HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-27, Page 8WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27,
Snap Sh t Albums
You Should Buy an
Albura for Your
Summer Snap Shots
Pictures nicely displayed and
tilted on the page of aa album
gain much in interest as time
goes by.
We have some wonderful val-
ues in albums just now, com-
meneing at 35c and up.
Now is a- good time to nava some extra prints made from you'
best negatives of pictores taken during the Summer.
Films Developed and Printed
The English preparation that
clears the throat and voice
25c Pkgs.
10c and 25e
Another Bargain
1 Gillette Razor
1-35c Pkg. Rexall Shaving
1-50c Pkg. Gillette Blades
All 3 for 89c
this week
Crepe Paper
All the popular shades. Noth-
ing better for decorations for
parties, making fancy costames,
Folds 20c
Rolls 15.
Milk of Magnesia
Tooth Paste
Corrects Acid Mouth
Cleans and Whitens the
25c and 50c. pkgs.
Store Dritegist and Stationer
Local News Items
Half Holidays Over,
This Thur -day afIernoon wit! mil
the half -holidays for the year 1026.
Most of the half -days this Se:1600
were fine ones.
D. D. G. M. Paid Visit.
D. D. G. M. Won Bro. Linkletee,
of Teeswater, paid his offidiel visit to
St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. Al. last
Tuesday evening.
A Busy Week.
Auctioneer D. M. Scott had stik s
Thuredity, Friday and Saturday or
last week and every day this we, k,
and more ler next week.
Council Meets Monday.
The regular. monthly Council meet-
ing. of Brussels Council will be held
on Monday evening in the Couneil
Care Adjourned a Week.
•Goderich Signal :—Two young fel-
lows from Detroit were before the
magistrate on Wednesday, charged
with stealing two auto tires nod Ivo
rims in ,Grey township. The case
was adjourned fur a week.
Masquerade Dance.
A. Masquerade Dance will be h' 11
in the Town Hall next Monday 3,V3,11-
ing. Prizes are being awarded for
best costume for lady and eons
Town's i5 -pi t. orcheetra will simple
the music.
A Drawing Card.
The four big. windows in Th.. Post
mechanical department has been well
looked over the pest tv:o wedke, with
all the auetion sale bills Ming up.
Many a Ammer was looking for a
Bazaar on Saturday.
We draw the attention of oue
dents to the Bazaar in the T ivea Hall
on Saturday of this week melee the
auspices of the ladies or Melville.
Church. The Bazaar opens at 1.30
o'clock and nothing will be sold be-
fore that hour. Afternoon tea will
be served,
The Provincial Election,
The Revising Officets will hold
sittings in the different municipali-
ties of the county on or about the
Ilth, 121±. and 13th of November, to
hear appeals.and complete iit. '
lists of. 1920, whether as printed or
already revised by the judge will be
used. All qualified voters ehould ex-
amine these lists and if their names
are not on either Part 1. or Part Ilf,
thereof, an appeal in duplicate, to be
added, should be made to tee clerk
of the municipality. ]Vor time to
this see large posters.
Thanksgiving Day and Armistice.
Thanksgiving and Armistice Day
will be observed on Monday, Nov. 8.
A recent statute fixes this joint etde
bration, but a -special observance has
been requested for the actual day of
armistice. Hon, J. .A. Robb, Acting
Prime Minister, states that in accor-
dance with the ararngeraents fer Ar-
erdstice Day, sanctioned by His
0513' the the Xing, the peeple of Canada
are invited to mark the occasion by
two minutes of silence at eleven
'clock 'Thursday morning, NoVetriber
11, This Yequest will be observed by
ell'thoughtful and appreciative peo-
ple in'honor of the great event cont.
mentotated and in reetnory of the
WM' hertiee Of oar cettntry.
Card of Thanks.
Airs. Wm. alchielv. y and family
wish to thank all kind .friaide mid
neighbors for their deep eyeteeth:7 in
the loes of a loving son and beother.
Ribs Broken.
Samuel Parr find the tnistortune
to have a (meld° of ribs broken when
a horse at Dr. Jas. Andersee'e faun
soweized hini against the eel. of the
• stable.
Fire Brigade Went to Wroxeter.
