HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-8, Page 8WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, 1920. 4 dy lar„!e new stock of Holiday Goods is now. ready for showing. For months past we have been searc.hing the markets to find not only What is new, but also the best values going. A visit to our 'store just now is a great help in the way of Christmas Suggestions, Some of the Many Lines we have are .„ FANCY CHINA IVORY TOILET WARE SHELL TOILET WARE AMBER TOILET WARE EBONY TOILET PIECES HIGH GRADE BOXED STATIONERY SMALL PICTURES FLASH LIGHTS POWDER COMPACTS PERFUMES TOILET PREPARATIONS LEATHER HAND BAGS LEATHER NOVELTIES FANCY BASKETS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS NEW BOOKS BOOKS (Reprints) BRASS GOODS FOUNTAIN PENS FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCIL SETS MOUTH ORGANS PURSES AND NOVELTIES SERVING TRAYS KODAKS SNAP SHOT ALBUMS ALSO TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, BLOCKS AND PICTURF. BOOKS Large assortment of New Christmas Cards, Holly, Tags and Seals, Holly Boxes, Holly Wrapping Paper, Tissue Paper, Tinsel Cord, Ribbozene and all the Ac- cessories for doinr, up the Christmas Parcels. E R. SMITH fi! 'The 77,X/C42.4 StOrel • izrzrz:w 6IISMINOW061.0X481111231.41 gi 4 Local News Items ? i twokii-cRE.,),,R.,:44...„,...t44.44,1,44„..n+44,:»K+444-1-m.÷:4-,n++,......x...TK„÷c..2,p4,5-4.-1.4.• 7)ri,fr.gist and Stationer Special- to New S-ubscribers. The Post will be sent to any ad ' dress in Canada to January Let 1928, for $2.00. . Get Your List Ready, Only 14 more shopping days an( then Christmas.. The shoppers should shave their lists tnacle out, to aid in buying in a hurry. Can Do a Good Job. 1927 Council can etart off the , Year right by nlanning to re-deenrat the, Council Chamber se that it wil j Ve a credit to the town when Me Old Boys come "baek. The hall ant- i side was painted for the last reunion. Dominion House Opens Thursday. ; The Federal Parliament will ram - are its session on Thuredya of ; this wertk. When the Budget comes down, Hon. Mr. Robb is expected to give still more benefits to the tax- payer. • Our Merchants' Window Attractions. i Never before have the ehaw win- ' dows• of our merchants been 118 at- m -the ite they are toAciy. Almaet without exception the shor wtr•rlows see:.• evehtme, of eare aml 1i1 in titer de•sing, and they compare very faeorably with the wiedow dreeisrec ,e.rm in the cities. Congratulations ere in order. ee.< Minor Locals. December, Don't ferece the Dezaar ie Hydro Was Off. Hydro went off about twenty min- utes to 5 Sunday afternoon and did not appear again until 1.30. Out- side trouble was the cause. Water Pipes Cracked. The sudden freeze-up an Saturday and Sunday put many water systems in the homes of our eitizens to the bad. The plumbers had a hu sy time stopping the floods. Short Course at Blyth. Arrangements have been inad-t by the Ontario Department of Agrical- tare through the local Agricultural Representative for the holding of a four weeke' eourse in Bleth. Tho yoeng men's cone:et in Aewieultuee, I the youne ladies couree in. e Economies will be held during. Janu- ary. Live stock, field crops and oth- er agricultural subjects will be dis- cussed in the bay' classroom while household science, sewing and Home Nursing and First Aid will fore the lectures given the, girls. Ther. will be special lectures in many sthierts such as poultry and oeekermince, swine and sheep marketing end oth- ers. These bourses have been con- ducted throughout the provie,e, fee several years and the fact that they are shifted about in each enmity or district annually gives a wide seone to the number that may attend. The importance of agricultural