HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-8, Page 2"ItYF.DNESDAY, SEPT. 9, rHE BRUSSELS POST Mr. Hay is part owner of lite Per. r �(tr the province, Noth feet Knit Mills, Listowel, with Will. Found Climie as his partner, His many oth- �� � et business interests embrace dlrec- torships in the following companies: Wanting Xrnft-Mo1aren Cheese Company, t� _ Ie. Wellington Hay, I,i=towel, for- Montreal; Standard Milling C'nntpany Goldie 8r SAIDEE ESTELLE BALCOM i, re- of Canada, Toronto; Jam"a trier Ontario Libinul L' -:alar' Milling Company, Guelph; Galt Mill- turning to political life in d s^et r"-- Ing Company, Galt, and S. J. Cherry ponsv to the unanimous and in, -is- & Sons, Ltd„ Preston, I She sat gazing Into the fireplace tent appeal of a rousing cnnveittion Mr. Ha entered public life many that lie should do so. Y 1 with a faraway look in her deep, Clark eyes, thinking, th, dreaming, going over at :1Tilverton :ars ago as a councillor In LlstoNPl, Karl he not felt 'that it i, parttcul- latrr trecoming mayor of that town. bit by bit the eptsudes of the most eventful evening of her life, She had arly important for busine s men to While mayor he was lar.ely raespoll- not yet laid aside bar exquisite satin Kid in the return of the Liberal Gov- Bible for the installation of the mod- garb, nor tine superb Jewels that had rrnmertt as beine' wholly and entirely ern 'works system there. Tholtgh de- made her the envy of every girl friend. n the bi tit interests of the eouzztry," lasted in his first attempt for the All around hot was elegance, the to - tis doubtful tvhethc+ he world lav,+ Ontario legislature, he was monber ; kens bE wealth and luxury, yet she was not blip y, an anted to run. And, b- -au- ttr,, sought this ni ui Lib• n, for North Fent$ for at blast Two tat- + That evening had seen her soared elearly er Provincial Parliament, Hu was nIs of the riding are 1 •avin no stone' Liberal whip under Hartley Dewart, debut, and it had been a grana suc. cess. \Vinnie Trevor had never looked ;anturned to elect him. Mr. Slay' li.C., and upon the liatt.n , resigns- _ , so beautiful, She reckoned hollow iter -oval popularity and parli•nmen_ tifn as leader was chosen as liou-ze adulation at its true worth, however, axperirrrrce, combined with Lib• ,leader of the petty and l:itrt eon- •,. . and now that the glare, the excltcment 1 ie:. rµ1 pilaf ales and Liberal poli, firmed by convention as Liberal lead- the su erilei 'and unrest h f tied: P al n cal ad a are counted to retie an the ritlirr; un 1 or in Ontario. Three year, ago, W. ' she was her ono self once more. It had been a transition from the a; ,n place it ,n the Liberal column. N.Oshawa,liras C. :�. Sinclair, Ii.C., by modest home of a strict Puritanical It is 'g.mraih+ conemded. even named his successor as leader. supporter, of David ]T. W"fight, 11ar• , Wh!de it member of the legislature aunt to (lie glitter and animation of the great city. Sho had become an Hay'• Conservative opponent, that ,tad leader of the Liberal parl'y, lir. 1 heiress In a day to a fortune of over r lei tib la. v cons • will have a Hat r . Wit le - e 1 • for the can zt lit I•Ia • fought 5 3 n s one hundred thousand dollars in 11 - q •.. C i l m bows m .he rural pais- of the z volopment of the hydro-eloctr!c sys- • •v , tri oat t felt 1 i e proportion of he A a p r ire. 1 a t ui( funds. Only on person i r 1 I I Q Y e t n he old h , n oma outside of her sant site regret. I tie of f e ar on n c' and of th t m an p , T road rote is Sriatford—aboutono Ilouse conimttee to int tignte hy- ' tell to any extent—Gilbert Rose. An friend ro.,s—is also ex acted to �wui�' in P dro, rather than Hon. L, C. Drury's old girl tvlro had married ! well and had become a' social queen Mr. Hay's raver, because of th- ben- I proposal for an outside comnnission. had undertaken to launch her among fic, lit p.masitins of the Robb Tod- He contended with all ills strolrath ; people who were "somebody." Mrs. at the time the Mother; Allowance Lucia Davenport had done more than S I <' 1 art was introduced that all mothers i filet—site had picked out for �iluule syr � r, '• one child, instead of only math- an eligible purti—Peau] Despard, coca - a ;with ers with two or more chil"lren, as the slonally litterateur earl always a gen- tleman of leisure, a 1 act provided, should be allowed to A strange double