HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-11-3, Page 6WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1926. liglea006.111••• Cream Wanted We pay Highest Cash Price for Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat extra paid for all Cream delivered at our Creamery. Satisfaction Guaranteed Brussels Creamery Phone 22 Co. Limited History of Prohibition Story of Steady Progress • Anatomy of Melancholy for Wet Sup- porters—First Proposal in 1852— Famous Scott Act in /878—Out- standig, Year Was 1916—Dry Maj- ority Was Seriously Cut in 1924 The following is a skeleton outline of the struggle for prohibitory legis- lation in Ontario with respert to the consumption of alcoholic liquors. Barring most recent developments, it is from a dry point of view a list of "milestones" of progress, from the wet point of view an anatomy of melancholy. 1852—Hon. M. C. Cameron pro- posed in Canadian House of As- sembly (Upper and Lower Canada) a bill to restrain the manufacture, sale and importation of intoxicating liquors. By a majority of four it was given a six months' hoist. • 1853—Municipalities were given power to prohibit retail sale by by- law. eeesel•ce The "Dunkin" Act see: 1864—The "Dunkin" Act gave counties, cities, towns, townehips and villages authority by popular vote to prohibit retail sale. Adopted by a dozen counties, it was later repealed by all but four. , . .•—• - 1876—The Crooks thiense Act. This took the confrol of licensing away from municipalities and sub- stituted county or riding boards of license commisisoners. Further it cut off 1880 licenses in the province. In the seine year the Dominion Alliance for the Total Supreseion of the Liquor Traffic was organized at Ottawa. 1878—This is the year of the Can- ada Temperance Act or "Scott Act." It was passed by the Dominion parlia- ment and permited local option after a popular vote. Within four or five years most of the counties voted themselves dry. Subsequently the oat was repealed in almost all th•e coun- ties that had adopted it. 1890—A provincial statute provid- ed that the council of any munici- pality could pass a prohibtioe by-law the same to take effect only if rati fied by the people. 1884—After the introduction of a bill by G. F. Martin to prohibit retell sale of liquor. the Mowat government decider] to take a plebiscite, The vote at the municipal election on January let, 1894, gave a majority for prohibition of is1,769, Sir Oil. ver Mowat did not implement the plebiscite hy prohibitory legielation. Dominion Plebiscite 1898—In this year the Liberal party at Ottawa, carrying out a plan in its t893 platform, held a dominion plebiscite. This was taken on Sept, 29th, and in Ontario gave for prn. hibition a majority of 39,211, No provincial legislation followed. 1002—Ontario prohibtionista urg- ed Premier Ross to carry out Sir Oliver Mowers promise. The bill which wee introduced was provision- al upon ratification by the electors. A farther provision was that it must be voted for by a number equal to a majority of the number .eoting in the last provineial election. The vote on December 4th gave a majority fot yrohibition of 96,201, but the total vote was short of the 212,723 required. Sir George Ross introduc- ed no prehibtory legislation and his government was defeated in 1905. 1906—The new Whitney govern- ment altered the local option provis- ions of the lieense act. It wag matte obligatory for a council to submit a local option by-law if 25 per cent of the voters petitioned fox it. At the battle Hine the *miens 'three -fifth clause .was added. A lode' Wien byelaw met seeure a three-fifths majority A now vote Could he tak- en every three years. ' For the next- dead e the struggle Iwas for local option. In 1904 only 187 out of 784 municipalities were dry. In 1916 572 war dry out of 851. 1915—County license comissioners were replaced by a board of license comissioners for the province. Outstanding Year 1916—This is the outstanding year in the prohibition movement. The Hon. Wm. Hearst, premier of Ontar- io, put into force "The Ontario tem- perance act,' the famous O.T.A. It was put into operation withoue a plebiscite. 1919—This is the year of the first ref,•rendum. Four questions were sulmitted: 1. Are you in favor of th repeal of the 0.t.A.? 2. Of the se' • of 2.5 beer through government agencies? 8. Of the sale of beer in bee Of the sale of all liquors b.eovernment agencies? The maj- 01".-- against the repeal of the 0. T. A. ..as 405,427; against government sale of all liquors, 235,164. 1720—In this year took place una of the most dramatic ineidents in 0. T. A. history. The Rev. J. 0. Sprack- lin, acting as an official enforcement officer, ehot during the course of a raid at Sandwich, Beverley Trumble, a hotel keeper, This event stirred tIn• province. .„. . 