HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-15, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 2 6 02.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS. OY[ 11 1c JVEDNESDA Y. DECEMBER 15. 8926
A Christmas Concert will be
held In
Wednesday, Dec, 22nd
Commencing at 8 p. m,
Good Program
Consisting of
Adults 25e Children Free
Xmas Tree
and Concert
Tuesday, December 21
At 8 p. m.
Ethel Public School
is presenting
their Annual Christmas Concert
Adults 25c, Children (ander
12) Free
Come and enjoy an evening
with us.
Santa Claus may have
something for you.
The Surrounding District
330.24.41****3**14:41•7**3.4Sit41+:**::**31.-iiiVArIVI.1**1**Itt1.41...31' itlX.14-14-4041..1.0-041*.1•44-041K•41÷1.414
BLUEV.A.LE j ...lit township rate of taxatitm plus
3. W. King, 11. luts gone to Ot. 20 per cent,
Laws, ft I 11.
Mis,‘V11141ey Leggett. and lIlis.
Alex. Mowbray motet ed to Gamlen, BELGRAVE •
teeettily. A Cht•istanas tree and enterlai n•
George ;red Mi, Undei word, of men t will be held by the Presbyter-
inglnum visited with I °Penh and ittll Church, in the Forester's Hall,
14 is, Undei wood, Belgrave, ni 'Vednestlay, of next
Jaek Bali. tlY. 19 at Guelph, this week, Den, 15014 A splendid pro.
Week, at I erditig the silvei nneivers- gram will be enderea consisti»g of
erg of -William and Mrs, Humphries. 1, olos, quartettes, readings, adareinniti,
ete, together with a slrt play, en tit.
led, A. Sommim bulisI Progt•am
BLYTH commences at 8 o'clnek sharp.
On Wednesday, Nov. 2411,at. the I
home of Joseph Alehlacherti, Ewe-
tnont, wnethe seep of a very happy
event. when his daughtee, 111Vetle
Josephine, became the Mitt e of Iltu•ry
Jamb Yringlant, of 'Myth, Rev. Mr.
Weincort, nt Conn,
3. I3. anti Mrs, Tierney hod a nar-
row escape the other morning. The
pi pea lending to the kitchen 1 ange
had beentne frozen ;luring the night,
tind when n fire was put nn in the
lenge, An explosion nertirriel, width
enteplet el y Wteelted the re nee and
did 140111P aninege to the walls end the
ceiling of the room. Beth NI r. and
Mre. 'Pier/ley e in the room at the
time but were utriteniretl.
Blyth ()mince) had it delega lion con -
Rising of T. Pavlov. for 'himself and R.
B. In:Gowan, felt Myth estate wait on
them protesting nuttiest excessive rate
Ilvttion on lends inside corporation.
Moved by Online. Waytnonth, eecond-
ea hy LegliPi that' parcels (if
land inside enrimentien of 25 1131VPS or
more and need for farm prit•pnees on.
ly, he allowed a ee-aate based on id.
• S• tores Ope
t++ Evenigs
Commencing Wednes-
4: day, December 15th,
4. • and each evening until
+ • Christmas.
4, Brussels Business
Men's Association
Ohr stm s
Roe's Church
Monday Ev'g Dec 20
Under auspices of S. School
Short Play and Dialogues
by Young People
Choruses, Recitations, eft.,
by Children.
Program Worth Hearing
Adinissibe 25 and 15 ()mite
Miss Maggie Linton eel urnea from
Saskateliewan, last week.
Harry Smith will he in charge of
t he link het e,'I hi, Winter.
Miss Agnes Aleltet (her. Mount For-
est, was home for the week -end.
Sam 13nrke hail a Rale of his fat in
et•nek and 'implements, nn rhursday
it lei nonn.
Mrs. Thos. Gibson 1V118 n '''P11 vi.
