HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-7-28, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1922,
Brussols hitod CUrch
Shipping Out Wheat,
li.V0Ve neither is busy shipping out
two Can of wheat.
Mrs, Rus. Wheeler, of anderleh,
ie vidting her parents, Janice and
Mrs. Bowman,
Will Soon Be Here.
With the haying eeason nearly
over, it will :teen be safe for the
city relatives to pay a visit to their
country consine.
Pry Mulhern, of Brantford,
was renewing old acquaintances in
town during the past week, Mr.
Muthorn le organist iciililtin
iiioeeof tali;
churehee in the T,ie
and has also a large clase for piano
Rebort G. MeCraelcon, of Port-
land,. Oregon, is visiting' with Ids
brother, W. J. itleCracken, and els-
toye. Our .former eitazen look,: as
if taeele eium's country al.eraee
with him. Mr. McCracken is re-
turning to Minneapolis to reside
for the present.
Resigns His Office.
It. 11. Farrow, Deputy Minister of
Customs, has resigned his position.
Mr. Farrow, who was prominently
mentioned in the Customs investiga-
tions, will receive a peneton of $4,-
900 annually it is estimated. H6 is
a on of the late Thos. Farrow, ctx-
ALP. for East Huron and a former
Postmaster of Brussels.
North Huron Conyentions.
The Conservative nominating con-
vention for North Huron Will be held
at Wingham on Thursday, July 29,
and the United Farmers will ineet at
Wingham on Friday, the 30th. Tues-
day, Ang,ust 3rd, is announced as the
date of the Liberal convention, also
at Wingham,
Minor' Locals. •
' 41 more days and school will re-
A true sign of summer—fall bats
on display.
Sir Thoming Linton intends to seek
America's yachting dip again in
'Tis a mark of vulture to do your
knewking before entering a friend's
hoose, not after.
Send as the news: If there ie any-
one from a di4ance visiting et your
place drop a note, signing ;roily name,
or telephone it, in to 31, or house no.
Died Suddenly.
William Conner, Of Mount Forest,
diod, with startling suddenness Mon-
day morning. Apparently in hie us -
mil health, he had motored some
friends to the station to catch the 8
a.m. train, and on his return to the
residence of his sister-halaW, Mite.
Anderson, Mam street eolith, well
cwhom he had made his home since
the death of his wife, he laydown
to rest. When Mos. Anderson wont
; to cell him, he was dead. For
nbout 25 years Mr. Connor had trav-
elled for a Hamilton dry e:oods firm.
He was a member of Westminster
United Church and Of the Masonic
end Odd Fellows orders. He is sm.-
rived by one brother, John, of thnt
town. Mr. Connor visited Brussele
on many occasions, and old friends
will regret to hear of his death.
Buys Business.
The St. Marys Journal-Argns lost
week had the following: item in its
Grantor news, whieh refers to a :CM,
Mel' well known Brusselite:--L, A.
Ball, the well-known St. Marys fun-
eral director, who has been attending
to the undertaking branch (if Jos.
Grant's business the past eeven
years, has bought out Mr. Grant and
will continue the funeral and under-
taking •esteblishment here, win our
veteran bueinese man, Greet, as
manager. The premises will be al.
tweed to provide larger accommoda-
tion and a stock of furniture hi line
With what thw. firm carries in its St.
Marysstore will be maintained here.
Customers in this district can count
on the best of service frem this en-
terprising and up-to-date firm.
Funeral Held ht Stratford.
Wednesday's Stratford Beacon-
Herrild:--Gathering to pay their laet
respects 1:o Albert J. Moore, whose
death in New York City on Saturday
last mule with startling euddenteis to
a wide oircle of friends and 11(1111,14111-
tancvs in this city, a large number
thie Wednestly morning attended the
funevel in St. Joseph's Church. The
hodo,, whieh wee brought to the home
of his mother, Mrs. Anna Moo,', 152
Waterloo street, nn Monday after-
noon, arriving in a special car attach-
ed to the C.N.R. train from Teronto
nerompttnied by relatives of the de -
(wawa man, was lnid to rest in Avon-
dale cemetery. Requiem mass won
sung at the church by Rev. J. A.
Mrickeey and Rev. J. A. Sorden eon -
ducted the final servire at the eon:t-
am. W. Fleming, P. ;T. 'Kelly, Dr.
