HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1926-7-28, Page 2'WEDNESDAY, JULY 2S, 112G. THE BRUSSELS POST ^TT - aese.eetx".....tre.a.seetze...- I if You Produce Gooll Cream and want the best results under the new Grading System, ship your Cream to THE PALM CREAMERY, Our Creamery will be operated 24 hours a day in the hot weather, and your Cream will be in our Creamery and Graded 15 minutes after arrival in Pahnerston. Thus assuring the farm,ir who produces good Cream the best possible Grade and Price, ----Welran-o-ur Patrons cans and pay o•-s-trioi=17-7"-in Cream received, You can ship on any train any day and be assured of prompt delivery and pay. Send us a trial Mtn to -day, The rem Ereamery D-1 - Palmerston, Mt 110.,09.041•0111.1101q,... Sunday School Lesson BY CHARLES G. TRUMBULL (Esnter of The Sunday School Tin es) THE DELIVERANCE AT THE RED SEA. Sunday, Aug. 1. -Exodus 11:17- 12; 14: 10-1G. Golden Text The Lord is my strength and eeng, end He 1$ become my salvation ,tExod. 15: 21. Secret GI bank's Success DOCTORS WORK MIRACLES Delicate operations .kre Heine Per- formed by Stiegeons. Dimes ean now be taken 1Y111 of the Leidy at one place u n re-inseri (el at mother, eays madieal currespon- dew. Womieritil operations Of titi4 Prof, Vernon B.'elloxg. of the Amer- 11(111100 have just liven pertormed on tean. National Rase:tree Council. was a boy ;Ind elle admitted to Weetailn- long a personal 11 tend of Linth'r 13ur- iomr 110 p1111 Louden. Certain tent“s in theii 1,1 and lees were miseing. book. 'lila ihe c5P1""ii5iiii•Y of A( 'r triusierring b„ne and delsh etudying hiiu ut closer range than. ,.o the d..nckilt. 111108 from healthy most of thos., who hay.. beep writing but less inip,,rtant. parts of the hotly, the obituaries of the groat Want it es now confidently lamed that timee wo chin:tree who 'Meet have mem br°5•55'15." 1lin`1f all "'Pert' Pmf. teripplcs for ;the will ition be all to Kellogg Is comp...tent to judge Bur- make normal 1117' (71: their Willie. Iu bank as boteuists should judge hini, the same way, durine the War, many and h. observes that Burbank knew soldiers 11,000 ghee new 1. 111:0: IlttIoi.ouventional botitay and was In another Ltoition hospital not not interested 10 plant growing ae long ago the p051 1011 of a large tumor a science. lie did not creitte ine,v amide a meet:: (rain was correctly varieties for money, and he did not located and liii,sei square inches of ereate them for 10V0 of ecience. It the bone of eis skull- removed; whilst he produced 0 new pinta it was be- at Montreal 0 tepee of tin With taken oks., cause lie believed it to be a better from the brain of a girl only two and plutu than io.enerly existi.d, With it half years ot' age. Th,. trouble W118 the groat ferc-s that helped him in caused by the explosion 01 11 firework the task he was not greatly con- in a can, a piece of tin flying off cerned. For instance, in his 1 894 mid penetrating the child'e brain to ('"talugue ue his "New creatthus," • a depth of four iuches. there is a reproductimi of a photo- ' Dr. Karl Meyer, of Chicago, waa graph showing' a "sample pileof , reported recently to have saved the brush 12 feet wide, 14 feet hign 1 ife of a pathmt by taking out his r ail(1 2 2 feet long, containing 65,000 heart, extracting a. rifle bullet, and ding berry restrain the organ to its fight for you, and ye shall holt 5j10 0114 5111'55-""-°11()11a7ith„rrv-ra • m • -nir peace,- I berry hybride • and 25,000 Shaffer The man had elicit himself accident - The insoired Pe:thrust, eeeturee ushes (40,000 5P" place, where it continued to boat. • env. reeorded israers pitiful feiler,• under the; test: "Our fathere toed rot Thy wonders in Eeypt they i'emembered not the multitude of Thy ;ereies; but provoni Him at the •zt, even at GI, fled Sea" 1 1011: 7 4. 