in , tion and education is readily realiz- ed and all who can should without . question, arrange to attend.. "Freshman" Is Lloyd's First College Boy Role. For the first time in his ten years of cutting comic capers on the . screen, Harold Lloyd plays the role of a college boy. Ile nag played . many parts, but "The Freshmae" le, the first time he's donned a turtle- neck sweatet and a pill cap and done the rah, rah stuff! Now that it's ' ished and all that remains is to hang I areand theatres and listen to the ha, ha stuff that sifts through the ventilators, Harold thinks that being a college kid is about the most Arm - nous role he's played. Monday sr cm i the first showing of "The Freshman" at the Grand Theatre, where it re- ; mains until Wednescloy. Tt shows the efforts of a treehman seemed Lamb to become popular andsite- ceeelkig in being only the goat! The ! action covers his arrival and recep- tion at Tate college; his love for pretty Peggy, the only one in town 1 who isn't laughing up hie sleeve at the little Lamb; his predicament at • a ball at which he wears a batted I dress suit; his efforts to make the , football team, and the big game in which the school'e reputation hangs t perilously in the balarme. Friday ' and Saturday Douglas McLean in ' "Never Say Die" will be shown. Nowa Med UP -to -date tontedy filins will also e be sheen. , Town Hall on Saturday. The usual Christmas entertain- mente are now wane: announced. • "The Freshman" at the Grand an Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, •. S t ' • . hadall , the earmarks of a real wintoCe day. ! If you have anything to sell, put an advt. in The Post. The results will 811 rpri•se you. • Now that the Election ie over the holies will le' able to eoneentrate on thel's Christmas necktie, , Canada's potato crop this year ' e•11 1 - 1 : < 1 aecording to reliable crstireatee Colleting the number of days to christreae is now a popular mettle- metired exercise with meny juveniles. Once more the weather pronhete are disputing as to whether it will be a short one or al ong one, an open one or a hard one. Held Reception, The Toronto panel's report the re- ception of Mrs. Te Allieon Marine, daughter of D. M. and Mrs, Feign - Son, of Stratford, and neaold Brus- eplite:—Mrs. Laurie Allison Morino, formerly Mise Ferguson, of Stmt.. ford, I'Pee ived at 1113 Lascelles Boulevard, Toronto, yesterday for the first time slime her Inarriege. We. Marine wore her wedding, gown of ivory chiffon velvet embroidered in /merle and gold tiesue and (tarried a bouquet of Ifiles-of-the-val.ley and oreltidse ATTU 1011, of Stratford. who received with her, wore orchid and silver brocade with a blarle hat. Mrs. Hareem A. Morino also received. Mrs. • George 0,00, Mrs. S. J. Radcliffe, Mrs. .A. .111e - Laren and Mrs, j. P, Wileon poured tea and coffee, Yellow 'merle and gvpoeophila and yellow tandlee M silver eandelabra clecowited the tea table. Mrs. Laughton, London, Ont.; Mrs. Kidd, of Lietowel; Miss Cern' Keating, of Stratford, and Mrs. A. W. Dyas, who were bricherinaids, M WPtheir pretty frocke of yellow effete with pastel flowers and hail ot yellow volyet with gold. Mrs. Dudley Garrett, Miss Edith Farmer ral Miss Wanda Hudsoe also assist, d in looking after the gnats in the ea room. Brussels United Church REV. A. W. PARKER, B. O. ,SINISTER Sunday, �ec, 12th 11 a.m.—Public Worship. "The Shared Life" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible C1asses- 7 p.m.