1921—A refereedo n wa; held on the question of prohibiting the im- portation of liquor into the province. Up to this time individuals could or- der limier to be sent in case. lots to their residences from Quebec or other provinces and states. As a re- sult an immense exportation bueinees had grown up in Montreal. 'When the plebiscite was taken the dry majority was 166,835. Third Great Referendum 1724—The third great referendum took place on the 23rd October. The cluestion itt isue Nees the continuance of the O. T. A. or its replacement by what was called "government con- trol." The vote was 585,676 to 551,- 761, a majority for the 0. T. A. of 83,915. The last and perhaps the most out- etanding event in the historical table is ree,nt history, It is to -day's an- nouncement that the provincial gov- ernment will go to the country on a program of abolishing the Ontario temperance act in favor of a eysteni of government control. HAS RESIGNED THE BRUSSELS POST " Nearly Half of Ontario GROCERS STILL FAVOR COMBINE Dry Under Control PolicyDelegetion May Be Named To Meet I'vernier King—Wel Alec:nes Status ! —Matter Will Be Taken Up at Border Counties, Cities and Outlyin Districts Favor Wet Legislation -- g j Ferguson's announcement Sault Ste, ' Marie will continue under local op- I i°Cillien Sound also became a city, e but voted dry in 1924. Russell and Stormont showed their leanings a long time ego, when in - 1916 there was only one local option e municipality in the two of them. d I They went for government control in - I 1924h Te border counties, which had not introduced local option to any great I extent, were among the prominent government control counties in 1924. Toronto Junction and North Tor- onto were among the municipalities ' enjoying local option, but these have since been incorporated into the city of Toronto, Huron, Peel and Manitoulin Dry est Parts of Province—,Grey Conn ty Has Dry Record—To °laser, Local Option Scrupulously f Out of a total of 859 municipal' I ties In existence in 1910, 350 wer already enjoying local option, an these according to Premier Fergu son's announcement, will not be af- fected by the liquor privileges he pro- poses to introduce if returned to power on Dee. 1st. Besides aim 356 local option municipalities, 4() municipalities in the counties of Hur- on, Peel, and Manitoulin were under the Canada Temperance AO, and if Premier Ferguson's announcement is carried out, these will also be allow- ed to continue as dry areas as they were prior to 1916. Thus 402 or nearly one half the number of Ontario municipalities will still be dry even if the system of government control as proposed by the premier comes into affect. The premier's announcement reads as fol- lows: . "When the present law came into operation a large portion of the prov- ince had banished the sale of liquor under local option. The views so ex- pressed will be scrupulously observ- ed and no sale of spirituous and malt liquors will be allowed in these are- as." Of the 402 municipalities enjoying either local option or the provisions of the Canada Temperance Act in 1916, there was not a single city, al- though Galt, which was under local option, became a city shortly after- wards. There were 42 towns either under local option or the Canada TemPerance Act and many villages. The big majority of the local option areas were hoevever, in rural dis- tricts. The "Wet" Areas The areas where local option was unpopular Wen • (a) The border counties; (b) The cities; (c) The outlying counties such as Timiskaming, Muskoka, Sudbury and Thunder l3ay. • In the border counties the 2 ollow- ing figures show the disproportionate number of municipalities still "wet" in 1916. Since 402 out of 859 muni- cipalities in Ontario as a whole were "dry", the average in percentage was about 46%. In Essex eounty, six townships out of 15 were "dry"; the two villlages were "wet"; three towns out of seven were "dry"; the one city was "wet". Total "dry", nine muni- cipalities out of 25, a percentage of 36%, 10% below provincial average. In Haldimand county only three municipalities out of 15 were "dry", a percentage of 20%, 26% "wetter" than provincial average. In Welland County three out of it tital of 16 municipalities were "dry", a percentage of 19%, 27% "wetter" than the provincial average. In the northern and outlying coun- ties local option had not yet got well established. Sudbury had only two "dry" areas out. of 23. NipissIng had one "dry" municipality out of 17. Kenora had none at all. Tjmiskaming had 3 out of 26. Huron, Peel and Manitoulin were the dryest parts of the province, be- ing blanketed even then with the Canada Temperance act, which had come into effect in 1915. The, rural counties of Ontario, especially in the south and western portion ef the pro- vince, were already exijoying a large measure of local restriction. Lambton, for