HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-29, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST
WFI)NESDAY SEPT, on 119219,
puss- + for Hayward's office and bAvk again, a
Curious!" he said, when ho the night of the trag(�dy was to Doc- went a trifle pale, but she supped clues la f one sort or another.
oil it back to mo, "What to hand Into mine as U vote, Of con. is
'10 See ung is a per_ or whether b(- that thl,,, new denco.
inako of it?" + fret crime," he raid, "and of I I rs e,
Red L U is fairly 0 E N S * f-ata-Arophe bl,ars no r(.I,
"The last part of atio!, to tll,., "YOU," All! said, "tho gendelit 0131 the general idea that a clue is some
+ sbi-p-liffling, 1 (10 not know. on earth, hitting a knife under that mysterious phenomena which it
(Copyright) lie was in dariger, and knew ;f." 0 4
by )lARY IZOBE11TS RINEHART "But the rest of it?" Ill, sa I([. + 4 But the fact remains that, when float there, and going out It
0 WA N T ED . flyra met to -day, It(' AlowA -nlo more night flulr('s super -human pow,rs Co and, rr.
"What does be say. The wick 4. 1 to kill somebody! Why, V,),,, can't tll.r.�tand, 1, 11 1
ZdOl 0 + civility than la, has sjlawlj In our even raw a boat property!" a bosh. Clues are
+0 Highest market prices ual onoounti-rs rf,vkntly. But I �n
Then the Storm burst again, in an, let,, of course, see Ill it nothing u- of the Idea, What idea," a *4 The small laugh which fojlowi��d Ill WticallY always trivial, bocnm4' it
U "You. haven't in opinion on that + llinv,� reason in that I aty, lifliped us all. I,; Only the trivial things til! crhn-
explosion that fairly t1w Towler'll-qual and are prosecuting- t1w (ner, 411, paid.
t. I + bving carefully watched, t�.4p.�641ly at What &�vvioli-I just uIlity'. J�q as inal overlooks He takes :arae of the
+ 0
rocking, and slinultanvously tir' vier.- with vigor, But the rish(mi-mon, al- ' Th". tension, or whatever It waw, * See tile or Phone No. 2x, Bi um- night, and that hI,, vjgilane,� ha= in- follows' RallidaY got Out o _ f the car (To Be Continued),
tric lights In the room went out. + blir onus."
- me only half-hearted in the search, "As a matter of faet," 4- OtI"-a;n At the r�pot wh,,r(- the tenci. Via6
It wns than that the assistant keep ways n 'til)"stitiOn' crowd, "t -al 10 wooled to relax then. 0 Rels, and I will -111 and get N'011AA sinck. the 10�-; of lily f
Ito said, 0 + found, and hall Edith go bade a I
0 ni
cr swears something touched him; 'The, story from the light-lioust, bas "I thought It was addrosqed to tile,o M. 17011jell"i I,, Ills mind, defluitely con-
bonif.lthing cold; but there At-vilis to convinced them once more of the wJ1,11 I oommonced it, We'd had a approach slowly, along the road from
b,, no doubt, whether that !.S true or diabolical nature. of whatever 18 at . A '4 LOUSINESS CARDS
long argument not long before his DW w III Carroway Anti it is, town, Approximately, the pori(R.1011-1
riot, that the whole room was filled work among us, and there is current dvath, oil euthanasia. I belleveti. in ()lily u�,edoll to w, -r,• the sarilt, V, thow. of 'Ilt, Id' -lit IrHE Industrial Morvgage and
with the cold eddying wind rof,�rrod also a tale from some passing motor- puttinq the ullfit out Of the war] sonde "'I"etiOn 1-tw0en this r-cout of the disappearance, save that, . 110 SavIngs Company, of Sarnia
to before, InYA,wy and ill(, 011mg that h,rv., pr(�- rain was falling. allc'�' cI
tat that the red lamp was burning, ill Ile But of course the and of She Auld nothing for a moment, ce( 1. latfirlo, hr& ro-ilo3rell ill adya,loo moak.y ol,
I Prefer to trust the IiLacl-kvclner'.4 the main house at midnight the night it q,ttles th, ,'tided it, to set lihn at my a. X(�rtgfteomlol lialid laarlti. Parties doliu,ing
at.,, then: ITRIlidaY, it apiwar,4, wwq ;corvjlill�, neon •v ?11 Farm nwrtgatml will Ovalle split to
itutainent. Ward is an unemotional of the 119th.. "What about your now tenant? 'Uraill. . Juin-'myRn. sllatool W)II Tar
flo laughed again, bit the and of for that ,put, back aniong, �h ai-hral-au,ji pli,ii,"""lirP,wIlo
type, and this I., what he guys: Cominti Up rroll, our salt Illari:11, III.,! thumb, hesitated, and Ilion got Your Mr. Bethel? Has he ma:Ic any As a matter of fact, Ulitil the body I where the unknown lied The Industriall Mortgage
"I was scared enough, but when tliv.- i,4 inc.ry than one who ]in,,; Ills lint, complaint?" is found or such ran'),- �cilon Is urt- from Observation, but ,t;p and Savings 0ornpany
the lights went out I looked up at made a wide detour to avoitl tilt, "Not yet. As it matter of foct I ""tablitheti, he has no Case !.,I law
the lamp. It's all oil burner, and it "Danger " he said, "And the Pat- ll,,aln.it anybody, according. to lialli- to ��vf! the truck's lj�rht, far �notll.
