HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-22, Page 8WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 22, 1926, rhe Gmette Razorrfor c When you purchase a )5e Tube of Noxell Shot Cream 1 Gillette Razor 1 Rexa11 Shaving Cream Both for 39c New Tooth Brushes ASI li A size and shape to suit every- one. Some Special Values at 25e and 35e each ©RANO Cleans and opens up 'logged drain pipes. Will not halm porcelain enamel pinml:dug. 45c Tins Store uck ing Spices if you have had difficulty in getting ill the ingredients: for your favorite pickling ri;cipe Try H*' re Full line of Pickling Spices and Flav,!ngs of hieh"sn yu•11'ev. Corks for Catsup and Pickle Bottles. Parowax Bottling Wax. Kenzo Tooth Paste Protects the tnouth from substances that promote Get ms, Acids and Decay Makes Clean White Teeth 35c Tube E R. SMITH The¢'P .4'°0 Store AM..alviremr.mal DYli; raj Stationer a stand , honer •+~ 1, Local .News. Items ice` �:...�. f� M»;»:a»;»;t;�:�:: o'». ;:;+t'¢�;:.: + :Sa.<+::t, :-., ;.,� ;«�.,..:»;t;»; :'�«i•�»j« Blyth Fair. Will Enlarge Green. Many from Brussels and vicinity Bowling has come back strong in will attend Myth Fa:! Fair on Thurs- Brussels and the Club are making day afternoon of this week. plans to enlarge the green another ' 20 feet, Were at Atwood. Safe at Florida. A few from town are attending Mrs. Scott Aitken (nee M:ss M. the Elma Fall Fair at Atwood to -day. Jones) received word last night of Struck in Eye. the safety of her husband at Jack - on, Florida. Saturday morning Mark Buchan- W C. T. LC - an was struck in the eye by a thin;, missile from the heading saw in Am.- The regular meeting of the W. C. '_tit Tiros. Factory. Alt. oug:t very willbe e c at the tone of n h T L. h li h 1 painful it is honed the sight will not Mrs. McGuire on Fi'!dug afternoon be impaired, connnencin'r at 3 o'clocc All in terested in Temperance work are in - Safe in Florida. ; vited to attend. W. M. and Mrs. Sinclair received Had to Sun Steam Engine. the joyful news on Tuesday mornirp.; : 4h' morning electric :lay last that their only son, Ttonaid Sinciair, g as and his wife and two children tceru Thursdayanorning started to heat up safe, but had lost rcc•rvthin .Later at )( insham and an engine had to a second telegram was r,seived from be put into enmmi,sion to brim' the Mr. Sinclair again stating tint all train on to Brun: cls• The Engineer were safe. did not want another fire In the elec- trio car so it is still off tarn run. Engagement Announced. To Disband Band. Tuesday's Globi pnbli,Lfed the fol- , The famous An:;lo-Canadian tem - lowing announcement of i nephew Cert band of Huntsville, well -know of Mrs. W. M. Sinclair. The Young.; to Brusselit s, wltirh was one of the entleman was born here when hs musical feature's of the Canadiau. father was R:ctor of St. John': National Exhibition, has been dis- Chnrch:—Mr:+. G. M. Duftot an- t handed by its founder and president, flounces the engagement of her 111e01, ? Charles 0. Shaw. In a.statemeut Mr. Gladys Jean Tilley, elder daughter til' .,!law said that he could no longer the late Andrew l n w . c n and I Tilley, to Rex A. Club 13 A., son of Cin , n l (levet,. the time,energy y to patience and Mrs. W. T C1ufF, both of Stoat- 1 n'y tone p ' required up• to al his at - ford, the marriage to take telae.