HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-10-6, Page 1-•- •rv --N. - • ^ •.` VOL, 55 NO. 16 902.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS. QNT1RIU. TV EDNES1. AY, OCTOBER 6. 1926 y n. VIMMINMItIOLIMUNIMM*0.1.610KWRIAMOSZAFISIIIMIMIWIM111=1101.10.10, net....teaommoMsmexaexgmnmuosuxaoaeaatu.aaanrno.asga3zrawxmrssavnaaao.atvoaaumaauiaawma ta,..0 for ou! Good until Oct 14th Chlekens over. 5 the 23 Hens si to 4 lb. .12, Chickens 44 to 5 lbs .22 Hos 3 to 3/ lbs .11 °Wakens 4 to 41 lbs ,21 Hens under 3 lbs. . .08 Chickens Si to 4 lbs......,. .20 Boosters over 5 the .11 Chickens 3 to 81 lbs .19 Roosters under 5 Ilia .09 Chickens under 3 lbs .17 Young Ducks over 5 lbs. , .. .14 Hens over 5 lbs ,17 Young Duets under 5 lbs.. .12 Hens 41 to 5 lbs .16 Old Ducks .09 Hens 4 to 41 lbs .15 These prices are.for No. 1 Poultry, delivered at our Ware- house. Poor quality at market value, according to our jedgment. Birds must be in starved condition or deduc- tion made for crops. Average weight by number birds in each coop. ROBT. THO1ySON BRUSSELS, Sept. 3rd, 1026. he Stirroundi?7g District x y WROXETER AI Is. R. Stocks is at; preseut 00 the tick list. R, 13. Betels, Toronto, called oil old IS len& in the village recently, Hans Rasmussen, London, spent Sunday here with his mother. Gavin and ItIre. Davidson have re- turned from a trip to Oehawa. Mrs, Law toil et tended the fnueral of a sister in St. Marys lest week. Gilbert and Mrs. Rowse bave mov- ed tn the faun they recently pinches - item. Wingham, Mies Elizubeth Sanderson, A ethnr, was a week-encl visitoe with her par- ents, U, I). and Mrs. Senderson. Miss Jessie Gibson has gone to To- eoeto after spending several weeks with het sinter, Mrs. F. V, Dickson. Snme 80 friends; met at the home of Geo. mid Mrs. Paulin leet Wednesday eveniva and presented their daughters Mrs. W. 13vown, nee Ada Paulin, with a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. McLeod, Bayfield, 18 visiting at. the home of her son, Dr, A.41 efesod, Miss Rona VanVelsor, of Stratford Normal School, wae a Lecent visitor et her home het e. The story of Ben Hue, illustrated by len tern views, was given in the "United Chnrch Mmulay evening, un- der the auspices of the Young People's Society. illta(Art-A DAM.; ---A pretty wed- ding was snlemnized at Knox Presby- terian mitpse, List ow Pl, on Saturday, September 25th. by Rev. 3. M. Nicol. when Miss Jean 13,, only 611011(1 11P11 of Wm. and Mrs, Adams, se., of Wrox- eter, became the bride of J. Murray Edgar, son of Alex. and Mrs. Edgar, Gorrie. The bride was smartly attir- ed in powder blue It t ench crepe em- bruideeed in gold, with fur -trimmed eclat of platinum grey needle point, with mantling hat and shoes. The bride was attended by Mies Reta Ed- gar, sister nf the groom, prettily dres- sed in melon brocaded crepe with ,a,..":".:0:4649Z1K AKNOMPIlitlieta, $40 0 Stock of 115112r FE e °WING to so,many merchants in this locality handling Shoes and other lines of Footwear, we find it difficult to carry on this department and make money so have decided to offer the pub- lic real values for the next 30 days. Good time to buy Y ur Winter Supply OVERSHOES Men's 4 Buckle @ $3.25 1.90 Boys' 1 Buckle @ L75 LADIES' GOLOSHES Ladies' jersey Cloth @ Ladies' Cashmeretto @ Misses' 4 Buckle @ Chiad's 3 Buckle @ Misses' City Boot @ Child's City Boot @ Men's 1 Buckle @ SPECIAL SLATER SHOES 1VIon's Brown and Black Oxfords in Solid Leather, These are the fin- est shoes sold in Brussels. Regn- lar $7.00 for $5,50 ! IVIeri's High Cut in Black Only. Beg. $3.40 $6.00 for $4.50 2.75 2.35 MEN'S PANTS 1.75 Men's All Wool Hair Stripo @$3,75 1.95 1:65 LADIES' 1W13BER5 Ladies Low and High Heel , Misses' Rubbers 0.... ....... 