neilan iidhere to hi, in 11 w of eidereble diseuesion th.• followine originality and freelinees. hue motto/15 Wore dell given many unknown girlS heir filet the program, which eonsieted of ae- dresees by Robert W. Livingston, Charles A. Robertson, A. H. Neel), M. Armetronge The fenture of the evoninie \COS the presentation of a gold -heeded cane to Warden McKibben by A. C. Bat - kid on 1111011' of the County Council. Ar ad levee was read by ltobert Coul- ter. 'the meeting was then adjourn- ed on motion of Mesers Sanders and Neel). The e. teMg of the National An- them and "Auld Lang Syne' con- cluded the December sessions. The ceuncil met in the ,ifternoon and received reports' of Standing Committees. Tin House of Refuge Committee reported as follows: The House of Refuge Committee met four times during the year as per by-law relat- ing. to House of Refuge maeters and audited and i,ssued orders for ele- ments. totalling $1.1,260.7i. At the beginning, of the year, through the resignution. of the assist- ant matron, Miss Campbell, the COTO- initte0 after advertising, selected and appointed MIss Miller, of Barrio, ot the same salary. Step e were taken during the year to deal with the special eare of in- mates admitted who were possessed of property. Mi ,'S Miller has givea up her posi- tion and a Miti Fleck, of Zurich, hae been employed in her place. With regard to the matter of the 0.ounty Solieitor being deprived of hie rightful business at the Reuse of Refuge, we recommmd that in fut- ure all business relating to legal matters of the -Cnunty Home be done by the County Solicitor anl that J. Torrance be notified of this decidon by the clerk. In the matter of the claim of Thos. MeMithael for additional TN/ re hie work at the Refuge, we re,cnimentl no melon be taken. Tide; repose was adopted in Leon- mittee end council. The rport of the Finance Coin, mate,. wa- next preseeted, reerem men ding rl•-rt 0 ill nem, nts. 'Report lowing being presented; Moved by Messrs Hays awl Mc- Quaid, that all motleys to the credit of paying Initiates in the House of iterme., to January the filed, 1927, be Placed in a separate aceount (ltd that the inmates be charged to that account." Carried. Tho report of the species Comnlit- tee was taken up in the morning and discussed very thoroughly and adopt- ed in committee and (whii il as fol - 11e request of Madman and Stan - bury, solieitors for Csborne town- ship, mdeing that it by-law be passed re closing up certain roads in above nettled tewnship. We revomme that this be done and a copy ,>f this by-law bo forwarded to the proper Recommendatione from W. Bry- done. Clinton, regarding seetion 4 of by-law, No. 1924. We reeommerid that this matter be referred to thn county solicitor and ask fee a writ ton opinion on thie. question. H. Irwin, Provincial engineer, was present and addressed the eeu 'mil in the afternoon. Mr. Irwin in 11:5 ad- dress, gave considerable informatioo regarding the rozols of the county. The executive committee made it" report which was taken up in com- mittee with Mr. Cox in the chair. The report was thoroughly discussed and adopted with some amen tments in committee and in council. The report is in part as follows: Re appeal from Exeter district ,Italor Plowmen's Association, hav- ing examined the financial statement of receipts and expenditure, we le - commend the, grant of $75 be paid. Re appeal of Huron Plowmen's At- sociation being received we recom- mend the grant of $75 Pe pedal, RD appeal from the Children's Shelter for an extra grant of $500, We recommend that this be taken up in open council, as we havs already paid 52,500 for 1925. This was Or- dorpd paid. Re accounts front AlexandrIa•Mar- ine Hospital, Goderich, amouw.ing to $45'7.50 for three indigent patients. We recommend that no ection be taken. Education Committee The Educational Committee then reported with Mr. Kennedy in the chair, The report was in part as fol- lows: We recommend that the ;vents to the several High schools, Cnntinua- tion schools and fifth class schools be printed in the minutes. We recommend that the grants to Lucknow, Goderich, Blyth, -WroaeUr Seaforth and Clifford be pa'd when verified by the clerk. We recommend that the report of the Hensel', Wisigham, Clinton and Clifford schools be returned for cor- rection, We recommend that the county elerk also furnish' these hig 1 school boards with the necessary forms to make requisition for their grants. We recommend that where a school is doing fifth class work and is recognized by the Department