HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-12-8, Page 4WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8; 1936.
14926 DECEMBER i92:61#
1 Sun. Mon. Tuo.Weet. Thu. Fri. Saa I
1 2 3 4 t
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12 13 1416 16 17 13 1
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1 20 27 25 29 30 31
1......-...................... '
.. ., . - _
(the ir-Irc1StIS
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8-, 1.326,
Charles A. Robertson, the success-
ful candidate for North Huron in
Wetinesday'e election, was born and
has lived all his life in the township
U ceq,eme. He represent, the third
;pewee:it-atm of Robertsons .011 the
eame aeien where his grartafather sot
t ay-tvere years ago and where
t h.., late Alex. Robertson,
end himeelf were horn. Since his
Vierly years he has taken an intereat
in publie affairs, and for the last six
years lee bite been. a member of the
townehip council. In 1625 he was
. elected Warden Of the county of HUI'
n. fle is especially inter,e.100 30
edueittienal matters, and for two
Member. -elect for North liaron
years has been chairman of he coun-
ty council's committee on Ida :alien.
Another of his activities is in con-
Announeing their now
Who will loe at the
Queen's Hotel, BrUssels
Fdday, Dec. 10th
alr. Wurm Ls an :,x1),,-0 011
hair goods. All your orders
nave been under his supereisien
, am' your).,. Hero is an opeor-
c i-enity ,,ao c•ee hire eeisomaly
1.5 where he can give your order
i his individual attention. He le
( an artist in the business.
He will have a beautiful die -
'S play of tho finest aair goods,
), including the Doronwond Pat-
) ent, to Show you and at eueh
elose prices ae will stmerlet
a you.
Do not miss this opportunity
of meeting Mr. Winne; tele-.
phone the hotel for appoint-
The W, T. Pemba Stores
129 Yonge street,
Once, again, the world over, ehild-
ren will be eagerly expecting Ihe ar-
rival of St. Nieholas, and the largest
stockings .e•III be brought out an/
chimney in order
that Santa Claus, as he is affection-
ately called, may have . envie ac-
comodation for the reception 4 his
gifts. Now the Post Office, is the
Santa Claus for the Grown -Ups and
we woulli, appreciate assistarce from
those for whom it is the bearer of
oilte and good tidings, by observing
nection with rifie-shooting, and he the following three simple rules:—
has been captain of the Colborne Rif- PACKING: A visit to eny cif our
le Association for several years. The hose...marts of trade will reveal to
lady who presides ovor his cosy home the most casual observer the care
on the 6th eontession of Colborne which is taken in the selection of
was1formerly Miss Julia Johnston, et erns. On the other hand, however,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew a visit to any Post Office will often
johnston of Carlow, ana :Joy env,
two daughters, Dorothy, who is at-
tending Goderich Collegiate. Ineti.
iute, and Christine.
Mr. Robertson (treTaboya all Call
him "Charlie") makes no attempt at
oratory,- but says what he has to say
and does what he has to do in a quiet.
way, but the majority of matey 1900
with whiah he came throligh is evi-
dence of a quality of thoroughness 10
his make-up.
Toronto, Dee. 3.—The strong ties
of association which hind natives of
Huron County to their birthplace
were indicated laet evening when the
Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor-
onto held its annual meeting here.
There was a large attendance.
The association was said to have
some 1,100 names on its book. In
the businre a part of the meethig
there *ea some -discusison on the
ee ,•leeting officiers ana the
show an astonishing lack of care in
the preparation of these gifts for
mailing. In packing use corrugated
cardboard,heavy wrapping paper,
and preferably twine not string.
Your gift is worth the added protec-
tion and you should remember that
mail bags are not made of velvet.
ADDRESSING: In addreseing a
parcel be sure to use pen and ink.
