HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-13, Page 1—VOL, 55 NO, 17
$2.00 kr annum in advance
J. L, KERR, Profirielor
rice,, for
Good until Oct. 22nd
Live Dreeel
Chickens over 5 lbs.... .22 .27 Heim 3e in 4 Ws
Chickens 4e to 5 lbs.... .21 ,213 liens 3 to 13e lbs
Chickens 4 to h lbs. ,20 .25 Hem: under 3 lbs
Chickens 3e to 4 lbs.... .18 .28 Roosters over 5 lbs
Ohickeue 3 to oi lbs.... ,17 .22 Roosters under 5 lbs...
Chickens under 8 lbs.. .10 .21 Young Ducks over 5 Ihs
Hens over 5 Ibis .16 ,20 Young Ducks under 5..
Hens 4a to 5 lbs .15 ,19 Old Ducks
Hens 4 to 4i lbs .14 .18
These prices are for No, 1 Poultry, delivered at our Ware-
house, Poor quality at market value, according to our
judgenent. Birds must be in starved condition or deduc-
tion made for crops. Average weight by number birds in
each coop,
Live Dreeel
.11 ,16
.10 .14
.08 ,12
.11 ,15
.09 .18
.14 .22
.12 .20
.09 .15
BRUSSELS, Sept. 3rd, 1926.
age egeeereeeeeeeenteeelaegeaeglaftegeateeelgeateeteetaegeeeeleeeteetafeeleteeeeeeeeeRatea4.4eatteeeeetee
The Surrounding District
Leslie McLaughlin, of Oshawa, was
a recent visitor, in the village.
Miss Ann Mimeo, St. Catbariees,
spent Saturday and Sunday at her
home bees.
Mrs. 1), McTavish and childeem of
Brussels, were iecent guests of Mrs,
A. Wearyine.
Kenneth aibqon, Hamilton, epent
Sunday with his perents, Thos. and
rs. Gibson,
Mrs. Geo. Wearring and Mrs. John
Thew have returned to Sunderland,
after spendiug a week at the former's
home here.
Jon. Douglas bas purrhased W. A.
Rutherford's hardware stock, and
will move his own stock into the
Rutherford store,
Rev, F. Steide, 5 former pastor of
ale Methodist Church, with his wife
1111C1 little daughter. called on friends
here, this week, They have just Ye-
t ni nod from a hip to Englend,
Wm. Bailor:1: and Ben Hayden left
for Detroit. on Monday.
Mrs. Wallece, of Detroit, paid a fly-
ing visit hnntre last week.
J. L. and Mrs. lewin and sons visit-
ed in Stream], recent:Iv.
Mee, Blathers and Earl and Enz.
abeth spent Sunday in Bluevale.
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Stratford,
spent Sunday at Lite home of Duncan
0. Eekmier, Ethel, has been vieite
mg at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
3. L. Irwin.
We are sorry to say that Nies
ebel Thompson is primly, suffering
from knee tremble,
Mrs. Sas. Stenciler: and Dougal vie -
Red P. S, and airs. MeEwen, Turn -
berry, on Sunday.
The many friends of Selah Brecken-
vidge are glad to hear that he has so
far recovered frcm his recent oper.
retain in Kitchener Hospital as to be
able to return home,
Measuring Social
Will be held at
Union United Church
Wednesday, Oct. 20th
At p. m•
Good Program Se Refeeshments
Admission 26 and 15 Cents
Everybody Come 1
Are Invited
to a
TO be held
In the
friday Ell Oct. 15th
Town's 5 -piece Orchestra
will supply a good pro.
gram of Music.
$1,00 CoUple bare Indy She
Miss Janeb Thomas, or Auburn,
has been visiting with hey aunt, Mrs.
D. Johnston.
Thos. Wilson hes been carrying off
a large number of prizes at the elf-
fereet fairs, this year.
Mrs. J110. Riley was laid up with an
aetack of onsilitis, lately, but is
better, we are pleased to state.