1111101 failed God; but God did not Israel. lsrael lest the bleeeing of ' Gregg hybride), all dug up to he ally and his recovery• was regarded burned with their crops or ripening as hopeless. Dr. Moyer located the berries. Of the 40,000 blackberry- position of Du, bullet by X-ray exam- , raspberry hybrids of this kind, Motion, opened the chest, emptied 'Phenomenal' is the only Inc now in the vessels of blood, and suceeeded existence. From the other 25,000 in squeezing out the bullet. hybrids two dozen bushes were re- Caneor of the throat is extremely served for further trial." % malignant and its unfortunate vic- The ordinary. reader of this para- thus seldom survive more than eigh- graph, says the Toronto Mail and teen months or two years unless an Empire, would gaze at the picture in operation is performed which neces- antuzement marvelling at the ways sitates removal of the larynx - or Adam's apple. One of the final steps In the operation is to carry the upper . tfeliberately into a trap, from which God •somethnee leads Hie people teneting God in the dark, ot ttilting at tf 0.Vence. But scientists would gaze oneestroorYteltile, there is no possi t. y ' „. s .., His deliverance by faith. So He re- InaLl.iitaglhaXoultdatbr dlituti:lid valuable aided them to trute Han the 1-,ent ; ior to a real scientist any end of the windpipe foi \tat i .1fe does this in order eo show them wound and to sew it up in such a wtti diet He is 0 God who can do the im- Ile ;ewe them by sight the "hliyer- hybrids, worthless for Burbank's intr.; that the windpipe communicates di- ance they would not have by faith. Ile wrought the stupendous: mireel, of rolling back, on the right and the left, the waters of the e,,a, ueing t'a pose, would be quite as valuable as the ones that I3urbank prized. That is to say, from any one of them a further knowledge of botany might he gleaned. But Burbank was not and asks thereally interested in science or botany. m to trust in His love :0110111 1(141 te(11114" to lo iand He could not be. He was no Eabre and power 00 never before. "Israel walked upon dry land in the or Mendel. He had a set Job to do, and he tIclad neither the time nor the There are two poseible attitudes midst of the sea." 'Then .to con,uni- :possible, and that he will do a, in their behalf, whenever this is need- ed. Then He leads them out of the erap into which He has brought them, ondd eudz,asaalliwatlyt the mate the miraele of protection and 110 kpPreord) u ea 'fid can take when we find cairselvee isaught in one of "God's traps." We &liver:Ince 'le the Egyptians w.mt working toward some definite aim, an abandon our faith in Him and Attic into discouragement or deepair. tir we ean listen to God' e call to 'count it all joy when ye fall into ,divers temptations ttestings); know- ing this, that the trying of your faith ,worketh patience. But let patience ',kayo her perfect work" (James 1:2- 4). Most of us count it all joy when we get out of the testing. God asks as to count it all joy when we first Sall in and can see no possible way The Israelites were certainly in :one • of God's traps. After leaving ,Goshen inEgypt that thrilling; pass - ewer night when all the firstborn of ehe Egyptians were supernaturally slain, God had told Moees not to lead elarael by the expecte.d and natural • • 'route clue east into the land of Can- aan, but to move south away front the land that they were promised, iieto the wilderness of the Red Sea. Then, at God's command, they camp- ed by the sea. - There they were, heavily entente- iliered by all that they had taken with them from Egypt, and with their wives and helpless children in a.ainp, when Pharaoh and his highly trained fighting machine of "all the chariots of Egypt, and tantalite over revery one of thein," came after them in hot pursuit. There was no hum- an way or possibility of 08011.1)0. The army of the Egyptians behind them: 'die Red Sea ahead. Th05 04(1" trapped. Did the Israelites reloive and praise God? Does eomeone say that was too much to expect? But why? Let 118 stop a moment and ask our - 'selves whether Israel had any real ;knowledge of God; whether she had recently had any experience of his miracle -working power, el He lov- ing readiness and mamma1 to use That power for her pew:eel-Ion and deliverance. These people had just $ore God etrike ten Hines in terrible judgmeete apon Egypt, culminating; 'et .the reimultaneous death of the firtaborn in every family of the land from 'Pharaoh down, until God had *hue effected•Israel's escape