HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-27, Page 1VOL. 55 NO, 1g V-- 82.00 Per annum in advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. WEDNESLAY, OCTOBER 27. 1926 J. L. KERR, Profrietor i'weleateee1.444-. fee+ Sotee e. Stores Open CAR OF Thursday Afternoons :Commencing Nov. 4th I Expected this week. $ 4+ $ And closed on Wednesday + $ Evenings commencing ) it: Special Price off car 4. + Nov. 3rd, I + + 4. G rove r C.0111 $ . .1. Brussels Business Men's Association. / PhOne'59 1 4. ETHEL 1 etesee:441.,1e1.. . ... altielliefavitateltir-Rciale4141.4:4+4.14144,teeleittett;E•WeRgil The Surrounding District aeltrite:INfAelideFele7441. areEleE41-&-VeteltitelleteSattetettireetelaIttlea-OresteleleeeneasatAti WINGHAM Dr. M. C. Calder left last week for Innisfail, Alberta. Thomas Taylor motored to Hamil- ton Wednesday. Mrs, W, R. Hataton is recovering, from her recent operation Capt. E. Fremin, London., spent a few days with W. E. Brawley. Wm. 13rawley, jr., is reeovering frim blood poisoning in his heel. A. J. Walker and Fred Stephen- son made a business trip to Toronto, on Wednesday, WROXETER Miss Muriel Robieson has returned from a visit with relatives at Goiter. Austin Mmalson, of Prince Albert, Sask., spent la..t week with his 'neth- er, Mrs .1,110. Morelson. Mrs. Thos. Walker left on Monday to spend a month with relatives at Toronto and Hand it on. Ashton and Mts. Monism', St. Catharines, were weelt• end visitors with the formee's mother heze, Dr, Elizabelli McMaster, of India, gave an address in the United Church, Sunday morning, at the Thankoffer- ing services 01 11)8 W. M. 8, Although in delicate health for three months, death mine suddenly early on Friday morning, to Mrs. Stephen Xing, of Turnberry, Her maiden name wits Sophia Haskins, and her early days were spent in Car- rick Twp, She was 07 years of age, anci is se rvieed by her husband, who recently sn fro ed pat illy? 10 stroke ; one son, Wm., of Howiek ; three daughters, Mrs. J. McTavish and Miss Emily, of TinotheiTy, and Mt s Ward 8harpin, Winxeter. The fither 11,3 took place nil Mninlity afternoon, in- terment being mad8 in Wroxeter cern. etery. BLYTH St. Andrews United Clinrch will hold their. antiiversai y services, on Sunday, Oct, 81 sts Rev. Stanley Ow- en, of Stratford, will be the minister for the day; Mr. Finnigan, of Dungannon, who has the oontract of building the (1(91.9' bridge over Blyth Creek, commenced operations last week. The new bridge, which will 1)8 32 feet in width, will have a roadway 27 feet and walk 5 feet. The bridge is to be of solid eonerete and the work will be comp. leted this Fall, if weather pm mile. Miss M. Pate and Rober'. Pate met with an nufortunate. accident just a few moments before the commence- ment of the Slindily Morning set vice, when their horse shied, probably from fear of the cars parked about, throw. ing thein from the brip.,'gy. Mr. Pete fortunately 9888 11101 mowed, but Miss Pate suffered a sere ankle. bruises and 80188 damage to her clothing. We trust that they will not; he any the worse of their accident, A quiet, but pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's par- ents, 417, and Mrs. Logan, on Times. day last, when their danghter, Effie beoame the wife nf Leo Stephen. son. 801) a Albert and 1111s. Stephen, son, of Kiribati, Rev, G. Telford per, formed the ceremony, After the ceremony, amid the good wishee of a number of girl friends and 51)0(89(9 03 rice rnd confetti, the young cnuple de- parted on 8811)1111 trip to London and Brigden. The bride's going away a1. tire wita of btowe main, inteskrat coat. and blank hat. They will reside in Kin Muir, A host, of friends in Blyth exeend to the newly wedded couple the wish that theie married life may be rerloleet with ell good things -health, happiness and preset. erity. 