HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-22, Page 1I le :e• ;ij e ‘i VOL, 55 NO, $2.00 ter annum in advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. IVEDN ESL AY , SEP:I'EMBER 22. 1926 KERR, Proprietor Town Hall - Brussels Tuesday Ev'g, Sept. 28th usical Ec ts Swiss Bell Ringers with a Com- pany of Variety Entertainers Prices 25 and 50 Cents, plus tax DANCE AFTER 111010111MAMMOIL 14.6-444...414:4-44:44414-44--44-444.44444:4.:4:48.43+44-444.:4;:4:4R4:,-14,-.:AR4:4-44 x f The Surroundina Distrzct i WROXETER T. and Mrs. Davey spent Sunday in Goderich. Mrs. Rann and Miss Alnia Rann were recent visitors in London. Mrs. R. Pye, Toronto, spent last week with her parents, Robt. and Mrs. Meek. C. and Mrs. Cook, Hensall, were recent guests of the latter's brother, T. G. Hemphill. Fred and Mrs. Kitchen are spend- ing a few weeks with their daughters in Toronto and Detroit, Misses Rona Van Velsor, Edith Earls, and Eva McMichael left this , week to attend Normal School at : Stratford. Miss Bella McDowell accompanied her niece, Miss Isobel Corley on her return to New Haven and will spend , the winter months there. The funeral of Andrew Longley, one of Howick's edeneers, took place. Monday afternoon, interment being made in the Wroxeter cemetery. Dee ceased was a native of England. He had received a very fine education, and was a man of more than ordin- ary ability. He was in his 0 Oth year and is survived by tsee lone and three daughters. E Good grade bushel bas- kets of Peaches to arrive. Call or 'phone your or- ders in eedinp gasses .1011 For Fall delivery will have two car loads best quality Feeding Molasses. Price right. Get in touch with us. eaL Phone 198 Walton A very interesting choral service was held in the United Church Sun- day evening. A lantern was re- cently purchased by the Young Peo- ple's Society of the Church and a number of very fine views, iliustrat- ing and giving the words of the hymns as they were sung, were shown. The funeral of Andtew Langley, one or llowick's oldest settlees, was held Monday afternnon, interment be- ing made in Wroxeter cemetery, De- ceased was in his 90th year, tient is survived by two eons, Bert. of How - ink, James, Toronto, and three daugh- ters. He was Mien in England, where he received it splendid bducation, and always continued his studies, being one of the best -read men of the day. He was quite a clever musician, and an evenind spent in his company was considered a great pleasnre and privi- ilege. He was a life-long member of the Anglican Church. • MONCRIEFF George Dunlop, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., is visiting in this locality. John McKay, of Flint, made a short visit at his home on Friday and Saturday of last week. Our softball teams are still hard to heat. Both the mots' and girls' teams brought home first prize from Trow- bridge last week. Don't forget the Hai -vest Horne services at Monerieff, Sunday, Oct. 3rd, and the fowl supper and concert dated for the following Tuesday. The many friends of ales. Robt. . Campbell of Flint, Mich., were great- ly shocked to hear of her serious ness. If best wishes and sincere hopes for her recovery would help any Alice will soon be on the mend. Mies Daisy Mullen of Toronto, is spending a few days with Mrs. Alex. Mann and other friends here. Miss Mullen leaves soon to take charge of the W. M. 8. hospital at Eriksdale, !Man. The congregation of Knox TWO CARS OF EXPECTED NEXT WEEK Phone 904 Brussels or 230 r 32 Seaforth Place your order now Walton Farmers'. Co -0 erative Co rices r Sept. 30th Cbiekens over 5 Ibe ,28 Ilene 3 to 8.1 Chickens 4 to 5 the ,21 Bens under 8 lbs ,,,,, Chickens 8 to 4 lbs ,19 Roosters over 5 lbs ........ Chickens under 8 lbs .17 Registers under 5 lbs Herta over 5 lbe, , ..... ,16 Young Ducks ovet 5 lbs. Ilene 4 to 5 lbs.., ....... , ,15 Young Duke tinder 5 lbs Hens 4 to 4i lbe .14 @Id Dunks Hens 8i to 4 the .18 These prices are for No. 1 Pooltry, delivered at our Ware. 110090. Poor quality at market value, according to our judgment. Birds must be in starved condition or deduc- tion made for crops. Average weight by number birds in each coop, .11 .08 .11 .00 .14 .12 Ain ROBT. THOMSON 1313,11881311,8, Sept, 8ra, 1026. New Advertisements Proprrty for sale -Miss Ell ngston Plowing wanted -Jas. A, Nichol Plg mt rayed -sham nod Mann For sale -John Long Used cars -Mein t y e Se Oudmore Concert- M celnal Beloirdis Card of Thanks -11.J, A. Mao ."!‘r Plowing Natoli -Huron Plowmen VotersWebs-Township of Orel Auction HttiO-Janic-m 13 Kerney Lumber -Gibson ',umber On. Vonl-Walton Farmers' (nub tinzaar-Bethel United Church Toni' eyes -Miss Beano air- 1 tnii To Contracrors-John ImboGill Clard-Dr, Ramage HOURS for HMO -Atm Smith Tenders wanted -Peter W. Scott McCallum Dr, Tenders -John Aiwa,. Buchanan Dr, Tenders -John Menu Notice to creditors -Jena Thomson estate Pervineg—Brossols United Church For sale -11. IC. Laldlaw church were deeply interested irt an address given by Miss Mullen on Sun- day, when she gave an outline of the work at these far west etations and the conditions found there. MORRIS Don't forget the School Fair for part of Morris Township, at Belgrave, on Weelneeday, Sept. 29t h. Farmers are having the harvest de- layed by the continued wet weather, Good season for ploughing, though. Some His laener,-.Tames B. Kern• ey, a well-kttown resident of the 4th line, has .disposed of his farm to Wm. (Meek, son of Thee. and Mee, Cheek, of the 5th line, and will hold a clearing auction sale, nn Tuesday, Sept. 28th. Mr. Olark takes possession early in October. Mr. Kerney intaeot decided where he will locate, but may go to .Brussels if a suitable property can be fontut Mige, Verna McCutcheon has been taking in the Toronto Exhibition, and has now accepted a position as sten- ographer in that city. We vtlieh her success. Lane -Phelan Wedding: St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, .was the scone of a very pretty wedding on Saturday morning, Sept. 4th, when Anna T,or- etta, eldest daughter of the late Wil- liam and Mee. Phelan of Myth, and formerly of the 8th line, was united in marriage to Win. Andrew Lane, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tnomas Lane, of Clinton. The ceremony was conducted- by Rev. Fr. Gaffney, as- sisted by Rev. Frs., Goetz and Daut- zer. The bride was becomingly dress- ed in toast crepe Remain with hat to match and wore a corsage bouquet of butterfly and sweetheart rOleeS, with fern and baby's breath. She also wore her grandmother's wedding cameo pin. Her cousin, Miss M. Cleary, of Seaforth, was bridesmaid, wearing a grey georgette over bine with hat to match and g corsage bou- quet of premier roses with fern and baby's breath. The groom was 'sup- ported by his brother, Mr. Francis Lane, of C'Sfiton, and the ushers were James Cleary of Seaforth, and Leo Kelly, of Blyth. The music was supplied by Miss Ella Ryan, of Wing - ham assisted by member; of St. Jos- eph's choir. After, the ceremony the happy couple left on a short motor trip to Niagara Falls via London and Toronto, the .bride travelling in a blue needle point cloth coat. On their return they will reside on Vic- toria St. Clinton, A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the parsonage, I3luevale, at 3 o'clock, Wednesday, Sept. 15th, when Mabel Lillian, only daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Sellers, Morris, be- came the • bride, of Wm. T, Clark, eldest son of Thos. and Mrs. Clark, also of Morris, Rev. A. V. 