P. F. Quinlan, H. Mold, 0, Goiving
iind W. McDonald .aded as pallbeer-
ers. The }manor& mahogany ,easket,
covered with a lovely blanket of r OS -
Rea 011(1 lily of tine:valley, was benked
by a gorgeous profusion of floret t'i'
butes that came from many outside
Points, including New York, Los An-
gelos, Chicago, Detroit and Toronto,
as well os the city, all teetifying 10
the high regerd in which the late Mr.
Mome was held. Among the lanre
number who attended were the fol-
lowing froni out of town: J. A. Moro
president of the Butterick Publishing
Co, and eon, Joseph A. Moore, he,
New York; Mr. anti. Mrs. J. 13. Kelly
and Mr. anti Mrs. P. Ornigio, Gorier.
Hi; Mr and MI% ,T. Iforrigan, Cora -
gale, Oklahoma; P. 11. &Maw, of
the flume) Pross Co. and We. Salva-
Chteago; Andrew Try, (Mirage;
R, W. Brown, vice president of the
Eagle Tnk Go., Nets York; Mr. end
Mrs. Harry .7. Strickler:, South Or-
ange, NPW Jersey; Mr. and Mrs.
Prank J. Hughes, Toronto; Mit
Marie Wile, Now York; Mist; Anna
Quirk, Detroit; Frank Quirk, Detroit;
lineil L. Kelly, Los Angeles; Charles
I,. Moore, Of the Detroit Melee, De,,
All Out -doors
Invites Your Kodak
When the countryside invites you to pic-nic, it invites
you to take pictures as well. Load with Kodak Film
and bring them in to be Developed and Printed.
Ho seh I
Certo 35c Bots.
Parowax 25c lb. Pkgs.
Junket Tablets 15c
Water Glass Egg Preserver 20c
Waxed Paper 7c and 12c Pkgs.
Fly Tox 50c Bets.
Tanglefoot, 3 double sheets 10c
Sapho Liquid with Blower
kills Moths and Insects
50c Bots.
Gem Jar Rubbers 10c Pl-gs.
J • Mee!
Fac -
Warm weather and its outdoor
interests tests the sticking qual-
ities of face powser. Jonteel
Face Powder with its cold
cream base is so soft and (ding-
ing: that it will adhere no mat-
ter how warm the, (lay or how
strong the breeze.
50e Pkgs.
1 . R. SMITH
[Me 1g4lis",xiaa Store
Dimeeist and Stationer
.............basrommonson*Ismatmerram.m.v. —
t 1:
,t ' • X
v., Local News Items 4.
Dance To -night. Were Repairing Roadbed.
A dance will be held on the Perk . During the past couple of weelta
to -night (Wednesday) under a lent. : the C. N. R. have had a big gang of
1 men repairing the road bed,
Many at &sof orth.
Many of our citizens are et Sere : Many Went to Kinburn.
forth to -day (Wednesday) taking in , Many of Brussels Football fans
the races.
. were at Kinburn on Tuesday even-
ing to see the semi-final match be -
Lost at Lonclesboro. ' tween Kinburn and Hespeler. The
The Girls Soft Ball team Inet to visitors won 2-1.
Clinton at Dentin:hero last Wearies- :
day evening by a score of 11-4. i D. D. 0. M. for North Huron.
1 G. H. Linklater, of Teeswater, is
Council Meets Monday.' the newly appointed District Deputy
The regular mm
onthly eeting of Grand Master for North Huron Dis-
the Town Council will be held in the trict A. F. & A, M.
Council Chamber on Monday evening
next. i Sunday School Picnic.
1 The a-nnual picnic of the Sunday
Will Enter Hospital. Sehool of Brussels United Church
Miss Inn Cunnineliam, attiveiner el : will be held in the Davidson Grove,
D. and Mrs. Cunningham, :Nam St., 1 1 2th Con., Grey. on Thursday after -
enters Wingham Hospital next. 1110111.11 110011 if this week. Conveyances will
to train as a nurse. Miss Cunning,- leave the church at 2 o'clock.
hare's many friends wieh her succees ,
In her new duties. A Garage Peril.
A small 23 -horsepower engine die-
Goderich Horse Races. ehargtes one and a half (Utile feet of
The greatest horse meet in West- carbon monoxide in a minute, or on -
ern Ontario will be held at Goderich ough to contaminate the air of a
next Monday, August 2. 2.21 Gold-' closed garage, 10x20 ft., to the dan-
en Gate Stake Race, Purse $1,000;
ger point in about three minutes.