13ELGRAVE Ames Golley has left on a hip to the coast and win visit with relatives. Rev. Mr. Lundy, of Kippen, will conduct the services in Finox United ehureht Belgrave, next Sunday. Anniversary services will be held in Brick Church of the Belgrave ter church circle .on Sunday, Oct. 31 at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. when Rev. Mr. McTavish of Exeter, will lec the min- ister. The Belgrave branch of the Wein- en's Institute Yield its regular meet- ing at the home of Miss Cele Coultes of Morris, on Wednesday afternoon and the meeting was well attended. The president, Mrs. jas, Anderson, Was in the chair. The meeting open- ed With singing, and all repeating the Lord's 'Prayer. Mes. Jack Ernest favored With a violin solo and a vocal solo WAS given by Miss Nora Van Canna, The papet "Making the Most, of What We I1ave" wee given by Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. H. Wheeler gave an interesting reading. As Mrs. Ernest resigned the position as secretary, Miss Cele Coultas was appointed to the position. Mrs. IL Wheeler was appointed as delegate to the Provin- cial convention in London. The meeting was closed and a social hour spent when lunch was served by the hostess. JAMESTOWN Mts, R. T. Strachan receive.i the following letter from the Young Women's Redemptive Home, Toronto, thanking the Jamestown S. S. for their $5.00 contribution. Following is the letter: - Deas' Mrs. Strachan: Many thanks for your letter and the contribution for gle; work here from the Jamestewn Sunday School. I hope to send you a few items about the work quite soon, but this is just to let you know your let- ter arrived all right. I am, Yours sincerely, Helen Buchanan, See'y, Toronto, October 18, 1926, 123 Yorkville Avenue. WALTON Geo, E. and Mts. Ferguson, Miss Jean and Muster Russel Boyd, of Tcr. man, spent 11 e weeli-end with the with the former's parents, In the villnge, NEw CITIZENS -The Bly h Stand- ard inekes the folloning Idea enee to onr new citizens : "Jelin and Mrs. ;Johnston, who huve been residents of Sly th for the past year, moved last week to Walton, where i hey have purchastl a dwelling and a few (0') ('9 of land. We regret tne retrieval of this family from town. They have heen thteelleet eitizens and their ('8.. 111(1881 is a .less." The Women's Miseionary and Lad- ies' Aid Societies held their October meeting At the home of Mrs. W. Mur- ray on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Edward Bryans presided. Mrs. J. Lawson gave Seriptuee reading, after which Mrs. Reid led in prayer. Mrs. Neal read the foreword from the new study book. Mrs. J. Ritchie and Mrs, Shaw Were in charge or the first chapter in the W. M. a Amy $1.1nly book on whichthe both ladies gave excellent papers. Mrs. Hugh Camp- bell and Mrs. John McDonald gave a report of the Missionary Confer - envy that WaS held in the United Church, Senforth, a short tarie ago. Mass Rose Simpson was in charge of current events and told the Societya great deal about the eonference that was held in 'Toronto hast weok. Mrs. McCallum closed the meeting, With prayer, after which the LadieS Aid held a business meeting, making ar- rangements for the anniversery a111 - vices which will be held the begin- ning of November, A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. There were 40 ladies present. Gordon 1VIcGavin, son of John and Mrs, 14IcGavin, of 12th 2onoossion, McKillop, had the honor of carrying oft several prizes, won at the Inter- national Plowing Match recently. The prizes are as follows: John G. Kent trophy for best plowing in stub- ble, silver tea service valued at $50; Fordson Tractor special for bese trac- tc& plowing dote by men under 26 years of age, beautiful cup; Shred- ded Wheat Company trophy, cup, first in sod; Delco Light trophy, cup, open to all men competing in tractor Plowing on sod; Oliver PlOW Com- pany, cultivatoi, valued at $125; Oli- ver Plow Comparry donated Watch valued at $50 to boys under 21, plow- ing on sod or stubble. Those who know and have had experience in plowing w/l1 realize that Gorden sure- ly did riot have an easy snap in win- ning all those prima. There were 3'7 competitors in the tractor plow- ing, The people in Walton and vici- WHITE Potatoes Wanted Highest Prices paid for No. 1 Stock. Leitch & Zeigler J. 3. leltch Ethel Brussels New Advert:aements ear of oorn-G rover 0.0111 Storm oloaed-Brusaele Snalneas men Auotton kat e-Spelr and 11'01101 ServIona-Bruattela United ['barna Pollute for sale -Cent' Wheeler Pulleta for Rale-Cllarenee Marlin Anchor posta for sale -Perry Term Botta tor eale-Eoy l'ennett ',molter tor male -Alex. Hatteell Annual Sole -King lima. Auotion ente-Tentea I). Granby etttate Auction sele-Wle.on T,Tarka Ontario Elenttnn,4')-9, kr. f,apia tr,r ww, !twist. Sozettr-hto orteff Winston 13and Warning-Brnseala Council Potatoea wanted -Leitch & Zeigler Apple barrels -Nesbit Benillton nity offer Gordon congratulations on his splendid success. Mrs. John Hislop is improving slow - lc. Mrs. W. ,T, Woods has been in bed for the past week with an attack of lumbago and heart trouble. Tier many friends hope .she will soon be. around again. Dies Nearing Century Mark :-The Regina Leader of Sept. 29th gives the obituary of the late Mrs. Thoinas Johnston, of Carlyle, and formerly of this section, and of whose death the Post announced a short time ago: - Another of the pioneer mothers of this district, at the age of 03 years in the person of Mrs. Thomas John- stone died at her home in Carlyle, Sept. 23, after a protracted illness. Her death was not unexpected by her relatives and friends. The deceaeed had been a resident of this community for 36 years and was known to pea cttcally every one in this section of the country, She was born in Ayr- shire Scotland in 1834 her father's death she came with her mother, three brothel's and three sis- ters to Canada, and landed in Toron- to in her 2011) year. She taught school there for two years, when she married Thomas Johnstone, of Sper- ber°, Ont., where they lived two years, moving to Grey, Huron County and remaining there a number of years. Coming west in 1800 with her husband and children they took Up a homestead northwest of Car- lyle. Her husband -predeceased in October, 1 9 1 5. She remained on the farm for three years and in 1918 she and her unmarried son, John, took up their residence in Carlyle, where she lived until her death. Un- til a year ago the late Mrs. Carlyle was able to attend to her household duties. She was a Presbyterian in religion, Mrs. Johnstone is survived by two eons, two daughters, ten grandchildren and six great grand- childeen. The sons and daughters are John and Benjamin, of Carlyle; Mrs. J. I). Beaver, Carlyle, arid Mrs. R. T. Young, Arcola A, daughter, Mrs. Hyslop, of Arcola, predeceased her five years ago, Funeralservices were conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. P. Gillespie; Saturday afternoon, and interment was made it Glen Morris etenetery. The deco:Lead was a slater to the late Mrs. Jas. Smithy, Mrs. Thomas McFadzean and Mrs. Thomas Davisison. The floral trib- utes on her ceisket were beautiful:- a wreath from the family; wreath, the Ladies' Aid Society; wreath, from the neighbors; wreath, R. and Mee. An- drews; spray, Mr, and Mrs. Packer; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth and fam- ily; spray, H. and leIre. Clayburn, D. C.; spray, Mr and Mrs. Grant; spray, Mrs. C. Bennett. Mrs. Johnstone was a remarkable woman ; her hospi- tality knew no bounds., No One ever left her door hungry or missed her word of cheer. There will be many to rise up and call her blessed. MORRIS Miss May Cook, of Stratford, and Miss Mary Lamont, of Port Elgin, were the guests of Mies Mae Hollin- ger. Clifford and