HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-8, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
L.,DNU-SDAY, SEPT. 8, 1920, eacher of constit
On Parliament Hill Try AtlUnal 'gain, Canada's best X
pply, if you all pleaso' another
press Cxallery av( at(, of duti, a,) all duti, -----Prices from $375-00 UP -
is i11,; R, I)eilcliman, The , -rage. r,
92 6
oOtjg ont.ring Cd�laall in 11
abl,, r . til'o ihorkils SUIT ALL
------------------- '13,3(". Suppofe TERMS TO
Ut in tile tariff vil"Ill to 15,
a S stut,idity, but tjlt� objectiol, made it C wall
C Id
NEIGHEN ON AUTOMOBII,E$all average rut"
I)o not waste time solving J)UZ71es but get in
hold against this actiall "'Ill if they mule it -d and reliable
0' difft-ront basis. The Tory il"Out then be 913t.,; what t,)uch with the old establish(
Ily Opts".%, Ell Throughout his Eastern camilill.- lite proposal to (10 just that
—and the .4arav thing will happen benclion; nro notoriously ullsern'Jul-' firm and get (till viilue for your money,
Arth,IP NO P;DAIS ill the presentation Of Polittleal ,could Mr. molghell sav? wvll, if in the West—Mr. Mviellva Will Ills tax wal thing
There ulas n1v1r tla 'I "1,1FATERWAYS argument, Lowell-ag the ill i know ally , about Mr,
t1lal Gul I M* or vast ancro'nee that the 1,11-rult, did not iko an infuriat-
tion to prove to, i flow nutty canada I.- in it reduce the duty on autonlobiies but ave them just precisely the OPPOY- he would vilvife"Ilt" I Mason & Risch
j_.j..m of onvigak,tO Av t,rways. i -m- s .]all U'lge' pholle I Stratford
a - - t"nity tile)' a' in tI roar Ilk 97 Ontario St.
marching lotwavll, ilt" ";is I tax"cl 01- "'t)"ll Light, It cliablo"l thera (III anima] or in simpler I ruin Of Strt,
the last five y'ni'. Ilan", ltratm.I To tile very heart of tile coil• that thoy added to the to vonflige the issue I., public a it bull about tht 71
ing, This 1% cOn1PIQx- the count?,
Dave tt,rij river, of Tiw TI�o prestmi,�Irn,nt c to it, not bocau. it ,,, eve,, at tile, bar;- sug-
. Is .14,111.1 <1,iazli transportation fell, its "NY" If they tilIdn't reduce tftliff why Mind, I Obj` t yet, when preciselsY that is
articles and tlx It:, t,umatl bad economics, but becituso it gostIon, n1enal t,tory witn an mer,tuled did 4,000 Oshawa people tray wit.' lbllv%, co"PIKI with
! ;. I I' 7p. In i!ir) over iT2 or a tottil political strategy, �Iivgbn, done with autonic Where
ficlurit to i..ull" 9 to ottawt, to protest against the TV- was bad pol saIns tax, in lune while during the argument is absurd and false.
flow 1"I,wh III'! V* Of I tous its against 16.810,081; 111 following Pre- it r,�dllcti011 Of 5`4 ill tilt" history
"allITIVIO tit I Keith Theatre IlenivItt, etc. are , I Bi "No 1"Idell't1911 b"' y all it is lot ollc it is the other. But tbu
ductioll? I -at in K Mr. Mnigheli say same month American product'
V111" :i 1.21 Mt. vi'(3V that. policy. They now tell V. whatever. All
,,hng C,,In,,qvatjv, pai,,i Illn I It Ottawa and 11,,torvill to t c- public knows one thilig—the price
recent Illi"00" I vf,nai for instar- ,vur iu Iny life have I see" u., that the tariff was not reduced. beell made, 'Ion Vy it a This, of course, was Pr
Tina W I", w1kil, N aladorous shall",," "ll Off' That fact My- Mel-
Ilt- It, tion, Further. Grits are in. of cars is down.
A' I- Let us examine that still think is the �.baml? Let of Liberal and Pro-
swn. ;, W .. dieted by s n Election Day has
Lract"I Ill I buibeb- still a more terise crowd—one more via Twice Nothing is Nothing now do You ghee will find 0
pay oft Wtibilit", to .A)Itle it 1s reu"Ouable to anticipate that ently in earnest. They were' can- leave out the malodorous part Of gressive speakers, While tllc budget, stuck and stuck solidly in the minds
years of fit,. rvl,ort's will Include some new vinced that the bottom hall dropped If it was not reduced then a Wil. us
with tiny IrL;or rr,101,11% it. was under discussion of the people.
