HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-13, Page 4WEDNESDAY, OCT. 181 1926,
1926 OCTOBER igall
51,6. Mtn Am, Wed. Thu. Fri. sal
1 2 1
5 4 5 6 7 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
25 26 27 26 20 8°11
cbt ustt I3ost
A. AleKereher, Wroxeter, Aged 74,
Veteran Plowman, Wins Mao: -
Prizes -Big Crowd Witness Var-
ious Events 1
Last Thursday the third annual
plowing match, held near Salto.
under . the atisnices of the Huron
County Plowmen's Association, was
a decided success. The inate-he.
v;ere held on the farms of
Win. Murray and Adam Shol
and were keenly contested.
There were 29 teams and
tractors competing for the diffc
prizes and James McLean, of R
mond Hill, had hie; work cut ou
award the prizes.
Alex. McKercher, aged 71,
Wroxeter, was not only the al
pioneer on the grounds, but win
of several prizes, including the o
special donated by the Reber; Si
son Co. Mr. McKercher was
for high cut and first for beo.: cro
in• this class
The results were as follews.-
Class 1, Entries 3 --High cut,
iron plows in sod: Sandy Mck
cher, Howick Twp., Wroxeter P.
lst, $15.00; Robert Doig, Seafoi
2nd, $12.00; Alex-. Russell, Br
sels, 3rd, $10.00.
Best crown -Sandy ireKe}
85.00, special by Chas. A, Robe
son. Colborne Twp..
Class 2, Entries 2 - Woo
handled plows M sod, skimmers b
red, 1st, Geo. McDonald, Mol
worth, Grey Twp., cash 88.00 a
a complete set of double trees a
neckyoke by Bert Martin, Bla
smith, Wroxeter, value 27.50; 2
John Laidlaw, Blyth, Morris Two.,
,i•ash $12.00.
Best crown - Geo. McDonald,
' 83,00 special by C. A. Robertson;
best finish -John Laidlaw, $2.00
special by C. A. Robertson. -
Class 3, Entries 3 -Men from 19
to 25 yearsin sod, skimmers allow-
ed -1st, Bertram Hemingway, Brus-
eels., Grey Twp., winner of the sil-
ver cup donated by the Bank of
Commerce, Walton; 2nd, Free Hay-
den, Molesworth, Grey Two.. $12.-
00; 3rd, Will Mitchell, Molesworth,
Grey Twp., 219.00.
Best crown, Bertram Hemingway,
83.00; best finish, Bertram Henan
-way, neckyoke, donated by Jack
Gibson, Blacksmith, Brussels,
Class 4,. Entries 8-B0ys under
• 19 years in sod, with skimmere - 1
Clifford Meehan, Cranbrooe, Grey
Twp., $15.00; 2nd, John Leckie
Craribrook, Grey Twp., 212.00. Or..
W. J. Dennis, Walton, 810.00.
Best crown, W. J. Dennh, 83.00
best finish, W. J. Dennis, $2.00
six Hon. ,J, S. Martin, Ontario Minter of Agriculture, opming sale held at close of the Toronto Feeder Cat -
rent tie Show Friday. at th o Union Stock Yards, Toronto. This grand champion lot of Shorthorn ;doors, shown Ir. -
A. T., Macdonald, Brussels, was sold to J. D. Stuart for $7.65 per hundred, Their average weight was 1,022
t to pounds.
He represented Canada at the In -
°f Carload of Shorthorn Steers ternational Financial Conference
- Carload
stimmonecl by the League of Nations
tier ; Wins at Feeder Cattle Show in Brussels in 1920, and also attend -
pen ed the meeting of the Imperial War
nip- Graves Commission in London in
Ant A. L. Macdonald of Brussels, Is
wn Awarded Grand Championship at
First Feeder Show Held in On-
A. carload of roan 2-yeai-old
O., Shorthorns carried off the champ-
th ionsrip award at Toronto's first Feed
er-Cattle Show, judged Thursday
ter, at the Union Stock Yards, T zonto.
et_• The winners were an Ontario lot,
shown by A. L. Macdonald, of Brus
den sels, and comment in the alleys
ar- showed that the judges made a pop-
e, ular decision, The win was espec
nd ially creditable, as there was Imen•
nd opposkion from the Angus and
, Hereford sections, both brim& out.;
nd, numbering the Shorthorns consider -
Iably in points of entries. Reserve
!grand for carloads went to the Teu-
lon Stock Farms of Teulon, Man.. on
! a load of Hereford yearlings. Mr.