70 Child's Rubbers @ 65 MEN'S RUBBERS Men's Ideal 0 $L25 Men'e Saxon 0.... 1.15 BOYS' RUBBERS Boys' Tolled edge , ...... $1.00 Youths' Ideal .... . . .90 MEN'S LEATHER TOP RUBBERS ineh Top @ ....... ..., .$5.85 12 inch Top 0 5.10 .12 inch Top @ ..... 4.75 Also Rubber Bottoms . 2.40 MEN'S OVERALLS AND PANTS Men's Overalls @ $L98 Regular $2.50 . MEN'S COTTONADE PANTS Regular $2.25 for $1.65 MEN'S SWEATER COATS Reg. 42.50 for $1,75 in Grey Only BOY'S WOOL JERSEYS Regular $2.00 for $L50 GLOVE SPECIALS Men's Picarry, reg. $5.00 for $3.50 Genuine Buck, reg. $4.50 for $3.75 Also Lined Gloves in Gray and Brown.. Regular $2.65 for $2.15 Also Fancy Hosiery, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Everything Must Be Sold Sale Starts Saturday, Oct. 9th W., Ferguson New Advertisements Closing out salo-It W. Forguson Anntion sale -Nosed Hamilton Day -ti, 0. s. service.-Brussoll, United Mush 8, st. sc.-nal-0. A. Meumnan Tsio tiers roni-J. H. Fear PInily Plour-w..tern can. Flour Mills Co. I Procorty for sutle-usorge McMillan idt j Stove and hens For sain-alrs, J. Henderson lour usio-41ru. For sale -Wm. Hollinger Sara for sal e -M re. Jas. Jones blonde shoes, Paul S. Adams, broth - of the bride, waS groomsman, Im- mediately after the ceremony, the happy couple left on 11 motor trip to Brantford, Hamilton, Niagin a Pella and other points. Upon their, return, they will reside on the groom's farm, in Wallace Twp, Most successful anniversary services were held in the United Ohurch last Sunday. The congregations were larga and contributions generous, be- ing $100 in excess of the amount ask- ed for. Rev. Mr. Telfer, of Blyth, preached two excellent sermons, tak- ing his texts from Ise. 42:4. and Ps. 303:8. He was assisted et the evening service by the pastor, Rev. A. D. Armstrong, and Alex, Sanderson. Special ramie WaS well reedered by the choir and the church very taete- fully decorated with flowers. CRANBROOK A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Annie Menzies, when about six- ty of her Mende assembled at the home of Mrs. John McIntosh. The gifts were beautiful, well chosen and useful, showing the esteem in which the bride is held, The afternoon was spent in games and music, after which a dainty lunch was served. They all joined in singing "For she is a jolly good fellow." MORRIS Morris Township was well repre- sented at Brussels Fair, last week. Don't forget the plowing match, at Walton, on Thureclay, of this week. Full list of events and prizes way be read in this isene. Wm. and Mrs. McOall announce the engagement of their eldest daughter., Mary Elizabeth, to Archie 3. Young, son of Mrs. Mary A. Young, of Hut - lett, the maeriage to take place late in October. GREY. Grey was well represented at Blue- sels Fair and our citizens took many prizes. Don't ferget the plowing match. nette Walton, on Thursday. See advt. in this iseue. A. few from the township took in Howick Fair, at Fordwich, on Satur- day last. OARD 1w TuANK.s.-We wish to thank our many friends for the 138-1'- 10118 kinclneeees shown to our daugh- ter during her illness and to us since her demise. They are appreciated be- yond words. ritntut 0. SPEIRAN AND FAMILY Albert A.'imett, Mr. Fisher and Mr. Muscle, of Saskatoon ; Alex. and Nies. Annett, of Detroit, and James and Mrs, Annett, of St. Marys, were 10 - cent visitors at the home of Frank and Mrs. liackwell mid Fred and Mrs. Ox loby, Mrs. Win. Rands and daughter, Mrs. Stanley Wheeler went to Tor - 1)1)110,1111811 week, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harold Sandevson, (nee Miss Ida Rands), Mrs. Wheeler and son, Glenn'returned home after a day or Iwo, but Mrs, Rands is extending her visit. Supreme Court was held in Strat- ford, with Justice Lennox peesiding, at which 11011313 concerning this dist- rict came up : In the action brought by William Ellison and others, tif Listowel, against Lavine L. Wallace and Gilbert Wallace, of Grey Twp., judgment was given granting the pns- seesinn of the land clitimed, together with costs. The land question was a portion on which a mortgage had been given in payment, for a ear. No defense was offered. J. O. Maltins, K. 0,, appeared 101 11115 the plaintiffs, anti 11.. G. Thompson for tite defend. ants. WMIMMC7C4.