exainple, though just north of a "border" county, was un- der local option in every one of its townehips, in three out of eight of its villages and in Forest and Petrol - 10, its two towns, Grey County a Record In Grey county, 12 out of its 16 townships had local option, three vil- lages out of six, and the following towns; Durham, Meaford, Owen Sound and Thorbury. The only Grey county town not under local option was Hanover. In Sinecoe county, 10 out of 16 townships, four out of six villages, and the following towns, were under local option: Alliston, Collingwood, Midland, Orillia, Stayner. Simeoe's towns still wet were Berrie and Pena. tanguishene. These counties sustained their 'dry' reputation even in the suapris- ing 1024 plebiscite. Glengarry, however, which enjoyed emplete local option in 1916, went overnment control in 104. Will Glengarry be deprived of liquor pH - lieges in the event of a new legisla- ion? Sault Ste. Marie as a town in 1916 was enjoying local option, but shortly afterwards it became a city an4 ex- pressed its urtanity in 1921 by giv- ing a large majority for government ((metro]. A.pparently from Peemier Hon. W. F. Nickle, Kingston, who has #e signed the portfolio of att >rive e general in the Ontario Cabinet. / g v TEST Stout Young Lady: "Thanks. It was kind of you to give nee a lift up the hill." Motorist: "Oh, that's all r:ght, T wanted to tee if my eat would maks it with you on board," SETTLERS FOR CANADA Speaking at Winnipeg on the ques- tion of immigration, Hon. Robert Forke, the new minister of immigra- tion, declared that the need of Can- ada was new settlers, and that it did not matter where they ea -me from, provided they were sound of mind and body and were willing to work. Commentitg on the statement of the new minister, The Montreal Gazette says: "This is a correct idea, though it may shock some people. For years there have been persons in Canada who have assumed that only those who could pass severe physical, men- tal and moral tests could safely be admitted to share in the development of the country. Their persistent as- sertions, in Parliament and elsewhere have at times resulted in the imposi- tion of restrictions that cold keep clean and healthy newcomers out of the country. It is to be presumed that such people's views Will have lit- tle influence during Mr. Forke's con- tinuance in office. Canada, both East and West, owes its growth to the work of such men and women as Mr. Foeke describes, people of little wealth, but with physical • strength and will to use it persistently, wait- ing the passing of the seasons for their rewards. Ontario, Which in its western counties has as rich 'a farm- ing country as is to be found in North America, was developed within O hundred years by immigrancs—En- glish, Scotch, Irish, German, Dutch. Some failed, but many succeeded. Its story is the story of other prov- inces in the same regard. The farm wealth, now measured in billions, has all been created out of the wilder- ness, by hard work. There is yet, wilderness to be farmed and made to produce wealth. It matters little as to where the workers come from, provided they have the qualifications set out, soundness of body end mind, and willingness to work." There is a good deal of rruth in the view of the new minister. If the country is to be settled and develop- ed it can be done only by settlers willing and able to work. It has be- come evident that the stream of Bri- tish and other English-speaking peo- ples is too small for this task. desir- able as this class is. There should be strict examination in regard to health, morals, and the capacity to get on in the Dominion, but where - ever promising settlers are found, they should be encouraged to come. It is the business of Canadian relig- ious and educational 'agendas to as- similiate them to the ideals of this country. RANDOM RAMBLINGS If you were proffered the, gift of $50,000 in $1 bills on condition that you carried it on your baek for a mile, you probably would make the attempt, Would you succeed though? It would weigh 150 lbs. The Bulgarian Society of Sofia, or- ganized three years ago, reports 570 members, an inspector, the gnome, - 'tient favorably disposed, "131ack Beauty" translated and 1,924 copies distlibuted. The fact that the Ederle family has bought an $18,000 home, and moved into a more pretentious neigh- borhood would seem to indicate that the entire household wanted to Ise he the swim. One of the keenest observers of certain traffic signs is the youngster on his Vey to school; "School—Go Slow." LUBRICATING THE GENERATOR 4. generator frequently requires a drop of light oil at each and ot the armature shaft. ,Care must be exer- cised not to overlubricate the shaft tie oil may work its way through and cause the generator windings to be- ; come short-circuited. The oil leads