HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-29, Page 8WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 29, .1926. rHE BRUSSELS POST Will Have Ulsplay of 1-oxes. L5 ) At East Huron Fall �a,t held art o � Delayed i�.. Brussels on 11 idlay Cher tit ill be ,a r Its lav of black wad silver grey fox- I Iugi, In Wall Paper5 es from �"ew Hamburg, Don't fail I to sec. them. Recital. l regret that owing to a On Monday evening Oci, 19111, combination Of CI1CUn1 Mr. I icy R, Mullreron of ln;tntforcl, stances I CanIlOtSlllpOur Paper °Y rlori0 until about the f aper now and 1;t'.t I lirul former olluricC :unl ehoirleader Y the good of It during the in Bru cls, will c:•ve a recital in last of the month. r g w I Melvin Church Air, Mulheron will J, T. Ross and Will. Mc - coming months when I be as t tc d by Mrs. Mintern, ant of more time is spent in- i blltAt t ' = r Ilrantfod s loading soloists, Fuller Cl'aClSe11 will have a Stip particulars will bc. given next week. ply then, chars. (lint stuck offers patterns suitable for any f Brussels United Church Postage Rate Up. �x G.A. Deadman room, ranging ill rice .4VES 1 Ph�tnthe B Scott has been inler•n- 1+ :+ p - TIME REV. A. W. BARKER. 8. D, a'cl that the Belgian postal Ad nllill:;tr"a- from those at lac and 14c Vial NISTER i tion has announced an rrterea8e in ,ts charge for the conveyance of pat•- ford, accompanied by Dr. Diel.son, of a rill to the better and high class papers. All are c,'ls from 1.1 pounds up to 15 pounds. New York, and two other Doctors, semi -trimmed, the kind that are easier to hang, and Sunday, Oct. 3rd i This will necessitate all neroaso in gave The Post a call on Tuesday. inake. less mns: art(? iii carder at the time, and come in the parcel post rates from Csnadn, Air• Kay is all old Brusselite and an 11 a,.—Public Worship, null Postmasters have linen hiformed uncle of the Editor, the wider ^_2 inch 11'idih.. I mi that the rates now applicable wall t• g. Annual Service for the W. M. I range from 24 cents for one pound Miss Ella Thuell, who attended S. A Thank -offering will be I to $1.90 for fifteen pounds, Wingham Business College last year, ,�• received, has goto Detroit here she has Clearance ®1 3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses- Wedding. (securedne waposition as stenographer, sion and Bible Classes- St. Ambrose Church was the scene : Her many friends in Brussels and of a pretty wedding, Tuesday, Sept.: vicinity wish her success. Talcum Powers 7 ars p.m.—Public Worship p• 28th, when Miss Marguerite Walton, now "Life's Supreme Leader" was given in marriage to Mr. Alfred I W, G. and Mrs, Henderson and Wednesday —Prayer Service Birtles, of Toronto. The bride ei,- sort, Douglas, of Smithville, spent Your choice of several discontinued lines of �t tered the church on the arm of her several days in town during' the past price o -- — Talcum Powders at the clearance rif, tin C Friday—Choir rehearsal. father, gowned in white satin trim- I week. Mrs. Robert Henderson, the with one or five talents." The two I.Me 50th anniversary of the United p ' med with seed pearls, the trail held former's mother, who had been visit- talented person is often discouraged Church, Kincardin(+, will be celebrat. Sunday, Oct. 10 in place by a band of pearls. Her ing at Smithville, accompan"ed them to find that their talents are much td with appropriate services, on Sun- --- — Evening service will be withdrawn for sister, Mrs. Callaghan, the br"sde'c at- fere. inferior to the person with five tal- clay and Monday, Oct. 24th and 25th. vio St. John's Thanksgiving Service, j S S tendant, was gowned in yellow satin {• C. ants, .but the greatest part of the Rev, A. S: Orton, M. A„ S. T: hl„ of _ Fly X 50C bots. Sunday, Oct. 17 with large black hat. The groom's George Buchanan, of Essex, was viorld's work is done by two talented St, Andrew's Church, Chatham, will ¢ — brother, Mr. Jack Birtles, was his here over the week end. Essex Fair I people, Tho two talented person has be the speaker for Sunday and will Rev. Mr. Armstrong, Wroxeter attendant, The church was decorated was on soh took a run home. In advantages that the five talents per also lecture on Monday evening, Fly T6�1K Sec bots. e g cl P Rev. Mr. Orton ni yellow and white, the same scheme motoring up last Thursday he ran son has not. More people can un- just returned from �""' being carried out in the dining room into a heavy rainstorm below Lon- a trip to Palestine, last Sunday. Fly TSE )E I derstand and appreciate itis work, �1 at the wedding breakfast. After the -don and the roads were nearly flood- The man who uses faithfully his two hand Sprayers 50c I ceremony the immediate family and ed out. talents receives as hearty a "well OORN • �'wiIJJ ,);11J.i AUTO Marker -233-544; Post Pub- a few friends went to the ]ionic ,•. c..•. ;. done, good and faithful servant" as MODONALD.