2.15 Blue Water Stake Race, Puree Carbon moeoxide gas has no color or
$1,000; 2.30 Open Claes Race, Purse . taste and rein be present in deadly
$400. Follow the crowd to Goderich, amount without being perceptible.
Hard on Fords. Brussels Won.
Last Thursday was a hard day, on i Monday evening Brussels won e
Fords. One Ford ear took the ditch vo.f- bnit game from the C. N. R.
near the farm of Chas. Pollard, 2 Li. workmen on Victoria Park, Tho C.
milesouth of Brussels, in the after- aa mem] 5 „u„ the first imii„ga
noon and a team of horses had hard hut mum net keep up the scoring.
work pulling it out of`the black muck, i while the Brussel s team kept plug -
Radius rods, a fender and axle were ging away and ran the score up to
damaged. Thursday night or Friday 13.11. The line up was as follows;
morning a Ford car ran into the ; C.N.R.—Huston, lb; Wood, rf;
Calder bridge on the 12th and was : Steele, p; Smith, If; Slime, 3b; Mc -
badly damaged.
Brussels Team Thrown Out. ressels—Stetvart, p' Willis, e; Spar -
Trip w. F. A. Protest Committee
linte, lb; herr, 2b; Champion, rf;
at Kitchener last Wednesday night, ' „, If; Bowman, 2b; Mcn7air, ef ;
. threw out the Brussels Football teani ,
ames C,ampbell, es.
for playing Dundeeg
in the two ,
with Holstein. President Bamford, 1 The score by innings:
of Listowel, who so dearly loves C.N.R. —1 0 0 113 0-11
Brussels, ieformed the Holstein team 1 Brusse1s-2 4 2 1 5 x-15
that Dundee was playing, but he was
Minor Locals.
(mite "mum" about the three Durham
boys playing with Hol
stein. Mr. Cherries are on the market none
Bamford Is killing the W. F. A., as Saturday is the last day of July.
Rube Horning did the North Welling- Connell meets on Monday evening.
ton Baseball League, There is one August 2 is Civic holiday in a
thing sure, Brussels can get along great many Places -
without the W. F. A. and Listowel. lee The Post have the name of
It's a long lane that hasn't a turn Your visitors.
in it. September 14th is the date set for
tho general election.
Ed, Town Deceased. Colling:wood has a 13th Hydro
A message received y friends in bill to pay and rates go up 50 per
town on IVIonday con mod the Had tent.
news of th.e death of E ToWri, a Our idea of a "perfect friebt" ii
former well known Brussels boy, a fat woman in knickers and a tight
which took place in Winnipeg on blouse.
Sunday. Deceased was the fourth Weetern fermers generally 000.,d
son of the late Themes Town, pro- er crop prespeets better thie year
prietor of the Brussels lime kiln in than for eeveral years post, sore a
by -gone days. He was married about report from Winnipeg.
40 years ago to Miss Josephine Craw- Copper to -day is worth just about
ford, daughter of the late Samuel the game .as it was fifteen years ago,
Crawford and of Aire. Crawford, of but to the youngster of to -day a
Brussels, Mr. Town had been a resi- copper, doesn't seom to be worth half
dent of Winnipeg for about 30 years as much as it did to the young,ster of
and was one of the best known an 1 91 1,
gineers in the service of the C.N.R. From a church notice in a western
Besides his Wife he is euevived by paper; "At the end of the service
two, daughters and .a On, No patrice to -night, the choir will sing a special
ulars .concerning his death 'are to enthere composed by the organist,
hand.e•Interrnerit takes place at Win- after whee.h the church will be closed
riipeg. on Wednesday. • for a month for necessary repairs."
Cartney, 2b; Elliott, cf; Thomas, c;
Wane, ss.
Sunday, Aug. 1 st
n a.m.—Palate Worebip.
"Mountain Fellowship"
Sacrament of the Lord's
a pan.—Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes-
'( p.m.—Public Worship.
"The Strands of Heaven's
Thursday afternoon of this week
The mimed ,,,eiee ef the Sunday
DilVidSOn%Gve. CarWin 11.-av,,
the church at 2 p.