Mrs. Shurrie and son, Jimmie and a,Iiss Betty Hollinger spent the week end at the parental home. P1115 PosT asks yort, dear veailer, In let us have the news 03 11)0 township. Mise Mary E. Caeernme, Motris Twit., met with a, tasteful aecident, last week, when she btoke her leg above the ankle while driving 0011,8 in the harnyat Miss Casentore's many friends will be sorry to hear of the accident. Miss Viola McLeod, accompanied by Miss lefaijorie 13ennett, Messrs. Joe and Arthur Clarke and Master Earl Fairhall, all of Milford Bay, Mnskokir, motered down and spent the vveek.end at the home of 0. 13. Fat't'est. Obituary. -On Monday evening, Sarah Elizabeth Mills, wife of James Nichol, passed away in her 50111. year and a new-born baby also is dead. The funeral is being held on Thursday at 2,30 and service at the house at 2 o'clock. Interment will he made in Brussels Cemetery. To the husband and family heartfelt sympathy goes out to them in their great lots. PASSES SIJIMIENLY AWai.-..Res. idents nf Morris Twp, wine) shocked to hear of the death of William (navies Pvnetor, Oth line, had passed away Wednesday afteremon last. Deceesed wee le en in MOP 011 the 481), 01) years ago, and 911981 his whole life here.. Lao'. Tuesday, the (1evees- ed 11911 gone over to lris other farm to [mist with some eattle, end complain- ed a a pain in his head, 14' return- ed home and a doctor was called. lie lapsed U1100008101)911885 and tiled about5 nerlock, Wednesday aftei His wife predeceased him 8 years' agn, He is stievived by is family rif three : Carl, at home ; Clayton,. et Fort Francis, and Mee, Wesley Kerr, of Bruesele, and ale() three brotbere, George, Riehat d ancl Abraham, (831 03 1Bazaar The Ladies of Melville Church Brussels Will hold their Bazaar in the TOWN HALL Saturday, October 30 Commencing at 1,30 o'clock Booths Arranged Containing Fancy Work, Plain Sewing, Aprons, Pillow Cases, Towels, Flowers, Handker- chiefs, Candy, Post Office, and a Fardier's Booth of Fowl, Vegetables, Home-made Bak. fug, etc. 1 Tea Served Afternoon and Evening I Nothing Sold till Bazaar Opens Everybody Welcome! Nlorris Township. The funeral was held from bts late reeidence, on Satur- day aftettioon, and interment was made in the family plot, in Brandon cemetel y. Rev. Mr. Scoble, of the United (Jbtitah, Belgrave, had charge of the services. The bereaved have the sympathy nf the community. Mrs. Thee, Clark has left for Wilk- , es Baree, Pa., owing to the nines': of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr ) 17', Mc- Curcheon. The many friends of ails, McCutcheon wish her a speedy recov. ery. A quiet wedding took place (81 11)8 Walton United Church rnense, on Feiday, Oct. 22eo. by Rev W. J. Maines. when Miss Alai y E., eideat daughter of Wm. and Mrs, MeGall, was united in marriage to Aeohie J. Young, son of Mrs. Mary A. Young, of Mullett. The bride was 'imitating- ly 8.01)88(1 111 her gown of blute crepe Romaine, with shoes and hose to mate!). After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Young left by train foe Tor - nn to and pointe East, the bride trav- elling in a fur.triromed coat of rose- wood velour with black picture hat. Mr. and Mrs. Young will reside in Mullett, on the old horneetead, ,. ETHEL Mrs. 1Vm, 0131 spent the week -end 981) 31 friends in St, Thnmas, Ethel annual hot fowl supper, on Thanksg,i ving night, Nov. 81 11. Miss Peert Hone, of Atwood, s pent few days with her aunt, Mrs. IV. Gill. Re,. C. C. Kahle of Atwood 1 011•••••••=1••••••••••10••••••••••••••,.mmorommrmworamio 1101111 fowl Supper A Hot Fowl Supper and Con- eert will be held an ROE'S UNITED CHURCH Tuesday Ev'g, Nov, 211d Supper Served from 6 to 8 A Good Program will be ren- dered by the Munro Entertain ers of London Assisted by Local Talent in Solos, Duets, Instrumentats and Readings Admission 50 and 25 cents THE BEST YET