-In Grev Twp„ op sept, 11th, Teti 09 l p F®p t Iishing House. where breakfast was served. Mr. Mrs. L, J. Schenk and Mrs. J. 1. the man with five talents. At the 19?E, to Mr, sad Alrs, Thox, L, McDonald,& ' FOR SALE -2 or 3 Milk Cows; and and Mrs. Birtles left on the after- thn liter. Rouhan sill son, John, of Detroit, evening service the 1taster's text was p } Wilson's fly Pc'AdS one just freshened. Apply to I noon train for Minneapolis end Chi- motored over to attend Miss Mar- i Mark 4:36" And there were With MARRIED Developing �(♦d 1 ���LI� J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con 12, cago. After their trip they will be guerite Wilton's weddin••: Mrs. Him other little ships." The little BIRTLES—WILTON. — In 'it, AmbroPe P 9 9 Phone 550. Grey. at home to their many friends at Schenk and Mrs. Rouhan leave Fri -(ships shared in the calm and safety 3920, byiovi"a.McK gh n,is'litxr�iteriib Any of these are effective HOLSTEIN Cow, fresh about a month 150 Pinewood Ave„ Toronto, Out of I day for Detroit, stopping an route brought about by Christ's miracles Witton, dauphter of H. W titan, Brneseta, to Customers are pleased with town guests were the groom's moth- at London and St. Thomas, as well as the shi Christ was in. Mr. Allred buttes, or Toronto. the work we do and the Fly Destroyers, Guarantee her right Juo. White cr Mrs. John Birtles, and sister, P MODONALD-61ENZI9S.—At the Millbank value we give ! Phone 83-10 Lot 20, Con. 0, Grey This is the case in all the blessings United Churah uarxonage, by Rev. Mr. Jli.=s Nancy; Mrs,'I3irtle's sisters; of God to -clay; they overflow and Bru,stixxAnuioE. At e,ziox to air, Alex. HOUSE and Lot For Sale.—Frame Mrs. Callaghan and daughter, Alia, bless others. In spiritual things ander McDonnld, both or Groy Twp. house, 7 rooms, on west side of of Belleville; Mrs, Frank Roullan anti when God blesses one individual t OreD �j o 1 aSAI I Albert Street; small hen house; sen, John, Detroit; Mrs. Louis J. ('church }� oteS brings a blessing' to others. As a � SPETRAN —In Crry Two. on Moday, Kept, hard water. Also a wheelbarrow Schenk, Detroit; Mt. Greensi.los, At- ! v sv nation God is not blesing us for our •'thy 1920, 0s to Ur11da Prelims. second is good as new. Apply to Mrs, wood, the brides uncle, and Miss M, t own benefit but that we may be a daughter or Lake try and Mrs. xpornn,ag. Wm. Haist, Albert Street, Brus- Jlilunders and Miss F. Stelvart, of \1 lJ' 0c117yenm 2 months,u,dledays Free T1rn ;-ist and Stationer ' Gut•1 h 1 blessing to other nations. The dis- — ,�l`f9i"E sels. 2T p St. John's Church I eiples, through their prayer to Christ Auction Sale. HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply - ' to save them, saved others. Each of Tuasnay. 00T. 5TH. -Farm ,tack, in,p- Rev, DIV. Shntfter, nF �Viugliam, .e.d to Miss Hingston. us has a following and it behooves i temeuts, hay and krain, Fit WN [,at 27th, C'on, """" �^�'•'�'®®� '• WILL CAMPAIGN will be the specuttl preacher at Che+ 14, �� .• �m��=�• r te® GOOD Diving Mare For Sale, Also I n. AGAINST FIRES ' Harvest Home services, nn Sunday, I itst to .b In prayer es have la wendertl t Selelaunrleserved�atn160 eo'clock�r Anno �_. olite nt s, vond hand wagons, Oct, 10th, at 11 a. m. and 7. p, tilt A , I Dundas, Prop. ; Thas. ltrou•n, Ane, 1. -2 John Long. - lint fowl supplier and convert will he ful power to help other's. Mrs. Ci. FRTDAY. OOT RTP-FR,'ID, Fnrm stork, In,• ' G. Scott salt • at the morning a'ervlre. 1 elements, Grnin, oto at Nig t.ot ld Con. 14, i= s BREAD.—Get Your Bread at Grew- . Preparations Being Made to Observe held On Mondav evening, See all-. 1' 6 MrBlllap ( mllesF.nxtor i�Rlton.)' ""lent fir ar'S. "Fire Prevention .�l�eek�' Oct. 3 nnutl0emenl. in this issue'. I - 1 Welook, lioht. Couto, Prop.; D. M. Secant, Local News Items r I � Aa6, .. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling Melville Church BRUCE COUNTY w «»r«• • • w « hoose in Brussels for sale at a Thr. Pastor's sub'ect in Alelville . :»:»,»,?,».»2»; e: <:+ .•: «• •The proclamation issued b.V t}+.e 7 During the heavy fat on the laky, bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair.: governor-general, setting aside, the i Church last Sabbath morning was 1 a tug, named "Sanford," ran on the! To Contractors Improvements. Council Meets Monday. I The man with two talents," the text' rock neer, at Point Clark, It. was nut weck•be.g,•inning October 3 as Fire . being Matt. 25:22 e Mrs. D. Ewan has had het• home The regular session of `.h,• Town Yukon Mails. g 23. Th ordin-; badly damaged, and nn 'lhnrsdap a lob nr atrnning thR aeon portion or the shingled. Hunter Eros. had the ton- Council will be held on Monday Prevention Week" has been received Pry congregation is made up of two morning, atug went from C4oderirh I Ehonr Drain will be let by pub tie Ruction,st tract, evening. During the season of close([ Davi- by Fire Chief John Logan, who is talented people, therefore the sub- and pulled the tug off, towing her 1 thearnin,N1 f oopl•hC?on.a•Morris, on Mon. 1 cation on the Yukon River, approxi- ,asking for loyal co-operation on i.lIL jest is more timely than "The man, back to the Qoderich Harbor, JOHNMUC u.L,Drflin D,�p.rtor Had Exhibits. West Huron Teachers.. mately from October 1 to Ala Text- 31, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin bad a nurn- Thea West Huron Teachers' Con- Parcel post to the Yukon will be sue -part of all citizens, merchants, mann- bar of exhibits at Atwood Fair last vention will be held in God'ericlt, Oct. porided except for the post offices of facturers and school children. �.___ week and was a prize winner, 14th and 15th. Champagne, Carcass and White Chief Logan points out the sigm- Horse. Matter prepaid at par_el post ficant fact that in Canada last year Had a Bad Day. ; Oil Train On Again. rates intended for other points in the e�"�Zce��$� .