event had that day I participate in the benefits of the act. i signalized. Two letters had come, ono a; A Lover of Flowers from Gilbert Rose back In the homo I ` • lir. Hay confesses to four hobbies. village, breathing undying fidelity anti For one thing lie has necorne riuite ( asking if she still remembered him. well known through Ontario and be- The missive deserved it reply,, for pruc- s cond and that i, his ever- present I ticaily he placed his heart at her feet ala - ' boutonniere. He is a great lover of and asked that she accept it, There was eloquence about the sec - r flowers, and for his buttoniro,(e favors and letter—from Paul Despard, It red carnation, roses or pansies. comprised a riot of words and phrases ' z He has a wonderful little Hower gar- that exploited his erudition as,a trick. " In den at his Listowel home. 1.7ven if star with tongue and pen, He had it is to only go fishing, which Is an- sent her a beautiful bouquet. It rest- ( biller of his hobbies, he put: a dan- ed on her table now striking and brit- ' s dclion in the lapel of his coat. ` Bent, but with the hot -house taint. .s other two hobbies are ch Beside it lay a small lunch of modestHis field violets, pressed almost dry now - l�f�"x g 5a r a ers and golf, though he does not It had come In the letter from Gilbert boast much about his prowess in cilli- Rose, and somehow it brought a long - f or. Ing to the heart of Winnie for the Reflecting, his Bobbins Mr. flay is purple fields, the beauties of dell and i •a member of the following social dale. when she retired an hour later, F. WELLINGTON HAY. and sporting clubs: Listowel Club, the little wisp of violets lay union the m ,,et, particularly the cut in Incoe l Listowel Golf and Country Club, pillow beside her and her bid serenity of mend returned, as she closed Iter tax, and because also of the splendid ; Stratford Golf Club, Giaelplt Golf + eyes and dreamed of the days that.had administration of the Canadian No -Club, National Club, Toronto, Ontar- I known none of the merciless exactions tional Railway system under the Lib -1 ao Club, Toronto; Roval Canadian of shallow society. «ral Government during the past five I yacht Club, Toronto; Ayton FiFhing Almost was she minded the nest Further', the Cnnservative Club, Ayton, Gencia Fa.hing Clult, morning to change all ler plans and N "blue ruin" cry of a year ago that I Afarkdale., and the Filsin;;cr Fishing forego the social ambitions which Lu- a ained not a little last October s ` Club, Hanover, Then t a Davenport irmd maneuveriInculcatedng that artful and maneuvering m,ntch• entirely silenced this ,:lection be- ( lfr. Hav, with, Mrs. Hay, has tray maker drew her into the vortex of a cause all the Stratford factorie, are Pled erten:.A.vely on the cotrtinent of round of nmusemeuts. Strenuously running full time with big additions Europe and in England, Scotland the social queen ndvocnted the cause being made to some of the larger and Ireland. He has crossed the oc- of Paul Despard. The latter pressed plants. And, finally, prominent and can on three occasions while on tra- his suit vigorously, There came an. influential men are openly assoeint- vel tours and has gone as far cast other letter from Gilbert, for -Winnie had laid aside his first, unsettled in ing themselves with Mr. Hay's cam- as Jerusalem. tier mind ns to a deduite decision. pal. -n, and in all ranks of the party , Meetings are now being arranged It was by chance, it was by good for - there is the utmost harmony and through the riding, at which Mr. Hay tune that Willmle happened across an sp,r!t of optimism. and prominent Ll,berals, including old friend of her dead mother. She Native of Listowel j Senator J. P. Rankin, M.D., Dr, P. saw a good dot] of tills sincere, true - Francis Wellington Hay was burn IF. Quinlan, Stratford, prr.idant of minded womnn, enough to remli'a that in Listowel and he has lived there all 'the North Perth Liberal A . (n'!ntion; + itne new world •,lie had invaded bad liis life. He was the eldest son of Tom Brown, ex -mayor of Stratford; ifti pttfalls, Its deceits its divappoint- I alerts. And then it resolution came the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. flay, ;Dr. D. Smith, Stratford; Duncan 1 into the mind of Winnie, She did not He was educated in the Listowel pleb- !Ferguson, Stratford, and otht rs, will ' consult Lucia as to tills. On urgent Ile and high schools. Aa a young di.