HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-8, Page 7THE BRUSSELS DOST
WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 8, 1921;,
ars — he ducked forward tzar barrel of it attempting to link that assault with : young Gordon, who she says allowed NCTICIw TO OF{Epl
(Note: I fell asleep lure, and the lilt the seat behind hila with a sick•• the; sheep -Wiling and with Carro-1 particular Interest in it and a sort )ZI0orofthe DITORS I Ahesyr/ Lzmp
entry is incomplete.) ening thud, way's clrltlr, and turn it to my own i oP ghoulish amusement, and the Liv- ae Ofttrus.
(`(,ll Kora,i,.tooftoo vma July 12th. P.ut he had somehow tttrnr,tt th advantage, In other words, to prove i ingstones. Or rather, Livingstone ®ole' to:tho Comntyof Huron, widow
wheel' of tit. car, unci the lir.+xt atom- that the ze.igrt of tcrrur had gone on ;only, wily appears to have stood in' deceased,
(Copyright) Just what diel Peter Geiss see 111A , Notice ishareb
I Y 6 ) by MARY ROBERTS RINEHART night? ettt it had loft the road. Halliday in my absence! the doorway smOhdng and surveying y green ado", pursuant to "Tile Inn,
viae* :•i"redits oY d otciv ' avis c 129,
made a elrteh at it, but it eves tan I it while Y g tint Att rtreditora Aad others hoeing AtAimu
a• If I were 1,kec1 to name, fit order A drowning man, swimming, ox-' a his wife ettrrf,�d up to the a[t°inettheuatatuotthaaaid'6lnrydaoaTt'eya,
lite; lto saw, as the car swung, the invalid a who diva mi or about the sixth sag at
of their psychic quality, tits three hiustedly reward a lost which sinks jar of jellied bt'otlt. only: ie Doig o ere about
ix lir before
The result of which has been on me. Helena Lear is with Edith, and persons on this beat, I would tut lights of another• car ahead and com' liken he touches it, must have much the Eleventh dog e q temtn+
]. Put as the garage dool• •�1s Un- to Bend b p ,, A. il1'.0,
my part all clay ne uneasy npprehen- 1 lie doubt Halliday is cinrtped nn Jane first enol Peter last. Ing toward them; thud they struck a y Brussels old ordvhverto Henry
till- same sensation that I Lod, as I locked' all night, such spocupiton is Wille) naimPgta ysnY O , tile haeoutorof the last
eine as to what she will choose next. I thein rlogrstvp, as vigilant as z watch fence and lite maehizu: turned nvez' stand tu•ro facing C,rernoug'dt's vile i ural futile. ttanA n z t t dseenard, their Chrta-
He is a materialist, N9t for hint Purely tt Surmm�es,addraeaaennddasoripttona,
\01 ani 1 made easier by a c!uestfoli dog, and certainly mor;t dependable t,},,, inlrty;sting abstractions, the eon. Ile had been found, by the.. people stnil„ and the riectr,r':s ;earglling the full pnrtimunrxof their claims, thaAta e-
site asked the just before *gaud r. 1 than Jock, I can see, too, with bet- h n in the other ear, unevn,cious in tin gaze, Edith suggests malicious 7rii schief, Allen t at their aecounta and the net are coheir
in problems of the aniver,•r,, saeuritles (it any) held IIthuel, duty verified
"What bectimu of the I.ig s teem- to perspective how absurd my tut• The life of the mihci tic, o wrec+is'Ige, and ipraul ht to the Lrirl r•, „ "The. village children are Chalkin r by n sbatutory Dealers ion.
