HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-8, Page 8VEDNESDA.'i . SEPT. S,
School Opening
Your Requirements call be supplied Vert: from a
, 61 .d. el
With new, attractive Covers,
Better paper land move pngeba thall before..
Louse Leaf Note Bucks Hard Back Note Bouks
Eversharp Pencils Crayons Water Colors
and all School Accessories
High ;School Books Public School Books
Supplementary School Books
Nothing more convenient for School work than a Waterman Self -
Filler Fountain Pen. Price $2.776 and up
A 35c Scripto
Ever -Ready Pencil
Developing and
I The Personal Element
Printing Films
With 2 pkgs. Scripto
E are ptaiiniii to extract 1
Leads 50c
Eastman Films
(About a year's supply)
Kodak Supplies
The Seripto is it Pencil that
has given good satisfaction.
1. R.,M
y, -- 4'• Druer„ist and Stationer
..,s:'a..,.,,�: 7.1
Local News Items a
No Paper Last Week. Drawing Big Crowds.
The Editor has reeei••ved sovvral Toronto 5xhibition is drawing big
requests to fon and last week's i;- crowds and i.his locality is well re
sue of The Post. It was aur uanued presented.
holiday and no paper was issued. Donates $5.00
Painting Hotel. i D. M. P tguson, of Stratford, am
The American Hotel is h :ng a formol Brusselite, has donated ll,f
painted on the outside an.l will be a towards the choir fund of Molvill,.
'Treat improvement. Mani r Ed. Church, for gowns. This gift, is ap
Lawry is fixing up the hotel in first ' predated by the choir.
class style, Ii Is President of Fair.
On Last Lap of Drug Course. 1Geo. R. Weller, of Essex and r
who has
•e (Peto) Stewart,e'• i B1'ils•
Arclu (F tformer hardware merchant n
completed i 3s four -v t Ipprl ntmw- elA, is President of Essex Coont)
ship in Fox's Drug Store, is 1( tying ! Pair and this year's exhibition wil
shortly for Toronto to put in a year be held on 23, 24 and 25 of this
in the Ontario School of Pharmacy, month.
with a view of graduating as y drug-
ruggist. His old friends wish him hon-: Appointed Chairman.
ors in his year, g Rev. R. D. Mess, of Londoa, an(
1 •
t former Rector of St J .torch
. church
Thursday a Busy
Di t t cw oisame
member of tt
a• h01
Or, Thursday of this fir •k :v ll be a i aeon Board of Education, has beer
buy day for those oho ur int •r, st• ippointod Chairman of the Buildino
Kim-, I 11 .11%e —
+d in politic Hon. �i Conmaitb�o. lir succeeds the late S
Is •peaking in S-ai'ot'th in .h. atter- L. Lawrason, who died recently.
noon and at a mass meeting in Strat f
fnrd at ni,rht. Hon• Ali,. Mo!gltuu is Prize Lists Out.
addresdn a meeting;' in Blyth and The lists of prions offorecd by tlu
holies a -.bort. fit •c•tlu ' at ri'ratforrl East Huron A:rriculturad Society, art
at 5 o'clock. Brussels will be well 'now available for the public and mm
represented at Seafol4h air} L'lyta• i be Marl from the Secretary, D, A
llarTavish. There is nlso a big lin'
Did Not Win Cups. i of Special Prizes also offered. E.is
The P,ru: el' Bowlers lid not win Huron Fall Fair will be held Thugs
:ui) cup, at Gaderich on Wednesday. 'l rv, Sept. 30 and Friday, Oct. 1s'
Following were the games piayod; 1 this year.