almia•isarilell•NOICOOMINOMMINIIIMOSMO The Thankoffering meeting of the W. M. S., in the Presbytet•ian Church, last Sunday afternoon, was well at- tended. Mr. McDonald, of India, gave an excellent address. The choir sang 8, very appropriate voluntary Manner, "Saved to Serve Others." The Young Peoele'e League are holding a Hallowe'en social, on Thursday night. A good time for ev- eryone, 0000n1101'11 service will be held On Sunday next, at 11 a. w„ in the United Chureh, Afternoon s.er. 11388' at Union at 3 p, 111., and evening service 181 808',, 7 IT xn. The October ineeth g of the Wom- en » tiLlite wag held Thut sday, Ont. 3Ist, at 2211, in the Institute 1 emus, The meeting (1311110 (1 as usual by Singing the Opening ode and re- peating the Lord's privet in unison, The meeting was in charge of the Blue side of the contest, and two excellent papers were read, "The Father's Place in the Home, by Mrs. 1318bee, ami "Hallowe'en Legends," given by Mrs. alcaliaster. They were both real in. teresting, Mrs. Wigg, of Tolman, favored the audience with two piano seleetions, whinh were enjoyed by all. Dr. Ramage, rif &nasals, gitye a vet y beneficial addiess, hieet being "Tommy Ttnikees Tooth." It was very instructive, and (80 )0(9 7887 501" 17 that more of the ladies did not take advantage of his address and 001110 Olit 10 hear him. There were a few visitors and also a few new members foe both side.. Bueiness 1 to 01( 1! wire answered by "The funniest scrams have ever seen anyone in." There 9819119 00(111? veal gond jol-es told The , l'he 811111side gained 25 points on the Yellows, this meeting. preached the Unite'd Church, on Sunday last. John and Mrs. King have returned 1)8108 31088 a two weeks' vacation in \Vingliam. Alex. Dauber is moving into his new home, purchased from R. Mills, station road. D. and Mrs, Jewitt and Miss Cora, ef Bluevale, visited Mrs. Coates and tiantsluer, on Sunday. Jack and Mrs, Sleinnion and Cath- arine, of Preaton, spent a week.end at the former's 11001. here, Rev. end Mrs. Glies anti P, N. and Mrs, atirrie at endeil the hot supper, at Donegal, on Monday night. Remember Roe's *nipper, 11881 Tues. day, Nov, 2m1. Good program by alunro entertainers, of London. W. C. Bisbee is driving a 4 -door sedan, these rhilly days, having ex- changed his touring for a closed car. Walter Williamson, painter and decorator, ef Brussels, is papering several rooms at the United Church parsnnage. 0. Bray held a cleaving auction sale, on Tuesday, Cranston is leaving the tam, miel was selling Ms complete stook and farm equipmen 1. H. Mills held a successful auction sale. cm ()nday, prior to leaving Eth. el for Lheir 11818 home in Oranbrook, NVe are sorry to lose Mr, and Mts, Mills from our points -trinity. Rev, mid Mrs. Guest aud Jimmie epent Sunday (81 111 Ernerson and Mrs. Vi pond, of Donegal. Mr, 008811 took charge 03 1118 speolat anniversary per - vines in the; Donegal United Church. There 1198.5 (8 large and eppeeciatiye Audience the play, '"1/he Little Clodhopper," in the township hall, put on by the Forel wich young people, on Friday Nets The play was well acted and enjoyed by everyene. The W013)01'0(4 Institute will hold a 10e tett, in the Institute town, on Fri- day aftern000n of this week, at 8 o'clock, in honor of the grandmothers. Progetim and ltinele will be served by those who are not grand mot hers. On Tuesday evening, Oct, IOth, the concert, in Dunber'e Hall, mules- the anspiees of the Presbyterian Obtrreh choir, given by P. R. Mulberon and Mrs. M n tern, n rid oubtreily e of the best ever heard in Ethel. Mr. Mill - heron's piano oelectione were grand and bespoke his wonderful ability in the musical sphere, Mrs, Mintern, with her splendid voice and pleasing manner, eaptivated the 91039(100 with her fine solos. , We are not extrggev- ating when 180 8(1.7 that 811111s one of the bee:lain:tram: soloiete ever heard in Hale!, The Yneal duets ate alede- scold() g of very favorable comment, as their voices blended in perfect 1(8.1'. 