! McDonald sold to J. D. Stuart for
187.65 per cwt. Their average wtight
11,022 pounds.
Class 5, Entries 5 - Boy unde
16 years in stubble;- 1.st, John Kel
ly, Brussels, Morris Twp., $15.00
2n9, Ross Cardiff, Brusse1s4 Morri
Twp., 812.00; 3rd„ Percy A Smith
Seaforth, $10.00; 4th, Edgar How
att, Blyth, $8,00; 5th, Carl Holmes
Walton, lantern and halter donatm
by john Douglas, Wroxeter.
Best (Town, Ross Cardiff, $5.00,
special by E. R. Wigle, M.P.P.,
Goderich; 2n9, Percy A. Smith,
$3,00, speeial by E. R. Wite'e, M.P.
P., Goderich; Ord, Jack Kelly, $2.00
special hy E, R. Wigle,
Goderich. • •
Class 6, 4 Entries-Singie tiding
plows in sod-Ist, Albert Lydiatt,
Myth, 88.00, and a sot of deuble
trees eomplete with, neekyois value
87.50, donated by James Moffatt,
ae temith, rexeter; 2n
Speir, rw*).„
; 13rfl. 7.1e31eri-ay,
McMurray. .
Be. -t eroveL A lie, rt
88.0; 10.-1•1,
Class 7, trae;o2, 6 • tit !• -1 t.
Gordon MeGavin, Walton, Mek.Eo:i
Twp„, $20.00; 2nel, s
Brussels; 818.00; Ord, Ed. fl-el!%ret,
• Walton, Mekillop Two , 215.00 ;
ith, Laurence? Ryan, Wslton, Met.11 ;
lop, $10.00.
Best crown ---Gorden MeGsi 'n,
winning the special derimed.bj H.
Daley, "Seaforth„ goods to of
$10.00; for beet finish, Gewien
Gavin; 'Massey -Harris speciel ardor
for $10.00, on the purchase neic„ of
any Massey -Harris machine.
Oldest man plowing,. Sealy Mc.
iKercher, winning the murschaum
pipe and case donated by th a Rob-
ert Simpson Co., Toronto,
I Youngest boy plowing, Edgar
Howatt, 13 pears of age, winuing
the T. Eaton rug.
IBest plow team on ground was
won by Wm. Mitchell, Molesworth,
prize being $5.00.
The prize list totalled 8:350 and
this did not nelude the many spec-
President R. L. McDonald, Cron -
brook, and Secretary L. E. Cardiff,
Lruss:els. were responsible for the
gr,est uccess of the affair,
; I George Hamilton, Long III, Passes
Away, Aged 80-Serve3 County
a 1
26 Years - Taught For Many
Years In the Schools .if Dizitriet
, . Stratford, Oct. 8.-Geo1'ee Hain-
li ilten, for the past 26 years treasur-
1 er of the County of Perth, passed
away at his residence here late tali
li afternoon, following an lanes,. of
I some Kix months. He vros in his
I214 year,
Born M County Armagh, Irelahd,
i he came to Canada will ids par -
Icm, when a lad, settling in Brant- ,
1. . .
iord, where they lived for several
- years before taking up residonce in
1 Carlingford. Fig atteedei the Toe --
onto Normal Schoolin 1s65, and re-
' turning to this di„trict taught sehool
a Your Eyes Need
If yoar eyes bothtx you in
any way;
If they Vele, quickly or be-
eeale inflamed;
..-ou do not see eaeily and
f headitch,s impair your
01, intorfere with
your pleasure;
ir you eannot enjoy every
minut, a your reading? --
Maud o o. isryaris
Phone 25x Brussels
Prizes ranged from $30 to $27
for carloads, and from $10 to $f
for groups.
Awards in detail are as follows:-
Shorthorn steers, two years and
under three -1, A. L. Macdonald,
Brussels; 2, W. J. Carson, Chats-
worth; 3 and 4, Laidlaw & Macdon-
ald; 5, 6 and 8, W. H. Stuart; 7,
A. Cormack,
Championship • Carleads.
Champion two -year -old -A, L.
Macdonald; reserve, Cypress Cattle
Grand champion -A. L. Macdon-
ald; reserve, Teulon Stock Farm.