• •ir17 h.s h heuc , sioall in to ear- te'utuln. The decision, according to ly in October. Mr, Shaw, was made before the hand Car Skids Over Block in 'Grandstand played at the Exhibition this,year, Stop. Coming Next Tuesday. A large motor car, which name The Musical I:ekandt , Swiss Ball into town from the south early Sun- Ringers and variety c utr 1 rain •rs, will day morning, caused considerablee>_ appear at the Town HAI on Tuesday (iternent. It is said the em was evening 'next. Since their last visit "h1'tting the high spot" at n speed emits Brussels, four years ago. the Eck - of 75 miles an hnnr. At any ,ate ardts have engaged a new company the ear skidded near The h to )n a rale of performs r end promise an en - storage plant, after the brakes wen.,t31'e (]range of program. L'urnard put on, for a full bin,•k and a half Eckardt, comedian with the party, and landed on the sidewalk, right will be seen and hoard in a new lint: Fid(: up, in front of Welke- Ss Black's of comic sen s, monologues alert undertaking parlors. It. was the character sketches. The Doreen screeching of the brakes which wak-sitars, English tap dancers, have ened the residents for several blocks lately joined the company. 'fhi.i act around. No apparent damage was comes from the Moss vaudevillecir- done and the car and occupants were (Suit in England where it has been -1 featured for the past three years. soon on their way and left no trace of their identity. The Co.'s orchestra will furnish mus- ic for dancing after the perform - Uncle Passes Away. ernce. Nesbit and Mrs. Hamilton attend- Gone to California. ed, the funeral of the former's uncle I, C. and Mrs. Richards; formerly at Atwood on Sunday, Walter Humid- I of Brussels, but more recently of ton, aged 89, ono of the oldest pion- eers of Elma Township, who died on Thursday afternoon at the home of his son, George, 8th Con,, West, Mr.• Hamilton spent nearly all his life as a resident of that township. George...Hamilton, sr,, and Mrs. Dunn of California, are the only surviving sister and brother of the deceased. Besides his son George, who lives at home/ the only other members of the faintly are Mrs. Tom McFarlane, rima Township, and Mrs. Geo. Cur- rie in the West, The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, the ser- vices being conducted by Rev. W. J. West, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of which deceased we; a member. The A, F. St A. M. Lodge also attended the funeral in tt body, Interment was made in Elma Centre het. Onr now address will be 600 Cemetery. A Lane Apartments, Glendale, CAI," Hamilton, have moved to Glendale, California, where they purpose mak- ing their home. A letter front theta received this week, says in part:— "We-arrived here Saturday morning and Mrs. Richards stood the journey well. Things aro looking well here, but a little dry as there has peen no rain for some time. 'The days are bright and ,.tinny but the rainy sea - eon will soon be on. We noticed a big change since we worn here a ecuple of years ago. Many build. ings have gone up and the streets have been made wider, • Wo left klamilton Tuesday at 8,45 p.m and reached here Saturday morning at 8.80. The temperature on the way was line, excepting one night while crossing the desert When it was vory Brussels hi otl Church REV. A. W. BARKER. B. D. MINISTER Sunday, Sept. 26th 11 a,nt.—Peb'.ic Worship. "The Manuscripts of God" 3 p. m. --Rally Day in Sunday School witha special program Also "The Challenge of the Cross." s," S e,r iai offering'will be received." 7 p.m—Public Worship. "Life's Rendezvous" Wednesday — Prayer Service Fourth study in the Psalms Friday—Choir rehearsal. FOR SALE.—Finest Registered. Sil- ver black foxes; well furred healthy pups, also proved breed- er:. Look them over. It R. E. Laidlaw, Blyth, Ont. HOUSE and Lot For Sale. Apply to Miss Hingston. GOOD Diving Mare For Sale, Also ;one lruc1 second hand Wiggins. 