HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-20, Page 1VOL, 55 NO, 28
902.00 per annum in advance
riches for
Good until Oct. 29th
Live fleeted
Chickens over 5 lbs
Chickens 4e to 6 lbs
Chickens 4 te, 4a lbs.
Chickens 31, to 4 lbs,
(Thickens 3 to 3a lbs.
Chickens under 8 lb
Hens over 5 bs
Hens 4a to 5 lbs
Hens 4 to 4a /bs .13 .18
21 .27 liens 3 to 4 ibe 10 .16
„ .20 ,26 Hens 3 to 3a lbs .08 .14
... .39 .25 Hens under 8 /be .07 .32
... .17 .23 Roosters over 6 lbs .....1 .15
„. .16 ,22 Roosters under 6 lbs.00 .13
a.. .15 ,21 Young Ducks over 5 lbs .14 .22
.16 .20 Young Ducks under 5,12 .20
.14 .19 Old Docks .09 .15
These prices are for No. 1 Poui try, delivered at our Ware-
house. Poor quality at market value, according to our
lodgment. Birds must be in starved condition cry deduc-
tion made for crops, Average weight by number birds in
each coop.
,BRUSSELS, Oct. 20tb, 1926
The Surrounding District k
Mrs: Leggett, of Draytoa, is at
present visiting at the home of her
son, Wesley Leggett.
George Thompson had an auction
sale Friday afternoon and tlisposed
of hs 55 head of .grass cattle.
A. H. Coombs, of the Bluevals•
CrramorY has exchanged his Ford
sedan for a Dodge sedan.
- M. Cunningham, Glen Gari.,
Miss Olive Scott and Miss Margaret
Garniss visited friends at West Lorne
lnst week. - •
There was some exitement Frieay
when Frank Scott's chimney took fire
hut it was soon under control and
no damage done.
Arthur Shaw and wide have return-
ed honm after a three weeks' trip
through Western Ontario and a fow
days at Detroit.
Despatch to The Globe cm Tuesday
stated that Lora Blake Duff, an old
Illuevalts boy, and manager and edi-
tor of the Welland Tribune and Tole -
graph, had sold out his holdings to
outside interests. Those who have
aequired the paper are Henry J. Fos- ,
tor, of Galt, H.: M. Hueston end A.
D. McKenzie of Sarnia, and Mr. Hol-
mes, of Galt. Mr. Foster will aesume
Mr. Duff's position, commenchrs to- ;
day. No word has been inade as to
what Mr, Duff expects to do.
At high noon on Saturday, Oct. !
11, a very smart auturtm wedding
took place at the home of Robert and
Mrs, Archibald, Seaforth, when their
only daughter Ellie &Boa, became
the bride of Charles Hubert Else, of
Detroit, son of Frederick and Mrs. I
Else, of Toronto. The ceremony was
prformed by Rev. W. P. Lane, pas-
tor of North Street United church. i
The house was decorated for the oc-
casion with ferns and autumn flow- '
era. The winsome bride, who was
given in marriage by her father, was
becomingly frocked in a French frock
of shell pink georgette with crystal
trimmings. An embroiderel tulle
scarf of azure blue, silver shoos and
bandeau completed her ensemble.
She carried a shower bouquet of But- MONCRIEFF
terfiy roses and lily-of-the'svalley. Watch for out. Bazaar, early in
Miss Ida Lake, of Toronto, was a November. Concert will be held in
charming bridesmaid gowned in or- the .evening. , Further notice next
chid georgette with affetta trimming. week.
She carried a bouquet of Ophelia
roses and bob 's breath IRV Mar
rosebuds. Harvey Else, brother of
the bridegroom, was best man. MISS
Florence Theakstone, of Toronto,
played the wedding music, and dur-
ing the signing of the register Miss
Hazel McDowell sang "Until." Mrs.
Archibald, mother ef the bride, wore
gown • of navy blue crepe romaine,
with '5argl trimmings and fringo, mei
wore a corsage bouquet of roses.
After an informal reeeption and wed-
ding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Else left
on 0 ,honeymoon. The bride travel-
ed- m a claret red chiffon velvet g -own
with hat to match, alligator shoes and
bag and over this was WOI'D Hu.d-
son seal coat. Mr. and Mrs. Else
will reside in Detroit.