Groups of Five.
Shorthorn steer, two years and
Inder three -1, A. L. Macdonald; 2,
• A. Cormack.
The ribbons and silver cup, which
were donated by the Hartford Fire
Insurance Co. were on view in Walk-
er & Black's store window, enn the
winnings are indeed an honor to Hur-
on Co., as well as to Mr. Macdonald.
5 that year.
near Mitchell for five years, an
for five years In Fullerton. For th
next 24 years he was a teacher i
bebringville, resigning that positice
in 1900 to become country treasur
er, which position he held until the
time of his death. He was widely
known throughout the county, and
respected by all
Aide from his duSies as county
sreasin el', he was fur many years
eud'tor of the Britsh Mortgage
Loan Company, as well as buing an
iteditor and later a director in ihe
Peith Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany. He waS a regular attendant
of St. James' Anglican Church. He
was predeceased by his wife last
year and is survivedby four dau-
ghters,'Mrs. W. C. Johnston, Drink -
water, Sask.; Mrs, R. J. Dickinson,
Moose Jaw, Sask., and Susie and
Maisie at home; also three sons,
Robert, Toronto; Andrew T., Funk
B. C., and James T., Weston, Ont,
Hon, Hugh Guthrie waS c.sosen by
a conference of elected and defeated
Conservative candidates at Ottawa
recently to lead the Opposition dur-
ing the coming session of Parlia-
ment. it was a surprise selection,
inasmuch as his name had not been
among these mentioned for the tem-
porary leadership in party forecasts.
Mr. Guthrie, is a comparatively re-
cent eonvert to Conservatism. As a
Liberal he sat for newsly twenty
years for South Wellington in the
F -101.10e of Common& His father be-
fore hint sat as a Liberal for South
Wellington. When twitted on the
subject .of his ehange of party alle-
giance in the last MUM:, he declared:
"Any ono is welcome to my discarded
opinione." •
Mr, Girthrie is learned in consti-
tutional law and Commons procedure,
niakas a good speoeh in a deep, son-
orous voile!, and ha a stator,. and
poise. Ile was much criticized for
his speech during the struggle in the
late Commons in which bit was 00-
of, offering "no elnetion" terms
to the Progressives if they would
throw their support to the Conserva-
• Mr. Guthria was born .at Guelph'
; in 13436, and still makes that city his
home. He was first elected to the
Commons in 1000, and returned at
every election since. He'entorell the
• Union Government as So1i5toe-Gen-1
oral, and was promoted to Ministsr ,
of Militia in 1920. He Was rn-ans ;
• pointed to that post 11500 the forma- I
tion Of the first Meighen Ministry,
HP was Minister of Militia in the
- last brief Meigben Administration, -
Figures in Poll No. 5, Ho wick, Were
Since the official declaration by
the returning officer in North Huron
giving Mr. J. W, Ring a nrs.jori•ty of
251 votes, it has been ascertained
that Mr. King's rightful majority is
nearly one hundred more than this:
The Post is informed that in polling
division No. 5, Howick, for which
the deputy returning officer gave the
vote as 86 for King and 133 for Mac -
Ewan, the actual vote was 133 for
King and 86 for MacEwan. This
makes a difference of 94 in figurine'
the majority, and instead of a maj-
ority of 251 Mr. King rightly should
be credited with a lead of 345.
How the deputy came to reverse
the figures remains to be explained.
( Duke of Devonshire, former Gov-
ernor-General of Canada, who has
turned his estate into a limited lia-
bility company, hoping to avoid in-
come tax and death duties.
The Legislature of Ontario, it is
to be hoped, will amend the High-
ways Traffic Act at the next scission
and make compulsory the use of
lights on horse-drawn as well as
motor vehicles, when proceeding, on
provincial highways. The matter
has long been controversial, and it
has been argued that such require-
ment would be a hardship if made
to apply on all. reads, . The Free
Press has been inclined to agree
with that view, but surely the time
has come •whon no vehicle should be
allowed to use provincial highways
after dark unless bearing lights.
The number of collisions between
motor ears and horse-drawn vehi-
cles, due directly to lack of lights
on the latter, should be a conclusive
argument in itself. When motor
I cars are passing each other,th
ilights make it impossible for drivers
to see an unlighted vehicle, even as
elose range, and that is where most
! of the trouble comes in.
