The Brussels Post, 1926-12-8, Page 1'0
VOL, 55 NO, 25
2.00 per annum in advance
J. L. KERR, Proprietor
1c1 Boys eU
JULY .24, 25 cg 26,1927
The citizens of Bruesels, Ont., will hold an Old Boy's Reunion
on July 24th, 25th and 26th, 1927, which will also include the
Townships of Grey and Morris.
Help the Committee in charge to make this the most Fucceso-
ful Reunion ever held in the County of Huron, ley sending in names
and addresses, of old time residents and friends whom you would
like to entertain. The committee will issue invitations to all, but
be sure to write your friends TO COME: •
Send names and addresses to
Chairman of Invitation Committee.
‘14,4cet44.444seetettste444416teleSsee-eteSsitetc ,tettetclietteXteteceeteteeeeettelettetelettetleietecate-eose iteRtAF4
12.4 he Surrounding District
The deMh occurred in Gerrie on
Saturday, Dee. 4th; of Mrs. G. W.
Walker, a life-long and highly re-
spected citizen. Decedent,- whose
maiden name was Catherine Eliza-
beth Green, was a daughter of the
late George and Sarah Green, Wing -
ham, moving with her pattente to
Gerrie in 1 880 at the ege of 19
years, where she has since. resided.
In 1883 she was maried to William
Dane, Mr, Dane's death occurred in
March, 1895, and decedent was then •
appointed Clerk, whieli office she suc-
cessfully filled up the time of he
deatE. Shwas -efficient aad eon-
scientieus in this caPheity to a mark-
ed degree for thirty-one years, be-
ing one of the three women in the
Province to hold this unique position.
Decedent Was also Seeretaey of the
North Huron Conservative -Associa-
tion at the time of her deitth, a posi-
tion which she had held for a num-
ber of years. Later decedent was
married to George W. Walker, of
Gerrie, who, with her two sons, Geo,
00 Ifl C ert
and Box Social
Mo"ticrieff School
on the Evening of
friday, December 10
An exeellent Program is being
prepared eonsisting of Solos,
Duets, Dellis, Choruses, Dia-
logues, Readings, ite.
Orchestra in attendance
Ladies bringing Baskets ad-
mitted Free.
Gentlemen 25e.
Everybody Welcome ! 5
W. Dane of Charleston, Wash., and
Darry W. Dane of 307 St. Clemens
Ave., Toronto, is left to moura her
death. The late Mrs. Walker is aso
survived by two sisters and four
brothers: Mrs. T. L. Hamilton, of
Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Will Warren of
North Augusta, Ont.; George H., of
Roesland, 13. C.; Charles, Joeeph and
Edgar, all of Seattle, Wash.
Raymond Rutherford left for Tor-
onto this week.
Jno. Drawn, Toronto, spent last
week in the village.
Harry Allan was home from Tor-
onto over the week end,
Reeve Henneberg is attentling Co.
Connell in Goderech this week.
The vote here in the Provincial
election was Robertson 100, Joynt
111ra. C. F. McLean left for Chi.
cage on Thursday where she will vis-
it her brother, Dr. W. Sraale.
In the contest for the reeveship of
the village held here on Monday,
Jno. Henneberg defeated Jno. Doug-
las by 31 votes.
Harry Carey has disposed of his
barber lousiness to J. McLean, of
Listowel, who es now m possee,sion.
Mr. Carey left for his home in God -
(1. h cm Monday.
Mrs. R. Masaughlin had a narrew
00e8110 le0111 0 serious aecident early
Wednesday morning when she fell
down the stairs at, her home. She
was ciorrying 0 lighted lame at the
time'which fortunately wont out,
but beyond some bruises and the
shock of the fall, Mrs. McLaughlin
wan otherwise uninjured.
SWF Claus
Will be present at the
Christmas Concert in the
Township Hall, Ethel, on
Tuesday, Dec. 21st,' to be
presented by Ethel Pub-
lic School.
Come and see him !
••••••••., .