S. A, Snell has been on the sick list.
but if good wiehes can help, Mr. Snell
should be speedily restored to health.
Miss Brown. of 8,3. No. 10, Mor'
'18; Miss M. MeDnugall, of No. 4,
Grey, and Miss Esther McDougall, of
the Gravel School, atteoded the
Teachers' Convention, in Maori,
last week.
A very successful Rally was held al
Jamestown Sunday School, on Ont.
3rd, Rev. F. G. Fowler, of Brussels,
addressed the gathering, The Sun-
day School has elosed for the Winter
months. Robt. Strachan is the Sup-
L. Elliott is better again after his
recent illness.
Flemming Black spent, the week-
end at Toronto.
A. H. Coombs received and deliv-
ered a car of stoee coal, this week.
Silas and Mee. Johnston, of Monk -
ton, spent Sunday with relatives at --
nand here.
Cooper atul Mrs. Nethery, M leel.
grave. spent Sunday with Rich. and
Mrs. Johnston.
Rev. Mr. Walden took charge of
the serviees 51 Fordwich, on Sunday,
for Mr, Chandler,
Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Mrs. L.
Poitras, of Detroit, emit a few days
with hue and Mrs. Ma.sters.
Wilbert and Mis, leletthere and
(laughter, of Guelph, spent the week-
end with the former's parents.
Miss letmence Hall and Norman
Hall, of Wroxeeer, spent the week-
end with their aunt, Mrs. Jas, Mast-
Geo. McDonald, of Goderich, is
home for a while. He is intending to
have an auction sale and sell off his
livestock, etc.
Ohas. and Mrs, Coulter:a and daugh-
ter, Grace, spent Sunday with relat-
ives here.We are pleased to know
that Grace is much improved in
health again, 1
Very euccessful anniversary servic-
es were held in the United Church,
on Sunday., with Rev. Par. Chandler.
of Fore mall, occupying the pulpit.
The church was beautifully deenrated
with flowers for the occasion, and the
choir venclered splendid imusic and
were essieted by Miss Weenie of God -
mach, who rendered a solo at the
morning and evening services. The
church was well tilled at, both servic-
es, and Rev. Mr, ()handler gave two
B. C. S.
Field Day
Thursday, October 14
A program er Athletic Sports will be
held in the erten:eon commencing it
o'clock sheep.
Blyth ene Brussels 13nsket Bail and Bilge
Bali teams will compete in final 1/1111108
to deal& the ownership of the shield,
Cordial Invitation to all.
New Advertisements
Auction Sale -Vi' L. Lambkin
For sale -George Colvin
Strayed cattle -Wm Grainger
Auction sale-P.N. Tyernien
Auction Sale -B. T. 'rhom..on
Car of co rn-A I f. Beaker
Glove found -Tug Petri,
The Little Clodhopper -Restore Star Lodge
Beeper -Melville Church
Wonderful opportunity -W. J. Chisholm
Dance -W, le, Willis
Anetlon st•rrit,rs
ServIc•.s u-r.ei. United Churoh
Measuring social -Union United March
Br000h lost -Tan P085
Sews for sale -J. It Plakson
Stove for sale -Fred. bunter
Euchre Partv-Brusols Bowlers
Memoriam -W. Henderson
Pip for sale -J, P. MaIntoah
Auction sale -Lorne Robertson
good sermons, which were much ap-
preciated by all present, The special
thankoffering was well responded to,
P. W. Scott spent a few days in
Toronto, last week.
Corn cutting IS on the program
now with the farmers.
W. Jc,hriston, Binh, is buey load -
lug here, at the station.
James Ruddy has returned to the
village after spending some time with
friends in the West.
Wilfred and Mrs. Byers and little
daughter, of Detroit, are visiting
Weeds around Belgrave.
Mrs. Nethery, sr,, of Belgrave, is
spending a couple of days with her
daughter, Mem McGill, in Wawannsh.