1 The Globe, in a discussion of the
matter eome time .ago, ventured the
statement that few vehicles any
longer use provincial highways with-
out carrying lights, but unfortunate -
1y such is not the case, in this part
of the province at least. County
councils, it is true, have power to
pttee by-laws requiring lights, but
unfortunately very few have done
so, and those which voted against.
Expected this week,
Car or llemestic 3fial
To arrive about Nov. ist
Ph011e 2214 ETHEL
-1 • -.1- .
such action have argued that it
would be, largely useless Mit11.01.1t
similar action by adjoining counties.
Opinion of municipal autheritire
and the press seems to be • strongly
In favor of the Legislature taking
the responsibility, and probably the
matter, Which has been debated
upon several occasions in the House
will reach the stage of action next
time. -(London Free Press),
The Calgary Daily Herald publish-
ed the following in its news columns:
"In a letter to a Calgary friend, re-
ceived to -day, Hon. R. B. Bennet;
member for West Calgary, and for-
mer Cabinet Minister, stated that he
would not consider the submission of
his name as candidate for leadeeship
of the Conservative party in tile
High Rate of Output Likely to he
Maintained -The Provinces Con-
Canada has held the prom
tVith141producer thE
0 isnipixireer fa os
past two decades. During the
few years Canada has been t
third largest producing country
the world, being outranked only
Mexico and the United States. L
year (1925) third place was ea
tured by Peru, whose product'
exceeded that of Canada by slight
over one and a half million mine
The principal producing areas
Canada are, in order of their i
portance, Ontario, British Columb
and Yukon. Silver ores have al
been found in other parts of tl
Dominion, but the total proclurti
from these areas has been solo
The total recorded production
the end of 1925 is 493 million fin
ounces, last year's output bein
slightly in excess of 20 million ou
Mi. The marketa price of sills
fluctuates from day to day; ti
sighest yearly averages ware r
corded on the London Inneket i
1853 and 1854 at $1.348, and i
1920 at 51,346. The lowest prie
\vas in 1915 at 50.519. Th- tott
tarket value placed on Csineda'
reduction during the years fo
vhich recorde are available (188
o 1925), based on average marke
alues from year to year was $318,
26,880. In 1925 the »reduction
as veined at $13,815,742.
The mine, of Cobalt, South Loy
11311, and Gosvgancla, all in the pro
ince of Ontario, are at present
(made's principal silver produccms
ntario's mines have oontributed
ightly over 863.3 million ooncos to
e accumulated total of Canada's
lver imoduction, of which only 1.8
illion ounces were produeed prior
1903, the year of the discovery of
e Cobalt area. The average pro-
mtion in Ontario for each of ihe
isI four years was 10.7 inlilion
inces. Dividends paid -tut to the
of 1925 by silver companies op-,
ating in northern Ontario amount -
to approximately 592,000,000
Silver produttion in British Colu-
bia and in Yukon is obtained frocn
cl-zine ores, The present rate ef
eduction is about 8,500,000 inn-
s per annum; Yukon production
t year was about 905,000 ounces.
(ire appears to be every reason to
teve that the present rate of pro-
etion of silver in Canada will be
intainecl for, some Years to COMO'.
e decline in production in Cobalt
been more than compensated by
v discoveries and increased mai-
.tion from South Lorrain and
wganda, and there has idso been
increase in the production front
tish Columcia,
`11lie rennin one-etorey cottage no.
otlitied bY Mrs. Catherine Hastings',
Mr the Ifilt.011 Istund, jitter: of Dublin,
wits bulimia on Saturday, when a coal
oil store exploded, A sewing outeb•
• lite and ;molting stove were all tint(
wits saved, The prepevty had been
putelmeed by William 0111 ;leek Feels.
es some Gino age. Mrs. 11 itt tinge 8,,,a
her daughter were to leave on Mon-
day roi Lontimi, 04 1,13Eit'S. Forbed
woe prepared to more In. Only a
stn 411 11).11,-1111e(i Oftlilii0d,
The comer -stone of the McKay
Community Gall was laid in Goderioli,
on Friday, by Mayor B. J. A. AleEw-
an, before it large gathering of oft-
iZerld, AS0001111 ell W101 the mayor or)
the platform were : Wigle, M,
13. 1?. ; Will, Campbell, Clerk ; Geo.
