HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-6, Page 5td� li l�f44* ti 11 els THE BRUSSELS POST 4.44444144.00 H TIMI rs a s a, n d a.J eo TIIIS GVI EI:. 3 Chevrolet Tourings, A 1 condition 1 Ford Touring 1 Ford Coupe, everything right 1 Ford Light Delivery Truck 2 Rubber Tired Buggies, one new, last Spring 2 Driving Horses t'Come and take yorar-pick and have a deal with us. Mein -tyre & God ore FOR]) CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS (iENO1.NIi HOIID PARTS Howick Fair H as Fine Day Good Exhibit of Horses and Cattle --Big Crowd Present -Good Con- cert old -R. J. Sanderson, J. D. Jack- son; yearling heifer -R. 3. Sander- son, J. D. Jackson; heifer calf, un- der one year -J. D. Jackson, R. 3. Howick Fall Fair had an exception- Sanderson; cow, dual purpose-- II. ally fine clay for their show at Ford- Sperling., L. R. Button; heifer, dual with last Saturday and a big crowd purpose -H. Sperling, R. J. Sander - was present, son; herd consisting of one male and The Palmerston Brass Band was four females -J. D. Jackson; female present and gave a lengthy pro- any age,' points considered -J. D. gram during the afternoon and the Jackson. Cowan Concert Co., of Toronto, i Herefords gave an excellent concert at night. a Bull, three years old or over -J. Following is the list of prize -win- Downey; bull, under two years --J. mere:- Giles & Son, J. Downey; cow, .foar HORSES years old or over ---J. Giles & Son, Class 1 1 and 2; cow, under !Soar years -J. Brood mare -W. H. Brown, Geo. Giles & Son, J. Downey; heifer, 2 S. Baker; foal -W, H. Brown, John years old -3, Giles & Son, 3, .Down- Harrifield; one year old -R, AllarT, ey; yearling heifer -Jas. Brown, J, Jno. Wilkin; two •year old -J. R. Giles & Son;, bull calf -J. Giles & Darroch, H. Gibson; three year old- Son, J. Downey; heifer calf --J. Giles 3. R. Darroch, L. Gibson; team in & Son, S. Downey; bull, any nee or 'harness -L. Montgomery, P, Mar- breed -J. Giles & Son, 3. D. Jack - tin, F. 3, Young. son; herd consisting of ore orale and Class 2 four females -J, Giles & Son; re - Brood mare -J. R. Darroch, Cecil male, any age, points considered -- Mahood; foal --3, R, Darroch, 1 and Jas. • Brown, 2; one year old -Gordon Brown; 2 Grades (Beef Type) year old-Jno, Wilkin; 3 year old- Cow -Mrs. Pyke, 3. W. Bcswither- 3. McMillan, Geo. Wylie; team in ick; yearling heifer -R, J. Sander- harness -R. Graham, Li Brown, J. son, 3. Downey; heifer calf -J. Dow - McMillan; cera:ft team in harness that ney; pair of heifers, 2' years old, for has never won prize money --J. Dar- feeding par. -R. J. Sanderson 1 and web; best horse in draft classes --J. 2; best Baby Beef, any breed -J. Graham. . Brown 1 and 2; herd consisting of Class 3 four females -R. 3. Sanderson. Brood mare -,Ino, Wilkin; foal-! Holsteins Jno. Wilkin; 1 year old -C. Mahood, 1 Bull, - under two ye- cut 's -•W. L. Jno. Wilkin; single roaclater•--J, H. Lambkin; cow, four years old or Brown, J. Wilkin, G. Tervitt; team over, cow under 1 • years, heifer 2 in harness ---Sara Hill, years olcl, yearling heifer, bull calf Class 4 I and heifer calf -W. L. Lambkin 1 1-yom-otci-J. McMillan; single and 2. carriage horse -3. D. Johnston, Geo, Dairy Type Robertson, W. J. Roberts; sweep- t Cow --J. Downey; yearling heifer stakes roadster and carriage -3.'