HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-9-8, Page 1J A i,
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VOL, 55 NO, 12 $2,00 perramaaaaaa-inaadvance LRUSSELS, ONTARIO. 117BBINES11AY, 5'Ll'2'ls<111>kli8, 1926 L. Ia;ERR, Proprielor
I New AdvertisementsI
nd Mr• . How.: and on, of +
Mr, "))(I
} I
, yp. x.'n(+es of life a W.11 a, firs,
t thr„ugh the bills, wMeh have ever
,11ornington Twp., •punt Sunday with
� ? i
l,F(•asant. The bitter r qp, r '.;n, of
; lu n -tow-"live of Hilt Al.tjecty, The,.
Fertllmor-Ruxsel Vnrria
I 1l Henry.lis•(;
��% �a"
area Irrc ater factor In r,,fulin^
) vullt y xui It":I. service, where we put
Now ]iuney-u. A. Pendm
tinrt•lIt (+N^lirllNrr]+ Uidt, a 0hurell
\i r. llatt"ll, of. Alih•e,•' 1:) and '.141 if,
l I
t.hr: -ould. Moses could hav„ turned
int lwuvtit ,• the vision !f the hillit,p.
Poultry nntrd r.Mteb a~. zerl(lar
!lines, Ail]), rt:+n, vr.it'•1 with )V4,
were burned.
track wh,•n the• people murmured :t
: garde'll hl ilw' tti Illi nrl the nyder
Aoetion sal.-Nushit lioniilton
Hoon) Privitrka--H. H. Agi.l+uarnty
1 ,",;,I i Dilworth o,. nund:cy.
17. DesJardint,
? y �e r� p
School t
hint and quit the job but he w rt and
as )),suit ro t to bei htR not dr(•umt
4 Mod beauty of (, d. By His grout• sea,
Notientot'reditora-Stimun] Askin
L, ,Incl ?till•,. arcom•
befur.c-. 'titer the
i YNn .ti � Tilnll}ills ��lrvicr. Th}ef
y iinl-
aollnnl Iralr-Itlprvale Sekool
Ann ull.elr tit- xmtr nroa•
pauiPd Gto. and Mrs. Hall io
tion, on the 1'rttor'a yvay to Flint.
Will be held
of rxp-li.+ae.•s it
March the rhihh•,ro of lar2.1 ar.Pte to
I. presses us %vflh the need of Christian
V,rta Car Alnn leas-N,Huron C'onaorvntiveN
Warlt for.l W Kink- Lq. Huron Pragrrx N i
Poultry pricer a 1']loinxon
111 and M 'V l:rd1mv had It bu?-
ii., - 11+1 to 1 ''.' ❑ u •• l'r a' , I.
$rrtp9� '7
A,lim. Thr' pnotl throng of lfi't far
:,urp""s tht. bitter•. •1•hr;
rpllowshi r tcna hu"morl .
F y
ICxpalr rnnar e ttAko.k
PILI for tlecnk
I'ul I•tre Firr of und,.w)minc•d
ppg�,�R•; RRt
t U�Eflj(� d r
enjoy are. litany and we sllould thank
1,16 H
pigs for Nail Iiebart LaoklaF
Har pin ost-Phonx Y'd1I
ForNsla R.Iilliott
-Ol ig'In started tri th(i )•Gill' Or Tn4epI1
P --arson's genor•al star,. at Ethel :i-
(( 9
( �.._,_.�,.._...
Gad fur them.
