HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-20, Page 8WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20, 1920
Sna• Shot
megasmacoacm.s..vasseasgraranneacs.rmusegormavonsmswasseamo monusamorisawalegas
You Should Buy an
Album for Your
Summer Snap Shots
Pictures nieely displayed .and
tilted on the page of aa album
gain much in interest as time
gees by.
We have some wonderfel val-
ues in albums just now, COM.
nencing at 35c and up.
Now le a good time to axe: sO,ne extra prints made from your
best negatives of pietures taken during the Summer.
Films Developed and Printed
The English preparation that
clears the throat ae.1 voice
25c Pkgs.
10c Ana 25c
Another Bargain
1 Gillette Razor
1-35c Pkg. Rexall Shaving
1-50c Pkg. Gillette Blades
All 3 for 89c
this week
Cr@pP Paper
All the popular shades. Noth-
ing better for decorations for
parties, making fancy costumes,
Folds 20c
Rolls 15c
Milk or Magnesia
Tooth Paste
Corrects Acid Mouth
Cleans and Whitens the
25c and 5k. pkgs.
The -,,,,...3440112L Store
Preiregist and Stationer
Local News Items
In the Style Now. Good Crowd.
Our sedate maples are aow gettine:
The dance in the Town liali on
into the Flapper clase-neae:y naked.
Friday evening drew a god crowd.
Shipped Horses to Quebec. . The Wroxeter Orchestra supplied th...
J. H. Galbraith shipped another car music.
load of horses last Wednesday mom-
ing to QuebeCity. , Supreme Court Sittings Oct. 6th.
.Attended W. M. S. Meeting. i The autumn assizes for the County
Several auto loads of ladies fromf Huron will be held commencing'
Tuesday, Oct. 26th, by Hon. Mr Jus -
Melville church attended the district
rice Grant..at Goderich.
W. M. S. meeting held at Moieswoetli
last Wednesday afternoon. . New Sign.
.Annual Bazaar. i W. C. Smith, the well 'enown sign
painter, ha e painted a new sign at
The annual bazaar of the ladies of
Melville Church will be held in ththe north-west corner of the Queen'e
e Hotel. He who ' drivee may read
"reeve Hall on Saturday afternoon, the siem alright.
Oct. 20th. There will be maay booths
tilled with useful artieles. Closed Season.
Euchre Party Thursday Night. , Closf,d season f9): partriclge. Let
If you are fond of a f - tit; all respect the li
aw n 1926. These
gain, oeti. birds will multiply rapidly if no mol-
chre don't forget the BtAviers'. flitch- i•sted for a year or two. The Game
I'd Party on Thursday ''''''11",? g til' . Commissioner is to be praised. for
week in the Town Hall. See an- his decieeon in this matter.
nouncement in this isee.!. r
- ,
Combined Day. Substitute Teacher Engaged.
Mrs. lb. Gordon, an experienced
A diepatch from Ottawa eneeune., 1
teacher ,.,C Cranbrook, has oeen en -
tint Thanksgiving and Ariel e i e ! I e.y
well be observed on Mondey. Nov. IIgc'i by the Brussels School Board
8. The recent statute fixes ii...; jot to take Miss Jardine's Entrance
celas Miss Jardine is laid sideebration on the .Monday of the ' l'14"',
in which Noventber 11 ei.euee. with an attack of scarlet fever.
A special observance has been re- Elecee-3 a Vice -President.
quested for the actual day of armi- - -``
At a yery enthttsiaetic electing of
stiee. Bon. James A. Robb, acting
the Liheral Women of Sarnia and
prime minister,. stated that. in ecWest Lumbton, a permane.nt orgerd-
cordance with the arrangements for
!action was formed and Mrs. George
Armietice Day sanctioned by hi.:
Semis was elected one of the vice -
Majesty, the King, the people of Can-
presidente. Mrs. Semis is a consin
ada are invited to mark the oecaeion
by two minutes of sileme, .et 11 0.- of G. 11' Illrlis' of- Brus"18'
clock Thursday miming, Novomber Annual Bazaar. •
11. This is a epeeial observaeee sug-
gested by His Majeety and is in ild- The Bazaar under the auspices of
dition to the regular holiday reeog- the ladies of Melville Chureh, VII be
nized by the Parliament .o...f (..":snade
for the Monday previous.