101' with z (deliver; at Ottnwa and
Totem 10,
Ws. (3. Davide:on 1103i fe0111
Oshawa, where Rhe spent several
All the stores in the village will be
(men every evening, until the end of
the year.
Owifig to the illness of the teacher,
Miter Bnwes, there was on school in
the Setlint. t1P1111 111/W111 of tbe public
school, on Mopelny.
Sunday School
• Concert
Will be held in the
United Church, Trovilvidge
Wednesday hrg, Bi, Mil
A splendid program is being
prepared. Also a couple of
playlets — "Uncle Hirman's
Cold" and "Christmas With the
Admission 35c and 15c
E c re
and Dance
Huron Plowman's Assoc'n
Will hold a Social Evening
in the
friday Ev'g, Dec.7
Program will consist of Euchre
and Dance, Euchre staeting itt
8.30 and Dancing front 11 to
Good music Will be provided
for the dance.
Come and enjoy it real social
time with the Plowmen.
Gents $1.00
Latfies Please Bring Cake
, L. motieritsig, Wntepelei
Pea".11., need Iffj Viete.Pree,
New Advert/somata'
t'Itelstains Tres - st-thei
Rutertninment- s1t,i. t, (trey
rm. snis-J01111 Si,1•11.
elorwitig- 11 3 illie-41011 Lk Sall
11/4Aw 1,LAtt44414, .1444,1 1..444!
4444444.4 1 KLL4, 4043,1, Ahntorook
emeein or 1,444,44.--41, 11. Wendb
a16-,. t 'nth
Plar -Walton 'inc Ps,nle
tenter tat notes 1 --entero-usr suoilny School
i'ltrbantes 'Jonas- stscic,
elietstina. (1111.1 -1 44 4. Pm(
14410,PALLp404-•1-41 • 43 1,1-4 LLA -8 Meg
0414' 44' sai, 11
.11 Mall nil r tPrOi — .m10),
A noonnt J l'earson
ennto (anew tieseennmere•-e, r. Davison
FOP nail, .180 11 orrison
Tenni "1,41 1110'- A Jmniett
For ittLeitytt
Drielne mare- stnart ineQuarrie
gast-Itaelier ken.
0011COYE-Trowhrittgir Sunday sonnol
Friends of !11 eq. Jae. Doughm, of
Turtiberry, who 10 i 11 Wingham Hosp.
ital, will he pleased to know that she
is recovering from her serious
Ota. young people went to Monk -
ton, last Wedrieeday evening, and
presented "Thiehful Mn 13obbs," for
the football boys of thet village.
'rhey were greeted by it full house,
every Inerliber of which went home
much pleased with their evening's
entertnitiment. They go to Walton,
on Pridity evening
Ormancl 11 iitchine, aged 17, Buren
Road. received a bullet wound in the
left, arm, last So trii day afternoon,
when ir go n cart.ieri by a chum, Fred
Orem, anent en tly d kelt netted, the 1111 1.
let lodging in the atm. The two Inds
Wet P n11t. hunting ili it imen 0par tee
altiitland Rivet, when the accident
00001'1M. The boy, Rol -Tering et -vete --
1y, WAS taken to the Dunn house of
ROY RfinillP4 WIWVP Mee. 1131 Odle.
1'0e1liee 11111.8e, at tended as beet she
enitld, to the ytiting wonntls.
Dr. A. 0. Hunter wan called and the
hoy woe removed to t.he hospital,
where he in reported AS aning nicely.
A ematieTs -All it...mints owing 05
enn be settled next Friday and Satur-
day afternoons,. nt Voddens'etnee.
1-1 3. Pearson, Ethel,
The Mast -mit, Methuen nr F.thel and
vicinity inc bidding a eeeial evening,
at Duntinioe Hell. tin Thnierdav even-
ing, of this week. Trivitntitine }men
'wen 1,enori.
S. Howlett itt kept busy thcests days
putting the eharp edge on thi far-
mers' cross rut saws, and judging
from the numeer of saws for eharp-
ening there' will be no scarcity of
feel to keep some of our home fires
b mon niytr.
two more Sundays in 1926.