United Church
When cooking, Mrs, Will, (food, n f -
Listowel, broke
wood for sate -w. o•sunaett
Farm for sate-Mrx. Al. Harris
bout 1.30 Tuesday morning, and
caused approximately $10,000 data-
f Six Schools Will Exhibit
Rally Day is to be the last Sunday
an P which she
Lbotlght was a, double yoked one. Bnt
Lector -John W. Kbtir
age to the building and ;tock. In-
Stuart McNair unci Hector Knight
are attending High School in Listo%v-
In September. Watch out for forth-
she discovered another perfectly farm -
F p
Letter -H. J. A. A1noLwau
Letttl-S. Curter
partially coves loss, The
er announcements sad keep the dny
oil egg, shell and all t IRtde
slid week -end with his mother, Mrs, S, : Galt and Kitchener,
Rasmussen; i Alrg. EvsMaeCuleman and litcle son
blaze was discover d by Mr. Pear-
Parade Singing Sports
Public Speaking
fn rnFtid•
the Wednesday evening proper
sting vel is rn Coup a radio broad-
).seting station. the serial wires
Miss Sybil Icing, Toronto, was a ' left for Windsor, Wednesday, where
recent visitor at the ]Kone of Alex. they will join the former's mother,
Miss Kathleen Armstrongleft on
and a bucket bit act': was hast-
fly formed. After th a hour-' work
his lute residence, nn Wedneadap,
Septewber 1st, and was largrly at.
meeting, this week, IDI). Barker fe
o the street,
i have Cern strung
Monday rot, the Mt. Elgin Institute,
is the teach-
the fire was extinguished, but the
Supper will be 55rVCd B5 llSll51
commencing a series of studies oil the
Book of Psalms.
, who
oftheCarlyle worHork W who did a little.
of the work last Winter, is opening
at Muncey, where she on
in staff.
structure, which was built three
The pallbearers -were : I7arry ttud
After a month's holidays, Rev. A.
I up u studio fn the Kibler block, He
Mra. Gillespie and three children
years ago, had nearly all thn win-
downs broken and much of the Inter-'
Admission lac and lac
W. Barker has ietuttied to his work,
conductin bulli services last 8ab-
}ass been granted a license by the gov4
- ---
and Mrs. Jae. Stewart have returned
to Toronto after spending two months
for woodwork charred. It is owned
by Thomas Vodclen, in
In the Evening Fordwieh
er:ment fol• this war., and the eat
batb. Subject in the morning was will be 10 B. R.
"'the Balanced Life," My
fn the village. ,
The of Postmaster Waller
who resides
the second stony. Mr. Pearson's
Young People will pre-
voice shalt
thou hear Fn the morning, U Lord;
��''tf g'� �
�e Y�i.�triei +`'
had a narrow escape from fire, iaeG
I stock of goads suffered mainly from
smoke and water and some of the
sent the
cc re
in the morning will I direct my pray- Minor Locals.
er unto Thee, and will look up,"
b ,S;
Friday morning, as the result of Elam-
goods that were stored in ane rear
j� ®`J'1'(,`%��'r�
(Psalm a`, 3) Most of lie are always I School has re -opened.
- m«»»«ww«w«o»'+ '+ w«w««w «««w«+«• ; �.;1
as from a coal oil stove The
alatm was sounded still the fire quiets.
were burned.
Admission asc .nd 20c.
looking down. Aa fiawers etnit their Next Tuesday -Election Day.
Still it can rain any old time.
WROXETER Charles Spraal and family are
ly got under control before tiny see-
breaking a hip. Her daughters had
her taken to the hospital and other
Dr. J. M, F;cld, 1. P. S.
sweetest fragrance fu the morning, so
let us direct out' hearts to the source London Fair opens next week.
speudrng a week frt Detroit.
folie dntnage was dopa.
a. n, Patterson,
of all strength and beauty, at the Council met Tuesday eveninn.
John Aiuuro is holidaying in Clave- I
y g ATiss Hazel Vau Velsor, Oshawa, is
The following was taken from the
Elmer Kuig])t, of Crunbrook, left
o;strlct nop.os•
ver be nmia of the da Indeed,, The school of experience is open
y g g p
land. halide In at. hal• home here.
Toronto Daily Star :
on Saturday, for the West.
this element of prayer is the first 1 24 hours each day.
Jno. Davidson has returned from I Mrs. D. McTavish, Brussels, called
StrocYis.-The tveddin took place on
2a-th, home
Aliases Margaret and Marjory Smith
g Peat essential in the balanced life, ' Advertise your lost or foetid
Stratford, on friends fn the village, Wednesday.
n and and
Ashton and and Mrs. Morrison left Jno, Rae and eon, of Eady, lire
Wednesday, August at the
of Robert ahti Mrs. Stocks, of Wrox_
of R
have returned after apending A week
)]nine. He will lap much missed in tile.