Last Friday evening the Fire airi-
leeieived a call for help from
Wroxeter and the ehemleal engine
was taken over in a trivia several
car loads of citizens also going over
to help.
Beautiful Rainbow.
; Friday afternoon about 4 o'cloek,
a beautiful rainbow was to be eeen
• over the town. Many weather people-
; eie had Hair say—but we have our
doubts as to their correctnees. We
hope to see a fine fall yet.
Meeting of W. C. T. I.J.
The reeulae meeting of the W. C.
T. U. will be held in the 'United
church on Friday afternoon of this
week, emieinmcing at 3 o'elock.
. Speeial program will be provided 1411 1
report of the Provineial convention
held in Hamilton a vently will be gir-
1 en. The McBee of the W. M. 8. of
I the various church«, are epeilally 113
\died. Refreshments will ire served
and a colbation taken in eel of the
Funeral Last Wednesday.
The funeral of the late Albert Me -
Keleey teas held from the home of
his mother, Princess Strett; last
Wednesday afternoon. The services
at the house and graveside were con-
ducted hy Rev. F. G. Fowler, piaitor
of Melville Church. The pallbearers
were: W. Gillespi.•, Water, W.
Bell, W. Armstrong, R. Shedden and
W, Sharpe. Interment was made ill
1310 family plot. Brussels ceinctery.-
Among the relatives and rebel Is from
a distance were ee-W. L. and Mrs Mc.
Kelvey and son, Montreal Mr. Ji.
Cutt and Arise Chrietinit Cult, Goder•
ich; Robe MeDanald and Mies Moe.
enee Eekmier, of Stratford; Jas. and
Mrs. Cutt, Thos. and AT.rs, Taylor,
and Harry and Mrs. Coombs of Blyth.
Minor Locals.
Last Wednesday saw more •_-now.
The Eleetion is all the talk now,
Sunday le the last day of October.
Council meeting on Monday even-
• Neyt Monday is the let of Novem-
Nov. 8th—Thanksgiving and Arm-
istice Day.
Bazaar in Town Hall on S'aturdaer
of this week,
This Thureilay ends the half -holi-
days for 1926.
Plant your bulhe now. They'll
give you flowers and pleasure in the
What Canada appears to need
most is a law prohibiting collisione
on level crossings.
Cheer up! Those are the ilnys
when a man can get a chance to be
shot in Mistake for a deer.
Are you going to have an auction
sale? If so, it will be to your pal -
vantage to advertise in The Poet.
We also print sale bills.
Brussels Diluted Church
Sunday, Oct. 13st
11. ant—Public Worship.
"The Soul's Adventure"
3 p,m.—Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
7 p.m,—Public Worship.
"Laurels for the Living"
Wednesday — Prayer Service
Friday—Cholr rehearsal.
Sunday & Monday, Nov. 21 & 22
Rev. Dr. E. B. Laneeley,
11 PIGS -6 Weeks Old For Sale.
Apply to Wm. Eckmier, Phone
50 NEW Apple Barrels For Sale.
Price right. Nesbit Hamilton,
Phone 45x Brussels.
NUMBER of Green Anchor Posts for
sale. Apply to Percy Tyarman,
Phone 3817 Lot 9, Con. 4, Grey.
30 BARRED Rock Pullets for sale.
Phone 1723 Clarence Maittin.
15 GOOD Barred Rock Pullets For
sale. Cecil Wheeler, Phone 15-18.
TWO Choice Shorthorn Bulls, Ten
months old, for sale. Roy Bennett,
Phone 82-4 Walton, Ont.
FOR SALE.—About 1800 feet of
Hemlock lumber front 840, and 12
feet long, including plank, scant-
ling and lumber. Alex. Russell,
Phone 56-19 Graham's Survey.
FOR SALE.—Choice Shropshire and
Oxford rams. Wm. Henry, Bel -
PREPARED To Do Sewing.
Mrs. Robt. Farrow, Elizabeth St.
FOR SALE. -17 Head of Steers, 1
and 2 years old; Polled -Angus and
Durham breed also. 1 4 -inch brass
pump cylinder. Baxter Steveneon,
Lot 13, Con. 13, Grey. Phone
STOVE And Pipes For Sale. Apply
at Fred Hunter's.