Go to chureh and finish the year
right.. Reveller services next 'Sunday
Ethtil Circuit, United Church of
Canada, Ron's 11 a.m., Union 3 p.m.,
end Etlwl, 7 p.m.
"Mickey." the favorite doe of the
antl owned by Dr. efcMaster,
wins the distine.tion in being it clever
driggie as Well as wise in the (Isobel
of good meat. Tho other day he
visited the butcher shop end return-
ed home carrying a geed sized roll
of bologna. Needless to say ehs but-
cher found he was far outhetanced
in the run for the. "pork."
David Milne met with A rather ser-
ious end painful accident on There.
day of hist week. Mr. Milne was
alighting from a sleigh and so did not
see a horse and cutter driven by Jno.
White, and Ftepped le front of the
approaching horse. Mr. Milne was
knneked down and rendered uncon-
scious, receiving a fractured rib and
other injuries he the breast and feet..
At the time of writing he is recover=
ine nicely.
Chait.t an excitement was caused
on Sunday morning about 9.30 when
one of the valuable black foxes be-
longing to .7, Wilson,' m taped from
its pen and decided to ' ko a stroll
down to the village. Ir. Wilson
was notified and aftei rl wo hones'
chase, the animal tweet, e . 'ed of the
fun and was captured t 8 taken
back to captivity.
Is in ordee once more and wo
eSetend a hearty invitation to
one end all to visit our store
and inspect our goods. Then
we are assured you will take
advantage of our popular Mies
es and we shall have our share
of your Christmas shopping,
Our assortment it splendid and
a good ehoico may be had of
Toys, Stationery, Noveltiet,
Handkerchiefs, Post Cards and
Booklets, Fancy Goecle, Child=
ren's Wear, Hosiery, Fancy
Mimi and staple lines whieh
you will always find at "The
, Variety Store. and also prompt
and courteous service.
Tbe Variety Store Phone 82
1 Entertainment
J/f elcome
5. S. ha 45 Grey
Will hold their annual
Xmas Entertainment
Wednesday, cc, 22nd
An excellent program of Dia.
logues, Drills, Solos, Duets,
Choruses and Readings will be
given, also good Orchestra
Admission 25c and 15c
Everybody Welcome !
Miss Francis Coates is spending a
fow dayi in Moi'ris T
Mrs. Clayton Bell Is visiting for a
few days at har home in Kincardine.
Miss Edna McLelland of Clifford, •
seem, the week ene at her home here.
Mrs. P. N. Currie and Helen and
Bob visited friends in Guelph last
Mrs. Russell Wilbot . two
dren spent a few days at the home
of 13. F. Carr.
J. K. Baker has been spending a
•few days at the home of his son.
Chester, Con. 10.
John Rann had another stroke last,
week and his condition is critical.
Harvey Hunter left this week .mor
Oshawa to finish up a house for )11.5
A Chtist teas 011 cert will be held in
eRoox Clinthh, Oratibrook, on Wed-
Aiesatty eveni»g, Dec. 22til. A good
progetim ennsietilig et songs, drills,
dialoguee, etc, will be presented,
Sexton Room
, Examined in .A1 it h., Gram., Lit.,
Conip„ Wtit. Art.. hilt- IV -Kath-
leen Z.4 der 83 • Yenta 0.110113 64 •
; FluIdmt Queeengesser 46, JR. IV -Hy-
, vlyn linether 75 ; Vera Potter 68.
Stanley Fischer 54. Sft. 111-41etirge
181111e14 OL y McDonald
74 ; Gertie Pride 613 ; Doretity 1411011.
er 03 ; Rntlut Gann -iron 45 • Eltntir
1 Locking 12; Milton Osborn 32.
Examined in Writ, Rend., A ith.,
Lang., Grog., Spell. Sp
eline Kia uter 41 Alice Locking 86,
Glen II taetlipr 83 1 Willie Zeigler 713 ;
Jim Ctrieeron 611 11,,11 met- Cameron
65. I-Nitiry linether ; Aturiel Mc-
Donald 76 ; Winetott eiclibethert, 73;
Dorie Long 64 PR. -Exnellen t -
Stanley Campbell, Edith Osborn,
Vida Cameron, *Mae Fischer. *
means ahRen t.