I Our teacher, Miss L. McKenzie, at
jowled the teachers' convention at
Goderich on Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. Gordon Walsh underwent an
operation in Wkigham Hospital 00
Saturday morning. We all hope fer
a speedy recovery. -
Rev. R. A. Lundy, of Kipoon, Will
preach the Thankoffering service for
the W. M. S. in Knox United Chnrch
next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Miss Bella Sproat, Arthur nod
Mrs. Rutledge and Robert McCort'-
. gle of Seaforth, were recent visiters
with James' and Mrs. Amintsion,
line of Morris.
Mrs. William Nethery, sr., has re-
turned to her home after spending
a few days at the home of her son, C.
NetherYi East Waml"Sh.
A social evening was spent at the
home of James Anderson, of Morris,
on Tuesday evening., when a lumber
of frismds of the community met to-
gether and presented Mrs. jack Ern-
est, fortnerly Miss Maud 13e1l, with a
miscellaneous shower,
Mrs. (Dr,) Grierson, missionary in
Korea, and formerly Miss Fingland,
of Londesboro, addressed 'a meeting
in Knox United Church in. Belgrave
on Friday evening and gave a very
interesting talk on the work there,
also about- the country and the people
with their habits.
. I e -
garet Turney, of Wingham, was very
dainty in a frock of coral georgette
and lace and carried a basket of
A Comedy Damn in Tine Acts
Will be presented by the pup-
ils of Fordavieh Continuation
Seheol in the
Township Hall
friday Ev'g Oct. 22nd
Commencing at 8.1S sharp
Under aalspiees of Eastern Star
Ledge, No, 406
BetWeen acts there Will be a
nt Miscellaneous Program, .
Advnitision 36 and 10 ate,
Ella Ponreom iron° Hamilton
As a result nt an accidents whieh °G-
eared on Sunday nights rat the high-
way, a motorist, from Walton, was
recently fined $10 on a cbarge of be-
ing, drunk and 825 for driving a eat'
Rev. W. Mathes attended the pres-
bytery meeting that was held at Hay-
field on Tuesday.
Mrs. William Clark, Alex. Clark
and Mrs. Alex. Gardiner motored to
Wingham on Tuesday,
E. A. and Mrs. Scott and family,
Lucknow, spent, Sunday et the
home of Mrs. Janet Gardinie.
Will o.nd Mrs Hogarth and family,
of London, spent the week end at the
of James and Misses Simpson, east
of Walton,
Mrs. John Watt, Miss Maud Fer-
guson and Mrs. P. 11 Gardinem were
among the friends that wove enter-
tained at the home of Airs, Robert
Archibald, Seaforth.
A trousseau, tea was given in honor
of Miss Elia Selina Archibald, whose
marriage to Charles Hubert Else, of
Dertoit, son of Frederick ahd Mrs.
Else, of Toronto, takes nlace on
Saturday, October 16, 1926,
Won at taternationai—Gordnn A/It:-
Gavin, of this district, cleaned up on
the tractor plowing at the Internat-
ional plowing match at Lundy's Lane
last week. Mr. ,McGavin is only 20,
making Ms success the more eemark-
able, His tithes were.—best work
done in sod or stubble with an Oli-
vet plow; best plowed lend in Sod or
stubble, tractor, boys under. 21 years
(geld Watch); beat plowed land in
scal, trader' (Delco Light Trophy).
New Advertisements
Hot Fowl Supper-Itoe'sCh nroh
iserviaos-Orossels Mined tniaroli
Notiee-Bram.ohi tiounen
Seiving-Mrii. R. Farrow
Pigs for Pele-Gordon Whitflelci
For. .ado -W, g,Jiteary
Auction ,,l'.— .i 15 1,1,k.
,A110b1031 ,.1i,,—Bob,,,
sahi-Jantes s. /smith
Anotion solo- A V Poera0er
Auotiou Hord....ii
Saito shot A the ino-F It Smith
Wood for sale -Hawn f.umber MIs
Hntimy (5
FO,Linle—ilnIc r +(... V -11.1.1/1
Sister Passes Away:—The Goder-
ich Signal refers to the death of a
sister of Robt. Holland of this cons-
munity:—On Thursday, Oct '7th,
death claimed one of Goderich •town-
shtp's old and highly esteemed resi-
dents in the person of Elizabeth Hol-
land, widow of the late Roland Jen -
king, at the age of seventy-five years
and ten months, The late Mrs. Jen-
kins had been in declining health
for some time, but during the past
few weeks her condition gradually
became worse, until Thursday, the
7th, when she passed peacefully
away, Ever since her marriage she
had resided in Goderich township, on
the 16th concession., with the excep-
tion of two years spent in Clinton.