You can go out and lvolc, I said t Andfurtherdate the ion that after win last
an?" she asked, "Do Yet' suppose • xfety has been as to Greenough. I ria sitOns NO n of the other mrhn was dis• lip chairs with triangle; all over the mentioned date the said sxvuutorxtu
of the soul, are hidden from him. feebly. ` It's there.' „ „ raLil to diatribute the Assets of Elie deceased
h,•'s still acerin* here?" it his business to believe ever lean covered, fences she says, and old Starr umo„ the parmea entitled thereto beas
"I imagino not. Why?" Y Itis fool], itis tobacco, th^ dire But this story, curious and orcin• I slid not go with them. I heard come out here yesterday with ve j1B°" only to the claims or which Ire atiaii
Y." guilty until ho ]ins proved himself of t}te wind, rho state of the firde, T';dith and Gordon £vilgw them out, 1 between his shoulders. He a the,, e,, ,ible•fo.dtthat the said Plxeotetor
"I just wondered," she said, turd, innocent. And tun I not now in the vas as it is, is as nothing tom sen- f {most he said aaeata or any
Ihn.e cover the field of his specula- Y' and then I sat down and faced my had a stroke when I told Ilim.' olahupnoti tellnilnoEr4eve°bflar"onnotwhosa
waudvred tc that particular center net of proving my innocence? cations to -clay when I visited my n received by
of the verandah front which she has tions and anxioVes. And yut•—•Petor situation' Her ex paper hie, to tha tltnecf eeoh Ontario, t his
But my problem remains. And saw rvmethin • last of ht, small garage where, my car is await- planation of the Dated at ernasats, Ontario, this uth day
n distant but apparently parent] Satisfactory g g And indeed it has passed the loud shout the chalk and what was otAuguat, A.A. rsza.
11 Y Y klieg to solve it is like playing It was about one. o'clock in the tog insurance adjustment before tin pint of w. m.SINgF,AIIt,
riow of the boathouse... , . durgodng repairs. P philosophical ndurall"- I on it is equally simple. That in it- Solicitor for tl.o executor.
a,r- u•:ith a card missing. I morniine, and he had wakened and The point of the matter is this: haven if Carrowa-v's body fs not self, she concludes, proves her _
Perhaps Halliday is right. (Note, have ter, will say, lost the Icnave of crawled out of his pup tent, with, found and no charne of murder ran =,
con -
In his suggestion that .7tiaa tool ! clubs out of to „ Greenough has already been 1'n aeq
l tention: It looked as if children had
take the sloop and go down the coast Y peck, and without according to him the feeling that our invalid, 'Incl has assured hint that be brought, it i.•i not hard to ace i been playing with a typewriter," she HE Industrial Morttgage and
it the game ,cannot go on. we wire `-a for a blow, There was what ry�
for a few days). I£ any beep tea Halliday, I know, believes that s „ he lies been the victim of an ordin_ potvm• lies in this de rci.ivc'sisays, And she lhas reprodnerd it f Saving-sCompany,ofSarnia
a cold wind across nn r feat, hand,, hacked by hi; enav+"'On of from mentor as nearly a3 possible, Ontario, a e prepared to advance money op
killed fu my absence, or anything ary attempt at a hold-up. Y, a good lands. Parties desiring
more serious should happen, it will there is a possible conrpectior. be- So he ruse, and he sate that our "O,l::r c}i`r_.roncn ds," he told Hal- illy guilt. He may not imurwon ane, Greenough havin carried •t money on farm mortgaltes will lease lip1 t
tween the killer and Unal, Horace's ted lantern was burning low, and g g t, off with Jamas acesCowan,other
unc.,pwho wll r r°
serve to rout Greenough's absurd au- liras', but our men ocean* with but he cull cost me my reputation }him, Jhmas and Seafortb c fol
termination to iatvolve mo, and pro- letter, He behoves, fn otter words, g'introrly stepping aeross nm, reacher{ even any reputation in the university, It was done, she says, on a type- The industrial Mort
that some. curious enol peel?a1ps must- weapons gave the fellow in chance to Y = Yp- and Savings into a Makes for the oil eau. When carry his He eon hound me out Of the Only lift, writer in a curious jumble of capi-
ride ,complete alibi. AL the same strous idea lies behind the sheep- Ile Araightoted lip he saw a shadowy gun openly. Gave± hits a I know and ate fitted for lite warm
time, it will be rest and reereation good excuse for a lift, too, Most pals and small letters, and the pager
for Jane, and it may put me dna killing', and that it may ba the same figure standing in the bow of the pl'Ier behind the drain i aftZie�lP
people around here now aren't stop- pipe, was perforated at the side, as ff. it �• A�.'td@�'a°
bettor frame of mind. idea to which the letter refers. boat, directly under the lantern. It is well enough for Halliday to were from a loose-leaf note -book. AGENT FOR
ping their cars for anything or any -
Peter Gefos, he thinks, would o "Thera is something b -hind it,"
He thought at first that it was T, say that we can assume a counter- Also, it had been torn, ao that only
g g bade, iyut of course they'd pick up fire, Automobile and Wind lee.