—Public Worship. "Swords I or Moral Battles" Tuesday—Y. P. Society. Wednesday — Prayer Service and Psalm Study Followed by Choir rehearsal This Saturday - Dec. llth The United Church Bazaar in the Town Hall Will Open Laundry. A Chinaman is going to open laundry in the Stretton Block in U near future. Mayor For Third Term. At the Municipal elections at Par on Monday, Lt. -Col. A. H. Monteit was elected for a ,third term. Co Monteith was a. fernier Barrister t Brussels. THE BRUSSELS POST Euchre aod Dance. Huron Plowmen s Association (Ire holdimg ft Social evening in tile Town Hall on Mislay evening, Dee. 17th, Euchre will start at $.30 and dime- ine; nt 11 o'clook. See advt. in this issue. Did Not Draw Big Crowd, The old-time Fiddlers' Coineet and dance held n the Town Hall did not draw the crowd that the pr enotors Mei wished for. However, the com- petitors fthvetho three JUdget4, MiSS Bertha MeKaY, Wine:hem; Rev, Me. Lewin, Brussels, and :Mo. Stewart, of Belgravo, a busy time to select the winners. A -theme followed, 1 We wonder why entertainments unmet start on time, This one was billed for 8.11 and it was nearly nthe o'clock before the program started. GOOD Shorthorn Cow for Sale, Due Jan. 27th, Cecil Batemaa, Phone 85 1 8, Ethel, FOR SALE. — 5 -Roomed Frame house and 5 acmes of land In the village of Cranbrook, being the property of the late William Rath - well. Must be sold to wind up ' Estate. For further particulars apply to I. Rathwell, Brueeele, R. R. No, 2, Phone 49-5. tf QUANTITY of Elm and Maple Wood for sale, $3.25 per cord. For further particulars apply to 1Vil1 H. Speiran, Phone 509. 25-tf LIMITED Quantity of Seed Peas for sale, if taken at once. W. R. Broadfoot Lot 2, Con. 15, Grey. Phone 2710. - 25-1 STACK of Hay, Good Cattle Feed, for sale. Duncan McTaggart, Lot 25, Con. 15, Grey, Phone 299. CEDAR CHESTS4---Just the Hang for a Christmas gift. Call and inspect as prices are right. Moth a proof.. George Edwards. 3T 10. TAX NOTICE.—Gordon McDowell, Tax Collector, will be at the Town - Hall, Monday and Tuesday, Dee, , is 13 and 14 to receive taxes. h FOR SALE. ---,Quantity of Dry Hard - 1. wood 16" long. Jas. Clark. Lot 13, Com 14, Grey. • Phone 427. WANTED.—"I Can Use Two Am-' billets young men, over 25 years O of ago, who are willing to work hard; good earnings with a fut- ure; experience unnecessary; we - train you. Apply care of Post." A NUMBER of Barred Rock Pullets Elected by Acclamation. A. T. Walker, of Wingham, and native of Brussels, was electe by ae- clamatien for a period of two years to the Public School Board of Wing ham. Mr. Walker has served on the Board for several years. You can' keep the Brussels' boys down. , Ontario Ascident List. • Thc.n? Were 5,1159 accidelits ported to the Ontario Werkmen's Compensation Board during tlt mouth. of November, of which 5 W( fated. Thie brings the total ae e'dents for the 3' 'al' Urea to 110,505 nearly .500 more than tle• total fo the whole of 1l'25. r Consin Passes Away. The. API ton HI; m1,1 last week bac the followitrr olituary of a cousin o Mrs. Geo. 17., '21 0,11, of 11.1t18.1S, an< eloe•re. $p:•keee, of Grey Twee win' ettended the rum re11.—Th.? Megths Thiess of T. W,•sley Downey lormin ee.d wedec,e1av ocenitnt last 1: when his de M !se $ ycrll's ago Mr. Downt.,y's' .-1.,'1.11)1 ea and he waci comp,dled from active farming, but it was 1:11 O ehort time before his death thnt 11.! WPS unable to ram ;rem his bed for O portion of (hp day. Mae Doweey rens the fourth son of the late li:11n and Mrs. Downey, Itionesr set. tlors of Fl.sa. was born Al years aen on the 10th lot of the Ord eon- eeesian of that township and 3 years, aeo emnmeneed farming on his own account Wt E8sa. Tyr Decem- ber, 1 8Se, he Nelta married ane for mtward, of' thiety years lived a busy life in which he prospered at teem- ing. took the re.nonsihilkieS Of id11- 7011•Aiip seriously and gate: of his time and means 'towards every move- romt the improvement of bis community, was a Liberal in polt. tie. ond in religion a Methodist at- , . • tendme the Methodist chureh in town from the tittle he came to West E.ttta 041 the time of his death. Mr. Down- er reit/1.7(4 istoll avicultur- e] soeirety a s.