Preliminary Round Interdenominational S. S. Conv-.ntiot
Anderson, Ext-ter,TO
Dr. 4S tt,
Morrish, Clanton, S Dovrnrr , 9 I 4n Tnterdrnominatlonal S. S. Coll
First Round ! r, ntion for rho Townships of llorri
Unsworth 10 Dow)17114 11 and Grey will he hold in the Btus
Second Round i , i United Church, Friday rftornool
Robinson, I3Ivth, 17 Downing 10 i ural evenin;;', Sept. loth, Aftfsrnoo]
v ion will open at 2 o'clock; even
Brussels Students Successful. 1 in session 7.30. Super will b,
The pupils from lluswls ,ttnna- ; .,Toed by the ladio., of the church a'
in; Listowel Hie'h School Erre hoon nominal chargo,
$•Lcessful in the tipper School Ile- Was Fined.
peytitiont Exam,: __ Sidney 13Ilan- ( A youth from it town not marl
tynr --- H.•st. 2; G,•om. o; Ply 3; than 25 miles from hire wit. fine(
Chem, 2; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C.:3. Mie, E. recently, cost.,, remounting to "14
Hemingway -Hist. e; Ale. °• 'Geom. for "ln ing" the toad while driving
3; Phys. 3; Lat. A. 1; Lat. C. 2; Fr.'tn tilt, 'Seaforth Tattoo. Hi,; on,
A, 3; Fr. C. 3. v Norman Hoover A: 1 ulistake in not allowing the car t,
Collip• c; Lit. , Hist. . Al y, pt's hint, nit; that Inspector Pellov
Groat. ` ; Trig. ss ;L. Rosti � Goin i 2; wits the driver and took his numbors
I z. C. 3. iV4t.. 1 There are a fcrw mere drivers and ii
Fr. A. 1; Fr: C. 1. Fra.,r the:: vicinity too that "hog" the rnsd
Strachan --Lit. 1; ITist, c; Al�,,, r„
Geom. 1; Trig. 21 Phys. 1 ; Fr. A. I; Refrozen Ice Cream
1. Injurious to Health.
Ter cream that ha; been nu:ltei
Political Meeting. 'rill refrozon may be injurious to th
A political meeting was bell n l health of the. consumer and its sal,
the. Town Hall on Labor Day night 1 is therefore illegal, according to hit
In the intprests at J.
ns of
gressivecancidute for �North nHuron. � andProoat el ugs Act agovern ng,iiceryerrar
Arch. Hislop, ek-M.P.P., was chosen ' and its sale., The Act doser:•bev is
chairman for the reeviJi ll'. 114x•, i cream as "the iced product, fre
X111- reviewed his tenure of office from taints find objectionable favors
and spoke on the Robb liudgc•t, I'he ; prepared with cream and sugar an,
Customs Scandle, Tariff and the Con with or without milk or other mill
stitutional issue, Mr. King; express- I products. It may contain fruit, f-rui
ed his olzinion that the Robb Budget ltriees, nuts, colorings and flavorings
wag the best since Confederation and i thickeners and stabilizers, Starch
was the only one he had voted fort „latine and goo tragneanth shal
daring his term Of office, Arthnr 1:1.1 g:not be rniployod in a proportion high
Roebuck, X. C., of Toronto, was the1 er than, 2 per rent. It must also no
speaker of the evening and gave an ; contain loss than 10per cent, of mill
excellent address dwelling on some fat. Fat other than milk shall no
of the Meighen caDdidates fli" hasi be used in its manufacture, and A
scandol attached to them, the record milk Alld cream should, if possibi,
of the Tiring Government dur;ng the be previously pasteurized .Ind emul
past session, and also spoke on the gbfied, The label must also stat
Customs scandle, Tariff' ttild other whothor the product has been pas
issues that have been raised, te"ked or not.
Will Have Office at Wingham.
---*+ Mr. John Montgomery, Returning )S
011}c•er Tor North Huron will bo at
l his office in the Grlffill Block, Wing- )
hail, fill day, ,Sept, nrher 141-11, front i
lug, I ti ;t.ul. till t0 p ra, l:lectlou D t)•. Any
. person wishing to et }n touch with
- — ,int should phone 34, Wdngham.
1 Lost in Semi -Finals in Association.
` Ott Labor Day a rink from l3, U.S.
_ sols attended a hitwling tournament 1
at. Walkerton and lost out in the semi
i. hntls m th,• Association round i.o it
rink from Blyth by a score of 7 to G.
1), IlaeTavkh, I) C. Ross, Dr. White
s and It. F. Dowunnq t ontposed the
Brussels Delved terse ;rink.
Annual Plowing Mateh.