'Welden, pastor of the United Church, officiat- ing.. The bride was beautifully gowned in autumn color satin faced crepe, embroidered in blue and gold, with cedar -wood coat trimmed with oppoeum fur and a black hat with trimming to match. The bride also wore the gift a the groom, n retin- a pearls. After the ceremony a 1 buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, the dining room being beautifully decor- ated in pink and white. In the even- ing a reception was held, a dancing pevillion having been erected the lawn and thcm music supplied hy the Smith, Spoire Thyme and Jackson orchestras, Guests numbeeing near- ly two hundred were present, :from Toronto, Wingham, Goderich and Walton. -Presents -were both num- erous and beautiful. The reception broke up in the wee small hours of the morning, Everybody left report- ing a splendid time and wishing the happy bridal couple a long and Pros - piteous life, They will reside on the groom's farm on le 4th, line, Mor- ris. The sympathy of the community was greatly stirred when it was learned that Mts. Smith, the wife of Mr. Alex Smith, of the 8th Hem of Morris, had suddenly oilseed awny on Sabbath evening, Sept. 5th. She was born in Morris forty-two years ago, residing there for twenty•one years, When she went to Omer, Mich. to be with her brother, Die T. T. Smith. Fifteen years ,ago sho was married to Alex. Smith and returned to the eighth line whore ehe lived continuously hail the time ef her death.. By her kind and eheerfui disposition she wen a host of :friends. She was very f•ohd of music and willingly gave her. services to St. Andrew's Church choir and- the coin - unity Choral Society. In the Iltt. AL S. of .8t. Andrew's Chareh he Was an acitive member taking part in the special music, and preparing papore ph the topics for discussion, Beeides her sorrowing husband, she le mu, vtiipd by her father and step-Mothee The Ladies' Aid of Bethel United Church will hold a az a r -AND- Chicken Supper in the A. 0. U. W. Hall WALTON Thursday, (Mohr 1 (Day of Plowing Match) The articles for sale will con- sist of home-made baking and candy, fancy goods, aprons, underclothing, knitted wear, etc. Door open, at 1 Supper served at 4 p.m. Adults 35c Children 20c Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith, of Hen - sail; three sisters, Mrs, John •Craig, Morris; Mrs. J. D. McPherson, Tac- oma, Wash., and Helen of Fiensall; five brothers, Dr. D. T. Smith, of Omit', Mich.; William of Pangman, Sask.; Alexander, of Fort Benton, Montana; Floyd and Eldred of Hen - sail. The funeral was held on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week, from. the residence of her sister, Mrs, J': Craig, the ceremony, being conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. Telford, as- sisted by Rev. W. A. Gardiner, of Aliso, Craig. The many beautiful floral tributes spoke louder than words of the high esteem in which ehe was held by her Mende end neighbors, Among those from a Oise tance attending the funeral wore Ma. and Mrs. Smith and family, of Heilman; Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Smith, of Omer, Mich.; Mrs, O'Boyle, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Empy, Chatham; Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Gardiner, of Ailsa Craig; John and Mrs. Giffilan, W. and Mrs. Giffilan, A. and Mrs. GUrd. iner, H. and Mrs. Rody, of Usborne; Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Hazelwood, James and Mrs. Turnbull, Tuckeremith; W. A. and Mrs. Turnbull and daughter, Isabel; Mrs. Alex. Turnbull and son, EXoter; Wm. and Mrs. Mach- an, A. Machan, M. and Mrs. Catnee- on, rMr. and Mrs. Renwick, of Grey; Mr. F. Smith and son 'Wilfrid, of Monkton. The pall -bearers were four cousins of the deceased, namely: Messrs.. A. Gardiner, Wm. Gilfilan, W. Turnbull and P. Gardiner and Floyd Smith and John Craig. GREY. Many Greyiees attended the West- ern Fair, at London, last week, Get your entries in early for fit us- sels Fair, Sept. 301 11 and October 1st, Miss Alice Smith, of Toronto, is holidaying at the home of Jas. 8. and Mrs. AA:matron, ilth line. Ethel Sehool Fair will be held on Feiday, of this week, Help boost yone school sealant' at. this Fair. Ben. Johnston and Mrs. Jos. John- ston, of Listowel, spent