The Brussels Post, 1926-11-3, Page 8WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3
Ch rry Bark
Cough Syrup
Will Relieve
Your Cough
Cherry Bark- Cough Syrup ls
a sar, pleasant and effQetivi
rentody in the treatment of
coughs and colds.
35c and 00c Bets,
Clear the,voice, 26a pkgs.
For Chapped Hands
and Skin
Sc Bets.
50c Bets.
CREAM 50c jars
25c and SOc jars
For Dark 14 ghts
Batteries & Bulbs
Safe and very
Good Flashlights
$L75 and up
A Handy Package of
Writing Material
new box of Writing Paper with
deckle' edge and new shape of
envelopes 75c
U iversal
(Non Inflammable)
In 10 oz. tins
Cleans Fabrics Perfectly
Your Favorite
Can be got here.
All the Leading
Magazines for sale
The ' Store
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
Is Your Natne on the List? Held Special Service.
Be sur.. your name ia on the wag hold st. Am,
linters' List. Your MuntClork brnse Church Monday mornin2.:„ All
will inform you. Saints Day.
Winter Fair at Guelph.
Guelph Winter Fair will lat 1'. Id
on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, Noventl,r 29 ar41 30, and
December 1 and 2.
Thursday and Friday Ideal Days.
fast Thursday and Friday were
ideal Fall days, hut S-dorday broke
the sooll and then snow artived oarly
Ik/0111.1,4,1 morning to mak:, it all
mucky again.
Postage to Germany.
Information has k,ert rocoice„i at
the local post office Ulm the leuit
weight for parcel mot xchar.,4ed
tweet' Canada end G,A•many is MAU
1 5 pounds, The rates of ont!-m,;(.. aft.
plicabbt tie,, from 2 t ,.,r.nts for tine
pound te s2,02 foe I 7( pound..
Be Careful of "Leaf Skidding."
There is need Col,.
on October motor trips which are
often taken on account .)f. tilneantl.
ful scenic attract!. ms. -\8 a.t4asooct-
ed fdllater is "leaf
ularly in the early morn n.!. 1,fett•
the 51.111 has a einilie,! J.,"• the
dew or frost that is h tld by th..?
leaves that strew the macto1,1,1 hiz-
way,. Wic-o on, is
a motor (.3I' 411t1 tiii in it 'AlT..
grtNit r o1l ii1li ittatthotl throt“
and 1i"11(•
sometim.., help.
From Postmaster Geoeral.
Tho t,..ttertif lotto:.
boon reeeived ti tin. Bress-ls
office in conneet lot. with Thenkseiv-
ing Day. Novcmbrot "On :111,1 day
of l'hatiksvivip.,r inay -nor -
haus rive
it timapbt to the Tott svhich
the teat nffln ir olaciP,!' ,11 wel-
fare and Temnite:,
Tint colt. lL :1 71 .tit,t.trittal
postal preerese an das loom marked
espseielly he the eetereii(sa of two -
cent try-dwo•. This should solve as
an impulse in the public to rade. ettli
more eel -mire; ...e of the maile. Tho
110A office t, for use. and the more it
es used, the more its operatione van
'be extended atm jt e services imurev-
ed," state: P. j. Veniot. 110,411811,1.0
general nf Canada.
Took Prizes At Perth
Plowing lYfa4ch.
Alob. lmptt1, Grahatn's Survey.
south of firuesels, was a contestant
laet Wodnesdav at the plowing match
for Perth County held In Logan
Teamehip. Mr. Russel was a ptze-
winner and the Stratferd , Betatron
Herald pare bins the followieg write-
Op:es-One of the feature.s of the af-
fair in connection with the entries,
was the fact. that one entrant, Alex.
Russel, who hence "from near Brus-
sels, on. Tuesday night drove pearly
42 miles with his team of ho 'e and
a democrat, accompanied by hie son,
to be present at the match. Mr. Rue-
sel. wassecand in the high rut plews
in sod,onen to all, while hie team
was adjudged the hest plow 'team in
the whole...Match. The entries were
well distributed throughout the t000-
ty whllethe prize awards were also
equally 'Well • dispersed among the
• contestants. The cashprize of 81 0
don:lets& by the British Mortgage and
'resist CO, for the peat plow teem
gbee to Alex.. llueeeli of 13rpsels.
Old Rove Reunion.
Parties mtere.ted in holdinat an
1-111 Boys Reunion noxt Summer will
kindly anon,' meeting: in the Public
Library nt e 0-elock on Friday even-
mt . of this week, Nov. 5th.
Fiellowe'en Pat,sed Off Quietly.
The usuel Hallowe'en trieks platr-
...1 the Int «ouple of years were with -
&ewe, ne denht after Council took
netten, emi enlet. minor trieks were
eleeed, practically no damage bcing
dOee. as far as Th" Post could learn.