REV, A. W, SARKER. S. n• The annual Plowing ,Batch of the
i MrNt^ r R Huron Plownion's Association will be
IvId at the farm of Mrs. Wm, Murray
Sunday, Septa 12th i h:df-utile West of Walton, on Thurs- }
day, October 7th. Kelp the date in
11 a.nt.--Pi;blie 5,'urship. mind its every preparation s being
-God's Anvils" made to make it the best yot. Watell
for further particulars in the near
3 pant, -Sabbath School sea- ' future.
Tion and Bible Classes- I I
7 p.m.—Public Worship. Noxious Weeds.
-The Seven Lamps of Worship' ! Many of the. country roads present.
a neInn'choly picture at this season.
Wednesday — Prayer Service Noxious weeds, and one trembles to
1 think of the great abundance of
s, S. Convention seeds that will be scattered over the ,
An Intadenaininational S. S. Convention farms to germinate Next year. The
for the Township" of Morris and Grey will I municipal councils should adopt
be held in the Brussels United Church on something to destroy the noxious
Friday afternoon and evening. Sept loth. weeds that decorate so many of our
1 0 •ea :d 2 n
Afternoon section rad {� roads,
session at 7.30, Sti ser will
and evening PI
be carved by the ladies of the church at a 13 Ribs Broken in Bad Tumble,
nominal charge John Pugh, of Mitchell, and an old
_ Brusselite, who has a contract for
building a store and house combined
in Listowel, stet with an accident in
RUBBER Tyred Buggy For, Sale. that town the latter end of last week.
artcr, I3russels.l
He was working at plastering and
Apply % S. C i was stepping up on a box to get on
ONE Good Boy's Bicycle; also In- i to the scaffold when the box tipped
dian Motorcycle, both in 3.1 can- I over and he fell to the floor and in
dition for sale cheap. Phone 40-16 the fall he had three ribs fractured,
R. Elliott, Ethel, R. R. I. Mr. Pugh, who is now at his home in
PLATINUM Bar Pin Lost Between Mitchell, had his hand badly burned
Dr. Hamilton's Office and J. S. by boiling tar last spring, and this
Leitc•h's :tore, Buussels. Finder is the second time that he has had his
Please notify Phone 22-11. I ribs fractured.
FIVE Pigs Ready to Wean. Phone McCutcheon—Kerney Wedding.
65-15 Robert Locking,
TEN FIGS. for Sale.. heady to In Toronto on Saturday, August
wean. Phone 4'1-5. Thos, Alcock. 2f+th, at high noon, the, marriage. was
70 CORDS of Dry Body Woad, also solemnized of Eli¢abeth Helen, the
vouligest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
a quantity of circular woof} for , j W, Kerney, of Guelph and former
sale. Will he delivered or sold on ' re.}cents of Brussels, to lTr. John
farm. Phone 23-11 W, C. Elliott },,vorett McNtcheon, youngest son of
Lot. 8, Con..,, Grey. Mr. 1, S. McCutehenu, of Brantford.
BREAD. -Get Your Bread at Grew I Thr ceremony n•a, porlorm"'I by the
ar's. Rev. D1. Ross, who 'Il o )orforuu.d
FOR SALE. --12 Acres of Standing the marriage of the bride'. patents,
ern on the field, barley and oats tw,•nty-six years ago. The. bride
rel, on W� Lot 12, Con. 17, I kookccl charming in int ensemble v£
Grey. Owned by Mary C. Dun- rosewood and raisin, smart French
causon, but owing to het• ab.oncc I hat of crushed velvet, Allies anti bag
apply to R. C. Campbell, Phone , of alligator and Alaska fox s:arf.
•f3-1.3. ' ifrr corsage was of butterfly roses
HOUSE AND LOT %FOR SALE.- and baby's breath. Immediately af-
Cmnfortable frame house in good , her the wedding breakfast !14r. and
repair, wood cellar, hard and soft . :1TcCutehenn left for a :short
water. Nor further part3oulars ap- motor trip aft,•. which thov w911
ply to George McMillan Fishleigh spend a few wockli at Wasae'o Beach.