Mr. and Ws. Pocock are moving to
the farm widen they recently pur-
chased from James Miller, of 13e1 -
Anniversary services were held in
Westfield United Church, on Sunday,
October: 10th. A coneert was given
on Tuesday evening following, in the
A number from this vicinity took
in the Fate, at Teeswater, on Wed-
nesday last. The Ladies' Guild of the
Anglican Church held ite regular
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Tom Shoeboitoni, last Thursday af
Mrs, (Dr.) Gyiereon, missionary in
Korea, and formerly Miss Finglancl,
of Londeslioro, will address a meet -
in Knox United °beech, Belgrave, on
Friday evening, of this week, in the
interests of the W. IVI. S.
The Women's Institute will meet at
the home of Miss Cele. Coultes, on
Tuesday, October 191.11, at 2,30 p. m.
"Making the best �f what we have"
will be the paper taken by the Pres-
ident, Mrs. Jas. Anderson. Roll
Call -First Aid Remedies, Music -
Mrs, D. Geddes, A cordial inviiatioi
is extended to all the ladies of the
of the community.
J. A, Snggitt. student of McMaster
University, Toronto, arid wild' has
been pastor of Howick Baptist
Oburob this Summer, commenced
his studies again.
The County Road, South from
Fordwich, is to be built up with
crushed stone and gravel. Thecrush-
er commenced operations in the pit
on John bit's farm, 4th on, This
means a long haul at diet, as the start
will be made at Mayne Cornet s.
Due to the kindness of the Rutharn
Girls' Institute, two scholarehips
have been awarded to the Contin-
uatinu School. A. scholarship of ten
dollars is being given in Middle
School and 005 02 five dollars in Low-
er School. Attemianae, punctnaiity
and academic ability ar. e to be consid-
ered, seventy-five per cent of the
credits being given for the year's
work and tiverity-five per ceut for
punctuality and attendance. The
pupil bevies the highest aggregate
percentage in both the subjects tak-
en end attendance ,will receive the
Ws, MoKee, of Southampton, is
visiting with Mee. ea Dobson,
Mrs, P. N. Currie and Bob an cl Hel-
en spent a few days in Guelph,' last
The teachers of this community
were in Clinton, last week, attending
the annual convention.
Llllson Sleighthohn had his tonsils
taken out in Listowel Hospital, last
week. He is doing nicely now,
Rev. D, M. Guest and Leslie Bade
attended the Presbyteey meeting of
the Presbytery of Huron, on Bayfield,
on Tuesday,
The Women's Institute intend hold-
ing a Hallowe'en social, nn the even-
ing of Friday. Oct. 29th, Fuithee
particulars later,
A number of the ladies of the Pres-
byterian Church will attend the Sect-
ional meeting of the Vie, M. S., ti
Molesworth, on Wednesday, of this
There was a large attendance at
Ethel United Cameoh, on Sunday last,
at 7.p. tn. The pastor will cottinue
the series and preach on the subject,
"The Elder Brother," Everybody
Business changes and real eetate
deals seem to be the order of ,the day
in one thriving village. The last deal
repotted is the purchase of the 1°061
bakeahop, by 13ert Lake, Con. 4, It
IS expected that Bert and airs, Lake
will move into our village, shortly,
Archie McDonaald, the popular cat-
tle dealise of this'dietrict, gained high
honors at the cattle show, 111 Toronto,
lest week, by capturing all the first
prizea that were to take, and art a re -
stilt, received a nice suin in cash as
well as the silver oup mid several
medals, The cup and medals are On
display in VorIclerter et ore,
The Vieorneree Inettitnte till meet
in the Institute room, on Thrtraciay
tereernonn, October 21st, at 2,130.
Remege will give ail address, the
• etibjeet, being "Tornmy nee
Tooth," Theta will she) he it pro.
The Ladies of
Melville Church
Will hold their Bazaar
in the
Saturday, October 30
Commencing at 1.30 o'clock
Booths Arranged
Containing Fancy Work, Plain
Sewing, Aprons, Pillow Cason,
Towels, Flowers, Handker-
chiefs, Candy, Post Office, and
a Farmer's Booth of Fowl,
Vegetables, Home-made Bak.
ing, etc.