AtFhie rilristmos
Every piece of Candy
Every box of Candy and Bon Bons
is Fresh and Clean.
CA ND Y ""'",fg: A GIFT
For Mother, Sister and don't forget your Sweetheart
In Boxes of 5's, ids & 25'S N,
(1 In
Also a nice Gift
Nice Assortment of Pipes
A Pipe makes a nice Gift for one Who smokes
Look these Pipes over CIGARETTE HOLDERS
All Kinds of Nuts and Dates, Fresh
The Horne Of the Good Thingt
New Advertisements
esdar Olis.t.--Hcorcs (P0WfIrdm
Stant of bsn
y-Doonn Melt:nowt
For sale -I, Roll:won
Wood for sato-Will H. alienate
-W Or,..dr..nt
Tim Nnti::::-Gordon Mc:now:11
Vow for .nln-Oscil ant:noon
Wan trd-011pon 1.aulbse Mats
(10p,1 to otectur.-0. A anbert.on
third is slootor.-John nt. any
(/115,- W. A. Grewnr
Dinwe-Woltinn, (101:
Oh HO Heel 11,0,,,..14, -WO
Ruch r sad Once,- tin on Plow:non
Auction vale -Arch. Hislop
Anntlott saln-H. M 1.nks
A ittnint mostane-Haron Plowmen
Old Than Danon-W.R SOynerm
Herylpes-Broistels United Ohnrolt
Cream wanted -Leitch :t Zeigler
Horner Smith, a teacher in a boys'
school in China, gave a very -fine ad-
dress in the United Church Sunday
morning, Owing to special services
being held in the Anglican Church,
the evening service was withdrawn.
A very impressive service was
held Sunday morning when the for-
mer Methodist Church, recently pur-
chased by the Anglican congregaemn
was dedicated by the Rev. Archdeac-
on Doherty, of London, assisted by
the rector, Rev. R. S. Jones. He
based his sermon on the -firet verse
of the 148t1i Psalm, and in the even-
ing took his text from Revelation 3:
8 "Beloved, I have set before thee
an open door," when a large audt-
sore was present.
The Town Hall was filled to caper
city Friday evening 'when a Minstrel
show was put on by, men and boys
of the comumnity. The program
consisted ot plantatum songs, chorus
es, solos quartettes jokes, step -
dancing, and a side splitting farce,
"A Darkey Breach of Prondee Case"
which brought clown the house. The
proceeds amounted to. $1 15.00 which,
when a few minor expenses have
been deducted, will leave a splendid
surplus for the Publie Library, for
the benefit of which, the .,how was
given. ,
The Mission Band are holding a
Christmas tree and entet tainment, 00
Friday, Dee, 20111. Keep date in
Last Friday evening, the play,
"Bashful Mr. Hobbs," wit's put on in
Ethel, where everyone was highly de-
lighted with it aid] the young people
are presenting it in Monkton, on
Wednesday evening, Dec. 81111,
John Watt ehipped tt very fine car
of cattle to Tin -onto, op Satan day.
Peter B. Ponsliner is Veil busy load-
ing .hay at Walton and aleNaught
a I
s nnis.
William G. Neal spent a couple of
days, In Tot onto, corn bin in g busi nese
al t h Menem e.
Lewrenee Cummings; ILIIOAd; icon
MeTaggart motored e0331' 10 L111(1011.
tillite recently. on business.
A number nf ferment, who did not
get all their Pall wirn k completed, are
busy taking tin potatoes and plowing.
Miss Tillie Donclas, who has spent
'mule time in Detrnit, 1111,10(151 11(05.
pot visiting her mintier, Mv, Albet t
Dundee, Con, 12.
Mrs. Rohl... J. Neylor and Miss Lnis
Naylor, who soma a Week visiting
relatives in Walton, have returned to
their home in Roribester, N. Y.
The Young Penple's Society of
Duff's Church, Wall on, is planning to
have the play, "Bash fill Mr. Robb.,'
Presented 11, the A. O. U, W, Hall, on
Den. Nth.