Street, Drusse}s. 10.3 I They will reside in Toronto. Old
STRAYED Sheer at E;� Lut 13, 17th , fric•ltds of the bride in Brussels, Offer
hearty congratulations.
Con., Grey. Owner may hay.31
snipe by proving property and pay- ' Daughter Passes Away.
ing costs. T. Clark, Phone 37-14. The Daily Herald, Prince Albert,
10-3 5a.,k., makoA the following rof,trenc•c
FOR SALE.—House and Lot on to the funeral of Miss Margaret A.
Quoet Street, �F acre of land, , Walker, daughter of J. W. ;Incl Mrs.
fruit aces, hared and soft water. Walker (nee J, an Habkirk, formerly
For further particulars apply to of 1 russols) who wil., side only 7
T. Pedgrift,
Brussels, 10-2 days, complication, following an it -
FOR s f t e• • es. n' una' htsFlo
FOR SALE.—Tan Chunks of Pigs, Lack o n a.l The )o ,
over a hundred pound:; All cel- died on Aug. 20tli:—Ott Snvday af-
evb-, also a good sow with a lStter ternvtnt the funeral of Jai -are -t• A.
of ton. Apply on Lot 29, Con. e Walker, nine-) car -old dawp� ter of
5, Grey. Will. Gorsalitz. 101 Mr. and Mrs J W. Walker, of '137
Nmil it eat i was held fro
civ v h t n
White n Black
STRAYED Hound, Wh e a d
Hamilton funeral certrc parlors t
l n
Owner may
have same vpaying
0 .
•he r ,
t It am t tv. A antic• ser -
all `' rt n
t n
c •eve M Cinch I
•ill cots. H<a Y rice vv,]s held tit the family residence.
Phone 16-9. The pnllhoarers fivers the 1lrsae.. Kalil
A GOOD 40 -ft Windmill Tower for 'ten Gotland .al cosi ct Bl•adchav„
sale. J. Al. Knight, Phone 5-10. } kn nct Gilhc, and i l:io Ritchie.
Gtf F''lrnl tribute win„ •o it by Father
PURE Bred Durham Cow and calf and Mother, Ai mt ilcdl and p -1 -Ind -
for sale. Apply to Gordon Whitfield mother, of At pu:a, 1Tan,, Uncla
Phone 50-10. Bob., Aunt Given, of Supr•rh; Altnt
ap'nes and 'Uml .Jnr, Avant Mag. -no. o in Brussels for sale
HOUSE and lot
or to rent. Comfortable frame t mill, Mary and Cb anis of. Fort wil.
house, ,Food stable and garden. Regi Uncle Ashley once Ii , Po of
For further particulars apply to Regina Mr, and Mt'A, E, w, rA'ustnr,
A. H. Macdonald, Brussels. Dr, and Mrs. V llnn and coliAii, ?tar-
5`rtf garet Walker, of 5 r katoon; the Hub-
COMF.ORTABLE frame dwelling kirk cousins; Jack; J. Walker and
house in Drusseis for sale at a family; Jean TTabkirk, of Saskatoon;
bargain. Appl;� to W. M. Sinclair. May Ross; H Itand Mrs. Christie
of l te_rhazy 4lvl ,; the Saskatehe-
%van 7 c lophon staff; the• Prince Al -
Conservative Meeting. bort Trdt-phony Antr, Dr. and M.s, G.
political meeting in the inter- j A. ilfunroe and Glad 's, of Sask't.
ests of H. J. -A. MacEwan, Conserva-1loon; R. W, and Mrs, Moore., or
tive Candidate in :North Hwon will Si(.,katchvwan;' Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, I Wri,,bt• tho Rev. J. It. Graham; Mrs.
ut 8 pan. on Wednesday Sept. 8th, f. A. Goodfellow and Rina, Clarice
Tho meeting will be add were by Robertson and Aida, 1lelfry; T. It.
Toni Tu.mtedv, M. L. A. for Pon], Mr, ;cul 11rA. 1)ou las: F. D. and Mrs.
c A
Mach:wan unci others.' The public Culp, the Ephrian Scott Mission band
invited, J. W. and Mrs. Graham; St. Piml's
Is Signally Honored. pun}or Presbyterian Sunday School;.