A Lull.. J, Fosonsene Teacher.
Council met en Wednesday, tn close
up the year's Imeiness.
Nomination Day be Dec, 2711). Not
nmeli elention tent, Yet.
Fred Alentlt, of Eh ;elide, Sok,
arrived hnmr, lied week, anti will
.ttetid the Winter with his parents,
Tilos, and Mrs. Altioelt
Mitts Helen Miceli, R. N., of Min-
nesoln, lute been the guest nf the Al-
eock families miti with filen& at
Stretford RIO other poi n te,
QUIRT WEDDING -A pretty 10301 -
(ling wire solemeized on Tuesday,
Dec. 1411), in St. John's Chureh,
Brussels, when Mary Elizabeth AI-
coolc was married to Samuel Janet)
Ovington, by the rector, Rev. F. L.
Lewin, They wet e stIpported by
Earl and Mrs. Bernard aid Sam, M-
00111, beether of the bride. Thti wed-
ding and the enbeequent nelebrations
were quiet, as the bride has recently
undergoire 5,11 operation for append'
icitie. The bride es the daughter of
It, a, and Mrs, Aleock, And is well-
kown and pc -melee in Moititis, and Hie
groom came from Woodfield, County
Wicklow, Iveland, The beet wishes
of the community go with this young
couple, who will make their hotne on
the 6th line, Morris,
Ws, are buying for the Palm
Creamery Company, Palmers-
ton. Ilig'host prices paid.
Paying 39c and 40e this week
Call at store for Calllt
Tuesday Evig, Dec, 2g
Luneli Served
Gentlemen 95e plus tax
Under auspices of
The Young Men's Club
S. S. No. 0, Morris, (Button's;
School), is having a Christmas TIPP
nes ny evening,
Dee. 22nd, eommencing at 8 o'clock
sharp. Let's go
New dresses for all occasione are
here for Christmas gifts.—King
Bros., Wingham.
Old friends on the 4th lino will
rep,ret ti learn of the death of it sea
of the late Isaac Downey, of the
See, who 1111114 a former votident of
the 4113 at Bodmin Lime wIrkst The
Foist wich Record says:—Word was
received hetet by relatives on Monday
of the dee& in Toronto the previous
evening ef Merris Downier, second
eon of the bee Isaac Downey and
Mrs. Dowaey, of Sault Ste. Marie, -
Ont., and former residentof . this
village. The deceased, who was on-
ly 33 years • of age, bad hem ill
about a month with heart trouble.
He was a membe- of the Toronto pol
• ice force. Being of apparentlyipin-
tIkI phsique and of healthy appear-
ance, 1101118 of his death came tie a
distinct shock to his relatives and
many friends here, with whom he vis-
ited for several days during the past .
001.111Cil Inet ttl, Ethel, nn Wednes-
day, to rinse u the busineee
Nominntinns will he held tit the
Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday,
Dec. 27th. Election talk is only elm-
untring, yet.
Mts. Jus, Fulton returned Ignite, on
D•I onattY even 100, from Tormi to,
whette she was visiting her daughter,
the pant month
S. S. No, 1 is holding their annum'
Ohristnine entei•taitinent, on Wed.
nesday, Dec. 22,11.1. 81 excelletit pro -
;mutt is being prepared.
Roam ick and ;Sirs. 'MacKay wish to
annorniee the engagement. of their
051101111 dalighter, Linda151 , to E. A.