front tie, land of intolerable slavery, Might it have "been poseible for Lintel, in the trap, 00 await confidently and happily eome miraculous deliveranee by suell A God? Instead, . thesc: fear-etricken, 1111 :believing H.ebeews, fifteen COM 11 l'id8 'before Christ, acted in just the way . ;genie of us Christians do nineteer (Centuries after Christ, when Gell has ,stIone great and wonderful thinge for els and then We find ourselvee in a tight plate. They cried out in bitter ,eetire to 1Viose4, "Because there were no graves len Egypt, hast thou taken 88 away to die in the wildernese?" Yet there. was an Israelite who • -OW -not fear or falter for an inetrant, and he was the one on whom the borden of ie all fell heaviest-Mosee MIs Word to tha. panic- atrieken unbelievers one of the reat -weeds- in the Scriptures: "Fear ye not, stand -still, -111111 8111 the Pitheition of the Lord'. - ..TheeLord rectly with the outer Hence- forth the patient breathes through this hole and not through the mouth. But he cannot speak. Those who have lost their vocal cords in cancer operations can now be fitted with a small apparatus made of rubber tubing and silver -an arti- ficial larynx -by means of which theY can talk with sufficient volume to be heard easily across a large room. SPeech, however, is all of one pitch, lown into the bed of the see niter some improved fruit or flower and because the rubber diaphragm in the and . what lie happened to create on the L110111., (01) *11 of overtaking artificial "voice" cannot be stretched eapturing them on the other side, ! rta.)wadsidbenc°atusceaPotfuri'l.thliiiraair inntiti%. and tvoonetzrecsos:dds at will like the net - "the waters returned, and ,•overed character that in 1 905 the Carnegie Delicate opera.tions ase sometimes . Institution at Washington made an ..he ehariots, and the horsemen and carried out in amazingly difficult sur - 1 arrangement. whereby Burbank roundings, A schoolboy attempted al the host of Pharaoh tint vain, • into the sea after them; th-re re- ywc.oaurlsd 01 lele etit?.ee u$ n1 (Ole, OrOanadLeagr that ten ntoeyboaLdstaratilovinivghetnraTi?sarlione Sy -wasd- m a i ri e d not so much net one of there." was to permit a scientific obserVer to cau'ght under the wheel. Despite the Not Israel's f4th, but God', faith- . 5i,10,,,i1,1 0acaanatlaag.tuo all hhliss gxapi 0 LLI,Ienots anve d ulnese, was the eeeret of the ?:155115.. records. This was done for the pur- deliverance of the Exodus. Israel pose of gaining real scientific infer - utterly failed God; hat the Palmist 10051011 which Burbank himself was i not roncerned with. 011 111100. "Nevertheless He eavee Btu -bank was glad to have the •Iwin for His name's sake, that He money and also the company of the :night make His mighty power to be eeientific botanist when the arrange - known." Anti then comes th , eon- ' ment was made. but after live years lusion, so p..ko tile 1.111101,1‘..n„ a i tmhuetuangireecomnesnetntwas Itterwmaisnatneedithbeyr many other children of God; Lifter happy not fruitful, for Burbank and lorl had "saved them from the hand the scientist spoke different Ian - ,1 hint that hated them, and redeem- ;.ileipagoetshearnd 13 30ui (7th fir Icaouurlbdanukndfardstannoelt. el them from the hand of the en.•iny. I i that love of growing things that in - ....Then believed they His eyelets; spires a poem like Housman's "The ,hey sang His praise." 1 Cherry Tree." or that devotion to I seienee that led Mendel to his great i experiments with field peas, he had Pic-nic Hints 1 hes own peculiar gifts withouth whic , science and love of nature might well I have proved barren. His leadership I es a, plant grower WRY due to his Firm tnnettoes stuffed with ,1 mix- 1 extraordinary sensibility, to certain physical qualities which seemed ap- 'in, er el -lopped hard-boiled 7.85', lib- , propriate enough to his delicate, nee- eral , : , seeming's. a few ihippess 11141 sitive nature and almost effeminate ,erap each in it small peette If ; Tr:.FE!