No Favors Going.
.North Berea gets no favors from
the Fertruson novernmoot. Th,.. Lun-
dell Roml from Elginfield to Clinton,
`",-* miles, has been taken over by
the Provinee, but no roads in North
Hume are teken over. The tax pay-
er ean only "dig in" and help the
other section of the province, •
Cousin Passes Away.
Robt, Henelereon received word 071
'11 1v or the death of his cousin,
Mee. :MeDenald, at the Soo. The de -
;van a former resident of Sea -
fort h end a sister of the late Dr.
Scott. Burial wilI be made in the
Old Boys' Reunion.
'Are you in favor of holding an
old Bor..... Reunion in Brussels in
10'27. All interested are asked to
•ot,,nd a meeting in the Library
Bread room on Friday eve -a -me of this
week to select wide-awake commit-
tees and map out plans, Ile a Boos-
A Dangerous Habit.
Many motorists complain of a hab-
it which .seetes to be growing among
youthful cyclists of riding, other chil-
drenoon the handle bars of their bi-
eyries. Tht.?y feel that this double
method of transportation is very dan-
gerous and could quite easily result
in seirions accidents, Anothor
expressly forbirldee by section 36 of
the Highway Traffic .Act, is that of
a bicyclist taking hold of anether
vehicle for the purpose of being
drawn along the highway. Many ner-
ious accidents hape befallen bicyclists
frem this Innint.
Melville Church Bazaar Splendid
Tho Bazaar held in the, Town Halt
On Saturday afternoon by the Ladiee'
Aid oi Melville Presbyterian Church,
wile a very successful one, both soc-
ially and financially. The Hall lind
booths were beautifully deeorated,
the nolor scheme being pit k and
green. The stage was delightfully
arranged as a tea garden, and tea was
served at small tables. The proceeds
amounted to $963.84, The different
booths, ltd amounts taken it each
booth, wore a$ followst-Flannel-
ettes and woollens, $1.20,45: Fancy
Work, 3174.00; Towels, $39'
,23. Ap-
rons, $45.80; Handkerehie fl 47. 1 5 ;
Pillow cases, $83,05; retrieveBooth,
$37.75; Candy, $50.941 Post °flit°,
598.70; Flowers and Plants. 323.:53;
Pip and lee Cream, 521.45e Tett room
$43.70; Autograph quilt blocks,
3122.53. In addittee to this 3128.55
was raised by Bazaar teas which
went to defray expanses.
Brussels United Church
REV, A. W. BARKER. B. 0.
Sunday, Nov. 7th
11 a.m.-Public Worship.
Thanksgiving and Armistice
Day. Subject :
"The Challenge of Sacrifice"
3 p.m. -Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
Miss. Program and Offering
7 p.m. -Public Worship.
"The Tragedy of Unprepared-
Tuesday -Y, P. Society.
Wednesday - Prayer Service
Psalm 9
Sunday, Nov. 21st
Jubilee Services &Thank -offering
Rev. Dr. E. B. Laneeley,
Monday Evening, Nov. 22
Fowl Supper and Concert
A NUMBER of Barred Rock Pullets
for sale. Laying strain; 31.25 a
piece. Thos. Pierce, Phone 58-10.
NUMBER of Pigs, Weighing About
50 lbs. for sale, Andrew Jacklin,
Lot 18, Con, 16, Grey. Phone 2313.
AUTO Marker, 329-452, Found. En-
quire at The Post.
LOST. -Between Brussels and Wing -
ham, two logging chains and 2 oil
covers off horses. Finder please
notify The Post.
AUTO -KNITTER and Yarn For
sale. Apply at The Post.
STRAYED -One Light Red Yearling
steer, with horns, small punch
mark in right ear. Any informa-
tion as to its whereabouts thank-
fully received. Baxter Stevenson,
Phone 42-29.
11 PIGS -6 Weeks Old For Sale.
Apply tu Wm. Eckinfer, Phouc
50 NEW Apple Barrels For Sale.
Price right. Nesbit Hamilton,
Phone 45x lieuseels.
NUMBER of Green Anchor Posts for
,4tio. Apply to Percy Tyntanatt,
Phone 3817 Lot 9, Con. Grey,
15 GOOD Barred Rock Pullets For
sale. Cecil Wheeler, Phonn 15-18.
TWO Choice Shorthorn Bulls, Ten
months old, for sale. Roy Benn,,tt,
Phone 82-4 Walton, Ont.
Comfortable frame house in good
repair, good cellar, hard and eoft
water. For further particulars ap-
ply to George McMillan, Fishleigh
St., Brussels.
HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply
to Miss Hingston.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for eele at a
bargain, Apply to W. Id. Sinclair.
Passed Away.
Miss Allie Curry, second daughter
of the late Thos. Curry and lifire. Al -
tee Curry, of Brussels, passed nway
Tuesday evening from pneumonia.