Holman, Co. Ole' It '• 13, 0, Monologs,
Depoi y Reeve, J. J. Moser, 0.
Sproule, 0. 0, Lee, A., J. McKay. J.
'ow, Chairman of tile 13oard of
Mostees, was (Mailman of gath-
ering, Hey. Canon Geo, Gill offered
prayer, followlog which Rey, R. 0,
MeDermid and Key. 11, S. lfarcly
spoke briefly of the gift of Mr. Me -
Kay tn the eitizens. There followed
short addresses by E. R. Wigle and
Alex Sall hasps.
Hon, R. W. Ctaig, attorney -
general in the Manitoba Provincial
Government, who was down east at -
ending the Bar Association meeting,
made a flying visit to I? ,rt Elgin, hit,.
birthplace, and visited at the home
."‘ Netrowes, ,00.-0. M. Suott, Auctioneer.
has been instructed to mall at Lot 10, (Jon. 8,
Grey Township, on Friday, Oot. 22nd, at 1
o'clock nharp, the following property : grey
Percheron filly, Durhom cow due April 18bh,
Durham oow due June 20th, Durham cow rod
due )l'eb. 1151,, Durham cow due may 2101 8
inborn oowe, 2 Durhatn steers 2 years old,
Hereford steer 2 years old, Durham heifer 2
Durham bull 1 year old, Hereford heifer 1
year old, Ayrshire heifer 1 year old, 2 Durham
heifers 1 yearn old, Holstein heifer 1 year old.
Polled Angus heifer calf uncler 1 enr, Dui -
ham heifer calf under 1 yettr, eDurham steer
calves under one year, Holetein heifer calf
tinder one year. al Oxford breeding ewes, Ox-
ford ram, sow due to farrow Month 8.h, sow
due to farrow at time of sale, 0 chunks, ROW
dlle to farrow Deo. 7th, 40 White Leghorn
heno,40 Anomie hens, pair of duoks, hayloft:1-
er, 001 07 Guerney scales 2,000 lbs, capacity,
hay rake soutner,aet of harrown, oultivatnr,
hinesey.darrie mower 6-01., Massey.flarrie
binder 041„ Noxon 10.hoe seed drill, Pane
walking plow, set of sleighs, Chatham fan.
wing mill, set of single harness, sot of plow
harness, hay reek, root pulper, Superior
areamseparator, 00 fence posts and numerous
other articles,
TERMS -A Bourns of $10 and under, cask;
over that amount 12 months oredit given on
fernishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent.
off for cash on oredlt amounts. Land owners
for security.
P. 02. TYERMAN, Prop.
1,T0.-Joilleo Taylor, Auctioneer, ban been in.
strnoted to sell at Lot 80, Con 7, Morrie town-
ahip, (2 miler; South of Brussels on Rravel
road), on Saturday, October 28r0, alt o'clook,
thefollowing property :-1 matched team of
general purpose mare*: rising 6 and 0 years old
weigh about 2800,1 aged horse, 1 driving mare
8 years old ,111.8 steers rising 8 years, 8 steers 2
years old, 2 steers rising 2 years, 2 helfere ris.
Mg 2 years, 1 Durham cow 8 years old to fresh'
en in Noventber, 1 Durham cow 0 years old to
freshen in Deeernber, 1 Durhatn now rieing 4
years to freshen tniddle of December, 1 Dor-
haTn cow losing 4 yenrs to freshen in January,
I Durham it OW rising 4 yeast, to freshen about
April 1st, 1 Holstein 71010,,» rising 8 years old
milking,180 White Leghorn imitate, about 20
Rack pullets, 1 Chevrolet touring oar in good
octudition'1 set double breeching harness, 1
seb singlellarness, lumber wagon, set heavy
oak sleighs, fiat rack for sleighs, set of iren
harrows, wal1t4tig plow, disc harrow, good
steel hay rake. Prost & Wood mower, buggy,
cutter, new Renfrew cream separator only
need 10 months, colony house 10 x 10 feet, 1
Buckeye brooder 500 capaeity, abont 7 tons
timothy hay, about 80 tons Glover hay, e guan•
tity of strew end potatoe0. 1 sere of Swede
turnips In field, about 0, bushelnf whenn,
nbont 700 bushels of ;nixed oats rind henry,
forks, ehaine, whiffle:1ree:3 neeksokes, milk
bucket -B. email Minim and other articles 71 e
farm will also be efferedfor sale at reser-mob:0
terms which will be 80050000,1 81 timehf sale,
If not sold will be rented.