with us as captain enol bunlr Heeler he asserts. "Sonhething so vital to but the next moment he had atumh- i deputy." cfi'ensive. When?_ With him tum-. a p�,ytien of the typing remained.
led across me as I lay supine, arra COMPANIES
at pup tent, Ieaving the cabin to Jane the man who believes it that he is "I'nt not as familiar with 'crime P°racily crippled, and every act of 1 This poitson waspaccorddag to her,
slid myself. ready to kill—has ]tilled certainl the old can fell and went a -rolling. mine watched and questioned? And,; as follows: For Brussela and vicinity Phone 647
Y Y as you are," Halliday bid responded.
Y possibly ] The noise did not disturb the figure, "Put is ether part of the modern even with all other things equal, I GeLTr, K. 28.
(On -board the sloop- dui ].0th. once and tossibl twice—to protect
Amazing, the celerity with which it•" enc} Peter gave a long Iolc at it be- }tow?
g Y held -up outfit?" I (Note: As will be seen, Edith's �J,4MES M'PADZEAN
.youth thinks and acts. To -night Jane But the nature of tlhe idea, or fore he bowled like a hyena and ., :gar tie I see, as hc, does, an Iles- brought me up all that it d. It's Pthoy hard to name off -hand sible clue in Y I memory was extremely aced. She. Agent Hawick Mutual Fire insurance Company
and I—and Peter Geiss—are rolling conviction, he nobly evade -s• anything they don't use," said Green- young Gordon find ! made only one error in the cipher.
gently to our anchor i•n Bas; Cove, "And this monstrous idea was to . was only then that it disappear- ough, intpoturably. "From silk the chalk with which rite drawing The final number, 28should of Also
close enough in to be quiet and far Trill sheep, and build a stone• altar'?" ed' Just blew to windward," ac• stockings u ' was clone., behind the: lawn -roller in ( course, have been 24, Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
„ cording to Peter. I neve; ooze it at p , the I
g etconl to escape the moiu;uttos, 1 How do we know that isn't nu±rr' ail Whiclt was, I imagine, a bit of un- garage, a fact which Edith re- � To -night I have had along• tali Phone" Box' Tarubarry street. Brussels
ported after Hayward and Green-!
Y y yesterday the plan was Y a propitiatory sacrifice, Skipper, conscious humor. Y , with Halliday. It appears that the
an amorphous thing, floating in the A sort of preliminaryto the real night, lid ti not
died bto y
again ill pvssf- ough bad gone, or in the scrap of time of Peter Geiss' apparition al- JNo. SUTHERLAND € ERLAND & SON
$o Greenough dismisses rite
air between Halliday and myself, a thing?" y the wheel, bilitY of any connection between Allier in which it was wrapped when 1 most exactly coincides with the at- LiMITEO
stere ghost of an idea, without mat- "And what is the real thing?" I staring forward, a queer old figure Halliday's trouble and the unknown found. Por one thing, Edith's mem- tack, •This, however, does not int -
Of terror without hope. And I ad- cry as to what was on the pa pOr May
anal substance, "What is the wickedest crime you malefactor; in a word, my absence papr Y ;press Halliday as it does me,
I am glad to sit in my hvieker can panto, ag•ninst socfoty?" mit T was not much bettor, has nrohably not alts ren L+°•, susnirion be at fault. Naturally, not ]snowing "You have to rPmemher, Sir. p ,r,"
I' ,
chair, this Journal on m knee h P tar sr.Y Jtat teas a•a+ of n ., 1 , t i .