.-ci; -, -ell.ids as WI -11. greAt axlerl's at ven. Yet tb"e PeOPIL' trid Goverruilent Can Perform pro- Taxes on Clothes The fact i's the whole Mo'ghe
and by land and sea, mvind and out of Rea and nil
roll, g, and came down, according to Mr. Mel cicely the same operation again - N
n --barjol'. A rnrtY 1% Ill Now let us turn to tile other e
its that acs r. sum btlieter,ug 1 for, j V a
bad ,Ire!,ouli DI (Itir national lovward again without lowering the tariff. of the ar -ben qaN
-nis important of life hen, because the Liberals failed to E ri wi to a 'It gument. Mr. Melg y
I -hen will admit that- Hek,ldvis it is poor Duilrelge. for the' ataren in cealln erchani reduce the tariff Oil a'atoinobil.-s. Mr. Meig taxes oil Clothing
Alert) -J.' rVell The govern ill ittgnifeiently absurd: All jqg at raised the
r,,gardli:%-�- Of POI .bt; the tariff now stands they on bore refers Selection of Dairy Cattle Breeds
people rual it.. showed a marked aett;:rwero How IT, 66 213 j4 Mr. Meigh
awitiow-Urlow licl"r- 20t,; on cars under $1,200 ill value. —no . t to the gene"al
Worse And Worse flu enced by Shomn
once again, let us turn to she P"lo" in 1427i another 15%, as was done by to the sales tax a is careful to
of the forward march, If V -1Z M-WDAS TOUCH Then take the next Story. Cut it year, ard it tax on elotlling--41 I explained the
IMMIGRAT13N -I ... da has the :Inas touch In her They tell us that there has been the Robb Budget this Obscure that fact.
- I will stand at 5%. And 5 % sales tax ]other day why certain tay.es bad to
THE gold deposits. which are yielding more in increase in the import of auto
wealth. she is producing mobiles, due to the reducti-)n Of the I and then we would have a tariff of ad, The reason was that
INFLOW inci more of Would b
ale,e Of the precious metal Irian ever, Ctioll wbich in the 5 5e and a sales tax of 10%. t -to"'
0 incl
Even the ottawa journal iron., off duty—the redu the budget had to be balanced --the
Fe'tit its m6uhrious WiLlItags aver !,v:th in as against $31,' next breath they tell us has nev(!r , Mr. Meighen continue to say that TOyjL, left behind a deficit Of Over
I condItum- under Liberal ruse ill 192�. jr, %Ifu it was onl-, the tariff had been reduced Lven The Drayton budget
ail e. 00,()00.
-thut a st�mulating sign Is taken place, It is to laugh say so. If 110 Y 1 19,, 21 imsed the sales tax Liberals I.v mynig Oil. New let us try to get this inati"Y then, He "lust tills
feat Irr.,nl,natjon is tatting on larger all was made by Mr. Rabb The Liberals
duction 0
1 �timvs as a surprise that On straight. The tariff on auxomobiles samo redue- imported goods to 4 rl, .
pear tnan for rrunY 1 makes th
Vt year and he 'tendod
,111, this �e v.*Tilun rml,• fifteen years, it'
.,o a 6 qo but 0%
1. Z1�
as two later raised to to
ryas oil so Iong
years Fast. Tills ranvtnont, tir- 1, , 35%. The Liberals YL tion next year, th
Its prod�ucvd •$!XIO (RX"(4) worth
q, (applicable to '11, Cars on- nothing there the
y and V;talmng to the wric exemptions. They then lowered
Increased Glc,. and the word to,,_Ics from this to 20 Lie). Later on they times nothing equals f rther extFnAPI-I the
Unt_�rlo gold field at Itirfr- der $12,00 in value). must be no reduction. That LA Is
�g h,laii aM,D1.'JiiShCd sound
nortnern it to and u
ut tel u13 If
)II Canadian I moving
b -its of land in the westerl, rl'ovince" Imerases in the extensum at tfv�
.. removed the sales tax I a arithmetic. -Billy" Moom told an 5
and trit. reglItIrIng 01 more name. automobiles and left it oil tl even if "Ifti-10 a -
lacing such a. kiollingi-" made �6
flint, Otis �vfnwrt-d since that in audience the other day that
vtoad. lie the air is full air Ell tit ported. 111 cOn"ti11l1tii111na111I nP1,011119 Ithc t1lac, �j,,B. not 66 213f:, , but
the Sjuhrtnit of tile wor. worrian ---- V they made I taught Arthor 'Ale'41JW
removing the sales tax :ty, Intl he only 25%. Agaiti, we have the nf--w
tj_.,b, In he R-41 Laice, Old
Inlit. and the factS i ONF �
The Vultom is still quos- history !it the Univers that W11 �` 111
That's file Wq.',' Millet areas mistake. True, it was purely Moore) must have been a Poor meighenistic mathematics, But �,N�
warrant it, with itn iminin British Colwylbia Is 1, all and the rO- ( -.1
lowering taxation ;ttident, is not all.