Robert s, of Toron I n, t he uti iage to
take place late in December,
The Young People's Society f
Duff's Church, Walton, haVe secinaid
the play, .'1311shful bite 130bbs," is t
be presented under theie auspices by
Aloncit.it ff young people, for Friday
evening, Dee. 17th, in Worktnan'e
Hall. This play has already iletAtl
given several Limes and has delighted
every audienee, who have been gen-
uinely plettsed by the ability of the
Pley ers and the humorous Alla en t et,
I tenting play. COMP 1141/4 enjoy hill'
hem. or two with Obadiah Stump,
Both Robin; mai his entojn, Marston,
Mee. Wiggilis and the other
enteetaining ehrunt•ters in this play,
rin Friday evening. You won't. be
' The futieral of Isabel Iitimilton, it
highly esteemed pioneet• of Hullett
Township, %vile (Rea on Saturday last, ,
at the age of 80 pollee, following sev•
eral weeks' illness, was held on Mon-
day. front her late reeidenee, no On& ;
Will hold their annual
chr is tm as
-ON -
Wednesday, Dec. 22nd
Splendid Program
Consisting of Dialogues, Drills, Vocal
and Orchestra Music is being prepared.
In addition, as itspecial feature of the
program, the young people will present
a Rost humorous twomct play, entitled
Admission 25 and 15 eertts
Lorne Culbert 10th Con., had the
tuisfmeinie bn heve hlri vvriet broken
while in the act of cranking hie car.
Pi verton's Oeui enmity shed has had
i te debt reneelled. The building cost
nhout 38 000, besides a great deal of
gratis work.
Adam Quante, whn 1131.8 been farm-
ing fee 25 yettre on the 141h Con., Our-
' riek, ho mild hie farm to his neigh-
bor, Philip Weber.
ManKinnon, of Paris,
Filtrate, who had been on it business
trip to 'slew Yolk, visited one arty
last week with his parents, Angus
and Mrs. McKinnen, of Luckuow.
Alfred 'Yonne, of Hanover, charg-
ed with setting on fire a dance hall,
was nequitted of the net an there wee
no evidence to prnve his guilt, lint on
the contrary, he bt•ought in the ev-
idence to prove his innocence.
Meeers, liany,NleLet,nan, or Bervie,
and Bet 1 Harris, cif Ripley, illtVe
chased the Minding in Kincatiline
known asi the ('ole MAO Packi ng
while they will carry on the pork
taunting hnsittealt, an to be ktir•wn
in the Nam e iP Lilo Kineardine Pack-
ing Cranium y,
James S. Anderson, of Tenon ti,
rently passed away. He wits for
meny yeare nsmieinted lil the whole-
' elite dry goods 1 rade. FOP tho past
213 years, he mid his family terve liren
canoeing, timing the Smuttier, at
Brum. Beilek. and he' hod been
President of tire St tire Beach ARSOe-
erieh street, Seafoeth, to the aleit.
landbaek cemetery. The seevice was
conducted by her pastor, Rey. Dr. •
Larkin, The deceased, who {VHF (Me
of the oldest members of First Presby-
tetinti Chureb, was born in Ola Kit-
patriek, Dumbat.tonshive, Scotland, •
ein 1887, After the death of her ,
er, she.catne to Ottnada wit,h it mar. 1
'bed sister, settling in Walton. On 1
Nev. 22/18, 1861, she married the late I
Angus Medium's], who precleeetteed
her nine years ago, They lived foe a
time in Havpushey, later moving to
Mavis genk Farm, in Hullett, where
she spent most of her life.. Following !
the death ef her husband. in 1017, she
and bee daughter, bliss Olo•istina,
went to Seaforth. Four of her fain- I
Sly survive : Mrs, j. Maedowell, Mo- I
Twp. ; Mrs.: (Dr.) 0. E. Biggs, I
Cleveland Mabiiohrn Meediermid, of I
Ileum te and 111 hot Ohrletinn The pall -
heal et.s were ; 887 18, Smith, te. tithis,
H. ledge, J. Mactavish and 3, jatuie.
Kineardiee ratepayers are goillg tie
vote on it by-law, 1.1)bovrow $6,000 foe
flee equipment.