C"her house. Ice, No, that wasn't for tile." have talked to him only once." away to li,� able Co run out in,. - i
was all right. Old Faithful, we call Halliclay's discovery, made to_[ljjyl "Aild you still believe he died of "And that was—?" day. it before it had pa-so.d. n:lil AGENT FOR
11. Well, you have to und.rstculd "Mostly about hot water and a "There (-it" he lit) murd,,r v-4hout ftor '
that we weren't entirely in the dark, is its follows: He calculated just heart di�oliv?ll U body," says Halliday. A two or throe experhili'lit.4 he fire I gutomobile and Wind IRS,
even tin;(); some of the red light from -a "It was his heart, all right," he the of found the proper location, anti th,-r,•
bow far the truck would have to g 13o.ef cube," I admitted. "And v. "Tilt- law ;
after it was hailed, before it stop- said, unit going out, climbod Ivalvily direction in which the house faces. v0rPuS delicti, you know. ife either commenced a. sort of inteniv,� s,,ji,ell �COMPANIES
above came down, and 1 could see poll, and went back to that point;into his car. He Seemed abstracted, Ill- struck me as an extremely brit- has to find the Morrison girl, or fall- with the' Packet flash, with 13di-h in For Brussels and vicinity phone 647
In- that, ))Ill his tqj,�w to Carroway,"
where Jim was standing. I couldn'tbill and material type." I
sce him, y'understand, but I could which was not far from the l. ntrane" nud made no reply to my good -night. " I Ill, (Halliday) and Edith hallo t the car, to warn Ilitu of any approach JA M Ell
.,�o where he was. And there was to the Liviogstone drive. Already I can read into this what I like* "'Irritable and material',` she I,(-- taken the car and gono out thN ovkni- land the_ lights out, 5 Ml)rAr_)zEAN
the crowd of searchers and iiintiolL His manner was not that of a guilt (Note: Perhaps it is as well, to re- Agent Wick NOW flea Insurance Company
y peated thoughtfully. "And vet T .
a third party in the. room, over nLar hunters hall pretty well destroyed min; oil the other blind, it was not suppose you know they are saying Ing. Jane is very uneasy, bil-, I feel
cord here conversation with Hal- Also
the stair door. That Ill, lie wasthemany clue that might have been left, entirely natural, el-ther. I.To was that he is using the red lamp.,' that they will be safe enough.
One minute; the next he was gone "The red lamp is locked away . The best tialo, to travel ;q minod- , f' 011ftflied WiNdStIll"M and Tornado 105ileance
but about twenty yards oul�. So 1ldlay. which took platy a day or so
from the both watchful and " self-consci Ore.)