ized and will have many booths filled
!wit! in the Town Hall on Saturday,
(iet. anth. The ladies are well email -
Rural Deanery, witls useful articles for Christmas
Although the weather was unfev- presents and the home, Keep the
orable, the RUral Deanery meeting date in mind.
held at Gorrie a week ago Wednes-
day, was a success. Morning prayer
was said and Holy Comunion admin-
istered by the rector, Rev. Mr. Jones,
assisted by Rev. Rural Dean Hawk-
ins. The W. A, met afterwards ;n
the church arid listened to a very in-
teresting addres.e. from Miss -Hamil-
ton, returned missionary from Japan.
Brussels United Church
REV. A. W. aARKEr . D.
Sunday, Oct. 24th
11 a.m.-Public Worship.
"A Viceroy of Vision"
3 p.m. -Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
7 p.m. -Public Worship.
Address by Dr. MaeMaster, of
Wednesday - Prayer Service
Fri.day-Choir rehearsal.
Provincial Election Next,
Premier Ferguson has aneounced
a general election on December let
with nominations on November 20th,
Found Dead in Bed.
William Albert McKelvey, a well
known resident of Brussels, was
found dead in bed by his mother
Mem she went to eall him. He had
been employedein Flint, but had re-
cently come home on account of ill
health, but an Sunday had atended
church service in Melville Church,
and in the evening had been out vis-
iting friends. He is survived by his
mother, three sisters, Mrs. Eckerder,
Jamestown; -Mrs, Harvey Bryane,
Grey, mei Miss Mina at home, also
three brothers, 'Alex, in the
West; Alvin in Vancouver and
W. L. in Montreal. The funeral will
he held from the family residence of
his mother, Princess street, to -lay
(Wednesday), Service being held at
the house at 2 o'clock. Interment In
Brussels Cemetery, The family have
the sympathy of the community M
their bereavement. The late Dr, Mc-
Kelvey, of Brussels, an uncle, and
the late Mrs. Elliott of London, an
aunt, were both found deai under
similar circumstances.
Letter of Appreciation for Past
Itwas with appreciable gratifica-
tion that Mrs. W. H. Herr received
' the following letter from the Brussels
Branch of the Bible Society. She
FOR SALE. -Choice Shropshire and , well remembers the everting of the
Oxford rams. Wm. Henry, 13e1- 20th April, 1909, when Mr. Kerr was
grave. the presentee of a life msmbership
PREPARED To Do Sewing. of the Upper Canada Bible Society
Mrs, Robt, Farrow, ElizabethsSt.- in St. John's Church: -
2T Mrs. W. H. Herr,
Brussels, Ont
8 CHUNKS Pigs, About 60 Lbs, For 1
Dear Mrs. Kerr's- 'IA -
We, the members of. the Imue-
sels BIble Society, wish to place on
record our deep and.genuine apprec-
iation of the able and •fal-hfril ser-
vices rendered the Society by your
late husband and Out esteemed frieme
Mr. W. IL Kerr.
As a citizen, he was always in the
forefront of comumnity betterment,
and ever proved himself "a modern
knight" in all Christian work. "The
memory of the just is bleseed."
Very sincerely yours,
The memhers of the
Brussels Bible Society.
The Mutheron-Mintern Recital.
HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE. - On Monday evening, Octobee 18th,
sale. Gordon Whitfield, Phone
5010. 18-1
FOR SALE. -17 Head of Steers, 1
and 2 years old; Polled -Angus and
Durham breed also. 1 4 -inch brass
pump cylinder. Baxter Stevenson,
Lot 13, Con, 13, Grey. Phone
STOVE And Pipes For Sale. Apply
at Fred Hunter's.
TWO Brood Sows With Litters at
foot, for sale. J. R Dickson, lot
8; Con. 11. Phone 2523.