-A quiet Autumn wed- ding was solemnized at the Kippen manse, by Rey. 14 A.. Lundy, when Miss Slita Olivia, younger daughtee of Mrs, Harris, 16t5i Com, and the late Oliver Harris, became the bride of Harper Roy Sellers, eldest son of Joel Sellers, of Morris, and the late Mrs. Sellers. The bride looked very chic in het. two-pieee frock of thrush silk end wool, with hose and small velvet hat to match. The corsage boquet was ef lily -of -the -valley, Sweetheart relies and Statice, Later, Mr. and. Sellers left for a brief honeymoon in Lexington and other points in the United States, For travelliug, Mrs. Sellere wove a coat of thrush velour trimmed with Mandel fur over her w0-pleee ?reek, and carried a bog to mateh. Groom's gift to the btide was a rope of pearls. Mr. and Mrs, Sellers will reside on the 2n5 Con- cession of Morrie. D. L. TWO CARS - & W. SCRANTON °al STOVE and NUT Expected this week. J. H. FEAR Phone 2214 ot,41 'Mee Cuolte, 71,11 line, is al LI ini• leg Nemo Scheid, et. Alex. and Airs, Al tostrong, 7)12 Om, , Sunday with 3. P. Alr- Key and family, et Hrantfoid, Fred 1111,1 Mis, Oxtohy have return- ed hoine fi oin viaiting relatives (33 Poi t. Heron, GolaulbeVille, Lapeer, Birmingham and Detroit. A gloom was emit over the neigh• horhownt heerinfi that Crete, p • nod tlitught,tr ul Luke C tipeitdo, had passed away at the em 1V age of 17 yeats, 2 months end 10 'days. Time. mg contracted an lotectioe of the blood ISOM scarlet fever, it settled in the heart, forming a complication whieh proved to be beyond medicel skill, While a great suffeter at times, she bore it with wonderful patienee and cheer fulneris at, all times. Of an amiable and sunny disposition, Greta possessed many warm friends, and het welcome smile will be 111 111111 miseed in Knox Church choir, Sunday School, Young Ladies' Auxilinry and the com- munity in general. The funeral ser - ..vices were concluoted at her late home hy the pastor, Rev. Mr, Melees, nf Walton, speaking appropriate words of comfort, from John 14, and a duet was sung by Mrs, G. Riehmond and Mrs. F. Boyd. Pallbeal ers were : Messre. Orville Whitfield, Cloyne Michael, Alex, McNabb, Colwell, G or d n and Oliffnecl Speiran. The t1 ower bearers wf ere sixteen her chums and cousins. Floral tributes were handsome, consisting of a pil. mew, from the family ; wreath, Knox S. and teaubers : sheaf, Knox Aux- iliary ; sheaf, J. K. Baker, Mel win 11115 ithe. Baker pillow, Speit•an aunt» and uncles ; harp, cousins ; spray, Wilbur and. Mre. Raker ; plac- que, Garfield Baker and daughters ; sheaf, Mrs. Harris and Rita ; sheaf, Miss Carrie Hingston eheaf, Mies OPrTie PaYne : sheaf, Dr. and Mrs. White ; eheaf, Senti Golightly ; sheaf., Maisel Shine ; sheaf, Meemely and Jitek Lnwry ; sheaf, Mrs. Nelson Baker ; sheaf, Mr, and Mrs. Itobin- son ; sheaf, Mrs. A. Wiekie ; 110111 11, W. and Mrs. Perish : spray Annie Velma end Willie 11,:1101 : spray, Duncan and Mrs. MeTaggart and Jo in. MONCRIEFF Two large congregations attended the Harvest Howe $ervices ot Knox United Chuveh, Moncrielf, last Sun- day afternoon arid evening, and lis- tened to fine, spirited addresses front the pastor, Rev, Mr, Maines. .A, fea- ture of the services was