-R. J. Sanderson; heifer caif--W. Brown, 1 S. Brears, Class 5 SHEEP Farm team ---Re J. Sanderson, 3. Leieesters McMillan; gentleman's outfit --3, H, Aged ram registered -L. Brown, Brown, W. 2: Roberts, F. Binder; G. Brown; shearling ram, registered lady driver -F. binder, W. J. Rob- -R. J. Sanderson, -L, Brown; ram eras, S. Hill. lamb -G. Brown, L. Brown; ewe, • CATTLE having raised lambs in 11)213--•G. Shorthorns Brown, L. Brown; sllearline, Bull calf, under one year -J, D. G. Brown, R. J. Sanderson; cwe Jackson, T. A. Shearer; eow, four lemb-G, Brown, L. Brown; pen of years old or over -J. 0, ,Jackson, 1 sheep -•G. and 2; cow, under four years (lutistram registered -J. OxfordDowns Downs Connell; have clroppecl a calf) -J, D. Jack- Aged son, H. Sperling; heifer, two years shearling rain, registered ---D. Ray • P1tOVISIONS • .. Packed butter, 1.0 lbs,--Jno, Wilk- -M» en, Mrs, Loceloed; five lb;, butter in Your Eyes Need Attention If your eye; bother yoct iet any ways; . 11' they tire cit•ickl or Le- conte inflamed; If you da not . -r ..et- dly well 11' headaches intimi your• efficiency or intoefe,re with your pleasure; If vote cannot enjoy every minute of your reacting? -- SEE Maude O. Bryane optonsctriat Phone 26x Brussels variety batting -made from bread dough ---A. W. Keil, T. C. Wilson; marmalade, named .--- R, Brimblo- combe, Alm W. Beatty; best collec- tion jelly, pt. jars --Mrs. i truh, 11, Brimblecombe; best collection canned fruit --Airs. Willits, R. Brinthlcront'h pt. settler canned raspb.rrf,.:---ilr>, -Stroh, Mrs. Willitee pt. sealer fe me; pears -Mrs. Willits, P, Brieii1c• contbc; pt. settler canned plume ---ll. Brimblecombe, II.• P. Douglas; pt. sealer canned ch, rriee---11. L'rinrbte- eombc, T, C. Wilson; pt, scab .t pre- ;; •rued strawberries -T. C. W,1:;•.>n, A. W. Reid; pt. sealer canned neseb- e ..---Mrs, Stroh, R. Ilrimblenor. b,•; pt. black currant jam --Mr,. Stroll, Mrs. WIllits; pt. sealer raspberry Jain ---R Brimblecontbe, H. P. Doug- las; pt. sealer grape jam -Ce. T. Rob- ertson, 11, I1rimblecombe; pc. sealer e--- -` es apple jelly --J. Wilken, Mrs. Stroh; pt. scaler grape jelly -H. 1'. Doug- . ,mt .i and 2; ram Iamb -J. Connell las, 11. Brimblecombe; pt. sealer cur- s• on 2; ewes having raised lamb in rant jelly --Mr . W. Beatty, J. Wil- li)2f1-J. Connell 1 and 2; shearling ken; qt• sealer canned. toraator'a-I:. ewe -J. Connell 1 and 2; ewe lamb Jacque., Mrs, Willete; qt. sealer -1). Payson, J. Connell; pen of c'auned peas- A, W. Heil, Mrs. Wai- nell. lits; qt scaler canned beans --;Vers. sheep -J, ConWillits, It. Brimblecombe; collection Snell. res Ewe, having raised lamb in 1921; --J, Wilkin 1 and 2; ram hush -J. Wilkin; ewe lamb -J. Wilkin 1 and 2; pen of sheep -J. Wilkie, Grades Ewe, having raised lamb in Liten shearling ewe, and ewe lamb ---W. H. geranium --Mrs. Pyke; folia_„ pleat Jacques, LADIES' WORK (guilts, plei•ed cotton-•-11re. Wil- lits, T. C. Wilson; quilts, fan+•v ,guilt. ing----Mrs. Willits, Mrs. Beatty; eo1.r- forter---A. Stinson, Alm 133,,a,a:y; bed "'Plena, white.. --Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. A. Savage; bed spread, other hind ---- 11rs. G. Weal -ring. Mrs. 11 1.