- oorsdeineavarye their own centres. Replay, ene and ' '1113nPgeparis'5-lawned evI-Xese, la,15n1 .;5,fstran 1 one of the west delicate that ever iroof paper. bent over a bouquet. His fingers, Celd eldeken cutlets. eyes and nose enabled him to detect A cueumber refreshire end , She most minute iariations in the hy- 14 ily carried. bride lie was growing, and at the earliest possible moment determine Gruyere cheese can be lieught which he needed and which he would packed in small sections. Ilsead tool eonsign to the flames. His delicacy buttereil .11‘01 -es or but'..red reek or perception, added to his experi- 44111{1ence, was what made hint a master suldwiehes can he eatee with it. 1 In his profession. Deviled 01111 11 made by pound- One of the products of this union !,„tee liar,1.1„711,,,1 118.8 S. 1111 1010 knowledge of correla- with Itutter, seasoning:, and mustard ar°tIllosn eltenav wth et hgremwaaisul a t ecx°tUrree- 11,, whites, nrees thee, ireneten of a teat and the eize and flavor of the fruit that would come later. So he was ahle 50 ta1oo his rigid selec- tions without waiting for the fruit to eonie for confirmation. This sense of correlation was the most import- ant single thing that he brought to h is work, Pro r KelIogI reports that he has seen Bui•kank crawling round on hands and lenees in a bed of hun- dred}, et seedlings. Scores of orlon '10000 111101115 from the bed, all min. gling in a 80 tt MP/111810 that was a delight, But Burbank would sniff round the individual eeedlinge and , his nose 04(111111 tell hire from wtilah I 0110 OT '1011 1(11 111110 grf.mp there was 1. arising the delleate aroma that he Wall in search et and desiroue to propagate. One of his imperta.nt achieve- ments tn which Itttle attention has boen ptild is the importation of many pliints. which mider the favorable conditione inecaltfornia took on ouch neer quitlities as to 11101T0 them al - in 015 11004 verieties. But to offset Ibis there- Is to be reaorded the fact that many Burbaelt creations Which delighted all beholders in California proved disaPpointraents when tried ent in less favorable soil and climate. T1i18 (1.1 one time led lo some mitered and uninformed people ea.11- lice Burbank 0 faker. 1-14, 0488, 80118 P101, RollOgg, who writes in the New York 'Plume on thle subject, Mex. ores:dilly hurt and bewildered by these caitiefems. thrieed he was a toan of truth tender miture that 110 070101(1 100011 W11011 solnob(1110 80111, end wrap in eree,eaprnof pap. r. :Zeit cube, or efeat tetiree,., ea', le, easily made into eups of het boui- llon. Ginger biecuite thickly epreal -ream chews., topped with 11110111'r betenit ere appetizing.- 'Threesernmered covered puff. fill. .P; with thirh lemon curd a,. 110111/ 77-7 1'7% 110811110a] b1,41.1151, 4,00 00,1 1•15017 !(11 plain chocolat, Hoe. 111'0 401110 ET104i•11 -11- .UIL1lWil11'5, l,wwnl 01' 0111110p' 11 0 te with butter eri e0.1•4151:eret: rt between 11),,,ete breet 1 11.141 but rayeim cheese welt 0,711111i,i1 chopped olive.; er cht,meel weis ros. Chopped tette,'" eer; 4,4ereeeeee 1 iS a groat help in several kinds r void twat. role ehieken, eold salmon or 'Frei - dock, 01; void tongue, ill:e'en:1i I' 51, ITIkleel* 01111 mixed to a ..tmooth ,:tete, with a Mlle white emee or .'ream, and plenty nf --- - "I suppose you 000 going lei raise putatoes in your garden," "5 was, hitt when 1 .remi tit,, flirt:Minns for pleating I reeled le would be impossible, should be planted in hilly, :oil USO of Jacks to lift the heavy ve- hicle, efforts to release the limb fail- ed and three doctors who happened to be present decided that amputation was the only course. Only by lying on their backs un- derneath the car could the doctors reach the boy's leg. But whilst the Police kept back the crowd an an- agthetic was administered and the operation successfully performed in the middle of the street. Walking about in the Isle of Wight to -day Is a man whe, whilst being gas for an operation in Westminster Hospital, London, stopped breathing. Shortly after, the nian's heart ceased to beat, and he remained, to all in- tents and purposes, dead. A daring experiment was then tried by the operating Maroon, who made an incision in the man's cheat --and put his hand inside! He be- gan to massage the man's heart, and after a while it gradually started to beat again in the normal