The funeral will take place to -day
1 Wednesday) and will lut privme.
Miss Curry is survived by two sisters
besides her mothee. She was in her
40th year.
Minor Locals.
Council Met Monday evening.
Next Monday will be a public holi-
day -Thanksgiving Day,
Usual holidny hours at The Post
office on Thanksgiving Day.
Canadian publishers are askinge,for
a duty an U. S. magazines,
A big crowd attended the Masquer-
ade Ball in the Town Hall :Roneley
Dahlia tubers, it is said, should be
laid away Sterns downward in order
that they may drain out and thus
prevent rotting,
W. C. T. U.
The regular monthly of the W. C.
T. IT. was held in the United Church
en Friday, Oct 20th, when an inter-
e.ting program was given on the sub-
ject of "Government Control." Ac-
cording to reliable reports it has
proved an utter father, in Ohm' pro-
vinces (1) because Government sale
makes a Government of bartenders;
(2) because wherever there ie Gov -
eminent sale the bootlegger depends
on the Government liquor store for
his supplies. Highway motor traffic.
is increasing, and even one glass of
beer may distort sight and judg-
ment, Mrs, W. J. Proctor gave an
exeellent report of the Provincint
'Convention held recently in Hamils
ton. Rev. Mr. Barker sang a eolo
r,ntitl ed, "Others." Miss Margaret
Ilyslop read a leaflet entitled, "Sun-
day in Government Control Mont-
real," where bona fide guests can buy
any kind of liquor at Government
stems, take it to their room; and
drink it there. Mrs. R. T. Strathan
very ably explained the. Ferguson
limier control policy, showing, its ev-
ils, Mies C. Hingston sang a _solo
very acceptaply. Refreshments were
served at the Mose of the meeting,
end a social hall hour spent Huron
:County won the 1001 Temperance
legion banner for highest report of
work done among our young people,
A Softie.% boy Won a Prize, 'five dol-
lars, for a Temperance essay.
Successful Masquerade Dance.
On Monday evening a succeesful
Masquerade Dance was held in the
Town' Hall and lively musk was fur-
nished by the Towne Orchestra, of
Wroxeter. The costumes were 'say
and everyone enjoyed themeekee.
Holding an At -Horne.
The Diluters and members of St,
John's Lodge, A. F, et; A. N. are
holding an AL -Homo in the Town
Hall, Brussels, next Thursday even-
ing, Nov. llth, Invitations are beteg
Warning to Truck Owners. •
The Ontario government i$ issuing
an appeal to all motor user; not to
overloa don the highways. Fall rains
soften the subgrade and esteeeedye
loading is the short road to rate and
bumps. The road users are asked to
exercise judgment in the loading and
operating of trucks, for a few heavy
trucks can undo the work of days
and do thousands of dollars' worth
of damage. Repaired roads are nev-
er as good as the original roads, and
then they cost a lot of money for the
fixing. And that fixing comes out of
the pockets of the ratepayers. So
the idea is to save the roads and save
the money. The Highway Traffic Aet
fixes the limit of the weight of loads
In fall and spring, and heavy penal-
ties are extracted for the violation of
this section.
UO in New Ontario.
One of the great sights in Northern
Ontario is to go up one of the Fire
Rangers' Towers in the Matachawan
on a clear day. From that vantage
point you can see sixty townships
and about 2,878 square miles of for-
est. To the north-east is Kirkland
Lake gold camp, to the north-west
may be seen the black smoke of the
McIntyre mine at Porcupine. South-
west is Gowganda and south-east the
Beaver mine at Elk Lake and the
silver country around. Getting up
on the top of the tower and as far
east as one can look, there is silver
mining. Then turn around and, look-
ing north, from east to west there ie
America's greatest gold mining.
Where else in the world can you find
such a place, and in between these
zones there are hundreds a square
miles of country not yet scratehed as
far as prospecting is concerned, but
the preclaus metals are there in mum-
tity somewhere.
Former Resident Passes Away.
Word was received in Brussels of
the death of Mary Connor, widow of
the late James McLauchlin, at Fen-
wick. Ont., on Saturday in her 87th
year. The (imposed came to Deus -
eels and worked with the late Daeid.
Ress as a tailoress, and was married
here to James MeLauchlin, They
lived in Brussels for some years, 1711
lo) moving to Wingham where Mr.
MeLauehlin died. For many year%
the deceased lived with her daugh-
ter, Miss Margaret, in NOW Yerk.
About i3 years ago she moved te Tor-
onto, and later had been melding in
Fenwick. Some years ago the de-
ceased suffered a slight etroke, and
had a second one last summer. A
family of three survive.: Miss Mar-
garet, 1108' living in Fenwiek; Fmk,
Toledo, and Gus in Lloyilmineter.