•; ttut. ton sheet -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. kl i ai ruler; Louse dress, rntton--llrs. Weerring, 11. 'Vilfan; .}lute'.; eweater Seenee.; lady's knitter} scar']' -•-•A. Stin.eo;l, Mrs. Vi'illit ; pair woollen .,oe}:.<, c, ii. '---Mrd, Wi;litn, Beatty; woollen roc}:::, fine - hand ' --- Mrs.\'V. Beatty, Mr- Sa,'.iit; p•.ir hand knit mitts, doubter. -M'.. ]:catty, :- Mrs. Willits; pta:r hand knit Waists, 1 MISCI'LLANEOCa 1 boy or girl 11 and under; donated fins, ---Mre. S•t n: r, Mrs. 1;, reit; T a torics.;... -ms, `quoh, It. by T. A. Robert., --J. McMiilan. floor mat, hraub,el.--Mi' . he ttty, Mrs. Brimblrecumbe, F. A. 1•'ai'i.;; nand- Nie. t• 0 .o,l doll (be girl ten Weaning; flour mat, other hand worst k. re•hief, crochet ---It. Petitublecombe, i ynitrs oil under} ---A. Rattan; hest _...Mrs. Br}de, E. Jacques.Mrs. fiavage; washolut}i -I1. Lr nn le- colored drawing of Union Jack, -- Fancy eombe; hand towel -R. Jlrimblecomb, • W. Roberts. Both prizes donated by: Sneeimen Ole .roehct fine -Mrs. 'M Mre. Stroh; doll's quilt ---It, Beim- W. J, Roberts, Beatty ler,. Savage; Irl h 'Tot -h t ... 1d An ,3 , Mrs Stroh; elarmin :11rs. Best five panne} ctbek butter, don - Savage; ern -het medallions- stroll, F. Palls; six buttonholes -- atedby John Sangeter-Mre, heon- MI;g, Sava;;',!, MISS Matthr w,; t ie.t .1 • 1t. 3. Sanderson, Mrs. Stroh, F. Fal- anti. -Mrs. Savage, Mrs, Beatty; drawn lis; doll dressed ---R. J. Sanderson, hest general purpose colt. (four Mies I.ocheed; B.P.biscuits-Mrs. months or under) donated by G. W Stroh, Mrs. Loeheed, 0. 5. Baker; i Mapletott-W. S. Bears. apple- pie -Mrs. Lochced, A. Rattail, ' Best- loaf of bread, donated by WEDNE$DA1, OCT. 11, 1921. - T74 when 7cou want a change. It's delicious. thread work -Mrs. Savage, Mee, llinl- p}ckles-Mrs. Stroh, R. L'rimble- ) wi,n • embroidery. ,•y l .-. m..,, ay - Combe; pt. sealer mustard pickles --age, L. 4V'ilkin; eanhrA 1 •r^r, Harden - Mrs. Willits, 11. I3. Douglas; pt, scat- -Ales. Savage, ]less L''' h curb. erfruit pickles -R. Brimblecombe, ]soman cut work -R, Wilkin, list, T. C. Wilson; bottle tomato catsup - Weaning; emb, Swedish 'year•. . - Mrs. Stroh, H. P. 'Douglas; pt, seal- Mrs. Savarre, Mrs. Himmler•; enil?. er strained honey -H. P. Douglas; pt. sealer maple syrup -T. A. Gib - Brown 1 and '2; best mutton sheep, son, T. A. Shearer; best five pieceet any breed -Jas. Connell 1 and 2, col,} lunch -Mrs. Beatty, 3, Wilken; 1 SWINE best vegetable salad -T. C. Wilson, Berkshires L. Matthews; lb, home_ made candy - Boar, over four months and un- Mrs, Stroh, T. C. Wilson. der one year, brood sow and sow, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES over four months and under one Potatoes, Irish Cobbler -C. Flood, year -J. Wilkin. J. M. McMillan; potatoes, early var- Yorkshire iety--A. Schmidt, G. Haines; pota- Boar, over four months and un- toes, Green Mountain -T. A. Shear - der one year -Geo. Baker. er, J. M. McMillen; potatoes, late Tomworth variety -T. A. Shearer. L. It. Rut - Boar, over one year -Douglas & tan; Swede turning --G. Haines. R. Son; 1':::•, occr " raz " 1n Wilkin; fodrin- • :• .