REV. GEO. JEwirr. of Sarnia, will
supply the pulpit for de fee- ronai:,iteg
Sundays of Aug. The :sinker will re-
turn for Sunday, Sept. 50t.
TAKE One of Grower's Ice Cream
Bricks or 'Bon Bons home.
16 PIGS Ready to Wean. Phone
8115. Geo, W. Addy.
DOG STRAYED.—Tan in color,
brass• -studded (eater with padlock
and North Bay dog tag. Is a large
deg. Any information will he
gladly received. George Remsay,
Phone 37-12.
PURSE LOST.. ---A Brown Pebbled
pocket purse, containing a sum of
money, between 7th and 8th Cons.
of Morris, on the gravel road.
Finder kindly leave at The Poet.
Reward- offered. 6-T
A GOOD 40 -ft Windmill Tower for
sale. J. M. Knight, Phone 1-10.
SMALL White Pigs 5 or 6 Weeks
old for sale. S. Osborn, Lot 14,
Con. 12, Grey.
50 YOUNG Pigs For Sale in About
a week. N11 Lot 19, Con. 2,
Grey. R. J. McLennan, Phone
LOST. -Gold Wahl Fountain Pen at
Cranhrook Reunion. Finder please
phone 404, Mussels,
THE United Farmers of North Hur-
on will hold a nominating conven-
tion in Town Hall, Winghant, on
Friday afteroon, July 30th, at 1.30
p.m. for the purpose of nominat-
ing a candidate to contest the rid-
ing in the coming federal eleetion.
Miss Agnes McPhail, M.P., and Mr.
R. H. Halbert, ex-M,P, are expect-
ed to address the convention. A
large attendance is requested.
Wm. Rutherford, R. J. Currie,
President. Secretary.
A FEW Choice Tamworth Boars, 33.1
months old, for sale. Al” Tam-
worth Sow doe next month.
Phone 82-4 Roy Bei -mitt
BINDERS, Mowers, Rakes. Some
good second hand mowers.
4-tf John Long,
FOR SALE.—Second Hand Deering
mower, six-foot cut, in first clztes
condition. Apply to 28x.1'3.
200 Leghorn yearlings for sale at $1
O piece. Lot 30, Con. S, Morrie.
Phone 5810 • Thos. Pierce.
PURE Bred Durham Cow and calf
for sale. Apply to Gordon Whitfield
Phone 50-10.
QUANTITY of Mixed Crain, Bar-
ley and oats, far sale. Apply to
Alex. MeLauchlin, Lot 30, Con.
4, Morris. Phone 2119 115
HOUSE and lot in Brussels for sale
or to rent. Comfortable frame
houee, good stable and garden.
For further particulars apply to
A. H. Macdonald, Brussels.
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house in Brussels for sale at
bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair.
Cranbrook Girls Won.
Tuesday evening the Cranbrenk.
Girls Soft Ball team won from Rus-
sets Girls on Victoria Park by a score
of 1 7-1 4. The Cranbro.ok girls in
the 3r11 Innings got in some heavy
hitting. Following was the score by
Cranbrook.--4`2 5213 1 x-17
Brussele --3 2 13 23 0-14
A Successful Garden Party.
Tuesday evening under the eus-
oleos of Melville Church Choir, a
vege sneer -Wail Garden Partv woe
held on tho lime of George lafeClall
and W. M. Sinclair, where a large
ernwrl was pyseent. A high eine,:
program was presented end env -
/me net 10111' 1118 their 25c woyth
'env have their money baelt.
Throe boothe on the 30001111d-3 did
o ,good bueiness (luring the even -
lag, pee, F. 0. Fowler was (+air-
men. The program was made lip
0f excellent pieno ,5010g by Percy
Mulbern, 115 Brentford. who also
sang a solo; mimic songs by Hare
Vey McGee, nf Auburn; Pearling.:
by Mrs, Henderson, of Wingharn,
and Miss Audrey Rodmell, of Tor-
onto; duets by Mrs. Coombs end
Miss (herniae, Belierave; and Woe
by Mrs. Cline Scott, Miss amiss,
L. W. Ecknner, of Owosso Mich.
Jae. Scott, See:forth, and' a. L.