The next is a new sense of Christ ; in articles a the to
Him alone, we find the solution of all A week from today it will be all
for St. lost week,
Leonard and Mrs. Batton, Bluevale, I guests of the•former's father, D. M.
of their second ciao titer, Glad s
g y
Irene, to Norman Sheppard Brandon,
with frierda at WbIteehurch,
Emylene Steiss, PLleanor Knight,
community, having been trustee of
S S, No. 5 rot, a number of ears, be-
our toblews. We must also cult•• over but the shouting.
lusts the spirit of sacrifice :the giv-j It seems useless to put danger
a Rut Sunday with friends here. ,
p Mrs. O. P, ndwards� and Alias E. P,
son of Mrs. Brandon and lbs late
Stuart McNair unci Hector Knight
are attending High School in Listo%v-
ing Sec =Treas. of that Board at the
I fn of otir lives in service, just as the' signals for a fool driver.
g g
Hans Rasmusssen. spent Hazelwood were recent visitors it,
She and Brandon, of Toronto. The
time of his strath, n Liberal in politics
1'tlRe is sacrificed in the making of i It will soon be Fair tame -Fart
slid week -end with his mother, Mrs, S, : Galt and Kitchener,
Rasmussen; i Alrg. EvsMaeCuleman and litcle son
ceremony was performed by Rev, Dr.
A PhilipBruce of Broadway Taber.
Adan) and Mrs. Neely, (net- Miss
Olive Turner), have frivol
and a member of Sunshine United
Church, The funeral was held from
erfutne. Then, We must ossese ,
p P Huron Fall Fair, Sept, 30 -Get. 1s•.
world brotherhood fu Christ, and this'' Soon the leaves begin to\fall
Miss Sybil Icing, Toronto, was a ' left for Windsor, Wednesday, where
recent visitor at the ]Kone of Alex. they will join the former's mother,
nulls, Toronto, nude of the bride as-
listed by Rev. L. A. Armstrong, B.
returned a
t.wo weeks honeymoon m Louisville,
his lute residence, nn Wedneadap,
Septewber 1st, and was largrly at.
will r
is the only rernecl for the disturbed±
v y rrmindiatg us that the sunuuer day's
I We)'Id of to -day, The evening theme I
Higgins. ' Mrs, E. Hart.
Harvey Robinson, of the Bank of
i Among recent visitors to Toronto
D„ of NVroxeter. The wedding lrlarch.
rue la ed by Ctrs. lyIr.Alflltw, sister
1' y
S. Johnston, ]8th Con.. tine been
judging Rhpep at Fairs. as n govern.
tended.. Rev. Jae. Scobie, the de-
eeased's pastor, conducted the serviee,
the gone.
I vis "Voice, of the Creator." Itl I
I Many housewives would feel re -
Kfng, 20 : 28, IsraPIN enemies taunt- lieved if the season's fruits and her
l g ,
and Rtaif, is enjoying a two
were : Jack and Alurdfe Ldgar, J. N.
of itis groom. The bride was given
Fier. judge. HR was at Tillsonbarg
The pallbearers -were : I7arry ttud
i in 1 declare thus Jehovah is the God
g y ries observed the first law of nature•
weeks' vacation, Allan, Allan Munro. J. R, and Alrs,
Mrs. 1Sfng and Mi's, 1Vngg, HazPlwood, Airs.
by her Father, stall looked charming
Ili white georgette over white satin,
1+'air, lost week.