• •• • ' . der one year -Douglas & fon, J. Schmidt, R. Brimblecombe; mangolds Wilkin; brood sow -Douglas & Son red -A, Schmidt, G. Haines; man - 1 and 2; sow, over four months and golds, yellow - A. Schmidt, G. under one year -3. Wilkin, Douglas Haines; mangolds, white -A, Schmidt & Son; pair %aeon hogs, :any breed G, Haines; carrots, garden --G. -Douglas & Sons 1 and 2. Haines, A. Stinson; carrots, field - POULTRY A. Schmidt, G. Haines; sugar beets, Light Brahmas-M. H. Vollict; for feeding purposes -Geo. Baker; Dorkings-A. J. Dietz, T. C. Wil- celery -Mrs. Stroh, Mrs. Willnts; son; White Plymouth Rocks --Doug- potato onions -A. Schmidt, E. Jac - las & Son, W. Hainstock; Barred quer; seed onions -J. Bilger. R. Plymouth Rocks -A. W. Beswither- Brimblecombe; onions from Dutch ick, W. Hainstock; White Wyan- sets -W, Hainstock, Mrs, Pyke; col, dotter -M, H. Vollick, H. P. Doug- onions -A. Schmidt, Mrs, Stroh; par - las; Minorcan, black -L. Brown, G. snips -A. Schmidt, W. Goggin; pump Brown; Leghorns, S,C., whits -Doug- kins- R. Brimblecombe, Mrs. Stroh; las & Son, W. Hainstock; Leghorns, c}frons-;G, Baker, Mrs. Stroh; long S.C. brown -A. 3. Dietz, W. Hains- blood beets -A. Schmidt, G. Connell tack; Buff Orpington -A. 3, Dietz, turnip beets --3, Connell, J. Wilkin; White Orpingtons-T. C. Wilson; tomatoes, large -A, Schmidt, J. Bile Game Bantams -M, H. Volleck; Ban- ger; tomatoes, small -A, Schmidt, tams, A.O,V.-L. Brown; Rhode Is- Mrs. Stroh; cabbage, white - A, land Reds -J. D. Jackson, L. Brown; Schmidt, R. Brimblecombe; cabbage, Silver Laced Hamburgs-A. J. Dietz, red -A. Schmidt, Mrs. Stroh; red W. Hainstock; Geese, )Emden -A. J. peppers -Mrs. Stroh, 12. P,rimblc- Dietz; Geese, Toulouse -A. W..Kiat, combo; cauliflower -Mrs. Beatty, J. E. Sothern; Geese, any other kind-- Wilkin; squash --Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. 3. Downey; Ducks, Pekin -Douglas Willits; cucumbers -A. E. Tonner, & Son, T. C. Wilson; Dueks, Rouen 0. Baker; sunflowers -E. Jacques, -J. Downey, M. H. Volliek; Pigeons Mrs. Stroh; table corn -A. Schmidt, Fantail -A. J. Dietz; Pigeons, any J, Biber; field corn --J. Pilger, A. other kind -A. 3. Dietz, P. Rickert; Schmidt; white beans -T. C. Wilson, Canaries, Canadian F, Sothern. F. ,Taceues; butter heans-J. Bilker. Chickens FRUIT 'Dark Brahmas-T. C. Wilson I. Winter Apples and 2; Light Brahmas L. Brown; Northern Spy -J. Connell, II. Darkings--T. C. Wilson, 1 and 2; Spanking; Canadian Red -A.. Schmidt Barred Plymouth rocks -L, Brown, Wagner -J, M. McMillan; Bing of 1 and 2; White Plymouth rocks --J. emkin's Co, -e, M. Melt}elan, Downey; Minorcas, Black -L. Brown Connell; Russet -Mrs, Bride, H. 1 and 2; Leghorns, S.C. white --Doug Stinson; Baldwin -H, Sperling, A. lass & Son, E. Jacques; Leghorns, S. Schmidt; Peemaulcee-W. L. Lamb - C. brown ---A, J. Dietz; Buff Orping- kin, J. Downey; Mann -J. Bllger, A. tons -A, J. Dietz; White Orp;ngtors J, Deitz; Twenty Ounce Pippin -J. -T. C. Wilson; Rhode Island reds Bilger, A. Stinson; Tatman Sweet --- -L. Brown 1 and 2; Golden Laced 3. Connell, J. 13ilgert col, Winter ap- Bambm•gs-L, Brown 1 and 2, pair ples-A, Stinson, W. T. Lambkin, 10211 chicken coop fed, any kind -L, Fall Apples Brown, J. Downey. Colverts-3, Connell, A. Stinson; GRAIN Duchess of Oldenshure---3. M. Me - Bushel red winted wheat -A. ;Millan, R. Brimbleeembr; Alexander