�3"2c� The oil train went u to Yukon may be addressed to White the total loss by fire was $'10,000,000 Several from Lfort ,is were at P Bins rd- with a loss of life of 350 ueople, and �•s Milverton and Seafor*.ln Last Friday me. on Tuesday evening and has rc- Horse and may addressees may make to attend the shows, 'tut rain spoiled sumed its regular trips again on thio arrangements with the Transportation it is with the idea in view of bring- the day, line. Company, operating between White ing before the citizens of tbr, whole. 1 Horse and Dawson to convey the par- Dominion the seriousness of the, fire Correction. Here This Week. cels to their destination. menace $nd enlisting their co -opera- 1 Fraser Strachan has gone •o Chi- , Chas. Blackstone, Pxpert p-ano May Be a Candidate, tion in her Ina to reduce Canada's ca„o to attend the O:•teopath:e co!- tuner and repadr?r, will be in town I p' l itch'sLes' Grocery ]t,,e, and not Chiropractdr, as stated this week. Orders left with Walker ThP Toronto Globe on Tuesday enormous fire loss_that tine 2ampaign in last issue. The course take.;: four R Black or S. Carter will be attend- hallthe following which refers to is being conducted. one of till, first Editors of Thi! Post: years, of nine months each year. ed to. Carelessness is perhaps the grant - Thomas McGillicuddy has been asked i May Hold' Short Course at Blyth. Coming for Recital. by friends to enter the Provine'al est contributing cause of fire and I Sv-%ec ala for District Agl. Repres• ntativo G, R. Brantford Expositor: --"Perhaps political field as a candidat for the Chief Logan is urging that special �v YaCtl Patterson is trying to maks, arrange. the most unqualified thin,,, of beauty Dovercourt Riding in this city. He precautions be taken, in the ]tonic mcnts for holding the Short Ceur;e was Jars T. Mintern's success'Break has been assured of %tr,)_ig temper- and factory, in stores and offices, to I Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Blyth this coming w•int"r. Fulh:r of Day'. Mrs. Mintern has a voice' nnce support, as he has long been a try to J yt ,y prevent fires not only during announcement will be made later, of immensely devrdo ed leader in that work. Air. McGilli- i p ablo i -for; that week but throughout the whole -- her sola brim' s.� remarkahle perfm•_ cuddy was an active campaigner for Gave a Good Show. j mane-, as one could wish for."—Hear flit. Liberals in both city and countyYear, ` RED HOT SPECIALS GROCERY SPECIALS The Musical Eckardts ,av,+ a •good liar at P.ecital on Oct, 18th, at Mel- r idinas during the last tw i Dominion General co-operation in the matter i Pastry Flour, `24 lbs . ...... . . . . . . .. . ' .. .99c Sugar, 14 lbs, for . , , , . , ... , . • . • , , , , , 51,00 entertainment in the. Town Hall .,n ' Ville Church. elections. of "Fire Prevention Week will do Bet s Orange Marmalade 3 lb. ars 50c Fine Milk -White Tapioca, 2 lbs. ........ 25c ruesday night and the_• Hall was pack-' y' g ' 1 Ontario's Gold Products. I much to cut down fire loss lige. J ,•d to the doors. Following• the on-' School Statistics, Kippered Snacks, 3 tins :...... . .. . ... 25c Choice .fancy head Rice, 2 lbs. ...... , .. .25c tertainment the Cnmpsny held a The total enrolment in th'+ public, Even 15 years ago, we sec told, I - I Tiger Catsup, large bottle ............ 23c Finest new Dates, 2 lbs . .............. .25c dance for 2 hours. I and so rate srhols of Ontario in the gold production of Ontario 11 Rus boll •, Strawberry Jam roes lb. ja:•a. 29c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs, ........ .33a 1 1:1'25 was 608,550. The daily aver- amounted to only $42,627. That was ]°erSOIlal )fDara ra hS Toilet Paper, 5 rolls Y . • • • • • , ..... , .. , lac Puffed Seeded Raisins 2 lbs, , , , .. , .... , Changing Leaf. I m attendance was 433,872. The 1,n 1911, after the discoveries at Pur- I p p , 31c Tho first si'�ns of fall arc- appear:nn ' boy ver;• in the majority. In the lupine, but hefo•e these hurl been i .. .� Fancy Queen Olives, large jar ........ .35c Cohoe salmon, tin ,,,,,, , , , , , , , , ,25c, .15c in the Woods, and many lwou•r.in., i ptihlic schnols out of 515.126, pupils, opened up. Last year (1925) hold Mrs. A. W, Dennison :s visiting Corn, Pe -as, or Tomatoes • ... , ... , 15c Icing, Sugar, 2 Ibs. . . . . ........... . . .190 and richly eolorerl leaves are orna- 222,513 were baso and 252,:,) l3 were Pr eduction of the province amount- i wi4h relatives in Preston. Fry's English Breakfast Cocoa, tin ... , . 23c r5hn'riff'e Jellies and spoon . , , . , , , , , , •85c nuantin> the +t "s. last .ear the orris. Iia the Roman Catholic sepal_ ed ars almost thirty million dollars, , •1, .•... e. Quaker Corn Flakes, 8 pkgs. ... , ...... 29c Now Canadian Cheese, Ib. .... , .. , , .28c glory of the, Canadian onsh was ate schools there were. 93,5.21 pupils, and even the great mines at Timmins Mrs. E. B. Creighton of Hamilton, To Pail Peanut Butter 220 Puffed Rice 2 k •s. ......... .33c somewhat disappointing, but. with th,. I of when 46,1118 were boys and 40,- are not yet being worked to capac- I is the guest of H. L. and :4Irs• Jack- u' ' `' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' p g " leng lingerdnr of the + t e,n leaf this i 600 were girl:. ity, while In a score of places through I sort Leas 20 -oz. Mixed Sweet Pickles ... , , . 4Ec Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. ., .. .29. out the rocky region of the north Clothes tins 36 for ........ . . . ..... . . 1pc Victor Rolled Oats, 5 Ills, year and the light Carly fruit , it is 1 g ,% 1 250 likely many grand t;etuu . n.' sce•uc- Hake to Stay, gold has been discovered im payln;; Matches, lar . , ....... , . 