I to the shaft -bearing caps, which au- i tornaticelly close to prevent dirt from entering and lodging on the main bearings of the armtature shaft, so it is best to not Jolla these are in working order. • Convention in London Action on the proposed grocers' combine for the purpose of stabiliz- ing prices which were condemned by a prominent legal light some thee ago, is again being engineered, AC - C2 ,iing to a dispatini from the Tor- onto, headquarters of the Canadian Pair Trade League, which ombraci,s O large number of wholesale ar.ci re- tail grocery firms. It is expected that a delegation from the organization will be named to inerview Premier King op the sub- ject, in order to obtain the exact status which such an arrangement would have in he eyes of Canadian law, and to make an appeal for sup- port in the establishing of a policy of stabilized prices in all goods handled by the grocers. It is the contention of the leaders in the movement that the bringing about of such a condition would be beneficial both to the dealer and to the consumer, who has organized a great pool for the disposal of his grain and organized labor, which has established gigantic unions in order to procure a standardized wage for its workers. McGregor Report. The McGregor report issued at the regular meeting of the Toronto poli- cy committee last week, says in part: "It is necessary to point out to the Government at Ottawa the import - mice of the retailers and wnolesalers to the community, and the necessity of some policy which will either pro- tect these dealers or allow them to protect themselves. This office is an- xious to know whether you approve of the appointment of a federal in- land trade commission. "If you favor the idea of sending a delegation from all over Canada to interview the premier and his Cabinet on this issue, please communicate with the secretary of the retail mer- chants of your province or to the above address." At the annual convention of the Ontario- Retail Grocers' Association, to be held in this city the middle of next month, it is expected that the question as it affects the dealers of the district will be discussed and ac- tion taken. 1926 Christmas Seals The 1926 Christmas Seals, in aid of the Muskoka and Toronto Hospitals for Consunmtives, have lust been is- sued. These handsomeseals'of dif- ferent designs, are put up in assorted packets of 10, 25, 60 and 100. The National Sanitarium Associa- tion is in need of funds to carry on the work of its hospitals in Muskoka and at Weston. Every dollar received through the sale of Christmas seals la ussd for maintenance of patients here, , Why not buy these seals in lieu of others? Net only will you get good value in return, but your money will be made to serve a greater end, tor It will go to help someone in distress. Look for the double -barred Red Cross on every packet. None others are genuine. Por, 20.1e by school children and banks, or direct, from Xmas Seal De- ps,rtment, Gage Institute, Toronto 2, Ontario. If You Produce Good Cream and want the best results under the new Grading System, ship your Cream to THE PALM CREAMERY, Our Creamery will be operated 24 hours a day in the hot weather, and your Cream will be In our Creamery and Graded 15 minutes after arrival in Palmerston, Thus assuring the farmer who produces good Cream the best possible Grade and Price, We loan our Patrons cans and pay cash for each can of Cream received. You can ship on any train any day and be assured of prompt delivery and pay, Send us a Niel ,can to -day, The Palm Creamery Co. - Palmerston, Ont. sene's The Car Owner's Scrap -Book (By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) SURE TEST FOR CLUTCH AIR PRESSURE OF TIRES Motorists whose cars are equipped with high-pressure tires, but who 'try to achieve the easy riding effects of balloons by underIlating the tyres, are doing so at a terrible cost in mileage. Only tires made especially for under- inflation can he used in this manna' without injury. FOR TUBES AND RIMS It is much easier to fit an inner tube by the use of the flake graphite than it is with soapstone. Graphite lasts longer than soapstone, and has no chemical effect on the rubber. It is also useful for treating rims as a rust preventitive. The applicatiox of a thick coat of quick -drying varn- ish to which graphite has been added until it is about the thickness of cream helps protect and conserve the rims. A slipping clutch can he diagnosed by placing the gears in low ant let- ting in the clutch pedal while the brakes are locked. If the engine does not stall, the clutch is obviously slipping. SPARK TOO FAR ADVANCED Never drive a car with the spark too far advanced, particularly if this causes a slight pounding' noise in the engbne. This practiceplaces ere strain on bearings, crankshaft, connecting rods and wrist