Comfortable frame house in good
repair, good cellar, hard and soft
water. For further particulare ap-
ply to George McMillan, Fishleigh
St., Brussels,
HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply
to Miss Hingston.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for sale at a
bargain. Apply to W. 161. Sinclair.
North i-iuron rarmers.
- The United Farmers of North Hur-
on will hold a nominating convention
in the Town Hid!, Wingham, nit Tu.
clay afternoon, Nov. 2nd, at 2 pet.
to decide on plaving a candidate in
the field in the coming Provincial
Election. A large attendance of the
electors, (especially the Temperance
workers, is requested.
Wm. Ilutherfc,rd, R. J. Cureic,
President. Sem-Melee
Geed Workers.
'rho roof of Geo. Hanley'e cottage,
weieh was damaged by the storm of
August, has been replaced with a new
roof of Brantford asphalt shingles,
A good job was done In record time
by his son and one of his workmen.
Tho old shingles were removed, 50100
tle- old sheeting: taken oft end re-
placed with new, and nearly nine
squaree of shingles laid from six min.
to six p.m.
Revising Voters' Lists.
By an •iuivertisement on png.i 4,
the list of dates of sittings of the
Revising officers for North and South
Huron Deity be read. Applications
either to go on or to strike names
from the list must be •filed with the
Revieing Officer's clerk two full days
before the date set for hearing ap-
peals. •The -e appeals may be made
in person; or by representative with
personal knowledge of the applisant,
for whom he will be obliged to make
affidavit - Any application that thould
not be made within the statutor y
time of two days may be made per-
sonally to the revising offic.er, who, ir
no objection is offered on nmount of
the appeal not being made 'within the
specified time, may, at his diecretion
allow the appeal.
Huroll-Bruce Lodge Eotertains.
Toronto Telegrami-drifty 111:111 -
hors of •the Craft, who are new rest -
dente of the City of Toronto, but
who ttre natives of the Countiee uf
Huron and Bruce, were the guests a
Huron -Bruce Masonic Lodge, No. 611
G.R.C., at it recent meeting in the
Yonge Street Masonic Temple Mon-
day night. Bro. D. M. Johnston pre -
stinted the lodge with an altar vilely.
embroidered in gold. . Following 'the
work in the lodge room the brethren
were entertained- by Bro, Frank Old
field and II, Pearson, The tout to
the County of Huron was proposed
by Bro. Jas. Gilchrist and responded
to by W. 13ro. 11. 11. Harris, of Wrox-
eter *Lodge. that to Brue.e was pro-
posed her W. Bro, W H.Stiathere
and responded to by W. Bro. W. El,
Jackson, of Cedar Lodge, Wiarton
Bro. James Fisher responded on be
half of the visitors generally. W
Bro. Wen, Proudfoet presided.,
Telephone at Hotel.
James Fox has had a telephoneput
in their apartment at the American
Hotel, The number is 105x.
Enjoyable Evening.
Last Thursday evening a merry
throng gathered at the Town Hall
and spent an enjoyable evening play-
ing euchre at the Bowler's Party.
Lunch was served by the Club.
Honored For Fine Service,
Mrs. (Dr.] Moore of Listowel, and
a former 13rueselite. and Airs. (Dr.)
Nichol were presented with silver bud
litesS for their untiring work in the
i.nt Bazaar for the Listowel Hos-
iA Number Were at Seaforth.
A number of Brusselitee were at.
Seaforeth last Sunday evening at the
Presbylerian church to hear the solos
of James Scott, who is leaving lor
Disposed of His Property.
The Blyth Standard makes refer-
ence to a former citizen—W. R. Phi-
llips has disposed of his property on
Queen Street, including the reside.nce
find lots to the rear, but exclude the
blacksmith shop and the lots to the
north of it. The purchaser as Mr.
Robt. Nesbitt, of Morris, who will
take possession the first of April
Checker Club Busy.
The "boys" who take pleasure in
saying, '`It's your move,' and then
proceed to shove the black and white
checkers across the square board, are
finding wholesome amusement
in the club they have formed. On
Monday night six games of checkers
and one of chess were in operation,
and there were not enough Ooards for
the players who wanted to show their
skill. That there are some clever
checker men in this community was
shown in the ,night's play. Very soon
the Club hopes to hold a checker
Dental Examination.