Her Husband predeceased her aboot
two years. She was a woman highly
respected and loved by all will made
her acquaintance, mueh devoted to
the home and all that pertains to
community welfare, and a zealous
Christian. She was a • menthe? of
Wesley Church, Clinton. Surviving
her are A family of three daughters
and three sons: Mrs. T. R. Wallis; of
Goderich; Mrs. Wesley Stevens, of
Hullett Township; Mrs. Nixon Welsh,
of London; George, of Clinton; Har-
vey, of .Goderich township, and Her-
bert on the homestead': She leaves
also one sister, Mrs. Frances Watson,
of Los Angeles, Calif., and one broth-
itt', Rob. Holland, of Walton. The
funeral took place from her residence
on Saturday afternoon to Clinton
cornetery. Rev. A. A. Holmes and
Rev. J. E. Hogg conducted the ser-
vices and the pallbearers were six
nephews of the deceased: W. J. Car-
ter, Nobles Holland, Reiss Jenkins,
Will Jenkins, Reiss Ferris and Will
ALICTION SALE —0 Wing to the
shortage of feed, Robert. Shiell, 14,5, 8,
Co,, 10, Elora, will hold an auction
Role of 23 head of choice atm). Hol-
stein cows, on Wednesday, ()et. 2711,
Sale commences at 1,30 o'clock, with
0, la Vandrick, 48 auctioneer. See
advt. in another column.
lereel stml Mrs. Kitchen have re-
turned from a visit with relatives
at Tor onto and Detroit.
Thns. Jaekliii hits sold hia farm, in
Iinwick, to Oliver MeCreary, who
takes possession at once.
A. aml Mrs, aVells aml tle daugh•
ter, of Toulon, were visitors at the
bottle of A. Weaning, last week.
Austin stnd Mrs. Martin eon little
daughter, of Torontn, spent the week-
end at the home ofJiro, and Mrs.
David Thompson and sister. Miqs
Jean Thompson, are at present in
London, where the latter renently
pasted through A eri Heal opPrii 000.
Dr. Elizabeth McMaster, of Indoc,
Genteel Indio, will give an AthirPiiii,
AG the Ttittlik(IfftnillQ 001•ViCe (If thr
Wninetl'S y S,,oi et y, t 0 he
held in the United Church, on Sunday
worming, Oct. 2.Ith.
-Rey. A. W. Barker, of 131119901F1,
nonducted anniversary set vices, at
Salem United Church, last Sunday.
Althnugh the weather was lint vet y
favorahle, there was the num] large
gathering as the fowl Kipper, held on
Monday evening.
The unportant feature vf the Wom-
en's Institute meeting. this month,
will be it "Health 'Palk," by Dr. A.
McLeod. Roll Call—Donatinti nf 6
egg% As theee eggs are to be donat-
ed to the Wingbam Hormital, a goner -
(MS VeSpOlISP is requested. Thie
pro to ise,s to he it very int eves ti n g
meeting, turd all the ladiem nf the 00111-
rnunity are invited, Non-members
may take part in the ft one. ti on.
should they so destee. inhursclaY,
Oct, 28511, at airs, Armstenng's. •
Contrail met on Monday, of this
Tire T tx Collector expenta to start
out next week with the 1926 tax not-
Mrs. Adam McKenzie, of Toronto,
has been visitieg her brother, Albert
Crooke, 6th line.
Sohn and Airs. Oliver and Dr, Ram -
aura Brussele, Emeriti Sunday with
Rev and Mrs. Puevey, Otto. 2,
Roy and Mrs. Purvey and Margar-
et, Con. 2, attended the Archibald—
Elee wedding at Seafoeth, last Satan,-
Friends regret, to learn that Mrs.
William 'Combo]] is suffering ferma it
stroke, at the house of her brother,
Albert Crooke.
A euchre party is being held in the
town hall. Benssels on Thursday eV -
ening. of this week., and these inter.
Kited are invited to attend, 8ee
advt, in thin item..