It is surprising how easily pencil
marks become blurred and unread-
able. The Post Ofiice in
many languatfes, and in the ease of
pareels athireesed to foreign coun-
tries it can be understood that while
facilities are available for the h.and-
ling of mail matter from any coun-
try, the style of handwriting differs
in each, whereas Block or Printed
lettering is almost universal. Your
own address should appear on the
parcel. Do not nee small envelopee
for cards or correspondence and DO
NOT plare Christmas seals es Chriet-
nuts stamps on the addrees side of
envelopes. They must be placer' on
the back of the envelope or it will
prevailing plan 0( 43010. 90 thl'094411 110t 1)9 SP3 t forward.
a nominating. committee \VOA con- EARLY MAILING: How important
firmed. It was openly conceded that* thia and yet, year after erne. tha
probably Goderich had been soon rtlit, patrons of the lost Office witI " tak
too many members en the executive, a chance" and trust to luck in their
During the evening Gen. W. D. Oa parcels reaehing thi• addreesee
ter and Major Jesemb Beek were them A gift reeetved ftee Christ -
elected life members. Geo. Otter mas somehow loses that "0311101111410-
10' .30)' eelebrated his 44t 11 birthday, sy" feolinv. For dolivory out,jdo of
while Major Dock wita 11108 said to (hillside there are often unavoidable
have reached an advaneed ant vaeor. Cheitoms delays. This yeav eve would
one age. 1!1)e you to mail early, because after
The officers ehosen were: Heller- 1-11. it 15 bettar for a Paroal•10 al.-
- 11Y Proillouta, Sir John Willisore '1% rive before Christmas as i3. iney
left unopened until the greet day ite-
Welly arirvee.
If you do your part, peek inreful-
addrees fully in Ink end mail
A. Russell:B. 11. IffeCreath and J. A.
;ffel,aren; honorary vice-presidentra
Mrs. H. 13. SIOW-, Mre. IT. it. Mine
eialt. Mrs. R. C. Ring and 5104.
ry Martin; president, ..Telin Metre; early, are will do our, therein.' 'reek --
first vaee-president, Arthur Ferbes.; ing enter Chris; mas just a title hap-
sceoml vire-president, Mrs. Flende pier by assieting to have greeting
third viee-prosident, Mrs. .1. Bock; and gifte delivered on or before
seereteree E. Moody; aasietant seere- 'Christmas Day. •
tery, Mra. L. Patterson; tre0e1111er,11
john Itobertsmit finaneialPito
-13C1."1-11- ' 1 Half Million Dollars Beck
R. S. Sheppard; chaplain, Rev. E. F. 1
Memorial Seals,
'Powell; auditor, Robert Holmea and 1 Hydro iiiiift»ilit-' 1 Onthele
:have been vsked 15, dieeeee of sonle
..11500,000 worth of Chrkitiltd , eels
in behalf ef the lleelt reemorittl (0)-
,i... h...s h....Its of tho nil.. dowmont fund for .Byron Sanitorium,
J. B. Elliott Injured While Hurrying
To Fire in Atwood Factory
Atwood, Dee. 5.—Fire, believed to
have originated from an (rV,rhoated
- stove, partially destroyed the lama
Cheese .and Butter Manufactnring
Company's plant here about 6 p.m.
The president of the eon:many,- j.
c'"ogillin. as the first to mile 11343
blaze. Ho immediately turned in tho
alarm. The firemen'eaved 300 cheese
and all the furniture frool th± lower
floor of the cheesmnaker's brmee.
The cold storage plant and house
were completely destroyed, with 0
less of about $5,000,
j. IL Elliott, the eineesemalter. was
in Toronto at the time. Upon noti-
fication of the fire he immediately
. left for Atwood. While drivime near
Waterdoven his ear. went into a deep
diteh ;Ind, Mr. Elliott - suffered cuts
about the head, He was not sorioue-
friehiOned e. WI'M tided -10 tear up The stile of, Chrharnew Sent; beteg;
her petticoat to bind nei the wounds 4Ifloires:I31e/1 under the auseiree of the,
of the 1)4711. tqks (11)emeeharge7 ahc's Ontario. Hydro Illeetric Commaieaon'
gone, and elie can't e:voni dry his with a view to augmenting the (Ma
hurts with her treseet• All alio 01111 doventent fund for the London eann-a
do ie telephone for the ambulance, eriuna,
William E. N. Sinclair, K.C., who
is elected in South Ontario over his
ConseryatiVe opponent, John Stacey,
Mayor of Oshawa.