LADIE'S Grey Silk Glove Found on
Con. 8, Grey, on Oct. 2113. En-
quire at The Post.
Signalling Officer.
Orders for Military District No. 1
announce that Lieut. E. M. Wilson,
the Huron Regiment, is detailel for
duty as signallieg officer with that
regiment, succeeding Major T. 'R.
Rundle, who vacates the appointment
on tranefer to the 2nd Reserve Bat -
She spoke about the sad conditeens talion, The appointment, it is add-
in that country and how much wee 111, is subject to qualification.
being done by the missionaries to
help these people. Mrs, Carrie, of An Auto Crash on Sunday.
Goderich, spoke on the daemon of
the Dominion W. A. to raise a Job-
ilee Feed of $50,000 for the year
1935. In the afternoon Miss Hamil-
ton spoke again and Rev. Mr. Shier-
fter, of Wingharm, made a few re-
marks also on 'missionary work, 1/0V.
A. L. G. Clarke, of London, and Rev.
S. S. Hardy, of Godelich, spoke on
"Health -Physical, Mental and Spir-
itual." Rev. L. C. Harrison, Clinton,
and Rev. A. A. Trurnper of Exeter,
spoke on Sunday School Work. Mr.
Wilkinson, organist of St. George's
Godeetchonade an appal for
a good attendance at the Summer
&hoot tO be held in St. Thomas next
year, The ladies of the church pro -
',sided most bountiftil repeats, which
Were served in the Own hall. There
Was a delegation from 13ruesels.
A car driven by Mr. Albridge, of
Fordwich, collided on Sunday, notth
of the hridge, with one driven by 3no,
Speir, of Morris Township. The lat-
ter was turning the corner on to the
main road, after leaving Melville
Church, when the front wheel of Al -
bridge's ear, which was cornieg from
the North, caught the. bumper of the
Speir car, causing it to swerve. The
Albridge car was overturned, pinning
beneath it the occupants, Albridge,
his wife, and two children. aed Mr8.
Gibson, mother of John Gibson, of
town, with whom they were coming
to spend the day. Mrs. Albriclge suf-
fered a severe cut about her eye and
another on her head, and her husband
was cut about the face, The car waa
wrecked, but the Speir car was little
the worse.
Comfortable frame house in good a most delightful Recital was given
repair, good cellar, hard and soft
water. For further particulars ap-
ply to George McMillan, Fishleigh
St., Brussels.
HOLSTEIN Cow, fresh about a month
Guarantee her right Jno. White
Phone 83-10 Lot 20, Con. 9, Grey
HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply
to Miss Hingston,
BREAD.. -Get Your Bread at Grew-
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for sale at a
bargain. Apply to W. Ai. Sinclair.
School Was Closed.
The Brussels Continuatioa Scliool
was closed the first of the week as
the rooms were ftheigated.
Christmas is Coining.
Only 55 shopping days lest to do
your Christmas shopping. Don't
leave it to that last awful week.
,Getting to be a Nuisance.
No less than four cars between
Walton and Leadbury were me the
road Tuesday night with only I light
and in 3 of the cars that one bright-
er than any ordinary two. The Co.
Constable should get busy and stop
this. It's against the motor law, arid
the price of a bulb is not as great as
a fine.
Minor Locals.
Hydro bills are due to -day.
- November 8th-Than1t0gev1ye Day.
Bowlers' Euchre Party. -Thursday
The recent frosts are killing the
Thursday half -holidays will soon
be over.
Soon be time for 3torm doors and
Don't forget IVIelville Church Baz-
0 t
aar, c . 30th
Auction sales are beginning to
• "bloom" in this distriet,
Suggested sign for grade crossings;
"He who •hesitates gets acroas,"
East is east and west "s west, but
Alberta coal seems to be betwixt and
Sapphire, in the next world, must
feel very small when she thinks of
the "kidnapping" case in Los Angel-
A three day open seuerm, Novem-
ber ,10th, 11th and 12th. has been
sanctioned by the Ontarie Govan-
ne 01 for quail he Kent and Essex.