The body was brought to Brussele on
Tuesday evening and the funeral will
be held thie afternoon (WednesdaY)
from the home of 'Robert,
Queen St., west. The 800ViCe3 will
be et -inducted by Rev. Dr. Perris, of
Wingham, pastor of the deceased for
meny yeare, assisted by Rev. Mr,
Fowler. Interment will be mule in
the family plot in Brussels Cemetery.
The pallbearers will' be: D. Cl. ROSS,
R. Henderson, A. McLaueldin, D. Mc-
Donald, T. McDonald and R. :1. Me-
Lauchlin. Old friends offer synmathy
to the bereaved in the loss of their
Boy Clark had the misfortune to
have two fingers aevered and the
thumb badly lacerated nn his eight
hank last Wednesday. He was
empleyed in the machine shop of the
Malcolm Forel titre Company, whet e
the accident oceurred.
FliWrits have been issued for a hy-
eleati on. in North Firtice, made net-
essary by the appointment or Hon,
James Malcolm to the ciebinet, Nom-
inations will take place nn Nov. Ot
with voting, if nenessary, nne week
later, on Nov. 1011,,
OGeo MeKv.v, who, last Spriest, (W-
oo es 01 1118 farm. Con. 5, Bruce, to
&Mt. Carleton and later left, on an
extEnded Itip to the coast, retnrning
about a week ago, has Fatten over the
old McKay homestead from his sist er-
in-law, Mvs. Walter McKay. Mee,
McKay inLends residing in Pm t
18 81,, e her two daughters are at.
teedieg High School.
Sir Joseph novelle, who has de-
clared himself definitely opposed to
the Ferguson proposal whieh would
permit sale of liquor in places of
A Bride's
IT was over the need for variety
for her husband's lunch Oust the
Editor gave a list of -many things
for that purpose, but never a word
about honey. Recently in The Post
there Wan a W11010 1.70111.11111 arla Van11.
of all imaginable things :tor 11111011
excepting honey. Seeing that honey
is one of the best of them all it
seems strange to us not to include it.
"I always feel better when My wife
puts honey in my dinner pail," Aid a
working man to nw. The need of
variety is apparent, for it -seems
two out -of three sandwiches are made
with salmon. Why not -try honey fur
a while?
G.A. Deadman
L. Church Notes
Melville Church
1 King, 20:40 "As the servant was
busy here and there, the man was
gone," was the Pastor's text in Mel-
ville Church last Sabbath morning.
The 'danger of neglecting our most
bnportant duties by being busy with
things which are not necessary to be
done, was stressed. This habit leads
to loss of the power to concentrate
on our vocation and to low of our
faith in God, as faith in God. cannot
grow tn a mind preoccupied with eth-
er things. Family life loses much by
the parents being too busy outside
the home to give' time to the training
of the children. Christ applied this
principle of concentration in his
work. At the evening service the
Pastor commenced a series of ser-
mons on "The Parables of Christ,"
his subject being "The Parable of the
Sower." Each parable teaches some
great principle or truth. This one
teaches that the growth of the seed
is dependent on the nature of the
eon. We can learn from this (1)
that sometimes our hearts are harden-
ed by hearing the Gospel ,mntinuals
because we do not put in pro.ctlee
the truths heard; (2) evd habits arc
a hardening influence, preventing the
erowth of the good seed in the heart;
((3) shallow 'impulsiveness prevents
the seed from taking firm root in our
lives; (4) WC should not be preoce 1.•
pled by other interests; (5) we
should hear the truth thinkingly and
The annual Thankoffering serviee
of the W. M. S. of Melville Church
will be held next Sabbath morning
at 11 o'clock. The Pastor, Rey. F.
G. Fowler, will preach. A • special
Thankoffeeing will be taken at this
senile°. Sunday evening' iet, 7 o'-
clock a song service will be held.
Speoial numbers will be rendered by
the choir. The gowns for the chola
and minister have been lately pro-
cured, and will be worn .for the first
time next Sunday.
The dedieation serviees'er the 11PW
*Gutted Church, at Carthage'were
held on Sunday, Oct. Mgt. At 210 p.
m., Rev. W. B. Donnelly, 13. A., of
St re trot d, conducted the nnevine, anti
at 7.30m me Bev. It F. Arnietenntr,
of Lietowel, occupied the pulpit.
vrletock is going to buy a new
Mitchell Fair was able to close its
books with a balance of $360 for
1927 Fate
James Douglas of Mitchell, is away
at Amherst, N. S. to jduge hog e at
the Winter Fair.
Hon. Dr, J, D. Monteith, Provin-
cial Treasurer, was nominated for
North Perth as Conservative candi-
Tom Burk, a youth employed by
the Ford Garage at Listowel, sustain-
ed a broken nose when he Wan heel-
ed from the automobile which 1141 WaS
'driving. 'The accident occurred when
ermeing the C. N. R. tracks. One of
the tires burst, causing Burk to lose
control of the machine, which crashed
into a telegraph pole. He wee thrown
into the ditch.