•:russ the issues of the election. special Invitation Paul Despard slid man hr- became associated with his f Tho cmrpai.a'n which Mr. Hav has business. Prier' fought issues (411hert Pose found themselves face ! to face at the home of the young father in the milling declared will be on the o this his father had bean in part.. and devoid of all personalities and heiress, each wondering wiry the other nership with his brother, John C. 'scandal whispering will rebel a P ` was there, earl both under the [uipres- Sion flint they had been summoned to Hay, in the milling business and gas grand climax at a Liberal rally fitT hear the decision of Hiss Trevor as to works of Listowel. When Mr. Hay's North Perth and adjoinilrz ridings their proposals. Winnie welcowed brother, James Nelson Hay, died in ` on Wednesday, Septemb-r A. +•']ten them in it room where sat a clerical. -1914, he continued the milling busi- Rt. Hon. Wm. Lyon Mackenzie King, lookirw old man whom she Introduced ness which had grown to embrace Liberal leader, will he the, guest us the Reverend Joel Benton. also a large number of elevator, for speaker• "I wished you to know," sold Winnie the storing of Ontario grain for rl-two to her t wondering guests,"tltaCIttuve Salo to millers and exporter;t. 11r, j Husband (to lietenilag•in I (itis day turned over to file charity cir- 1 cle of which Doctor Benton is the con - Hay, as president and manager of � wife) : "What's the niatt.rr, servator toy entire fortune, feeling that Hay Bros„ Ltd., is to -day one of the dear? Is it had new,; or Strav- this wouk] be in accord with views of largest grain dealers in thl.s part of i insky`?+ lily uncle.w•ho left ale Ills estate. I hove retatned nuflring for myself. I in going back )ionic, If ciiber or both of you gentlemen wish to come to bid me good-bye tomorrow, I shell be glad ai to receive ynn." Paul Despo'd, reaching the street, Cam re i" bade his rival a crisp adieu and de. elied flint the young heiress that was hurt gone out of Iris Ilfc. TIO glanced TTE+ R CREAM at his watch and ealculated how soon TTER BUTTER llt3anSBETTER lie would reach the home. of a former fluinn and renew his laggard allegiance. PRICES Winnie Trevor awaited on expected coil the next afternoon, She had read of the speedy engagement of Pani Des. wo are nitcv prepared 1- (41'"0" vnnr• (h•esun honestiv, pard to 1[iss Agnes Wfu•d in the motm- gather it twine a week and delivpi nt, btu• Or'eemovy each dKy Ing paper, anti knew that he tend ,riled. we lift it, We gatber with covered truck to keepsun offit. it the test. Her color rose as Gilbert We pity a P)ernititu nF 1 rent mer lb: hntlpr-tat For Spee- diose was announced, His Paco was ials aver that of No. I grade, ;and 3 cents per 10, butter -fat for grove, but true and open as ever, No, I grade nver chat of No. I,;ratio, "You spoke of going home, Winuie," its sal(i. "Let me" take you back to The basic rinri pl. (if Ilie im movement !n the (ualit r n1 P i I 1 y Aunt Marcy. And it will mean so 0iitarin 1' littevistho elitiliriatfbil c,f Hoe(nd al d Off I„rr3 (1i mnett for all your old friendst 'With :nitani. This ntsty he urnt+laird( h, d by paying the producer cwt r,t hebter rioe ler rmaud of banter-fnt than N Qd11C d n it you there, the birds will seem to slag \'3'r'fti to the rCrdltCP.1• of P'7M' ItI'enm. l'�e 8nlirrit yard' p,ttl'nn• t0 rine as or Old, I:lte Rowers he bright. age slid eo-peratirin for better market, er anti life once more radiant and bopo- Pili." fist We will loan you it, call, "Do yba mean all you say, Gilbert,' See tour Agent, T. C. Mc:CALL, she Coked. I or Phone 2g rot Rruwsels, Could be untrue to you—oven to myself?" "Then In answer to your totter-'-- `�' f rth re cry and words failed hot•, but both ber hands rested in his own, and Culbert i •m °" hose knew that bar, brief social careor Kim would StlOb i5 C01ne n faded 0904r Kci "45 , I Bobby: "Do you Ilk,, music, Ted?" Ted (just returned from his first piano lesson), "There's noticing to it! I wish I had nev- er learned to play." a ,- ,• a During a recent, ooau race on the Thames, the contestants were encouraged by men with rattles on the banks. We hear that one enthusiastic supporter i 0t out his two-seater and shook ok it vigorously.