Fortune-Ctonyon—A very pretty
wedding took place at St. Allchael's
Church, Blyth, last week when Miss
V1olt Cc0iti Cmonyn, daug der o
Arthur and 'VII% Cronyn, of Morrie
Township, became the bride oa Loufs
D, Fortune, of Detroit, The bride
Mitered tho chuach on the arm of
her father, She was charming in a
gown of peat/II-cabled satin remain°,
with /diver trimming anti car•red
' bouquet or white roses, valley lilies
' The Ladles of
Melville Church
Will hold their Bazaar
in the
Saturday, October 30
Commencing 00 130 o'clock
Booths Arranged
Containing Fancy Work, Plain
Sewing, Aprons, Pillow Caen,‚
Towels, Flowers, Handker-
chiefs, Candy, Post Office, and
a Farmer's Booth of Fowl,
Vegetables, Home-made Bak.
ing, etc.
TOP Served Memnon and Evening
Nothing Sold till Bazaar Opens
Everybody Welcome I
and maiden held fern, and wore a
blade picture hat. The bride was as-
sisted by her sister, Miss Annie Cron-
yn, who wore a gown of mauve geor-
gette, with lore trimming, with hat
to match, and carried a beuquet of
pink 'emotions. The bridegruom was
assisted by John Curtin. of Detroit.
Rev. Father Gaffrey, the parish priest
offiriated. After the ceremony the
bridal party motored to the home of
the bride's parents, where a wedding
breakfast was served. Immediately
afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Fortune left
on a wedding trip to Toronto and
Niagara Falls. The bride traveled m
a gown of American 'Beauty rose cut
velvet and georgette, with is coat of
rosewood and needlepoint trimmed
with a fax fur. On their return they
will take up residence in Dertoit.
Thos. Pierce, north gravel, is ex-
tending his poultry house.
, Don't forget the auction 6'ole at
-W. H. Maunder's farm, 2 miles south
of Brussels on Saturday 3f tide week.
Robert Campbell hits mild his houee,
in the villag,e, to Richard Mills, who
if moving from Ethel, next week.
We welcome them to our midet.
Rev. Mr, McDotiald, q India, will
give an address in Oranbrook
Church, no Sunday morning, at the
usual hour, 111 5e,,iiecti on with the
Woolen's Than k uttering meeting.
A. quiet wedding took place at the
Walton United (Thumb parsonage, on
Wednesday. Oat. 13th, by Rev. W. J.
Moines, when Miss filtbeleen Nobel
Swalition, soonnd daughtet of W. ;r.
and Ales. Szualltlon, was united in
marriage to Joseph Claire Long,
youngest son of Jacob and late Airs.
Long. Tire bride was beeemingly at-
tired in her gown of brown satin,
crepe.' She ore the gema'
's gifts
gold' wrist watch. Later, Mr. and
Mrs. Long left on a motor trip, the
bride wearing a fue-teirtuned coat of
rosewood velour with hat ni' rosewood
and sand, Mr. and Mrs. Long will
reside in Oranbrook.
'Wm, Hutchison is visiting with his
son, Dugald, at Stretford,
Miss Elia Hands is visiting with her
sister, Mrs, Harold Sanderson, at Tor-
Don't forget the auction sale, on
Satruday, of this week, at thambrook,
Liet W in Tna Pow
Mrs. W. H. Kerr, Brussels, spent it
few days last week as the guest of
airs, Stanley Wheeler.
Miss Pearl Cole has retorneti home
rater it mouth's visit with Mrs, Dug.
ald FIachinsori, Stratford,
Galt Baker, Oth Cone ie buildiug
50,15. Iran house. He is going to go
in strong on the poultry,
"The Little Oloddhopper" in the
traynallin Hall, Ethel, 00 Friday ev-
ening, This is it first-olass play.
Percy Tverman is holding an arm.
tion sale oE farm stock, etc, on leeiday,
of this week, at Lot 10, eon. 8
A hot fowl supper' will be held at
Roe's Church on Thursday evening,
Nov. and, Watch foe full particulars.
Weatet and Mrs. Aidinteheon, of
Humillon, wore recenb visitors with
jos. J. and Mrs. MeOutcheon, Con, 2,
Mrs, Eph, ()ober and sone and Miss
Kidd, all of Toronto, sprit the week-
end with Roy anti ales, Cunningham,
Oth Onn.