of 65 per ct,nt. durin- the flr-1 tion of
crease . tvAdy prc,fatel,r, voth pruspecu,, of I, fundilluental teacher or Arthur a Poo a
Five months of the old fi0d of the duction of taxation Is Aft, Melghen never considei
at all eternal for lie seemed to know little Of it
compared %,,jtjj •Z*.114 It. the cot. r.j,_t:ir)ds, Tilt- arsertioll of Liberal faith—it is drop in the tariff as a lowering of
(62. -hen's mathematical
ding it'r,"a "t errinient in
11w Improved _c now, Mr.
reap n that we only tieginning to flune duty of Liberal Policy to reduce tax- ms to have, beer, as Much taxation. The Liberal gov
extravagance tonebor see
A country is not •--alloy"ng 111 w dtI,.1l1IiOn: 01 Mill we as •increased by Tory 1922 lowered the tariff upon cIO-111-
dregs of depression' that continues to ""nele"s 11' t
rme,, inflow of n,N%,, have hir:1 Me surla". in ing 2`,42�.,. and, later on reduced i viatinz, -a th: 01WZlii, it"I'll"s
attract a high a prelini.; ,sting way, w"1. still further by adding to the reduc- 4 Joel, lyp,m Ayrshirit
comers as regulated tl-y -'Met luno, tit I, tions Itildor the British preference,
gration rules. Canada is '.%Tany a, iflan AvIl" Is Illi'let�Idell its provid(.9 dotraid"
sial a r_-,ag-"u` ft A L to the breed of flarry cattle that rit' Ilous, blanuctinier beil,.Lz
if, utile, int"is- ;'DT a e at when goods were landed at a Call
net to dweller. will t,,clec� hit& I' Ial clean. %",I" tit., tilt ht, til lal-
adian part. Mrlifflilil$ Proyll!gtbe Tha
At The effect of these re- been influcrived in 31 ifil" IIIIII'lling jllUjit:v� un.1
sinn Ill,
E STOCK WE LT -11. � WE; great_; than the 711.11fing lilt; deel, hair3h 1.1 ;ilii
LIV Is fair to "_ 01'.o'll; tip pwe,,.�vnty And m, v,I nn niter tions Was far 9 particular brood that lie has malt".t 0C, ,%jnAve but
I'lank, need It'll
It hiSIOV-4 Of the EMInfe" small increase In the sales, tax ATJ- seen In public. 0 it must be lied I'll
live a. th of a co,miry faille 41:r n-metsilic. The ."Pan revenue tax, If You The Individual 111—der Secure a antrV anhil-11 th".r is to be
by the inct, w,%� :1 .1 if , --D are the price of cloth great deal .If - ex .Bout,! and here a9nIn there is :1 story of "nil of I Of $650(lujill I, �, 2" p,- plied as a pure revL advortlsing as thelre lijbited It the hair
",:1,:; 100 )it t: ""ut"', doubt this camp -lilt of exhibiting •it fall's, at, in of- clipped 111,oin the f,litil't, wai- almut
continuous K revord. a -0 thit -g- ec.jjs pr(.yj,)D.. til, the lilt,- of
rowth to to price Ihofol iering good ankinaig tit 13IIIJ11�1 �tlll
,nty MI Is not Plily as Ille r-, inc ,,o and throe
F,starratted value of t- In end evon in til -nos of peacc the juur a: today wit], th Chance ill , I. This will get 0A
0? al, iiiture. "p -t _I, if I., Roberts march to Kanclallar 'I'lleTv. is It give.. jwopl,, .1 1,: that a man I., the `110A` ""ll'jilir ane atiow a new,
bond. at aor�ies. vattle, 0:11 "1) "0" se"11" ` 1 1 1' "' Its infancy: It nets i 1.1,-y was one of peril find discomfort. Liberals cattle 'Onto power' t linow the Wild 01' e4to'be way for fit- of ('lie (I'll
has risen to &fI inim,nse, total of 111"Illstly party six years a -go, oil the 31st littly hot and -lie doubt prices are lower. In fact ano pay a t (.,yen growth to d-I'loll whiell,xvill
I4j.a!jcI in -_,j4 aiet-tivi-red and The flaW were extrol 'hat the woollen tore businees. 9r(-fttIV ]ml,r,We tilt, appearaliec and
obert., (-,OP1 -t-- as t increase the set tog' $704,2S7,00II, as Uii'.'Illat 1�L' he Tories tell us t value of the
L V- to it, as is L.", August 1880, Lord R water w it is essential that stieclal care and