27c Gin Snaps, , , . 250 I i Bwd news for the farmers of this quantities. Thirty millions las: year, Cleve Backer tool. in the Stampede large boxes, 3 for ger Sna s 2 lbs. will be displayed, .y and baseball series at Toronto this I Wax Rolls, for lunches 3 for ... , ...... 10c Wheatine, 3 Ills. 2 district who depend on the growing what will it he in another 16 or 20 weekc Presbyterian Church Social. i of corn, is contained int the adm'scion years? California Oranges, ....... , , . 30c, 40c, 600 Shoe Polish, 2 -in -1, 2 for , , , , .... , , , , 25c rc 1 of the. Ontario Do tar •• To open the Young Pemilr,', Soc_ 1 tment of Agri- Mrs, L. J, Callaghan California•and daught+;r, i Schneirler's Pure Lard, 3 lbs. , , ....... .630 Val. raisins, 2 lbs, for , , , , ,,,,, , , , , , , ,25c 1ety of the Presbyterian Church for I rupia- that the corn borer is here. Minor Locals. Alice, leave to -day for thei, homy in the nnsuing year, the, first meoinq to stay and cannot be eradicated, October widl soon be here. Pelleville. being held next Sunday night a Blit it may not be so ball, aft r all, Council meets on Monday evening, I SOAP, AMMONIA, ETC. JAMS, MARMALADE, ETC, suc=cessful social was held in the I for other crops may pay he tt-•r in Coal and coke are being di.tr^but- Miss Sarah E. Woods has rottumed 1 00 Pure Strawberry Jain, 5 Ib, tins ...... ,60c church basement an Monday the and. Down• in the land of Dixie e in town. Laundry Soap, 16 bars ...... , $ ;vsming, r1 home after spending the past week Pineapple, large tin , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , ,,, 20c ++ a crateful town nrertecl a monument Chas. Blackstone Soaforth. Snowflal(e Ammonia, 3 pkgs, ...... , . , . 25c Table Syrup, 10 Ib, , . , , . , The Misses Stewart had arranged n i � , Piano tomer, is in r. fine series of game;; and eonte�ts for ( to the boll weevil, The prevalence in town this week. 4..p .;..;. I Charm, two large pkgs. .`Loc nr this eat caused the farmeri to Got • • • ' • • • ' . • • • .19c the visitors, whim the mu ttni part P your seat reserved fat• Pall Thos, Stevens, one of Seafartlt's Old l3u'ch Cleanser, 2 tiros �'------ - � -- 25c of the program intrude d a soar- oast I turn from the bad economies implied Fair concert? Plan of Hall at Fox's veterans, was a visitor in town on Itinso 3 pkgs. ....... , , . , . .25a TEA AND COFFEE .......... by Lawson the whole company,a violin colo I .r �inclaledkthc netottake al othomain The Drug Store, gquestion t Thursday Last, •• 0. I pearlin , 3 pkgs. . , 25c Our P,lend, blael( or mixed Ib. .... , G5a ry Fowler. CAudainty lunch cllo oiw d na I ,1 ons, which br ought cash and p os ple of Ontario totackle ors wetttor Mies Margaret •• Thuell spent the Palmolive, 3 cakes . . ...... . ...... . . . .25c Orange pekoe Black, lb. , .. , , , , ,75c pleasant evening. + pc.rdl.y to the town, dry, government control or 0. T. A. week end in Hanover and took in Palin 'tree Toilet Soap, 1.2 for ...... , . .49c Golden Blend Coffee, lb, ............... ..... .GOc Posta Soon the trans will be rlta o ingbe the Hanover Fair, Vinolda Castile 8 cakes . . ............. .25c Holland Cocoa, 2 lbs. . , ... , , ... , , .... 25c Car Burnt. I Postage UP• their foliage revealing color to be .,. ,. ,,. i ' 0'n Sunday evening• about R.80, the Instructions have been received at sena noavhrre else fn the world but Miss Alice Pope had a birthday -----._ fire alarm announced a fire and Citi- I the local post office that the United Canada, party last Friday evening' and her t States - rens Goon found that kc car of. postal administration has in- girl friends had'a very enjoyable (e,,,r6aC;l'StEry Chas. Davidson was on Ire near the ! creased its charge for the onward Can Head Off Expansion. time, home of Wm, Pawson. Mr. David- ( conveyans: en of parcels to other roue- Midland Arcus:—The proposal of It" Redpath SU `err son and family, with Miss Milda Paw -tries and that, In consequence, on and the Retail Merchants can &lad off We are glad to her Mrs. William A Discount Of Ten per cent on all son and Palmer Somervitl.t were., in after October 1, 1926, the postage the expansion of houses For all busi- G111esp1e Is improving after her i11- Crockery 100 lbs. cash $16.60 the car and just backing out of the I Tato on parcels posted in Canada for ness done in each municipality and ness of the past five weal" with. yard, when the ear burst into flamestransmission via New York to the remit the tax direct to the mundci- throat trovIlln. British West Indies, Dutch West In- palities is a. move in the right direr• • r C. and all made a hurried exit, not be- g Frusta Bread ��jl� �c�d ��� Fleur always on h�Ylld. 'fore the small son oof AIr. Davidson dies, Frrnrh West Indies, Cuba Dom- tion providnci the scheme can be, Walter Rose was a l _spectator at diad his coat burnt and Miss 'Hilda inion Republic, Central anal South worked. Talk as we like of the few the world's series at Toronto this We Deliver.' Phone 64 had a stocking scorcherd. If the car America and Mexico will but 19 advantages of dnalfmc with these. mail week, Rev, Mr, Barker and W, J. Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry had boon a two -door model a tragedy 1 cents for.