manner. NOISELESS HOUSES. Eel -Grass Solves Many Acoustical Problents. Modern iire la rather 0 noisy affair, and lovers of quiet who are forced to live in big cities find it difficult, If not impossible, to escape from the couetant roar of traffic. Experiments with eel -grass, a sea- weed round on the Newfoundland coast, prove, however, that noise eau be very largely shut out, 0(811 in the Scan t of a great city. In addition to thus makieg pos- sible the noiseless or nearly noiseless house, the 500 'of eel-graes will, it is claimed,solve man,y acoustical prob- lems. It has proved Its usefulness In this direction in various churchee and small halls, and also in the TvVesi Rid- ing County Hall at Wakefield and the lecture hall or the Royal Institute of British Arehiteets, Before the discov.ery of Be qualities as 40 sound absorber, eel -grass was used In America for keeping 11 00505 warm in winter and cool in stunimer. It is used in the form known its "Cabot's Quilt," whith Is eel -grass dried, cleaaed, and made up between sheets oe brown paper. Kenya. Kenya Coleny and Kenya Protec- torate are situated in Eateter Equa- torial Afrioa, To the east is ,Tubri- land, ceded to Italy by treaty in 1,924; to Alio north is Abyssinia; on the west the 001e115' adjoins Uganda, and on the 8011514 Tanganyika Terri- tory. Kenya, Colony and Protector- ate, British possessions, havdan area 05 200.248 selhare miles, wh ch is equal to one -lir -It the area 0( 551, Pro - educe of Ontario. The population i8. about two millione. A great povtion of this vain region consists of Pas- ture land or barren wastes, but there ere not lacking extenSive districts of great naturalfertility. in the Interior, as well an s 011 51101101555 Sending PrItit to Sleep, 51 Ily tho 11811 05 a simple new appar- atue Imported into England can be "sent to 'sleep," instead of being , put 1T1 cold storage; 8110.11 fruit keeps errneli a thine to hini. and he would It. 1 itel bettor and loses 1088 of 11,8 107,0p 0411011 1,11(1(4(1 511 proieed. 7'b quality, writer points mit that Burbank '10,14 1101 interested hi 1001705', lengiatuL . Chilmington, a Kent:lee Village, eontains eighteen houses„ the 50111111- 11.1 of Whin own more then tWentY tionel Motor -okra between HAM, ' The filitehottlo 101y. 1115' garden is perfectly level.- • The orilisiary blitebotlie fly Congregatiopalist, 115 wings ebout 2-8 D theme 11 ,)!:•‘ tlo + • • • .• 41. MY LADY'S 44. COLUMN. +4';' 4 44. " 4,"4t* + `TY• WAIT UNTIL- LATER Newer told salt to uncooked meat, as this toughens 11. ARRANGEMENT OF MEDiCINES When -arranging the mecityine cab - place those drugs and neelicines which are most often in demand on the front of the shelves awl those for more occasional use in the back rows. FASTIDIOUSNESS Clothes should always 110 bung on linngers as soon es they are taken off and should be aired before they are shut away in the closet. FOR MID -SUMMER Rhinestone pine, en animal ;haws, are used with the light col- ored hats of crocheted straw. Cry - 14a1 phis are also very prominent. CLEANER FOR BLACK Clear, black coffee, diluted with water, and containing a little am- monia, makes an extellent cleaner i'or black cloth garments. THE MORNING PRUNES When your family gets tired of 11011110S in their usual stewed fashion, pit them, and add to a Custard, or re -heat them with minced lemon or orange peel added to water. LET ICE MELT It is net advisable to cover the ice with blankets or newspapers as this prevents the circulation of the air oturrents in your refrigerator. You may save ice thereby, but you lose refrigeration. MOIRE JACKET IS CHIC The jacket suit of moire, with a fancy blouse is a chic costume for city wear. LINES ARE SOFTENED A tendency to soften all lines and give every suggestion of grace and movement is evident in all the latest French models. Capes, jabots, and circular ravens are used on the new fall coats. TO SERVE WITH LAMB Spiced fruit, mint or currant jelly, mint or =per sauce are excellent: relishes to serve with lamb or mut- ton. Why Some Mothers Tear Their Hair. Tide is a typical phone conversa- tion with the mother of three bes- ides: Mary -Hello, Highlaml 809J1 Is that you, Florence? Florence --Yes. Hello Mary (chil- (111em, keep quiet!) 