Dental Health Day, as promoted by
the Ontario Dept of Health, Was ob-
served in 13russels last yeeee, by the
two local .dentists giving addresses
in High and Public Schools. Start-
ling revelations were discloeed in an
inspection of 71 pupils of the Public
School who presented themeelves at
Dr. Ramage's office for an examina-
tion, for he states that only four out
of this number had teeth free from
dental disease. The addresses deliv-
ered will doubtles result in better at-
tention to this part of the body which
has eo much to do with good health.
Re Halioweien
ALL parties are hereby givdn not-
ice that all damages to articles
or property will have to be paid
for by those doing the damage.
Means have been provided to ascer-
tain the names of all nettle( taking
part in such disturbances.
Parents are, asked to control and
be responsible for the actions of those
under age.
By order of,
The Council of the
Village of Brussels.
Was Very Strong.
Sam Curter stepped out of hie rio
the other day, gave the door a gentle
push, and half the plate glass broke.
Special Council Meeting.
A special council meeting was held
on Tuesday evening and severe action
will be taken for Hallowe'ea if the
ea)11.. performance as last year is re-
peated. An advertisement elsewhere
gives warning..
Brother Married.
A quiet wedding took place at the
McKillop manseon Saturday after-
noon at 4 o'clock, when 'Miss Prances
Gertrude McClure, daughter of Jno.
and Mrs. McClure, of MeKillop, be-
came the bride of . Garnet John Tay-
lor, eon of Win. and Mrs. -Taylor, of
Varna. Rev. J. A., Ferguson perform-
ed the ceremony. The bridesmaid
was Miss Bertha Grieve, of Seafortn,
and the groomsman was Roy Dawson
of Varna, Thehappy couple left on
a, motor trip and upon their return
will reside on their farm smith of
Bayyeld.—The groom is a brother of
Mies Taylor, Principal of Brussels
Continuation. School. '
Died in Hamilton.
Alexander Sydenham Wardell, a
well-known reitident of Hamilton, died
on Saturday night in St. Joseph'n
Hospital. Mr. Wardell was born in
Dundas and was the youngest sun of
the late Alexander R. and .Isabella
Atkins Wardell of. Bunches. He is
survived by two brothers, Dr. H. A.
Wardell of 'Hamilton, and Lindsay
A. of Toronto, and one sister, Mrs.
L M. Quinc of Brooklyn, N. Y. in-
terment was made at St. Augustine
Cemetery, Dundas.—A brother of the
deceased, Dr. 147-A. Wardell, used tie
catch for -the Brussels Clippees malty
long years ago.
Safety League Contest,
The Ontario Safety Leave, with
the assistance of members and con-
tributors from all over °Marie has
subscribed to a special fund of .$3a0
for cash prizes to be awarded in a
school children's drawing eentwt.,
he held M all schools M the province,
The competition will hein twe clas-
ses, one for the children of 12 and
under and the other for thfideen of
18 to 16 inclusive. The drawinge
submitted must deal with one of tho
following subjects: Accident% n MS,
aceident prevention or fire prevention.
The prizes will be First, 620; see-
ond $10; third, fourth and fifth, $5;
six to tenth $2 each and eleventh to
115, $1 each. The eontest will (dose
November 27.
-SANDWICHES made of bread and
butter and honey are uneartmesed
for lunch at school, We propose
sometime giving prizes for the best
sandwiches made with our honey, so
now is a good time to practice mak-
ing them. What could be better?
Bread -e -from the best grain in the
world; butter—the best fat in the
world, and honey—the best sweet in
tho world.
- Better, better every clay,
Better, better every way
Are sandwiches of honey.
Jim Ross and Will McCracken
our honey.
G.A. Deadman
Church Notes
Melville Church
Last Sabbath during the absence
of the pastor, who was conducting
anniversary services at Molesworth,
the morning service in Melville
Church was conducted by Rev. Mr.
Mercier, of Molesworth, who spoke
on "The Influence of Grace in the
making of men," taking his text
from 1 Cor. 15:10, "By the Grace of
God I am what 1 am." The rulers of
Russia, such as Lenin, claim. that
Christianity makes weak men, but this
is disproved by history. Paul's great-
ness Was due to the grace. of God in
his heart, which enabled him to per-
sist, though mobbed time and again.