that the County grants be doublo the Legislative grant providing they oni. ploy two or mom teachers. We recommit dthat the report or the Exeter high school be returned for coreection and that we object to pnying on a rental basis. In the matter of the London High School the pupil being a revdent of Exeter, the county is not liable, This report was adopted. The Road and .Bridges Committee !hen nrra..nted it0 report which was in part us follows: Report of Valuators yotuatort,' report wee next eresented end the temiteil 1111 and "Minnie," both of amell made film hietorse II eeueonelly expected that "Mike" aleo will. Prob. ably Neibin'e next produetinn will 2), as widely different. from "Milo." 0, day from night,. Fven in the eeleetitm 41r. eags Re cement culvert between comes. CAR LOAD sions 4 and 5, Grey, on boundary of Huron and Perth. This dulvert ht been repaired and made paeidble and signs played at end of come done 1•011115 to 1,500 pounds, at a vest of $1,0.90. Ite bridge between sixth and sev- enth conceesions, Grey, boundary of Perth and Huron counties. We agreed that abutment was to be re - enforced with concrete under 01001!' 11(111 of County Engineer Patterson. The contract was let but t1i3 work was not done owing eo advereo weather conditions. Bridge on boundary bf Huron and For Sale / Re Bower Bridge and Menzies q• Perth. We have had these painted ,,,, at a cost of $67.32. Re Balls Bridge. We have had ibis 1 bridge painted at a cost of $192.25. Re Holmesvidle Bridge, The guard 4,4. fence recomemnded has been cern- 1 4'4, LO vise to fame in m-, believing' thnt an tinknown too mile responds more ree•tily but puts more feeling into he.. inter - 'melte tie 21. And neeordinel; "Mgw," Neilan •htte given .11, +hie role o•f "Mike.'to a e•ild 10, me 1•1' school who was not Olen an extra but who has 11 charming o.•risnialire and ronerkable aiding ability. Ilve *name is Sally O'Neil. The other members nf the .,.1td art William Haines, Charlie Merray, Ned Sparke, Ford Sterling, Frankie Dar - re, Junior Coghlan, Muriel Frances Dana and Sam 1)(. Grasse, A itude; • seal, Persian Lamb, er Canridian llinsItrat Coat as a Chriet- 4,4 4, reel gift le • yottr wife or trueliter, ' •"11" Lor the amend - Tim hest grades only at Ring Brae,. nN11110 The motion declared cerried, the aotion in committee confirmed "Moved lee Mesere. Sender,' end Neel), that the vnlilato,',' rennin 011 1/11, V111 1111t1011s or the comity fir eq- nalization purposee ree .iv‘.0 and laid over rov further eon .lderwH,et 11 111.. Jimmies, meeting or tho rotnl- ,o1. 1.od that the valuators paid." "Moved in amendment les Meesrs, Livi nester; and 11.111*.; tor an-. P1000 of the report of the gatuators tie presented, and that a resolutiou to that effect be recommendel ;eel left over for further considaratiou et the January meeting." A vote was teken, voting for ,Winghttref, • The warden resumed the /heir and 111.1211 eitirts tontinus: to Bridle 4,,00r,eit, No 1 Salt jusT To HAND ....44...wasamousommownl.eawiromOorimrouire W .E, MEDD WINS IN SOUTH HURON Following ole the official returns for South 1101011; Seaforth Medd 50c per cwt. off car. I No, 1 98 1 No. 2 113 i t: 34 63 52 i No. 6 51 No, 0 71 Phone 6 Brussels 457 Alf. Baeker plMed. Re Benmiller Bridge, The east it approach total Wits ,Widened. and a., 4, guard fence built, cost •213t),25 * Beamville Bridge. To' east 4. JOHN SPEIR approach was widened at a cost .of 2 Ph000 160 1.0t 31, Coil, tilo0ris 4. Four Bull Calves All of serviceable age. See these animals before bu ying- Terms to suit purchasers. Also a quantity of Wood for sale. ') 12 Clinton No. 1 '11'7 No, 2 175 No, 3 184 No. 4 1013 557 84 Exeter No, 1 115 No. 2 396 No. '3 164 No. 4 41 -- 510 144 Hensall 242 91 Hayfield 64 120 McKillop 22 150 67 123 302 1 Tuckersmith 81 111 120 180 IN sRe Mud Creek Rridge, Only a mall amount of work was done ow- ing to weather conditions. Re Turner's Bridge. A small DISCOVERIES RECALL atnount of stone was MANI in to pre- FRANKLIN EXPEDITION No, 1 vent washing. No, 2 Re Sentinel -hill Bridge, Benmiller Objects Recovered he Canadian Arc- ct `,31 Bridge and Carey Bridge. These tie Regions Believed to he Relics. . . were tightened up at a cost of $1.,16.- of 111 -fated Voyage .30. The Holmesville and severe! other "Start on to -morrow, 26th, for bridges require to be straightened at Back's Fisheriver." This, the DOW the abutments with stone. We re- eluding sentence in a record dated commend the county -engineer be 25th April, 1848, and signed by empowered to have that work done Caytain F. R. M. Crozier of H.M.S. during the winter months, as we feel Terror and Captain James Fitzjames that it can be done much cheaper of H.M.S. Erebus, is the last word when the ice is on the ..