Martin Graxhy, nephews James,
I Robert and Eruest Michie slid Lorne
of the hills, but not the Gad of the
y, i -self prseserraiion.
valleys. Even to -tiny, w0 are in
r si Wer:dt, Miss Kate
Roulln Island, are guests of Llieu lis-
ter, Mrs, Tai. Stocks. U, F. Ed%vtlicls and slaughter.» g •
and embroidered veil, olid carried u
shower bnqupt of Ophelia roses. She
Mrs. P. 0. Duncan, Estevan, Sank.,
nTld AIIRAOR .Te,sie and Evelyn lInm-
Nichol, htrothers-w-laws, who were
I Man at Airs. Grasby's full-
y . 9p
danger of tnttking ICP R'•mp mistake There'q one thing S. ..G will not go
down in history As the Sear without
W. E. Van Velsor and still daukh. 1 The Wroxeter Women's Institute
was attended b her sister, Miss Ruth
Ilton, of Wfunipeg, visited at the
eral lees than two years ago. These
that Gad it, Master of the grand and
into ic.i,ig things in life, but He has a summer, in spite of predictions of
cera, Misses Hazel and Rona, were te- me.t on Thursday afternoon, at the
Stoaka, who ware uluuve georgette
Como of J. M. nod Mrs, Kni bt 12th
coil g '
who attended the funeral fi a
noto dti with the petty cares of l certain of the weather-wise.
cent visitors in Stratford. ])time of Mrs. Musgrove. There was
over eatln, told carried a bognet of
Miss Alar uerite Cook is visitin g
dist Alice were : Will. and Alta. Michie,
nue daily routine, God spenks' Kingston Standard refutes the
Al. and Airs. McIntyre and Airs, a good utteticlatiee nt the members and
, SweetJleurt roses. The groom was
friends in fornnto, Dundas nna
Acton ; c. A. and Mrs. Michie, Hesp-)
char. P that modern girls are ,lust
through the desert, that is, in the sol- 4
Beviilgton and daughter tYlatnl'P(l n18n $tle a lllirrlbex` nF visitors. Tire,
supported b Archie Edgar, of Wrox-
pp y g
Gael h, Slit rnotm•ed down with
i lel' ; Gen, and Mrs. Martin, George -1
itndes of life. We must riot be so : educated dolls, He brings to his aid
, which was in
frau) Oleveland and lire visiting rel- topfIll
atives in the village. Glasgow•",vas taken by Mrs. James
eter. During the signing of the reg-
later, Ii, c. DP ew, Toronto, sae
p g
Mrs, t Carter in her new Wil-
Jag. Ale -y
y to present s crit a the claim that They "don't thfor
carried awn b the. p'squeal
na to forget the" Papa and Mama" when they're
social citile
Misses Elsio and Marlon Gibson, Stuart, of Toronto, and wits artic-
who have been spending file Summer ularly interesting na ft was her own
"All Jay r. 'Thine." After the re-
ception, Mr, and Mrs. Brandon lett on
RPmelnher anniversar services ak
of ]ovriAirs,
Gee, formerly of Morrie, who, fat 13
e, form formerly
y ears has lived fn Wingliam and is
inlln i
Ince of file iodiviaunl. Gnd speaks squeezed,
I p - ---- ----
vuetstion with their parents, Than, experience while living there. The
a short motor trip, the bride wearing
Union United Church, ori Sunday,
Selz. 19th. Rev. Eric. Ander"n, of
now eighty-six. met with a had etc-
and AIrs. Gibson, returned to Will- roll call was responded to by a pfctare
it navyblue are a tie chene dress with
Monkton, will. have charge of the ser•
Ment. Mrs, Hillyard and her little
Jos. Biggs, daughter and son, of Vir•
nipeg, on Tlittredny lust. of a Otrudinn beauty cent,
silver trimming and list t.o match,
On their retort, they will reside 11
Iaarristnn, Uut-nf•townguestswere:
vires, at 11 a, til. and 7 i da
All the Protestant Sunday Schools
girl, who live fn Sanduaky, Ohio,
came to viALher mother only on Moir
day evening, 'T'upadny afternntin•
I a�t` ori Pers®i�t?� ar d cy��di� t is
Airs. 1V2tgg and Ail .King, bion}caul-
n k'o and A.[orrs Twps. are urged
I'o Rend representatives to a Sunday
theyleft the grandmother alone
fit Island ; Airs. Brandon, Toronto
School convention, fu the United
while they went to Mrs, E11iotus,
---- - -- -- -- - F
Gen, and Airs, McMillan, Toronto
(H. O, and Mrs. DPpRw, Toronto ; U.