Pater, though he denied his Lord, re-
pented and became the fearless peen -
dm of Christ. The Christian, too,
often makes the mistake of not being
persistent in well doing and misses
the opportunities that are open to
him. At the evening service Rev. Mr.
McDonald, a returned misisonary
from India, showed views of India
illustrating the work being done by
the Presbyterian missionaries there,
and showed the great transformatitm
that is taking place in the lives of
the people since the intreduction of
Christianity to them. This Was Mr.
McDonitld's second visit to Melville
church and his views and talk were
much appreciated.
United Church
Last Monday evening thrice inter-
ested, met and reorganized the Young
People's Society for the coming win-
ter. At the urgent request of rhe
retiring executive there was utmost
O complete turnover in the pereencl
of the group elected, as will best
by the following: President, Bertram
Hemingway; First, Vice-preeident, de-
partment of Cheistian Endeavor or
Consecration, Miss May Armstrong;
Second, Misisonary, Miss Lunt Paw -
tor ; Third, Citizenship, George
Pearce.; Fourth, Literary and Recre-
ational, Miss Doris McDoneld; Sec-
retary, Miss Velma Lowry; Treasur-
er, Miss Margaret Strachan; Mantel.,
Miss Helen Baker, with Mies Mar-
garet Downing as her assistant. Com-
mittees weee also chosen for the four
departments just mentioned, with
their respective vice-preeideres ns
conveners. The executive ararnged
to met Saturday night to map out its
program. This election meeting was
ably conducted by. Rev. Me. Barker
WU 1 was characterazed by a spirit, of
vigorous purpose and co-operation.
The first regular Young People's her -
vice will be held next Tuesdny own-
ing, Nov. 2nd, and will take the toren
of "a musical evening," Th•Irc..
also be suitable games. All friends
ars cordially invited.
Other Church Notes
Rev.. C. S. Jones, formerly of Bel -
grave Presbyterian Church, was re-
cently received into the Preebyter-
Ian Church from the United Church,
and has been called and settled at
Campbellville in the Guelph Presby -
Rev. A. C. Wishart, a former pas-
tor of Melville Church, Bruesele, Watt
inducted, August 11, into zhargo of
St. Andrew's Church; McLeod. Pros-
pects in that town are 111051 favor
able. Mr. Wishart will also have
supervision, for the winter, of a large
dietrict adjacent to McLeod, in which
are many Presbyterians who look to
our church for religious snices.
Carrick Council inet on Monday ev-
ening, to pass provisionally the W8I0I Risme By•Law, All other
municipalities interested In this
scheme are taking proceedings along
this line.
Guests in the Qneen's Hotel, Kin-
cardine, hacl an early awakening, en
Saturday morning, when at about.
4.30 o'clock, an outbreak of fire was
discovered in the basement. The
town flee siren was immediately put
in operation, and its piercing blasts.
brought elm volunteer fire departmet t
to the scene in record time. Smoke
from the basement, filled the lower
stotlee of the structeme, and was suf-
ficently dense to necessitate the nee
of respleateme by the fivernau, In get-
ting out the blaze,
Car stealing Is in the fashion, at
Stratford, at present.
The Atwood Auxiliary of the Mem.
oriel Besotted, Listowel, delivered to
the hospital, on Saturday, 107 gems of
8301141 A. Rowland, Grand Master of
the Masons of Ontario, paid an official
visit to Twine Lodge, Mitchell, last
Friday evening,
An catty blaze of unknown origin
razed the been of Ntessan Switzer, 11
miles Bast of Kirkton, The larger
bank barn and its contents nee a tot-
al loss, the damage amounting to be-
tween 65,000 aiel 101,000, a portion of
whieh is covered by ineneance in the
Blanchard Insurance FhnI.'
This Equipment
Is at Your Disposal
ryinE Standard Bank is equipped
1 to make collections locally or
through its agents in every town
and city in Canada. This service
should be of value to you. The
Collection Department of The
Standard Bank offers you the as -
sistance of a highly developed or -
ganization that is specialized to a
in this important
fine degree most
branch of business practice.
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager
IPersonal Paragraphs 1
Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Lundy, Kippen,
spent Sunday in town.
+ +
Mrs. Jas. Fox has gone to visit her
daughter, Mrs. McDermott,
-Miss Nora Langford, Kitchener,
was a visitor with Miss Mary ROSS
last week.