Sunday at the home of Robert Balzer, 101 0 Oon. Miss Kathleen Stevenson, who has been enjoying a holiday at her home, 10th 0011.. has returned to Flint, Mich., where she holds a position as stenographer with the Winegarden 1.3ros. Fiumilure On. The six -week-old daughter of John and Mrs. Work, Grey Boundary, North of Mussels, died Saturday ev- ening, at Guelph, while en rotate to the Siok Ohiltiren's Hoepital, at Tor- onto. The child had taken suddenly ill Saturday aft 01113100, an 0, the last Leath having left for Toronto, ti motor car was summoned and an attempt !BOAR 10 1510111 the hospital in an en- deemb to save the young life. The remains were brought bank to Brus- sels and the funeral was held Monday afterriene. The Voters' Lists foe the. Township of Grey have just been it:sired, and were first posted up in the clerk's office, in Ethel, on al nuday. The list eon thine a total of 1,650 mimes, divid- ed as follnws : Part I. 1416 ; Pare II, 142 ; Part TEL 94. The' e ere 544 p00'. 00115 eligible to ace as jurors. For a gieeat many years, Grey Township has had the necessary voters to en- title them to a deputy.' eeve 'to represent; them at the County Council, but owing to the slight de- crease Lille year, the municipality will have to "woery along" next year with- out a deputy. The engagement is announced of Rita Olivia, youngee daeghter of Mrs. Harrjs. ami the late Mr, Oliver Harris, to Roy If. Sellers, oldest son of J. H. &Netts, the marriage to take place the latter part of September. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. W. M. Murch, Vine street, Preston, on Saturday, Sept. llth, in honor of Mies Rita Harris, bride -elect of this Month, about thirty friends being present. Little Douglas. and ' Jack Murch brought in a prettily decorated bee - kat fult q gifts to the bride and, after opening thc parcels, she thank- ed all her friends. Progressive euch- re was then played, the first prize being won by Mrs, Jas, Harris, and the consolation was (Warded to Mite z lei in 1/368 and reside 1 there repeal leg tile Lord's Pro yer lmi 1101800. Walton Annual until 1 Sii0 when they moved ti Sol- ihe I /molter. meeting le to he. held at e onon i, Kansasqr , '. Dobson had bMm had he ie of MI's.51 's. urray. School Fair of_toiii„; .11..ednisvatia„dr2 1 Church and School Grounds WALTON Monday, Sept lith Including Sehool Sections No. 2 Grey Nos. 9 &It, Morrie Nos. 7 & 9, McKillop Public Speaking Parade and Sports See the Flower Show by Wal- ton Horticultural Society. Good Band in Attendance Afternoon and Evening Supper served on the Grounds Refreshment Booth Concert in the Evening In Church Sheds LeRoy Kennedy, Comedian, Toronto will furnish an Al program Miss J. McGregor, Accompanist Admission 50 and 25 cts. Mabel Sachs. Dainty .refreshments were then served and the party broke up with the good wishes of all to Miss Harris. JAMESTOWN Brussels Fair is the next attrac- tion. Bluevale School Fair prize winners are announced in this issue. The Jamestown Sunday School are postponing their Rally Day service until Sunday, Oct. 3rd. Keep the date in mind. ETHEL Cliff. Rowland held a very fineness. ful sale, on Monday. Miss Ohristabel Bishop spent a week with friends in London. Job King is assisting Thos, Vodden in the clearing out Fire Sale. P, N. and Mrs. Ontrie and Helen and Bob spent the wee k-eud imt Guelph. Miss Lottie Lake, of Hamilton, spent her holidays with her cousins. Leslie and Mrs, Lake. Mrs, (Deo Ferguson has returned to her home, in Toronto, after visiting with old friends, The School Fah. will he held on Fri- day, of this week, on the school grounds. .A fitst.class coneeit will be given in the evening. J. M. and Mts. Lake tend 'vire, Der- byshire and children, of Hamilton, motored over and spent Labor Day with Isaac and Mrs. Lake. Alfred and Mrs. Sandrra, Snlnn and Mrs. Marche and Henry and Mrs, Barnett, of Bay Oity,, spent a few days at the home of 1s1U1.0 