-ivee and this received by .the outside world from work will prevent the undermining the gallant but ill-fated Franklin ex - of the almtments. pedition. hough that message was This inert was adopte,I. written seventy-eight years ago and Count), Property Committee was recovered in 1859, it has a dir- The County Property Committee ect bearing on events in the Caned - then reported as follows: ian Arctic in 1926, in that during Re motion of Dodds and Robinson this year further relics believed to 135 to place a telephone in county clerk's of the Franklin expedition were re- resiclelece. We recommenti that this covered in the district and along the be done, very line of travel that the above re - We inspected the registry office cord indicated, and found everything in first-class To explain the finds and their sig - order, nificance it will be necessary to givc We visited the Childrene Shelter the salient facts of the Franklin ex - and found everything in splendid peclition. Sir John Franklin, an ex - condition. There are six children perienced Arctic navigator, headed there at present. au expedition which sailed from Eng - Re request from Mr. Wilson, of land in 1845 in two ships the Erebus Chddren's Shelter, for . one hundred and Terror, with the objects of dis- feet; of laelber for outdoor playhouse covering a "northwest passage" for children. We recommund that the which would provide a short route to request be granted. Asia. Several years pasisng without Re report of gooier. We would news of the expedition, relief parties like to express wir appreciation of were sent out by sea and land and very satisfactory report which has it was by these expeditions and by been presented. Your committee has further attempts, to learn the fate of made a thorough inspection of the Franklin and his men that the few building and find everything in ex- details now known were secured. In cellent condition, The outside paint- 1850-51 Captain William Penny toe- ing is .completed and mikes a great ated the site of Franklin's firs; win - improvement to the building as per ter quarters on .Beechey Island; in Januray report. There are ten pris- 1854 Dr, John Rae learned from na- onus there at present. We woeld tives that a party of white men had recommend that the goaler'e report been seen travelling over the ice near for 1926 be printed in the minutes. King William Island; and in. 1859 We would recommend that it, Captain M'Clintock found many re- woald be well to recommend to the lies, ;including Captain Crozier's TO - incoming council that the goaler's cord, already referred to, reporting salary be increased to $1,000. the death of Franklin, the abandon - Re vault and Surrogate Court ment of the two ships in thp ice to clerk's office, and communieation of the west and north of King William - T. A. Humphries, inspector of legal Island, and indicating the attempt of offices, for enlarged vault room and the 105 survivors to make their wa.y steel -filing cabinets in the Surrogate south. Court clerk'e office. We recommend Of recent years littleadditional that a part of the late Judgi Dick- information about Franklin had been son's room be converted into a vault Secured but during the summer of No. 1 and steel filing cabinets installed. and 1926 Peter Norberg,, a trader, pick- No, 2 that plans be prepared. ed up a skull, pieces of shoo leather, N°. 8 No. 4 This report was adopted in corn- pieces of navy cloth -and a fragment mittee and in council. Mations Received County Engineer Pattaneo I was present and addressed she counci1. with reference to the work done dor. Mg the past year, On conclusen of his address, several mations WOrD order to reach Back's Fish river, 14e0.0 by wave. Neeb and ss. 1 after its discoverer, Captain. George 457 473 . 'Phie rivet, is now called Back river submitted and dealt with. Allowance Back, R.N. Mr. Norberg, who is ro- —516 872 'Quaid, that the Mothers' 242 151 Board of Huron County be paid tiring from trading, turned these re -54 129 1 11,cal over to Mr. John li'. Moran, re - $140. This was carried. 362 305 ! specter of the North Wet Territor- 040 249 Moved by Messrs, Gieger and San- 237 do's that as Pecial geant of $3,000 ies and Yukon Beanch' of the De- (1.4.00,orliteettin• h l!wp. , .fliE 325 525 be made the village of Henan whieh Partment of the Interion, when he . 