Archie Stewart, of Fergus, was the
guest of his uncle and aunt, N. Ir.
and Mrs. Gerry.
Miss Lucille Clarke, of Hamilton,
is a visite): with her genadparents, W.
M. and Mrs. Sin.clair.
• +
Miss Letty Howe, of the Parsonage,
is spending a couple of weeks at her
borne in Wallaceburg.
+ + +
Harry and Mrs. McArter, Jim, Dor
ie and Donald, of Burford, spent the
week end with friends in town.
+ + +
Mrs. H. McKinnon left on Saturday
to visit with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)
R. S. Robertson, at Collingwood.
Messrs. McIntyre & Cudinore, local
Ford agents, were in London lust
Thursday attending a. Ford agents'
as a.
Reeve A. C. Backer was away last
week with the Co. Good Road, Com-
mission inspecting the work in the
Cc trete-.
+ +
G„ E. and Mrs. Ferguson and chil-
dren, of Toronto, were callers on 1
L. rind Mrs. Kerr on Saturday. The
italics are sisters,
ep +
alrs. 3. S. Henderson and Miss El-
eanor left last Thursday for their
new home in Seaforth. We wish the
family success- in their new home.
• + +
Robt. McDonald, of Stratford, and
a former resident of Craelirook, was
'twee last Wednesday attending the
funeml of the late Albert MeXtdvey.
(1. J. Gilpin and Mrs: Crich r
m. eturn-
ed on Tueeday frotheir two weeks'
visit at Detroit Dr, Fred Gilpin
motored them home and returned
after dinner to Detroit.
J. E. Johnston, of Clinton, W3134 ill
BrUSSOIS on Saturday. He has prom-
ised to eome back some day when
the Checker Club gets going and
show theni a few moves.
+ +
Mrs. F. M. Grant and three chil-
dren, George, Margaret and Cottelle,
of Toronto; W. L. and Mrs, Young
and George -Colvin, jr., and eon, Mar-
tin, of Stratford, spent the week end
with Georige 11)101 MIS. ,
sels south,
The asvards in the standieg field
crop competition for corn, condnoted
iy llo 511101 ford Agricultural Soc-
iety, have been reeeiyed by the secre-
tary, Joints Stewart. The waids
(035 106 f 0110We : Peter 8. Arbogast,
Fel 1 ea. to Tr , 02 ; W. W. Bulbul tyne &
Son, Downie. 911 101 k Bell,
Downie, 88 ; Gourley Bell, Dowide,
80 ieliehisel Batten yne, Downie, 83 ;
Arbogast 13ros., Sobringville, 80 ;
Bert Matheson, Downie, 77, .Tatnes
Pullin, of Woodstork, was the judge.
George McCullough, of Motheewell,
while cutting weeds with the mower,
had one of his fingers almost cnt
Every effort is being made to save the
almost severed member.
W. 0. and Mrs, Orr, Stratford, an-
nounce the marriage of their
daughter, Wilma, to Leon J, Long,.
which took place at the rectory of St,.
Joseph's Church, on Tuesday morn-
ing, of last week, at 10 o'clock, with
Rev. T. J, McCarthy, of Sarnia, form-
erly of Stratford, officiating.
Invitations have been received in
Listowelfor the wedding of Edwin
Elgin Hay, son of the late J. N. and
Mrs. M. Hay, Listowel, who is to be
Married to Miss Dorothy Blanche Jen-
nnison, of Chicago. The marriege
will take place in the Church 01 (110
Redeemer, Chicago, on Saturday,
Oct. 30th.
$ Dr. and Myth L. H.rEckert, of Sell-
ringvIlle, received word that their son,
Edward Eckert. aged 31 years, a field
inspector of the Department of Ag-
riculture, was killed when the ear in
which he was riding with Dr. Honor -
ions Aubrey, also of the Depart men t,
was strucbc by the C. P. R. Toronto -
Mon treal flier, at 81 Emmanuel, Que,
about 31 Milef3 from Montreal, last
week Fli,c companion was else in-
stantly killed,
05(0301 —1,, Morrie Two, on Von:lay, (let.
20113, Ma. Sarni, allisaheth belevot
wife of James Nichol, in her 4011 year
XING —In Turitherry, on 071: ,
Sopitta Rasiclns, wife of Stephen I, King.
aged 07 years.