The following 'stem from the Ot- Mr.. Garland; the Misses MrAtthur;
tawa Citizen refers to a former well- W S. and Mm Hamilton and Lucile,
known citizen as Mr. Ross was De- the St. Paul's Presbyterian church
put.y Postmaster for sortie years be- ladies aid; Mrs, G. G. Macphee and
fore moving to Ottawa in the Civil girls; bliss 'TE. Boyd, the Beeson
Service: A signal Mason c honor family; Luci,lo and Margaret Watson;
came. last evening to a well-known Howard Black, J. and Mrs. Idopburn
and populit• Ottawa gent:lemart, J. and family; W. and 14Irs. Mitchell and
Alex, Ross, who was elected Dista}tt ftunily; I. O. 0, F. Golden Links Re-
Dcputy Grand Master of the Ottawa blk h, lodge No, G; Mr. and Mrs.
tllntrlet, A. F. & A. M. at the 71st Hazel; Duggie. and Muriel Tornings;
annual convention' of the A. F. & A. Mrs • Sidney Taylor and Joliet; I: 0.
M. Grand Lodge. of Canada in On. 0. P, Prince Albert Lodge No 3;
tar•io, which was held I+ocntly in and Gateway City Encampment tits.
T•'nrt William
and Port Arthur, iter, 6, the Bearden children, Bobbie ants
Ross was elected by a decisive ata- I dna Mitchell; Helen and Constance
jollity, indicating clearly that he was Ian and Mrs, Midler; the St. Paul's
the popular choice of the craft. This Presbyterian church session and
honor comes as tt Toward for nearly board of ntnnapluallt• Al. C. and
twenty years' meritorious active ser—
vice to Masonry. Ha was dVorship• Smilesr. Rev, J. R. Graham officiated,
fol Master of Doric Lodge, No. 58, Among those from various points
in 1915, and has faithfully served out. of town who attended the falter.
,since as its secretary. I'its'knowledge •al were: W. W. Warted, divisional
of the craft is profound, and he has suprlrntendent of government, tela
taken a keen interest in promoting phones; A, Stratntire, divisional plant
the welfare of the,fraternity, Ilia vein- chief; C. 0, hunt, divisional chief
ning ersonality making hill, a ch:rk; A. Carrington, divisional plant
cls ret al f a
p .dor of the vraFt
I o S sl(akoon
t1, 17. Anil
• e slid ambos. a
spl n Mrs, Walker of Rutland; R, M, and
The new D. a G ex is an accountant %14rc Walker, of Superb, W. Walker
in customs and excise depthej,,ijmant of Sintaluta; A, M, Walker, of Re.
is a decided asset to the civil Mina; Dr. and Mrs. J, A. Valcmts, of
service and to Chalmers United Saskatoon; and Miss Jean Ilabldrk
Church where he is a prominent of.- ( s
lice holder, of Saskatoon.
New Honey
I The Personal Element
E are ptaiiniii to extract 1
in Banking Affairs
V Y any day now. dire have
so as to make one job of
"Fra ; ,a�' ETW EN the tlut,,t.,;, Inst
e•oldiw.,*i of printed haul f-1rm
t as the yield is small this year,
and the human cfe nor ri( fol•
Mll be shipping to J. T. Ross
whose use they art d •.i• n.cL ,,.
and Will. McCracken 't0 arrive
vast oppultuniti,s for va)ulhlt. lox-
about the 18th,
.1ollal n8s6telks. The
1 anlc through h tht fib nlher a3 it,,
`a. Deadman
nAAP1( �i
tum-stairt 19 11 ariseiouts, to t fill,, Illy uppnI.,
tunvty that t1ts15 o cl mon tt tt it.,
. .
value in offering pel'sonal advice on
Pznaniial natters. The local manager
of the Standard hank wil be glad
1 wo Years Old,
to }sive intimate Counsel upon money
Last week Gibson Willis celebrated
matters pertain},ng to your bu6ine st
tis second birthday incl had a special
take cith two candles on it. ;
Back on Run.