Tea Served Afternoon aotl Evening
/ -----
Nothing Sold till Bazaar Opens
Everybody Welcome I
gram in connection with the contest,
.in ()barge of the "Blue" side. Evere-
body is invited to hear this address on
Don't forget the comedy drama,
"The Little Clodhopper" in the
Township Hall next Friday evening,
Oct. 22nd, under the auspices of the
Eastern Star Lodge, No. 406.
Dont forget the ' Recital in Dun -
bar's Hall on Tuesday evening by P.
cy Mulheron and Mrs. Mintern, of
Brantford. Both are artists and will
give a fine recital.
Percy N. Tyerrnan is holding an
auction sale of farm stock, imple-
ments, etc, at Lot 10, Oon 3, Grey, on
Friday, Oct. 22nd. A full list may he
read in that leaflet. D. M. Scott will
be the auctioneer.
The hot Fowl Supper at Roe's
Church wile be held on Thursday,
Oct. 28th. Full particulars will be
given later.
Clifford, and Mrs. Shurrie and son,
Jim, Miss Mae Cook and Miss Betty
Hollinger, Of Stratford, spent the
week end with Wm. and Mee. Hollin-
D. M. Scott will hold an auction
sale at Lot 12, Com 8, 2 miles West
of Ethel, on Friday of this week, at
1 o'clock, of 55 head of cattle and
the 100 -acre farm is also offered for
sale. H. T. Them:son is Proprietor.
See list in Post this week.
On Friday evening as Jain 'rum-
ba]] was walking to his home on the
16th con. of Grey from Brussels
Continuation School, Feed Oster ran
into him with his sedan, dou.bling
him up and carrying him for several
rode on the bumper of the car. No
bones were broken and Mr. Turnbull
escaped miraculously except for be-
ing badly bruised.
Miss Agnes Ellen Brown, 24, dau-
ghter of GOO. and Mrs. laeown, Moles-
worth, died atfthe home of her par-
ents Thursday. Miss Brown was
taken ill while a nurse -in -training in
Beantford Hospital in March, and
was brought home in July, Besides
her parents she is survived by four
sisters, Mrs. James Cullen, Mrs, Jos.
Pearson, Mrs. Wesley Chambers,. pf
Grey Township, and Jessie Brown
at home; brothers, Watson Brown of
Grey, and John, George and Murray
at home. The funeral was held on
'Sunday afternoon, the services being
conducted by Rev. Mr. Smith of
Armone Dundee left for Detroit,
Mich,, on Saturday morning.
Mies Addis Cardiff, or letnesels, is
visiting at the home of William and
Mrs. Woods, at present.
Samuel and Mrs. Cudinore, of Kir.
pen, visited at, the home of P. B. and
Mrs. Gardiner, recently.
Frank and Mee. Hackwell and Mrs,
Fred Oxtohy visited friends anti rel.
ati yes in 'Walton, recently.
Rev, E. L Robeets, nf Cargill, will
conduct a Harvest Thanksgiving set.
vice, at 3 o'clock, in St, George's
Church, ten Sunday.
James and MPS/ Ail0billS011 Rod
Mee. Mary Aitchillson. of Roxboro,
visited at the home of Mrs, Janet
Gardiner, vety recently.
The bazaar that was held under the
aospices of Bethel United Church
Ladies' Aid wee it real ;emcees,
There was a large diaplay of fancy
week and other articles, also home-
made cooking which. found vender
The Young 'People% Soolety of
Duff's United Olt u iiti held 0 vet y sun -
:maul rally on leriday evening. A le-
er a short twig' cal program, con toots
end games woe. indidged in, follow -
leg which the large company came to
order foul there wee the election of
of aflame se folllows Henn/mew
President, Rev, W. lelainee ; Pres.
ident, Mrs. P. B. Gardiner ; Vice -
Prete, Harvey Johneton SeceTreaa
Mitre Margery Reid ; Convened f
prayer meetetig onminithee, Miss M,
Fergueon 1 OMIVEMer nf (mobil Mt.
mittee, Mitre Hann Rom ; 000.venee
of trilseionery corntriittee, Mee. Welt.