and MPS. Lake. Rev. and Mrs, D. M. Guest and Jim- mie motored to Wallazteburg., last week, when Mr. Guest conducted the funeral service of the bite Ales. Ohas. Heath, of Wallaceburg, on Thursday lase, Rev. D. M. Guest conducted an - 111 yeersary servitee, in the Bethstala United ('bo alt, on Sunday lain, while Rev, Eric Anderson, a ibomi kt on, had charge of special se' vices, at the Un- ion United Church. Reprint, services will be conducted again next Sunday, an the Ethel circuit United Munches. Everybody welcome, Subject, "The Fat bet's Blisinese." Roe's 11 a, 10., 0111011 3 p. rn., Ethel 7 p, In. The last few days have been very Inlay around the Vedder' store. As Mr, Vodden is veryatixions to get the premises thoroughly cleaned out, re - pail ed and re.stocked, he has been conducting a regular clearing out NON, and people from far and near are find- ing many worth while bargains. It looks as if the corner block will soon be sel in order again and business go on as mutat The monthly meeting of Ethel Women's Institute was held last Thursday, Sept. 1610, in the Institute romns, A. good attendance WiLS pres- ent and a few visitors. We always weloome the visitors. The meeting opened with the President 1(1 the cheer. Phe Opening Ode was King rand the Lima's 1?rayer repeated in art- isan, The meeting was taken by the Yellow side, of the contest. A pap - entitled "What: should 6 child be taught before going to school , was read by M119. Robt. Bremner, and contained some tieeful hints regarding elm children. It was interesting to all. Roll Call was ans- wered by "Some reaeon for Thankful- ness," etul everyone had. a gond ans- wer, There was a prize given for the best hoquet of Rowels from a home gardee. The prize was won by Mrs, Chas. Hansuld. The "Yellows" are ithetvil in the colt at present,. The neeei:ing closed by singing, "Ova 5,050' the Xing." Portlier Resident Dies. --Word was received lest week of the loath of a former resident of this vicinity in the person of Charles Dobson. De- ceased was born in Yorkshire, Eng- land, on April 3010, 1887, and died at Solomon, Kansas, on Sept. 13th, aged 81) viol, 4 months and 13 days. He was married in November, 1559, to Ann limn and to this union were born ten ehildrem Mrs. 'Doi:Leon died 141 Mireeh, 1911. The deceased Moved him in death and there survive three daughtere, Mrs. Kate Rose, of Car- lyle, Sask.; Mrs. Tillie Shetron, Solo- mon, Kansas; Mrs. Annie Karr of A bilene, K111010S1 three sons, Charles awl t.ieoege oi :Solomon, Kansss, ;aid Thomas of Esbon, Kansas, Ile also leavee a number of grandchildren and a host of frigeds to mourn his de- parture. CRANBROOK Miss Marie Long spent a few days, last week, at Lot.don Exhibition, Mre. Learmont spent the past week visiting with friends in Brussels. Miss Nora Sheppard, of Toronto, is visiting at her parental home bete. Jacob Long is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Roy Bennett, Walton. Mise Lena Noble has gone to Han- over, where she will trath for a nurse. We wish her success. F. and Mrs, Sheppard motored to London, last Thursday. and took in the sights at the Exhibition. Misses Madeline and Marie Baker have returned to London after spend- ing the past month at their home here. Mrs. Julia Menzies, Oranbrook, an- nounces the engagement of her daugh- ter, Annie E., to Alexander Macdon- ald, Molesworth, son of Mrs. Macdon- ald and the late Donald Macdonald, the marriage to take place late in September. Mrs, Matthew Cameron spent Tuesday at the home of Jas. and Mrs. Cameron. Walter and Mrs. Brown and fam- ily and Miss Harris, of Welland, spent the past six weeks at the home of Matthew and Mrs. Cameron. BLYTH Baiuton Brag. are getting their tan- nery re -fitted and expect to run this coming Winter. Al 5.30, on Friday afternoon, the Angel of Death was sent to the home of George Jnhustim, and called to Eternal Rest, hie mother, Mrs, Robt. Johnston, who had beeu in poor health for the as few years. Mrs. Robert Johnston was the third eldest child of the late George and Mrs, Hewett, of Oolboi tie. 