14-2 John Long. WHITE Pig, About 60 lbs, Strayed from the hone of Wm. Cole, north of Brussels, about Sept. 14. Finrl- er please notify Sherwood Mann, R. R. 2, Bluevale. Phone 848, 14-1 PLOWING WANTED. — .Persons wanting plowing done by the acre at a reasonable price should en- quire n- c nr, of ix inc...A. Nichol 1,. R. 4 1 Wingham,gr phone C'• o ph n. Wm. ,atnic , 114. BOARDER Wanted. Apply at The Poet. TRACTOR FOR SALE -16 h.p. In- ternational. Suitable for Silo fill - her, apply to Harold Wilkinson Phone 1816 Lot 8, Con. 4 13-2 Morris TWO Leicester Ram Lambs for sa o. Apply to Alex. H. McNeil. Phone 3316 Lot 12, Con. 5, Morris 8 Pigs 6 weeks old for sale, Phone 602).17, Alex. McCracken, 13-2 Wroxeter BREAD.—Get Your Bread at Grew- ar's. A GOOD 40 -ft Windmill Tower for sale. J. M. Knight, Phone 5-16, 6tf COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussels for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. Shipped Horses, J. H. Galbraith shipped another car of horses last Friday morning, Enlarging Kitchen. Jas, McFadzean is enlarging his g 7 kitchen at his home on Turnberry St. south. New Junior. J. B. Crawford, Port Albert, is the new junior at the Standard Bank here: With the Bowlers. Last Monday evening a, jitney was held at the bowling ground and D. M. McTavish was first; 1R. Downing, 2nd, and Rev. Mr. Fowler 3rd, Post is Late. Owing to a shaft in our newspap- er press breaking on Tuesday after- noon while printing the first side of The Post, and having to have a spec- ial one mads, in Toronto, the Post 4 delayed this week. With Our Students. :hiss Elva Hemingway is attend- ing Stratford Normal; Sidney Ilial. L•Cntyne and Norman Iioover are at- tending Normal at London; Mack Ferguson •uson leaves next week for Tor- onto University, and Cameron Strach- 00 has gone to Chicago to take up a Chiropractor course. Wo wish them all success in their studi.as, A Shower. A miscellaneous shower was given on Wednesday evening by Miss Eli- zabeth Downing in honor of Miss Marguerite Wilton, The gifts were numerous and well chosen. Although Miss Wilton was taken by Surprise, made a suitable reply thanking' her many kind friends for their, thought- fulness. A delicious lunch was serv- ed at the close by the hostess, Minor Locals. more days and Brussels Fair. Get your entries in early for Brus- sols Ifs • fir. London Fair attracted many from Brussels and 'ricinity. Trout fishing for the seasW1 has ended, according to law, Some fall wheat through the scan. try is looking good already. Ontario is a good place to live in yet, Compare it with Florida. Plan of hall for Fall Fair consort opens 011 Saturday et IFox'1 Drug Store. )Sloth Fair to-morrow---•Thuls- iIny, will attract a great many from Brussels. Alice Dunbar will be her,; in all her glory on Oct, 1st, Get your seats reserved early, Another pastime about duo--ptit• ting on storm Windows and connect - Ing stove pipes. THE BRUSSELS POST Coyne—Cross Wedding, At the bride's ;tome, Rn l,"'etnwn, the marriage was solemnised on Wednesday afternoon of Mrs, Mary 1., Coyne. ;nut Gilbert H. Cross of Bothwell, 011c The ceromoliy was conducted by the Iles A 1•:. 1)o:u] of the United Church, in th • pros - once of but a few very intimate friends of the contracting patties. ,lir, and Mrs Cross will reside. in Uidgetown. The bride ttas A former Brusselite, being Mies Mary Oliver, a sister of the lute Mrs. Jill), Leckie, i TRAIN, BEING LATE, cos r AGED j MORRIS TWP. RESIDENT HIS LIFE Thomas Johnson Struck by Way - Freight He Thought Had Passed, Just Before He Reached His Home Last Thursday, 16th Met., Thos. Johnson was struck by a C. N. R. freight train and fatally injured. He had lived with his brother, :Henry, for many years and on Sept. 4th started on his holiday trip, going to Clinton to meet some mute friends, who, with him, were going to Spring - bank on Labor Day to a Deaf-mute picnic. This is an annual affair and was very much enjoyed, by Mr. John- son. He went from there to Strat- ford, Hamilton, London and other places and was on his way hone on the 16th, coming from London on the noon train and getting