The laughs evoked by Harold
Lloyd'e comedies — whether they
were"Grandma's Boy" or "Safety
Last" or "Girl Shy," for instance—
have -always come from the heart be-
muse his characterizations never fail
to sneak into your heart and, demand
your sympathy. Such a character is
Harold Lamb, hero of "The Fresh-
man," Lloyd's latest, a Pathepicture,
the opening attraction next Monday
at the Grand Theatre.
Harold is that most pathetic of all
living creatures—someone wanting to
be loved! Admiration, hero worship
he craved too, but he wanted it be-
cause it meant that he was a jolly
good fellow—every man's friend and
nobody's enemy—because he would
stand enthroned in the hearts of all
as dn ideal to pattern after, even as
he had attempted to model nis per-
sonality after college heroes of fic-
tion he had loved.
With this craving to be popular
and his campaign to achiove that
goal carefully laid out, Harold Lamb
goes to college—and is promptly
spotted as a boob. The ideals that
color his fancy they are blind to.
They see only a "sport model Fresh-
man with old-fashioned trimmings."
They promptly tie his goat and ride
it! First, they assign bine to a pri-
vate ear waiting to take the Dean to
the auditorium for his opening ad-
dress. Harold finds himself on the
stage face to face with the entire
student body. He is told that every
new student must make a speech --
if he doesn't he'll be the most Un-
popular ma8 in college. That word
"unpopular!" To Harold it is what
rod is to a bull. The little Lamb
snaps into it, and though he le a far
cry from an orator and is handivaP•
ped in his style by a kitten erawling
around under his turtle -necked
We are ready to store
your Battery in an up.to-
date Battery Plant and
charge them with a real
charger at a moderate
Be sure your Battery is
well looked after during
the Winter.
It Pays YOU
McIntyre &
Ford Agents Brussels
with January, 1057. The preeenteal- 1 BRUSSELS a
11511 8114 Manager, Dr, P., Snott, rear- i ' Joynt Roberteon
470 1-)) Decembee, 1926. , Poll No, in - 50 99
Isaiah 58:7 "He opened not His _ lb 52 70
mouth" wee the Pastoes text in Mel- ' 2 !71 119
Feedirgi MOIOSSeS Vitie,nsuebj,ect being,."The Eloquence of • lap one
I e Ville Chureli last -.Sabbath amorninga• -- .-
1 ea ' (men 01101100 Or 4 few Iffajerity foa 13.obertson-115,
words well chosen has more riower ,.
than many words. At His trait be. , ,
:fore mato, Christ opened not 1•118 Joynt Ith•bortson
itiouth. By defending Himself He
could have saved Himself, but He
could not have saved ()there. The
religion of Jesuit 01111353has a impali-
ng() of gallon which is far more of -
Morris -et -Grey Farmers' club feetive than the language ot words.
. .
Leave youe order - 1
Phone 46 Brussels
Car of Salt
• .
eweater, he gets it across that he's
just a regular fellow and everyorie
should step right up and call him
Thus does Harold nutke hie debut
at college, and thus are the 'laughs
started in "The Freshman," which is
said to work up to a climax that OX -
999(18 anything the popular comedian
has ever done for suspense, thrills,
cexeitement and laughs.
The Cast presents Johyna Rn
as Harold's aweetheart, Brooks Bene-
dict 1)0 the chief persecutor of the
little Larrib,- James Anderson as the
college, hero the Lamb hopes to sup-
plant, Hazel Keener as a beautiful
teat Joe Harrington. as the tailor
calm bastes 1 -he Lamb. into 1110 new
tuxedo, and Pat Harmon as the hard-
boiled football coach.
Couneil met on Monday evening,.
with all members .present, except
Revo liapker, who was out of town.