Church. Blussela, an Friday, Sept.
The kind-hearted all] lady %vent and
nirehased a dnll for the child and on
Mrs, Parker was in town a few
Orville Whitfield was a recant visit -
L, and Airs. Caultis, Toronto."
10th. Twn sessinus %vitt be held a.
2 and 7 p.m,
leaving the stnte, she slipped and fell.
days last well..
W. A. Lov\l,r and family foal: itt
of rot Toronto.
W. G. Smith was a visual• in Tor -
A s ecial "Older PPo le'R" service
p p
breaking a hip. Her daughters had
her taken to the hospital and other
Toronto Exhibition,
onto Last week.
%vitt be held fn Ethel United Church,
an Solidity next, Sept, 12th, at 7 p: lit.
members of thrfamily were untiHec7'
S. and Mrs. Walker were 'Toronto
Exhibition visitors last weep.
11rs. Hunt r, of Toronto, was a
guest of the Misses Alides,
Hiss Florence Eckmfer spent a few
bit Ili In the Community is urgpct
All's. Hnlltl'T olid Di1Na Carrie bis.
Prov, Palu , Whlt sides, til Code -
days ITT Stratford, loaf week.
Miss Bessie Moses is spending a few
t0 alto I I this Sol -vice. Bring out the
older people to tile service for a
CracIcen returnvd to Toronto on ])Ton
rich, was in town on Saturday last.
r ;.
tl4 •1.
(lays fn Toronto, this week, and will
attend Ilia Exhibition while there.
xsRev. Robert andSlMrs, Pearson and
Friends are sorry to hear that Dios,
Geo. E. Ferguson, of Toronto, has �
Mrs. Fred Buuchill and sons, Scott
S. Carter dealers the Convention
, of Overland dealers in Toronto last
t�1j �
ID1isR Viola MneLear7 hue returned
11larlon trove retlit'ned to Le•1'librldge,
not been ill the best of health. but
and Fred wore Exhibition visitors at
/ f�9Y
,� •
to Alilfnrd Bay to enut.inuP. her work
Alta,, after spending a month here.
hope to hear o£ a change for the
Miss Violet McGuire, of London
Allan and bile. Hersey are spend-
ing• a few days in Toronto, their old
of instructing the youth of that
lien. Mr. Petu•aon, while an varution,
supplied one of the largest United
Friends will be sorry to hear that
fs x visitor with her aunt. Mrs. A.
home for yearn.
Church pulpits fu Trronto,
Alias Bertha Speiran, of Detroit,
Mrs. Robt. Holland is ill at the
home, of her daughter, :dr_ Ito, ill I
Alton Dora Sexton, R. N. and Miss
and Airs. Ballantyne, and Miss
I DorJ. othy were holiday vi- tors at Tor -
4 f
who has been spending Lt men th's hol-
McKillop Tp. She is at ff 1 io r from
I dytile Willis, R. N„ of I2.aehe tar,
, onto incl Oshawa.
gg'ay i
g a?:,,k•
Miss Lyla Aries ig enjoying a two
idays at the home of bar parents,
pernicious anaemia.
are visiting with the tatter's mother,
S, incl hire. Carter and M}s; Myrtle
weeks' vacation in Toronto avid Hum•
Gen. E. and Mrs, Speiran, spent the
week-Rnd ut the home of her cousin,
The marriage of Miss L'ernadette
Ryan, daughter of Thos, and Mrs. I
Mrs. Willis.
Ward Buchanan and Jacic 11fu�
11rr, in Toronto sevnrai darn last
WL -OL taking in the Esc.
Peroy Stephenson has returned to
Airs. Emanuel Stielf, of Monkton. I
Ryan, took place Saturday ,llorn'•nn,
CracIcen of Detroit, were home
Miss I'eari Backer and Miss Jeax
• +,t
\vi ark again after being laid up for a
Holiday visitors at the iloms of (•len,
Aug. 28th, at 7 a.m, in St Pasil's R.:
Labor Day.