Nothing bat uttunnri OA AR W7 jou ro
bonging for a smile and a fare that e guns.
SADLY snesen W1533 AND DAV01l3'1311.
motiet.Lum.-te eyor lovinu memory ot
of Florence Mny 3,1ee:R.11nm, alto paeoed
away ono year ago, Oct. 511h, Ilia
One, precious to our hearts I.: cone,
The voire we lovod 1' o111l.
The plane made %meant in our 1101,0
(V)) Dcw, 01005 11041)35
She 311931 so young, a shook severs,
To part with one we hwt,r3 dear.
Our 1040 14 great. Wu feel ihu bloW.
Ent truat, in God to Meet nuKil ,
SADLY' NIES RD 134 1310Tu 1113, 111301360100
Auction sae.
Tiotittmov, :iitiot.—Anction sale of
household effects, Fool ear, ele. at Oranbrook,
t 1 o'olock, A. V, Foerster, ProP. D. M.
.'c'134itb.liittit, 88—Sanm Stook and 1M-
3 laments, 03 1,01 18, eon. 0, Elowlek. T,33
Jacklla, Proprietor ; G. W. Walker, Aue.
r Oov 21ten —Sigh grade cattle and
hogs, at 1.9/ 10,00n. 3, Morrta. Sale unreserv.
pd, op 1 o'olock. 0.0. Turvey.,. Prop. ; D. Di.
l'Ustin Y.INov, 3115 — Form Stook, Duple.
mente, n. at Lob 18, Oemortis. Sale tin
reserved tit 1 o'oloole. Wilson Diorite, Prop, ;
0, 13140011, Auc.
Worn0053313v, t oec,Iinp
the lateSnmes Grnsby, a b Lot 10, Don 5,
Morris, .1.3,1 Grasby ond ;Dimes Miohlo, 1310-
ecu103'0; James Taylor, Ace.
ki:11723.117.1,/,,70. v, 8,1tD.--Broolteitle herd of
liolsbeitt, Friesian Cattle, at Lot 13, 00n. 3,
tl 81
fl wick. Side at 1.30 o'clock. W, L. Lamb.
lentn43, Nov. 01,11.—Joint (motion Pale of
surpluo llve stock, at [01 80 Con. 0, lYlorria,
at 1.80 o'olook, John G., Spoir and Frank A,
Nichol, Props. : D. 050 010, Atm.
Penree, etov.ithill.-Ptirm, form stook,
iellusecuotstt,, Aft:ant:nye AM, at hot Oon. 4,
Grey, at 1 o'clock.' Walter Blinco, Prop. 1
SATURDAY, Noy, Wm—Village ptnperty
and hOusehold effects, at the home of the
proprietor, In Bono:els. G00. Mait1111011,
Prop. 1 D. W. Scott, Atm.
No rubbish le allowe0 to be dumped on Wit.
liam street West, North of the Bowling Green.
By order of the Council.
A. O. BANKER, Boom
Good until Nov. 5th,
Live Dresnl Live Dree'd
. .21 Hens 4 to 4.bbs
.20 .26 Hens 8 to 4 lbs
.10 ,25 Hens 8 to 81 lbs
, .18 .24 Hens under 8 lbs
,16 .22 Ttonsters over 5 lbs ,11
. .15 .21 Roosters under 5 'be, ,09
.14 .20 Yeung Ducks over 5 lbs .14
.16 .19 Young Ducks midst. %3. 12
.15 .18 Old Ducks .09
Chickens ova 6 the
Chickens over 5 lbs...
Chickens 41 to 5 lbs.,.
Oh' kens 4 to 41'lbs.„
Chickens 8i to 4 lbs.. ,
(thickens 3 10 81 Ilea...
Ohickene under 3 lbs.
Rena over 5 lbe ...... ,
Hens di to 5 lbs
.14 .17
.11 .15
,10 .18
,08 ,12
These prices are for No. 1 Pouttry; delivered at our Ware -
home. Poor quality alt market value, according to our
jadgmenb. Bieds muse be in starved condition or dedue.,
Hon made for crops. Average weight; by number birds In
each coop.
BlaUSSFILS, Oet, 201b, 1926.