•rviee mem a term of rears winch in large measure contri- lotted te the success that institution has at3ainrd reeent years, Be 0' 4' ve Pet director and wee presi- dent for ,)1)1:. years and 00 being el torsi pc '1101 undertook 0114 sue- eo..sfully carried out inn» 10011001(4 that bee been under id isement for a long time. Ile is survived by his vtfe, ono son mut two clang -liters. The son, Ruesell, zwaidee on the ennestead in 1111,:i, one GI:111011er, Trs. W. E, Seem's, lives m Tossor- nf ami ,tecond daughter, Lamle o at home. Two brothers and feur istere :deo eurvive-1•11 and Albert 'bramoy, of this town, Wire. Arilnly Tie•phy, Mr:. James Madill of Glen- eirne; Mee, Hartly Graham, ef 02011, and Mrs. T. S. Graham, of Tn- vrsoll. The funeral Saturday ,,ft 0011 10118 very largely attended dr- pite the rough weather prevailing. 1. service ems conducted at the home y Rev, A. B. Irwin who delivered eautiful address on the three stages f life, the fuliness.of health, the de- fine and the passing. Interment as made in the Union cemetery, the all bearere being six nephews whom r. Downey these hisnself—E. 0, raharn, Ernie Graham, Victor Gre- ene Marshall Downey, Field Down- y and Carman Downey. There were nmerous friends and relatives pre - et :from a (11ga/tee, arnblIT whore ere 'I', H. S. and Mrs. Graham, of igeesoll; Mrs. Darcey Cellan, of oodstock, Wm. Long, Woodstock; esley Switzer, Wm. Eplett and iss Webster, of St. Marys; Mil. G, McCall and Luke and George peiran, of Bruseels; Jarnee Downey ti Elmer Downey, Pordwith; Mrs, P. Lockhart, Mrs, Jacob Hannah, 105 Robineon and Samuel Cornett, undalk; Field Downey and IVIre. eorge Usshert Elenvale; Carmen owney and evete mad Wesley Orr& Minesing; 114rs. Isaac Downey d Mrs. (Role) Harrison Rowe, rrie; Mrs. W. A, Jamieson, Them - n; Hevie Geaharit and wife, Mrs. PowleZ Grahani and Mrs. Bewe (1 E. 4. Chapman, Toronto. • t fnr sale. Laying strain; $1.25 a piece. Thos. Pierce, Phone 571-10. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Bt•ussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. NI. Sinclair. 4 Gree.ting Cards and Fols1Prs. , Now is none too .-serle to place your order for Christina; and New Yearoe eerde. An sally order 111011115 call.w delivery. We have many mw beautiful designs and ideas for , your personal use, '17t• now-0-110ys people who caee hnve their station - pry printed to their order. Personel, individual and dietinetive. Also ' much more reasonable than you ' prebabfk imagine. Come in NOW ' and see the samples at The Post. A Surprise Party. Monday evening. of Mt week the "We Want Yol'1" Class of the United bet le 11 e' • h surprised a former teacher, Mite. Ira Parker, by going to hor home and presenting her with a shower of use- ful and 051l011100101 articles for her 1101,r home. Each gift was accent- 1 nettled with aenessage of good wish- ' es for her future happinnees. Hz's,Parker thanked the young ladies for their lovely gifts and good wishe. The evening was spent in gamee and social intercourse. All partook of a bountiful lunch provkled by the young ladies. They are all by good fellows." Church Salibal. Sehool, acoompan- oney ack AN important thing in any bus 71080 Is 11 satisfied customet. • - Tastes di•Irer, however, an I what nuty please me may not pleaee you. This is especially so with hon- ey. Some prefer- buckwheet to any other, whereas I would mit have It AS O gift. If all hoeey were like a sam- ple I tasted .1uWel 1,011±11 I would nev- er