TronmS-811 RUMS of $10 and under cash ;
over that emount 7 menthe credit given nn
furniahing approved joint notes 6 per cent
Per annum off for earth on credit amounts,
Lend owners for eeourity.
W.11, MAUNDERS, Pron.
Auction Sale
55 Dead of Cattle
D. M. Sootb, Auctioneer, ha, been instructed
to sell at net 12, Co,,,, S. Grey, (2 miles Wes()
of Ethel), on Friday. Oet. 16th, at 1 &Mock ;
40 head of fat heifers 2 -year-olds and year-
lings, 0 head of yenning eteers, 2 good Mitch
cows one due to freshen this motith, Theee
cattle lave been on this farm since June, end
are a good quality Dunn= stud Polled Augur:
heifers find ere fat. Stock will be sold with.
ont re:terve as proprietor has no Winter feed.
1'e18M8,-7 months credit allowed on ap.
proved joint notee or 4 net, :tent given for
:melt. At the Same time and Maim the farm,
containing 100nore. more or leas, will be offer.
ed for vale eubjeat to reserve bid. Terrne
mode known at sale. If day is web, sale vv111
be oonduoted under shelter.
911,7.7590048007, Prop,
Box 240 Wingbant,
Auction Sale
Holstein Friesian Cattle
At Lot 13, Cori. 3, HOWiCk
234 mike South end 2 leilca West of Ferdwieh
Wednesday, Nov. 3rd
01 1,00 p. 10. sham
0,?, R. train at Pont wieh met Tueed ay night,
Wertneitday morning fled II 00n ; Goivanstown
0.02.02, Wednesday morning trains Free
Jonah et noon, 001110 early and look them
e (lows in fun milk flow, II ems duo to
freshen, 0 bred heifers, 2 bulls ready fee ear -
vi e,, 0 bull calves, 8 York snwe. 1 York eow
with litter, I fancy petty 3 yenr old,
22 dwa ablers and 2 eons ready for pert/lee bY
ging Rollo Ranward ; seenrett dams Average
000117,000 the, mill, end IMO lbs. Imtter in I
Year. Beetle 1),V King MOW Burke ,• his dam
Oakdale Nintnel Burke, 910 lbs, butter art*
2Year eta ht 1 year: bow dam 41 lbs. in 7 tIM-s,
1280 lbs. butter in yenr, sine to ent of the
world's rscord 2.yearand. 1200 lbs. in 1 yes r,
flows ore bred to this great bull, Write for
ViDatig-cesh or la loon tits with Interest nt
41 oee bent oh bsekrible etieee.
Merritt 0". Moore, W. L. 1.A
Atte, Pron,, 10 lt, 8, uorrie
t • V n • am v • s e •
of his cousin, George Craig, at Paise
ley, He was accompanied by Mrs..
Craig. •
A .promising young life came to
an end last evening, when Martin
Angus MeLay, son of Angus and
Mrs. MeLay, Con, 7, west of Rip-
ley, ciled after a week of intenee
suffering from pleuro-pneumonla
and blood poisoning, Deceased was
in hls prime at the age of 25 years.
He attended public school on the
7th concession, and later the eon-
tinnation school at Ripley. He re-
sided at home on the farm, and was
engaged,\ with his father,as a cem-
ent contractor,
In the Surrogate Court
of the County cif Huron
In the matter of th e estate of
George Jackson, deceased,
Par the malaise of winding up the above es.
tate, tenders will be received by the imam,
signed for the porellase of the brick Week of
otOree, lcnOtyli Blashill Block" in the
village of BrusssIs.
The terms of the purolinee will be eanit The
'title to the property le Merle. The above ten•
dere pin be received up to Saturday noon,
Oolober tweirty.third, 1020.
Tile highest or any tender not neceesarily
Dated this 213re2 clay of September, 104.
Solicitor for Andrew Laidlaw, eurviving
Executor of the estnte,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Jane
Thomson, late of the Township of
Gray in the County of Huron, mar.
ried woman, deceased.:
Creditors and others having claims ga illgt
tile estate of the said deceased, who cued en or
about the Second day of June BM, are recall!,
ed to gond full partioulers nf anoh claims to
the undersiened arintlniserntor• of the estnte
of the said (let:eased, on or before the 2711s day
of October IWO, after which date the admin.
istrator proneed to distribute the assets
of the Raid estate, having regard only to the
claims of whteh notice shall have been given.