' Don't forget the euchre party, in
the town ball, Bruseels, on Thursday
evening, of this week, Site advt, in
this Witte
Mrs, W. Rands eeturned home, laet
Saturday, after visiting, with her,
deughter, Mee. Harold Sanderson, at
Jack PenrSOM 4th Com, reeently un-
loaded 3 carloads of Western cattle,
end had one car sold in a few days,
Mr, Pearsen handles a good many cats
Sa.m. and Mrs, Bennett and clatigh.
ter, Miss Bennett,: of Wingham, spent
'Friday at the home of Stanley anti
Mee. Wheeler, 811 Oon.
A hot fowl emmer and entertain-
ment will he held on Tnesday even-
ing, Nov. and, inetead of Oct, 28th, DA
the en et 'einem eons London, could
babe secured. See bille end atirt,
11 (Y1'
hiwl upper
- A Hot Ewa! letteper mei Cm-
eert will be held w
R0 E'S
Tuesday Ev'g, Nov, 2nd
Supper Served from 6 to 8
A Good Program will be ren-
dered by the
Munro Entertainers
of London
Assisted by Local Talent in
Solos,Duets, Instrumentals and
Admission 50 and 25 cents
Alfred Raymond, an old Crenbraek
boy and general manager of the firm
of Raymond Bros., London, who is
dead at the age of 58.
ing which he returned to Windsor
and then to London in 1904, where
he established the present busineee.
Ilr hoe melded there since that date.
MIS. Abe Bishop had the tnisforts
une to fall from it etepladdr r, at her
home, last week, and has been confin-
ed to her bed for some days. We
hope that she will soon be around
Pt'nvinriutl Constable Whiteatiles
and Go. Conamble Fellow were over
nil the orb hne, and arrested two
young fellows, charged with stealing
two tit's off .tht, car of Reuben Blew-
er, Stit COn, Mr. Brewer rettri
from Brussels, on Saturday night,
and when he went out to the barn, nn
Sunday morning, the two hind wheels
f 1 ra, h ti . ' le
pence did the final act on Wednesday
Fred ()stet. wishes to state that hi
reference to that ori•itlent ef his, on
Friday evening, of tast week, that the
blame does not lie with Irina ile
states that as he was coming Mtn
Brussels, he was (hiving very slowly,
and there were 5iV0 CAM orient, the
East Aide of the road arid the other on
Mr. Raymond is survived by his
widow, a daughter, Ruth, and one
son, Ernest, both of London, also
r two brothers residing in Wardsor,
George, and Joseph A.
Two boys, George, aged 20, and
• Earl, 19, members of the 135th Bat-
talion, were killed overseas.
I The late Mr. Raymond was an ac-
tive worker of the Wortley• Road
Haptiet Church, from whieh the Ant-
i eral was held last Thursday at 2 o•-
' eloc1c to Woodland Cemetery for in-
! terment. He was superintendent of
the Wortley Road Baptist Sunday
; School for a number of year's, ,
s' filen that office 10 few years ago. '
The funeral services were conducted ;
/lsy Resa T. J. Mitchell, pester of the
ehurch of which deceased was a
her; Rev. C. McKechnie, former pa,- ,
tor of that church and nosy of Mk-
ville, anti Rev. George W. Dewey.
t he West, and he
Fwasgoing slowly he- orison makes
tWeell I -Nen ears when Jamie
Turnbull, who attends Continuation
School, in F3ruesels, whn was talking
to the ocermanta of the ear on the
Emit id', stepped out tight in front
of Mr. Oster's ear. Mr. 0-aer wishes
this 001.11.1:lii)/1 /Mille, as lie does ent
like being blamed when the blame
was not his.
Petemo'vtLovatont is sportitn
ig a ew
Our village streets are receiving a
liberal coating of gravel,
John and Mrs. King 1500 spending
their, vacation in Wingaratu and Blue -
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Jos. Ames 10 still under the (lector's
"'Zee Freida Schooner, of Brantford,
spent it couple of days with Mrs. P, N.
-°t'Kuililteleari Bremner had an operation
performed on hoe nose, last week, by
Drs. Bryans and hicalaster.
On Sunday next, at 7 p T11,, HEW, 0.
C, Keine, nf Atwood, will preaeb in
Ethel United Chureh.
Communion service% and receptinti
nf members, in the United Church, nn
Sunday tnorning, Oct, 8Ist, at 11 a.
Quite a few from here attended 01A
hot fowl supper, at Trowbridge, nn
Monday night, and report a lame
crowd and a gone time.