Schmidt, T. A. Shearer; bu. white ---A, J. Deists, Mrs, Bride; Stew; ap- winter• wheat -A, Schmidt, R. Wilk-. ples-J• Cornell, J. 33. McMillan; St, in; bu. barley -A. Schmidt, ' G. Lawrence - ,1. Connell, Mrs, been Hanes; bu. peas, small -k, Schmidt, ard; Fall Genctian-\, Schmidt; G: Haines; bu. peas, large -• A. Wealthy -Mrs. Brdd', J. 1t. MtMil- Schmidt; bus white oats -A. Schmidt len Mr1ntosh Red -Al Stinson; Gra- bu. Timothy seed. --A. Schmidt, T. A. venstein-H. Sparlin'o, Jas. Downey; Shearer., Ribston Pippin -J• Cmnrcll, J. 1131- ,tDAIRY PRODUCE ger; Blenheim Pippin -•A, S. Dolts; and col. Fail apples ---A. Stinsone gen. sol. apples -A. Stinson, W. .Lands - Other Fruits Crab apples -3. Connell, G. S. Baker; Lombard plums -A. 13. Ton- er, IL, 3. Sanderson; Ponces seeding phuns-W. R. Lambkin, T. A. Shear- er; Burbank --A. J. Delta; yellow egg plums ----R. brimblccombs; six plums, any other'lcind-Mrs, Stroh, H. Spar• ling; dot. pears ---R. J. Sanderson, A. Schmidt, PLANTS AND FLOWERS Asters•---Stes. Stroh, R. Wilkin; tlahhas---Mrs. Stroh, Mrs, il,;cls; G. S. Baker; white bread ---G. S. Thos. Wilson -Mrs. Stevenson, Baker, R. Wilkin, A. Keil; oatmeal Best patient's meal on tray,. clan - cookies -A. Rattan, G. S. Baker, It, fled by Dr. McInnis -E. Fallis. Keil; Layer cake -A. Ratan, A. i hest halter -broken colt on grounds (exhibited by a boy 15 years of age or under) donated by Dr, IV'futten- J. Darroek, Four bacon type hogs -First prize 310.00; second prize, $5.90; donated by Cooper & Hainstocle--W. IL Brown, W. S.. Bears. Beet two bacon type pigs under 8 weeks old($2.00 placed in a Savings Account by Bank of Commerce) --- W. Hainstock. Judging Contests - The Junior Farmers' Association has donated 3 ternee, for judging beef nettle. Arl. ,its doeaate,i 3 Druce for judging swine, These contests will be open to members of Junior Far- mer, Assoc. or Agricultural Society -Alex. McKague, It. G. Paths, Wm. McElwain; R. W. Connell, W. Wil- ton, E. Downey. W. J, McCallum, of Brant"ord, is giving a special prize for colts sired by "Woodbank Premier" -Cecil Ma- hood, G. S. Balcer, R. Allan. Bulgarian -Mrs. Savage; emb. iu00- Keil, II. P. Douglas; water reeler ern floral -Mrs. Savage, Mr,. Wear- drawing -Mrs. Stroh, Alias Edgar, ring; rmtb. modern conventional -- R. J. Sanderson; pencil drawing --- Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Hrmml.; seob. St. ,I. Sarder-.cr, No•,,:an Craik; ar- French ur solid white Mr;. Hint- lecle mane with jack knifes -Mr::, Savage, R. Brimblee•ombse It. T. Sanderson; col. of leave.: -R. J. Sanderson; novelty birei cage-- J. McMillan, CHILDREN'S COMPETITION Penmanship Children, 13 and 14 years -Alice Edgar, Ivy Lawrence; 11 and 12 -Mrs. Savage, Mrs, Himmlr•,•; pair s•,..r. -_ ]Yash+ Roberts, iseerioeh i':ateeso a; uri;.e resitifee-11'.. fix.- les, H. Chandler; 8 years fad under -Dorothy Edwards, Janet Doig. SPECIAL PRIZES Bushel Dooley potatoes, donated by H. Sansom -A. 