Comedy Ilromo in Three Ants
Will be presented by the pup-
ils of Fordwieh Continuation
School in the
Township Hall
Friday Ev'g Oct. 22nd
Commencing at 8.16 sharp
Under auspices of Eastern Star
Lodge, No. 406
Between acts there will be a
Miscellaneous Program.
Admission as and 20 cts.
Ella Pearson, Irene Hamilton
W. M. Secretary
er Da:union ; Convener of look -one
cornieittee, George Kirkby ; Pianist,
Mes, W. E. Radford ; 0i -electors. Bert
Johnetou and Alvin Farquharson.
Lunch was served by the summates
In charge. Two captains were ap-
pointed and they chose sides to begin
tbe Y. P. S. contest for the Fall and
Winter months. The rally was a fine
success, and the people had a gond
Miss Maud Ferguson returned on
Thursday from a visit at the home
of her brother in Toronto.
Miss Bella Sproar„ Arthur and Mr..
Rutledge and Robert McGonigle, of
Seafortb, spent Sunday at the home
of James and Mrs.' Anderson, 51h
line. Miss Sproat is a sister to Mrs.
W. el, Maunders is holding au aim-
tiou sale at his fat in, Lot 30, 70 Com,
2 miles South of Benseels. on Satur-
day, Oct. 23r6, of farm, farm stock,
implements, hay. grain, etc. A full
list may be read in this issne.
Sonoot, REPORT -The following is
in the report of S. S. No 9, Moris, for
the month of September. SR IV -
Mabel Bewley 90, Ja IV-Aetie
Bewley 77 ; Stuart Brynns '75. Sit
III-Olifford Pease 06 ; Tommy Kirk-
by 57. JR III -Beecham Alcock 60.
Su. 11 -Isabel Alcock 65 JR., IT -
Mae Slicrtreed 75 ; Lloyd Petwe 61.
I -Waiter Bentley, Ll nycl Alnock.
Pa -Addle Bell excellent. Rah .8.1 -
cook fair. No. on roll I& average at-
tendance 10. Perfect attendance -
Addie Bell.
Meier:wail 9".""' -
Son Killed in Accident: Old friends
in Morris Twp. will extend sympathy
to Jas. William and Mrs. McCracken,
of Lacadena, Sask., and former resi-
dents of the 4th line, in the loss of
-their only surviving eon, Billy, aged
19. The young man was working
about the engine at a threshina when
he slipped and fell between the fly
wheel and the belt. He was hurled
15 feet in the air and had his neck
broken and was badly cruehed. The
family moved West 15 years ago
where their other son, 'Lerank, was
killed by a kick from a horse. Old
friends offer sympathy -to the parents
in their satl loss.
Monday Ev'g, Oct. 18
At 8 o'clock
of Brantford,
Assisted by
One of Brantford's Leading
Admission 25 cents
An event of much interest took
place at Blyth recently, when El-
dridge and Mrs. Smith celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary.
The roms were prettily decorated
with white bells and gold and whita
festoons, and a happy compane gath-
ered there to keep the day with' the
, bride and bridegroom of 50 years
I ago. During the day they were pre-
sented with a purse ot gold by their
family and friend, and were also
showered with congratulatory, tele-
grams and best wishes. Before hei
marriage Mrs. Smith was Miss Mary
Agar. She was, born in Vaughan on
October 25, 1857, and moved to Mit-
chell, where on October 10, 1876,
she was married to Eldridge Smith
who was born in 1 847 in Norfolk
County. About 12 years ago they
purchased the farm on whice they
now reside about 2, miles from
Blyth in East Wawanosh. Of this
marriage three children were born,
Alonzo, at home; Clinton, of Peter -
bore, and Gertrude (Mee. John
Sowers), of Wawanosh, all of whom
were in attendance at the festivities.