Councillor Hewitt was voted to the
('310331 and minutes of lain meeting
were read and confirmed.
The following accounts were or-
dered to he paid on motion of Coun-
cillors Armstrong and Muldoon:
Robt. Dark, caretaking lots, at
cemetery" 83.00
Dia Mateo, iff. H. 0. and ex -
Poises 109.70
W. 51. Sinclair, legal services 13.50
Anna Hunter, nursing services 15.00
A. Oakley, snowplowing . 8.40 '-
Hydro for Hall 2.94 '
Street Lighting 173.33
G. McDowell, ealary, etc. '77.00
R. Henderson, disinfecting the
school 2.00
Wilton & Gillespie account 109.98
Wilton & Gillespie, coal • - • • 44.77
S. Fox, constable 7.60
W. McQuarrie, con -stable 7.50
E. Cardiff, constable 7.50
A. Lamont, weighing 37.50
C. IL Davidson, work . 9.00
Miss Whitfield, meals 1.00
A couple of assessments Were left
over 118111 the 1 -5th.
cil adjourned to meet on the
' Following is the total for caeh
murdeipalfey in North Perth. Hon.
Dr. J. D. Monteith has 'a majority of
le721—, .
Forster Monteith
Stratford 2529 4305
North jf:ligulope . „314 104
Ellice 30(1 596
Mornington 388 430
Elma 802 612
'Wallace 518 852
Lietowel 715 1192
Milverton 210 213
—. —
5782 7354
By demonstrating the principle of
'love, Christ used a far more effective
Method than by talking of love, nn.
series of sermons on the Parables
Wag eontinued by the Pastor at the
evening servive, when he spoke on
the" Parable e of the 111440113.11(1)04100and the Pearl of great price." The
parables illustrate preciousness of
111kingdom and how a man who has
once appreciated its value will saeri-
flee anything to attain it. The pearl
and the treasure represent salvation.
The parables do not toach that sal -
r .
ation is, to be found only in the
Church, Some have found Christ
when not seeking Hine, This should
encourage us as we will, without fail,
find Christ if we seek m. HiSthbath
mOrning the Anthem, "Fling Out the
Banner" was sung by the Cheir, and
a solo, "Beyond the Dawn," was
sung by Mrs. John Oliver at the
evening service,
Joynt Robertson
Ashfield ,
01 519
Blyth . 185 206
Brussels 179 294
Colborne 170 388
Goderich 1203 864
Grey - 218 790
Remelt , 493 700
Morris • -" 270 548
Turniterry 220 448
Poll No. 1 . • • , • ...... 015 12,7 E. Witwanoeh 192 450
2 400 71' W. Wirwanaeli 354 413
— -.--- Wingham --• 490 5E10
03 105
185 2013 Wroxeter
Majority for. Robertson -2 i
EAST WAWANOSH 414,1 a 0380
Joynt Robertson •
Majority for Robertson -1D 12,
Poll No. 1 ..... 20. 76
2 ;13 105
R8 Plain fabric% are Tar in the lead
4 ..... • • • • 38 01a for winterwear. Prints and brocades
29 af2 ,i,itetveko s.been going out for several
Majority for Robertson -264, All kinds of domestic; lite:tells,
HOWICK from drinking mugs to washing -tabs
which look like pottery hot 'are len-
Joynt Robertson
breakable, are made from wood. pulp
Poll No. 1 12
2 72
311 85
3b 53.
/a 61
4b 11
5 00
. 4e
104 in Thedford, England.
83 Always buy the beet CM;1141, 12
01 0r40410. Only a small m141111'4 ie nee
" eseary, and the flavor,i of the 121-
131 most importance.
493 760
Majority for Robertson -273.
Poll No. la - Joynt Robertson
02 ria
11) ...... 34 76
2 132 123.
42 85
4 26 111
!"-7-26 -17-48
Majority for 13.obertson-222.