418. 325 has part of this amount to its credit, waS at Aklavik last summer and by IFititirdey 200 This was sent to the Good 110aate , him they wee brought to Ottawa, Ilehorne 276:31 __5_6_4 Braila museum. The navy cloth is Stephen 5087 CM:mission, , and they are now deposited in the 4860 •• Moved by .Messrs. Beattie and t ill h itl of Navy in Franklin's time, and the inter Battery Storage We are ready to store your Battery in an up-to- date Battery Plant and charge thetn with a real charger at a moderate price. Be sure your Battery is well looked after during the Winter. U Pays Yola! McIntyre & Cudrnore Ford Agents Brussels No. 1 No, 2 No. No. 4 No, 5 No. 6 sources all of which agreed in detail but as the RE W110 frozen he W118 net able to do more than gain a know- ledge of the location, Thet loeation, however, is consistent with the known facts il8 to the piece whose the ships. were abandoned, and the Neel) Net of -the currents, ArtiOrdirlif tO re - '77 perts of natives the ship driven 77 7'2 '70 73 445 127 134 152 107 '9 478 123 309 98 42 51115 over a reef and broken in two, and it van be seen quite clearly when the lee goes out in the short Arctie ;aim - mer, Major Burwash was not able to form an opinion as to whien of the Iwo ships 14 might be. He sowired a ; number of relics in the form of 1 scraps of brass and iron; a piece) of , mahogany, apparently part of a COLO`, ter -deck railing; a wooden bowl; sim. ilar to the one found by Mr. Hoare; etc. He concluded from ten amount of iron being used by the natives ' for spear and arrow point, that a larg.e quantity of European goods, particularly casks and cases, hooped and 'bound with iron, must have been scattered along this coast. —37-2 Of course, what all explorers search for are log books Or 11,101110r- anda of any kind, but tho rinds of 151 this evason did not tncludi such treasures. -- 442 256 Hullett No, 1 No. '2 No, No, 4 No, 6 No. 6 No, 7 123 188 .118 47 96 89 No. 1 No, 2 No, No.4 No. 5 No. 6 559 360 Goderich Township 67 44 ‚-54 37 89 131 244 19 Stanley No, 1 No, 2 Nn, 3 No, 4 No, 5 No. 6 No,? 60 '73 66 99 56 68 6 No. 1 No. 2 No. No. 4 No, 5 No, 6 No, 7 No. 8 -- 418 98 Hay ,57 74 131 81 55 60 22 28 NO. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No, 5 No, 6 No. 7 508 Usborne 61 101 87 54 110 47 102 of an oak sled runner, at Starvation cove on Adelaide peninsula opposite Ring William Island, The signifi- cance of this discovery is, that the relics were found on the eoute that the survivors would have to take in —5(72 868 Stephen 107 45 38 50 101 44 120 69 No. 5 24 96 No. 6 06 139 No. 7 49 41 No. 8 64 28 No, 9 90 47 678 554 119 REOAPITULATION Medd Nellie Seaforth 15 Clinton Exeter H en sal 1 Bel d MoRillop etteesm th 144 44 114 59 301 71 02 19 34 186 31 36 44 17 30 43 -- 109 64 85 130 65 43 88 225 31 27 27 101 49 46 325 24 18 107 127 85 107 38 61) 525 17 20 22 21 40 28 35 39 209 Cameron, that this council sincerely similar to that used by the Revd Majority for Medd-11468 regrets that owing o - ea i skull, it is stated by °theologists, is one of our members, Mr. Ilifuenings. that of a young white ntan in his ayes unable to attend the 1211e0e4ng and eerly twenties, WI' hope that his health will soon he Other indications point to this part restored. Carried. of the north as being the place where Moved. by Messrs. Gieger anti Hon- the survival's made thc,ir last attempt nebilig, that all running expenees in to reach safety, Mr, W. IL 13.. Hoare, connection with the Children'e 51101- ' who explored the country south and ter shall ho printed in the minutes. • west of Coronation gulf during Thi.s was carried, 1 1924-26 for the same branch of the .,1 Department of the Interior found a ' I wooden bowl ebnilar to that used in See the best in Womenla Cloth the naval service many years ago. fiords with rich Tlir trirtlftlin411*. Alth011eill it wag found in a place Needlonoint, Duvetyne, Bolivia, ato9 wliere apparently, no white man had etc. FrOlfi $24.51) to $8 -5,00. -;---King The council then adjourned, been befor(1, there is every 1108 CHRISTMAS CONUNDRUMS (D. R.) Who is Jack Feost, One of the boys, . Who is Santa Claus? Mary Christmas. Which key is most 111use, Christmas? The turkey. (tui' -key). What is it that will not keep more than twenty-four hours? Christmas Day. son to believe that it was from one of the Franklin ships and was carried there by Bakimoa. Major L. T. Burwash, alsa an ex- plorer in the North West Territories and Yukon Branch of the Depart- ment of the Interior, spent tho ter of 1925-26 on Ring Wiblare Is- land and investigated, so , far as pos- sible, the story current among the natives there that a large ship lies submerged under twelve feet Of w- ±1111 among some roofs to the east of Matty island. This information was ootrohorated from five dtfferont Why it Christmas Day weak? Because it can't help falling, on De- cember 25th. AUCTION SALES ANOTMN (MAD Or 160.A012E FARM, BAY. 1'URNTVOlte,860,—the property or the late Conrad a1(chei.