Don't forget to keen Dee. 17511 free,
In see the play„ "Hash rill mo. i3ohb.,"
our on by young people of' MotterielY,
in A. 0 U. W. Hall, NValtnit, This
ilay has been very favorebly rereiv-
ell wherevcie it Ines been peesented,
The anniversary services of Rethel
United Church, 121 11 Com, MrKillop,
were well attended on Sunday last.
'The somewhali chilly breezes of the
(lay did not prevent a huge nongreg.
atinn assembling, both .morning and
evening. The SPevieee were 50010-
1 11 fnern of rehpening, as Lbe
ehurrill has been re-dpenvated end new
fonnantinn erentecl. Rev. a. A, Perg-
neon, B. A., mutter ()Nile chinch, de-
livered twn splendid sermone. There
was special nmsic by the ehoie,
Stop Look listen
Will be held in the
liednendayl Dec. 15th
Dancing at 8.30 p,
First.class Music assured for
the occasion.
Gents 750 Ladies Pee
Minds Served
Come one! Come all!
and erljoy the treat
of the season. ,
'WV ••••••/"W IN, NON•elr n • ••••••••••••,/ •
Euc ..,
and Dance
Huron Plowman's Assoc'n
Will hold a Social Evening
in the
Friday Ev'gl Dec. 1/
Program will consist of Euchre .
and Dance, Euchre starting at
8.30 and Dancing Iran 11 to
Good music will be provided
for the dance.
Come and enjoy a real social
time with the plowmen.
Gents $1.00
Ladies Please Bring Cake
R. L. menortatu, Vim. Spoir,
Pros. Vtee.eres.
L. 5. cardiff,
Mit38 Atilla Stewart visited friends
n Monkton, recently.
Miss Alice lioy has been visiting
friends in Wingliam.
George and Mrs. Clark visited
Blends in Mitchell, vely reeently.
Leonard and Ales. Bolton, of Sea -
forth, visited friends in Walton,, on
Mies Annie Strong, el' Seafortb,
was the guest of bliss Eva Anderson,
over the week -end.
W. H. and Mrs. Anderson, who live
West a the village, have been visit-
ing friends 111 Listowel, lately.
i• H. 0, and Mrs. Ohm*, of the Gravel
and, entertained ft number of young
people, on 'Thursday evening.
J. J. Irvin, who has been on his
fat m, no the 12th Orm., AleKillop, all
Summer, has gone to Toronto to
spend the Winter.
The many ft lends of hies. Jirbn Mc-
Donald are glad to learn that she is
able to be around again after to
eevez e attack of the grippc.,
Mrs. W. Dennison, who has been
renewing idd aennaintanees around
Walton, 1(1 (110 past two weeks, bas
returned to her son's borne, in Prest-
The many friend. of Mrs, E. Dris-
coll, of Orin. 12, MeKillop, are sorry
en learn (het elle has been in very
pO01 health and Wiell her a speedy re-
The Liberal Cimservative meeting,
11011 11(1 Work tuan'm Hell, on Satur-
da' even ntt, tvas lergely attended,
Alexander Nob, candidate for Synth
Huron, was the main speaker,
Oonneillor and W. J. Hemingway
ov ere at Teeswit tee, latit week.
Alpheans Ring and George Hielep
motored home from Detroit foe the
week -end.
Many farmers are (tutting wood eal-
ready, and a few are hauliog dry
wood to tnwn.
Baxter Stevenson, 13th Com, has
lust eetnened from it week's outing at
De troi t. Windsor and caber points.
Roe's S. S. Olitistmas ontmert is to
be given on Afbnclay, Dee. 20111, see
advt. this week, for partienlars.
We nee sorry 50 hear (.bat Mrs. Jas.
Steachan lute been confined to the
house fritthe past few weeks, 'Her
many friends hope to hear rif aii lin-
proved condition before long.