'Schmidt. - Bost five one -pound prints butter, donated by J. H. Wade -Mrs. Lsor- ard. Best five pound crock of butter, donated by H. W. Cook -Mrs. Leon- ard. Best four heads cabbage, donated by F. Sotheran-L. Brown. age, Mrs. W. Beatty; pair towels, Best six spikes gladioli, donated by other hand trimming -Mrs. Savage, W. E. Patterson -Mrs. Stroh. A. Stinson; bath towels, trimmed- Best road horse owned in Howick Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. Beatty; dress- township, donated by S. Ashton. -W. er runner, white -Mrs. J. Stevenson 3. Roberts. apples, don - Bushel Northern Spy app ated by M. Pries -A. Stinson. Best reed tray (design rand work- manship considered), $2.50 in cash, donated by W. A. Schafer -R. \Vil- lein. Best herd pure bred catty donated by S. Bricker -W. L. Lampkin. Hand -made novelty bird cage (by ruler, Mrs, Savage. Dining Room Furnishings Centre piece, white -W. E. Pat- terson, Mrs. Himmler; luneneon set, embroidered -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. Beatty; hmeheon sot other hand work -Mrs. Weaning, Mrs. Savage; table cloth and six napkins, initialed age, Mrs. Wearirng; table mats, cro- chet -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. Beatty; table mats, other hand work -:Vers. R. Beatty, Mrs. Savage; b'llfet sets -A. Stinson, Mrs. Willits. Sleeping Room Furnishings Pair pillow slips, emb,-Mrs. Sav- age, Mrs, R. Beatty; pair pillow slips, other hand work --Mrs. Savage, Mr:, W, Beatty; pair hand tower, etnb. -Mrs. Savage, J. Wilkin; paz r guest towels, crochet trimmed -Mrs. save R. Wilkin; pin cushion, white -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. Beatty; pin cush- ion, other kind -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. Beatty; laundry bag -R. Wilkin, A. Stinson. Ladies' Personal Weor Apron fancy -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Wearring; ladies' work apron -Mrs. Savage, J. Bilger; boudoir. slipper's -- Mrs, W. Beatty, Mrs. Savage; night robe, 'emb,-3. Giles & Son, A. Stin- son; night robe, other hand work - Mw, Savage, A. Stinson; lady's kim- ona-Mrs, Wearring, R. Wilkin; lad- ies' slip, fancy -R. Wilkin, A. Stin- son; hand bag -Mrs. Savage, T. A. Gibson; fancy work bag -Mr,. Sav- age, 11. Wilkin; handkerchiefs, 3 styles -Mrs, W. Beatty, Mia. Say - age. ' Infant's Wear Jacket wool, knit or crochet --J. Giles & Son, A. Stinson; bonnet, silk or wool -J, Giles & Son, Mrs. W, Beatty; child's short dress, emb.- Mrs, W. Beatty, Mrs, Savage; car- riage pillow, white -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Weaning; smock suit or pan- telette • dress -Mrs, Willits, Mrs.. Himmler, Living Room Furnishings Centre piece, emb.-Mr,. Savage, Mrs. 'Weaning; -centre piece. other hand work -R, Wilkin, A. Stinson; table runner -J. Giles & Son, Mrs, W. Beatty; sofa pillow, embroidered - -Mrs, Himmler, Mete R. Beatty; sofa pillow, other hand work -Miss Mat- thews, Mrs. R. Beatty; sofa pillow, washable -Mrs. W. Bentty, Mrs, Sav- age, Miscellaneous Needle Craft • teed room set, embroidered --Mrs. Savage, 2nd]; pair hand made curtains Mrs, W. Beatty, 3. Giles & San; lamp shade, fancy--Mr's..I ochced, lady's shopping bag -Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. Beatty; modern bead work --Mrs. Savage, Mrs. W. Benity. ART WORK - oil painting, seene-Mrs, Savage, Mrs. R. Beatty; collection oil paint- Ings, five -Mrs, Savngen water col- or. flowers, grouped -Mrs Savag.'