Joynt Robertson
Poll No, 152 14173
a 54 150
4 15 78
Majority- for Roberteo3n7-02187388
1 The official count of North Huron ••••• seome, namettiatera,;to -John Purvis,
Auctioneer, lupe received lMetructions from
gives C. A. Robertson a majority of the undereigned to well by public auction, at
1942 over Sohn Joynt. Lot 8,3rd lino, Morris, on smeday, 1)ec.18t1),
Following. is Hie vote at the var- otte fgoellw. igtat g : ymnatraHh eUea ign..h11.2 Ppyrephue r;
horse 0 yenre oild, cow due ame of snl'e,
bus polls:—
GODERICH cow d;(eliAz Ag. 151h, fat cow, 2 heifer)) rising 2
years oow due April 8rd.2 helfere due in Jan ,
SOyllt ROheltS0r1 Steer rising 2 seers, 8 etvers risieg 1 year,
a pill 2041, heifer rising 2 years,
Poll No, 1 167 163 4 heifers rising one yens..
Iour bred .York leire
e 179 121 ow 5re1t s ntd Ttr. 'r. Y il',boa,'
moOU,o5004):,,ivil..tX.3 172 • 112 CodedegMcOormlek bnde0-ft, Dem%
4 18? 360 nedwer 0,54., Deering hay rake ',early new,
5 168 62 Massey -Barris hay loader, Deering menore
„" spreader, Frost & Wood oultivator. Frost &
7 1201.1t
68 122 plow nearly nevr, walking plow. hay rack,
0 luil wood seed drill, dim, set harrows, Oliver rid,
16 0 oft. with roller top, pulper, grave, box, stock
Advance Poll o rack, stone boat, bum. team hareem, De
— -- Leval cream apparator nearly 11M+1, 'Ford eng,
354 Me eqnipped, for belt work. kitchen Nines,
coml oil henter, qnantity oats tit for seed,
cMantity of need barley, 5 bus. 57o. 1 Timothy
emed , quantity of Timothy hay,
THIRMS.-All 0(174100? 540 014 under. cash ;
Majority for Joynt-339.
Church Notes ASPIFIELD
Melville Church
Poll No. 1
2 54
The regular meeting of the We- 5
men's Missionary Society of Melville 6
Ohurch was held on Friday after- 7
POLIn, with the President in the allele.
The devotional part of the meeting
0185171 charge of Misa Hasten, Mrs.
Smith and MI s. Clouse. The (theater-
er repented Thankoffeting taken in
November to be $160.00, An inteeest-
ing paper from the study, "Moslem
%Vernet'," wae given by Mrs. Robt.
Oliver. A very pleasing ceremony
waa the presentation Of two Life
Memberships, which had been given
0000 Thankoffering by the Ladies' Aid.
These were preeented to Mrs. John
Duncan and Mrs. OhasaDavis, in re-
cognition of their splendid was k ac-
complished for the bazaar. Now that
the division cif the Poi eign Mission- pen ate, 1
ary-fields has been, made, it was sug-
gested that we make a special study
of the fields and Missionaries under
our own church. Seven new tnisei011-
Aries have been sent by the Presby-
terian Ohm ch, to assist those ideetttly
work -big on the foreign field. The re.
port ft ow the Nominating Come, WAS
read by Mrs. John Robb, and the
following oftieers were elected for
1037 : Bon. Pres.. Mrs, Wm. Martin Poll No. 1
and Mrs, 30.5. Strachau ; Pres., Mrs„ majority
Alex. Strachan ; Vice Wes., Mrs. a
Woe (Mouse, Mrs, 0. 61. Wilmot, Mei,
Oliver Hemingway and Mrs. Harold Poll No. 1
Snide ; Secretary, Mee, Jno, Mead- 2
0Yer that oneo)1nt 10 months credit. giVf10 en
furnishing improved Joint notes. 6 per oent
102 ort tor cosh on eredlt ailments. Lend own.
9 t ors for security. El. M. LAHR, Prop.
401 519
Majority for Robertson -118.
Poll No, 1 39
2 SS
3 63
4 .... 34
5 23
6 57
354 413
for Robertson -5d.