Kerr, besides ttao choruses by the
YOUng Men
The Queen Be
THE Queen Bee never gathers,
a drop of honey, and yet with -
nut her there would not be it
drop of honey gathered. It Is tho
queen bee which lays the ierge that
develop into the worker bee. She is
an adept at this. During the 2, 3 or
4 years that she may live, she will
lay 118 many eggs us 0 1,000 hen,
would in the same tune. She. will ley
as many in four hours as the best
hen in Brussels would lay in a whole
year. She is wonderful in what :the
does, nett marvellous in how 1.110 be-
comes what ehe is. As my space is
limited 1 eannot tell you all I would
like to now, but will tell you more
another thew, Anyway, when you
are enjoying your portion of honey
give her due twedit for she de:age:es
Buying on the
Installment Plan
PURCHASING commodities by pay-
ing "a donee amen and a dollar a
week" has grown into great; pop.
ularity. Often the aetiele put:chased is
worn out before it is paid foe, and the
purchiteer eotainuee to pay. Buy your-
self a fort line 011 1110 inetalluient Man hY
placing 1011 pr your
earnings 10 a Stanched Bank sevinge
account. The mon 07 is ni w1LY8 available
for use if requit el and there 114 110 de.
preciation, but accruing intereee as Hine
goes on,
OF' CA.1a1A.D.aa.
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager
Zion Church at Ashaeld Field
Memorable Services on Sunday
Bele-rave, July 27. — The gold.
en jubilee services of Sunday, July
2„ which were held at Zion Unit-
ed Church at Ashfield, will 110t
soon be forgotten by any who
were able to be present. The day
was all that could be desired and
it was well that the weatherman
smiled s the ehurch was not largo
enough to hold the crowd of peo-
ple who wore present and seats
had boon arranged outside the
church and platform erected for
the occasion. Over 200 of the old
girls and boys had been sent spec-
ial invitations to be present and
many accepted, as many points in
Ontario were represented,. FLS 111011
as several states In the United
States and other provinces.
About eleven o'clock the choir,
which was composed of past iind
present members, took their places
and the present pastor, Rev. Mr.
Dickinson, took charge of the ser-
vices. The choir sang the old fam-
iliar hymn, "In the Sweet Bye and
Dew," and tho Music for thi3 was
played on the old organ which was
used in the church 50 years ago.
Mrs, Herb. Struthers also sang: a
solo very acceptably.
The sermon in the morning was
delivered by Rev. Mr. Agnew, of
Kingsville, who ueed to be a lad
in the neighborhood. His address
was very much appreciated by all,
The choir gave a second anthem
which was well sung.
The congregation which gather-
ed for the evening sei-vice at sev-
en o'clock was larger than in the
morning and all were delighted to
hear Rev, Dr, Barriby, ar other
01011 who grew un in the congrega-
tion, and who ie now stationed at
Telyth, Rev, Mr, Sawyer read the
Scripture lesson at this service. A
inale quartette from the United
Church, Lucknow, sang, and there
was another anthem by the choir.
Twn of the oldest members of
the church, Mrs. David Anderson
and her sister, Miss Lizzie Web-
ster, were able to be present„ M.
though both are over 80 yeors of
age. Mr. Barnby, an uncle of Rev.
Dr. Barnby, was not able to be
present. He has reached the won-
derful old Ewe of 104 years and ie
fairly well athough both blincl mid
Has Compiled History
The congregation has had .a
short history of the church written
up and photos of past and present
ministers as well as officiate of the
ehurch and had all these made up
in booklet form as remembeances
of the Jubilee, and these are sell-
ing for .35e each. All who were
present Wore requetted to regaiter
their names and addressee so that
a record could be kept. Many
were the all :Mende who met and
talked of bygone days, sad days
and glad days. Some who had not
met for as long as 40 years end
many others not parted so long
wore busy asking about each 61:11.
or and thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Several people who could not be
present Sunday sent regrets and
promised to be present for the big
reunSon picnic which was held On
Monday afternoon with a program
of addeesses, music, sports, follow-
ed by supper.
A nntober of the friends and m40'-
11(.1(14 of Hugh and Mon, King, of Ar-
ran, n Par Tara, who were u n for tu nate
in losing theiv house and barn by flee,
walleyed on Monday night reed pre-
.ented them with an address and it
purse of money.
lames Bowe, a former resident nf
Eden Grove, was killed in a umber ac -
°Went, in Chicago, acenrding to word
received fa Cargill. He was ahem. 60
years of age nod woe the iieeond eon
of the late Martin Bowe, of the 10311
Concession, Brant, No furthers have
!oven received alt yet:.