51004 1114 yen? Alery-Just fine, Flo. We were go sem: Avil didn't -- Florence -Wait a minute, Mavy, the cat is acting strangely. A fit, 1 11045 (011, Tom! Pick the kitty up 1(111413115'(11(11put him outside on the gram -quickly!) Hello, Mary, now what 1,1118 it you said?. (Children, you are too noisy!) Mary -We were sorry we dt In't Florencte---anet a sec-(Yoll OM - them all go outdoors or I'll 11oa1(1c the whole bunch of you-hurryl Now, Mary - Mary -T wae going to tell you how - sorry WC were that we didn'te- Florenee-(Iloy-ees! Close that door -tight! (Ail1 arf! arti-- --the barking of "Pep" is heard distinctly ...1.044+01.0•141.0.14+,0.1.4,.1-0+ through phone,) Just a minute . Mary, I've got to let the dog out, 4,, There, now! Florenee-At last! All ie peace II; and quiet, We Mil 1111k 0.11 hour, 4 Mary -Warren and I 04010 111 eor- : WANTED ry we didn't - 4,41, ri°155it'e---Oht 40111'1'; Hui" has • Highest marke.t hurt herself -wait a minute until I 404. paid, eee what' stile matter. Mary -Flo, I'll cull you up at tie bout 9 o'clock this Florence--(Shiel pull the eat'e 51111.) --awfully glad you bye. Mary -Good-bye. Press. evening. Edward, don't All right, Mary called Me- -good- Deiroie Free Man With 5 Cents in Ilis Pocket Nearly Buys up Orangeville DriCtes See tue Plione No, 2x, But,- ' ; Hots, and I will mill end get .t 5011 111(10. • 111 Yollick 640.0'0+9+0 00,6434.00000004,171, 4, • Orangeville, July 23.-A wen - dressed and attractive -looking; young man, who says he is Jack Johnston, or Beavis, of Goderieh, nearly beught the stern out hero yesterday. So sincere was Beavis Wit merchants parcelled up his purchases: and set them aside until Monday, when he 1188 to call for them and pay. An expensive :paten was first max - chased, after a ride of several hours, then he patronized meet of the 'keel stores, the pure:di:Lees running from a suit of clothes to an expensive silk gown for his bride-to-be. At one store he is alleged to have walked off with an umbrella belonging to Harry Shaw, a clerk. This proved the undoing of Beavis, as Shaw noti- fied the police who arrested the ac- rused, and lodgedhim in the Canny tail here. When smirched he had only 5c on his person. It was the biggest mid best joke put over on local mer- chants for many years. CLOTHES MOTHS Sunlight and air are among our best available agents of protection from clothes moths. Garments should be huog in the air and sun and then theronghly brushed ancl shaken to dislodge the eggs and larvae that may be on them, before being put away for the Summee. In aeiclition, they should be taken out occasionally, °nee 11 month, and brushed, shaken and aired. The saute treatment shauld be accorded woollen blankets and bedding that are to be stored, After they are once thoroughly clean - ell, they may be packed away with a supply of camphor balls distributed among them to repel the moths. It is advisable to spray tile cracks in Gimlets and chests with benzine or gasoline before putting in the eleth es, in ouder to kill any eggs or larvee of the moths that may be lueking these. A few old woollen rags or pieces of old furs stored in aetic, but never us- ed, are prolific breeding plaees for these moths, and sbould be taken out and burned. Forest Fires OM 5,011011 Acres a Year OM. forests will continu1 to lie burned at the rate of three million aeres -11 yeae until the people, the owners of the forests, evince some- thing of the same interest in them as they do in smuggling, in the twin', and in who is to be the mixt Prime Minister. My readers,. the Canad- ian Forestry Association, the Cana- dian Society of Forest Engineers, the Dominioneand Provincial Forest Services are appealing to you for help in bringing salvation to our for- ests, salvation from oft -occurring, but, we hope, not eternal, fire. The interests of this country and the de- ' velopment of morality are well sent- : ed by the avoidance of fire in this life. I gather from reading the newspapers that protection is an im- • portant issue in politics, and I sub- mit that protection from forest fires should be a paramount issue in