,tic. •ser, left last wc(ek for Toronto
fs%v weeks.
R. and Mrs. Speiran have been Airs.
C. church, to Mr. Stanley Raatsdin, 1
H. R. and Mrs. Sullivan are awe'
to attend £u�lnt ss College.
Win. and Mrs, D'Arcy and Earl and
Jos. Biggs, daughter and son, of Vir•
Toronto. The attendants were the
to the folmer's home in 4••ontroal for
firs. W M Sinclair was in Strat-
Mrs. D'Arcy, of Uhf sago, spent the
den, Man. Mrs. W. W, McBaln,
bride's brother and sister. Rov. Fr.:
t.hesr vacation.
ford on Wednesday attending the
week -end at Wm. Love's.
daughter still son. of Edmonton, Al"
Forestall performod the ceremony.
Wm. Speirs and family, of I{itch-
trousseau tea of Miss Jean Frrrusnn.
Russel and Mrs. Love and family, of
tn., also Mrs. A. Harkness, of Veget.
rnpl sprint the weok end v4h the
,Hiss Howe of the "Parsonage" re-
@`; + /
Hamilton, motored home to spend
ville, Alta. Mrs. Biggs and Mrs. Bic-
tornt(1 s sisters in town.
turned Saturday, evening after a six
the weekend with Wm. and Urn,
Baits are sisters of Ml's, Speiran,Mrs.
W. H. Morldinger of Hanover
weeks' visit w:4h htr A3t3r in St.
tS S
ran aft reur
MHurry .Speihas
•:N xp,'lidlilg it fewwl'r1CR with lIl'.r
Mrs. John King and Mrs. Auguat
fano her visit. to hen• aunt, Ali -A. Than.
Vancouver, O, She
Church Notes
parents, N. F. unci Mrs, Gerry.
Archer (Prewar returned to town
j; i�r.
/ w
T9clintfer are spending a couple of
William Cruse, employs d
aft•) his accident. He still walks
. i h friends fn Platteville and
weeks w t
called on rnau Friends Chrnggll I:he
calledo it Y
by the Indian Oil o., Detroit, spent
with a Ihnp, He ]las been a visitor
' .
q` •
S. O. Howlett has been given the
West on list return journey. Her
many friends are glad to have her
].char Day at his home -herr,
C, Mrs. Ottrrbei'n, nF Wood-
at. Thr Toronto Fair.
Sharp, wife and daughter,
vontruat for painting the United
back to take tip her church and social
St. John's Church
stock, spent A few days Nvith the for-
1 (tt) I,clward Smalldon, wife and
Church parsonage and a good job is
g g I
On Sunday, Sept. 10th, Rev. W•
111,11"To sister, fibs, Jo,. Ouerhl.
soil Paul, all of Toledo, Wer(; week
W, 0. and Mrs. Bisbee and Master
__ __ _
B. Hawking, of Blyth, will be the
Mrs. F. A1. W1,Imot and Mastr r
end -i itows with friends in town.
O ,
Carman have returned to our village
the vacation and are welcomed
Miss Myrtle orlon, R, N., of Tor-
Sunday services arc now being
Cilall r,,nuned nn S:rturd.r, '1'7cau
divii vacation in Northern Ontarlo.
1T1.- Robert Aiatt7ae, of Detroit, is
a welcome visitor, with old fti ,nds in
back again, '
onto, and lilies Lillian .'acicson,of
held horning and evening -6th the
All .,. Flo Buchanan, Eva -12e-
town. Sire is A daughter of Mrs. S.
Ah',and Mrs, Townshend motored
Blytll, spent a few days with 11Iiss
Sunday School at 10 aon.
Crackrn and Kato, Anl+lit wore call•
Crawford, and a former Brusselnte.
to Tneontn, last week to atLencT the
Aiaud Bell, 5111 line,
On Sunday, Sept, 12, rev, til.