off et Bel - grave where he started to walk back the 1.14. to his home. The freight has usully passed by 9 a,nm. but that day was three hours late and caught up to him about a mile from the sta- tion. Deceased would not be expect- ing a freight at that time of day and being deaf could not hear it. He was in his 05th year and was born in Goderich township, coming with his parents to Morris 57 years ago. He was educated at, the school for deaf at Belleville, attending there ten toms, where lie was taught shoe- making also. He was a great reader of the newspapers and tried to keep in touch with passing events. He was very much interested in the church for the deaf built in 'Toronto for which they had been preparing for forty years. He attended the 3 - day ae -• .ei attl a .t opening of it last Fasted His bruised body was laid to rest on Saturday in the Anglican Cem- etery at Blyth, Rev. W. 13. Hawkins conducting the services. Tho funer- al was very largely attended by friends and neighbors, also his broth- er, J. 0. Johnson, Philadelphia; sis- ter, Mrs. Wightnlan of Dert:oit; Clif- ford Johnson and wife, Galt;. Thos. O'Connor and wife, Mr. Some; and wife and Mr. Reynolds, Clinton. lOs brothers, John and Christopher, of Salmon Arm, B.C., could not get here. Mr, and Mrs. Sours were old school mates of his at Belleville. He will be greatly missed at the old hone from where so many have been taken in the last few years. There is no death in Heaven, For they who gain that shore Have won their immortality, And they can die no more. Lord Jesus, be our Guide, 0, lead us safely on, 'Till nid,e'hteath and grief and Sin and Are passed, and Hearnn is won. No One to Blame The investigation into the death of Thomas Johnson, of Morris Twp„ ad- journed from last Thursday until Monday Was held before Coroner Dr. W. J. Mihte, at Blyth. Henry Johnson and Dr. Johnson, brothers of the deceased; 13. W. Lee, engineer; ; George Burch, fireman; C.. A. Rus-' sell, conductor, and Trainmen D. E. i Rodgers and H. Thompson gave evi- dence. The testimony showed the deceased, who was deaf and dumb, had arrived at lielgrave on the noon C. N. R. train and was taking a Short DelEtycli I regret that owing to a Combination of circum- stances I_cannotship our Honey until about the last of the month. 3. T. Ross and Will, Mc- Cracken will have a sup- ply then. G.A..Deadnan. cut back on the tracks to cher„ his brother lives on the 5th concession of Mollis, -when he was struck by a way -freight, The post-mortem examinatinn showed that several ribs had been broken and had penetrated the lungs. The jury, which consisted of 3. 11. R.Elliott, foreman; P. Gardiner, El- wyn Munro, Adam Dodds, H. Bruns - don, Frank Bainton and H. Robin- son, brought in a verdict which at- tached no blame to anyone. Alfred Edge, division claims agent fol• the C.N.R.; looked after the in- terests of the railway. BLYTH Robt, and Mrs. Lamont, of Bay City, Mich,, visited in and around Blyth, during the week. It is 27 years since the former resided here, since which time he has risen to be a passenger conductor on the 3I. O. R. There are very few of his friends re- siding here now. A quiet wedding was solemized in Knox Ohuroh, Stratford, on Septem- ber Sth, when Alexa M. G., youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hasson, of Stratford, to A. Harvey Erskine, wholesome produce metehant, of Blyth. Rev. Geo. Roland performed the ceremony. 