Y and The taking of human life, of ole a part!", • '? %, t t woo.•. „L ,•rc • it h„ ,,ty:, that o.,l t3 i;s ha, been' -- _
cost my body. I have inrtecd earned "Exactly.", a man in a dressing gown, and that within the next half hour I ptopuse etlly casually, !seared almost out of ifs wits the D. M. 'SCOTT
my night's repose. Now and then I But this, Ile says, is as far as lie "it looked like the old ire ntlr man' to show him that an absolute co nes According to Clara, thn only per- last few weeks. And the Carroway Ili �FPe`� a�° �
reach out a' languid hand ;uul touch goes, He is, however, Careful to Y which Ile means my Uncle IIor- I tion exists between the two. sons visiting the car after it was affair has came the terror right II PRICES MODERATE
a fishing line, one end of nhich is say that his theoryhas ace. brought back yesterday morning out onto his domain, which is flue i For references consult any person whose sale*
got him On the right-hand cushion of my I I have ottloiated at. Phone 2928
tied to the elle of nrht= chair, the oth- somewherC; that is, that there is it July 13th, car, which during• tho salvage of it were Annie Cochron and 'Ihontlis, water,'
er extending into those mysterious definite idea behind what has been Ellis Landing. was thrown upside down into the who were then when it was returnrie; (To Be Cojttinued). T. T. M'A7A6
riepths from which I hope to litre to- happening. We have had bad news, and are rear, there is marked an infinittsimal Greenough, who spent some time
morrow's breakfast. "An insane one then." preparing to land and tali there while the doctor inade, his call' i M• a., M. c. P.. ® S. o.
P g e a motor circle in chalk, enclosing a oracle on Halliday; the doctor himself, who i Putting it off until to -morrow ggives i M 0. E., village of Brussels,
The sloop is tidy, Is even fairly "Not necessarily," he objects. back. triangle. I have sent for Gremtough• the other fellow a chance to do it l Physician, surgeon, Accoucheur
sea -worthy. Her bottom lues to -clay "Your Uncle Horace didn't write Edith wires that Halliday has been Later: Truly the way of the In- 1, wandered in Inter to look at it; to -day. Office at
oppoatte MelvIlls Church.
Been scrubbed with a broom, and her that letter to a man he considered hurt, She gives no detail:. nocent is hard, - _ _ William street.
sails, slightly mildewed, still present insane." July 14th, Dr, Hayward was staking his after —i� from it it distance a certain impressive- Peter Goias has his own theory Halliday's condition is not critical, ; noon call on' Halliday when the de- e c r. : r , r 9:
Iles& about poor Carroway's death. Car- thank God. We found hint (Note: tective came, and as I feel confident to •:-,-.•• ••—r- •-,.......
"What," T shout it .._:.:...... :•:..,,u::::.,: -:.
tit Pete
Gots Iowa he says, probably 1 t m bedroom :•:•:.,:::::.: <...: t :,::. ;c::.:r,''x•::-.:::::.:::: r':;::;x;;;;�':::iii,;:o;:; ;
Goias, s, Y , 1 b y ocated the S om here at the,. Lodge) that the doctor is m Grecnough's �
'is that small sail in front? Por- Boat; he could do that by cutting off with Edith and Helena ftissiug over- confidrneq I was glad to spring my `' '" '"' �^•'+ _ .tai:,�'tsr�"
ward, I mean." his engine and listening for the him, and with his collar bone brok- little bombshell on them both at the rn m
"How's that?" gas. Then, fn black darkness, Ile en, the result not of the attack, but same time. But to -night I am feel- c
"The sail there, what's it's sante?" steered toward it, probably with the of his ditching the car. a ing much like Bunyan's Man in un , _jr"
I say, pointing. "Name?" idea of driving the fellow hack, For he is the indirect vietim of I Iron Cage. "I mn now a man of
"I'll say it's a shame," he says. But Peter does not think that Carro- an attack.v
despair, anti um .shut up in It.,,
"Canvas on this boat cost the old way would have closed in on the: On the evening of the 12th he was I Edith was on the verandah when ""''`' ao9 'A ;i•::i::
gentleman a lot of money." murderer, unarmed as he was, on his way to the statim: at Oak- the detective sante, and young Gor-
By and by, hawever,_I learn the "The chances ate," he said to -day, Ville to meet Helena Lear and Edith I don was with her. During. our ab-
jib and the flying jib. Also that sea- that the fellow crept lip on }him, who were in town on some inyster- sone he has struck up with her an a v
water is an unsatisfactory cleansing quiet -like, and leaped into the ious feminine errand which detained I acquaintunce of sorts but she di
medium, as witness the supper dish- launch." them until tike late train. � likes him extremely. She has, Jane
"But he was unarmed, too," I At eleven o'clock then., he took t tells file, nicknamed him Shirty.