1924, with Only his famous march from Kabul to the night., bitterly cold, inclustry-has liclen ruined by theca re - far attention )a given dalry animals f,
horse is not y,.t an carve and difficult to obtain, violent too, is false, but its In advance of tile time that they are 0-nimal.
F A lInInt Dftoli ovC.11.1".01toll In tll,�
Kandahar, which was Possibly the storms and
sand and (lust were or sued. r�xhlbillllg - ..I' a Inh,
h, fre- ductions. That,
.11, - increase I, v atittlial f -,r
Canada, with t!lrle i lialter. Cop- in his Ion' 0 can wait for an- to Ile ,xiijbited preparation -If
most brilliant exploit g and -' 0 complete refutation their ,
dairying mirltry. �ltff '-is Vit, •',vkltd from e""r- q so-called road was or selling aull'itals 11111IIIely in ;show I,r -Ile Is ilint. I truloillu to
lions; the ituctit, and the ,tillij[ J,,perht. An It]) -
annual preliuction of Is rl.r wr eventful career, and which is get'- track through the other day, every day clothes is poor advertising it -ad and 'dlsj+�y. It,
simply a tough On Luxuries I )tit; them at I (11,advantago
onil trollied aillillai ,nnnnt with orally regarded as one of the firlcRt Robertii. left troth- , competition i, Reen, It good. polivir. W a,lvVntft90 If It "I'l-
fairly safe for tine future. mountain passes. of %,lien the
a we Cattle to the fill"' clit"n takes several weeks to VIA a dal"Y 1,ats tile eaIjj-tI (if the tiftuntlant ill
ten million head of ea"I to 11 nee, v 'ry move on the Now
l achievements in the history of tile n1r c a 0 lilt IV. A little time
;I jwvtt� anit Junlr-* d a! on. Arthur Meighen. It animal in good show condition a exhibit it llrlllll�l o handle
sheep make 3 l,'ttle'd 'I'*` British Army. march had been Carefully thought the Rt' H o filing for BI,— O -P- clay ill trailing t
nearly fall, an,[ a lialf ol�,I.Djj it, the sailie veal, and nickel fit] orn-
In till. connection 878 the Amir ant beforehand and was as Carefully was like this:. The, lowering- of the what applies t -Pont efiell I
piles as well to fitting for sale. prollorly will gave effort a
n", of I n i i� In the autumn of I all him toint tiAtit the daI17 at!- liarras�iuellt at (lie show or iotlo and
ensure th,� 111"Illnunnc� to tariff, which according to It Is impol a
bacon jntln.-11,� Vw nlcjj,_j e.n1po.,itions are spend. of Af received a Russian executed, and he startad (lilt frOn' ed at all, and the trial to be exhillited or sold be 11, incroase the flllafl(lql the
the glianistari Y flesh while in the sIIONV 01' sale Yinglo
1 of hope and f.tithusiasin. was never lower covering, of
Our sales of live enii,,- at,- in- In,', "n"I"r's on "`pnrl�larl, Including envoy at Kabill and d1jeussed it Xabul fill] as tax fexorg this good flesh, A good ' Dart in Charge of nil aninial sit Old
creasing year fly v,aj ow.1; rhat :I;,. 1!,v,.i,,jtment of the 1�rood mine in him the terms of a proposed treaty HP, covered the 31,1 miles ill 22 (lays removal of the sal adds, to size, increases sinnothnese" T o main tilotight in mind,
n_n tit,. 's,.dwity flit-trict which it Is Bi-, of rich and discriminate against 1110 and' indicates that the animal is have ?'I
the Fritish re':I-I�Ityls countries, I IN �Ilnt of showing the animal
%'.-III I), tit, grL.atat moge, lictween their respective witholut raidjap, and on tie 31 thrifty and in good health. Dairy name'...t-
in part einovtd, wil"', einla"o rds be refused to These tears from Mr. Moig- Oge. Py thin is meant that
-!d. Other exponInons but shortly afterwards August led his men into Kandah poor. Th Animals being fitted need extra, feed. to adA,j I., I . is feet are properly
when it 4tand., -
cabinet, rattling 1,1'11�g I great vi
the jlon,s millionaire and blarilcoting are a tit alert.