Burnitt, 51e01ill4 of S. S. No,
8, is busy 111(11 11150 the children, to (11)4
Met with the Oheistmlos entertain-
ment, They did '4(10511 1111' the Temper-
anee canse, On Dec. 1st,
W. J. D. and Mrs. Cardiff and little
daughter, Aelelitte,'weett in Termite,
the past week. The little gild has
not been gaining rather losing, the
posh month , so they went down to
consult to cepeebelist,
S. S. No. 4 is holding !their annual
Obristirme entertainment., on Wed-
nesday, Dee, 22oa0. An excellent pro-
gram, consisting of dialogues, drills,
solos, duets, choruses and readings,
as ovell as orchestra seleetions, will be
given, Meek down the date.
James and Mrs. Littlejohn, of Galt,
announce the, martial:se of their Water,
Wattle, Johneton, daughter nf the
late Wm, and Mi', Johnston, of Sea -
forth, to Wm. H. Sholdicel Walton,
the marriage taking plaee in St. An-
drews' Peesbytel ian Ohm eh, Galt, on
Nov, 275111.
We are buyibg for the Pahn
Creamery Convenes, Palmers-
ton. Highest prices paid, '
Paying 39c and 40c this week
Call at store for cans
Phoite 221 . Ethel,
Chri st m as
goe's Church
Monday Ev'g, Dec. 20
Under auspices of S. School
Short, Play and Dialogues
by Young People
Choruses, Recitations, etc.,
by Children.
A Program Worth Hearing
Admission 25 and 15 cents
Taxes will have to be paid by Dee.,
Ootincil niet on onday and will
01100(1 (150(1111 on Dec, 1511),
Mrs. W. Ff. Kerr, of Hrivasel., was a
visitor with Stanley and Mrs. Wheel-
er, Sth line, last week.
Reeve Livingston and Deputy
Reeve MeDonald are attending Co.
Council, this week, at Greltiriell.
t Jack and Mrs, k and Master
Graham, 8: (Ohm, woe visitors, last
week, in Torn') tn, wit b 1 elm i yrs,
The Huron Plowmen's Assoriation
will .hOld a e nein* anti :lance, in the
Town Ball, flzussels, nt Ft iclay even.
ing. Dee. 17111i.
Next year, Grey Township ikons
the offine of Deputy Reeve and tvill
have only nne representative at the
Co. Connell Board.
Miss Ruth Campbell, of Clavloi 11,
Min has been visiting with T.
and Mrs. McDonald, Sth Con., return-
ed home, litst week.
Arch. Hislnp, Lot 2, Cori. I I, is Ind cl
ing a dispel sion sale of Homo' tired
stnek. at his farm. on 'Wednesday,
Den. 15111, at 1 o"elotk,
The 1111 "11,11 meeting of the thrum
Plowmen'. A.:mei:16'0n will he held in
the Tow n 1-Iall, Hrieifels, on Monday,
Dec, 13th, at 285) Annual report
will be triren 1111d officer. Plectrni,
G. W. and Mts. Alwalrini, i,f Avail),
Sask., arrived in this loeality, lest
week, and may .1 ttle in 81.1141.334.
Mrs. A hesitant is it ilanghter of John
and Mrs Grant 1911 ('t'n. Soe 0001.
come them heel: to On tarin.
Miss tilaff ys Smith, who haS been
Visit lot h pc nnele and aunt, Alex.
and Aire. Yell', during the past Sum- '
mer, has rotrn lied to her 11011,0 111
Melita, Man. The many yenne;
frietni:; of Mi.s GI:tilts hope to sec her
retnrn for 10111,111er vacation.
I.adies of
The Licked
will hold a Bazaar
Saturday5 Dec. llth
Commencing at 2 p. m.
Fancy Goods ' Aprons
Artificial Flowers
Plain Sewing
Home-made Baking Candy
Farm Produce, Etc,
will be on sale,
Afternoon Tea served at 15 Cents 1
Supper from 5,5A to 1.311 25 Cents
D,'r, 141(1 is the last da., fr taxes.