Townshend, of Bervie, in Bruce Co„
fug on Godr'rtrh friends labor I)ay
Miss MTA"
Lloyd C., and Mrs. Jackson. of Tor
H. L.
Exhibition, They also enjoyed a vie-
it to Niagara Falls•
Elinor Harvey, of Detroit, was a re.
cent visitor witti ills 00-11,1'V, S,
will be the preacher at Sty Johns
Elizabeth Downing and
Afartzarct Dawning -were visitors in
onto, spentt thv week and with
and Airs. Jack;,on. Lloyd is being
A busy session of the Townsbip
ForreaL, 2nd line. He left here to
church, Brussels,, and St. George's
Toronto for a few days,
transfered to London in the near
Colllicil wag held In the hall, ail Mail.
day. Apparently, it was a real labor
take Ili Toronto EXhihition,
William and Mrs, Sellers annonnr.e
Churell, Walton. -
rev. Mr. Shaffter, of Wfngham,
Harry and Mrs. Xlrby anti Miss
1111lizabrth, of Loudon, wrro holiday
Earliest and Mrs. Langford, of
„; 4
s., e
" _
day for our Township fathers.
Rev. Eric Anderson will have
the engagement of their nuly laugh-
Ger, Mabel Lillian, to William Olavk
will preach at the Harve:tti Thanks-
giving services in St. John's church,
vis iters at the house of Jos. and Airs.
London, spent a clay '.it town last
week. Airs. Langford was a former
V +
chame of the anniversary services, at
still of Thomas and Mrs. Clark, all of
on October 10th and this will be. fol-
T lit.
The Misses 12odC. returned to
. when
1 M in her n days, when
the Union' United Church, on Sept.
Mm Pis, the marriage to take lace
g p
lowed by a hot fowl su t per on the
Toronto and Mrs. C. Davidson and
she was Miss ';stltcr Burros, of the
she1ri as Cher
10th, Special music by the (:hof),
fn September.
Miss Gladys Pawson accompanied
Gravel Road, south.
A very successful Thankoffeving
The following refers to a former
Melville Church
them back.
, Auburn correspondent in Clinton
aervfee teas annducted by the pastor,'
popular teacher at S, S. No, 5 : Airs.
Catntah, Clinton,
The services in Melville church on
Mrs, H. L. Humphroy and children!
News-Record:--Rov. W. Fallis Illm-
Tli 1118 United Oi]tlrCh, last Sunday
night, Tt is ra tieat0d that all Thaiik-
a q
%Annie announces
the engagement of list' daughter, Ida
Sunday, Aug. 2Stlt, were conducted
by RCv, J. T. ,Strachan, o'f Owen
of Toronto, serol several lays 1111
town last weal, at the home' of the
tel and Mrs. Hunter, Of w�i'1'allt(ln, Pa.
i I lss Elizabeth Altlnott, :illeitford,
at the re til aueve in next
Sunda$, all' the regain) evening ser-
Post,], to Melville Edmrtll Me0adden.,
son the tote Alexander and Mrs,
Sound, whose text at tl.e worning
folaner's parents, S. and Mrs. 'Vial-
Miss A., Taunter, of Brussoti, welte
I Erre.tt.
McFadden, of Qooltstown, Ont., the
marriage to take anrlp in Sept..
service was T Jahn 5:9, "This is the
victory that ovcrcometh the world I
J. T. and Mrs. Mason, at: Merlin
thr. guests of 0. E. anti Mrs.
I Old friends are glad to learn that '
' Of Autumn
Advance showing
Guar a and Mrs. Dunbar have mov-
g •
even our faith." Chlfsta vviaTled to
n1atOTCd to Brussels on Saiurtiay
; l7. M. Ferguson; o£ Stratford, fs able
Fashions in Exclusive
ed into the house vacated by George
and Airs, Hali. There is a big demand
Following a brief illness, therepas.
eoncluer the world for God. The on-
done is
bringing Mrs. A. McGuire hams from
her visit with her daughtrr, iMi&
to be about after his recent accident
i While at Kitchener, he
for Women, Misses and Children
for village property, but George was
tortunate in being the one to pur•
sed away no Monday, Anguat 80th,
JatnesD. Gvasby, a resident of the
ly way in which this can be
Christ's way through service; through
Rev, G. Jewitt was called home to'
playing golf
;was struck on the head;' near Ole
temple with a ball and wal laid up'
chase this house.
line. Mr., Granby underwetat an
operation for the removal of an aft•
and through faith, The Gospel allows
us three ways in which we may ob.