LIMITED, London, Ont , Administrator.
Solicitors for Adminietra tor, London Cot,
House and lot for Sale
The undersigned offere for sale the house
and lot, on Mill street, Brussels, 'belonging to
the estate of the late sirs. Geo. Jackson,
There Is a Rood frame house, one-eigth nore or
land, Rood well, house electric wired, &o,
Por further particulars, apply to
JOHN SMITH., 11, R. 4, Walton,
Tenders Wanted
Tenders for the put-oh:tee of the parsonage
and mense, owned by the congregation of
Knox United (Mundt, Itt Belgrave, will be re.
oeived till 0 o'clock p. 001. 28rd !text. Sep.
arate tenders regnested. The highest or any
tender not necessarily accepted. Further
partionlars may be obtained from the trusees.
Address tenders to PETER ve, SCOTT,
Serey, Trustees Board, 13elgrave,
House and Lot for Sale
The undersigned offers for immediate sale
his house and lot on Albert street, Brussele.
House contains bath, furnace and is electric,
wired, Good garden and garage. Beery.
thing in first Moss repair. Reason for selling
proprietor ia moving from town.
18.t0 Brussels
House and lot for Sale
The undersigned offers for rude his comfort-
able briek cottage op Princess street, Bees.
eels. Half•nore of lend, Well and cistern.
Immediate possession, or further pestle -
Ware, apply to WM. WURK, Brussels P..0.
Phone 2117
Nouse and lot for Sale
The eligible house and lot on Queen street,
Brussels, the property of the late 51,0. Keys,
is offered for sale. Comforteble house with
small gat -den. Por further particulars apply
12. 3, 0 Brussels
Farm For Sale
100.nore farm with bank bent &roomed
honee well.finished inside, cement'oellar, gar-
age and driving shed. Spring well, good or.
chard, 5 acres hardwood bush, 16 acres past-
urer rest working lend, ene.eighth mile from
sohool, three and three quarter miles from
Walton. To settle estate will be sold very
reaaonably and on good terms.
R. 10.2, Brussels
Lot 12, Com 16, Grey
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
100 aores, lbeIng 0156 Las 7, 8, 0 and North
40 Boren of 10, Con, A, Turnberry township.
Large drat:elan barn, splendid atone stabling
undernenth ,• windtnill, lsrge driving shed,
good from° house and stone kitchen large
orobard, never falling spring on farm, '2 miles
front Wroxeter village end I mile from :wheel,
This farm has been in pasture for some years
and will give highest reburne. Perm land
valuee will rise. Po» pante-tilers apply to
Administrator John 11, Gibfron estate
P. 0. box 77 Wroxeter 01,00, 00
Farms for Sale
The under6igned °Tees for rude his 100.aare
Lan m being 0754, Letj5, Oonm
, 7, worm,. Aloe
150 nores, being North 6, 1.00 80, end ESC 27,
Dom 7, Morris. Goo houses nnd barns in
first.olese oondltion, oleo all good out -build.
Mfrs. Will Hell with or without croR. Rene.
on for willing, poor health, Po» fort er part.
fawner, coley to W. H. McsOUTCHEON,
Propeletor, IL 05.4, Brussels
Farm for Sale
100 'tore Perm for sale, being South hillf lot
27, Con, 0, ToWnehip of Mortis. On premises
01-00 good Iniblr barn, 78x40 with good cement
stabling ; driving shed 4022.1 ; oomfortable,
good, frame house with good stone seller ;
ttvo good wells 0e0er411111,1ft about 5 acres
good maple bush. Tide farm le well fenced
and drained and tn good stem of oultivation
and le situated 1 mile from Village of Watteau,
also I mile from Beluga and ehtiroh. Per far.
ther partioalars apply on the premises or to.
11.41 ° R. 4, Walton.
Farms for Sale
IA sores or land, being the AOlith 34 el Let 6,
Com 8, and the south ts of Loh 18, CoM 7 in the
Township of Morrie, These films are offered
for sale to (dose rip the estate of the late James
Encilth. If not Aoki they will be rented for pas
Mira Ifor partionlars apply 06 the exoelltbre,
A1,141C. BMITR.