e -ant amither drop. Yee tto doubt :time liked it. This year our honey has a high- er color and moee flavor, whkh some prefer. We kept the furnaces going night and day during extracting ea as to prevent it from absorbing mois- ture and becoming thin, for we can- not tolerate thin honey of any kind. • Ie at any time you are not satis- find with our honey, use it as best ' you can and call and get your money back. You do not even need to re- line.' the pail. G.A. Deadman Mamptaisayra.. k 114 1.1,IPeemay....1.0.11.....1.11 BANKING FIFTY YEARS The Profit Lies in the Finish IT PAYS to market cattle with the proper degree of finish. A qual- ity product always commands a premium and Is readily seleable at a profitable price, If you have stock which needs a little more time, for finishing, and the feed Is scarce, see the local manager of the Standard Bank. It is a simple matter to ar- range a loan to carry the stock until a favorable market warrants a pro- fitable• sale. -re-KE STANDARD BANK OF CANA.D.A. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. Id, Samis, Manager . Mitchell practically all her life. The Personal Paragraphs ' funeval was held on Friday after- , Jack "Mogan" Walker,'of Seaforth wen, a visitor in town, on Monday. g:t . Archie Stewart, who is attenclin Pharmacy. 18 bonus for the Ohrist was holidays. 00011 f • h • 'ci s o a ,d Cemetery. • • • • , Dr. Lackener and Jean Ferguson e. of Kitcheeer, spent the week end in ";‘, Jirussels with relatives. •:'• et. i• : Mrs. W. H. Kerr spent a few days last week as the guest of Mrs. Stan- ley Wheeler, 8th line, Grey. el- • • 4. R. E. Bryans, of Detroit, is spend- ing a short vacation with his father ancl sister, in town. • • * • Harry Querin, of Toronto, "open the week -end with his parents, Jos and Mrs, Quertin • • • Mrs. McKelvey and daughter, Miss Minn, left this week for Montreal, where they %Atilt spend the VVinter. • • 0.4, W. H. and Mrs, Maunders have gone to Detroit, end way spend the Winter with tins. former's mother and his sister and brot her. Kitnarcline Review.Reporter "Mrs. :I, L, Dimont gave a very de- lightful reception, on Saturday Meet - noon last. She was assisted by Mr°, Andrew Lamont and Miss Maly Lr. moot, of Brussels ; Mrs, D. Sturgeon and Miss Rota Sturgeon, Mrs. Joho st goon, Miss Michel Shettne, Miss Mabel Stringer and Miss Lona Chad- bourne, Bet vie ; Airs. F. Colwell, of t°Rwan0dolpft Brewer, of Calgary, AI- • • twins, S011 of H. R. Brewer, pheto- grapher, a former Brusselite, has graduated froin the University of Al- berta, atol la now a full-fledged Baeli- elor of Science. NVe enturratolate Randolph, and We are al tvayo pleas- ed to hear of the success of one boys. It is 15 years sine.. they left Brussels. t :BLOUSED DRESSES The blouse drees is very good for , fall-. It must be worn under it coat ; of generous lines. ' CHIC GOWN • A French importation las a bodiee of white chiffon embroidered in seq- uins and a skirt of tiered white os- trich fringe. se 4. Miss Mildred Sperling, who has been attending the Westervelt Col- lege at 'London, taking a secretarial counse, wrote off her exams. In Oct. She' took honors in all subjects, also won a medal for speed and' a prize for :accuracy in her tests. She has taken a posieion in the Royal Bank, .ondon. e•• e• . Mrs W R Davis,f the old- c'ot and most respected eesidents of Mitchell and widow of W. R., Davis, who was editor of The Mit.thell A0- voeate for about half a century, died last Wednesday at her home in Mit- chell. She is survived by 11, sons and two daughters. She had rot -tided M 111 '1 '400 -..40.4a.tete.e;reeaeetre.., way," "The Bat" ?Tumbleweed" Sir Martin Harvey in "Only Wav "Gold Rush," "Women of Paris," "Donn