poll- ttes. Why spend so much time and energy in discussing tariffs when the second largest foundation of our in- dustries is burning beneath them; Does it matter so much who is the prime minister, so long as we con- tinue to lay Waste -our forest wealth at the rate of three million acres a year, No one man under such con- ditions can prevent the paralysis of industry and the depopulation of lumbering communities that inevitab- ly follow in the wake of forest de- vastation. There will be no adequ- ate forest fire protection in this country are actually seized with its importance and act accordingly. The manifestation of this seizure will ex- press itself in better organization of our :forest protection forces and greater appropriations of money to carry on their work. BRUCE COUNTY Orop conditions in Lueknow district never looked better than now, Oats are of a good length and beginning to head Que. Hay is an abundant clop, especially alfalfa, while the new seed- ing is much rurthee ahead than in other years. At a convention held in Walkerton, on Friday, Dr, W. A. Hall, who rep- resented the riding 10 the last Parl- iament, was aacorded the unanimous , nomination or the Liberals of South Hulce. His was the only name pIltO- 111 nominal:ion. Mrs, Annie Munro, widow ofRobt. Munro, whn wee Inc teeny years ed - mot. of the Port Elgin Times, died et het, limn., 100 Dalian Road, Toronto, Nis Mum o, who had lived in Toren - to for the past seven years, had been ill about a month. Moot hf her life she 111e1 spent in P 1,1 150( 11, of Detruit. and two danghtere, Misses Winnirred and .at in- terment ie.& nli nP g t telloe,ing .4)14(5(4(1 10 1(1002 th,luih, cr whits, 111*' i1e7ten,1-,d '11(5 11(1 1ie33410 111111011814 I ul• umey y nave. elseaserminrimen•Jonattoto 1111•Oalemorpoenssessosso FOUR MONTHS' IMMIGRATION INTO CANADA A complication of immigration to Canada for the first four months of calendar year 1926, shows an in- crease of 81 per cent over the same four months in 1925, a very gratify- ing showing. The actual figures are 39,412 in four months of this year compared with 21,776 in the same period•a year ago. There haye been increases in every month of the year ranging fie= 16 per cent in Janu- ary to 132 per cent in March For the four months in question British immigration -increased from 9,81 9 to 18,923; immigration from the United States increased from 4,778 to 5,- 797, and from other countries in- creased from 7,679 to 19,722. WHEN RADIATOR OVERHEATS Motorists should make a habit of holding the back of the hand on the radiator and so get accustomed to how hot the radiator should be. In this way they will often observe -when there is a tendency to overheat in time to investigate and make the necessary repairs. New $55000,000 Cold Storage Plant Tee egotiatione have been completed for tee orectiqn and work will he tommeneed upon a ter:mime warehouse and cold stera.ge plant to cost 111 (hp iolph- borhood of ieete soltilon dollare and to be located ittat below the Plate Viger Station, on Craig. street, IVIonte real, according to informatiOn`giVen, out at Canadian Pacific itifilway headquaeters, The plant will be built by the Montreal Rail 0114 littriledr Terminals, Limited - it will have a space area, nif 600,000 equare feet, 01 which one-third will be devoted trrefrigeraber purposee, the balance to be used as dry storage for peekage trelght find Other merchanditle. It will be of the Meet' 100(1 811)4 construction of colicKete threughOut. The building, 1which will be tees storeys in height, vv:111, It Is stated, be completed In ten months' time and the roof`will be on befote frosts commence, Montreal plant will be built oh property pure okased ftoni the CatiadiaTPacilie Hallway and (will servrthe tracks •tind Ship/ling fatilities of thecom- pany. It Will be he no Muerte competitive with anY other cOlecerit of e elenilar nature In Montreal, leat Will develop and expand ite own biteinese, lumalittg in par- ticular Vetter, cheeme, eggs and other dairy pteeduce C111'9008 , so far as ite 0014, Menage end le treneerned. while Its dry dorm epttee ‚11111 110 amply taken 1115 With Paekage freight told other merchandise.