The picnic season of 102(3 is now
but a pleasant memory. Just now
young people are looklae,. backward,
but it will not be lone. before they
Elro looking in the opposite directions
for time passes very swiftly.
0110 of the mod annoying, aed nt
the same time dangerous, predicts
that children can cultivate is that of
dashing out in front of an oncoming
automobile, or of standing as long as
possible in front of it with the pur-
pose of bolding it up or giving the
driver a start.
Anyhow, it does not seem that
Hon, Mr. Melee= will make any
more Hamilton speeches for a while.
The office boy of a conteneporary
had a girl friend in a distant city
whom he used to phone to quite of-
ten. In the firm's booke he entered
the account as e hickey' Who,
A list of hospitals in Canada, is-
sued by the Department of "Health at
Ottawa, shows - that we have 888
public, 259 private and 29 Red Cross
hospitals, .of which 108 public, 57
private and 11 Red Cross are It On-
tario. Alberta is seeond, Saskateh-
swan third and British Columbia
fonrth. Quebec comes fifth with.
28 public and 20 prWate hospitale.
SANDWICHES made of bread an:1
butter and honey are ,unsurpaseed
for lunch at school.. We propose
sometime giving prizes for the beet
sandwiches made with our honey, so
now is a good time to practice mak-
ing them. What could be better?
Bread -from the best grain in the
world; butter -the best fat in the
world, and honey -the best sweet in
the world. -
Better, better every day, •
Better, better every way
Are sandwiches of .honey.
Jim Ross and Will McCracken 'tell
our honey.
G.A. Deadman
A Touch of Blood Poisoning.
Walter Kerr, C. N. R, agent, is
laid up with a touch of blood poison-
ing in his hand.
Held a Tea.
A silver tea was held at the home
of Mrs. Jas. Cardiff, John St., on
Tuesday afternoon in eel of the Baz-
aar of the United Church.
in the Presbyterian Church by Mrs.
Mintern and Mr. P. R. Mulheron, of
Brantford. The program lasted near-
ly three hours and was without doubt
one of the hest ever put on in this
town. Mrs. Mintern, who is the sop-
rano soloist in the Wellington St.
Church, Brantford, bus a wendeeful
voice, over which she :las perfeet
control; and which is further enhaec%
ed by • her charming oereonality.
Her numbers were simply magnifi-
cent, and those who Were pretent
will remember her- beautiful render-
ing of Sanderson's "Break. of Day";
Schubert's "Blossom Time", ant Nov-
ello's "Little Damozel," and also as
O final sacred numbee, "Consider and
Hear Me." She is without doubt
one of Ontario's leading eopranos,
and all who heard her on Monday
night bespeak for her a continued
series of triumphs in the realm of
song. Mr, Mulheron, who is well
known in Brussels, also excelled
himself, which is saying a great deal.
His opening selection was an orgint
solo, "William Tell." Durinp the
program he also gave other organ
selections, "Pomp and Ciecumetance"
by Eiger; "Alpine Fantasy 1111d
Storm." His rendering of a piano
solo, "Polonaise in A. Majoe" by
Chopin was wonderful. Special men-
tion should be nutde of ;he vocal
duets. The voices of these two artists
blended perfectly and was. enjoyed
so much that a specialrequest was
made at the end of the prosram for
O repetition •of one of the duels.
There was also a special request for
Mr. Mulheron to sing "Crossing the
Bar." Brussels needs to be preud of
the visit of these two artists whose
recitals are eagerly looked forward
to in the larger cities and towns of
this Province, and who always re-
ceive a great ovation wherever th..y
go. We hope they will favor us with
another visit in the near future.
The First Snow.
A few snowflakes blew around
Sunday morning for a short time, but
by Monday morning a light mantle of
the "beautiful" was here. Merit it
down -first snow Oct. 18th.
Goes to Australia.
Commissioner Charles Sowton, of-
ficer in charge of the East Canada
territory of the Salvation Army, it
is announced at headquarters of the
London division, has received orders
to farewell from his present post at
Toronto and take over the command
of the territory of Eastern Australia.
The transfer takes effect on Novem-
ber 15. No successor to eh,' com-
mand has yet been announced.