0)0)17, and were Much enjoyed by all. Those who miesed hearing these splendid artiets iniseed 4 great treat. MONCRIEEF Will McKay has returned after a few holidays in Flint. • • F. A. Harrison is resuming operas Bons in the local chopping mill. The Mission Band and .aueihnry Bazaar will be held Thursday, Nov. .11. Extensive preparations are be- ing earried un and a wide selection of useful articles will be offered for sale, A home talent concert will be given in the evening. GY A118 Hon silleSaiEa ll the go noW, Roe's Church fowl supper and con- cert, next Tuesday. Ave you letting THE Poser know the news of 'Your lncality 7 Call up 3111)' drop us is note. Mee. Flank Collins, Oth Con., ie not keeping very weil, we al sotty to say, but hope that she will soon be 0, k, The poettioned Me/terming social will be held in Union United Chilreh, on Wednesday, Oct. 2711), at No'clock, Everybody welcome. John S. Weill, 01h Cora, has sold his 50.881e fartn, oe the 481) Con., Grey, to Thomas Vorlden, cif Ether, dhustler and IS hOlilld to do for 1)19801).8 tidy Flom or 1$1.300, Mr. Votl- en is a While 1 etureing from 81,1 (81,301(1, last Tuesday, Mrs Dun es 3)07183. gem 16111 Con., (:11831 (811.11 a very pain. fel accident, hleTaggart saw a Cal' coming toward them in a very reckless mariner, and rather than lusve beadern 11011151 111,, be srverved his cnr towards the diteh and ripset, vesulting in the the breaking of Mrs. hfoTeggart's AVM. Dr. McMaster femul it neceesaey to have Mee. Mrs Taggart taken to Steatford Hospital and have an X-ray taken of her atm before anything further conla done, At the time of weitiog, Mrs. MOTaggart. te suffering aeve.r paha Miss Gladys Smith, who has been visiting at Detroit has returned to con etude her visit with her aunt, 11 re. .A. Yuill, before she returns to her home in Melita Man. On Monday of this week, while passing threegh David Sander's berry patch on the 10th Con., W. J, Sharp pieked a handful ol hoautiful ripe raspberlees !It makes one think of "the good old summer time." Sohn MeEinnont of Fort Will;anr, svho has been visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. a. MeKinnen has re- turned to lns naive city, taking with hint two cars Of dairy cows for the various dairyMen et Fort William BAZAAR Mission Band and Young Women's Auxiliary of KNOX CHURCH IYIONCRIEFF Wili hold their Bazaar in the Church Basement Thursday, Nov, lith (ARMISTICE DAY) Commencing at 2 O'clock Booths containing. Quilts, Bed Spreads, Table Linen, Fancy Work, Pi/low Cases, Towels, Aprons, House Dresses, Novel- ties, Handkerchiefs, Baby Clothing, Home-made Candy, Fish Pond, Grab Box. Ten Cent Lunch Served Nothing Sold Before 2 o'clock Concert Will Be Held in Even.. ing consisting of Home Talent 15e and 10c EVERYBODY WELCOME P.M••••• Mrs, R. T. Strachan has been visit- ing at Brussels. Miss E. Hoover is at Blyth, with her sister, Mrs. D. McCallum. James Armstrong, 10th con., was at Toronto this week on business. 0. Turnbull 4 Son visited the ae- nual stock show at Guelph last week. Mr. and Mrs. Waugh, of Teeswater were recent visitors at the home of Councillor and Mrs. Oliver Heming- way. T. C. and Mrs. McCall visited their daughter, Miss Edna at Newmarket last week. Miss Edna is on the Public Scheel staff. The Bible Society Collectore w.11 soon he 011 their way. We hope every one shall respond very freely to tills worthy cause. BLUEVALE Mrs. Alex. MacEwen is visiting relatives, at St. George. Alex. MacEwen has e004'inta8.8'1 his old car for a new coach. Thomas Haddon- is at present visits ing with relatives at Brurford Mr. and Mrs. Coombs shunt the I week end with friends in area- Ham- burg% 'George McDonald had 3 Very stIC- eessful auetion sale of household winds and live