CARP liF THANKS -The 010051515011-
( '0 wish to cheek the neighbors and
fi lends for their kind arid thoughtful
ants dining our reeellt helreaVetTlellt
' anti 101' the tne.1.11,11;11N111,0111tisjbu t.ziEs.
On 101 Hay evening, Doc, 17t111, the
Hilton PioWinel.',1 Aesociatiou will
hold a euchre and dance, in the Town
St meals. See advt.
The annual meeting of the Hnron
Plowmen's A.tociiitiOti will he held
in the Tow. 11 t11, Brussels, on Mon-
day Dor. 131 li. el 2 30 p The an-
, . . .
nucti 1 epos t will be presented and office
• I
, :!.(11003, HEPORT.-Tho following is
the report 1.5 S S No 0, Mot ris, for
the month of NolIPTIiher. Te.t Px•
aminatinns 001510 10 Orem , Ilyg., Lir,
and Snell. Ha 117 --Ma 1114 Tioccipy 67.
t08, IV -Stuart St yaps 5151 ; Artie
Bewley 01. SR 1ir-rlic10131
54 1 Tontnly KirI, hy eie 1 it. 111-
Reacbrm A I voek 40 (411 11
Alenek 103, :lit -Alite 511101 ti eed 84;
Lloyd Pease (37 I B-Walrer
• ley, Llevd A leoek. Hell.
Pit -811111 Aleock. Present 5 vory
dav,-Mabel 13ew1ey, Artie t-tewlry,
Alcork. Average attends:tee
12, C. Mei; owAX, Teaehei.
I: U., F. 0. HALL $1
4. WA LTON 4.
:I friday Evig; Dec. 10th li
,* t.,
, + Hogg Orchestra in attendance 4
+ Lunch Served.
, + Everybody Welcome
• 4. 40:
On Monday night of last week a
iplendid demonstration was given o11.
the vajne of our recently installed
street lIghts. When the Political
meeting clotted it was fund that the
village lights had shone for their al-
lotted time and the streets were in
black darkness. We have also heard
Shat some of our village citizen
were unable to find their way home.
However that may be, we ieei. eure
that in the future very few will feet
like knocking our -lighting system or
any other modern improvement that
play be introduced in our village.
The play, "Bashful Mr. Boobs,"
presented by the Young People Of
Monerief in the Township Hell, Eth-
el, Dec. 3r0, undee .the ausPices of
the Ethel Women's Institute, was it
decided success. It was .a very hum-
orous play, each character acting bis
part extremely well, so that it was
(tnjoyed by all. Rev. Mr. Guest was
-chairman and delivered a fine ad-.
dress. There were 3 eets in the play
and between acts the audience was
delighted with songs, musical num-
bers and recitations The Ethel or-
chestra played a few lively numbers. •
The young people intend presenting
this play at Monnten 000.1 Walton at
later dates. N'Ve wish them success.
Mils, John Uoultes ie tmencling some
time visit ing friends 11 Southampton.
Mts. Tom Fait sei vire, of Landes -
bore, is visiting friends az uund Bei -
Mrs. Dan, Geddes spent a few days
in Witc.dstoek, alt,', e sho attetidet1
the Atilt ral of het brother.
David and Mrs. Conk, ,,f WANT/3114
osh, sper,1 13 Week dough -
tor: Mi fierwge Do5,1,, of 13plgtate,....
A. feu- of con- yont,g, pimple assisted
it, (11050111)51 111' 1 he United Church
enlace 0.1.1 y 111151 ('151(1, at SValton, re-
The member,. or S.515.5,1 ave Farmets'
rob e jcwed evening,
Reeve Shortreed is attending Co,
Onutlei I.
Frank Kerney is spending a week
with his sin), at Harrititon,
Linke 18 bnitling a clearing
OXICtion Rale, at I,ot 3. :lid line, cm
Mottday, Dec', 13th. Full list in TIM
POST. this Week.
A. H. MNeil, 6th line, Morris, re-
turned From Deteoit, MA week, after
spending tbe Antiulcer. Theitliegi st-
ing with his stm, John McNeilwho is
on the prince foree of I hat ('1) 9'.