They did not make an ininied! te far as I know, he doesn't even In that, I recall, he stated -.11at Ills,
investigation. True to their type, gates lie found marks in the mud in- And I do not believe he read the,let- ped Its existence," ,us- lately after a railroad accid"ut. Pliant, 42 Box Turnblrry i4ret,t Brussels
t -y ran up and kispected the lamp, been backed to that point, but it One of the evening papers to -night For some reason or other that puz- And now where are we'? Ithe trail for any others JR0. SUTHERLAND & SUN
he ditmting- that, not only ha. -I the truck tor twice. . . , . Julv 2rth. • first man who takes a ca,,- his
but it was "sitting pretty" as Ward had been turned there and hear.1,41 Prints a photostatic copy of the ciph- zled her. We call no longer doubt thit', the come after. The who iiiay LIMITED
nays, They hall candies. for it was Lack s.-tuation morn or
not unusual for storms toward Oakville and the bey, er found in our garage, and olTers "But it's been seen burnina," She -sonic- hand which throttled Carroway lees 'crystallizes under his handling ZIN"OvAt4girex
to put the protested, after a blank pau$c. and has brought of it. This he claim.,; is the woakncoe� LPV,,WZ,&vZ
Oakville light company out of ser- Just where it left the valid again, a prize for its solution. attacked Halliday, 'I
vice, and keeping close together they if at all, is a question. I behove. Edith's memory is shown to hav3 "It is looked Ill a closet oil the about the disappearance an almotlt i of the French <yitcui whieh follows
Halliday has taken a scraping from h8Pn faulty I'll only one particular. upper floor, Mrs. Livingstone, and.1 certain murder of Maggie Morrison. one direction until it ends in a blind
-went, -down through the SlINTS , have the key. What is more, I heard Halliday 0. M. SCOTT
'91va the wheels anti propose,,; to have 4t The cipher, as published reads., ay know.s it, Edith knows alley, before -ttakosup anoli�,r,ancl
floors of the tower. They round troth- a that story some time ago, amt in- it. I know it, But what wo are. the strength of Scotland Yard, Arlion,
, nalyzed. He finds soluethin-v sus- GeLTr, X. 24. av r mran
ing, and the outer door was still clas- picious in'it. I cannot Say what. vestigated. So fail as r can tell, it we to make of our knowledge" What into a central office is brougr, frOul PRICES MODERATE
ell and bolted. For rofors.nopq consult any Person wh �e sals,
I July 23rd. has not been disturbed since I put effect will it have, for installer., oil varying sour:!es all colloctililn mat,r- I have offialated at. Phone 02826
In view of so detailed and corro- I have spent to -clay ve-organizing Mrs. Livingstone has given me i it there. Of course, he finny have lily own serlo-comic position? Could ial, which is there asserted and clari-,
borative it statement, the final support InY household. None of the worn- sonic -thing to think about. I brought another similar lamp, but Greenough arrest me on suspicion? fieri T. M'RAE
an, including Clara, are to leave it The dinner went off very, well, A that's going rather far, isn't it?" Although Halliday laughs at 'that. h",
of my early ocepticilsm bar hada aft"I. 'GrPonoug"ll's Mistake 'Iel h R., All. 0. P., a S. 0.
severe blow.
st I trifle too nl�lch fvo�l arl I w-1-1 M,!]- . ....... TT
What would lit, the change, should I although no entrance into any house I .�': 11*.t " " - 81 —.13
ay cording to Jane, for a meal cu fam. I'll ask her, ..;' you liku. But pri. I io, that belor, ioll�4 efforts toward finding the body Pnyslcian. surgeon, Accouohenur
we enter another wall](], with the has yet been attempted, Halliday and flie in the country. vately, I believe that if she saw such will have to satisfy the public b ' I ull_IOffioeat"ifiderl opposite WaIvIlleChurch,
same! faculties we have now bill I have spent the late afternoon light- Y der the impression that that will 'William street.
"One can see they have not Al- a lamp she would run shrieking from an arrest of some sort, t I I yield the necessary clues. That's, all 11
with no limitations in their use? For
ening window locks and adding now I and that i
after all, it is the brain that sees bolts where they are necesaary. ways had money," �says Jane, with the place." am the only person again -t whom lie I well enough, but time I,- z
the calm superiority of one who has She picked up some knitting at her has the shadow of a case, going by,
!has gone by, and he ]is,, nobody, And BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,
and the human eye is only it flmlt�' I took advantage of the oppootun- never had it. She
and worked at ilr thoughtfully. We hold a three -cornered confer- CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC
in the meantime rain is wiping out
window, which shows us but a Ully ity to tell Halliday lily suspicions a- But the bridge was irritating. It "You have changed since I last I ence at the boat -house this i; ftor- I some possible clues, and the murder LECKIE BLOCK BRUSSELS
portion of the universe; the ear hours bout the doctor. He was so autonish- is always a mistake to seat four Pat- talked to you," she sahl at last. noon, while Jane slept after lunch-, or himself is free to pick up the oth-
only a modicum of sound. To car- ed that he lot go of a window sash, pie at a table, and place cards be- "What has brought about that eon, and for the first time Edith was ens." DR. WARDLAW
ry with us that strange diing of dropping it oil my fingers. Honor graduate of the Ontario veterinary
:fare them, when their minds are full change, Mr. Porter?" taken fully into our confidence. She He insisted that there would be 0,11asm, Day and night calls. Office opposite
which the brain is only an histrunit lit "The doctor!" he said. "Never in of another and totally different inat- "A good bit has happened 6�ince Flour milL Ethel.
for our poor physical use, all(] thus this world, Skipper." iler. Thus: I would deal ar�d bid a then."