• each . pound or fraction order houses, if their expansion is McCracken accompanied him, night have been the result, The I thereof. From the Baine date, the not curbed the clay will come when 00+9 ear is a mere!"shell now, though tires postage rate on parcels forwarded there will be but a few retail mores Walter and Mts. Rose and Miss Ida a are o.k. and engine seems to be al- i via San Francisco to New Zealand in the. towns and villages. Local Rose anci W. J. McCracken motored Leitch's 1°�t9�'er A g Orth on Friday and attondel right. Mr. Davidson had $500 in- well be 23 cents on each pound or merchants can head oft the extension to Sea£ surarree on the car. The. Pile Dc -1 fraetron thereof` and on parcels for- of these Octopuses to a great extant the I•air<, Mr, Rose was a poultry (�j Quantity of Peaches, Grapes and Fruits for Pair Day partinent was out, but the are in. warded via San Francisco to Austro- by taking' the be=st means of voachirn4 I judge at Sonforth formed the chclnical engl'ne -.lid not Iia, 29 cents for each suosequent the buyer --•-consistent and perxistent 4.440 tiw work for some reason or other, pound or :Fraction thereof, use of their local paper. + Postmaster A, M. (Cay, of Strut- �. V PpQ OAN4' To Builders of z Canadian Industry F�rO 1 t�1� INCE 1878 we have beer, van. ducting a banking business fn a manner compatible with the best di+velopmentof Canadian industry. This is evidenced in the success of BANKING these whom we have served. To you who will be the leaders of to -morrow, FIFTY we offer sound financial support Pull p+ p counsel. Our local manager N ready YEARS to discuss ways and means of ass;st- ing the now venture or exp=anding the growing business. TAN LSA. V BAAN OF CAI�IADA BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Serials, Manager 1 "Life's Supreme Leader" was given in marriage to Mr. Alfred I W, G. and Mrs, Henderson and Wednesday —Prayer Service Birtles, of Toronto. The bride ei,- sort, Douglas, of Smithville, spent Your choice of several discontinued lines of �t tered the church on the arm of her several days in town during' the past price o -- — Talcum Powders at the clearance rif, tin C Friday—Choir rehearsal. father, gowned in white satin trim- I week. Mrs. Robert Henderson, the with one or five talents." The two I.Me 50th anniversary of the United p ' med with seed pearls, the trail held former's mother, who had been visit- talented person is often discouraged Church, Kincardin(+, will be celebrat. Sunday, Oct. 10 in place by a band of pearls. Her ing at Smithville, accompan"ed them to find that their talents are much td with appropriate services, on Sun- --- — Evening service will be withdrawn for sister, Mrs. Callaghan, the br"sde'c at- fere. inferior to the person with five tal- clay and Monday, Oct. 24th and 25th. vio St. John's Thanksgiving Service, j S S tendant, was gowned in yellow satin {• C. ants, .but the greatest part of the Rev, A. S: Orton, M. A„ S. T: hl„ of _ Fly X 50C bots. Sunday, Oct. 17 with large black hat. The groom's George Buchanan, of Essex, was viorld's work is done by two talented St, Andrew's Church, Chatham, will ¢ — brother, Mr. Jack Birtles, was his here over the week end. Essex Fair I people, Tho two talented person has be the speaker for Sunday and will Rev. Mr. Armstrong, Wroxeter attendant, The church was decorated was on soh took a run home. In advantages that the five talents per also lecture on Monday evening, Fly T6�1K Sec bots. e g cl P Rev. Mr. Orton ni yellow and white, the same scheme motoring up last Thursday he ran son has not. More people can un- just returned from �""' being carried out in the dining room into a heavy rainstorm below Lon- a trip to Palestine, last Sunday. Fly TSE )E I derstand and appreciate itis work, �1 at the wedding breakfast. After the -don and the roads were nearly flood- The man who uses faithfully his two hand Sprayers 50c I ceremony the immediate family and ed out. talents receives as hearty a "well OORN • �'wiIJJ ,);11J.i AUTO Marker -233-544; Post Pub- a few friends went to the ]ionic ,•. c..•. ;. done, good and faithful servant" as MODONALD.-In Grev Twp„ op sept, 11th, Teti 09 l p F®p t Iishing House. where breakfast was served. Mr. Mrs. L, J. Schenk and Mrs. J. 1. the man with five talents. At the 19?E, to Mr, sad Alrs, Thox, L, McDonald,& ' FOR SALE -2 or 3 Milk Cows; and and Mrs. Birtles left on the after- thn liter. Rouhan sill son, John, of Detroit, evening service the 1taster's text was p } Wilson's fly Pc'AdS one just freshened. Apply to I noon train for Minneapolis end Chi- motored over to attend Miss Mar- i Mark 4:36" And there were With MARRIED Developing �(♦d 1 ���LI� J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con 12, cago. After their trip they will be guerite Wilton's weddin••: Mrs. Him other little ships." The little BIRTLES—WILTON. — In 'it, AmbroPe P 9 9 Phone 550. Grey. at home to their many friends at Schenk and Mrs. Rouhan leave Fri -(ships shared in the calm and safety 3920, byiovi"a.McK gh n,is'litxr�iteriib Any of these are effective HOLSTEIN Cow, fresh about a month 150 Pinewood Ave„ Toronto, Out of I day for Detroit, stopping an route brought about by Christ's miracles Witton, dauphter of H. W titan, Brneseta, to Customers are pleased with town guests were the groom's moth- at London and St. Thomas, as well as the shi Christ was in. Mr. Allred buttes, or Toronto. the work we do and the Fly Destroyers, Guarantee her right Juo. White cr Mrs. John Birtles, and sister, P MODONALD-61ENZI9S.—At the Millbank value we give ! Phone 83-10 Lot 20, Con. 0, Grey This is the case in all the blessings United Churah uarxonage, by Rev. Mr. Jli.