pins. FRESH TAR RUINS TIRES A freshly tarred road is no plitce for a cord tire with a loom tread. In rolling over the surface the tar will cause the tread to stick to the road rather than to the carcass of the tire, hastening its disintegration. • STOPS CUTTING IN To prevent other drivers from con- tinually cutting in, drive close enough to the car ahead so that there is no room for the man behind ro cut in after he passes. In order to get by he will have to pass at least two cars at once. That will tend to discourage him in this annoying practice. Drive quietly along while he argues the matter out with the next driver he meets. KEEP OIL STRAINER CLEAN Clean the fine copper gauge strain- er in the crankcase. If the wild par- ticles are not removed from the strainer its meshes may be stopper] up so completely that the oil itself cannot be pumped through and lubri- cation will cease with disastrous re- sults. The oil gauge usually warns of, this condition by showing reduced Ior no pressure. Use a brush and gasoline to clean the strainer and Icare should be taken not to break the !fine gauge, as this will spoil it. In I putting back the strainer be sure it 1 is properly in • place, with no possi- • bility- of an oil leak, and i nreplacing the oil pan take care that its gasket is not damaged and that it fite on- ( tight. VALVE PUSH RODS One of the' most annoying clicking or knocking sounds under the hood is that caused by a valve tappet be- ing out of adjustment. It givee peculiar metallic click which some- times will make one think the engine is coming apart, especially where there are two or three of them out of adjustment. It is caused by too great an opening between the tappet and valve stem, The propee distance is the thickness of a common post- card. A mechanic will call the dis- tance ,004 to .006 of an inch. The card should just slip between them when the valve is closed and the tap- pet is free from the cam. The ad- justment is so easy that ther is no excuse for neglecting it, being mere- ly a nut, which can be turned by a small wrench. Care should be taken that there is this much of a gap be- tween the two parts, otherwise there is danger of a valve being kept part- ly open, with consequent loss of power. Tires having dark colored treads wear longest. A dirty windshield will always cause headlights to glare. Lending a Hand to Mother Nature IMERNINFAIIIMMUmmu,..m39 IM!,04,r 1.96.1=1311.45V14.11111.191:21.1=1.11=2-291011.2.SUM136116 2. Stripping the mail (',.0 -throat Trout. 2. Over 2000 potential eut.throate. Measurina the eggs into the open mesh briskets In the float- ing pontoon hatchery units. Unfortunately Mother Nature made no provision for the growing army of Isaalt Waltons in her scheme of things. Man supplernente nature in re -stocking the trout streams of the Canadian Pacific Rockies, through the agency of the Department of Marine and. Fisheries, which conducts artificial Cut-throat spawning and hatching operation in the Rockies each spring. Authorities have estimated that only about throe percent of all Cut-throat trotat, eggs naturally enawned, hatch. The reason giveri IS the desire of fish spawning at other times to feed on thd riewly laid eggs with the result that the male Gen- tili-eat, after driving offhe ,enemies 4i., fertilizeg the eggs too late henethey have absorbed 00 much ater,ithat they cannot abeoth the fertilizing limo. From 87 to 90 percent of eggs artifficially spawned at 13anff and Spray Lakes. hatch wider artificial methods. This isi how it ie done: Towards the end of March ilea before spawning time the trout are caught in nett, stripped, and re- turned to the streams, while the eggs from the female and fertilizing field from the male Cut-throat are miZed. In ten weeks the young fry is ready for its new from° in the trout stream where it reaches the length of (ler eight inches in about fear years. the anneal spring harvest of Cut-throatkggs at Spray Lakes— each female giving from 800 to 1,800 eggs—is alepat three-quarters of a million. Al present 524,824 Lock Leven trout eggs, 172,9178 Lake Superior Union Trent, 515,906 Pain - bow, and 5,600,000 Pickerel eggs are hatching in the Banff Hatchery, /The hatch for 1926 will also include one million Cut-throat eggs imported from Wisconsin and HOMO from Spray Lakes, making a total of over' eight and a tqtlf million eggs hatched in the Canadian Pacific Rockies to provide sport for anglers. The outstanding example of the good results accruing from this work • begun in 1914, is the growing annual each of Lake Superior e•Sairnon Trout at Lake Minnewanka, about nine miles from the C.P.R. Banff Springs Hotel, while Spray Lakes, an easheldirig trip from the' HOtelas still he the Rockies, where fislein le AO the favorite Cut-throat flailing area goddess ever in spite of the g owing: nutains' of anglers.