141r. and Mrs. Erskine will take up their residence in the Wilson house, corner of King and Wilson streets. At a special sleeting Of the con1188, Blyth tax rate for the year 1926 was struck at, 47 mills on the dollar, This is the same rate as exacted from rate- payers, last year, notwithstanding that the County rate has been increas- ed by three.quarvers of a mill. The taxable 11n a art in ) B1 11119 assessed, p y Y at 3812.060, from which may be de- ducted 318,700 f9r exemptions, leaving 3203,360 from which our taxes are raised. The County levy this year is .31,678 96, againet .31.400.65 demanded in 19.25. The 47 011115 are spread as follows : County rate 5.34 mills, Vil- lage 124 mills, Village Special 104, School 1411, Sehool Special 4 mills. 8 HURON COUNTY William Duggan, of Seaforth, has been expetialentiug in tobacco grow- ing, and has sortie excellent plants. What might havebeen a most ser- ious accident occurred on Saturday, when Alex, McNevin, who had been engaged in making alterations and re- pairs to a house belonging to Wm. Field, on the Bluevale Rd. While using an axe to make a wedge, it glanced from the wedge, cutting a deep wound close to the thumb. When motoring along the highway, East of Seaforth, last week, 11001ng a heavy rainstorm, Fletcher and Mre, Townshend, of Tnckersmith, had lin unusual experience. A they ap Preached 0. H. Holland's residence, a hydro pule, which had become die lodged. fell with a crash on the top of car. FnrtnoaLely, no one wee 11 art. Ray Itumbell, of the Bell Telephone Co. staff, London, is being removed to Montreal, where he will be plant sup- ervisor for 811118 city, Mi'- Rumball has been divisional supervisor with C. C. RAMAGE, D.D.S., L.U.S. BRUSSELS, ONT. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Honor Graduate Uni- versity of Toronto, Dentistry in all its branches. Office Over Standard Bank, Phone 200 .se md .. tea.+... Short Personal Paragraphs George Edwards, London, spent the week end at his parental hone here, • Wm. Work, who has spent the summer In Toronto, returned to town this week, • e, kt. '3 Robert Work, of Toronto, was re- newing olrt acquaintances 10 town this weelf ••4.•;•C Wm. and Mrs. Cole and family are leaving for their new home in Lis- towel on Tuesday. 4 Mrs. Wm. Smith, Toronto, is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Arm- strong, Princess street, Earl Anent, of Philadelphia, was a week end visitor with his parents, Philip and Mrs. Ament. '344.• Mise Margaret and Ella Macln- tyre, of Mountain, Ont., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. C. M. Wilmot. . 6.., Robert E. I4rv+rhs, of Detroit, is hero on holiday for a few days. The visitor is a son of Wm. Beyans, Thomas street, Fred and Mrs. Martini, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiting tat,, Seott families, Mrs. Martini is a, daughter of the late Arch, Scott, :• a r• •:• Mrs, John 'Long returned home this week from Detroit, accompan- ied by her relatives, M. E. and Mrs. Tremble and Mns. J. L. Berns, .,. 1 4. James McCracken, accompanied by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Me Creche)), jr., all of Goderieh, were v;eue $ with Mrs, McCracken, Prin- cess street, , Mrs, I-Ierbert Foider, of Preston was a visitor with Mrs. McCracken Princess street. .; .e re I. Drs, and Mrs. George Ross, Wing - ham, were. Brussels visitors on Sun- ; day,re 4 ' Mrs. D. C. Ross, Miss Doris Ross," Mrs, J. E. Smith and Miss Kate Am - (int were visitors at London last week, Geo. and Mrs. 'Barkley and several members of fancily, Toronto,' sero calling on Brussels friends over- the week end. re ..o. Miss Marjory Ross, who has been Secretary at the Glen Bernard Camp For girls, arrived home for a short vacation. `, YF , ': .99 QP st ro 1 5% n n �4 . 1+r n' Character and Individuality in Banks " TIE course of development of a blinking hu. mess polioies are formed habits maintuned an t methods pn teticed which are a meulial- ly and intimately connected with the It t, tyI a, BANKING FIFTY YEARS institution that give them hint^. is thee() things that give a batik in- dividilal Che artel that influences 0 norm in making his financial allilia- tions. In offering ouo' servie.'