TI 0 members or 13lyth L. 0. L No.
068 attended divine eervice in ltriiiity
Chum!). Blyah, on Sunday, Out. 318t,
et p. Ye.
1800111 rd Prang, son of Lewis Peeng
of Zurich, a student at Exeter High
&tool, fractured his right arm while
((reeking a car,
The veterans of Exet er and district
and D. Company, training in Exeter,
will paeade tn Teivite idernovial
Church, on Sunday, Nov. '7611.
Dalton, a, yonne arm of Gordon and
Mrs. Heywood, of Caboose, met with
a nasty accident. one day last week,
when he got caught in a gasoline eng-
ine, He received a nasty mete
wound about an inch long and hls
right, arm woe 1)0(1131 01113 requiting a
number of stitehea to Mose,
Lorne and Mee. Scrimgeour, Blyth,
received word that the betty of their
son, Frank, who had been drowned
while duck sheeting in the St Clair
River. lied beet' foond. They left
at once for Delimit, Mutes funeree
took place. Besides bia widow and
one ehild, Frank twines to mourn his
Lem 1818 parent*, brothers awl sistere,
all or whom hove the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement,
Rslph Stephen, recently
lnee five heed 03 eattie from stating
thorn apples, on a grass farm. in
Stephen 'Two.. Three animals were
baby beeves, the mime yeesanlels.
The animals wera found on different
parts f the farm, and lattO aptotren ti v
CIPOripPil in 1.111 Piy tracks and died,
The amen applit mulleins a greet
many seedq and these hod become
lodged in the etomaoh, ea -tieing death.
A stornath of OT1P of elle 80 181018 wan
opet ed and ti pailful of eeede removed,
Personal Paragraphs 1
Mies Winnie Long was a vistoritt
Stratford last Wednesday.
444+Mrs. George Thompson has arrived
safely in Santa Monica, Cal. where
she will spend the winter.
Se as de Is
John and Mrs. Lynn and f amily,
of Walkerville, were week end visi-
tors with Philip and Mrs. Ament.
•ts e'•
J. L. and Mrs. Kerr and Miss Mary .
Helen were visitors in Toronto last
week for a feevdN with relatives..
Miss Mary Lamont returned last
week after her visit for the past
couple of months with her brother
in the West.
ee e.
Rev. and Mrs. Kennedy and sons, I
of Mount Brycd.gtes. , visitors for
a few days at the home of J. 13. and
Mrs. Ballantyne.
Miss Edna Edwards is vidting her
aunt, Mrs. Fred Longfoot, Stratford.
Mre. Longfootis in rather peor
health at present.
• A A de ec
George Edwards and Lon, Brian,
Mrs. Churchill and Nevem! and MisS
Dunstin, all of London, spent the
week end with Geo. and Mrs, Ed-
wards, Mill St.
sie <3 as
Mrs. J, G. Jones and Mite4. Scott
Atkins left on Saturday for their I
home in Stuart, Florida, where they
expect to spend the winter. Mr. At -
Mos event South about eix weeks ago, I
B. (Tot) Cochrane, of Toronto,
Wan renewing old acquaintanece '
Brussels this week. It's been quite
a few years since Mr. Coehrane has
paid Brussels a visit, so even a short
visit Wan 11 welcome one.
Se de
Walter and Mrs. Willie° expect to
leave this week for Valley Centre,
Mieh., where they will spend the next
couple of months. The trip will he
made by automobile;Vm. Pease, who
is a brother of Mrs. Wilbee, coming
after them. They also expest to visit
at other points in Michigan.
es 'es es es
Wednesday last . Miss 51574741e D.
Shedden returned from the West,
after an enjoyable stay of meg two
months.. She was as fax West as
Saskatoon, Sask. About 30 miles
out in the country, she locate:1 with
a modern farmer to work, who had
more than a_section of land and a
threshing outfit. The crops were fair
in that part but with so mucn rain
and later snow, it made it bad for
the farmers 014 also for oho harvest
men who went out for Wendt, She
enjoyed her -trip and says she may
go back next year when the Excur-
sion comes round again.
Hunting season is now eel and
soon we will see whether the victiins
are the deer or the hunters.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the United Church parsonage, SI..
Marys, on VVedneaday, Oct. 2018,
when Thelma Mary Tughen Red Wil-
liam Clarence Smith were united in
marriage by Rev. Thomas Green.
1188 310(1715 couple were unatteeded,
and after a honeymoon trip, they will
take up residence near Atwood,
Major McColl, Canadian Ti ade RP.
presentative to the Argentine and
other South Alain ican count' les, 117'
(18)11131 visited the different factories,
in Listowel, and gave data about the
export and import posteibilities be-
tween Canadian manufacturers and
those of South America. InIthe even-
ing, he gave a very informal talk M-
eng the same lines, at McDonald's
Music Hail.