14, A.. McCallum. Progressive can&
Wee in South Bruce, iltt9 a majority
of 128 over Mr, ()Argil],
Ripley is going to have a teem in
the Senior Hockey 030185 of the
Northeru Hockey League,
Mr.,Roger, C. 13., who a few pint Ft
ego took it survey of the Teeswiti er
Itiver after a petition bail been envi-
ed by the neeessat V 110PI/it:Vett: nrul
presented to the Connell, entered se-
tinn tigainst• the towe.hie for balm ;we
Of work. after the effientl referee had
circlet ed the survey completed, A
stilted temorna 11118 bent, tiientiomid
At 11),' thee, hat later. elle Roger en.
tet ea artion foe $1,665 25 When t he
Council refieted to tete the bill, eie.
Reger excepted 32110 Met, befme
Contii opened at Steal fOt d.
Stated That Conservatives Have
Given Mr. McCallum Until Thurs.
clay to Act
Walkerton, Dec. Con-
eervativee who are below; the threat.
ened protest in South Bruce are at
present marking time and it :1, stated
that they have given M. A. MeCel-
lum, the Pi ogreseive member -elect,
until Thursday of thin week to re-
sign, and if he floes not a protmet
etelinet hie election will to entered,
John Rowland, who is ono of the
prime movers to unseat McCallum, is
Basfful Bubbs
A Comedy in 3 Acts
will be presented by the Young Peo-
ple of ItIonerieff in the
Workman's Hall ton
friday Evening, Dec. 17th
Under auspices of Walton
Young People's Society.
Admission 35c and 20c
L. Church Notes
Melville Church
"The Work of' the Presbyterian
Church in Canada" was the subject
dealt with, last Sabbath morning, by
Rev..10. G. Fowler, Melville Church.
The grevanese of the eocial work be-
ing done by the Social Settlement
houses in the large cities was emphas-
ized, They are teaching the gospel
of Christ to all the different national -
t155 and ;nuking them good citizens.
Another important depttrtment is the
mission seatiotia in Western Canada
Wherever they are fouod, the people
are more law abiding than where
there are no miesiontial..s .Proin theee
email beginninge have grown up new
C111.1kebet44 The Foreign Al $81011
work is atiottiet impel -met depart.
theist., and now 1 hitt a di visiou of the
NVOt k has been !Italie wit.11 the Uni ted
Church, new and greater i eeponsibil-
ties test upon Lite Preebyterian
CilLII.C11. 'The ii1l14ge0 tui connection
with our clench ere tsti important
factor in training men for the min-
istry. T....my 011 1.1.1111 W0111, 1.011(18
itre Deeded and there is a responsibil-
ity resting upoe each member, to do
his or hen shave in providing, ;Twee.
At the evenitig eervice, the pastor's
PO Ilea was "The Parable of tile Ten
Virgins." We have here two groups
of virgins, Both groups had a know-
ledge of the britiegrorin and wished.
to honor hint All had lamps and all
slumbered, but A hen they arose, omr
go lett1ipum 11, 1 a1e
1.,,tdn (,..i Lb
'l'he (mnh lib viz gLiili se
are typieni of those wile do not take
their 1 '11giee set iously enough : they
had tnt rotiot ve force. of character,
liiinetits of eurpi ise and crisis reveal
charneter. eentiot share reserve
of ch.:teeter with others It is im.
portrait 1 to prepare firr times cif crisis..
Christ is ttontine t 0 each of tis (1Vf11'y
1105', anti the way we )1,11 to meet the
ct.isis will either build up or pull
down our 11001 VI11 18 0101 11 rIer, lawt
4411/1(41.11111i1 it, PP 141401, he recalled,
ered hy the choir, at the Innen ing Ser.