Don't miss the lint fowl snpper, at
Roe's (Moeda on Tuesday, Nov. and,
and at Ethel, on Monday, Nov. 8th,
Watch for bills later.
Richard Mills has sold his home
and 12 am es of land to Alex, Dunbar,
\rho gets possession the 1s5 of Nov-
einhee„ Mr. 1101 Is is having an tine -
tion sale, on ivicnially next.
T. Vodden is having OXtellSIVP
pairs done to his store, and exneets in
asbort time to be ready to do bus-
iness again. The in tetior of the stare
is being ee-linished, and will be stoek-
ed with a complete new line of goods
as erten as it ia
A 'Hallowe'en Social will be held in
the United Church, on Thursday, Oct.
28th, uncler the anepices of tbe Yermg
People's League. Games, contests
and other fun. The seentrd edition
of "The Eye Opener" %vitt make its
appearanee. Don't miss this.
Head of London Awning Firm Suc-
cumbs to Lengthy Illness—Was
Born in Cranbrools
Alfred Raymond, of the firm of
Raymond Mersa awning manufaetor-
ers of London, died last Tuesday at
his home, 155 Thompson avenua,
after a lengthy illness. Air. Raymond
who was the 'senior partner of the.
company and general manager, was
born at Cranbrook, Ont., 38 yeare (
During bit younger days Air. Ray-
mond was it school teacher in his
home town, but on resigning this
field he entered the employment of
,J, C. Goss Company, Detroit, where
1 be learned the businees in width he
WAS engaged at the time of Ale death. t
oving to San Francisco in 1903, e
he stayed there for one year follow- t
formai Report
Tells of Government Activity As
Basis of Election Appeal
Toronto, Oct. 19.—A statment was
issued Tuesday morning by Premier
Ferguson. It reada:
To. the People of Ontario:
On assuming office three :mil a lulf
year ago. this Government determin-
ed upon a policy of honest, ere], imie
al and efficient administration. While
extending the various public serv;eos
to meet tha growing needs of this
great province, our aim has lrien by
rigid economy arid improved methods
to overtake the huge defict with which
100 were faced Ilnd begin a program
of relieving the taxpayers as rapidly
as possible from the henry burden
of taxation.
It will be gratifying to the taxpay-
er to learn that we are now in a posi-
tion to announce substantirl reduc-
tions in taxation. We are peoud nf
a record that in ,so short it tirrt. en-
ables the Government to ask your
approval of a course of ru tam that
has brought about a new era in the
huainese arairs of the provine,--a
Milanced budget and lower taxes..
A brief review of the work. of the
Government shows that the finansea
of the province have been etsablish-
ed upon a sound basis, A (leftist of
$15,00 0,00 0 in the annual budget of
the province has • been successfully
met. Foe the iirst time in the history
of provineial finance a system of
continuous audit of both revenuss
and disbursements in every depart-
ment has been inaugurated. Provie-
ion has been made for paying off the
debt of the province.
Road Building
Reorganization of the highwi-y de-
partment and the adoption or Mori,
economical and efficient methods
have enabled the building of more
mileage of highway at greatly red.tic-
ed coat. The provincial program, as
originally outlined, has been complet-
ed to the point where the Goearnment
feels warranted in adding substantial
mileage to the otigital scheme.
A great impetus has been given to
the development of our vaet wealth
in minerals, forest products rani oth-
or natural resources - and to the role
onization of Noethern Ontario. Ibti
Government seek the Conservative
nonsmatmn in Kingston, or in ;my
other constituency,
"Hon. Howard Fergusoo wiel de-
clare his policy providing eort
"(1- A hola ion of doetor's pr;,svrip.
tio» for liquor.
"(2- Salo of lapses in limited
quentitios by authorized vendors in
Iovernment dispensaries
"(3- Selo a six per rent beer in
hotels, in municipalities that poll a
theee.ilft)ie majority in :favor of such I
IhrErr to the death th hoot--
'servatives in 0. T. A. coned-
uencies are free to tun as inatmend-
at Conservatives, reserving the right
oppose the Ferguson liquer
L. KERR, ProprOlor
Brussels Bowling Club
win hold a Euchre Parry
in the
Thursday Ev'ql Oct, 21 .