+, we solicit your enquiries regarding I A n ; fig Standard Bank policies a.- 'llfe('lling your own business. TETE STANDARD BA OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager — K headquarters at London, for some time, but this move is a promotion and his friends are congratulating him, Mr. Rumball is an old Clint( n boy. BORN to M OOOHRANE.—In rGrey Township, on Sept, 14th, 1020, , a'nd Mra. Cameron Coah• nine, a daughter. CLARK. -0) Grey Twit , on Sept. 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. James Clark, n eon, (Donald Jam- es). EDGAR. In Wroxeter, on Sept. 17111, 1920, to Mr, and Mrs Arnold Edgar, o daughter, PLEARANCE.—In Toronto, on Sept, 18th, 1028, to air, tied 11ra. A. A. Pleossnce, (nee Sadie white, of Wroxeter), a son, (Allen Alexander) STEISR,—in Walton, on Sept. 15th, 1020, to Mr and Sirs, Daniel Steles, n son, (David John). MARRIED OLARK—SELLERS,—At the Mnevale Person - ego, on Wedne=day, Sept. 15111, 1026, by Rev, A. V Weldon. Mabel Lillian, only daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Sellers, to Wo,. T. Clark, eldest son of Thos. end Mrs. Clark, all of Morris Twp, DIED B DO ,.M ON.—In Solomon, idans o n Sept. t8th 18:6Chxras Dobson. formerly of Ethel ' need SO yelrs,4mntha anti 18 dors. 3001188018-1,, Morris Twp., on Thnrsdny, MAnt IOth, 1028, Thmnns Jo}nls0u, lis his Oats year. LON(4I OY —In Ilowick, on Sept. 17th, 1920, Andrew Longley, in hie 00th year. Auction Sate. T esn.ty, SKIM. 28Ta,—lOarm stool,, inlp- lamen1s, furniture So, at Lot 10 4011 line, Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clack, ,Ter, B. Kerney, Prop. ; Jae Tnylor, Ane. Ttresn T, 00V. 51'n.—Farm stock, 10.0. laments. hay and grain, at W 1. Lot 27th, Con - 14. McKillop. lodjo doing the village of Wilton. Sale unreserved et 1110 o'clock. Armour Dundee, Prop. ; Thos. Brown, Ana, AUCTION SALES AUC'T'ION SALE OFli'AItM STUCK, IMP 4-4 I4CLIVNTS, F0 tairru,Ii, &o.—Jae, Taylor Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell at Lob 10, 4th line, Morris, on Tuesday, Sept. 2811, et 1 o'clock, sharp, the following property driving mere good single or double, driving horse gond single or double, ons due to calve April 177th, cow due to calve April 10th, cow doe to calve April 20, 8 piga about 80 lbs., 17 ewes end 1 rain, 20 Brown Leghorn helm 2 years old, 28 Rrown Leghorn hens 1 veer old, Me(e1'nlick Mower 5 -ft„ seed drill 10 -holed, wn:ltnlg plow, smaller, set of bob -sleighs, 2 lumber wagons, top buggy, opeocbni gy, nut- ter, flit hay rook, stone hone, Io nsh�a beat, griudsbcne, emery stone, 2 wheelbnr rows, stock reek. National cream 00perator, 2 good buggy wheel0 and box, 11 joists 2x8 and 24 ft.lolg. set double harness, Net single her- nese,onnthook, hay knife end auoop shovel, logging ohaiu, set denblelreee, neolryoke, big drive chain for M,lsss .Borne binder nearly new, pump -head end log 17 ft. long, 8 altickell cno1' , fethenieg crate 12 ft, long, bedroom suite, bedstead, extension table. what -not, I itehen (able, sofa, Grand Jewel kitchen stove, box stove 8 ft long, forks, chains end other ertieles too numerous to mention. Sole without reserve es proprietor has mold his farm, TERMS: All sums of 510 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months erecta giVan on fnrnishing approved mint notes, 4 per cent off for cash ou credit amounts, Land owners for eeonr'ty. JAS. 13. KERNEY, T. Miller, Prop. Clods, To Contractors A job of cleaning the open portion of the Hanna Drain will be let by public emotion, et the drain, N3 Lot 14, Con. 5, Morris, on:tabor- day, Sept. 25th, all p, m. JOId1MCGILL,Drain Inspector. House and lot far Sale The undersigned offers for sale the 110nae and lot on Mill