Pony 8. filmdom, aged 82, died Fri-
day night, at, Queen Alexandria Sena.
stet:Olin, London. Deeeneed wag it
veteran of the Great War, previous
to which 110 wag a resident of Teeta
water, He io norvived by Iwo eistere,
Mtge G. IT. Thouipson, of Toeoni
and Mee, ,Tohn Arrell, of flamilton,
After an illness of some fonr years,
death claimed John Keine, 011 Teel.
any, Mr. Keine, who was bone (15
years ago, in Sou thempton. had lived
he. e all his life wielt the egoeption of
ft few Venn merit in Chleago, leo
erne unmarried. He WAP 11, oarpon tee ,
and in pertrierialp with his faelne,
Mille Many of the houeee in South.
Short Personal Paragraphs
Archer Grower is holidaying at
Mrs. George Lott, of Wingham,
was a visitor in town this week.
Mrs. E. T. Bell, of Toronto, is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Jas. Speir.
+ + +
Luther Ball, of St. Mary -a gave
The Post it friendly cull last aVednes-
day afternoon.
+ +5.
Dr. Hamilton has been laid up the
lest couple of weelee with his old
trouble, sciatica.
Miesee Mae Skelton and May Arm-
strong were at Goderich attending
the Summer School.
• + +
W. J. and Mrs. Bernath, of St.
Thomas, wore visitors with C. R.
and Mre. Davidson on Sunday.
• + +-
Miss Jessie Messer, Detroit, spent
the week end at' the home of her
mother, Mrs. Robert Messer, n town.
+ + +
Rev. Mr. Moss, of London, and a
former Rector of St John's Church,
has been visiting old friends in town.
+ + +
Miss Nora McDowell and Miss Al-
ice Currie aro holidaying in London
with the former's aunt, Mrs. Eddy.
.3)5, + +
Miss Jessie Cunningham, of Tor-
onto, is spending her vacatior with
her parents, John and Mrs. Cunning-
Mrs. Willis and daughter, Mise Ed-
ythe, aro spending a few week% in
New Liskeard and other northern
Mrs. Dunbar, accompanied by her'
mother. Mrs. Speir, and brother, .7110,
G. Speir, motored to Guelph on Sun -
+ + +
Miss Lulu Proctor, Brussels, ren-
dered a very pleasing solo hi the
United Church, Palmerston, on Sun-
day evening.
• •:*.
Misses Tillie and Mabel Zimmer,
Toronto. are guests with their unele,
A. C. Dames, and were present for
the reunion at Cranbrook.
Mrs. J. 0. Fallis and Miss Kathleen
Millis, of Toronto, are guests of
Frank and Mrs. Stretton, "Verge -
mom," Stretton
• + +
lame:Well Record: Wainer end Mrs.
Lowry and children, of Brussels,
were guests at the home of James
Cattanach on Sunday,
+ + + +
William Ellis returned to Inger-
soll after 'a short visit at his all
home. Mr. Ellis will be 82 next
Month, but holds his age well.
+ +
E. Hill, from Cranbrook, B, C.,
and son, Detroit; Fred and Mrs. Hunt
and Miss Edna from Goderich, were
viaitors at the home of Mrs. William
• + +
W. L. and Mrs. MacQuerrie, who
have .boon visiting their sister, Mrs.
Frank Strotton, have left for Atlan-
tic City and New York for the bal-
ance of the season.
+ et.
John L. and Mrs, Trann, of Tecum-
seh, Mich., were visitors during the
past week with Mrs. M. Fraser and
family. The former is a brother of
Mrs. Fraser's, Raynor Ross accom-
panied then] as Chaffeur.
Miss Evelyn Cunningham was hurt
in a can accident, when the car ran
into the Calder bridge last Week.
Miss Evelyn's many friends will wish
her a speedy recovery.
Messrs. George and Jams Harris,
of Torontea and sone of the late
James Harris, an old pastor of the
Brussels Methodist Church, were
calling on old friends over the week.