While driving home on the Bound-
ary East, about 10 miles Best alLis).
owel, on Monday evening last,, 0. 11,
Beek, of Listowel, met with am un-
fortunate accident. paid Messre,
11111101tottd Woods weee deiving home
slowly in Mr. Buck's Pontiac coupe.
Owing to the wet, misty atnio.phere,
it was difficult driving. When ap-
proaching a culvert on the road, the
car struck 1110 11(1(1 of the railing and
wag thrown on its side into the diteb,
a drop of about 5 or (3 feet. Lhe oc-
cupants of the car were able to get
oue throngh't the 0001`. Ti7PV tel-
ephoned to Listowel for help. A.
Snicker and 18. Hislop drove down,
but 8110)11 7111(711(9 tn gel the cur mit of
the ditch. With the boys whn were
1t1 1111' car, they drove back In 1181 0,,..
el to get Equipment to In big the dam-
aged ear home. In their (amputee, the
car caught fiee. Systything was
burned hut the metal palls, WIIPPis
and tires. The cite wets brought home
the followitits day. 'The loss win lie
covet ed by insurance,
PREBMAN.-At Battersea, Ont.„ nn Got. 12111
Die, to Dr,. end lass. N. v. Freemen, 11108
1 Gertrude Goodwin*, son, (Hug(1 Nil -
I I)3105ISS010.-15 Saskatoon. Sask„ on Thor,-
' day, Oet ..1471). 1025, toll', and Mrs W. ti•••
borson, (nee Pearl Sharpe), a daughter,
OALDBB,-In Ita„ on Wednesrliv,
' Oct. 25111, 15911, Jean daughter or the late
Thrones Gelder, of•Grey lL'wP•
• CYJaltY.-In Brussels, on Tue,alriy. Nov 2u11.
I la 0, Allis Curry, second daughter of
Alice and the late Thos. ((Corp. aged 40
KINTG04.-"fn Turnherry, on Oct. 281), 1026,
rn, 148700'
I day, Oot 80th, 1 098, Mary Guiltier, widow
of the late James molnughlln, of 13rneseil
8,V17-1.!1 K. " "708 ra"
1,0 leunw.cL,
• blot I
and W foghorn., in her bilk year,
Auction Sale.
101110811, !TOY. fie111.-Jnitil; unction 1515 of
surplus ay stoats, at but ID, 0, Morris,
itt 1.80 o'clock, ,Tolui G. Speir and Prank A.
bliohol, PT% ; D 51.Scott, Ate,
Yli rnAY, OV. igvi.-Farm,forrn
lamensfurpimre' 0c,at184,ott.
Greyat 1 u'olok,Walter Blinn°Prop, b
and househOld Weanat tho homo
proprietor, in Brussels, Geo,. 2,101111185,
Prop. ; D Id, SOW:, And.
TatinfiDAY, NOV. 1 10,11.-Farin stook ard
hopleinente, at SIN Lot 18, Ono. (I, Morris,
Salo unreserved at 1 o'clock. Thos. A. Gne-
1)0 ; 1110. T11001', Ana.
PH [DAY, NOY, rum steak,
lonpleniente, eta, at 105 T.,ot 4, 0311,0, Morrie.
Sale unreserved, et 1 o'elook. 18, Pear,
Prop, ; D. 111. Scott, Ann
An educational authority &lye that
the need to -day is not foe more know-
ledge, but for a better 'understanding
of the knowledge we already possess,
and a greater facility In the use 0
it. Ftxactly; it is one thing to own a
box of tools and another thing to
know how to use a, saw.
Farm for Sale
75 scrag, NX, 801 28 fait 20, 1151 90(75745
land, on Don. 18, bdoltillon, 1;4 tulles 80(1(11 00
Walton. on the gravel, 2.1102831 brick house
and kitchen, bank hart GS ft. square, water
mid content stable and cement driving sae.
Per further parbleulars, apply to
27 W. G. OLARR, B. B.2. Walton,
rc:S for
Good until Nov. 12thl
Li ye Dees'd
Ohickene oven lbs .27 Hens 4 to 44 ibe
Olaittkens over 5 lbs. ,
Chickens to 5 lbs.
Chickens 4 to 45 lbs....
Chickens 35 to 4 lbs..
Chickens 3 to 35 lbs.,..