'Thirty-six years ago, on Christmas Day, she was tnarried to her now bereft husband, and lived all her life in the vieinity of of Myth. The deeeaoed was a devot- ed member of the United Church of Canada, and being of a bright and etingenial disposition, made many true ft lends who will miss her great, 1 ly. Her death is especially sad on ing to the fact that her daughter, Mrs. Archie Radford, is lying in View/ la Hospital, London, having undergone a very critical operation. She leaves to mourn her loss het Otto hand, three 1 811140 and t.wo daughters, Stt nley. of IlMiNs.V117,1W,79,1h, Ada, at home, also one sieter, Mrs, I Chas, Wightman, of Whitechurch, • and one brother, William Howatt, of 1 Bullet t, The funeral took Move on 1 Monday afternoon, from her late home, Lot 84. 0911. 8. East Wawan- osh, and imminent was made in Um ion cemetery, The pallbearers were Messrs. Charles Wightman, George HOWalt, John Philips, Joseph John. stein, Nathaniel Johnston and tVllllitm Johnston. WALTON Jack MeDonald Is kept quite busy loading maple lumber. Wm Clark and son, Alex., attended the Western Fair, at London, last weTilict's annual Walton Memel Fair will he held next Monday, Sept. 27th, Be ante to attend, Phonies Johnston hag almost corn- 1 plated the building of an add Won to Lawrence Cutuming's house, The Mime of Daniel and Ws, Steles, of Walton, was gladdened by the arrival of baby boy, on Wired nes- "YItlrls",TrtItititli1egs. \V, Mowbray and 0011, John, of Detroit, Mitth., motored tiV9t to Haltom recently, mid spent a few days visiting friends and relatives in th(i4s povii;iee n lt rale and William 1505101', of Grey, and Peter MaTeggart, nf Walton, 'motored to London the lee - tee part of last week, to take in the sights at the Western Fair. The Ladies Aid of Bethel United Church are holding a Bazaar and chicken supper in Walton on Oct. 7th, the day of the plowing match. See announcement m The Post. Miss Mend Ferguson, Welton, gave 4.111 interesting talk on i.The Prepar- ation of Soil and the Planting of Bulbs," at the Brussels Women's In- etiLut.e ineetiog, on Friday, The meeting was held 141 the Public Library. Dunes Clutinen W. 61. S. -The September meeting of the IV. M, 8, was held at the home of Mrs. John Ritchie, on Wednesday, Sept. 8th, with about twenty.five ladies in at- tendance, The meeting opened with singing and mayor, and the Scripture lesson %vas read by Sirs, Johnston. The topic, on "Striving and Aspir- ation," from the study book, "Build- ing with India," was taken by Mrs. Walter Davidson, Some very inter. esdng articles wore given as "Cur- rent livents," by Mies Knox, along the line of the needs of our times, She stumbled up het remarks by an artiele by the Biehop of tendon, who said, "We speak glibly einnetiniee of Christ being the remedy for all ills of the world, He he but He il1t Hest of all the Divine eetneay for all the isle and the fence that afflict yon and me par. sonally," The meeting was closed by BLUEVALE H. and titre. sin namon and family; of Winglinni Jet„ spent. Sunday Ot home of (3. flan, (3, and Mrs. Gallaher and .1011195 and Mrs. Master, visited old friends at Salem, on Sunday, Roy Tilt vey received word that his ear, which was mole)), was found de- serted at Watardown. 