R. E. Steaey and his sister, Miss
Raehel, of ISTiarton, motored here
and Cent Sunday with A. IL and
Mrs. Macdonald. They were accom-
panied by Miss Inez Glover, of Whir -
ton, and Mrs. Geo, Thompson, .Tarries -
town, N. Dakota,
4, 4..3) 44
Miss Audrey Rochnell, of Tor-
onto, is sPending her holidaywith
C. R. and Meg Davidson. The
young lady gave mayoral eleVer
<:vIhottoncliiir.::sonartde :he palter loirke
George Lowry was home from
Stratford over the,
weep end,
gus, were visitors on Sunday with
gus, were visitors on Sunday witr
Chas. R. and Mrs. Davidson.
+ + +
S. and Mrs. Carter attended the
funeral of las eister-in-law Mrs.
David Carter, of Westfield, on
+ +
J. H. Caster, Hydro Engineer,
of Toronto, accompanied by his
:father, were visitors in town to-
+ +
Mrs.. (Rev.) J. E. Hunter, Lon-
don, and Mrs. Mollard, Exeter,
wore visitors with the Misses Hun-
ter last week.
+ + +
L. W. and Mrs. Eckmier and
family, of Owosso, iyIich., are visit-
ing with Mrs. D. Ewan. Old
friends wore glad to see them.
+ ea,
C. E. and Mrs. Stone and Miss
Jessie Stone, of Cannington, Ont.
and Thos. MeCrae, of Vancouver,
0. C., are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Jas. Speir.
Church Notes 1
United Church
Sacranae»t of the Loyd's Sapper will
be observed on Sunday morning.
Sunday Sehred picnic 111 Davidson's
Cat nye, on Thursday afternoon, of this
Rev. Gen. Jewitt, of Sarnia, will
supply the pulpit the four renetining
Sundays in August.
Melville Church
Sabbath Morning, in aleiville
Church, the pastor chose as his text,,
Daniel 8 : 17, 18, "55 11 be so, our God,
e how we serve is able to deliver as
hem the furnace, and he will deliver
iei out of thine band, 0 King, But if
net, let it be known unto you, 0 King,.
thee we will not serve thy grads, nor
worship the golden image wine)) thou
hest set up." These men did not
know what the iesult of disobeying
1 he king'e command would be, but
they had faith 111 God, and God al-
ways gives otrength to endure the
physical residts if we do the right
thing: This characteristic of faith in
God is seen in all 35103131 1111411. Peter,
Nut and Lutheu ate examples nf
me), who, throuele faith in God, dar-
ed to do the right regardless of con-
sequences. It is neve).- right to do
someone else a wrong to preserve oor
own lives, hot all in our choices, we
should be guided by the example or
Jesus Christ, At the eveniug serviee„
the pastor's text; wits James 1 :10,
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let
every man be swift to heap, slow to
speak, slow to email." Controversies
had arisen in the early Christian
Church, and some had allowed them -
elves to speak without due thought,,
and the remult, bad been a divided
front in the ebnych's battle lines,
Swift to hear den:lands (1) that" we
hear accurately, (2) that we bear
thinkingly, (8) thee we are in sympe
a thy with the speaket. Slow to
speak : Careful and deliberate speech
is 0 characteristic of great leaders.
Christ was a mastev of language and
always spoke with del i bevation. Slaw
to wrath : '1'his condition is brought
about*. by bellying accurately and by.
speaking with deliberation Anger is
O gift of God that has a playpen, lint
should always be kept under eontrot.
and directed In the right paths. P.
C. Mulberon, of Brantford, a former
organist of Melville Church, presided
at Idle oyegen, 001 Stenday evening, ima
after the service, fevered the con-
gregation 351 111 0511011 organ recital,
and sting "Crossing the Bat:" anti
''Ahide with Me." Mr. Mut heron's
many friends in Melville congregation
were glad of this opportunity" of bear-
ing him.
W000, -In Ohathatn, on Pridiw, Julv 5005,
1226, to Mr. anti Mrs, Fred. X. Wood, 8(407*
-Stuart Ettgeoe.
Grey ToWnahln, On Sunday, July
25111,15211, Mary 81111nbeth ogee ee
TOtVIT .--/n Winnipeg, Tvien., on Shndey, July
2655, 1020, Mwerd Wown, formerly of
House and lot for alo
oeinforttible frame bonne 111 goOd ronalP.
good oellar, hard end mitt water, goo era -taut -
partierderm mina, to
00.0130415 sloutatutla,
ifisnieiek etteet, arteeola