—Humorist. Mrs. O'Malley: "3fe sister Mere and There Vancouver—All passenger records for outgoing 'ships to the Orient from the Pacific Coast up to the middle of August were ,shattered when Canadian Pacific liner Em- press of Russia sailed for Yoko- hama, August 10, with a passen- ger list of all classes of 517 in ad- dition to many members of the di- plomatic and government services returning after vacations. Diwan Bahadur Sir T. Vijayara- havachar a arrived recently g Y r y from London on Canadian Pacific liner Montoalm at Montreal, an route to Toronto where he will open the Na- tional Exhibition at Toronto. The Ifnight with the lengthy name gets over the difficulty for Canadian lips by stating that it is quite proper to address him as "The Diwan," He may tour other Canadian cities on leaving Toronto,' Banff Springs—"The last time I visited Banff was over 30 years ago and the trip this year has been a most wonderful revelation," said Brigadier -General H. S, Birkett, of Montreal, who stayed at the Banff Springs Hotel on his return from a trip to Alaska. This coincides with the opinion of Morley Roberts, fa- mous English novelist, who after a forty year absence from tyhe West, tools part in the last Trail Riders expedition early in August. Calgary—This city had an excit- ing moment recently when the Most Honorable the Marquis of Salisbury, leader of the British Conservative party in the House of Lords was made an Indian Chief of the Sar- cees and given the name of "Eagle Plume." The ceremony was con- ducted with all solemnity, His Lord- ship kneeling on a blanket to re- ceive the honor and being at the same time presented with a hand- some beaded buckskin vest and gloves. Beating the train to the crossing is always a risk in favor of the train but when a motorist halts his car and waits until an engine is al- most alongside him before he tries to get over, then the risk becomes an absolute cartainty—against the motorist. This was the case recent. ly in Toronto where a car was sig- nalled to stop by the watchman at a crossing, obeyed the signal, and then decided he would still try and get over, Fortunately there were no injuries and the only sufferer was the automobile, Pictures of Gertrude Ederle's swimming of the English Channel were sent aboard Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Scotland at the last minute at Southampton and then passed to a waterplane near Anticosti and by it delivered to air- planes at Rimouski, thus beating other pictures speeding to New York on ocean liners by a full twenty-four hours. This is regarded as one of the cleverest and speediest methods of reaching this continent from Great Britain that has ever been successfully accomplished, MembeXs of the Empire Perhfa- mentary Association, numbering twenty-one delegates from the Par- liaments of the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State arrived In Can- ada recently on board Canadian Pa- cific liner Empress of Scotland. They travelled across the Dominion from Quebec to Vancouver, stopping en route at Mantreal, Ottawa, To- ronto,` Winmlpeg and Vancouver. They aniled by S,S. Aorangi from Vancouver, August 25 for Sydney, Australia, where they will attend the A.ssbclation Conference to be kold to Septem) er and (lctobei. writes that every glass jar In that box we sent was broken, Are viz sure yez printed 1TbW side up with care' on it?" Pat: 1`01 am, An' thinkin' they wouldn't see it on the top 01 printed it oat the bottom as Well."—Mutual Magazine. "Have you noticed that mod- ern artists sign their pic:;uros at the bottom?" "Yes, so people can tell the top from the bottom." 11K 4. "Yesterday we ••had beef," said the husband. "It seems as a matter of economy,, we should have boiled the bone for soup to -day." "No bone came," sai3 the new bride, "but I could have boiled the can.' g..•. "tA fine baby boy!" was the announcement. "Great!" exclaimed the, fath- er. "Mow in it few years I can see a circus again." r. -•..•. . 