Of WOMW in It a uni8sion, which had bit I On the following dav he attaeke.d. In lilnecti, hack straight and heart ;it lie refilling plants peyn)"'t house YOGI, art' aids In putting the hail- and hill -er ert of the In 1524, and "ri like hail oil a green npilttill. 1),
ft';T V`t4 In P"i'" 00,om,. went ahead deqpatclind by tbb British Govern- - orierny and, won a treat victory, with condition By stabling ill summer, Am, nim animal should be as
zinc and atilt, I nimal I- rit"Citectea from tile hot t"Ildn"t or I.Silile, T.TiAll. tile tit --
if aI 'jj. "Ild urpose, to enter which
completely vestorad British ry intriguing. They come the which
I, at; the hide harsh arid graceful Wt Pit
Meat spolts i,,r tli,, �If I nlw�,l o,, %!� I-nont for a Similar P -1 ,In i"j, box F!"ll � phl,ed or the stl0tioneer's,
_la •;,, to Great Bri- Af- good grace from the leader of a Pay t 11011, are
Afghanistan. This led authority throughout Sonthorn ty wfiose- henchmen in thP S(`11,,at ltllt,1.11, ',a pouch' A. roomy beddc-d bammor falls, talle 110 "llalicos.
jr. tj�l, ,I iu,.is ani. non. ]gill, I
'71 jj c, lain declaring war against the Anlir, glianistan, killed the Old Age t clean and well
DAIrZy!11!I1_1� 1.11 i'l el.1 Illowell an In (-.o� through
Ill tl�t, Iall� ev in nad "en and Roberts was placed in command For his Splendid Ben,' - lot us see. The auto tarlfi' had
t, 11"Inintt � 'Ield Value wtia close of the field force which invaded thO the Campaign RobeTts r(,(,Civpd the 1311t ., a - 1111111.
th, 11 In'. iflt!,r U-1, � inade •country. a of both Houses of Parliament remain d unchanged since 1906
of the Qmlnt!Y; "n fill mark. Ash,s;to,• thank first established thO
baronetcy When it To-
-,I jetivli� -n lasted for non"lY j and was rewarded auto
RI, tor winvir.z. it, ,wap with tilt rvnev�, The campaign rded with , may
been a luxury,
ni,.,. -I new Amir and the command of the Madras -I utility.
q�jlh ;I dairy pro*wtilat in lit'I'l a! onJI in -lizit iwid. irt:niai gar ill, same, two years and ended with
age 'ay It is ordinary fare single
6l'y plolues an,: undo" Amry. When raised to flIn POCY, other sin.
•a• -It being Placed on the thronc The tariff .11 every
Tho t:11"I'S Of British protection. Sir Donalif Stew- twillyn years later he chose the. title farm utility had been lowered—lOw-
Bi - -I which Why
t command of the army of Baron Roberts of Kandalit. r, Nv ic �Ycd b'�jIjj,,0tjj P.
ter and alb'd PilldlIc Political parties.