:11 11 001. 15101 eh a 1. The too hem,
"Break fert 11 into singing," was reed.
vice, and the solo, "Face to Face," by
Mrs. Aleadows, at the evening ser -
11 has beeti 1111 0.11 11001 self-imposed
task of spore rewepaper. perste.' twit -
ere to ran attention of the public at
'at ge thnt the 25th el Decembet-
Cht.ist's 110
Christtutte, and tog Xmas. We tee-
' ego ize 1 Ins Lthis to a busy Age Red an
enrol. elation bei e and there lens tiff
Sellotid Or Mu, ef onr Ito valuable
tithe and li•av es to tiler ninth more
time to indulge in MmHg nntlitng,
but a /nighty (heap way of saving
a lead penell to spelt it X111)19. If We
ttre 1, tem, inbei that 12111ListUltie
tit/ 14ty nt a bibcll 1111 1411•1 1010' was
born, Oren we should entineet Christ
with the day by spelling it properly.
(Abet wise, tre might eesilv drift into
the belief thet the "X" repreeented a
ten -dollar bill, siettife hes: i he money
PO4 nf the gift -riving bushiest, end
that the whole affair V1/11.27 at't'anged hy
the clevee "hootinr ' to t•t•eate a busy
1 uyit g nud eeltieg season. Each
veto sees fewer peophi spelling it
XMAS. 1 4111 4,4 11 1 013 it 11.1 (eget her,
at preeent confined to his oed in a
serious condition, :suffering from
With the probability af ;mother
election in the riding it, is a difficult
matter to foretell who will oppose
W. D. Cara, the Conservative.
Many who were supportere of Mr.
McCallum claim they could not sup-
port him aeein anti the Liberate will
find it next to impossible to find it
man, especially in this part of the
riding. In accepting his $1,250 from
the Prohibitionists, W. Cr.. Andorson,
the former Liberal nominee, commit.
tad political suiride, and as most of
the prominent Liberals, who had as-
pirations for parliamentary honors,
supported the Conservative when
the Liberal withdrew, they are in the
eamel boat as Mr. Andersen anti their
chant:es of cerrying11 'ont'sitin, are
The situation has created It greet
deal of interest and the electors in
all parts of the riding are anxiouely
awaiting developments.
Huron Friends in Torouta.
Readers of The Poet, who heve
Huron frieede it Toronto are retpu•st-
ed to send theie names told addresses
to Geo. Id, Ferguson, 206 Kerte St '
Toronto, for the purpose of having
Ahem added to the list of the Huron
Old Boys' Association of 'Poronte
IIHNSALL, Dec. 18 -The shooting
match ht.1/1 here, on Friday, under
the auspices of the llartistal Gun Club,
is now tin annual event, attracted a
I 11111/111er eelebtat t8 11)111'1CSD:1n).
The Bye 1/11 d11 WE'Ve '11101 01 and follove.
ing are the 14PAIVEAS : 84 Vianee. 'Pinson -
hung. shot at 45, killed 41; 11, Kretch-
man, Hamilton, 45, 41 J. Vance,
Tillsniubtn-g, 45, 118 N. IyanolDvgi,s,45,m
F. Kerte Crediton, 45, 36 ; 01. Bang -
here jemdon, 46, 32 ; J. Trebner,
meet, 81, 30 ; W. Sandpits, RxetAr,
29 1. 51. Cantelon, Clinton, 25, 20 ;
13. Vernier, Hensel], 28, 19 : S. Deng -
I all, liensall, 25, 17: Bell, ITuren-
dale 25, 10 ; P. Paesinore, Thamee
10, 4
F.thel Wright, actress, was late in
doing her Christmas,. ehopping. Vim
asked why, 1e replied:
"I always Make it 0 poiat to he
Into th order to avoid the rush of
those who shop early to evotd the
Ile patient with the merchants atid
clerks at Christmas time anti don't
do your shopping surly.
A Christmas goose; the tutkey
that thought he was Safe because he
eseaped death at Thanksgiying tune,