Chieketis undet 1311)5,
Hens over 5 lbs
Hens 45 to 5 lbs.-,
Live Dres'd
.12 .17
(20 .20, Rens 85 to et lbs .00 ,15
.10 ,24 Hem' 8 1035 ,07 ,18
,18 .23 Hens under 3 Ilse ,05 .12
,10 .21 Roosters over 5 lbs .1 ,11 ,15
.15 .21 Roosters under 51(18,,..00 .13
.14 .20 Young Duette over 51bs .12 .22
.15 ,10 Young Anoka *111(18( 5, .10 .20
.14 .18 -bid Ducks ..... .00 .15
These prices are for No. 1 Poultry, 'delivered at our Ware-
house, Poor quality at market value, according to nue
judgment. Birds must be In 814178051374ota1ition or <loam.'
Lion made for crops. Average weight 1)31 3111811)80 birds ioi
each coop,
BRUSSELS, Mt 200, 1020,
,,,,,,, ,,,
r ° What We Have
w ,
%- to Offer
4) 0
NO ONE elneetered Beek in Canada
Ilan anything geettLer to offer the
businesa community then Its con-
temporaries unlese it be i e the eharaetee
During the
of the serviee it renders.
alf-century of its life, t1ie satmar.
Bank hue developed 17 (118)10)1 individual -
iey through the kind of service I itaintaln•
ed ilt ite daily transactions. The mum
mereial aspect of this individuality ia
foetid In the Many unique seevices for
which the Standard Bank ie peculiarly
O' CA.IalA.D.A..
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Semis, Manager
Personal Paragraphs 1
Mies Winnie Long was a vistoritt
Stratford last Wednesday.
444+Mrs. George Thompson has arrived
safely in Santa Monica, Cal. where
she will spend the winter.
Se as de Is
John and Mrs. Lynn and f amily,
of Walkerville, were week end visi-
tors with Philip and Mrs. Ament.
•ts e'•
J. L. and Mrs. Kerr and Miss Mary .
Helen were visitors in Toronto last
week for a feevdN with relatives..
Miss Mary Lamont returned last
week after her visit for the past
couple of months with her brother
in the West.
ee e.
Rev. and Mrs. Kennedy and sons, I
of Mount Brycd.gtes. , visitors for
a few days at the home of J. 13. and
Mrs. Ballantyne.
Miss Edna Edwards is vidting her
aunt, Mrs. Fred Longfoot, Stratford.
Mre. Longfootis in rather peor
health at present.
• A A de ec
George Edwards and Lon, Brian,
Mrs. Churchill and Nevem! and MisS
Dunstin, all of London, spent the
week end with Geo. and Mrs, Ed-
wards, Mill St.
sie <3 as
Mrs. J, G. Jones and Mite4. Scott
Atkins left on Saturday for their I
home in Stuart, Florida, where they
expect to spend the winter. Mr. At -
Mos event South about eix weeks ago, I
B. (Tot) Cochrane, of Toronto,
Wan renewing old acquaintanece '
Brussels this week. It's been quite
a few years since Mr. Coehrane has
paid Brussels a visit, so even a short
visit Wan 11 welcome one.
Se de
Walter and Mrs. Willie° expect to
leave this week for Valley Centre,
Mieh., where they will spend the next
couple of months. The trip will he
made by automobile;Vm. Pease, who
is a brother of Mrs. Wilbee, coming
after them. They also expest to visit
at other points in Michigan.
es 'es es es
Wednesday last . Miss 51574741e D.
Shedden returned from the West,
after an enjoyable stay of meg two
months.. She was as fax West as
Saskatoon, Sask. About 30 miles
out in the country, she locate:1 with
a modern farmer to work, who had
more than a_section of land and a
threshing outfit. The crops were fair
in that part but with so mucn rain
and later snow, it made it bad for
the farmers 014 also for oho harvest
men who went out for Wendt, She
enjoyed her -trip and says she may
go back next year when the Excur-
sion comes round again.
Hunting season is now eel and
soon we will see whether the victiins
are the deer or the hunters.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the United Church parsonage, SI..
Marys, on VVedneaday, Oct. 2018,
when Thelma Mary Tughen Red Wil-
liam Clarence Smith were united in
marriage by Rev. Thomas Green.
1188 310(1715 couple were unatteeded,
and after a honeymoon trip, they will
take up residence near Atwood,
Major McColl, Canadian Ti ade RP.
presentative to the Argentine and
other South Alain ican count' les, 117'
(18)11131 visited the different factories,
in Listowel, and gave data about the
export and import posteibilities be-
tween Canadian manufacturers and
those of South America. InIthe even-
ing, he gave a very informal talk M-
eng the same lines, at McDonald's
Music Hail.
While driving home on the Bound-
ary East, about 10 miles Best alLis).
owel, on Monday evening last,, 0. 11,
Beek, of Listowel, met with am un-
fortunate accident. paid Messre,
11111101tottd Woods weee deiving home
slowly in Mr. Buck's Pontiac coupe.