the musical numbers by a male quartette from Grand Bend. The Fewl Supper on Tuesday 0115111 was a. great StletieSs. about 300 sitting down to bountifully laden tables. It was a feast fit fin the gnds on Olympus. The entertainment following was (31 11 high order, selec- tions being rendered by metnbers of a wale quartette from Seaforth and sevet al splendid recitations by Miss Rivers. The poptfiar pastor, Rev. NIr, Maines, WaS in the chnit , ETHEL Carneron Oochroue is epocting Ford sedan. Don't forget the Recital, on Tues- day, Om otter 10,1). Harold Love, of Tenuity, speet a few clays at his home het e. Miss Viands Coates spent Sunday visiting with friends in 13ran trine], Mrs, (Rev.) I). 111. (1013511 (11)16 Jimmie are spending a week at the former's home in Kincardine. Henry and Mrs. Warreiter, of Ham- ilton, were here on Wednesday and Thursday, last week, visiting David Sandel e. The yonng people of Fried wish 0,n - tin nation School will give theie play, "The Little 010d -hopper," on Ozt. 22nd, under the auepices of the L. T. 13. A., Fuller particulars later. Mr. and Mrs, 0001)i:rule are vacating their residue here, to move into the house now nccupied by Alex. 11115 Mrs. Dunbar, taking possession ther about Nov. lab. Go to church on Sunday. It is est - limited that over one-half of the people of ()amnia do not 50 to church. IVhat about our community 1We invite you to the United Church, on Sundtty, at 7 ?). in, Subject, "The Prodigal Sem On Sunday last, the services on Ethel circuit United Churches were conducted by Ocilin Oampbell, of Stratford, who delivered stirring ad- dresses on the work of the Lord's Day Alliance, An appeal was also made fov funds to assiet caerying on thio work of enforcing our Sabbath Day laws, and there WAS a liberal response with more who it is expected vill de- sire to assist in !hie worthy cause at a later time, Rev. D. M. Guest is in Toronto, this week, attending the Missionary Oen- ference, which is being held in Mas- sey Hall. It is expected that about 1,800 ministers and 118 018.117 lay win It - ere of the United Churches of Out- atIo and Quebec will be assembled at this great gathering to hear the pees sentation of the claim of Hotne and Foreign Missions. 4118816110,1,1es will be pvesent from India. Africa, Japer' and China, while the inspirationel periods tvill be taken by Rev, Geo, 0, Pidgeon, fortner Aloderator, Dr. Chowan, Rev, 11. P. McKay, Rev. Jae, Endicott, the present Moderator of Canada, and Rev. Jae. Harvey, ex- iffoderator of the United Free Church of Stiothind. Brantford Expoeitor says of P. R. Mulheron, "The renditinn of 3, 13, Mannder's sacred Easter Cantata, ',Olivet to °Ovary,' WaS very sneeess- f0lly effected by the 611618 0? Welling- ton United Church, tinder the cap. able dieection of 1? 34 Nulbetoll, org- anist and choirmaster, The. choir of 40 voices showed evidenee tit excelient training, and the work thronghout was deserving of mueh favorable cow- " ment. 1VIrs. T. Mintere, well.known ETHEL Brantford soprano, wive in line voiee, Day VICTORIA PARK BRUSSELS Thursgay, October 14 A program of Athletic Sports will be held in the afternoon commencing at 1.30 o'clock. Blyth and Brussels Basket Ball and Base Ball teams will compete in final games to decide the ownership of the shield. Cordial Invitation to all. COLLECTION TAKEN No small merle of pi aise is due Mr. M Whet on, who presided et the organ, and whose skill as a choirmaster was very largely reser nsible for the sue. cess of the cantata." Stilling News: ArglIS : "P. O. Mulberon's organ and piano solos always appeal to !flyers of mini°, and those given on Monday ev- ening were no exception to the rule, and were thorougely enjoyed." Galt Reporter : "Mrs. T. Mintern a), ever y pablie performane.e shows higher pnwere and the effects of long, faith- ful and devoted study." Hear them Tuesday evening, Oct, 190, in Dun - bar's Hall. WALTON "Joseph Carter has rented the H. Hoover fro adjoining Walton, for a term of years, Rev. E. F. and Mr% Chandler, of Fordwich, called on friends in the vil- lage, very recently. John Watt shipped a car of choice cattle to Tovonto, on Saturday, ith. Watt is in Toronto, disposing of the Hanle. 