=s Nancy; Mrs,'I3irtle's sisters; of God to -clay; they overflow and Bru,stixxAnuioE. At e,ziox to air, Alex. HOUSE and Lot For Sale.—Frame Mrs. Callaghan and daughter, Alia, bless others. In spiritual things ander McDonnld, both or Groy Twp. house, 7 rooms, on west side of of Belleville; Mrs, Frank Roullan anti when God blesses one individual t OreD �j o 1 aSAI I Albert Street; small hen house; sen, John, Detroit; Mrs. Louis J. ('church }� oteS brings a blessing' to others. As a � SPETRAN —In Crry Two. on Moday, Kept, hard water. Also a wheelbarrow Schenk, Detroit; Mt. Greensi.los, At- ! v sv nation God is not blesing us for our •'thy 1920, 0s to Ur11da Prelims. second is good as new. Apply to Mrs, wood, the brides uncle, and Miss M, t own benefit but that we may be a daughter or Lake try and Mrs. xpornn,ag. Wm. Haist, Albert Street, Brus- Jlilunders and Miss F. Stelvart, of \1 lJ' 0c117yenm 2 months,u,dledays Free T1rn ;-ist and Stationer ' Gut•1 h 1 blessing to other nations. The dis- — ,�l`f9i"E sels. 2T p St. John's Church I eiples, through their prayer to Christ Auction Sale. HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply - ' to save them, saved others. Each of Tuasnay. 00T. 5TH. -Farm ,tack, in,p- Rev, DIV. Shntfter, nF �Viugliam, .e.d to Miss Hingston. us has a following and it behooves i temeuts, hay and krain, Fit WN [,at 27th, C'on, """" �^�'•'�'®®� '• WILL CAMPAIGN will be the specuttl preacher at Che+ 14, �� .• �m��=�• r te® GOOD Diving Mare For Sale, Also I n. AGAINST FIRES ' Harvest Home services, nn Sunday, I itst to .b In prayer es have la wendertl t Selelaunrleserved�atn160 eo'clock�r Anno �_. olite nt s, vond hand wagons, Oct, 10th, at 11 a. m. and 7. p, tilt A , I Dundas, Prop. ; Thas. ltrou•n, Ane, 1. -2 John Long. - lint fowl supplier and convert will he ful power to help other's. Mrs. Ci. FRTDAY. OOT RTP-FR,'ID, Fnrm stork, In,• ' G. Scott salt • at the morning a'ervlre. 1 elements, Grnin, oto at Nig t.ot ld Con. 14, i= s BREAD.—Get Your Bread at Grew- . Preparations Being Made to Observe held On Mondav evening, See all-. 1' 6 MrBlllap ( mllesF.nxtor i�Rlton.)' ""lent fir ar'S. "Fire Prevention .�l�eek�' Oct. 3 nnutl0emenl. in this issue'. I - 1 Welook, lioht. Couto, Prop.; D. M. Secant, Local News Items r I � Aa6, .. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling Melville Church BRUCE COUNTY w «»r«• • • w « hoose in Brussels for sale at a Thr. Pastor's sub'ect in Alelville . :»:»,»,?,».»2»; e: <:+ .•: «• •The proclamation issued b.V t}+.e 7 During the heavy fat on the laky, bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair.: governor-general, setting aside, the i Church last Sabbath morning was 1 a tug, named "Sanford," ran on the! To Contractors Improvements. Council Meets Monday. I The man with two talents," the text' rock neer, at Point Clark, It. was nut weck•be.g,•inning October 3 as Fire . being Matt. 25:22 e Mrs. D. Ewan has had het• home The regular session of `.h,• Town Yukon Mails. g 23. Th ordin-; badly damaged, and nn 'lhnrsdap a lob nr atrnning thR aeon portion or the shingled. Hunter Eros. had the ton- Council will be held on Monday Prevention Week" has been received Pry congregation is made up of two morning, atug went from C4oderirh I Ehonr Drain will be let by pub tie Ruction,st tract, evening. During the season of close([ Davi- by Fire Chief John Logan, who is talented people, therefore the sub- and pulled the tug off, towing her 1 thearnin,N1 f oopl•hC?on.a•Morris, on Mon. 1 cation on the Yukon River, approxi- ,asking for loyal co-operation on i.lIL jest is more timely than "The man, back to the Qoderich Harbor, JOHNMUC u.L,Drflin D,�p.rtor Had Exhibits. West Huron Teachers.. mately from October 1 to Ala Text- 31, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin bad a nurn- Thea West Huron Teachers' Con- Parcel post to the Yukon will be sue -part of all citizens, merchants, mann- bar of exhibits at Atwood Fair last vention will be held in God'ericlt, Oct. porided except for the post offices of facturers and school children. �.___ week and was a prize winner, 14th and 15th. Champagne, Carcass and White Chief Logan points out the sigm- Horse. Matter prepaid at par_el post ficant fact that in Canada last year Had a Bad Day. ; Oil Train On Again. rates intended for other points in the e�"�Zce��$� .�3"2c� The oil train went u to Yukon may be addressed to White the total loss by fire was $'10,000,000 Several from Lfort ,is were at P Bins rd- with a loss of life of 350 ueople, and �•s Milverton and Seafor*.ln Last Friday me. on Tuesday evening and has rc- Horse and may addressees may make to attend the shows, 'tut rain spoiled sumed its regular trips again on thio arrangements with the Transportation it is with the idea in view of bring- the day, line. Company, operating between White ing before the citizens of tbr, whole. 1 Horse and Dawson to convey the par- Dominion the seriousness of the, fire Correction. Here This Week. cels to their destination. menace $nd enlisting their co -opera- 1 Fraser Strachan has gone •o Chi- , Chas. Blackstone, Pxpert p-ano May Be a Candidate, tion in her Ina to reduce Canada's ca„o to attend the O:•teopath:e co!