.; crayon sketch }rt color s• --Mr, S'w- age; pencil drawing, original study Mrs. Willits, Mre Sava, , postal design, original in colors -MN. Say, ou Re Lu Here's Your Chance To clear balance of our Saw 1051 stock before snow flies, we of- fer as follows: 2"x4", 2"x5", 2"x0", mostly 10 and 12 feet long, run of pile dry hemlocks dimensions at $22.00 per M feet 'Dry, round, one -inch hard maple. 4" to 8" wide, mostly 12 feet long, good for lining up inside of any building at $ 5.0O per M 'Deet We carry B. 0, Cedar Shipleelc And Boards, White Pinuln or 1: and . Dressed Boards, etc. D. 0. Red Cedar and New Cedar shingles. Good number 'Twos in stock for patching. Gibson Lumber Cider er Mills W ROXVITItz PI -TONE 30 rolls ---Mrs, Leonard, Mrs, Imcheed; three prints butter -Mrs, Leonard, H. P. Douglas} loaf bread, home made -Mrs. Stroh, Mrs. W. 3. Pylee; apple: pie• -Mrs. Lochend, 13. P. Douyies; pumpkin pie -H. P- Doug- las, 0. Stinson; VA doz, bun, ---A, W. Keil, G. S. Baker; i,a doz. oatmeal cakes -Mrs, W, Beatty, H. 1'. Doug- las; is doz. tea ieiseuits---ildrs. I,och- eecl, I.. Matthews; fruit calm -R, Willem, G. S. Baker;. light layer cake-seMrs. J, Stevenson, Mrs. iiti. 1 sweet- peas --•-Mrs. Lochend, Mrs, age, Mrs. 'Strobe best piece of seal- Pyke; dark layer calve -Mel, W. J. Stroh; stocks --W. Hainstock, Mrs, ing wax est --11• Brimblecombe; chits - Pyke, Mrs. iloatty; date bread-- '\Villas; gladioli spike' ---Mia. Stroh, hand ;tainted, realistic dseign'--Mrs. Mrs. W. Beatter, G. S. Maker; 6 tans W, E. Paterson; bouquet table * Savage, J. i.lki design --Mist. hand p rde any kine}--:M'rs, Stroh, Mrs. L 0cheed; . Mrs. Itimmlcr, Mrs. Leelmed 1 bucket d, conventional 6 doughnuts -•-••Meer, Lachccd, Te Mat- {, of annuals ---W. Hainstock, It 13tim- :age; 2 cup:. and saucers• -Mrs, Sae - thaws; 6 drop• fancy nta1101 OI ns -w- hlecomib1; collection 'boast plants--• age; teed work -Mrs. '1 Stcv1'ns0i1, }Mrs, IL, 'lenity, Sadie Teeksorl, best N. Jacques; begonia -;Mea, l'yl:e, Y It. Drimblceornbe, CLUTCH IS PROPHET When a clutch slips and then grabs it prophecies that the unit is going to fail completely within a short while. The slipping is the result of the plates having been burned, but when further slipping is forced upon the clutch, the plates heat, expand and grab. The plates are burned again, so that they slip worse than ever. Such a process cannon con- tinue indefinitely. Usually such a clutch will fail completely after five or six stops in traffic. Floppy Thm,shl C,s Range. is hresti+ur, economical, ed,rient. haplturunpy 7',eugll rr snne:s L Lor and fuel. A scientifically - constructed flue carries the heat around the whole oven and under the entire cooking surface, distributing it steadily, uniformly and at just the right temperature for boiling, frying or baking. Airtight joints prevent leakage find ensure perfect draft control. Other noteworthy features you will appre- elate are the scientifically proportioned Happy Thei,,ghi firebox," Duplex" grates, vont}l tted steel 2uehce ileoi", oven, ample reservoir, broiling and i4190 ,neih ores. toastingfront, etc. More than 300,000 Burns m» first Canadian women use the Happy Thought daily and praise it highly. Happy Thought Pipe, Pipeless and Com- bination Warm Air and Hot Water Our. nacos serve every type of home. S. Fe DAVISON BRUSSELS •