A week ago Tuesday e¢endnc; the
car rrsurntd its 1•t;u on
It,, Palmerston-Kinearcdine run.
Had an Early Call. f
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Samis, Manager
A number of Brussels Firemen had
an early call Tuesday morning when
Ethel called up for help. The fire-
inn were soon on the job.
- --- -
RILLY.—In Brussels, on Sunday, Anguat
22nd,1026, to 61r. and 51ra. Riley, a son,
BAKER.—Inloving memar of n dear wife
g y
Wm. G. Sheri bold his residence, in
slid mother. Ida Irene Seeker, who de -
parted this life Sept, lith, 1029.
Atwood, to Adam Dahmer, who tak•
D'100UT0R30N—KDRNLY.—in Toronto on
Saturdav, August 28th, by Rev. Dr. Hos",
Ever remembered b y loving husband
and daughters, mother and father,
es possession on Wednesday, Sept,
Elisabeth, younger daughter of J, W. suit
16th, I
A car load of tractors was lin land- I
Alra. Kerney, of Guelph,. and formerly of
Mr, John Everett ant ford. ou'
Brussels, S.
eon of I. S. MaOnEChaon, of Brantford.
Deep in our hearts rias a picture
Of a loved one laid to feet ;
ed at the Ford garage, Listowel, A
In memory's frame we will keep it,
Reasons she was one of the halt.
b'ordtl•aet0ldemOnstl'at10t1 was held
friends may think we have forgotten.
on Monday, August 30th, on the farm.
of Rd, Smith, Wallace Road. I
GRAKBY.—In 6larris Twp.. on Monday. Aug.
Both, 1926, James D. Grasby, aged 6B yearn
whan at tunes they see us smile,
But they little know the heartache
The Hast part of the Race home, at i
and 95 days'
That the smite holds all the while.
Mitchell, which was recently taken
down to make new additional was et-'
ected 75 year's ago, anal Mitchell
in those early days was pretty much
all bush. 'fele timbers, that Came out
of the old bu}Iding, were sawn up into
cordwood by Philip Gardner and Fred
Rudolph, and the sills were or, rock
e'en, afoot �gnrre, and were as sound
as the day when the loge were put in-
to the building.
SWAN.—In Brnssels.on Wednesday, August
,15th. 1920, to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Luau, n
HENRY.—In Ailsa Craig, on liL 5th,1926, to i
Mr. and Mrs, S, Henry, (nee Charlotte
HaWl, n daughter, (stillborn),,
KHA11TEli —In Listowel Menorlal Hospital, 1
on ,'nudity, August 20th, 1926, to Mr. and i
51 rs, John Kreuter. ,
McDOMA 4D—In Grey Twp., on Friday, Aug.
:7th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ItIoDunald, I
a daughter. Wary Louise), ,
blITOHEI,I,—In Grey Twp.on 4aturday,
Angust 210, 19410, to Dir, and bloc. Wis. J.,
611 soleus a Fall. ,
Farm For Sale
100 -acre farm with bank born, 8•roolned i
homew•ell•8nish ed inside, comnnt Catlar, gar•;
ageanddriving shed, lcpring well, good or•;
chord,5noreshardwood bush, 16 acres pnst•'
nrer test working land, one-eighth mile from
school, three and three quarter nailer' from i
Watton. To settle estate will be sold very,
reasonably and ongood,terms.
R, 1%. 2, BrnFsels
Lot 12, Con, 15 Grey
.P••'�*,+,v�,s'+'w+rnx.Mlxn+n.w•N�q�aa^„c,'.RT'.ct•'I,.•,+.•• .
on S., ery a-tivesl
Y�,.�, ProgreSISIives,,4
have benefitted by the Legislation passed at the last Ses-
' cion of Parliament and supported by
® .
Progressive Nolsa.inee for North Huron in this Election
Penny f.-roY g Cheaper Auto,mb ar
k 0
Reduced Income TMore tit m p k rjia y e I _I S
B•4 hi v t .la' , .
Trade I , ,utrli'4'di i,.o•1:. a Debt t .d;oR' e
and thins help to secure further Legislation for the benefit
of theeo le.
P p