01 105
2 32 138
3 117 134
4 128 163
5 62 50
400 1380
for Robertson -u90.
owe ; AS14%. Sec y., Mrs. Nesbit Ham. i
ilton ; T00020001,, hire. Robt Them- 1
son ; Ase't, 'Everts , Mrs. John Logan ;
Weldon Hand Stints. Mies M. Month')
And 5130s H Stewart ; Rome Helpers
00111 , Miss Bessie 3J9149S, Mrs. Ohms,
Davis, Mrs, A, 3., nitwit, hits. Palen •
Were and Mrs 0. tiolith. Oltul Tid- Majority
ings Seey., M 148 K, ateliziee ; Aso 31.,
tales. 10 Sperling,' Bupply Sec'y , Mrs.
Jno. Hlincian ; Pianist, M Wafter
Scott ; M.rs, Nelson Derail! t
Auditors, aim 'E. 'E. McRae awl Mrs.
C. Ileeker,
Rev. W. M, Rochester, D D., for
many years 'past, Secretary of the
'Mara Day Alliance of Canada, lies
been appointed liklitor end Mammai.
of the Presbyterian Record, the ;Alla-
ial Monflily Record of tfie Presbyter-
ian Oburch 111 0 mada, begin mug
Joynt Robertson
63 105
for 13.obertson-42.
for Robertson -27E.
No, 1 19 119
2 22 306
'3 30 . 67
4 . • 42 104
5e. 21 96
5b 30 31
6 28 118
7 26 108
218 '7O9
,Iljority for Robertson -',SSL .
To the Electors of North Huron
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I wish to take this means of conveying to the electors of
North Huron my, sincere thanks for the inagnilicent stmpoet ac-
corded me in the recent .Provincial contest, a result made pos-
sible only by the nearty co-operation of men and women of all
political parties,
I feel specially grateful to these who gave freely of their
time and energy, many of whom i11'1 unknown to anc, 3realiae
fully the importance of the truat, and confidence thus 'placed In
mes and evill do ney utmost' to merit your approval.
Scotch Shorthorns
and Pure Bred Clydesdales
Thee, Gundry, Auctioneer, has been In.
atruoted to moll at 1104 2, Con. 14, Grey tow'
ship, on Wednesday, December 1544), nt 1 p en,
sharp, the following :-
Shorthorns -The Shorthorn offering in -
eludes I male and 17 females -Cows and heif-
Nornes-/ work horse rising 7 years, 1 brood
mare rising 7 years, J any rising years, 2
rieleg 2y8000.
Implements, gong plow, 1(100471 dou-
ble plow, 1 sin le plow, 1 cultivator, 1 oorn
souftler, fann ng mills, 1 lumber wagon with
box and Mock rack, I buggy, 4,01,4 eart and
other artieles too numeroue to mention.
Sale without reserve) as the proprietor is
giving up Meek breedieg.
Terme-Sums of $10 and under cash; aver
that amount 87007134)0 credit elven on fur.
Mailing bankable paper. 0 per cent per an•
num off for cask, on credit remounts.
Write tor catalogue.
Proprietor, Bruseele P. 0.
Huron Plowman's Asso'n
The Millenl meeting of the Huron Plow..
=Wm 001101014011 will 3,0 1)034 0t the TOW11
Keil, Brussels, on Monday; Deoember Ulth, 10
2 90 p. m , vi,ben the yeltos busittese will be
gone over, the tentioal repoet read it nd the of-
ficer., for 1937 Marred.
Pion to lai et this meeting and put your
shoulder behind 1017 Plowine Mateh,
1Inn Adam), lion.-Prosident
12 L. McDonald, President
, Wm. Spefr, Vine -President
L. S. Cardiff, See. -Treasurer.
For Sale or to Rent
Fifty acree of splendid farming lend, with
house and barn, on the 001; 0,ine of alorris.
6 miles front ('reese). and 4333 miles from Bet.
grave. A Inirgain. For particular') apply to
2 88 Wolverlelgh Boulevard, Toronto
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of tho estate of Thomali
Turnbull, deceased, late of the
Township of Grey, in the County of
Huron, Farmer.