Dentists Co-operate.
Co-operating with the Ontario De-
partment of Health in their Dental
Day compaign, thetwo local dek-
tists, Drs.- Hamilton and Ramage, are
giving free examination of the mouth
this week. Other Huron County
dentists who are giving their services
in this valuable work are: Drs. Mey-
bee, Hall and Graham, of Goderich;
Fowler and Axon, Clinton; Bruce and
Gumaer, Kincardine; McLeod, Rip-
ley; McGill, Mitchell; Kinsman and
Roulston, Exeter; McIntyre, Blyth;
Cowan, Hensall; Bechely and Munn,
Although the official opening night
for the newly formed. Chess and
Checker Club ,is Monday next in the
Public LibratY, the work of organiza-
tion took place on <Thursday lust
when a representative gathering of
enthusiasts formed the club end elect-
ed the following slate of °alcoves -
President -Rev. F. L. Lewin; Vice
Pres.- A. Yuill; Secretary - Dr.
C. Ramage; Treasurer - .Alex. Mc-
Lauchlin Committe members -Rev'.
Mr, FoWler, Messrs. A. Lamont, D.
Brewer, P. Stewart and T, Pierce,
The' Club has already a healthy
membership; is growing, and will
continue to grow. In a few weeks'
time tournament play will be stinted.
Through the kindness of the Library
Board, a room has been elicited in
the basement and 'the club is pro-
viding tables, boards and checkers.
Monday is the weekly club night, but
the totem will be open every evening
and each afteenoon esteept Thursday
for informal play.
Chess wilt also be played. It is a
more intricate game than checkers
but one which ambitious checker
'players aspire to, and readily metal.,
In fact, some become such keen de-
votees of chess that they want to
forget the other game, hi chess tho
same board is used, but different men
having different values and a variety
of moves. As a rule tt requires
greater concentration and deeper
thought than checkers, but the .plays
are more interesting on account 01
their variety.
The moinberehip foe charged is
only sufficient to meet neceseary ex-
penses. The Club is for social wale
e tare and tho exeoutive does not de-
sire to have a treasury fund.
M I -SSI \laud Bryane spent the week
end with Hamilton friends.
es es e.
Miss Martha Kelly, John Street,
laid up this we...,e1-,;)en sciatica, ,
Will J. Lowry, of Londoe, was it
eisiseLk.itowrinBrussels with his brother
Mrs. John Lott returned ltst week
after spending a month with relatives
11 Wingham.
• 4- et.
Harry and Mrs. Robinson and Mib;
Fyfe, of Galt, were week end visitor,
with Mrs. W. W. Harris,
e• et, se
Harold Lowry of New Liskeard, is
spending a short time here With his
mother, Mrs. Ida Lowry.
4. 4.
Dr. Fred Bryans, of4 Toronto, spent
a few days last week with his mother,
Mrs. Bryans, John street. .
0... <0. 4 4
Harry and Mrs. Kie:by, of Londen,
have been in town owing to the ili-
ness of Mrs, Jos. Querin.
George Buchanan, of the Essex
High School Staff, was a visitor at his
home the latter part of last week.
Jack Elliott, • of Amherstburg, end
his mother, Mrs. Elliott, of Stratfmel,
accompanied by her niece, were visi-
tors in town. last Week. •
• ds st•
Miss Mary Elliott, of Calgary, who
has been spending the stimmer with
her father, Hugh R. Elliott, has re-
turned to her home.
o 4.
Mrs. Wm. Robb has retunre:1 from
a pleasant visit of three months, Nis-
iting hinds at Edmonton, Calgary,
Banff and other point5.
e. es es o
Mist; Ethel "Toots" Burton, of
Goderich, was renewing old ecquain-
tences in Brussels this weak. Old
friends were glad to see her.
George Edwards 1;111 Meteor Bryan
and Mrs. Churchill and Miss Noreen,
their day.
parental ' home on Satur
of London, w4e.rett.vtisitoors in town at
'Airs. Ida Willis and Wilfrid Willis
and Archie Thompson were in Kit-
chener on Sunday owieg to the death
of Mrs. Willis' sister-in-law, Mrs,
,Ames Willis.