Albert Wells and Will McKay left
on Monday for Flint, Math.
F. A. Harrison, of Flint, spent the
week end at his home here.
Mrs. Harold Livingstone spent a
few days at Teeswatee last week.
Miss Annie Sobye, from near
Guelph, is visiting with Mrs. F. A.
Moncrieff congregation was well
represented at Manktort Harvest
Home services last Sunday.
Mrs. Roland Huffman of Stratford,
visited with Milton Huffman and
family for a few days last week.
The young ladies auxiliary of
Knox church have invited the W. lef.
S. to be present at their Meeting
next Saturday.
Mrs. Robert MOTaggart's many
friends were deeply shocked to learn
that she was seriously ill last week,
bet everyohe is pleased to hear that
he condition is greatly improved. '
W all hope for her speedy recovery.
leirs. Robert Campbell Deceased— ,
There namecl away in Flint, Miele,
Tuesday morning, Sept. 21s1, 1920, l
a popular young lemma in the per-
son of Alice McKay, at the age of
32 years, 2 menthe and 130 days,
Alice was a great favorite with both
young and old, being of a sunny,
cheerful dispositiom Having grown
to young womalilsood in our Midst,
she was well and favorably known f.
all. The body was shipped home foe
burial, the funeral taking piece on
ThUrsday afternoon from Knox
Church, Moncrieff, interment being
en Logan cemetery. The pallbearers
were he McKay, Fred Tuck, Ken-
neth 1VIcLean Alex. Marin, Gorge
laicKay and iililfred Whitfield. Tho
floral offerings were Inany, expressing
the sympathy felt by all. The flower
girls were Katie etitHow-
std,ild;atied How -
std, trine Pleat, Lura
A Me Robertson and Ilattleil"errsg":
Webeter received painful
injuries at the Goderich organ fact-
ory, when the elevator, loaded with ,
merchandise, which he was riding, fell '
several stories, breaking several bon-
es in his legs.
One of the oldeet arta meet highly
esteemed residents in Seaforth
Passed limey nn Sunday, Oct. so,
at his home in Eginondville, in the
person of Wilearn McDougall. The
deceased man, who was 95 years of
age, fell several weeke ago, and fr.act-
ut eri hie hip. The shock pi oved too
much fdr him. He is survived be one
daughter, Miss Nell MeDnugall, at
h .nne, to whom t he eympathy of the
community is extended.
Brussels Bowling Club
Will hold a Euchre Party
In the
Thursday Ev'g, Oct. 21 ;
At a o'clock
To which all are cordially
ILChurch Notes
St. Ambrose Church
Rev. Fr. McHugh conducted 40 -
hour devotion, commencing last Fri-
day morning until Sunday,
St. John's Church
Fine Harvest Thanksgiving servic-
es were conducted in St. John's
Church, on Sunday last, by Rev. Mr.
Shaffter, of Wirehair.), The choir
rendered special anthems under the
direction of Mrs Lewin, and they
were much appreciated. At the ev-
ening service, the chut eh was crowd-
ed, as the congregations ft( in Mel-
ville and ehe United Church joined in
with the Anglienne. Revs. Barker
and FOWIP, RPSiSleil iti leading O15
lessons of t evenirg.
Early Tuesday morning. in St.
Paul's Muth, Cli»ton, the marriage
took phire of 'Marion Lnuise, young-
est daughter of H. J. and Mrs. Hibbs,
and Gordon Lerny Hall, younger: ROD
of G. le. ancl Mrs. Hall, The mar-
t iage cerereoey was conducted by
Rev. L. C. liart.ierm, T1 e eanple
was unattended. HO inImnA;fttely aft-
er the ceremn, r. a ft on 0 m or -trip
around Lae. Huann. 00 t heir re-
tuen, they will reeide in Clint, n,
The le me ef Hen. Peter :4101111
BIM SIni 1 1., 81 rillfol (1, Crsq / he scene
of a pretty A u Wethillw. 011 Sat-
urday, at 12 2t1 u'rlurrIc. a hen their
daughter, Memorex ite becsni
the bride of tl 3..bn 1.. Sr, 5011 of
W. H erid Cerneele ei..0 of Strat-
fnlel Rev IV Stsnisv OWn11, pastor
of St. John's United Ohureli, officiat-
Wm Cowan, C. P. R. ege"ti at
West elonkine. won 1115 0110. 1'01 Ills.