0 In order to got a crowd about him a street 'vender drew from his pocket a dollar bill and call. ahat W am T ed for bids, offer - oil ed for this dollar?" he shouted. Bids came slowly from a few skeptical listeners who gathered. Finally a boy bid 40 cents, "Going! Going! Sold to this boy for 40 cents," said the von, der. Before he handed it to the and destroy their confidence, while not want for money if you have in the Bank of England issues them your pocket -book one of those plain only in onp form, which has been looking squares of wbite paper upon maintained virtually without change ever since 1004 when that bai ki which the premise i.ue of the. Governor Baric of Bag - will Company of lite commenced business. Go where you p Y g will in any part of the civilized or land' to pay the bearer the rain of half -civilized globe, and you notch five pounds is engraved." boy he asked for the 40 cents. �I "Just take it out of Lite dol- You Produce Nam lar, and give me the change," � I replied the lad. - A WIiOLESALE ADMISSION and want the best results tinder the new Grading System, ship your Cream to THE PALM CREAMERY, Our Creamery A leading paper in the United will be operated 24- hours a day in the hot weather, and States, in commenting upon bank your Cream will be in our Creamery and Graded 15 minutes notes says: "The Bank of England after arrival in Palmerston. Thus assuring the farmer who note is by all odds the most widely- produces good Cream the best possible Grade and Price, known diaper currency in the world. { We loan our Patrons cans and pay cash for each can of Uncle Sam's credit is growing bet- Cream received, You can ship on any train any day and be ter every year in the money markets assured of prompt delivery and pay. Send us a trial can of the globe, and his gold notes aro to -day, readily accepted all ,over Ehrope at L a fair valuation. But out. worthy Tete Palm Creamery Co. - Palmerston, ant, Uncle issues ,several kinds of notes, which tends to confuse foreigners Liner and. Hanes lin 3000 -mile- Dash to Effect "Scoop" ! 1. The Champion +et tin,= grossed nip before en eerhia the Englfah Chaanet, 2. Lowering the photograplia to the waiting sea -plane. 3. Ltaatulllun aea plane which now to Riniouaki, 4. The Canadian Pacific liner "Pmpreas of Scotland", Gertrude Eder•le's recent victory of Scotland was being raised at placed on board two waiting land over the Bngllsh Channel, wrote Southampton, a messenger dashed planes. Those two planes hopped off an epic into tine already brilliant up to the ship and placed a bundle for New York and were hopeful of aquotic records of America. And of prints in tine care of'a passenger, teaching New York for the Saturday while this youthful swimmer, who Even the Commander of the ship was edition of the News, but heavy fogs broke all existing records in her ignorant of their value until a radio descended and killednll hopes. One Channel swim, was being lionised in message flashed in giving the in- of the planes was forced donvn at St. T'urope for lier victory, a sequel to structions for the disposal of the );lot and success was up to the other this event was taking place, In •Prints. A seaplane would pick them plane. After flying in the fog almost America which will go down on the up near Anticosti Island. True to to Montreal, it turned south and romantic pages of journalism as doe the arrangements the seaplane was landed at Plattsburg and met an - of the biggest "scoops" in newspaper sighted a few'miles from the island other plane at the parade grounds enterprise. near English Bay, and Commander there. Here the other thane took the Latta gave Instructions to all officer pictures and began the last leg of Using a. tour -plane relay in co- to wrap the photographs in a water~ the perilous flight to Now York. operation with the C:anadlian Pacific proof float and lower thorn over the Tlying at 1.12 miles an hour through steamer the Impress of Scotland, aide of the ship The seaplane air} three eleetric storms acrd one of the representatives of the New York oled -the ship and alighted. In a few .heaviest fogs over encountered by News, landed the actual photographs miputos the package was picked up the flyers the plane landed at the of the great Vhaimal swim in their but the sea had become so choppy West Side Park, 7ersay City, A little offices in New York fully twenty- that it took the plane several hours over throb hours after the final dash rein• hours before othor prints could to tat(1 to the leo of the island be. was, bogun the pictilres worn dol!v- fore it could. rieo. Finally inking to aped at the offs ea of the News in poselbiy arrive, tllght It flew stra,16t'to Rimottski New York 24 hours ahead of picture the, prints were divided and on routo •vin Now York.Aa that ganfsttlank of, ilio Empresa whore t =Z a r f I " 1 w