Q," "Dorothy Vernon," "Lit- tle Annie Rooney," "Black Pirate," "Return of Peter Grimm," "The Au- ctioneer," "The Country Beyond," Tom Mix in serial Western plays, "Three Bad Men," "Music Master," "The Lone Wolf Returns," "The Belle of Broadway."," With the exception of two or three all pictures are 1926-27 featuree. The usual prices will prevail, with the exception of a few pictures such as La Boheme, the Black Piratt, the Magician, Mare Nostrum, Bardelys, the Magnincient anti a few ethers, when the admission will have to be increased slightly to help pay ft..r these special featureHo' v',", Hoevee, the NEW GRAND OPENS NEXT WEEK ' For many months the eitizene of Brussels and surrounding townships have had no picture show, now the new Grand Theatre, passed by the inepector of Theatres, and complete es far as it is possible for the size of the towfi, opens on Monday even - Mg next. r• The new theatre has e80 opera chairs, and as the floor slants to the curtain an excellent view of the pie• tuns can be seen by anyone in the Theatre. Speeial electric fixtures have been added and 2 motor drawn Powers' machines, will keep a contin. 1101.1S picture before the audience. Many Fine Features The management has eeeured aunty fine films to be shown hero during the coming winter and a RA is given of those that will be seen_ in the near future:— "Charley's Aunt," "Every Mother's Son," "Blarney Tin Hats," "The Waltz Dream," "Faust," "The Gay Deceiver," "Upstage," "The Or- deal," "Flaming Forest," "Tillie, the Toiler," "The Understanding, Heart" "Frisco Sal," Buster Keaton in "Bat- tling Butler," "Brown of Harvard," "Auction Block," "Romola," "Tower of Lies,' "Lights of Old Broad - management can guarantee thnt these pictures will be worth the small increase in price. SORN DOOM -LAP -In Pros -gels, cn. Thursday, Nor. 1 DM to 1Ir ar,d. Airs. lieht. Douglas. a Son. wintsm Emerson. MARRIED FORBIN-DEM. P14141Y.-A t the pargrin nee, 111v111, on nee. lsr, I W21..liv Rey. It 0Barn. by, B. .40. 3.• re, wt.. eeeees, of Walt- on. and Urn. Mary V. rteltinsey, of Hallett IN MEMORIAM 11100A5.T..-In toting memory of our dear mother, who wag suddenly called home, on Dee 01,, WM Gone home to the heavenly city an fair. Where no sorrow or erler 1,411 voter, 14,,, alt W11% (IlliCk ; '10 tender faregyelIs, Gott help US Nil to meet her there. Oh 1 how we mise her, no tongue MU/ 501, lim toying heart sn 011. 0. nnaellPh, hind : A year 5,, 111 great, God glye 11, grave to lore Thee more and meet her there. Tit FA11ir,Y.2 Auction Sale. lemony, Deo latin,-Anetion Oslo of farm Block, huntsmen 10, lumber, tito, at 1211.i Lot 17, coo. 12. Grey. Jelin Hann, Prop. ; D. Al. Peat. Ana M014114 r, nue lilvg.--Oloartng auction sale of farm stock, implementsetc, at 1,00 8, arrl It,,, Morris. FL 10. Lake, Prop. ; John er- 0(0,800 NVPinginthAY, 0g(1. )b. -Scotch Phorthorns, Pore tired (11y0et-flaleg, ,On,, nb Not 2, Con. 10, grey t•-wogliin, '!ttle mirage!, yen' at 1 o'clock, trh. lilialop, Prop. ; Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer, ninny. OWL sale ofIttime. la farm, hay, grain, furniturti, 9(0 ,00 Loft. 28 and. 24, 11, Grey, Meg 40,4,011 Cox, Ex- eentrbt of Isle Conrad Michel estate ; D. 15, 8cott, Ana, 'NI 04,LeAt eirree"Mlie .4.113 7' :41•2•'S„ 3f71"4g4 i[ 'I' pening of the New Monday, Tuesday and ednesday Evenings Decem er 13, 14 WITH Haroid Lloyd in "The Treshman" Unquestionably - one - of - the - BESt - of - Lloyd's Pictures Friday Sat, 'rd.ay ec. 17 Douglas 'MacLean in "Never Say Die" 32 4 18 One of Mr. Mac- Lean's best roles Each Show has an Excellent Comedy Reel Everything New and Up-to-date Two Motor -driven Machines New Chairs and Screen Good Music Popular,Prices : 25c & 15c