41188 4laud Ferguson is at present spending a few 611138 1,1 Toronto, visit- ing her Mother, George E. Ferguson, and his Ninny. Joseph Hamilton and Ruseel Doher- ty have been to Manitoulin Island and purchased two car loade of rat- tle, which landed in Waltou, On Sat. Urday. The Ladies? Aid of Bethel United Church intend holding a beettav and chicken supper, in the A. 0. U. W. Hall, Walton, iti the evening alai aft- ernonn of Thin silay, Ortnher 7(1,. .511 Brussele Fair, on Fr lilac, Walton Public School carried rif first prize for drill and second prize for ere:411111e. Congratulatins are due our teachers, P11110111111 Sellers and Mrs, Dora flril Me's. Armour Dundee is holding tt public auction sale, on Tuesdny. of stock and implements. Mr. Mind as lute rented Miss Oolerilitit'S hanse fee the Winter. and intends movin5 to the city in the Spring. The Hutt,» P11111531 111131l'8' Associa- tinn has arranged to have the animal ploughing. match, on Oct. 711, All taking part in the match should be on the grounds at nine ofifirek, The match will take plaee on the farms of P, 13. Gardiner, Adam Sholdiee and Nes, Wm. Murray, All farms adjoin the village or Walton, to the West. Rev, Even Llewellyn Itoberte, of Cargill, is the man selected to pleiteli the anniversary barveet. Thanksgiv- ing service at 3 p. m., on Suntlity, the 17111 inst. All the elnirell menibete are cordially invited and expected to be present at this annual Thanirgiv. ing, returning thanks for template re- ceived clnring the past year, and 13(81 11- 0(0 1113111 111. heartily welcomed at St. George's 0110111131, (111 213) tri„ 011 510) - day, Oct. lith. Special music win be rendered by 1(15choir, BLUEVALE Miss Martha Flakier is visiting friends in London. John Mckliehael, nf Wingliam, spent Sundav with his parents. R. Johnston shipped 13. ear of hogs and lambs to Toronto, on Saturday. Miss Olive Willits, of tiowiek, spent Stuiday with Mrs, William ((lo' 431011(101, James and Mrs, Masters and G. and Mrs, Hall visited Mends at Gorrie, on Sunday. Whit. and Mrs, Stewart motored to Petrolia and spent the week -end with Alex. and Mrs. Cooper. Miss Louie Patton is improving nicely and hopes to be able to get home from the hospital, shot tly, Louie and Mrs, Turvey inotored to Detroit, on Sunday, where they will spend a few days with reletives. Mrs. F, iffishaNV, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with her parents. George and Mrs. Purvey, Mrs. 0, L. Elliott retimned home on Satin day eight, Arter epeeding the past couple of weeks %Vali relatives 8.11Hamilton and Toronto. A light truck carrying a race horse epeet on 13. line, on :Saturday, near E. Black's, and badly danniged the the car, but the horse and the driver escaped serinue injuries. There was a good Lim out to the Sacramental serviee, on Senday, at the United Church,Next Siday, Oct, 1011), they hold mtheir annlyers- Rey eervices, when Rev. Mr. Minder, of ti'ordwich, Will preach morning and everdrig, ilarvec Hong SERVICES Annual Ilarvest Home services will be held in St. John's Church BRUSSELS Sunday, Oct. 10 Rev. Mr. Shaffter, of Wingham, will be the special preacher at 31 a. m. and 7 p. m. Spacial Music by the Choir Fowl Supper A Hot Fowl Supper wal be served hi lte Churell Babemera on Monday Evening, Oct. 11th from 5(.33:11: lo:cilii el ko, (2):i. , be e Ifvolaliwdeednbsy. a high.class Concert in the Town Hall. Adults 60c Children 26c Supper and Concert included . . kV, SMITH. I RteV. F. L. LIeWIN, Rester. ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••.N................0."....••••••••••••••••04W. Dr. Willient Ellinrt, of Brandon, Man., epent a few days 01 th his fath- er, JalUeS IlIliolt. A huge number 1e030 bete took in Brussels Fall Fair. last Friday, and had a gond day 01 11 Robert Masters, Martin Masters, Thomas' Stewart and Howard Stew- art motored to Bowling Green, nn Sunday. and spent the clay with W. Ii. and Mrs. Stewart. PERTH COUNTY At the Westee 21 Fait' held in Lond- on, D. Donghts of Logan, made a Clean sweep of the champion ships with the ;junior, SPIlinV and grand cite:mei mships for boil, sows and boars in the TarnWorth Class. Andrew Gray, ChePAPIllitICPV for the Ayoub:talk Cheese and Butter Po , at their np•to-ditte plant, on the Avon Ri VP'', WfIll thirteen pr14eu 0111.11813(11' et Toronto and London Exhibitinns, including seven Then.; and t1113 811081' cup for Hi-. highest emeing rheese. Edward O'Flaherty, aftev 22 years' 813(131118 (11 the Department of Cust- oms and EXeiSe. at Stratford, has 1,1111 dnwn 1113 pee. He 11119 been super an- imated. Nits O'Flaherl y entered the Government 31'1.0101. ill ISTOVPICIIIPV, 1904. He was born in County Kerry, Ireland, and. ParrIP 10 Canada when het (AV() VPaTS 01(1. He .71131I1 111)O1,7. 1111atP137 70 years in Sti at ford, and had a varied and colorful business rat eer. Mr O'Plahetty esti remember whse the imputation of Stratford was under 1.000 J. L. K.ERR, Proprietor Church Notes St. John's Church The Itnii1ve1,u1 v Harvest Thanks- giving. services .1 St. ,1 0)11'2 church., Ol 23.11011 is loping held this stinday, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. 10. The epeeist preacher of the day is to be Rev. Mr. Shaffter, of 'Wingbant. The eister churches of the town ttre (dosing their evening eervices ffi:r lite occasion. P115 choir is providing special tutteic. The hot fowl supper anti 000050 11 te being looked forward, to E15 the is.ng. lican Church is relied upon to glee the best of evevything. The supper win be in the church basement, The concert will be held in the town hail, and will begin as sonn as the feeding of the "five thousand" is completed,- . mobably about 820 p. no. Talent foe this concert will come from Lead- en, in the person of Mies Helen Tem- linson, elocutionist. Miss Southern. National dancer, from Gorrie, and Rev. W. H. S tell, well-known speak- er and elocutionist, from Stratford, are all artists'on the program, besides vocaliste and 500)13 11011(13 talent. Ad- mission price is 500, which includes both supper and coneert. A short - snappy play entitled "Who's a Cow- ard, ' will wind np what: is expected to be a successful time for all, United Church On Sunday, ()Maher 17th. Rev. Mo. Armstrong, of Wroxeter, will preach. The everting service, next Sunday, ls withdrawn, on areount of the Thanksgiving service in St. John's Church, The a 31 11 110 1 service for the NV, M. S, and 'Phankoffer kg was held last Sun- day mot ;ling. The Imam, Rev. A, IV. Baeker, preaehed a epeeial Fen, mon nn behalf of the W. M. 8, His evening subjeet WaG "Life's Supreme Leader." Melville Church The evening service, on Sunday es, evening next, will he withdrawn on secount nf Thankegiving serviees St. Joh n's Clan ell. As R. Yendt, of NIonktort, was buss ily engaged at his slaughter house, the fottrth finger of his left, band was caught in a 101.3) of a rope will( Ix was around one of , h. .'eek. The heast made 8. Irm, tl, 313111 u., nff Yendl's sad litreriViny ' he rest of his ham) badly. Hitngi '1. hilnsW 1' by a rote- fcs 01 11110 (:f the 111,, 1110 iO 1)1.4 1011114, rd Me- t:41110n', sued 42 vents. if 'oe 15, Con, 12 510122 Ttrp , Int/litted suicid,„ 'Iv!Thal see t• -vetting. 