At 8 o'eloek
To which all are cordially
Admission 50c
Lunch will be served
LChurch Notes
Melville Church
Last Sunday, at both eerviees, Mrs,
S. M. Atkin took the organ, in Mel-
ville Chutch, and her playiug was
much appreciated by the congreg.
edam The ehoirar rendition of Gon-
nocre "Send nut Thy Light," was
nitich enjoyed, as was also Archie
Ballantyne's solo, "In (Sodas Ger den."
The policy as declared by Hon. How-
ard Ferguson will be suppmted by
every Conservative elected on tis
strength of his declared trihesenee
to that poliey.
"Ontario is getting bask to tla-
theory that the party is grtlt...r than
the individual who leads the party,
end the ,wnstitueney le greater than
the individual who repr -salts the
r.onstitueney. If the con -,it, •
of Ontario want government control
esta),lished, the cuestitusnsies ran
got desire by electing a major-
ity of representatives to giva them
what they want. If the Ferguson
Government is defeated, the majority
of Raney and Sinclair Liberals, alo-
ed by prohibition -first Conservatives,
will have to maintain the 0. T. A. or
fi.nrissuona, pootie;substitute frtg the/
Albert enliough, of God oriel), took
0,50 himself a partner for life, in the
person cif Miss Mildred Ring, daugh-
ter. of Albert and Mrs. King, of Hul-
l/qt. Rey. W. R. Alp, of Auburn,
perforthed the ceremony,
The Betted a T111910E1; and staff of
tbe seafortli alr ruorial Hospital wish
to acknowledge with thaoks, the don -
011 in of a beautiful instrument cabill-
et by O. 11. Broadroot, of aloosejaw.
Bloadfutit is it Seaforth old boy,
and one who never forgets the old
town nr tl,0 people in it.
At Goderiela the dredging has been
completed svith the exception of the
blast hie of roek in front of the elevat-
nr. The channel between the outside
breakwateas and the pieto was widen.
ed to 400 feet, this year, and a depth
of not more than 22 feet at normal
Nvitter in the harbor is now ensured.
, 'rho omb nal meeting of the Seaforth
Highlanders' Band was held on Tues-
day evening, when the following Mlle-
s were elected fer the coming year :
Ooncluetor, John R. lamiinan ; Prep -
blew, al I). Reid : Vire-President, 0.
Ross ; Seeeetary, E W. Edge r afar).
aging Committee, ci..orge Peterson,
, Irsv ri Tee wartha mai Peter Simpson ;
Auditors, 0. H. Snowden and IV,
Srari tn.
Tire pollee roma and county jail are
busy plaves. these days, Duties; tile
the past and pri sent weela it number.
of esees have crime before agistaate
Reid, tnil id present, there are 17
serving tientenees nr awaiting trial in
the. jail. A number of these are 0. '1'.
A. enees, while eeveral are to he tried
at the Fall assizes, which start on the
26th of the tantlth. This is the larg-
est ournbee of inmates in the jail at
one time for a good number of years',
, The death occurred suddenly, at
, noon, on Wediresday laet, of aphis
Meek, Whighani, Mr, Monk had
been well and active to the last. He
bed been piling wood in the yard,
on Wednesday morning, and had
I walked to the postoffice, but upon
enter ing the house, at noon, he ex-
pired, Deceased was in his 83rd year.
Those who who survive are his
, Nvidow, two sons and three daughters,
John Handal], an employee of the
Western Carman Flom. Mills, of God-
etich, lost his life last Wednesday
morning, shortly after 7 o'clock,
Randall was eitber working in a bran
bin or' fell into ft, and it weir some
time before he was whored. 'When
found by fellow.workets, he was still
breathing, but failed to recover, de-
spite the offoras of Drs. Whitely and
Martin, the dust fermi the bran hav-
ing filled hiR IlIngs. The deceased la
strrvivaetdbrayItis ics
i fe aantlgonneel t
Queen street United Morrell, Blytia,
%vas meet anecessful. W. M. Myers
Perot-11prd of Mitchell Publit School,
mid Rev. IV. .7, Mathes. B. A. of ,
'Walton, were the principal speaker,
'The Sonday School orchestra, eons
situ irrg of Miss Galley, pianist, Roy
Toll and Ward Lnunay, furniebed the
mimic for the oceasion. Stan ay Sibs
thorpe reudered Is pleasing solo, and
the male quartette, consieti rig of Mee,
see, Leone, 1111born, Wallace and
Wightman, contributed oeleationa.