best station firm pt. gin den
Loteine division el' 1 he (1 le R. fee
the seas,i ,j,iet past, according to a
statement given ,int be Ie. 'M. Rutter,.
Superintendent. Railway officiele
offetseveral re lees each year for the
prettieei gee d .',n l i. the Stal km yards.
and comma tious reauIt in some splen.
did ehowinge,
Ethel Principal Chosen
New Presid ent
East Huron Teachers' Association
Meets in Clinton—Miss Jardine, of
Brussels School Staff, Vice•Presi-
dent—Principal Sellars, of Walton
School, Secretary -Treasurer —
Next Convention in Brussels.
The annual convention of the East
Huron Teaeher's Association WLIS held
he Clinton, 'October 7th and 8. It was
one of the most successful conven-
tions ever held. One hundred ani
twenty-two teachers registered.
The opening exercises were con-
ducted by Rev. L. C. Harrison. He
heartily welcomed the ' teachers and
was glad the' meetings were held in
the Parish Hall as education rind re-
ligion should go hand in hand,
Mayor Jackson welcomed the assoc.
aition on behalf of the town. He
said the doors of the town were
throw e wide open to the teachers.
The records of the last convention
were read by Mr,. A. le, Johns.
A very mintate and interesting ee-
port of the r. E. A, was soot in by the
delegate Miss MeNatighton and read
by Mr, Manson,
Mr, N. 112. Geddes, president of the
Association, gave a very intereeting
and instructive address. He spoke of
the lack of knowledge pupils 'showed
in answering questions on the Great
War. He gave descriptions of two of 1
the battles in which the Canadians
took pane Viney Ridge end Ande1s,1
The first paper Thursday afternoon ,
Was taken by Miss Jean Wylie. Her
subject was Summer Sessions in Age 1
riculture. Pbe aims, in teaching ag-
riculture are to Make the pupile
ize the fundamental principles under-
lying farm operations, to make them
capable of thinaing and investigating
for themselves and to .show thein that
soil and crops furnieh problems cal-
; ling forth the best ability 10 mare The
1 study of agriculture pursued by
these methods and with these aims
; will aid vastly in the pupil's mental
development and will immeasurably
increase their interest in school and
Rum life. Thus fewer of those
brought up on the farm will be in-
. caned to leave it. For this reason
teaehers in rural- districts ought to
avail themselves of the courses in ag-
riculture so that they are better fitted
to meet the needs of the communities
in which they are. -During the first year -of the course
collections 01,0 made of weeds and
weed seeds and insects. A. garden is
given to each pupil to care for. Lee -
tures are given in animal husbandry,.
horticulture and florieulture, field .
huebandry, dairying, poultry raising,'
; During the winter the pupils had
to read three books on agriculttire.
j In the second year more advanced
work was taken up, Plants, diseases
and preventatives were studied. Lec-
tures were given on bee keeping, .
1 chemistry, physics. Field Imsbariday
horticulture entomology.
Besides the Work Om were ovate
opportunities for social life so that ar.
; very enjoyable time was spent,
Mies Patience Scott had the seta-
ject, Teething of Titles. As it pre -
gents difficulties to the minds of-
ehildren who live biland pictures Diem
books or magazines shoWingthe eortse
line at different Hume help to get :
them enteresteci. By means of vet- .
tionieg ansi diagrams the pupils are
taught the eelationthip between the .
high tidea aed the attraction of the
0011 and moon and the low tides when;
they an pulling against each other.,
(Continued on Pagel 5)