street, Brussels, belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Geo. Jackson, There is a good frame house, one-eigth acro of land, good well, house eleotrio wired, Jet For further partioulora, apply to JOHN SMITH, It. B.4, Walton. Tenders Wanted Tenders for the purchase of the pnrannege and minae, owned by the congregation of Knox United Church, in Belgrave, will be re• sewed till 0 o'clock p. m., pot. 28rd next, Sep. orate tenders regnosted, The highest or any tender not necessarily 0eeepte11. Further Addhea, to lidera to nbt PET1(11 5, SCOTT,eFd, Sep' y. Trustees Board, liolgreve, Drain Tenders Tenders for the repel:- of the Bnehnnnn Drain, MtKillen Twp., will be received by the undersigned ttp to 10011day, Sept. 27th, when rhe tenders will be opened 0t the 1'nrne(te Library Holl, Seoforth, et 2509. accompany tender, Work to be done Berard..111(1 to plans end epe0iIrntlona, Lowest er any tender not neeesaeflly am -opted. ^lama. Cent Olerk'o nates, lint 21, Con :41)0501op. J OliN 11rNAY, (Aerk. ®rain Tenders Tenders for the repair of the Mei%Clam Drain, MsRlllnpTwp., will he received by the undersigned up to Monday, Sept 27th, MI. Tenders will be opened at theCar•negie Library Hail, Senforth, tit 1.80 p u1, 28 1' of coulraot to accompany tender. Wu, 11 to be done aecordieg to plana enol specifinettons. Lowest or any tender not necessarily sceapt• ed. Plans, h're, et C'lerk's mdse. Let 85: Con, 1. JOHN 5IcNAY, clerk, Sluevale Church Sheds for Sale The Trustees of. the United Church, }Bite -- vale, are asking for tenders for the sale of the 11,110dist Church shed 0t Rluevole, Tenders will be opened on Monday, September' 27th. The highest or tiny tender not neneRsarily accented. A, 8IACEWEN, 18.2 Sea -Trans. Trustees,, House and lot for Sale The undersigned offers for immediate sale his house and lot on Albert street, Brussels, House eontalna bath, furnace dud lo electric wired. Good gm'den and garage, Every. I hdlg in first close repair, Beason for selling proprietor is moving from town. JAS. HENDERSON, 184f(01054els awslemamiesainal ere. On 'Friday evening last Miss Flo, Buchanan entertained her Sunday School class of sixteen boys to a Corer Roast. All report a fee time. 4. Rev, G. A. Colpitts, Mrs. Colpitts and little daughter, Patricia, of Pier- son, Man., woos week end guests of Mrs. R. T. Hingston and Miss Hinge - ton, John Street. .s. 44. W. F. and Mrs. Ames, Flint, Miele accompanied by Mrs. H. George, Land Mrs, W. A. Montgomery, of Bay'. City; were visitors at the home of D. C. and Mrs, Ross and arse with sedatives at Ethel. t+a6n Mrs. Thomas :Riley, of Clinton, George and M. Riley and Miss Ed- ith and Master Mack Stephenson, of Constance, spoilt Sunday at the home of Fred and- Mrs. Stephenson. Mise Edith Riley is spending her vacation with her eider, Mrs, I+',, Stephenson. ; 11,. Free Advice on your Foot Troubles t, rte Trained in the methods of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, of Chicago • will be here SATURDAY, SEPTE+MISER 25't'n If you have aching feet, pains, cramps, callouses, burning sensation at the ball of the foot or toes, fallen arches, painful heel, weak turning ankles, sore limbs, corns, bunions or per- spiring feet, you are cordially invited to see this Foot Spec- ialist. He will be pleased to make recommendations, with- out any charge or obligation, as to what your trouble is and how to relieve it, For the next ten days l am going to offer the public real values in Men's Fine and Work Shoes at much less than the regular prices. These are lines to clear and must be sold regardless of prices. Men's high cut Slater Shoes in black only, regular $6,00 for Men's Heavy Work Shoes, regular $3.50 for A real nice Kid Ladies' Oxford, with rubber heel, regular $3.50 for . • $5.00 $2.79 2 o9 a Wm Ferguson 4 '1