Otttitha.V.--'fftle deal It toot place on
Tuesday, of last week, of Mabel
danghter of Peter and Mrs.
Com 8, elute ion Melees 0111 (1(10.
leg river almost a yeal'it 0,,, lotion.
The deceesed leeves to mourn her lose,
besides her 511014.110 4, one brother and
two sistees, nitznely, Earl, Mary and
Loretto, all or whom have tIte symp-
athy of ehe eomenntity. The funeral
took ,pinue 'Chm:
uday, sevvice being
held In St, Michael's R. 0. °lunch, at
10 ll'elClek a. in. Interment was made
in the R. 0. ('(11311511019',
HAGLR80:4-1.0.3.tutrit.kR, -The Olin -
ton Newe-Record reports the wedding
of the sister of Mos. Jos. Clegg : "A
quiet wedding Look places in Wesley -
Willis Church, et 7 o'clock, Monday
morning: when Jeton Alinnie. young-
est daughter or the late (4. NI and
Mrs, 'Nicobar, or onotm, became
the bride of Alexander L. hlagleson, •
of Drayton, fotrnerly of Clinton.
1. he ceremony was performed by Rev.
3, B. Hogg, and 00a0 witnessed by a
few immediate friend, 'Phe bride
wore 10 frock.of rosewood satin crepe
with out, velvet trimmings, rose and
gold hat and carried a shown, quet
of Ophelia yeses, valley lilies and
maiden hair fete, She was ttended
by Miss Zelma Berry, Toledo, Ohio,
who wore a peach georgette frock,
with luormonizieg gold lace hat and
carried a menage boquet 01 ropes,
bithy'e breeth end fern. The grnom
was attended by ;lie bride's broth-
er, Mervyn Fat.quher, cif Detroit.
Aftee the ceremony, the pails, 15011)1(0 -
ed to the home of the bride, where
the wedding breakfast was served,
Ismer, Mr, and Mrs. Eagleson left by
motor for Dreyton, amid showers of
Onnfetti and good wishes, where they
will melte their future home. The
bride teavelled in a black isktin dress,
Float coat with beaver trimmibge,
blotiti Imee, gleves and carried a blo»d
bag. The matey Clinton Mende nf
the yootig enuple, who are both pop.
utile. with them long life, 1101Mb-teas
and petteperity.
nig' Rowland has b''('1' '1
new ratite set.
1Vi41 Michel is rluing rushing
business in his new meat market.
J. H. Fear hits purchased a new
Crysitsr fonr doer sedan, :Intl 11 le :o
real cheesy one, too.
Alfred King, of Detroit, 34,i1'.1 a
boy friend, spent the week end at hie
perique! . home in Ethel.
Roe's Christmas: Tree Cenc..rt will
be Indd en Monday, Dee. 20, and Un-
ion on Thurscley. Dee. 23.
Dr. E. A. MeMastee aaeompanitel
John Ames to Bay City hist week
and assisted in the operation Gime.
AIrs. Spetwe is not as well its her
many friends woulil like to .cie her.
She has been confined to the teee
for a few weeks.
Mrs. F. Parker. who was taken te
the Toronto .General Hoeeital a week
azo, was not very rote+ improved
Whet) last heard from.
Master Gordon Kreuter had the
inisfortune to shatter it bone in hitt
hiee a week ago.' At the present titre
the lithe fellow is. laid up and will
be for a few weeks.
Regular church service: on the
Ethel Circuit of United Churelo next
Sunday; Roe's at 11, Union 8, mut
Ethel 7 p.m. Everybody -welcome.