Lh,nt ll�d art then took eat n ill occupation himself regarded his bile up as a BlIc"ill Reading
which was to' remain showed that he b
In',lit than Canada I "diA f,
amour, outstanding
mt, rk march as theold-objecttilifaY abnormal taxation? Ro
I b
non,.,s until the auti.n. had settled down,
(mm dominion ond ,i;e Important menton
its itivergrutin and Roberts was about to return to event in his military -caroor. Tb many lines the coin -
It, and that
in the pualll,� bliv,, as yet scilrec"r been In the news as 0 famous 'petit The
tally l'il 'It din, when arrived at Roberts w no of the _ ti an is frim, Great Birtain.
which helps It' to" .Kabul that a British brigade, which soldiers in the history Of the BritishBritish applies a.id.so the
husbandmiln a not not nm-. the It nlpirc. find no comman(low liag ever Almost our entire
It and ll�- an tariff
0 "Varrs' had been defeated tit Malw,
art, Inaral trusted automobiles comes from
TRANSPORTJ�7`10?4; 1: a Army raiBell by a son of the deposed been Intire holovod an,l tru9te by States and hence the gall-
,VKH"' S TE"21 INDUSTRY I Amir, was besieged at Kandahar still his troop who gave hint the affect- ti;,"", import
i t., PROSPErUTY a It,. I yen, is anticipated for -is purchasing public is daily becoming
The pulse Of in dangel' of being annihilated. lorinto llickliamt, of "Bobs". When Lrna notthePreference, real- The
be po -eel Econ the army after 54 us take a few iten The reason
speaks anadvin steel Indust n 192 Roberts to 111'"Ch tit d brilliant set- way of Comparison giving the I readers of advertisements.
the realth of a iarvi. )(�or n. c Industry I - prepar greater rea They
tlo-nl% ..11`11.1 till, eapita intaillatian of which Is a once
besieged Barri- years of strenuous an i, "a
t to tits -es
where there is fictivit7i '(I Tall%t Ill' oft ti:,: iii3ginde. he ]relief 00f gt, 18,90 he viao lie gavp tip his well-onviled I A British
Preference rates in each for this is that they profit by so doing.
of products and goods Met son, and on the 9
, ill Au-gjji TurednaBS' ti 17%0/0, Knit goods,
L Corresponding activity "I "I" Tie pioauction for tit(., first quarter started from Kabul with 10,000 to IntriflCh tb(I 909PPI Of Pro nd old case: Boots, on (unbleached), find the goods they want described in the right
ducti"L and tilts IIIITIPV 0',13 h,,N%ld , monthly increase In at of and if tilt, warnings of the, grit 20 Grey Cott
pro "Is ` tile 10LI1 blast WrIVIC'es In Optimtion. troops and a transport. forco it handed by tj - WhitO Cotton fabric, 15%"o manner, It is news to the purchaser,
does not prevail "ll" it"- , votpYan had been 'a BYi 12 12 % t
,j. wi,it j-,4iliz. the size or Im- 8,000 men and 11,000 animals. Th wide -
depression" bl�blit ilttllnli'� 'ad to I{arldahar, 3.13 utiles away, ti8h,nation many of the disasters in Flannels, 20%; Harnev, 17
t,nee (It this mdu4try or that over To I That being the case, it behooves the
story do our rtilly'rtYs I""- -" P"' I f the most djolcult the early days of the late Great War Rubber boots, 15%; Wateprroof merchant to study'
,example? a filouz:,mil eoneerils ere engaged in led through some a . on averted. el' ling, 20%e, awake and straight -dealing
'j" in ill,! mannlacti%v 1 1r -1d, would have be at]
only that r1l. ire of iron and mountainous country in tilt., woi. Works carefully, so It that when
Not The Preference his advertising matter ca III
have shown a st,,vitV incretiFf2 -r'. ov. I jind thl.lr IMI(Illet' III which $0301- product,% where the
month for the Vast.I eit,ilt, tst,il,,4i I,, and tilt, combined Those are ll Great the customer comes in to buy, he or she will find
that of Itself Is If mat eirnille,n, iIol:wt,wi or which Was $308'. goods call be imported file,
1 7 -1 at slightly that the goods are as represented,
sign, but th# trnme refullis al- n(;.,n/,, I , ;crap -Book 'Britain or Come it ghtly higher
equally satisfactory, Tile VI'Dild"M Oil WE pr"., �j The Car Owner s
�'ALTH ' rates from France or Italy, The Those who do not read advertisements are
National reports it gain in net Part, , T:i ai.D.Ai on? T11w (By the Left Rand Monkey Wrench) ujanufacturers of automobiles meats 'in 21111, P't e""t- l!jj!t American competition—Lbe Make it a part of your reading to go
togs of no less fill 11 111 repolts ill st-71vily I only Ai Compiltiti
,,nag the first at,, months It is It 11 1 L Cc- losers, By
I.., I lowe of the merchants,
re,,ords in its new field DI NEVER ROCK WITH LOW TiREs Tates of- tht Prefer,�nca scarce- over the advertisements
the highest grass A HELPFUL SUGGESTIOD' Why Should we r
istdry, and with still I-Pond,riv Rocking the car frog side to side ly touching him
11 1. m t .4i'miticarIt that "Wile to pass another is a doing you will know where to find the best
n attempting n 0 P f locating a single ]rim but as the spoiled darling s I(
should he prielt . � Melit WAY 0
I "":, car going In the same direction' body or iceassis noise, but whan car, boartgain
Cale that I,_ ill learn whether the goods
tuatail with the "Al-riago of tile. will , el' 's Ully C,,"ll'ta'y I'as :tit of an extreme amount of tariff P_LO- Also You w
crop. A;lo oitnio:atloll ;1r.". start turning out (to the 10fl) at are equipped with balloon tires the taction. Why should) we Pefllivllzc� esented.