-0. g Scott, Anc. haa been instruoted to Nell at Lott 28 and 24. Con 11 Grey, on Friday, Dec 17th, nt 1 o'clock, the following property : 018(1111.11 01 hay, straw, green feed, barley, oats, wheel and mixed grain, fanning 11011, weigh scales, 2.000 lbs.. cutting box, hayfork oar, 1 share in Ethel weigh scalea, bureau, bedroom smite. beds, large lamp, bedroom lamp. clock, Rep mond sewing machine, sugar kettles, 1.4 dos. kitchen chairs, do7 perforated bottom chairs, % cioz parlor chairs and rocking eltlOr, fall leaf tab(e, extension table. 8 cupboards, wardrobe, cook stove, etre) range, box stove. On the premise., is a lerge bank barn 6240 ft. 1 straw shed 41x60 ft ; large brick house with cement kitchen and woodshed 1 carriage house ; hen and hog pen, also Rood drilled well. 4 ranee from village of Ethel, oonvem lent to two cheese factories, 2 railroads and sohool. TERDIS.—All sums Of $10 and under, cash over that amount 9 months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 8 per oent off for oash on credit amounts. Terms of sale of farm made known day of sale. 81 (04. SARA El COX, Executrix of (110 1810 Conrad. Michel estate, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Thermals Turnbull, deceased, Tato of the Townehip of Grey, in the County Of Huron, Farmer. Notice le hereby given pursuant to the Be. vitied Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 120, that all orediters and othera having Maims against the eal ate of the said Thome. Turnbull, who died on or about the Sixteenth day of Novem- ber. A. D. 1026, fire required on or before the 181.11 day of December, A. D. 1026, to send by post prepaid or deirger to Oliver Tumbril', Brussels P. 0 , ths Ad2niniatrator of the estate of the deceased, their Christian and Surnam. eaadd.resma and descriptio10 the fidl particu- lars ot their claims the statement of their ac- oounte and the nature of their sem:irides, if any, held by them, And further, take notice that after sool, last mentioned date the said Administrator will 070000(1 1.0 0 istribute the assets of the deoeas- ed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hale ing revard only to the claims of whinh he shall then have notioe and the said Admin., hitrator will net be liable for the said assets 01 0110 part thereof to any person or persons ot Whoge elnim notioe shall not have been re. wired by 111 1, at the Brno of such distribution. Dated this Thirtieth day ot November, A. D. 1026. W. DI. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for the Administrator. 'louse and lot for Sale The undersigned offers for side his comfort- able brick cottage on Princess street, `Brus- sels. Half -acre of land, Well and cistern. Immediate possession. Ivor further pertio, (11510, 000121 to WM. WORE, Brussels P. 0. Phone 2117 House and lot for Sale The eligible house and lot on Queen street, 13rueaels, the property of the late Dire. Soy's, to offered for sale. Comfortable house With small garden, For Portlier pfirdoulars apply to HARRY XFOYS, 8.‘f N. R. 0 Brussels Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) • 1001(0100, !being 15)4 Lots 7, E 0 and North 40 tures of 10, Con, A, Ttirnberry township. barge first-ohnts barn, splendid stone stabling underneath ,• large driving slum, good famine bailee and stone kitchen, large croluird, never falling spring on farm. 2 miles , from efroxater dingo end 1 -,mile from school. I Thle farm has been in pasture for some years and wit( ewe highest returns, Farm lend values will rise, For particulars apply te 1113.00. MORON, i Administrator John 0, Gibson estate 10,0, Ilex 10 Wroxoter Plume 80 ‘,1 Farms for Sale The underaigned•offere for sale hist0fIlutra lank lieinu,,I214, 1..,oti 26, Con. 7, Merida Ales It) "r7,%1150Pgi.lq ceaPithTe..!,,2 „Ii'db„,14 17,; 11,,,,ni:almi.81,(1111tionilfillio lib good out.bulld. oo'for poor h0erelat.thgt, fnrrctterigg: feelers apply to W. N. MOCUTOB RON. 1 Proprietor, CC 18.4, Brussels Farms for Sale 100 fierce of latul, South 14 Of tot 5 staitt, not) sem thOY rented rot Irlh tura Yes 0121th:tutees nintiv 8081(1, axecatorS,