7 miles :from Hainittomlie came in to take the train and Ming it home, and arriving at the station, he found that the train had left three minutes before he ex - rived, So he got our garageman ont of bed to drive bini to Listowel 10 catch it there. which be did, and was at Listowel 20 minutes before the train, His car was not much the worse for the use. hat no far no traee has been found of the culprit, who took it away from here, The Ladies' Aid Society, of St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, enter- tained a number of the ladies of Bluevale Presbyterian Church or. Fri- day afternoon, Sept. 17th. After a dainty lunch, Mrs. T. Linklater, President a the Wingham Soeiety, on behalf of that Society, presented the Bluevale ladies with several doz- en cups and saucers, plates and salad bowls. Mrs. C. Adams, President of the Bluevale Society, made a suit- able reply, thanking them for their kind and syprnpathetic work and expressing appreciation for the gen- erous gift. On Friday evening of last week, the members and adherents of Blue - vale and Eadie's Presbyterian congee- gations met at the Radies' Church for a social evening in honor of Mr. Jamieson, who has been their pastor for the past four months, before leaving for Kentucky to resume his studies in college. Mr. Jamieson was called upon to act as chairman and made a 1.,ery reliable one. Ho told Millie very interesting and amusing stories. A splendid program, censiet- ing of solos, duetand readings was given. The Inst item, a 'reading by Norman Muir. turned out to bo the address to Ili', Jamieson as follows: Dear Mr. Jamie:eon: - We. the members and adher- ents of the Bluevale and }ladies' Presbyterian churches, have convened together to -night to have a few more happy moments in your company be- fore you leave us to resume your studies in college. We feel we would like to eay just a few words of thanks and apprecia- tion of the noble example you have been to us all, ever ready to do all that you were able in everything that was undertaken, and we indeed feel most grateful to you for your un- stinted efforts in the tryine. ordeal tht'ough . • pasc- od, We are. indeed well pleased with the results achieved •through your generous guidance. We will often think of you, and the help and in- terest you gave us, as we carry on the work here. We wish now to express our deep anti situ:ere regret at vane leaving us, but wish you a long continuation of health, happiness and success. We now askyou to accept this Purse of money, not so much for whet it contains, hut to remind you of the Warm friends yeti are leaving behind, and as n slight token of the eery high esteem in whieh you are held by your two congregatione. We helm that in some future time we may have the pleasure of seeing and hearing you again. Signed Oh behalf of the Bluevale and Radios' Congregationet James Nichol, .Tno. Mitehell, Jas. Kirton, .Toe. Smith, Mrs. C. H. Garnise, Mrs. , IL Gilmour, Miss Margaret Garniee presented the purse. Mr. Jamieson W116 taken completely by eurpris but made a vere- suitable reply, expressieg his regret at having to lo xo 1, RS 119 lied been met with such warm hospitality by his congregations. The people then roee and sang, "For He's a jolly Gond Fellow." Games of all kinds were indulged in by the young folk, after which the ladies served a delightful lunch end the happy evening closed by .singing "God Save the King." On Sunday air. Jamieson preached his farewell sermon, his text bong taken from Philippians 215. The church wee well filled. BELGRAVE J. T. Coultes loaded a ear of cat- tle here on Friday morning, also one in Blyth on Saturday morning. The weather still continues well and backward for the later harvest- ing and the threshers are being de- layed. The Young People's Soddy, of Knox United Church, held 11 very pleasant social evening at the Statue of A. 'and Mrs. Proctor, Morrls, on Thursday evening, when gantes and It corn roast were on the program, At a meeting of the cengregittion Of Knox United Church, Belgrave, on Thursday evening, arrangeneentel were made for the anniversary sere Vim which will be held on Sunday, October 3, when' the Rev, Mr. Craw, of leicknow, will be the preacher, A fowl supper will he served in the church on Monday evening folleWe thg. Rev. 11. W. Snell, 13. A. of at,. Panl'a °hutch, Stratford, will con. duce IIarveet Tharikegiving eervieea, at Trinity 0110150, Belgrave", on Sun. September 201.0, at 2.80 p,