Thinit of the net eftrlllnjp, ,, Oil rlgl*bts In ia, ir loast 75, feet to the Year. If the car all, pressure should be inelteased dur. ;a user of an automobile wit), I are as repr
11M. talaW. Ti"..Now! "'N is driven too close the view (It tile I ing tilt) test. Unless thiS is dolla tariff higher than aln Merchants are studying the needs of their
this system for Juno. W21', 01 $1.9 lost any other
rOtIog j,.fj,,jj of [iris i,�Itdt- at -NI cont'
againstas on opt, I I"I ty all lilt, tts road ahead is obstructed and there is much of the racking tration will be article of common use in the whole
$4a2,176 in Illne of 1$05- a TSovinev. Itn't ml r;-'- danger of turning directly in front absorbed by the Aoft tires, wberca'-, Of our tar"ff sched'ales' Meanwhile,, customers. Buy from the man Who advertises
The C. r. R tells Island- of another car coining in the OPPOB- the intent is to bring into play tht, what has happened to the industry? and you will not go astray,
gmiler Story, white its stock cont!"When passing a CRT
Pv-siflorit Alberta 1-11DIt., �,itkl till fm� ,I rte directiom spring action. The tariff has been lowered, sharply
UPS to hold a 111911 value- "DI., Iolw In has Plunged
Iseatty has Just ordered several 001-alnor Vull'y, wit:' it . do not cut batik into the road Or X broken or loose :tappet' will not lowered. The industry
boats - passenger slid freight - Of "'.cess of drilling and !!I,. , avtof;I --1 Blow down too soon- only make a land tap, but will cause, forward, Lowered taTiffs I lower
t sib,otio(iti, Thai from Royslite No, 4, it i I increase \0011sumlltloll,
,,.I a lack of power and uneven pulling. 1
factories unable to Supply
Inoks as it there in prospective busi tile promising .... I. .... .. . .. A REAR -V ud Th post Ads he 'Week
cost (it around abou -s and
waillw1q, ISION MIRROR It is even mistaken sometimes far a Canadian fact
11,.gs for them, Seth of the big the deposits north Of V,Ii a a realf-,ekjoll mi -r-• a -r tAC ry
th, a
spending MEMY who shall RRY the InA It is wiBa, to use loose piston or heaving, man, ai�o Increasing thein st y
tory ,,,toins are nia: 'lliestal
when torning, r!.xiunijjo the. fan belt h'f1()1d0ntlV, to The wail of WOO ;las
millions itmioe in equipment and ex- Igaid or the last will] Ivpt, d? APful I Its place is the MeYYY
! ror. It is be
to moot, the ever growing) 1 changing line Of trRMC, StOPP'ngl bveakhlg, If It id died out; il
I getting out of car on left. side Or Be if it is loose or 1 in at industry, Production in
tracilc demand. any other movement which will zit- gtretehed, in
9 new ozie, saving )II ada'reached the highest point in
f tho worn one to carry as sin 01tval Can
fact motor vehicles in the
. .. ... .. .......... ....... . .. . . ..... ......
.0 1 P*,