stock Saturday. On Sunday morning' at ths Unit, d Church Robert Shaw „saes it very good report of his attendanc the Dominion and World :-"onSereree which he attended at Toraeta last week. On Monday evening meinheee of the Young People's Society af Wro- xeter United Chervil {IA31341 Bluevale in the L7nited 01)Ureil 11,re, 011 the subject "Resolved shot patty government should be (01)1.11,., 1. The affirmative side was taken by Miss Timm and Mr. Gihsoia of Wroxeter, ahd the negative upheld by Miss E. Wardell and Chas. Johnst cm, of Blue - vale. The negative won by a (1:1,110(8 01011)4111. The debate Was Weil Hi 011 both ;411106 and most itit.essst;ng - to those present, Miss Mackenzie, of Wroxeter, gave 0 bright milraes on "Canadian Writers" and Rev. Mr. Armstrong also gave a shoe) - 011- Friday (?vening the younos people will hold a Hallowe'en 30.1111 in the basement of the Unked Church, GEORGE AND MRS. COLVIN CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING On Saturday last two old and well known resit -tents, itt the pereone of George and Mrs, Colvin, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding at their home in Brussels south. On October 23rd, 1 876, the marriage eerernony was performed in Blue - vale, by Rev. Hugh Cooper, rector of St. John's Church, Brussels; while Mrs. D. Kennedy, sleter of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and )D. ICennedy, assisted the groom. They took up housekeeping in Brussels, and in 1878 purchased a plot of land and built the home in whieh they have since continued to reside, To them were born 12 children, SIX of whom are living, viz: Mrs. Geo. M. IVIitehell, Stoughton, Steak.; Mrs. A. G. English, Harding, Man.; Mrs. F. 111 Grant, Toronto; Mrs, W. L. Young, Stratford; Mrs. Wm. .Mathie- son, Brandon, Man., and George, jr., of Stratford. Two grown up dimple- ters who are deceased were: Lucy, who passed away Nov. 18, 1908, and Mrs. S. A. Chapman, of Spy Hall, Sask., who died in Brandon General Hospital, Feb. 28t11, 1920, following a serious operation. There are also c1h9ilgdr.andchildren and 1 great grand - Owing to Mr. Colvin not enjoying the best of health at present, having recently undergone an operation for the removal of one of his eyes, and the members of the family iri the West not being able to attend, the occasion was quietly celebrated by only the members of the family in the East. The table, which was cen- tred with the wedding cake, ,Was pret- tily decorated with Autumn Glory as- ters and lighted candles, the soft rose shades throwing a pretty ..rlow over the table. At six o'clock the family sat down to a bountiful repast, the toast to the bride and he groom be- fog proposed by Georg.,r jr., which was fittingly responded to by - the groom of fifty years ago. The cake was eut by the bride amid nmeh. pleasant .bantery. A most enjoyalde evening, reminiscent of the 'past, WaS Spent by 011 present. Mr. and Mrs. Colvin were the reci- pients of a purse of gold from the fal111/Y, together tvith numerous mes- sages of congratulation from friend.; both far and near, in which The Post most heartily joins. He is a member of a talented fam- ily, who for three genemLionS have • been connected with First Presbyter- , ian Church and prominent in nursical circles. Mr. Sect' 'was also promitt- . ently i11,-ntifled' with tile ParalllOnlit Mak. Quartette, which 11118 attained ' considerable distinction and both he and his 'wife will he greatly missed in the comunity. WINDHAM RESIDENT HAS A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE Ran Auto Against Train 'Iint Escap- ed With Broken Arm and Bruises \VINO HAM, Oct. 23.