"Why," T demand of .lane, "did said remembering- the knife ruder the car and started ofd', aucl as he I As Hayward was still upstairs T , !
Nausicaa wash her garments in the our slip. ? as h
was early took the longer reale s aimed
R p politely with Greenough for wNt,V
sea when there was a rive at It seemed to me that Peter not I thritigh the back coy4itry. Tile one a £env minutes, We had had good
}land?" only heard that with surpt•fsing dis• by Sanger's Mill and the. Living-. weather for the tripq fishin 'was %�':"''•':t
"I haven't an idea," she says ab- tinctness, but that he shot, a stealthy 'stone puce. It was near the drive only fair. It was too Karl to be ::; •" ;iYt<''
sently, her eyes on her alcohol cook- glance at me, into Livingstones' that a titan carry- ; brought back as we were. Yes, but 1` ue
Ing stove. "They were'nt overly "He hard an oar," he swirl, and fel} Ing a sawed-off shot -gen stopped the i if things like that were going on, it ',x?i;: Va. ;'} �.
clean in those days, were they?" Lack into his accustomed taciturnity. car and asked for a lift into town.' was better to be on the ground. :yy �• rS
But I think my dear Jame is ex- The nights are wonderful. I havo He was, he said, one of Starr's spec. "What sort of things?" he asked.
ceeding'ly uncertain as to just what broughl; my mattress out of the cab- ial deputies, watchingfor the shoe '• Modern methods and appliances ha
p• "We have had two murderous at- Ve set a new
,lays were those of Nausicaa, in, and shall sleet to-tti•'ht face a killer. a 3oS'::% PP
Sleep R P tacks, haven't we. One successful :`4:iA .; standard for a day's work. <
Y Time is one big factor,
We have a stnall cabin with four to the -stars. We are sunchorad in It was very dark, and he could and one not." :x;'�;:$•>
rz;,.;,t. This is�true in the factory, on the farm, in the home
bunks in it, and two of. these are Pinata Harbor, that small enclosed poly see the outlines of the deputy. So you class this little oriole of +t *: Or What not.
now neatly and geometrically made anchorage, the shore of whirth ]dis But its, all along, ]lie had come across young Halliday's with the other?" •: ';:<;:
up, ready for the night. In Jane's been so frequently dug :for treasure teen similarly armed --"The fence "Don't you?"
small closet there is food of all sorts, that ft is pitted like a pock-inarked corners were full of them," he says "Not until I've of sometliln that '>?s Time is money to -day, And anything that mul-
g .4 g `•err
neat rows of tins and wax -paper face. —he thought nothing of it, and told ties them together, Mr. Porter," tidies the value of an hour is increasingly' valuable,
Packages. IE we are wiisBed' out to In our fore -rigging hangs our rid- the fellow to jump in. Hayward had cone in and d
sea we can I imagine, 1'. _, „ • „ ,roc
g e, ive indefinite- Ing light. It should he ihhite, but; I hadn't seen him, na ;:aid, but inside the doorway, g'naying at his Advertising is an annihilator Of time. It r0 -
7y of deviled hero, sardines and as in a burst of energy this even- I got an impresison of him, Yet, fingers and ];stoning. %iy' vides a Short CUt b P
cheese. And i have always illy fish- Ing I scraped a supper plate over know what I mean. A heavy square "But if between a manufacturer or met' -
you found something clic} '`
Ing !file• the side, I also scraped off the ]an- fypO, and he got into the coir lilts tie them together?" (?i } chant and you, It makes it Possible to tell in a fete
Ah! a leg at itt torn. So it is red, our tact saitsng ghat, slowly and deliberately, .I or instance?"minutes all you want to know about the services or ugly
July I.lth, light'. It reminds me of fin lnmp ironic he had a cigar fn rte mouth, "I'm going to asps you soun0thing, articles you need, .,.,
at tone. I think about light in gun- not lighted; he tallied like it, any- Was there or was there not,Some-
day, as a cover fol my ,thoughts. oral. What do I know about, light, bete." thing drawn on the top of the en- A quick glance through THE 13I{jJSS7+,j,s FAST cit.