Notioe ie hereby given purtrunnt to the Re.
'deed Stntutea of Ontario, Chapter 129, that
all areditorn and others having claims egalnet
the estate of the mid Thorium Tnrnbull, who
died op or about the Sixteenth dor ot Novem-
ber, A. U. 1025, are reqttired on or before the
181h dny of December, A. D. 1920, to mend by
post prepaid or deliver to Oliver Turnbull,
arn.sels P. 0 , 111 .AtImInietrntor of the estnte
of the deceased, their Christian and Romani,
an addreumie and deseription, the full partied.
1000 0? thoir claims th. statement of their no,
counts 0101 the nature of their seenrities, if
any, helcl be them.
And farther, take notice that after Emob last
mentioned dote the t-ald adminletrator will
proceed to distribute the eis,ets of the deceas-
ed numneat the parties entitled thereto, hav.
tog reward only to the claims of wlit-,h he
ellen then have notlre end the said Admin.
iatrntor 00,311 not be liable for the anld onsets
or any part thereof lo any pereon or persons
of whose 0191111 notice shnll not Wive been re-
eolved by him at the titre of such distribution.
Oated tide Thirtieth day of November, 4.11
Solicitor for the Athainiatrator.
matter of the estate ofJa.no Jack-
son, late of the Village of Brussels,
In the Countyof Huron, widow, de-
Notice is hereby given persuant to "The Re.
vised Statutes of Ontario," Chapter 120,
that ell Oreditors and others hewing claims
ngainat the estate of the said Jane Jackson,
who Wed on or about the 2200 day of June.
A. a 1020 are reqnired on or before the
Fifteenth day of Drceniber1920, to send by
poet premald or deliver to 'the undersigned.
Bxeoutor, their names, riddreeees and descrip-
tions, the full particulars of their otaluse, the
statement of their amounts and the nnture, of
then securities lit any) held by them, duly
verified by a Statutory Declaration.
And 50014150 18410 notice that after sueli last
mentioned date the undersigned will pro-
ceed to distribute the asseta ot the deceased
nmong the parties entitled thereto, hewing
regard only to the olefins Of which he shall
thee have notice, and that the undersigned
will not be liable tor the said assets or any
Port thereof to any person or persons of whose
arnatNeV:lbav:Ptenv ud by
Dated at Clinton, °Matto, this 103h day
of November, A.D. 1020.
JOBN 05111EI, Bxeontor,
It. 11, 4, Walton, Ont.
House and Lot for Sale
ALTUTION 8.9 10 011 FARM STOWE. 3010110 The undersigned offers for sale Ide comfort.
1910090, 1.100119190, 00.-14 51, Soott, Ace- Ode hriek cottage on Princess street, Bras -
Cornier, hue boon instructed to Bell at 111% Lot 8010. Ralf -acre of kind, Well nnd cistern.
17, Con, 1e, Cray, on Friday, , 10bh, at 1 intheediate possession. Por further paztie•
o'clock sharp, the following property ; I mare ulars, apply to WM. %%INC, Brussels P. 0.
Damao old, 1 aged mare, 2 lorrovr obwit 11)44. Phone 2117.,
2 fat heifers 2 yelp, eta, 1 steer 1 year old., 1
Spring omit, 2 geese Bud 1 winder, MoOormick
hinder o.ft., Frost & Woo mower, seed drill,
10.hoed, Summon 210212,0 opreader, set 8 titie.
11011 herrows, Gillies & Martin gang
Fleury walking plow 20o 4), Clinton minting
nail, setae'', dink harrnw, lumber Wegon
neerly new, wegon box with spring 0001and
extra sides, grovel box, 001 013 boll sleighs, out -
tine box run with roil 01 11)913, hay rank, light
1470 508, pole rend shafts, bay rnke, root pithier,
met harvester net butivy harnese, eativaa bind -
or cover, edelgh Matform, melding teotigh and
stand, swum) timber at mirth for 0 bundle);
438540(4 , number 01 01050') poles, number or
hay rook sills aud tvagon'aiden, number of
rook eln. plaule, pile of hemlock bobber,
quantity of dressed pine lumber and pine
eiio of 2x4 in hemlock soantlieg, lad-
der p810 41 ft. long, WhiMetrees, neakyokes,
(Maine, fork% ithovele and numerous other
M.41111114. --A1100210 Of $10 ena under. ;mall ;
. over that einount 12 tnonths credit given 00
furnishing approved joint notes. 0 per mint
off for cash on credit amounts.