. .
6,9 ts-o
Bank Collections
TN MAKING your collections
A through the Standard Bank, you
enlist the efforts of an organization
which extends the efficiency of its
courteous service into every part of
Canada. Thus can you be assured
of making regular collections .local-
ly or at distant points, with the
courtesy due those with whom you
transact business and the efficiency
1 'T
y.ou demand,
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Sarnis, Manager
Miss Mabel Tom, who has been vis-
iting with her parents, J. Elgin and
Mrs. Toni, of Goderich, for the past
three months, left on Tuesday for
Toronto and will visit there end oth-
er points before sailing in a few I
weeks on her return trip to China, I
when she will resume her hospital
work in Peking.
OLARII.-In Hamilton, on Thundny, Oat.
1401, 11328, to Sir, and Mrs. Donold Clarlr,
(nee Lout 10 Sinclair), 5 son -Kenneth 85508-
LONG-SMALLDOE -At the Walton United
Church Parsonage, on Wedneeday, Oat.
18th, 19211, by Rev. W. J. Moines, Mies
Etheleen Isabel Smolldon, second dough.
ter of W. 3. and 10 Smalldon, to Joseph
Claire Long, youngest two of :lamb and
the lote Imo g. all of Oranbrook.
1IcKE1.VEY -In Brussels, on Monda', 0c1.
hith,19211 aniuee Albert McKelvey, tote of
Mrs 8801181983' and the late Wm. MoKel..
RAYMCHD.-At biSiste reeteeeee. Thointe
sm. Rosa. lione on, no Thursday, Det
1000, A Hrsvi Raymond, formerly of Cron.
brook, ligH6 51 yeArS.
W PallEN.-th loving mamory• of dear Graoe
A 3 Speiran, beloved wife of Albert .1.
Welben, wh-. passed 5)905 (11, 20r11,1918
EIght veers have passed since Grace het no,
How .1)0 1'. mimed no 10,18 on ever tell
Yet. otill we have the blest 800e8 500,
She Is with .81:1, who .1 neth all things weii
No rubbish is allnwe8 5, 18 dumped en Wit.
limn street West. North or the Howling (3 'Ten.
BY order of the Donnell.
A. (1. 115.0.6011, ItePv.
Auction Sale.
Fn1DAY, OOT. (1220D-Ferin Stock, Imple-
ments, etc .00 Lot 10,0,,, 8, Grey Township.
bale at 1 o'clock. 2,18, Tyerntait, Prop. ; D.
DI. Scott. Au.o
SATun Man. -Auction sale of
hot:toehold effecte, at the home of Mrs. John
Bunter, Oranbrook, at 1 o'clock. L.Gordon,
Prop. ; D.111. Scott, Alto.
SATURDAY, OCT, 28RD.-Farm, Farm Stock,
idonnP.teMinoerir'11 (.213ma Yi tees Sr aoluntheol '13.' rants sie lost. )8° he'
unreserved at 1 o'olook aharp, W. /4, Mound.
ere, Proprietor; Jae. Taylor, Auctioneer,
MONDAY, OOT 2010-Irarin Stook, Duple.
88010 0011 Household Effects, at the
of Bluevale. Sale at 1 o'clock, George Me.
Donald, Proprietor,
MONDAY, 001. 25Wit,-001y8, 1101•SeR, vehie-•
lee, eta, at the village of Ethel. Sale at 1
o'olook. Richard Mille, Prop, ; 81, Scott,.
TunenAy, 00p. 28em-Farm Stock, Imple-
ments, hay, groin, &a., at nom Cora 11,
Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Elmer
0.13013', Proprietor ; 1118. Scott, Aue,
W RUN IRMA Y, OCT. 27TR--28 head of Ho:.
stein cows, at Lot 8, Can, 10, Blinn. Sale u' -
res.erved, at 1.80 o'oloth. Robert Shiell,
Prep. ; C. F. Vandrick, Au°,
WHONNSDAY, OCT. 27T11.-Olciring 10111.11
sale of farm stock, implamento, grain, etc. at
L' 0, Coit.4, Groy Two., at 1 cot'icolo,els;n1: • Bel,
P.rno Any. 0Ttsn,0.0MT S 2e soit,tu..A4on.
household effeote, Ford ear. etc, o t Cron brook,
at o'olock. A. V. Foerster, Prop. ; D. M.