"Including the light -house." 7; 777,7. L
evidence he was still sceptical.
to hear all things, see all things, and And when 'I had put forth all lily spade, for example, and wait patient- She looked up at wo searchingly. if,
perhaps even know all things. I ly for Livingstone to sort his cards. .77:
And thus equipped with limitless "1 admit, of course, that obe weight In the pause, conversation between "Including the light -house," I ag-
. . . . . . . . . . .
..... . .....
faculties, who would dare to leave of it is rather startling," he Said, the woman would be going on. Fill- reed, soberly%'.- It was then she put
out the emotions? To sorrow, them, slowly- "But it wasn't the doctor I ally Livingstone would say: down her knitting.
hate. And Picked UP. I'd know hini cyon in "Who dealt?" "Why has he come back?" She
to love, even perhaps to Ill
who shall laugh at the. pool- gljo.�t the dark-"
"I did," I reply, 'as patiently as asked, watching me intently, "Why .......
who, knowing and suffering all "I'm not so certain Of :her, Hnlli- possible. "And bid a spad(-,." is he earth -bound? Have you ,no
things, makes its desperate attempt day.
But I think Maggie Morrison "A heart," from him. idea?"
to avert a wickedness? To a invey, would have." "You'll have to say two hearts.11 I "I haven't an idea what you mean
Worth S'ellillcr
. ....... ..
through "Meaning—?" "All right," he assents, reluctant- by earth -bound."
g the thick mantle I the
flesh, a knowledge
that is not call- t "That I don't believe she would ly. "Two hearts." "Just what I appear to mean, and
veyable. To stand by, wringing its have stopped that truck at night for Then we wait. Mrs. Livingstone you know it," she said.
pale amorphous hands, while crimes anyone she didn't know, You have finishes what she is saying and picks But after a moment,, during which
.go on and unnecessary wretchedness to consider the character of tha girl; up her cards. she continued her curiously Search-
inhabits the earth? she was as timid as a rabbit about "Let's see," she says, "did any Ing
gaze at me, she picked ill) her Worth T elling
soine things. Superstitious, too. 11body do anything?" work again, with a smile.
sonality. Back oPeverything p
Nothing bodily accounts for per- liyN;- say she would have gone by, after "I clealt," I say, "and bill—" "There is always a reason," she
call and greater than anything ph;ysl- your experience, unless She had had "It wasn't your deal, was ii? I'm Said. You can laugh if you like,
. . . . . . . . . .
oil], is the mind. And mind is -not a particular reason for stepping. And perfectly sure I dealt that last -hand." Liv does,
But I know what I know, ....................
an attribute of matter. I still think she recognized this mail, "We have the blue cards," I ex- There is always a reason when they
July 22nd, possibly by the lightning, which was plain. "Now I have bid a spade, come back like this. A Very goodAdvert i se
The body has not been found, and practically incessant, and SO she and Mr. Livingstone has bid two reason."
the Sheriff has raised the reward to stopped." hearts. If you want to declare any- But beyond that she refused to go.
five thousand dollars. "You're ldg-bt in one thing, priub- thing—" This with Whether she bas an inkling of, tills Advertise what you are doing.
Livingstone's original five hundred ably," he said. "She had a reason "I don't," she says promp,.1y, and "reason" to which she attributes iviiat
X. -
for the sheep -killer, which is to go for stepping," starts laying out the dureiny. We she refers to as "'his coming, back"
Advertise what you expect to do,
to the finder of the murderer as be- Edith has been recaeltrant about restrain iter by main force, and Jane I have no Idea.
ing in all probability the sainn in- not leaving the ]louse in the even- looks bewildered. The conversation, as I record it,
dividual, raises the reward to fifty- ing, but has finally agreed to it. aid I'm it Bttle llliXad," seems as extraordinary as the en- Advertise your old goods and move them,
"I call write," she says, vesign'edly.
five hundred dollars, - 8110 says. "You bid two spades, Mr, tire situation; two intelligent people,
To -day, however, certain infornia- "I haven't really buckled down to it Livingstone?" a mail and a Woman, discuwin
tion acquired by Halliday has shift- Yet." g the Advertise your new goods and sell them
But nothing' After two hours of that sort of return of a spirit to earth, ouch as
ad the scene. of the search to the salt 9 19 more CIMIr than thing last night I will, ready to go they might that of a friend frorn before they get old. X.—
marshes and the bay, and to-rilglit, !,that Edith's dreams of opulence nre out and bite a hale in one of the Europe:
as I glance from illy window I can slowly falling. Her article on "Tho
patch pillars, But Jane at that point "What brought him back?" i 1 Advertise to hold old trade.