Sarnia to conduct a wedding at Yyoni
fol, several weeks.
The following teachort, hays return-
cess on his neck. Infections followed ,
lain this faith (1) by bas our
iii, a, former ehoJu lie returns to
Mrs. T. iy, Whitfield, o£ Atwood,
Coats w` ops
suits Dresses
ed to the schools the were in charge
v g
of last tern : Edon AfoLRlinnd, at
ant? the trouble located in cls hcafT,
causing unoonsnitillenegg and finally
t, s
faith on the. Bible. The, Bilatr should
be brought back to the rightful pill(,„
help celebrate thr .Jubilee al•. Bro-wn's
and. a rprpnt resident of Brussels has
i from an enjoyable trip to
Clifford t Ella Hnneuld, at Oot:tam ;
death. The sublset of this notice was
in the home and the church. (2) by
" J. 11. and Mrs, 'Burns and ialnay
the coast and other part%, meluding
Elizabeth Fear Dukes Schnol, and
Rhea McLellan, Con, 8, while W, 0.
born fn Hallett Township, fn the
atherfm, together
g g g her for warship and
a»d Miss Vera Searle, of Detroit,
Vancouvr-r, Calgary, Ndmontou
Come clod see dhern.
Bfebae and Miss Ifraser lines returned
year 1808, being a son of the late Jas,
and ill re Grnel'>y, Ia:e moved to Mot.
fellowship. By being- loyal to our
church. (8) we can keep this faith.
were. visitors Oyer the holiday with
Jahn and Mrs. Long, and Va mnie,
hoose Jaw, R gina, Olcotolos, Da1-
gonia, NPepawn, Winnipeg, I-'orbh
to take char a of the Ethel School.
r}s Township 21 yeara ago and waa
In our hearts by keepingClose to the
Flora street.
Hay and Toronto.
King Bros
Next Sulldav, nb 7 p, m„ tihera will
beaapecird ,Older Peoplo's" cervine.,
in the Ethel United Church. Hv-
mart'fod two years later to Elizabeth
Alichio, who panned away Doe, MIT,
1924, Three children, Willie,' Adah
teaching of Christ. We need tach y ;
a rediscovery of the power of 'esus
E. 0. and Mrs. Walker and D, 0.
and Mr's. Walyer, of Regina, wen
1 Miss Trna i:dmistnn, -.. a.:former
teacher it Ethel nSahool; was a visitor
er an0 ill ILlhe1, Rao"s a11ri TJnfan Oan•
olid Rabble. ors left tvfbhnnt, pnrantal
Christ. The waters of Mambo' Xx-
visftol•a at the, parer tal home here
Taal Werk with M)'s. VVm. Halle. 1kI19s
gregeatious is urged to an.oporate and
hare. Two brothers, Tilos. H.,
odue Chap 15, was Rev. Mr. �SStrAC11-
last we01t. Messrs Walker ale man-
lildmiston took her 13, A. from Dek-
lnake this an enjoyable serviea. A
of Hallett, and Chun., of Blyth, also
an's subject at the evening !service,
agers of the London Life Tor South-
ver University two years -ago and has
special musical program will be ar•'survive,
.Mr. Geasby was an Indust.
The children of Israel were led to
ern Sasicatclilowan and were on their
novo -liar M, A., from Boston uxiu
ranged and a suitable subject will be
riaus and prosperous farmer and had
tho waters of Mat'ah because Cxod
way to an Insurance Convention bo,
versity and goes back to Boston to
taken by the pastor,
acquired a fine property and idasl
ki'iew that they requiried the bitter
ittg held in Muskoka,
continue her studies for a Pili, D.
„ w