7tA:e4niDAYOCT 28 -Farm Stook and lm-
1tneiis01 Lot 10, Con 0, Dow/ch. .r. w.
Jacklin, Proprietor; G. W. %Volker, Aue.
horgas 18 inC
!pat i.:n°1;Clvti, 209(IT Alliigrhr 159 501,18 at
en, at o'clock. IL Turvey, Prop. ; D. m.
ff NOD to raNtiv. 'but -'Farm Stook, 'mole.
mantis, &e., at Lot 18; Con. 5, Morrie. Sale en.
reserved at 1 eolock. Wilson1'8rho:::p!
,1N.'0"V attu -Farm
temente and household effects, the property
the late Joinss 51. Grasby. et Lot 10. Von 8,
writ., .1. 81. Gra.sby and James Michie, Ex,
armors ; James Tnylor, A Re.
W pus renAV, Nov. Bun -itrookside he'd of
Holstein,' Frietion cattle, at Lot 18, Con. 8.
owiok. Sale 14 1.00 o'clock. W. Le Lamb.
lin, Prop ; Merritt T. Moore, Aim
04,14.1 It$4,4MCWINA.t ,
$4cs CO.
The death occurred at the family
residence, Victoria, B.C., on Satur-
day, of John Wesley Connell, a tee-
nier member of the Saskatchewan
Legislature, He was a native of
Wingham, Ora,
M, W. Howell, proprietor of the
Misner Manufactuving Co.,, Gocierich,
recently sold an old type ot steam
ongine'to Henry Ford, the mot)l' ChT
man. The engine is of sixteen horse -
Power and was manufactured in 0011, -
rich in 1858 at the old Rancitnan'
foundry, Me. Ford will: have it plac-
ed among the colleetion f antiques
which he has been assembling for
(wine years at Dearborn, MI&
ck sf
F otwar
()WING to so many•merchants in this locality handling Shoes
and other lines of Footwear, we find it difficult to carry on
this department and make money so have decided to offer the pub-
lic real values for the next 30 days.
Good time to buy Your Winter Supply
IVIon's 4 Buckle @ $3.25
Alen's 1 Buckle @ 1.00
Boys' 1 Buckle @ 1.75
Ladles' Jersey Cloth E'd $3.40
Ladies' Cashmerette @ 2.75
Misses' 4 Buckle @. 2.35
Chlid's 3 Buckle @ ...... , 1.75
Misses' City Boot @ 1.95
Child's City Boot @ 1.65
Ladies Low and High Heel @,
Misses' Rubbers ® 70
Child's Rubbers @ ,65
Men's Ideal @......... .. . .... 81.25
Men's Saxon @ 1,15
Boys' rolled edge @ 31.00
Youths' Ideal @
15 inch Top @ • $5.85
12 Inch Top @ 5.10
12 inch Top @ 4,75
Also Rubber Bottoms @ 2.40
Men's Brown and Black Oxfords in
Solid Leather. These are the
, est shoes sold in Brussels, Rego-
! lac $7.00 for 35.50
Men's High Cut in Black Only. Reg.
$6.00 for $4,50.
Men's All Wool Hair Stripe 643,75
Men's Overalls@.............
Regular $2.50
'Regular $2.25 for $1.65
Reg. $2.50 for $1.75 in Grey Only
Regular $2.00 for 31.50
Men's Picarry, eeg. $5.00 tor
Genuine Buck, reg. $4.50 for
, AlsO Lined Gloves in Gray
, Brown. Regular $2.65 for $2.15
Also Fancy Hosiery, Ties, Collars,.
Shirts, Everything Must Be Sold
Sale Starts Saturday, Oct. 9th
P, S. -All book accounts standing after October 20th will be put
into other hands for collection.