Cerl Allele is. preparing an open
air rink and very shortly hopes to
have it ready. This is one shine that
is needed in Ethel and it is hoped it
will be well patronized,
There was a large Attendance at
She play in the Township Hall laet
Friday, Mit on by the Monerielf
Young People, The enterteininent
was under the 'auspices of the Wone
on's Institute,' and . wits very much
'114tVy"1•ilifs, ages 6 to 1-1, wishing to
join the Girls' Sewing Class, please
hand their names to Mrs. Rohe
Bremner as soon ris posfale as the
class will start right. after New
Woinen's institute will meet
in the Institute room on Thereclay
afternoon, Dec, lfith, at 2.30. The'
subject: A Woman 05 10 School Trus-
tee, Do we need her?" is to be taken
by Mrs. W. Stemmer, Roll
11Wha(1 1 would like for Chrietinee."
T.. Vedden has opened lee store
agam and has now a complete line
of General Merehandifte and is ready
tie attend to the needs of hi,: ells.
tamers as before. Ile has engaged
two experienced clerks, Mrs. Aticine
son and daughter, and is preparing
to meet the special demands of the
Christmas season.
Word has bjen riscelYMI from john
Ainea, \\diet last week went to. Bay
City to Imo his beg amputeted. The
oncention was performed on Thum -
day last and his many friends here
Witt be glad to know 'he is doing lie
well as could be expected. Mr. Amen
Is. well known in Ethel, heying made
his home here with 'hie • sester, Vire.
ei the heme t.f Mtn end Mrs, McGill.
The (lig: ict t opt...Po 1. 1 ice, H.. Put-
t erson, has pt esent and gave a very
Interesting and 115,4(11010e address,
dealing with the poultty industry.
Ris Address 13.131 11.1011 ihitisi 11,0 by
lent, rn shid,. Al:(5115 conclusion of
the address, violin music was given
by Johlt Cetiltee, et. , and also by Mrs.
John Coulte., famch was sei ved
and a 4.31141.1 hell'. 1(10511,
Hay 501 1550011(43 hes twee the order Of
Simpson is viititieg with
Plat ivcs at. Guelph.
Miss (4el trnd, Payn is spending her
v ite:Ctien et hot home here.
Miss RII-zabeth Met het s spent 13, few
days with her go and pat eats, at Blue -
!Sire. 13 C. Stoke. and lolise Janet
wet 0 vjeiting 1, iends in Listowel, last
' wPlicke.d Hayden and Ceeil Payn visit.
5 ed Alt (01114(t11 and . hist week,
taking in the Wili 1..1 Vail • al Guelph.
Airs M. (4arn.os, of Mot !IS, is at
mobitig lifter the
j fine new boy. Cr:tint:at ims, Law -
S. end Aire. Snell are spending a
foie menthe a1 1 he homes of their
daughter. Alt, I. litittan and Alis. A. -
ilou ietz. (3 lad to boat. that
lit'. Snell is somewhat improved in
Reorge and Mrs. 1.11tui11 spent Sun.
day at Rostock,
hantnanuel Setlet is spending a few
days at Painter:a on.
.Miss Helen Redge, of London, has
been employed as taileress, by Mr,
Williams heve.
Misses Fleeence end Emma Herein,
of Elmo, speut Sunday vo ith Ed. and
Mrs. Bettger here,
Charles Buttery and Tod Holman
helm returned beetle, after spending a
few months 5,, the West.
Milton and Mrs, Romienberg and
10.111117spent tint week -end with Goid-
on nnd Mrs Rollie Win theeP.
8XiNt3 PlOrellee Bartja left on Mo.
day for New Volk, whete she will km
employed in her profeasion es Deese,
MISSeS &Target et Tindall and Jean
Clads spent Sunday at their homes.
at Newt and Walton, reSpectively:
Miss Vida Gray spent Fiiday eve*.
ing with Mrs A. Bannerman, while
e mite (‚1 0111 Mitellell la) bei' home,
near Listowel,
Robt. and Mee. Rennick end Mee
Mateeret Itenniek iment a few days
at Savoie, attending the 20th west.
ding annivereery of Thomas and Mrs.
Our linntets have 1 eturned with
their fell qtneta of deer.
Frank Metnalf, Goveembeet fruit
Rispectot, at Saskatoon, Stoke who
'45515111 10 recent lento aeeideet, is imc
plotting nicely