---A had ac- cident oceurred huppened Friday aft - ('1 111011, on the Wingbam and Tees - water road, at the crossing known as 'the Dean's Crossiiig," a short clis. twice from Wingham. J. Pickell, Minnie street, WaS retuning* home in 0. b'ol'd roadster, when the 'Poronto 0. P R, train No. 7513 was hacking into Wingliem. Mr. Pickell had stopped for the crossing; elid missed seeing the aeprenehing train, and when etarting 1119 (•ar ilgaie, struck the "00011)1 809031 of the passenger train. Phe PAC Was eluded past the .1 1( 1)8 guards and thr own into the (l)t eit, badly wrecked. SEAFOR'lli Mr. Pickell sustained o. broken AM above the elbow and seine bad bruis- First Pr,.sbyterian Church Wis tax- " et: about the head. He was brmight ed to its utmost capacity to :weenie- into on the teal() and tak- en to his home. Dr. le. 1, Stewart wee called anti deemed 11)5(1,1'»], date the great crowd that atended the sacred musicale on Sunde; ,'v' -'.t- ing to mark the 1881 night in ahe choir of James T. Scott. The pro- gram, which sees of a .reev high or- der, inchided anthems by the -eboir, a ladies: quartette, "Come Unto Me," by Mrs. NV. Wright, Missive F. Beat- tie, P, Paterson ;nal IL Murray, with violin obligate by Gerald Stewert; a duet, "Th.e Day ie Ended," by Miss F. Beattie and James Seott • n male quartette, "Lead Kindly Light" by Messrs. Beattie, Reid, Re and Seott, and solos by Miss .T, Knetchel, James Stewart, Dalton Reid, Mrs. W. Wright, Miss M. MeRay and Jnmes T. Scott. The pester, Rey, Fir, Larkin, presided. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family, who leaVe on Tuesday for Windsor, carry , with them the hest wishes of the community for success M his chosen career. At the close of the regular Presby- terian choir m•actice on Friday even- ing, Oct. 2211d, Mr. and Mrs, Janle€ T. Scott were guests at a luncheon given in their honoe in the leeture room of First Presbyterian Church by the choir of which Mr, Scott is a popular and 'highly esteemed mem- ber, whim Mr. levott was pee- mted with a very handsome club bag and Mrs. Scott with a colored sili; um- brella from the choir. The address, which was beautifully inscribed by D. F. 'McGregor, was read by john Beattie, Dr. It, R. Ross, chairm011 of the Board of' Management, also pre- sented Mr. Scott with an address and a purse of $153 from the e0113rega- ti011 In recognition of his eervoeis and ; as a token of personal esteem 114r. Scott, who is the emeeessole of a vole.: HURON COUNTY a , Win. nd Gli Mrs ray, tillett Tsvp., received on Friday, last, by command of His Majesty, the Ring, 8 silver seta vice medal, Won hy their son, 1110(03, dming the 18(11)11war. 11(1.1111 d i ell SOME, 18,11(1115 1(311'!' his re- turn f mu oe vrseas. The dl()teemed in Victoria, on Saturday, Ont. 111)1), of John Wesley Connell, ex- el. P. P., and a. former (1151(111111 of Winglutni. °Mee res- idents of the town remember the Con- nell fatuity quite well. His father was a noted cradle tuaker in the days befoie mowers. He also built several homes, in Winghain, Wm ri has been received in Seaforth, of the death in a motel, 8001(119113, 10 Saskatoon. Mr, Twiss, who was 41 years of age, a pveseinet.t Saskatoon busineee man and Rotarian, wars fat- ally injured, when the car in which be Was driving struck telephone pole, on Lorne Ave., on Thureday last. Isla died wit hnitt regaining conscionsnees. He waa a son of Mrs. J. Twise, Sea - forth, who loft, immediately rm. Sank. afnoll. Are. Twiss left Seafortb,fn 1 012 Riehard, the nine-year-old snn (13 w. 0, 1811(1 Mrs. Reed, ;of Arthileitlw wise badly 1)1111115(1 about the lege, while he and a little brother and Sloe ter were making lorebee from "eat - talk " They were snaking the but, ritehes vaith coal oil taken from 5. steel barrel, in entire way, ohe of the Slaein10(01185g10(01185rit ee gneer tile Oil hare I.) arid an exploeion followed, The 11(111(3 )3 oil was thrown over all three Children, but only Diek got Much of of, exceptional quality, intends tubing i a 801159 lo voice culture in Dertelt, t, the alleys estal\PIng with Wight burn 8