- tuner and repadr?r, will be in town I p' l itch'sLes' Grocery ]t,,e, and not Chiropractdr, as stated this week. Orders left with Walker ThP Toronto Globe on Tuesday enormous fire loss_that tine 2ampaign in last issue. The course take.;: four R Black or S. Carter will be attend- hallthe following which refers to is being conducted. one of till, first Editors of Thi! Post: years, of nine months each year. ed to. Carelessness is perhaps the grant - Thomas McGillicuddy has been asked i May Hold' Short Course at Blyth. Coming for Recital. by friends to enter the Provine'al est contributing cause of fire and I Sv-%ec ala for District Agl. Repres• ntativo G, R. Brantford Expositor: --"Perhaps political field as a candidat for the Chief Logan is urging that special �v YaCtl Patterson is trying to maks, arrange. the most unqualified thin,,, of beauty Dovercourt Riding in this city. He precautions be taken, in the ]tonic mcnts for holding the Short Ceur;e was Jars T. Mintern's success'Break has been assured of %tr,)_ig temper- and factory, in stores and offices, to I Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Blyth this coming w•int"r. Fulh:r of Day'. Mrs. Mintern has a voice' nnce support, as he has long been a try to J yt ,y prevent fires not only during announcement will be made later, of immensely devrdo ed leader in that work. Air. McGilli- i p ablo i -for; that week but throughout the whole -- her sola brim' s.� remarkahle perfm•_ cuddy was an active campaigner for Gave a Good Show. j mane-, as one could wish for."—Hear flit. Liberals in both city and countyYear, ` RED HOT SPECIALS GROCERY SPECIALS The Musical Eckardts ,av,+ a •good liar at P.ecital on Oct, 18th, at Mel- r idinas during the last tw i Dominion General co-operation in the matter i Pastry Flour, `24 lbs . ...... . . . . . . .. . ' .. .99c Sugar, 14 lbs, for . , , , . , ... , . • . • , , , , , 51,00 entertainment in the. Town Hall .,n ' Ville Church. elections. of "Fire Prevention Week will do Bet s Orange Marmalade 3 lb. ars 50c Fine Milk -White Tapioca, 2 lbs. ........ 25c ruesday night and the_• Hall was pack-' y' g ' 1 Ontario's Gold Products. I much to cut down fire loss lige. J ,•d to the doors. Following• the on-' School Statistics, Kippered Snacks, 3 tins :...... . .. . ... 25c Choice .fancy head Rice, 2 lbs. ...... , .. .25c tertainment the Cnmpsny held a The total enrolment in th'+ public, Even 15 years ago, we sec told, I - I Tiger Catsup, large bottle ............ 23c Finest new Dates, 2 lbs . .............. .25c dance for 2 hours. I and so rate srhols of Ontario in the gold production of Ontario 11 Rus boll •, Strawberry Jam roes lb. ja:•a. 29c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs, ........ .33a 1 1:1'25 was 608,550. The daily aver- amounted to only $42,627. That was ]°erSOIlal )fDara ra hS Toilet Paper, 5 rolls Y . • • • • • , ..... , .. , lac Puffed Seeded Raisins 2 lbs, , , , .. , .... , Changing Leaf. I m attendance was 433,872. The 1,n 1911, after the discoveries at Pur- I p p , 31c Tho first si'�ns of fall arc- appear:nn ' boy ver;• in the majority. In the lupine, but hefo•e these hurl been i .. .� Fancy Queen Olives, large jar ........ .35c Cohoe salmon, tin ,,,,,, , , , , , , , , ,25c, .15c in the Woods, and many lwou•r.in., i ptihlic schnols out of 515.126, pupils, opened up. Last year (1925) hold Mrs. A. W, Dennison :s visiting Corn, Pe -as, or Tomatoes • ... , ... , 15c Icing, Sugar, 2 Ibs. . . . . ........... . . .190 and richly eolorerl leaves are orna- 222,513 were baso and 252,:,) l3 were Pr eduction of the province amount- i wi4h relatives in Preston. Fry's English Breakfast Cocoa, tin ... , . 23c r5hn'riff'e Jellies and spoon . , , . , , , , , , •85c nuantin> the +t "s. last .ear the orris. Iia the Roman Catholic sepal_ ed ars almost thirty million dollars, , •1, .•... e. Quaker Corn Flakes, 8 pkgs. ... , ...... 29c Now Canadian Cheese, Ib. .... , .. , , .28c glory of the, Canadian onsh was ate schools there were. 93,5.21 pupils, and even the great mines at Timmins Mrs. E. B. Creighton of Hamilton, To Pail Peanut Butter 220 Puffed Rice 2 k •s. ......... .33c somewhat disappointing, but. with th,. I of when 46,1118 were boys and 40,- are not yet being worked to capac- I is the guest of H. L. and :4Irs• Jack- u' ' `' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' p g " leng lingerdnr of the + t e,n leaf this i 600 were girl:. ity, while In a score of places through I sort Leas 20 -oz. Mixed Sweet Pickles ... , , . 4Ec Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. ., .. .29. out the rocky region of the north Clothes tins 36 for ........ . . . ..... . . 1pc Victor Rolled Oats, 5 Ills, year and the light Carly fruit , it is 1 g ,% 1 250 likely many grand t;etuu . n.' sce•uc- Hake to Stay, gold has been discovered im payln;; Matches, lar . , ....... , . 27c Gin Snaps, , , . 250 I i Bwd news for the farmers of this quantities. Thirty millions las: year, Cleve Backer tool. in the Stampede large boxes, 3 for ger Sna s 2 lbs. will be displayed, .y and baseball series at Toronto this I Wax Rolls, for lunches 3 for ... , ...... 10c Wheatine, 3 Ills. 2 district who depend on the growing what will it he in another 16 or 20 weekc Presbyterian Church Social. i of corn, is contained int the adm'scion years? California Oranges, ....... , , . 