Iror this, I take ft, is the great vir- anyhow? That. it is a wave, it vi. Once f l tine car the man was tuci- gine box of the boat :from wliicle <. •;±.::,
you to sift the things that interest ,yon, and in a min. 6 i�
tae of solitaire, gnat it insures I. bration, and that only within a ear- turn. Halliday spoke once or twice, Carroway disappeared?" ut0 011
rain fixer range can it be g y , y can know ,just where and when to o for what you ss3tfafs
gainst frivolous intetruction, while g' pnrceivc'ct and of oil a sort of grunt fit re- How do you know that," he shot u
at the vumo time leaving the mind B,y my hmnaue sensorium. that, below ply, anti finally he began to be im• tit she. And like a fool T said, think- trout, i}
the infra -red, and above the, ultra. ens He had, he says, the feeling in to � lti
free to wander where it will, Y• Y , g g protect Peter Geiss: "That ;
MY worries fire dropping violot, are waves our human cyc -can- that t:he :fellows whole body wits doesn't matter, does it? U'S the Figure, out how mach valtiitble titre advertisingsaves
s PPitig from Y
not perceive. Then, all around us taut, and that his silence was cover' fact I'm after,,, you if you neo it ro eel Thittk bete iuu
are things to which our human sen. Ing stone sort of stealthy {notion, or I' A 5 ch needless walk.
Suppose there wee'. What
Sea do not react, How far dare I soniot}hing'," he adds, rathe • vague}y, would that prove?" < ' itl.�n, flit* talking ita9ave5 you anCl. ytSitl' 11e1 ,'hb01'8.1 <• �'
extend that?. From invisible things "And ;pf course he linen his gum, "
And suppose l can skew you an- t•
nees as Well as I other, and choline mark on my eat,
to invisible beings is nol; so for, I Lying across his k
Letterheads dare say, could make
out." made there by Halliday's assailant Yes, Advertising' has a Big
What is reality and wluti, is not? Thoy had gone about a mile by before he struck at hint?" t� C �dA6A—�QAnr� �r"�im qty
Envelopes Only what we can sae, hoar; touch that time, and then Halliday began It was that that Greenough smiled Rea�� i �::;t`
or taste? But that is absurd, to Small a queer odor, horribly, damnably. >.:.; ;rel•:'t.;; -
$illheads Thought is a reality; pelrhaps the "I3e utas not trying to anrnosthetizq "It's there:, is it?" lie said, and
onlyreality. rite," lie is certain, ".Re'd had ft looked a at Hayward,
Y ,t
y ri <
But can thought exist independent in his pocket, and sonothfng had "It is there." v i Okla
And all kinds of Business of the body? ,'Che spfritistc believe goer wrong the tont came out, per- He i
ie, , I got up, the remains of than
Stationery printed at The it can, And
Post Publishing House. undoubtedly the nnf. haps. Anyhow, all at nnac ft struck smile Stili plastered oh his face, unci.
vr+rse is full of unheard sounds; all mu that Other Was a queer thing: for confronted ma.' at
We will do a job that will the. noises in the world (to" echoing one of Starrr's fleputfes to be carry "That's curious," he said. "T cx•.
do credit to your business. �d
around our uniiearing cars for eon- ing, and I felt T was in for trouble:' amine* that car In the ditch, before
book over tunes, and then cones the radio and Ire took his left handTHE
your stock of quietly from they moved it, i1'Tr. Porter. And I've a Y� •,
Offee Stationery and If it begins to Iifeli them up far us. Ute stooring wheel and began to fain- been over it here. with the doctor
requires it lemshin . fi 6$:
q aP g call BRUSSE15 PO
But the rad' ble
to tcgntfre& a peculiar, m the loft hiuul ive}tat of the sn1c:C. If theses anything tltoz'
us by telephone 31,. Y e of
sort of receiving fns{;rum^.lit, .and so code, where he heel put his revolver, the sort you describe, it's been put
c with the sight,, and sourtils beyond And although Ila is confident he made there &tn&e ,yesterday aiternOvn." �y
The Past Publishing Nouse oat• nortnall leen. �aune tray Iry such no sound, the fellow moot have had And then I SAW whvc•a T stood, r
D a
all insl;rumvnt. SO far n!! I know, ears bice a Bat, ;for just. then T•In111- r They lieliaved tltatt, finding Halliday t;''i: , �`:`p, C , • MIR
may be Peter Goias, 0110 It in Ids clay saw him rapsv the gun, acid as assaulted during