see lanterns moving in the marsh be- Beach at Low Tide." has been re- tactfully ended the game and saved "Goodness knows! Sonic sort of
gond the main house, and up and turned to her, and the Morrison triyE- Illy reason. business, Perhaps."
down the shore. Jane has made col- tory is being covered as Spot news Advertise to get new trade,
Nevertheless, the evening wall not Some of the humor of the thing
fee, and those of the searchers ,vilo by those who are doing it as I part without a peculiar interest of its own. occurred to tile on the way !ionic and
come up* this way from the beach of the day's work, and on a salary WIji.j Advertise when business is good to make
a Mr. Livingstone took Jane to with no disrespect, I chuckled.
have been stepping in, basis. son his liot-liouses I lied a few main- "What in the world are you laugh. it better.
wary bit of woodland in the Jane has entirely recovered, and puts alone with his wife, and I re- ling it?" Jane demanded,
county, according to the Sheriff, has has to -clay resumed work on her tap- evivnd what is to tile a now angle "Allor relief that that's over," I Advertise when business is poor to keep
been beaten without result, and to- astrY, with us it barometer of nor- on the, whole mysterious business. said.
)narrow they will drag the bay. reality. She has even agreed to dine We were in the library, and T was It was then that Jane, mado the it from getting worse,
. . . . . . . . ....
We got a curious reaction from tit the Livingstollu to -night, not tzar- wandering around. ]getting at LI'v- remark about the Livingstone, not
the men who are, searching,. The, pol- ticlilarlY to Illy delight, ingstone's books. They were the us- always having hall- y.nolloy. Advertising is not a "cure-all."
"Come over and dine," Mrs. Liv- uni uncut editions a s man n thinkh July 24th.
S a
ingstone telephoned, "ands let's have should have on his shelves, but re- The track, according to Halliday's
Advertisin it; a re-Allf,iti—
it little bridge. live had the horrors
serves for his all] age to road: Dvr-
analysis, lied been driven through
:For three days,"
"You don't object to my wearing
will, Huxley and Haeckel, de Man.
passant (in English), Toinlysoji,
heavy leaf mould. But a second
drenching rain toward morning, and
Advertising does not push, it pulls,
Ary revolver, as a part of my evening
Wordsworth and Shanty, anti of
still,, continuing, discourages him, III -
course, Emerson, among others,
to the bargain, the cars of searchers
Advertising to pay must be consibtent and
"Everybody's doing ib," she said.
In one earlier however, was a large
and summer tourists alike have mado
persi stent,
Thi's house has been turned into in
and worn collection of bnaks of
it Practically impossible to identify
an entirely different character, They
Lilly trail.
But in the lividA of death wo are
were, as a matter of fact, books on
He has given his inforinatlon and
fr 4
in life. Clara, going to turn down
psychic subjects, and as I glanced ill)
the result of the report to Greenough
......... 0,
illy bed last night, saw two fwA pro-
from them, Mrs. Livingstono was
but that gentleman appears to think
joewing from bonenth it, and let out
watching tile, gravely.
13 requires no assistance.
a series of wild shrieks.
"If You (10 not know what you be-
'If. you amateurs would keep out,"
Needless to say, they wave lily lieve,
boots, hastily i1twarded, for a pair
of dry onesoth(,rs",
on these matters," I Said, "you
must certainly know the opinions of
be grumbled, "we would get some -
where with this caae• Some clay one
of yen ilei going to be, missing, and
I .. :
Later,, Doctor Hayward i;toplmd
"Aad you?" shr. said. "Are you
I'll havp more trouble oil lily haimls."
ki, thim evening for a final plofeWoll- stilla
cynic? X carvion crew?,,
From which One 1114V gather thht
at visit to lane, And on an impulse
T turned and hiend hor.
Mr. Groctioubli !(,(,Is we are not
I showed him Uncle Horace',; letter.
"I -dont know what I am.,,
through with the sitillitioll,
'I may be itillataken, but It seemed to
"Alit have heard the liglit.
Greenough himself is -frankly pit% -
me that, under pretense of roading house
ti t ory?"
z1od. Whother,his clsploilaga.of IAC
It a n econd timc� he Was playing for
' "Yos
assures him that 'my single 0 cuirsion