30c, 40c, 600 Shoe Polish, 2 -in -1, 2 for , , , , .... , , , , 25c rc 1 of the. Ontario Do tar •• To open the Young Pemilr,', Soc_ 1 tment of Agri- Mrs, L. J, Callaghan California•and daught+;r, i Schneirler's Pure Lard, 3 lbs. , , ....... .630 Val. raisins, 2 lbs, for , , , , ,,,,, , , , , , , ,25c 1ety of the Presbyterian Church for I rupia- that the corn borer is here. Minor Locals. Alice, leave to -day for thei, homy in the nnsuing year, the, first meoinq to stay and cannot be eradicated, October widl soon be here. Pelleville. being held next Sunday night a Blit it may not be so ball, aft r all, Council meets on Monday evening, I SOAP, AMMONIA, ETC. JAMS, MARMALADE, ETC, suc=cessful social was held in the I for other crops may pay he tt-•r in Coal and coke are being di.tr^but- Miss Sarah E. Woods has rottumed 1 00 Pure Strawberry Jain, 5 Ib, tins ...... ,60c church basement an Monday the and. Down• in the land of Dixie e in town. Laundry Soap, 16 bars ...... , $ ;vsming, r1 home after spending the past week Pineapple, large tin , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , ,,, 20c ++ a crateful town nrertecl a monument Chas. Blackstone Soaforth. Snowflal(e Ammonia, 3 pkgs, ...... , . , . 25c Table Syrup, 10 Ib, , . , , . , The Misses Stewart had arranged n i � , Piano tomer, is in r. fine series of game;; and eonte�ts for ( to the boll weevil, The prevalence in town this week. 4..p .;..;. I Charm, two large pkgs. .`Loc nr this eat caused the farmeri to Got • • • ' • • • ' . • • • .19c the visitors, whim the mu ttni part P your seat reserved fat• Pall Thos, Stevens, one of Seafartlt's Old l3u'ch Cleanser, 2 tiros �'------ - � -- 25c of the program intrude d a soar- oast I turn from the bad economies implied Fair concert? Plan of Hall at Fox's veterans, was a visitor in town on Itinso 3 pkgs. ....... , , . , . .25a TEA AND COFFEE .......... by Lawson the whole company,a violin colo I .r �inclaledkthc netottake al othomain The Drug Store, gquestion t Thursday Last, •• 0. I pearlin , 3 pkgs. . , 25c Our P,lend, blael( or mixed Ib. .... , G5a ry Fowler. CAudainty lunch cllo oiw d na I ,1 ons, which br ought cash and p os ple of Ontario totackle ors wetttor Mies Margaret •• Thuell spent the Palmolive, 3 cakes . . ...... . ...... . . . .25c Orange pekoe Black, lb. , .. , , , , ,75c pleasant evening. + pc.rdl.y to the town, dry, government control or 0. T. A. week end in Hanover and took in Palin 'tree Toilet Soap, 1.2 for ...... , . .49c Golden Blend Coffee, lb, ............... ..... .GOc Posta Soon the trans will be rlta o ingbe the Hanover Fair, Vinolda Castile 8 cakes . . ............. .25c Holland Cocoa, 2 lbs. . , ... , , ... , , .... 25c Car Burnt. I Postage UP• their foliage revealing color to be .,. ,. ,,. i ' 0'n Sunday evening• about R.80, the Instructions have been received at sena noavhrre else fn the world but Miss Alice Pope had a birthday -----._ fire alarm announced a fire and Citi- I the local post office that the United Canada, party last Friday evening' and her t States - rens Goon found that kc car of. postal administration has in- girl friends had'a very enjoyable (e,,,r6aC;l'StEry Chas. Davidson was on Ire near the ! creased its charge for the onward Can Head Off Expansion. time, home of Wm, Pawson. Mr. David- ( conveyans: en of parcels to other roue- Midland Arcus:—The proposal of It" Redpath SU `err son and family, with Miss Milda Paw -tries and that, In consequence, on and the Retail Merchants can &lad off We are glad to her Mrs. William A Discount Of Ten per cent on all son and Palmer Somervitl.t were., in after October 1, 1926, the postage the expansion of houses For all busi- G111esp1e Is improving after her i11- Crockery 100 lbs. cash $16.60 the car and just backing out of the I Tato on parcels posted in Canada for ness done in each municipality and ness of the past five weal" with. yard, when the ear burst into flamestransmission via New York to the remit the tax direct to the mundci- throat trovIlln. British West Indies, Dutch West In- palities is a. move in the right direr• • r C. and all made a hurried exit, not be- g Frusta Bread ��jl� �c�d ��� Fleur always on h�Ylld. 'fore the small son oof AIr. Davidson dies, Frrnrh West Indies, Cuba Dom- tion providnci the scheme can be, Walter Rose was a l _spectator at diad his coat burnt and Miss 'Hilda inion Republic, Central anal South worked. Talk as we like of the few the world's series at Toronto this We Deliver.' Phone 64 had a stocking scorcherd. If the car America and Mexico will but 19 advantages of dnalfmc with these. mail week, Rev, Mr, Barker and W, J. Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry had boon a two -door model a tragedy 1 cents for.• each . pound or fraction order houses, if their expansion is McCracken accompanied him, night have been the result, The I thereof. From the Baine date, the not curbed the clay will come when 00+9 ear is a mere!"shell now, though tires postage rate on parcels forwarded there will be but a few retail mores Walter and Mts. Rose and Miss Ida a are o.k. and engine seems to be al- i via San Francisco to New Zealand in the. towns and villages. Local Rose anci W. J. McCracken motored Leitch's 1°�t9�'er A g Orth on Friday and attondel right. Mr. Davidson had $500 in- well be 23 cents on each pound or merchants can head oft the extension to Sea£ surarree on the car. The. Pile Dc -1 fraetron thereof` and on parcels for- of these Octopuses to a great extant the I•air<, Mr, Rose was a poultry (�j Quantity of Peaches, Grapes and Fruits for Pair Day partinent was out, but the are in. warded via San Francisco to Austro- by taking' the be=st means of voachirn4 I judge at Sonforth formed the chclnical engl'ne -.lid not Iia, 29 cents for each suosequent the buyer --•-consistent and perxistent 4.440 tiw work for some reason or other, pound or :Fraction thereof, use of their local paper. + Postmaster A, M. (Cay, of Strut- �. V