'remnant. v 111, ught, 111 have cans tl Ws art 0,1 1... 1. I), A., Riad pron 11 '1'('5 2111b nee.). unite., essary, "‘let'ull, ugh to this di1111 iet this e yesre eavieg his wife 21- • family nt gli'Appelle, sask Wo,k,21 his fern, with his two 1111,11101,, Fl ed a1,11 David. The fume al wae held nit the errival of his family f, om the West. East Huron Fall Fair Has Big Attendance Despite Rain Friday Afternoon--Ex-1 Local Trot or Pace hibits Up to the Mark P. Scott, Brussele, "Battle Grace" 3 1 1 1 11. Colyin,Teeswater, "Al Wor- thy" S. Zinmerman, Gerrie, "Tony B" 2238 Best time 2..101L. Wm. Goyenlock, of Seaforth,was starter and Dr. T,ackner, Kiteherrer; Dr. T. T. McRae and Reevo Baeker were the judges. The foot races were cancelled ow- ing to the rain, Later in the afternoan the OM time Fiddlers contest took piece in the T'alate, and there were 5 entriee. After fine morning the ollisere and DiTectors thought thod y woul have a record-breaking Fans hut the weatherman thought differsully, and by 1 o'clock dark elouds-begen to roll by, and about 2.30 rain began to fall and kept up a drizzle most of the afternoon. Despite this a big crowd had passed through the gates and the reeeipts will run over 4680. Headed by the Henderson Juvenile Pipe Band, the various schools marched to the Agricultural Park :old prizes 11011, (101)11111(1(101)11111(1for 1111,'Iteut 1114'(1061'l'115kra.n, s.s. Mr. WM. You rig, of Grey 10wris11141,, No. 4, Mowon the special prize donated by Dr- rris. won first prize; C 1111's, Walton, 2nd; Miss E. Dick - 1" son, T. T. McRae, with Peter Stewart No. 3, Morris, 3rd. Ondmid W. Campbell Ord. In the evening the Alice Dunbar The three prizes offered by the Concert Cm, of L011(1011, VIVO the Women's Instiute for the best repro- annual Fall Fair coecert in the Town sontatic'n of "thy, '10e1117. " 41)7 Hall. The hail was crowded, and other feature or 51.114e5 WaS Wen by the program W118 a repetition of the Walton school as "Pioneers"; S. S. one given in the summer at the Far - No. 4, Morris, 2ed, as "Canada arol mer'S Garden Party, Following the John Bull"; and No. 8, Morris, 3rd, concert was a dance tvith the Wrox- as "Indians." The Ethel School won etre. orchestra supplying the music. the Farley Drill. Following was how the entries The exhiTsits were much above the Wore tr1115,., up 2.___ average, and in the Short Hernw s, ere . Hor,i Agricultural the best in the history of the Fans Horses, Heavy Draught Once the 111008 started the 13111111 TTorses, Roadsters disappeared and did not show up Frorms., caminge again, nor did they do any datwing, Cattle, Shorthorn ..... . A change should be made on this part. Cattle, Aberdeen Angus 21 .... 18 17 5 of t116 program. There were three good horse mees after the first heat, and the finishes were close and excleng. 'Following is the swirenary 2.20 Trot or Paco 1. Bannerman, Monkton, "Oayega TTal" 1 3 1 1 E. Pawn, blitehell, "Bort D v ", 2 1 8 3 R. Colvin, Teeswatcr, "Jim Hall" 2 2 2 2 Domestic Manufactures Hest time 2.2434. 13aking: 2.40 Trot or Pace Ladies Work E. Haggett, Illyth, I Fine Arts Worthy" 1 2 2 4,1 Flowers 75 2 Cattle, Grade 47 Sheep, teicesters 18 Sheep, Oxfords 18 Sheep, Shropshire 15 Pigs 21. Poultry 148 Grain 27 lorult 50 Roots 62 Vegetables 112 Dairy Produets 1'7 154 148 279 88 131 1448 The list of prizewinners may be read on page 8 o:f this issue. (Continued on page 3.) 5, Fawn, Mitchell, "Superior Graf- ton" , - .2 1-1 2 3 .T. Huston, Monkton, "Paddy Woods" ... , .3 3 1313 2 Pest 1211110 2.8914.