A DOTION SA LB OF 150.A ORMVA 20,0 71,
"." teenia, &13,--)15e property of ,
theinto Ooni4id DI, 14 Seott, Auc,
lins been inetrnoted to sell at Lott) 28 and 24,
Oon 11 Grey. ne Friday, nee 170, at 1
o'clock, the following property : timidity of
hey, atrew, green feed, bevies, oete, wheet
end mixed mini, fanning mid, weigh males,
0080(4)8, nutting boX, hayfork car, 1 /therein
. Mho) weigh monies, Inweiin, bedroom 011140,
beds, lerge lamp, bedroom lamp, Mock Hey.
mond Rowing 11180,117113. 02520 kettles, 33405
kitchen 0118100, a dosperforated hotting
0)151(19, 33 dog. parlor chides lend rocking chair,
fallteaf table, extenstot table, clipboards,
wardrobe, cook stove, a eel range, 110X stove.
Oft the preiniem, is a larg.e book barn 52280 1
ft. 1 Witte shed 4140 ft , terse, briok house
th cement kitohec and woodshed ; mirringe"
honeo ; ben end hog pen, also gooa
I ' 4 milesfroin of 031101, (1221/P2.
. lent to two olieette keetories, 2701(508810 and
' scTRRMhool.
S.-Allauma 01210 mid under, cash,:
over thetalremint 14 months (wadi) given on
furnishing appreved 3,014 notes., per nent
oft for 05811 on orodit nniounts. Terirte ,
00 (11001 cycle IneoWtt day 80 0010. •
51148, SA nA 34 00X,1440oultrix Of the late
Moran 01)51,81 851113)9,
House and Lot for Sale
The eligible house and lot on Queen street,
BIII00E110,. the property or 0110 11140 Moo. Rays,
10 offered for Nile, Comfortable hottso with
small garden. For ferther particulars finely
13-113 ,14, It, 0 Brussels
Farm for_Saie
(The 'old Hamilton Place)
100 mires, !being 5,1% Lota 7, 8, 0 01i11 isiorth
40 801.0, of 10, Oott. Tnrnberry towitahlp,
Limo firstolass barn, splendid stone etabling
Underneath ; large driving abed,
good frame home() and stone Ititohen'large
orchard, (lever Inning epring on farm, 2 milee
from 'Wm -meter 'Mingo 87141mile trent school.
This farm 11.118 been In pastete for some yeare
end will give higheet reinonta. Farm lend
velum will rise. For partioultu9 apply to
TROS: G1130051,
Administrator John R. Gibson White
P, 0, box 77 Wroxetee 0(401)0 20
Farm S for Sqle
The undereigned °Fere ter fella his 100-nere
1a1l1R IN, Let 25, Con. 7, Morris, Aloe
180 twos, being North %, Lot 20, and 533 ,07,
Con, 7, Morris, Good hOUPOR eind barns In
firet-olass condition, also all good ordduaild,
Inge. Will sell with or without arm). 10e60.
on tor gelling, mem henith, Por further mitt -
Molars apply te W. 13. Mo(11710141101%
)?ropr3etor.11.11,9, Brussels
Parms fOr Salle
1.00 norm of land, being the south as of tot 6.
000, 8, end the eoctli of 1104 )0, Oen. 7 io the
Township of MONA T11911(5 Weis ore offered
for solo to close/in the estate of the hite.lenten
Smithar nos sorsa seer 01(03)8 rented for pet
Witt. Par PattiOnlare opPle to the execrit 0,