Owing to the wet, misty atnio.phere,
it was difficult driving. When ap-
proaching a culvert on the road, the
car struck 1110 11(1(1 of the railing and
wag thrown on its side into the diteb,
a drop of about 5 or (3 feet. Lhe oc-
cupants of the car were able to get
oue throngh't the 0001`. Ti7PV tel-
ephoned to Listowel for help. A.
Snicker and 18. Hislop drove down,
but 8110)11 7111(711(9 tn gel the cur mit of
the ditch. With the boys whn were
1t1 1111' car, they drove back In 1181 0,,..
el to get Equipment to In big the dam-
aged ear home. In their (amputee, the
car caught fiee. Systything was
burned hut the metal palls, WIIPPis
and tires. The cite wets brought home
the followitits day. 'The loss win lie
covet ed by insurance,
PREBMAN.-At Battersea, Ont.„ nn Got. 12111
Die, to Dr,. end lass. N. v. Freemen, 11108
1 Gertrude Goodwin*, son, (Hug(1 Nil -
I I)3105ISS010.-15 Saskatoon. Sask„ on Thor,-
' day, Oet ..1471). 1025, toll', and Mrs W. ti•••
borson, (nee Pearl Sharpe), a daughter,
OALDBB,-In Ita„ on Wednesrliv,
' Oct. 25111, 15911, Jean daughter or the late
Thrones Gelder, of•Grey lL'wP•
• CYJaltY.-In Brussels, on Tue,alriy. Nov 2u11.
I la 0, Allis Curry, second daughter of
Alice and the late Thos. ((Corp. aged 40
KINTG04.-"fn Turnherry, on Oct. 281), 1026,
rn, 148700'
I day, Oot 80th, 1 098, Mary Guiltier, widow
of the late James molnughlln, of 13rneseil
8,V17-1.!1 K. " "708 ra"
1,0 leunw.cL,
• blot I
and W foghorn., in her bilk year,
Auction Sale.
101110811, !TOY. fie111.-Jnitil; unction 1515 of
surplus ay stoats, at but ID, 0, Morris,
itt 1.80 o'clock, ,Tolui G. Speir and Prank A.
bliohol, PT% ; D 51.Scott, Ate,
Yli rnAY, OV. igvi.-Farm,forrn
lamensfurpimre' 0c,at184,ott.
Greyat 1 u'olok,Walter Blinn°Prop, b
and househOld Weanat tho homo
proprietor, in Brussels, Geo,. 2,101111185,
Prop. ; D Id, SOW:, And.
TatinfiDAY, NOV. 1 10,11.-Farin stook ard
hopleinente, at SIN Lot 18, Ono. (I, Morris,
Salo unreserved at 1 o'clock. Thos. A. Gne-
1)0 ; 1110. T11001', Ana.
PH [DAY, NOY, rum steak,
lonpleniente, eta, at 105 T.,ot 4, 0311,0, Morrie.
Sale unreserved, et 1 o'elook. 18, Pear,
Prop, ; D. 111. Scott, Ann
An educational authority &lye that
the need to -day is not foe more know-
ledge, but for a better 'understanding
of the knowledge we already possess,
and a greater facility In the use 0
it. Ftxactly; it is one thing to own a
box of tools and another thing to
know how to use a, saw.
Farm for Sale
75 scrag, NX, 801 28 fait 20, 1151 90(75745
land, on Don. 18, bdoltillon, 1;4 tulles 80(1(11 00
Walton. on the gravel, 2.1102831 brick house
and kitchen, bank hart GS ft. square, water
mid content stable and cement driving sae.
Per further parbleulars, apply to
27 W. G. OLARR, B. B.2. Walton,
rc:S for
Good until Nov. 12thl
Li ye Dees'd
Ohickene oven lbs .27 Hens 4 to 44 ibe
Olaittkens over 5 lbs. ,
Chickens to 5 lbs.
Chickens 4 to 45 lbs....
Chickens 35 to 4 lbs..
Chickens 3 to 35 lbs.,..
Chieketis undet 1311)5,
Hens over 5 lbs
Hens 45 to 5 lbs.-,
Live Dres'd
.12 .17
(20 .20, Rens 85 to et lbs .00 ,15
.10 ,24 Hem' 8 1035 ,07 ,18
,18 .23 Hens under 3 Ilse ,05 .12
,10 .21 Roosters over 5 lbs .1 ,11 ,15
.15 .21 Roosters under 51(18,,..00 .13
.14 .20 Young Duette over 51bs .12 .22
.15 ,10 Young Anoka *111(18( 5, .10 .20
.14 .18 -bid Ducks ..... .00 .15
These prices are for No. 1 Poultry, 'delivered at our Ware-
house, Poor quality at market value, according to nue
judgment. Birds must be In 814178051374ota1ition or <loam.'
Lion made for crops. Average weight 1)31 3111811)80 birds ioi
each coop,
BRUSSELS, Mt 200, 1020,